HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-09, Page 3infliet fresh 'suttering 0n her to trivet, escltp: d the Inidery that would have one who knew all that occurred, and 1 been :her lot as the gift. of ieul;less, despised her for being credulous. How -1 profligate Cyril Myers, and is free to ever, when she,luoked up iIG was to i five Iles' hand to her more asserting say lira iy ; 1 lover. Unless Mr Wallis letlelve his visits 1 LL floowAI'S PILLS AND OINTMENT.— to yon I must go home. I cannot en,i During ,piercing winds and excessive aura to thiult that I ani depriving you ; variations of telnpleratui a every true is Of thep loasurs of his society, 1 more or le -s liable to internal loud ex,- Thanlyou, my clear, said the widow sinpply. He will be glad cocome, for he loves us all. Clare meant to confide herself to her own apartments as long as Cuthbert Wallis remained at the farm; but it so happened that he arrived just as she and. the elder children were taking exelitiuge the labour of an hoer for the shelter from a thunderstorm in an old pfofit of a lifetime. All bronchial, pulmonary, and throat disorders re- quire that the Ointment should he thoroughly well rubbed upon the skin twice a day with great regularity, cou• siderable l.rislcnssa, and mach persis- tence. tenial disease, Throat,. chest, liver, bowels, kidneys, and skin all suffer in. some degree, sod may be relieved by rubbing in this Ointment, aided by proper Closes of the Pills, for adminis- terillg which fu 1 directions aceoinpany each box ; in truth, any one who thoroughly lm eters Holloway's "in- straetians" will, in remedying 'disease, shed in the centre of a wood. It was he who calmed her fears, who wrapped. about her the thick shawl and on whose arm 6110 leant during the walk to the farm, After this it was 'impossible to se- clude herself, and they gradually fell back to the old intimacy.. , By•.and-by Clare returned to her father's house, a little graver that she used to be, but more unselfish, considerate for others. With Mrs Lennard she had lisbed a life-long friendship She was busy one morning select- ing, from a pile of illustrated volumes for the young, the prettiest and most interesting as a birthday gift for tittle Bertie, his uncle's namesake, when Mr Valleton looked over her shoulder. Ha 1 You are going down to the farm this afternoon, aren't you, my dear You may take Mrs Lennard a bit of news that will, I think, please her. I have arranged to accept her brother as my partner.. have a better one Oh, papa, I am so glad to hear it 1 cried Clare, her eyes sparkling with more estab- 1 could not A Frank Explanation. Guide—This room, ladies and gentlemen, is the one in which the Duke. of --Was assassinated. Tourist—Are you sure ? A differ. ent room was st.own to me when I cal- led here three years ago Guide—That's easily explained, sir. You see, this part of the building was being repaired about that time. • delight. Hem ! but Wallis is not satisfied' with the arrangement. He wants some- thing more than 1 offered him. Am I to agree to his demential What is it he asks 1 But as Clare spoke her voice sank to a whisper, her eyes fell before tier father's quizzical glance, and Mr Val- leton, taking=!.ler to his breast, kissed her tenderly before responding: What does he ask 9 He will tell you himself this afternoon when he joins you at his sisters's. Win titer he is or is not to have the precious gift be craves must rest with you. Anil Cuthbert Wallis did take coir, age to tell Clare Valleton how long and firmly he had loved. And Clare has learned to thank Heaven that she BRING8 Ease and Comfort fttle Dtit : T wonder why there 4811't ever any ATI tl. iii the corners of; reilruad care Trial jhelf ; Spiders have eight eyes, and I guest; it's too nluoh trouble to keep the cinders out. Mouthy Prizes Ior Pops and Gnu. The "Sunlight" Soap Co.,. Toronto. oiler the fol lowing prizes every month till further notice, to boys and girls under l0, residing 10 tiv Province of Ontario, who send the creattat inti for of "Sum light" wrappers: 1St, elk; 2nd, 0; tird. $3; 401, 1'St to.14th,a Handsome , h o•• a9 1 o f 1, Boi, ,d l r t p Y picture to thoswho soul not less than 12 Wrappers. Send wrappers to'•Sunlight" Soap thrice, 43 Scott