HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-09, Page 6me for all our reasonable wants'
4.41111g 11.111. 0, 1111
DECEMBER 9, 1892,
rt IS FuNNX.
"his world is very limey,
Per no matter how muchd money
n ybe
ear hotel
ue will
ilio time.
hs.rd uP '
i'o hitt utmost be is training
11/4/ catch up without attaining,
makes his lice a burden when it
should be bliss sublime.
He who eared a thousand merely
Thinks two thousand,yearly
1 be laapp he wens complete:
But this tuoome when it donbies
Only Inultiphee his troubles, his
is outgo then increasing leakes
both ends Mara to meet.
It is ruIn debt and Fleet: to -day and broke to -morrow,
cluing every way to postpone the
day of doom;
pending money ere he makes
se t,
nd then wondering
what takit,
.gives up the riddle, looks for rest
witl 1 t the tomb.
lel this world is very funny,
`o the average man whose money
t quite pay for the daneiug that
he does before he should:
„d be kills himself by trying
ust a litt`e higher flying,
suited to his pocket and his own
eternal good.
--Frank F. Holliday.
to tweak with
he shall never indnee me rrseuute and
Cyril. The more others penes ' and
poor ho the
evi14 the�'
will I olieg to him. and
i She wiped ter s'r awing eyes,
• tt descrip-
oat own
tion of the painful teethed lle a had jlibL him
had with 11r, Vttlleton,
that the only effectit ors hail
n her
was to make her to
omeitancy On as
1 tuey not be allowed to see )
fregneutly, she went on, Red we will
not stoop to meet by btealth, neither
call 1 openly disobey my , father by
wearing the rngsgernent ring you pro-
pose giving me, but in heart and soul I
am yours, dearest, and in time I twit'
to make papa see that--
lBut here cause an interruption.
Cyril himself t u,hed into the room, a
small valise in his hand. exclaimed
My darling Clare,
affectionately, h,w worried yon look I
Surely you are not fretting, at the idea
of 'twine,. me for two or three weeks at
ftu•thest 2 New
Where stn i going 2 Only to the
York, pet, for the firm that nd thither
tieeht to stud nye hither a ere rar
whether I like it or no. erLiverpool
is way t
d toW t•ite b''r IQv
f' was the son of on old I, You know he opposes our ai1arria it
he she was suddenly reminded. caprices, for es
lyou 1Q�re me you will set bite at dell-
and hibylwhateewish friend osr haalf
. once and be pntie,
father, by whose the larg
of his holidays, while. be was finishing Wo wail defer any further dentin,
his edttcattun, were spent at 11 r. Val
epee on this sui,jarst until you letnn's, Clare said with gentle ateision.
I e edi never rntle it to England,
1 had had passed stare then, Cath r,
bete had had accepted tt berth in the house wasteg the startling reply• there are
of his father'sdsi friend, and es hhadtsoo t reasons why 1 feel it necessary to €tc,
patriots myself. If we part now it is
rats and business abilities l you will not let trio go
raised himself to the post of coutidan- forever. I3uG y For
as a frequent adored Clare`?your
vis o at At )prat he ' alone, my
out the. intimacy ou� must
k i off w ' own sake as well aS mine y
was broken off the
Cyril Meyers
airs of a favored. consent. Yotllr father will be fnrorious
%bout that money. 'flow could 1 leave
boon to assume the insulting to
lover, andd to be positively you alone to bear the brunt of his
the. young, man. robe � would
Too sensible to be provoked into a "
Clore put back the arms t aG
quarrel, yet at the same time too angle,- have clasped here
spirited to patiently subnuttch, Before you day another word exploits
Cuthbert Wallies gradually;this : Why should papa be angry
withdrel[, ala•
withdrew himself, leaving Clare p with me I Was it not true that lie
fully coneeious that he had
well -used, but unwilling
her jealous lover by protesting against
his rudeness ton strongly.
• To go and ask a favor in the name
of Cyril seemed almost an imperti•
mance, and it was with flushed fate a d
muds embarrassment that Miss Val-
leton entered the inner office where
Mr. Wallis sat writing.
