Wingham Times, 1892-12-02, Page 7EO Bought a vr, Bill Barnes carne over to his son in•. law's house«lust week and said : Sohn do you want to buy half of my cow ? How mach do you want for half ? asked John. Ten dollars, answered Bill. Al! right, Here is your money. Guess you had better write me out a receipt, Yes ; here you aro. Now, I want you to sign an agreement that you will feed your half of the Cow will you? Certain] y. John signed the agreement and Bill went of huuitning Maggie Murphy's Comrades', says the Arkinsew Travel - Next day John went over to Bill's house. Hello, John, said Bill. What do you want over here'? Come to get half .the milk. Half the milk 2 Yes; I own half of that caw you know. Yes. I know ; but you don't get any milk, Why 1 Cause it was the front half of the .Dow I sold you. What f Yes, that's what. You., don't get any milk. I sold' it all, any way. 'There 1 Well, I'll see all about that, and John went home making the atmos- phere feel blue. About four hours later . Bill carne ..evi±r to John's house ant yelled : You, John Smith. Well 1 yelled back John. Do you want the cow to starve 1 " What do you mean 1 . You oeu the front half of that cow and you've got to feed it, that's ail. I've got your agreement > that you would anti --- ---the cow and you too. You'll find some food for her in the barn, yon blamed pirate. • Yoh darned---= \Nell you've get a cheek'1 I have '1 Think you have. \\' hat tlo,you mean 1 Do you mean that I am going to pack fodder for your half of that cow '1 Oh -- And you ,just bring seine w ater or that cow will d,e with thirst., Then Bill walked away. Bill came lintjling over to John's house the next hulking What is the matter now? asked John. flatter enough, said Bill. You own the front half of-- • Hang it, yes , so yon say. Well, that oow,hoolted ale. Oh, she £lid ? Yes. •Willi ? I'm thinking about suing you for damages. Oh. are you ? Yes, but I'm willing to comprise. •' Al Yes, yon give me $50 and your half of that Dow and I won't gay anything about it, Why Ile. Wonted tilto Money, Wily, no, said Mr 1?erk, the grocer, iu a surprised tone, in reply to Benny Blemburr ptir's request. 1 haven't any work I eau give you just now, .flow is ib that you are asking for something to do ? Ai: well-dressed boy like you does not often asli for an odd job, 011, sir, replied Benny, if you but knew how anxious I am to earn a quarter yon would surety give the a few errands to preform. You can't be hungry, can you Oh, no, sir. I have had my usual While service was in progress in ono of the churches at Berth a yawns woman Walked to the pulpit and per- ABlessing to Every household. sistently requested the astonished preacher to marry her. The organist struck up a loud peal, nod tae wonian ---who was demented—was taken in charge by friends, and with difficulty induced to leave the church, IIIIVIalATlslt CORER INA DAL—SOB/11 American Itbeuniane Cure of Bb.eurnatism and Neuralgia radically cures in l to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re markable and 'mysterious, It removes at once the muse of the disease immediately number of meals so far to-d?y. fits. 75 Dents. Warranted at Chisholm's Do you want to give it to a poor drug Store. widow or to ablind man? No, sir. 1 do not recall end such unfortunates, Do you want to put it in the mis- sionary'box ? No, sir, My parents provide me 11,, with money for that purpose, Stvrup" for Children Teething. Its valueis inoalmul• able, It will relieve) the poor little soifor.+r You want to go to the tniustrel show immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it, It cures Dysentery and Diarrhtoa, regulates the Stomach and 73owels, ourea Wind Colic, disappears, The first dose greatly bone, Little Boy—Matnma, may I go fish- ing ? No my son, kin afraid you'll get .drowned.,; but yen may go around to the grocery and buy me a mackerel AOvICA TO Siornpas.