HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-02, Page 8cI DO 1 est, --The makers of women's rash - the aeons ot Paris. et London, ot Their testes are faultless and e,cllute sway, over all the world, epi :supremacy, you see Mare ot rid'$ fashion: here in this depart - hart in any house outside the u painless motley. Truly, "Cloak yrs." s Goalas: I>' money -saving \vera act, no .one would think twice be - sing to 1ST 1aIudoo's. If style e poiit 1nt--if extant of stock were nt—no one would think twice, putedaeadqu asters." awnt --Extra high quality and w prices are our trade gainers M cabs .axtrc renes.— Were proof needed t week alone were proof of our hip, MOM proof, Saturday night, fists there been 11oything offered to lis,, no, more than one dozen to atatuer. tc CoATe.—•130 wise rind prepare coaling blizzards, by betting one rare y storcoats and thus save bills and your health. 3-APitll:'rTs--Far Gapes in Astrach- key, and Heaver. Storm -collars t'fs in Sable, Beaver, Astrachan, ;Martin, Persian Lamb and Mon- t not forget that our prices in is am the lowest in the town, as ur assortment the best. 0 FtRNISIU G'S, --•Xmas ties and stopened up;well nigh irresistible tti•1n of high with low price, ;Ire red at ICr, N MoIN OCSb. Ottolpiti trimer Y, DECEMBER 25, 1832. or at the lA.o them Times, Your cor•poudent lu Culross clevotin.. good dial of I1;s i etteuti to echooi 'natters 1 section. " S. Cntross. 11 -hat trotlblesh m 7 is he disap ltacease t present efiiciout els been prevailed oil to rive 6 es: to the, sedtion for another is he elj l rYi cI Bee'tl'e t lie was rex, made vacant for , the l",sum friend of his Some pee'', le are willing to be .le ' in o; hers, interests and their o Their fancily :d the co sr,gltenc a are they leperson the township, in - they woul9 attend to their Leas rind '•Assert their mate- , v would( he respeeti-d and t: ot'itl melliers of society. if ires+poliliel t is a ratepayer in al eectioti and has any gri- nd sclicol, matters let him tar present '°o f cious secretary. \I/ea.: ocal,'; Esq, to call a eetizfg, a d his complaiint. vestigated insert tin 1 above in your aper at yurt earliest con- and oblig ars respecfully, JOsEP Mora, •Urustee (S,No 8, Culross. 29th, 892. Time —When Nannie 18' wearilg ,the weeds of d anti rest iniac in the Bur • Pith . 1' son-in-law, r a stireeed d her 8011 aeon the pastoi' to of the Seoese ll, L was ginning to do my ing in lea,' ersof olftlfClf and: alvi111st lu ` creed and ib free e and et ple, Her tinnier - ors were earfleet chr'istien nil as Sat. 'rday carne round. was left in every house of rid West ow. Should Dr me t visit next week, 11 his a tentioll to the fact with hi lf'the populatioti of Su: , has a tact society. oontair; rig the germ f tanity, W i.Ch in time might a c•rporate Ohritatian legend.; Fletaller,a brother leave af, 'Widow Brown', got tllrou,: sorrle ,,love affair, tad to .London, where he a hies n attached congre•' re ha ompiled a Boole ot ifae' and bfir Eo.diri, it e , engravrld° tha.por•- ,s t ` title ptlgo. %Xis ie, Iii atilt bola and lilt leer brother, was a d:.r hoot worker, Roth dents of the modern r anal time.= John ,irawn, got entangled 10 the altitr lienar, an 1111Cara011i• One ` to think more of Din° 4ionntitwho,cornpered ,lr' sant x)'Ierseli,'to this gas implying that lieu a NW nor Chiriltltln,. lire Brown form( illi able foeluan to Andrew Thatuso , of St (3''orgei, who was at Morrie. 