Ifop'dter she proffered her request
e Valletol was in tears, a most
at on event, as she had let her
go away that morning --on a
lerney too—without his stens•
ly daughter, and a petted oue,
so rarely made to bend to the
1 authority, that, now lir Vttl-•
ionght it necessary to•exert it,
Clare was first astonished,• then
nd rebellions, retuning to give
mist; demanded of her.
i sorry we are,iQt Rt 0110 On 11118
c=,, my. little girl, Mr Valleton
lila you must remember that icy,
nee it greater than yours—my
tn..less partial. `
',artia1, papa'1 she retorted
.sob:,. when you have permitted
It to 'be prejudiced against Cyril
nee some ill-natured fellow has
het reports to his disadvantage 1
oifslares that there is no truth in
nd I have told you so but you
U tt he1ieve it.
X11 cannot. But 1 do not wish to
litult with Cyril. He is my sister's
tied 1 have done and will do all in
we to advance his interests; but
I shall be firm ; I will not give pointed me. Dearest Clare e n a,s neglect, and your
ydaughter 1 berth is secured ; the vessel through pap
;nu tae, papa, she assorted, I 1 Rol My
and I starts at half after twelve; it now only " cruelty 1
11 egotl deeply, and --
wants aquarter to eleven. Was evert, nee'crneel to nynever
n a said' thecause
yo S man,
a matt in a worse qu•endary 2 ekeeply rno! ed 1,y her passtorrate gas-
fl sorrr to bear it. I strongouly in- canyou not borrow 1•
Cyril shook bis head. 1 tares and tearfni eyes. leaving Clare
� marriages between first cousins g
a t aly l. tie
mstanet s. The only fe'.low from whom I should,; He quitted' the room, but re-
f at all. papal asked the your,, But a:. in doubt its to his iintentiotes,
pout. care to do that is miles away..
. ith tt thought 1 surely if you explain, turned alerv,o-t Ltrrenediately„ an put
Clare, it is not all.I have too lucky n into her
e to fear diet Cyril would the case, to your father's u �elghde�6alt�1de=rl futhad notes ,to the amount
eai'ty and clerk lie will rectify my
W$ t Scarcely staying to thank him the
a it's liu�i-'arirl. to. you,
re i$ u this I forbid the en -and supply the funds, roux embrace.
re so eager write to Mr. 1Vallis,said Cl.tre;.� thew back to the, cab, where, she was
tit you mid he a but Cyri1's hand arrested hers as she llteeceve
N for the wharf 1 cried
two, her frobiygathcre•d prituro$ea
with which she bad filled. her chubby
handsor the poor „ick lady.
Mrs Lennartt tied fuer children to
whose their tttuther'ti itivttliei guest was
such eu, object of eOttlpasstonat° inter•
est that t hay were um i''L'g in broughttheir
forts to gratify Tier. I.hey*
flowers and fruit, their toys and their
picture books, and how could elle help
loving thein in return ? �y�
Coaidirg to get up and see the beee6'
and chickens, or ratable with hey 1ti1
friends in the great old•fital;ian'atl gar-
den, Clare was ineeneibly Won from
by the
h'+r own sombre thoughts, and'
ens of a ween after: her arrive' at
Willuwle F'tlrLU site wire aide to meet
her father without the• bursts of ret
tnot•seful tewre V'llieh batt frieliteee
and dietresoet1 hint.
,he wept tt4,ain at;,' kneeling ei,r, his•
It,feet, el,e wonted on turtle t,g l► c:outes--
lainu, 11N dict not cure to add to, her
promised you a lean %
Balt I What signifies whether he "regre,e
or theoid , est byfcoterie?: her
did or no 4 We Lace but to delay shy Cytil halt fled• trete lthaglaude but cuu-
Oo h ° as curtly us she touts.
hurry of his jourr.ry,she said,
uu :le .
already 1 Then hi, hits left with you its the ttt y
,...-a ..,P 2 I
the money lie promised
-- papa must have forgotten the loan he
an advance from I 1 promised buy cousin. will you kindly
cin 'S bate getting give tun
carry out his intention and gives e
one's employers for expenses. It be -trays cue's poverty sn unpleasantly. I "old and notes for a hundred p
U' course it does You were quite gold
Cuthbert Wallis denturrera,
right to apply to papa, � With your
t. attsautiou and .that puppy
,nus, bear the brunt of it. No oue
will believe such an. unlikely lie as
that you went borrowiur from hitn.