—Aro you tustnrceu at night and broken of your rest by a sink child suffering and Crying wltn pain of Cutting' Teeth? If so scud at once end got.t bottle of "Alrs,lVinsiow'a Soothin perhaps. You have not yet guessed my need, of the money, sir; Softens the Gums, reduces Itlflammation, and glees tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win. slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething' is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat male physicians and nurses in Then what in the world do you throUnited tsthe world. ands fPriceatwe,ty-five ceall nts e a ists i want it for 1 • bottle. Be euro and ask for ",tae. Wise.ow'8 SooTamro SYRUP and talc' no other kind Oh, sir, replied. the distressed 'boy You•ueedn't take a rniiii's word for toy mother, said she would cut my hair) it that he has dropped from the clouds atter supper to -night, and 1 aro ex -1 treniely anxious to let the barber pre- 1"orm the work before that tithe. y poor boy, replied the inau,deep• ly moved, come right in. I'll give you t K+mw thys?If is good advise, but a quarter's worth of errands to run. know about your uei:;hbari is the gen- Which he did.— E.iarper's Bazar. sera! practice; ri These remedies have stood the test of fifty years ot:norience, and are prononl red the best Medicines. Validly use. T''S.ar1 apt auridt tiro blood,? correct all disorders of the LIVES, ST119tACIl, IfIONI1YS ANP BOWELS d invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all apts, TI 11,1 OI T ,TO :IN.T Is the only reliable minds for bad legs, son's, ulcus, and old wounds. FOR. l3Ijo CIt{l .ia. at TUROATS, COUGHS, ('OLDS,' GOUT, 1tVElt7MtTISAI, GLADULAIt hP.1:11.1NGS AM) ALI,b; DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. -Manufactured only at 75, New Oxford. i.ate 1 ( ford turret, 1.nc4 and sold by ail Medicine Venders throughout rho world. r,"-V'Purhasers should look to the Label n,+ the Boxes and. Dots It ;lie nstdrese not 533 Oxford Street. Loudon, they ice spurious. because there is no dust on his shoes,. May le his wife blacked them before he wee up in ilia morning. Ripens Tabules Duro indigestiolr, After six hours of talk Jobs paid - the honey and the old man went Away. Catarrh in the head is a constitution disease, and requires a constutional rein edy like Hood's Sarsaparilla,. to effect a mire. j. A Weiner is a mats who has lots more enthusiasm than he has anything to keep it on. One of the devil's est means of keeping a woman from earnest living is tittle-tattle. Blotohes Cured, Dnau Stns,—In 1800 my body was (sever- ed with blotebee and I was at last induced to try T3urdoek Blood Bitters ; by the time Iliad used 21,4 bottles of it 1 was template. ly oured, and 1 cannot speak too highly of MYts JAMES DESN+OND, ilalilax N S. "It Cured Mother," GENTLEMEN, -My mother was suffer- ing from dyspedsia itud had no ap - petite. Everything failed to cure her until one day, while visiting a friend's house, I saw a bottle of B 13 13 on the table ; on in- quiring what they used it for, I soon found out what it cured, and when I went home told mother that she should try it, Not withstendiug her objection I went in the evening and brought home a bottle but it was in the house a week before we could induce her to take it. At last as.she was getting worse ail the time she oouseutod'to try it, and on taking half the bottle found' it was curing her. Another bottle cured her and we believe saved,her life. We are never without B B B now. It is such a goud remedy for headache as well. • E \VusroN, 15 Dalhousie st, Montreal. The man who sells ;mods with a short yard stick would stoat the found• dation stones of heaven if he could eat at them. Tb'a .lnr►sgty1tc might have bean r ;,,i ...ih tl, if it had A Few Definitions. A Capitalist—One who takes Some people impart infarmlitioe ' veru innolt ',s a hedgehog abide his I quil•s. Ladies appreci ate Anti -Dandruff from the foot that it not only thoroughly re- moves Dandruff with three applications, but stops falling of the hair, restores fad- ing hair to its original c -lar, and makes