141 §licred tuttsl0, in the pulpit, in ilia ut• int of eautruversy,and itr the editorial chair, floury Grey, of St Marys, 'idea with Mr I3'rowu !Slid wrote a lett' 4 to amus petiodicel Hadar the eignat ire: anglioauue, Haiti i3, EnglishtUau, Thomson rtvlewed t e article in• the Cl'u•istain Lnstructar, seedita:;. Henry back to Ilia Latin rudiments, to rev ew the aches it`e' ill its three geude s, hunting tint the letter should Iter' been signetl Angri- es) 1, iiia :vitt, rill winding flit rr'Itlt 1110 odd ra}iui;, th tt the Grev 11181.0 Was the better ;ronin LITUUGOW. -- The meanest Man Alive. Pro.ba'aly t.lit 11108 unspe•ik'tbly mean tear, iy he alto tak. l- a newspaper and ,after ape, two, or t1 reek years deed to pity, far it. it t• •teinly is i:s small as email app es in .'12 to deliberately client one's baker 'r butcher. Still those Who ewer to lie )1,01i11 11 part of marl'. nature must lxprat the att1111ra1 to a -sero itself one in ,t while. bait those who winisteri to the Grind, the newest part or 1IH.ty, ought surely to rxpet•t nnuglit but eL'leatiat treatment, yet,- how stir the l,r, Ctice deviates rr'oin thin lofty ,-atndartl . People (.10111(1 in incl say they want rtir paper and ask us to put their 11110 es o11 the list, in cur childlike trust ;n humeri na.tare, we ac,•ept the new , nisi] the paper regularly anti wile r tired weitini ash for the poor dela ; But it doesn't 00111", WO ask a'ettiri, Lilt itt vain. Then we hear our ;'friend" has moved to parts unlcnowii, or never got the paper. in such a case we Reel like saying will' J3is11 p Walton ; "Tile Lord tnieht err iuly have trade a meaner man than the' one who (sheets a newspaper, hut the Deity certainly never did.'" A seheclboy' composition on "The Editor" rani as 'ollows: 'Tae editor is' One of i lie happ;ast individuals in the wuthl. Ale ee + go to any Mamie in the •aftlinct:u end ,veiling withont paving l n 1•c•nr,y,also 1.1 irtluetts and hangings; Ilan;; free ti.'ket.y to theatres, gets wed - 4111,0 cake sen j him, and sollletin105 t2Pts to liekilfg '`tit not t,fti-n, fore ha' cavn. take• things rack ih the lasxt issue, which. lit _r no oily does. CNIzile of iter fa lki have t l ea to bred early, ,the' night r se editor • at i u direr can ret kart all flint is iT nsr ori. When 1 ale a num I mean to be ran ethics, so that I lnay Stsy out It e ot eight Thti will be jelly.--- )1Clilsnap a,,,ttS"t. New Urdertaiting and Furniture lsstatb- IeInnent. 1111. REmni H0DGSt7'v eas opened his Furniture and Undertaking establish- ment in the old furniture store, nearly opposite the Queen's hotel. Wingbann, and has a full stock of I'arniture, Mouldings, and Undeetaking goods on hand. Call and inspect goods and get prices. Picture Framing - done promptly and well. Special attention given to jobbing -and repairing, arad'•gu:arialateo all work done. Having had ling experience in the furniture and undertaking busi- ness, I am surd 1. can give satisfaction. A splendid new 'hearse fee hire, • Rrctzsr 19'onnsa.*e iaDlt SEy vloulz—In Man October 10th, the w' rnonr, foirmorly of tit MAEz: SELLARS—ARMS dance of the bride' alt, by the Rev J Mr Joel II Sellars daughter of Mr R' Morris township. PATTON-•- lVIODo Brussels onWecl by Rev Johan Ro Patton, of Morris, Dougall, of Whig ,r ,O grit MCKl**V the pith alt, by John Keir to 1(: Alex MVIci enzie, Culroes. tou, Manitoba, on e of' Mr Eli goy- s plttce;aa son.. ILD. 2Ioa,---: ;t the rest- parents,- on the 23rd Pring, et 181us'vale, o Miss Annie. second lt•Armstrong,.buath of. •oss.IL, —:3dt the-lzlanse, salty, 23rd, November, B A, Mr. David Miss Christina iiIc- amt I;;. --At Tesswator, on he -Rev J Malcei nl lktr ss, 18th. 'eon..; of o HOME. The annual meeting et the WIIITECIIITRafl Cit1ttAMEltY* 00 wilt be head in the FORESTERS' fIALt, wlliTE0110RCUI,: on Saturday', D4cetxlber 1,'7th, 1892, at 1 o'clock, when the dividends will be veld. 