Iteit true, Clare presietod, that papa
lead not pronttoed pm- a loan f
s„ er site Cyril. You most, you shall.
l-1is•eyes sank before'"her steadfast
My•dearest, if you knew all the dif-
fireuities- of the positions in which I
found ct,yself, you would not blame
me 1 Lint we are here 11 Cone thea 1
Our destination is nut t aieriea, but
Aue,trali'a, and my uncle 'will soon for -
Live stnde•reeasl ns.
There was no faltering. in Clare's
reply :
1 would rather die than, become the
wife of seinen who lied net me,
tricked este into wronging Cuthbert
Wattle anal papa as you haw just dons!
.A.way wieth you and l vat; heaven
that f tuaf never see your face again.
:t: e
Amsted bitten -A •.'14411. heggiL1 .1L.,•r to'det•
well for tits esitke,:
Atte tine dict. ree.,ver rapidly, ate -soon,
ale.eue kttew site" told gained hits Qen11'-
dence, recovered t.' he the merriest of
playfellows to•the widow's children,.
and'the most charming of companions,
to •naotnerly,.tentle Mrs Lennapd.
There is only oue thing that makes.
me reluctant to prolong my stay, bh
you, as papa wishes -me to do,
she aetvedtone day. And that is toy. fear
that It am the cause of keeping your•
relative's away. from the Willow's,
Myr. deur, Lhaves but two relatives
left nova► was the•r,eply. A.,marriedt
aistec•in India, sndltny youngest. bro--
ther,,.tbe dear go++d, fellow, Intithond ut
whoenh�.,wheu I, lost.. my
suddenly-, 1 think.11 must. haver sunk
underuey troubles.
Youemeun nue uuele Bertlof. whom.
the' little ones •talk..~ro •loviegly'2:' Beery.
day Llthear, sante inururnr of. regret.,
that be never e1 nosete here: no 'ands
when Ithetd the curiosity, to ask Jessie•
the reason, idle confided thaatiit. was,
for•fdar of seeit,g .1iiui woutd rake me.
worsen. But I. Repine longer weak and,
nervous, Ciare added. witll,a sigh fore
the cause of thotee many days attd,
wee•Iea of sufferinir.. Andil eau quite-
prepaired to like .and be likes/illy. auy°'-
ene, who beers tt>le name ofe Lennart),
Beet my hrotirer is not a, Lenuardt,
she was ren,in.aleei• His name le--
Ctitbbert \Valli3;
(glare shaded•he'r face fin awhiliet.
Nicer would she be able torecall wit.h,•
but a pane ora shudder the events:
onnectwd with her brief iufittuatroa,
fere her r.nworthy cousin. It would
coo will first
card Claret, a rtnissinn I
promptly, but I ate afraid he must �
for he lef 1telegraph to Mr. Valletou.
., have paid away such larg,t+ sums tihis
have norg,otten his promise,
nothing with u,e. You shalt have thi absence or without h,s sanction: he
contents of my purse, dear Cyril.
have a five pound note iu it and a
couple of so' .- .
'Thanks, ninthly, you generous darl-
ing t
ecce tine+ the loan, 11ittle more than half lot hour.
