HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-09, Page 7fife Understood, the language. Nrl4tYli•.A to Leis in, I w44 f•Ir;re's'.3ed HN. 'IL Inagn'313t+ as A boamdting-house in the city Over. the train slash dui not ""U'ell lased fora hall boy, Among the 'host that 'i bei le al" l I OIU haft eutclred i of applicants was a rawboned, lanky the ear at It Rnaallstation i but slay at* i youth., who rang the dour 'bell and tentiou was attraott d tO the couple in was ;net by tilts laudlady herself. :Ether an oriel wa,y—=hy tel,A; r'apbie f Want a boy 1 Le asked shifting from signals. ',one foot to the other. Two Young 'Pea who bat appodite to Yes, said the landlady, taking an. each otheracross the aisleweCt, finale^ inventory of the applioaot. log remarks about them by ticking House rob, by a masons, with their pocket knives on the metal yes, arm taif the seat. Be yon she 1. S weet as a peel), isn't ahs 1 ticked "Yes. Da the ;young man whose bleat was ins And you want a boy to tend doer, aarPdiatilly behind the new arrivals rein. errands, trot to the grocery, sit Yee, replied the order. •,iridal iu a coldball and say'you're out sixty ate ,couple evidently. Bee how close he sits to his tootsy• wootsy: I Sep.. They are holding eaoh other's Bands. aren't the'y'i No; but they are. exchanging lova , g1anc�s• How an :earth do you itup,pose a. iehump like that managed to catch an angel Give iit.tp, •She:sureely couldn't see ..al)ythtug in him to .l mnir'. •blerlips were,ijitat made for kisses. That'e•just what •they were. ;Slay:l Waal Sill;` When the rraiu:gate-to the next tun• nen d stn going to retteh over and kiss iberl Yon Wouitlii'•t dere. Wiry„ L •would. She'd think it wins ,her husband, you know. Their telegraphic conversation coati. times •a day, and keep agents and tin As tit; F'iies. The email boy who is looking over his picture boob And his father was. deeply allsolilt'd in his newspaper.. k'op, inquired the youngster, what it a tobacco Sly ? It's tw kind of fly that lays its cgge ate tobacco plants end produces Lie de structive tobacco wdr,n, replied the father without looking up from: his paper. The boy turned over another tivo.. Pop, he asked again, ter -fly ? The father who was itis paper than before. It's a fly that lays its eggs on but- peddlers and hide ol''the steps 1 ; ter and—oonfaund it, n hat do you Yes, said the astonished woman;, that is 1justw.hat I want. Mucin ,nosey in it 1 queried the boy,(\ Two dollars and fifty cents a went. Thomases, or cash down 1 You get your money regularly if you +earn it. ;f' m ,your huckleberry, misstts. W'ot kin I dew first—start out on ,a col. lectin' tower, or Snake the fires lin the sick boarder's room, or watch .out for the fellow who is going to slide the trunk out without paying his board 'bill 1 Look here, said the landlady, you know too much, f guesswe can't snake n trade, All right, nouns. If sperience ;and .,know how don't go for smoothing 1 ,:ain't in it. But you'll be sorry, arum, when the butcher comes around with leaf or what is a but - snore intent 011 ABlessing to Every I3ousehaid. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OffirM 1,1 These remedies have Stood the teat of fifty years experience, and oro pronounced the hoot blc frnmI1y use. ask so many questions for? Any- body ought to know what a butterfly is, abed the boy grinned. T E PI Purita'the blood, correctall disorders of the Lim, nouifCU, KIDNEYS AND, llOwk ryinistirblein.M1 complaints incidental to females of off 111 nes. -y Is the only reliable muscly for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. Pint. PIlON01113,Ls, THROATS, COUGHS, rtoLDS, GOUT, RfiEYJgATIS1i, GLAnULAtt