'Wm - tors elected and other bushtess transacted, All Patrons, Shareholders and others. interested aro cordially invited to attend J I 1V SIMPSON, SocrOtmy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF TLI1 LATS JUAN BONE, Notice in itorolry given, pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Ch.tpter 110, mad amendments thereto, that all creditors and others havingclai•rs against the estate of the late ,lohn Bona of the Township of East wawonnsh, in the County of Aaron, Yeoman, 10130 died intestate, an or about the 3rd day of October, 180'2, are required on or about the 15th day of January, 1803, to deliver or send by post prepaid to Ale•<sre Galrow 84 Proud. foot, of the Town of Goderich, in the Cor ty of Rerun, Solicitors for Crary Done,tho Admtnistyatrtx, 1fl,ra of ley are nod the ho assets d thereto, rich 1101100 shall have been given as above require ens the said Administratrix will not b, liable for the assote to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at tin time of such distribution. 640180 (8 & [ 1LOUDl'OOT, .Solioitorsfor the said Administratrix. Dated at Goderioh,. the 23rd day of November, 1892. their names and adchosses and fell partiot their claims, with the vouchers upo11 which bused, and that after the day last n out Administratrix will proceed to distrib to' of said deceased among the parties et it hnvtnx regard only to the melees r as THIES" SUBSCRIBE S. All parties who have not paid for the "TI,ILES" for ,the. yearn 1891 and 1893 care requested to re mit the amount at once, We need money and hope this notice will be sufficient, and that w general. responsewill be the result.. R. ELLIOTT. STRAY HEIFER„ Carr,e•on the plend:me of the suoscribor, Lot 34, Conceselba 8, Last•ryawhnt t!i August last, one red heifer, two years old e<'owner is requested to prove property, Pity et'ftltils is and take b 11Yway JSt Mai/noel), P. 0. QLTAI QUA SRIP NOME Application will be macre to the %Surrotaote Court 01.the Coantr of 'Huron, after the expiiation of twenty days from the first publication .horeot; to appoint Naomi Shaw, of the Town of %Vineham, in the County of Enron. spinster, guardian of John henry Shaw and Adeline Shaw, of the said town, Infant ehitdren of James Shaw, late of the 3'owrt of Winghnm, Si the County of'Huron, cattle deader, deceased. R. 'VANSTONE, winghatt. Solicitor for Naomi Shaw, Applicant. Dated at vena);hamthe 21st November 1898 U'Iaviug bought out the &miller liaruess. Iluaitless e,ud started in his old stand,. am prepared to furnish tate public with everythitig usually kept in w harnetesshop such as IIIA VY, LIG UT and TRACE. HARNESS,' NETS, DIIS PERS, . WHIPS, CURRY COM DS, BRUSHES, SIVEArT COLLARS, TRUNES, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, Am, I make all my arm Collars and guarantee satisfacrtien, Give me a trial and I will use you right, ',. -&... , 3't s W^TQ . Ki Big drives in DRESS GOODS Rig, drives in Big drives in Also in many other lines. Ask those who have bought as to their value. A ca1U solicited, . C -E` 0_ ' R _ I2 `t.._+_ FURNITURE DELIVERED FREE. Not only caw you buy Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Lonngee,8lattrasses, Chairs,. Tables, ileo;,, cheap. but wl:ear bought in quantities they will be delivered and set up 'In your homes free4 anywhere, within 10 milesof Winghann PORTRAIT. E RGE:i ENT « 7 have maals*nrrnn amen s with ono ofthe 0 orf in Dominion f0. train$ Ttootrait taw= irsonta (any sirzYin Air -Brush, India lnld and Water Colors Before giving your order to anyone tai* uel8 eall at my atom, see samples and get prices•for the very bosh. In the Surrogate Court of the i itl ti boat tats tha Coln of Huron. In the matter of the Uuardiansltr'p' of the infant children of WILLIAM Wool?- Tioty, deeeasgd: All styles anti sizes of Picture and Wroath,Irrrames•anade,to',ordbr. Lots of Mouldf0 tw• ohoo8610 uy>r Notice is ifarelil' gluren that application wii0 he " '"""'" "" made on behalf of Ji,,o Woodrow of the Township PICTURE FRAIN ,. of :,[orris, in •thc County of Enron, widow. So• the do,, Surrogate Co.mtoftHe•4:'omrty of Heron, after the iNotwithstandingail tl,e:opposititnn,in.Lilaline, learnt•stililheim,inIViughaamprepmad1to, expiration ot'tw enty claps from th. first pnitll000i00 been doing foothb past ten y'ea's. of this notice; for an. ergo? nppeiutin,! the midi Fane /t ' ; 7 Woodtv.tt•, guardian, of Jessie woodrow, Robert k .. c3 . `a ` r' ' Woodrow, William Woodrow, Mary Ellen Woodrow, lay 13, 1892. UtldbrYiltnrandlt ra[ture•]0#rTtr and llatthea•. James Woodrow, the infant children y• of William Woodrow, late of the Township of Morris, c' in the Comrtyaof Novon, Farmer, nom • deceased. JANE WOODROw, 1iy` her Sotieitor, J. A. Whet rs_ 1 @ Dated at Wialnliam, 24tiliNerembet, 1802. ns, G ? PROF. SCOTT, i .E. ' _HS 1R,14T_. MUSICAL.L AfE.iiPRESBYTERIAN Cl Ilittli lin MARBLE. r ; ARKS. giros Privr,te Ziessens iit.'troecl Training, bothtin star and Tonic -Sol -Pa notation. Open for amra oinents, for Concerts or Chur0H,uteetings. Terms moderate. Andy at b1RS.1 . 'MORROWS, 24 ShutorSt, Wint baan TWO KINDS OI+' CUSTOMERS. MESSRS. . ITANSToNE BE OS , of Kincardine have bou4•h't,1?be Marhlo•Busibess,OE8LIa*T T Watson. formerltivaarried oleins W Smyth, Parties requiring work in tIheir lino will d'o,welirhy'caBing on thein or seeiflgr1800 of their` agents beforf, purchasing. You will find ourprices aro away down, Ogre worinnanshipds ttn5itr a 'We will use none• but the very best stock an1thg square, doalintg'hope.to:s0evre a libera. lSharn o0 tll>l 1ll*. patronage., Bir Te T Watsonywho has been running the bnsinoss•for tha+li648 year, will represent theist d., Call vier see our stoelaatvf prices, Ik1v E..1RO1,' The Popular " `foo IS HEADQUARTERS trOlin 1 xbItore1 y, eldest; daughter of r ° . j both f WIDE AWARE :' ,` 1. r events DzED. IIIND MTV' 7e'1i,tjM. TEE FOES/M.—in Morris, cine wgrd inst, essie Ana, .sld:;t daughter cif Alex and Mary Forsyth, gest 0' yeasse and 11 mos, SCOTT --I11 C lrOSS, on the 22 th lqo- vembei, Wm S ott, only son of Mr Peter Scott, aged. 22 yeses, /.1 months and 20 days, WIN GUAM MA.RKETba, %Vucotrx *. December 1,1803 Corrected by P. Deana; Produce Dealer. Moue per 100 the, • $ 2 00 to Pall Wheat, par 0 bushel, 00 t0 80 *0 - Oate, - y 0 t0 Barley 30 10 peas, 51 t0 Butter, tub 17 to d0 liens, - 17 to Eggs per doz. 10 to Wood per cord, 1 76 to flay per ton, 0' 60 t0 Potatoes, 3:; to Chickens, in to Duette 40g to Turkeys Geese ,3, to Cry Fruit & Confectionery Store. Because they oarget goods that aro A large stock of Christmas Goods has just/been received, suitable for' Tight and up to the, times. itt11 parties„ old or young, t onsistir of /1 ANOOTHER. KIND ARF: TO1rSO. PHOTO ALBUMS, SUVA.? A, `BUM.S. iWRITING.DESKS, .CO1LET SETS,.PLUSHCIOODS,(i1Ii tAVA.S1 S,.XMAS GARDS, LIMES COMPANIONS (infpinsh or wood), VIOLINS, MOUTH. ORGANS, MAXIM] MOIFP ORGANS, TOY 13OO1i.S, WAND SLEtU1;8, ?UTtitI )U1 SETS, 13LA.NII NOTES, 81.13V S, FANCY o1 I.Wict,O1*S (Mand painted), gfo 63 27 86 PAIST; h9ti,R1;1: 18 Rub they are waking up tel the foot that 13 t can give them goodiuthat will 100 2please them. Full lines of 7 S8I Fruits, Oysters,Confeetionery,&c, 60 g APPLES BY THE BARREL 00111f' 1?U` iDS TO LOA.11T, On the tle0urity of Cultivated Pam, Interest oh* per cent. payable an ally. Any portion of the principal fri tY be cepa at any time 8136 borrower tvlahee. Alt •6xiaan88 pa:,d; l y the 0on1ty. 146 inion except the County 4 f adhere allowed to eat tu6rb#,t7t*8 or to know t0 9)130m Meney IN Mud.Apply tot Waif.1401. odtei!i6.. Aug. Oh MI. Oe.'Ir6rr6rla6t .e21ttiLites , L Ageot for Thtrker'e Dye Works. A. Large Assortment of ANNUALS, (consisting of Lexaurie Hoare, Sunday at Moine, Bays' Own, &;c,, roc, 1111t're It larger stock this year than ever before and (lesire the pnbliie to call a1)11 see it before purch114in2 elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goods. Pl1ICES AS LOW' AS ISE LOWEST. Canned goods of every •description a1.1 arittraember the Place -14t) Josephine street, 'Wltlghatn, ways p'1 hand and my pled are as low ROSS as the lowest. ; ir6 a7r Dont forget the plane, o.;,olite the new Bank of Hamilton. i' Agent for Dominion Express Ci:.wpany third G. P. IL 7itellegra 1x. ROD