1 cried of l n . do you hesitate l I will take care that
but it will not be nearly encu ;l►. My : you blameless. My re-
s holds
eeipt for the money will lye sufficient.
uncle agreed to let. me have one buns, 1?m
dyed pounds. wide) Shell I write it at once{
Clare opened her blue eyes Y• , Still Mr, * it at evinced a provoking
But n journey to New York, even if
you went first class, would not coat relactanca to u�nloe;k the cash box of
his employer and Oban. stared up dis-
h � tressed d irri:Lated
Not half that, yet assn
n you be so ungeti
A coupler of hours later Mr Wallis
received a'second visit fromeehe dauglh-
ter' of his absent employer:
She looked so 111 and,. abaken as
to alarm loin, refusing the choir he
that sum 1
I cannot wait while you do that,
was told impatiently. Cyril's berth is
taken. the vessel leaves the wharf in
li[e Unt
I was en
the iridis s1
that 't bei]
the eat' at
tango'', wa
rather art
Two yoi
each ousel
;ng rete
with their
arin of th
Sweet s
off the ,ye
eel] pie er
,See Ito
I seg...
.hands. al
Ne; b,
How c
iehuuhp Il
Give ii
. atey t httc'
;Say :1
Aller hue
ed here
.out Gib
xo tach
lily eieo.
'lel the
and lea
' ,till Von
have I,
• rettehe
° .l a ted bu14I an - leve brouglst her, she opened a case
C Yr•ctusi she she was carrying and displayed a very
have purchases to snake for cue of the ; e>EHow
a WL4ad• YIs it p,ecause Cyril has bandsonie• set of pearl ornaments,
partners. lied you, . given) y I want to restore the sutra I made
,' you rea.o'<ti•t® dusl•ike biers, and
Then he ought to have onsi y you give.me,
erre irb'lenge ? It is 1 father shah{ never know deltat his child
with a cheque. How inconsiderate, of you, would alts avail yourself of this she said excitedly., s Y
shames tut y
hie, ! a as much err more was iuticed to rob him. Will you
Awfully so ; but there is no time fire you are punishing, Hese pestis for as t�uch,,aa. t,6ey will
go at:d tell him how Loy uncle disap• i than m he cave ]` shall be
most ung fetch, and I will find some other way
hat shalt ,happy i
of making up the amount. They bre
my very awn, my aunt welled *hese to
me, andtit must he donee before papa
ignites back. dew could, 1 meet him
with that. rvuuey on toy, conscre :+re ?
You .noted not feel at adds uneasy, she
gave you
was assured. 'The navel
Cyril, pro -
to 1 will [ d with a raptu
pbn Now rte ynu wtil make me yuiserable,
seized a feu. an addition to his
'there iS no time for that: I have atnisin;; the than;
cast at the door; drive with the to the fare it be eirove fast Asea you, my
•Cl •e Shall oo with sue to the laud
afraid 1 shrill, because you are
1rand wilful, and accustomed to
ttr own way.
Why should l_i 1 trot have it novel
o nsa
the Me
and en
be eors
any otl
130t be
Ing th
A la
was t
ed t
were niv ow,t, withdrrr+twnirons a sae
Ings beak yesterday fon a purpose that. I$
call eba.'deferred. So.,take back youlili
perces,. dear 9liss Vat:.0toxn, "au& s ll -evil
me tie be your cred,itov' for the pre se
out, i claim the right as your fristsrdt pc t ?:; '
to help you in any onwitgieney. ,
She tried to force.Slle ornaments ut3•- j
on tsinn, and failiuit. to• murmur Ivorl
tlaattk-s for the reliefs but her beset 1
was full. her brant was in a vv1hi'rt•
Ilea words she had, spoken died otither
office ; I Will wait outside while yeo a► , r+
interview Wallis, and thee. if you carer` where better fortune awaits us. `pees,
no on ` my darling one, must consent. °nee fi lips., and she £ellrtorward into theawms
to see the last of tae, we can d we have nothing to fear 1 extended to recenve tier. to tow a Mr. I€orman
together to the ,short from.w 1 � When r
m pursuit. My uncle, will storm, . "inn nerignt}ly ill
o' h
1►enct on boar e( V al�eton returnedOf Rochester, N. V.
ted ots lave me, my £tro Pyou,. hie.6oun.f his dsriiglu�t.