St., Toronto, nott later than 20th of each month, and marked °"Competition"; also give full name, ad- dress, age, and number of wrappers, winners' naves will be published In the Toronto %tail n0 'het Saturday 10 OVAL month The Cause of 1ieumatism. Au acid which exists in sour milk auil eider, called lactic acid, is believed by physici'tns to be the cause of rheumatism. Accumulating in;:the blond, it attacks the fibrous tissues in the joints, and causes agonizing pains. What is needed is a remedy to neutralize the acid, aud'to so invigorate the kidneys aLd liver that all waste will be parried off. Hood's Sarsa- parilla is heartily recommended by many whom it has cured of rheumatism. It possesses just the desired qualities. and so thoroughly, nrrifies the blood as tr prevent oocurrance of rhoumatic attacks. We suggest D. trial of FIood's Sarsaparilla by all who suffer from rheumatism. WITVpoor soaps and old fashioned Ivays of washing, it Is Cruel and 1nrd upon woman of advancing years to attempt Iatiadry work. But with the World - famed, laborsaving Sunlight F tap, Aiiss Banknote, girt vita thinl. that your father will objet to my suit Mist Banknote ---1 g11P5e Uni for he wears one jest nl•Out ns loud himself Piso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to t'se, am1 r'I.rnpt Ft. • �n�re-,z,Y qr�+3 De+4j cv sold by d, uggIsta or sent by man. 50e, E. T. Irnzeltiu'. Warren, Pa, plL:Lj - 7- - is without doubt the very best of the many remedies for Piles, now in the. market, Read endorsements: Loxnox, ONT., May Stlt, 1502, I have examined the composition of stronO pile• kone and used it for external and internal piles with the best results. .1. D. Witsox, M. D. LONDON, Oxr,, April 25th, 1902, I have multi pleasure in statin; that after using Strong's Pilekono one week, I'experienced what I believe to bo permanent relief, after being troubled with bleeding.piles for about three years. 'B. N. Hum'r. PRIC'I: $1—For sale by Druggists, or by nail on receipt of price. W. T- STRONG, Manuticturing Chemist, 181 D1 NDAS STREET, LONDON, ONT. A. stranger in a priuttng office asked the youngest apprentice what his rule of punctuation was. I set up as lot g aa I can hold my breath ,and then I put in a coninla; when I yawn I in- sert a semioolin, and when I want a chew of tobacco I make .n. paragraph. The poets sir E, in dainty rhymes, Of summer days and sunny climes, Of beauteous maidens, passing fair, With witching eyes and• waving. hair, Till. near the end, your apt to see— 'Tis but an "ad" for P. F. P.; that in, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the infallible and guaranteed remedy for all kinds of female weakness, Which cures the ailments of feeble. "run-down" and debilitated avonien, •and restores them to youthfulness and beauty once more. The price of this royal remedy, Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, is but $1.00'a bottle, and money refunded in every ease if it doesn't give satisfaction. See guaran- tee on bottle -wrapper. Anybody' mita do a, Wash with com- parlttive ease by following the simple directions With r"StINTAIG'H'l<" there's no hard tabbing, sort) knuckles, hot steam, or tired backs. A trial *111 astonish you. Works lk Loves amtdit 1 aTdo HALSTED &SCOTT B ERS_ Josephine Street • - Ont. 4. A. HAtas'ND,unt Forest. I 4. W. Scorn, MoListowel. The Right Answer. A judge n,rtetin; a countryman, said to him : Whsle are you going ? How do I irr,ow 4 war the gruff re- ply. The judge, taking it for a piece of impudence, said : Yon don't knew,you scamp? I'll tench you better manners, Off to prison with you t The poor rustic was seized forthwith and was being hauled off to kat when he turned ronnit and said : Your wor ship can see now that 1 answer cor. reetly, for I assure yo'f that I didn't know 1 wits going to prison, This reply exci'ed 'the risibility of the judge, who ordered him to be set at liberty.—I1 `1'esorettn. TRADE XI TINit; TAI3I lS. 'Trains arrtrs and depart 914lotios•4 • Li erfpo ,...For Vomit) ,........ 