SWELLINGS AND A DISEASES a 1 HAS ell NO NMI.. s throughout rho onlwory at 78, New Orford. Late SS.., Oxford Street, orPurhasers should look to the Label on the Doses and fats. Tf the wddr not 5I311 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious. A ltemarkabls Cure. GF, TLEMEN, About five years ago noticed on my hands a great num- ber of soft, spongy warts, very painful, and which bleed wheu touched,. I never wit- nessed anything like it, and was quite alarmed. We are never without &iag- yakd's. Yellow Oil, and one evening my little girl applied it to each wart. They did this several nights and in the morning the pain and itching was so bad I had to cool my hands with snow, but finally the 1 warts dropped out and I have never been troubled singe. MRs Wm Game, Brighton, Out. Hard. to Get At. Inquisitive city people in the coun try sometimes find stnall satisfaction! in catechizing , Iittle` country boys t about their nausea ltnd affairs.. A. bummer brard"r once said to a small boy dressed in a broal, straw hat, a d 1 I f f et TRY Bello, little .boy'! • What is your • ,eft herr, for Mai liridrs trnow l►ti taken 1•ast year's bill. I'm the fidni yet o;• gingham waist, Bello, and bare. Gut his pocket knife :lull .clvinineuned + the first water, but you don't— feet tick, ltd'`this .trs,age ttu the arm of She hired him.—Boston Traveller. • • REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER e BOWELS, - AND - PURT'FY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, .Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic' Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all. disorder of the. Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ripens Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle sent by mall on receipt of zs cents. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce Street, - - New York City. h 17., .1t •� �,. wit h ie seat.; W.iten the tram gets to,tlt0 next loin- "It Cured Mother" o ,proposes � ,tel 'GjsO,ch.uin ru oses to r+tacL over ENTLEMEN,—My mother was suffer- iug from dyspedsta and had no ap- and 'hammer youc twu beads together petite. Everything failed to cure her until one day, while visiting a friend's house, I ' •Mill your teeth ,drop nut. .:Seel sats a bottle of B S 13 , on the table ori in - Soon after the two passengers might ,quiriug what they used it for, I soon found ;b14we wee eesn sriea;riug ow to .tlie. out what it cured, and when. I went home told mother that she should try it. Not sinukiug car; and alley !remained in 1110 • .withateudiug her objection Ioweut in the evening and brought home a bottle but it s[laolirr not 'only wniiH they went its the house a•week before we could through the .tunnel, tiut,uuttl they. ,iodine her to write it. AA iaat.as Ube was getting worse all the time she oousent.-1 to . refuelled their ,destination, cry it seri on taking half the bottle found it was curing bar. Another bottle cured 1'o-vuy• '' ,her and we believe saved her hie. We are .Bood's•iSa.rsaparilla stands at .the head in;: never without 13 B B now. It is such a the medieiue world, adutired.iu prosperity t. good remedy for headache as well. and envied iu merit by thousands of would E WBUTov,15 Delhousie st, Montreal. be eonapetltorU At has a,Iar;4er sale than any other .naedieuie. Sash Huot..sss multi Bettor Than Orthography, be wain withttut,pnaiutte merit. l - 'The old man had oiv"I 'his son u Bnor?H Pn.Ls cit re eousti.watioh by aestor- 1 Ing the peristaltic, action of the alimentary very fair education, al,d after gradua- canal. Shay " are the Best family.cathartic.. to 11]e • A Good Memory. • The number' of \Vashin; ton's sue viving body servants is phenomenal. A lady.recently tGruv'"•tiildg its Virginia was told that certain r.ld negro•elnita. od the dietinetieta. So you used ti, 'wait on General 'Washington ? she began. "res minus ; . I used to Wadi en •tins General, eualt. 