1 I stay co the boat starts. If Y neo I perhaps whean he finds be has lost
L beunablet recognize Meet
ynu ought to have t
Deaf for a Year
re ren -ou4 dials es , Caused by
i looking at his own, don't waste these precious l you too dearly not to,as to o` 1 f v r`s1 i
d illy• Vit leton,
( fails ( meat
{ Thus
•our father to obey I i , ,I tt
y he I 6 her 'r lla,t
d 1 d al h
awls it grieves you to do 80• of
Olate, when you are wiser I soon being driven rapidly omptanrom her
y, at
ou will stank the with ail father's )cone
for refuting to let yon city he did not like her errand, jet bow
zlf away on Cyril Myers. S
l was to fling he•r., refuse Cyril's request 1 .xlhd not her
IV reply father said that very )hurting, that he
,clr and bury her fats in wil;iu to advance
nor would she look till to was always vera g
• oil i 1 tie hoses interest ? and who would
but he over o
s by Clem d, C 1 For some weeks fibs- ay e '
Cyril 1 demanded the !and prostrraae� making suet, tardy Catarrh in the Head
adjured, Clare Hastened tot forgive tlie* Bight. Cataxrh rs a CONSTI
r watking•ttpparel, and: was I Are you etas, CY towards oor,valescen
Arid requires a CpNyTITt7°rIt)NAL R�N'IE
e , o cure it Rea
astonished girl, Do you really thins,&
1 could be tempted to db enyttb:ng aei "Three years ago, as a result of catrttrlt,
rttov,.l to the country. entirely lostm )oaring atul was clew for more
rash and so wicked `timmediately .,arta ol year, >tvtt•ted various things to stere lt,
WAS ins had several physicians attemlet tt, bat no
As Clare spoke, she thrust him. from I The advice r a rapid Juinoy Clare
mpravement was apeman. t toms destine
• ositien, hop -1 np.tih, and aft K„pen no pt►nnd. X tea 1 gget Lvtton
her, a that
at his »rot? yety tint myself under the caro of a special)
ins; that iG was mt�de in jest, found herself installed lir homely I roma one saggested that line go xood"s sa
Cheerful apartments at a Sttrtry Eager ra,ad?? would do ire some, good. I began
Be soon .peeved that her was to r laktngltwitlioutthbexpeetationof 'anyyfstnts
No. To my antpilise and cat • o'y I found
earnest, and sol vthementby insisted heap. htlstess, a sweep -faced Middle- I W1tonIhaaiakon three bottles alta tstynea.t•
01 00:lio Of , ins i Iliad
returning. three I kept on till I had
aged �Votnsrr, wearing rI w(d5w's cap, takehenrciet�rfecill £cvioll wCoavYen t Ulea but
` I consider this' a
LiatttP to task .•lht)vr' site had rested, and • renwirkablet ttuyey ttd cordially reoomflletrtl
though Clare had not hitherto testi ' ofd's "tia��It►�kw1�1
fled the leases interest in anything owl sttwhohav tszL.rrh." ldsCss,sGt
anyone, ti; smile played on her changed • °,+tor street, bt hattetcr, N,
f.,attle WOO if re prtbty rensyohild in 1 lscnelest <i e -. aLwLrratst dtt stotfo
�t,e that tit
lits, her meaclt.eal rutin advise
' TUT10 AL disease,
like Hoods Sarsapari d
- ye as her father hurtled its
OK pant train to Liverpool, \ be mote concerned and sorry than Mr. 'j that. ----
i ” subsea .himself if his sit of forget• 1 his voyage, that she knew not what to
bail an sppointtnent of im-1
fulness did Cyril an injury'1
r,ahe sobbed, The truth was Clare felt a little shy
tier Cyril it like
• of Cuthbert Wallis, the eonfSdentiat
would tike► tqe to melte; (stork already i•r.Eerrocl to. When. he
4tItbOU611 ho krtows 1,
But still her answer woe no.
Bay no mere, Cyril, or I must come
to the conclusion. that you have lokt
your senssa, Why should islet my