6 6 l' or i eeawater..... ...2re To oeueral Merchants and Boot and Shoe Stores. In connection with my Leather Business I keep lull stock of SHOE DRESSING, Hathaway, Wliitnlortre, Zanotti, French Dressings, Ecllpeo, Bixby'a, Perfect Kid, etc, in 10, 40. and 25c sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jtogt is French Blacking and Oray's climax water'pr'oof, LACB Sr in Leather, Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, are Cotton and Rifle. in all lengths. Sutton fasteners and setts, cork soles, &o. SHOE LEA.PHER. Simon Alma, bal and fi1 and Mezzonitl Kip and Calf ; also native kip nd upper. Spanish and slaughter sole, Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention 'Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock. Specie stock for traces in oak. , Patronage solicited. Prices ,;uat anteed. Apoatat card will secure quotations or a call from my travel- ler. Agents In Canada—The Merchants' Bank of Canada .Providing Against Emergencies. He was u tnau of cotiv;viul i,abit:t, a bachelor and not Ito early bird by any nle'tnr. One d ty a friend nnttcetd him twisting a bunols of keys in bit Iingerg What are they 7 he asked, My keys I But they all seem to be night keys, and there's a dozen nl more of then!. That is what they are, and thyro are fifteen in the lot. What are yon doitiz with so many Ceti"t get in at nilht without them. 'You tree, when I go home I nsuatly, find about a dozen key holes,gomeh'lw, in my door, and if 1 only carried ono key 1 wouldn't be able to get the boor open before breakfast time, Office Hours—From 8 a. In. to 5 p. tn. A. E. SMITH, 'Agent. W. J. CHAP AN, Tanner and Leather Merchant, "I\OII.t1I 2:00 p. m 2:00 p.m 10:80 p. in " 10>0 Cx.R.A. LNT:ED ' 'IVE. •.LSTIC :.:fit,, A, 0, STA.ATIIDE1i, MIEN; WI1:oblltra. Through tickets to all points in America—if Wed, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest an popalnr genies foggago eheeited through destination, Lowest frot';ht rates to ail points ..-.--.,,TIME TABLE.-- 30:::: A©LE.- ...... tI4Va Wis011AD1, 411a1VP AT 11'iBer1. 1140 „ dr li J 0.,t QU ] 1111 •'a 0 e a a Toronio, of h Pa i t i s i:8 c 7 I P 3:80 p,m, "' „ Clinton, 718 " I almerston, :Mixed ...,, ,10:90 s. 0:45 a.m .London, &o 11:00 " 31 .0i „ T:50i". 11:200.10 Kincardine, &o ., .... 6:3h s.es 3:37 p.m 11:29 ,"• Io'02 r' 7:16 p Scientific America Agenpy for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS DEsiON PATENTS etq. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 305 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau or seouringpatents, In Arneri the public by 4notice out us Is r Burge int entif is a cri Largest circulation of any scientific paper in th world. Splendidly illustrated. No intetligen man should bo without it. Weekly, $5.01/_ 'RBvearI ISHERS.881 nroadw51.50 six months. y. New xori & Gu 9 Syrups. 'II in the lung -healing virtues of the Pine ,biped with the soothing and expectorant ,'erties of other pectoral herbs and barks. 14 PERFECT. CURE FOR "'ol-r"GHS AND COLDS .xt.. eness, Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat cntn and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and ri G DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which sit other remedies yield promptly to this pitta ant piny syrup. PRIGS .^--SC. AND B0O. PER BOTTLE'. ;ii!madRm Evaon504. ovi,ALL DRUGGISTS. FOR THE BESA.R. VALUE IN ORDERED CLOTHING, HATS, t410 it B a c k a o he the scavengers u? means the kid• of the system. rit;cys are in "Delay is K., trouble, bodd's dangerous. Neg. . Kidney Pills give looted kidney cZ proal t relief" troubles !result' 07G per cent, in Bad Blood, v- of disease is Dyspepsia, Liuer r1 first caused by Complaint, and E disordered kid- the most dart - ! of all, ""Might as well Brights Disease, try to Mae a Diabetes and " healthy pity Dropsy." without sewer "Tho above aye, an good diseases cannot health when the exist where F'itlnegs are Dodd's Kidney e,o;j ed, they are Pills are used' Sold by all Sellers orsdntby mason rec<ipt r 00,:e Iq,t crnts. pot box of six for $a.m�oo. I A L. A. Smith & Co. To*onte, Writs for 407.4 HidnW Tdlk. —GO TO EBSTER'S CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFF 3, Cheap for KASI:. AT -- W EBST1.ID'S Stoves, Stoves, Stove 1 All. intending purchasers of stoves for thx winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK SIps T X11' ■ A p y E to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage an to give complete satisfaction. D. SV i ft LAN ]r Viughem, Octsber S54 lAgl,