1 surpuse pal remember about his' cutting down the cherry tree! Oh, laws, yes, tmastts 1 L was than lin watched biro out it clan inter • boards. Were you with hint when bot crossed. the Del aware 1 Yes, misses ; I war in de buggy side o' him when we crossed de bridge. 1 suppose yogi Mae:rt•uaeotbter joule, of your,master's old friends—Martin Luther and Alexander and Oliver Cromwell 1 Uh, laws, misses, I'members 'ens well 1 I've often brushed the hate 0' tbeut ge'tnen and stood behind 'em at the tahltr I name% Same as •pa's, saidithe boy. What's y,,nr •pii'ii'ncane 9 Same,ate 1 meats, what do'they•cait you when they call you to breakfast 1. '1'huy don't aa•rrvver ^,all tint. to break- fnst. \1'hy doift. Phil Caust•1 tallcat'git thttreitlie fust one. eitilliami'Royal Ot'ow5 Remedy, greatest ante on phenol tism,nteed to Neuralgia, Paralysis eneral Nervous nobility, i The ]Wan who lets his wife split the wood t11ay'tnean wehl•1, but Ink 'shonlsiu't lie allowed to do. all the talking at u. prayer meeting. • 'e cL then. e: • A sample of tradesman cau';,he took him into hiss re, Any person who can ahow nig' that my. ow was over nice about a cocoa is injurious to health will receive • and T1r NOE 613L ROYAL NAIL SrR,utaaltrS• REDUCTION IN RATES. ho Con 'i i<''d that l = Steamers sail recnIarlt trout •PORTLAND Aso I.4ALIFq,'•X TO . P00L�riaLondunlerry. a tu• n.. DURI:Vo run WINTER UONTns. •Cabin, 540 mud upwards. Second Cabin, Steerage at low rates, Wu Cattle Carried. . Il ) 1 • I3 flit, finest iYa•1 k iuislt knuw;l: I STATE1 E. ) '•TEAtISHIPS. i NEW YORK & GLA$Cf•O SEI1SrICE 0t ALLAN L N. F Tia Londonderry. every Fortnight. Cabin, 54b' upwarns. Second Cabot 525. Steerage atlow R R r p� T I Apply to H. & A. Af,L1N, ]Imtttepl, or 11 U L8 I R I y R 1 i 13ENRY DAVIS; WING. young fe Pgreateat ninny things, thlnga, but t„t boxes gratis. the father ten . t►itlde :110 oowulettt, One day an order 11w:t.well's Bronchial Balsams at ill cureany Cough, eJ I Cold, Bronchitis or Asthma. mine,in from u custott er, Denim', is it true thin, extreme ner- (1 wish to ' eoodne:;s, rxcflteelii,d elle I vousuess will produce itetusela 4 Yes eon, •that Jones would learn to spell. I uncn saw to ear fuitl of people. throw What's the matter with Id' inquired , up their bands when two train robbers d thew with their pistols. 'Wily he spells coffee with a • . the father c lieeefahy• covers 1. K. 1To.;dens, he 1 I never noticed it 1 'The• man who always stops to think , , (�:f course you never esti, amiiced the yr I LHAMILTO,,,,, President—Jena STUART. son pettishly. You never notice ,any- exactly what lir. thinks. Vice•President—A G ltANSAY., cane. A. 'ut; Perhaps bot, my son, replied the �. sermon le time void mlarolls Weill is ON host 111 t11H world, A. CLINE & CO, STONE BLOCK, Wing: am, 0SEPH COWAN, Clans STs DLV. Coonr,Co• IIvRON, AUCTIONEl' l . ISSUER, OF MARR1AGE; LiIOE.� CoemsSIONER IN Ii, (1..T., ETD. VIRUXETER. ONT. Sole Agents or above BANK. 0A^ xsV il. TO to s. WHAT YOU CAN GET W I N G H A M. AT Let I1'' iU w '1st;; to say seldom says Capital, $1,''250,000. Rest, $650,00 this like that Ili Tabules relieve t 1'd nitl but there is one tiring lumenout when it d•'rs not illuminate 1 do notice which you will learn by us. and by, and ,that is that Jones pays cash. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brocvusvalley, Ind:, Buys; 'I1 had been in a distressed condition for three years from Neryoua- Imes, weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gcue. I had been dootoring constantly with no Itintini Asst Ocean is A DA!.:—South American 1 11onolatio Cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically aura's in 1 to 3 days, Its aoticti upon the system is re• markable and mysteriolts, It removes at once the cause of the isead' tel disappears. The first dose greatly bene. fits, 75 cents. Warranted at Chiehohn'd drug store, :4tr, ta'tihut'h (who wants his buy to help ietiilil 'a cbiekso soul'); Latta play we are carpenters, and have a Mortar to build. Small 4o,1 I That)Il he ri"al spice, I'll be th" welkin' delegate, relief. 1 bought one bottle of South Am• erieau Nervine, which done mm native good than any $50 worth oi,doctoring IL ever did in my life. 1 would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely rem- edy.'' A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. J4tttO •sulfite was Oared, DIVA Sum—My 1{ttle Jennia • was very `mo whit La Grippe whish left abacieougli save her tagyard's 1'etteral .i3aleatxt and Li sown etked her. . WoJ,lmette,'Ooplsstoti, Ont. Mistakes. Do not say she is naw very decripid; there is no euclh word; say decrepit. Price as a verb is not in 1115, BO do not say I wish to prise your goods,but I wish to ascertain the price of your goods. It is better to say I ant gciag across the bridge,instead of I Atm going over the bridge. 1.1oloetnber that the adjective le=ss i4 properly applied in relaticin to quailti• ty, and the adjectives f,3wetr i t relation 110 lase than 20: pounds; t to ilumbar,. as, !no 'fewer than 20 persons, tii';buia' hold. • The place to keep up one's spirits— A haunted house The great value of astronomy as a science morally speaking, is that it tends to (rake people look higher, • Weekly free Press —AND — FARM AND HOME .•: ; FOR 1893 .•.'. 1.Q0 Bath Papers for $1.00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED A HIGH CLASS FAMILY PAPER. 'DRUG STORE, I WINGEAM. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, • D[REarORS JOHN PROCTOR, Ot1At, GURNEY, Guo ItoAon, A. Wean, A, B. Lett (Toronto). Oashiar—J, TUaN11ULL. Savings Bank—Hours, l0 to S ; Saturdays, 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and inters allowed Speelal Deposits also received at eurre 1 rates of interost, Draftit on creat Britainand the United Stat bottt;ht and sold D. WILLSON, Aot MJSYIS1t & DIO1{INSON, tIolicitors: Sponges, ZETLAN» SAW MILE Brushes, Perfumery, &c. GEORGE THOMSON Proprietoj Prescriptions carefully com- l pounded at all fioursa,u�nber of kinds, I First-olasS Shingi41 and Cedar Bees , Our stock of medic ines is com- d f pietei warrd.1Ytdkl genuine an 0 Each h Ntir ar wilt Contain: rile gtialtty'- ltay. Iltt, TALKAok's SsRilo:i delivered the Sunday best previously. WARR,.(1, 1 wANDRRINOS" Actual/00.AL AIA'ran*Illnstrated. Alit, and tye>t$�': ,".V'OW �' �1 Coli 'l'urnbi3rry�•1G4 sores;•tJ(l acres 1,Aniti,t' l'AON--Itlustratod. ASsiuAtT doth rintosesitngreadingutatter iall4 IYl OE, ' SALE; Gar Load Orders a SpeI al No. S, and the' E' of Lot No.' y shared; well fenced; frame hones rsntt to 001 Pride. Chid. troller a year In advaudn iti'r°the other buildings,; good orchard, pbeli�►, by! wlli:ltrAt VIVRE Dana and irAam ANJ) thrifts 062.. •AkelY to iVing11a117, -.-in all 16 pngss• I C O,t1, Itit'ri1,0141to • '' 1 0ttlerslr' s01101t eubstriptirp)st, WM. MOial` NM ritt;ig titter tion "tSRl+atiEt. f3lw 'athrrOW P O• I, J1alRtieo of ted' tree er new ,a subscribers. • • , • Gedsrich Aft ) Monis wanted' in suety up epraitep5Sd dlehlotitr Or ON°'►1 delivered to rosy pri'i't tnaltprd,itiptiystundeote J dullest x>toatl i W10416 waw PA