it soft and pliable without leaving any rust • cation of a dressing being used —clear as orystal, clean to use, it 1.1 a valuable toilet preparation. I There is soinething wrong with the farmer who will tie up his dog et night and tit his bov ran the streets-,. \Vhee the ;,eagle find out that a matt ! is menu at home, they don't care how good he pr"f"ises +u he at church, REGULATE THE q STOMACH, LIVER P>9 BOWELS, - AND - PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. # - Ripans Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate eonstitu. tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of z5 cents. Address THE RIPANS Cf1EM!CAi, CO., to Spruce Street, = New York City. /14.b'a:bH".. cYiJwi�' +, t3 i-;L.RR Y • IT OE, .AL Li AN LIN mull he convinced that Mouthy primas for Bop and Girls. $1000000. 000. Tho "Sunlight" Soap CO., Toronto, offer the f01 + . lowing prizes every mouth till further notice, to A Thief—Use who taxies 1 , boys and girls under 10, residin • in the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sun - A Statesman—One who teaks with out making stoney. APolitician---Ogle rinks snakes munoy without talking. A Laborer --One who :g ets to work at 6 o'clock. A Business Men—One who gets to work at 10 o'clnok. A Hypocrite—One who says what he does not think and is found out. A Great Man—Cue who never opens his mouth. A Soldier—One who makes killiug u business A Murderer—One who makes liil- ling a pleasure, A Lawyer—One who makes his busi- fleas out of llis feilow•rn"n, ' A Physician One who Makes his living out of the bodily suffering; of his tel lowmen. -A. Merchant—One who makes his living by i,uying What he does not want; to sell at a profit wrung from hie fellow -men —New York World. ti Made With Skil. Ur Wood's Norway Pine. Syrup, the modern sueoessful aura for coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, brouohitis,sore throat and. all ,pulmonary complaints, is made from the best pectoral herbs and barbs by the most.skilful and scientific methods, and cannot fail to give prompt relief. Peace is the evening star of the soul as virtue is the sun, and the two are never far apart, • Little .Tonle Was Cared. 1imt, Sins,--Vly tittle,7ennie was very bed—with La Grippe which left a bad cough I gave ner l3a>gyard'e Pectoral Balsam and it soon cured her. Has Moa;n'ruee, Copleston, Out. There isn't anything that sweetens seep like whiting up cud seeing the hands of wthe cloak within ten minutes of getting up time. A Audetto, proprietor Itouse of Corn mans barber shop, Ottawa, Rays t—A num- bar of my eustornsrs are using Anti -band« ruts, and 'it givee the best of eatistaration eatd T ooutsider it a moats for tits wolves light" wrappers tet, 810; 2nd, 50; 3111,53; 4th, 51Oth to 14th a Handsome Book ; and a pretty picture to those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Snap °dine, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later than 22th of each month, and marked "Competition" ; also give full mune, ad• ; dross, age, and nutuber of wrappers. winners' names will be published in Cho Toronto s1au nn'iret Saturday in each month. ROYAL MAIL ST0AEIsritra. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail retularlt frcin PORTLAP. D,euo 1-1A1.1 FAX To L1V POOL via Londonderry. DURING TI15 WINTER 3iOXTIIS. - Cabin, 510 and upwards. Second Cabin, Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried. I•; thI tiuest wri 1 FIhi.l1 lirtucvsl. STATE LINE. kLL'4N LIN e, LI N E. 1 .Tl:ei.aiSHiPs. NEW YOX,1 S:. GLASG Sia Londonderry, every Portoi„ht. Cabin, 54 upwarus. Second Cabin 823. •St<aragc at lawpA ! INTApply to II. & A. ALLAN, ,Montreal, nr HENRY DAVIS. \t ING SelIVICa (W RUBBER is the i'st ill the world. The new Criminal Code•passed at T• A• riiLTtTwi o� The last sessroli by the Dominion Par- tialnent has been sent out .to the dif- . -- STONE 'BLOUI{, forest nitteistrates in the county. The new law will not conte into force until �S'ill•�haln, theist of July, 1893 Amon.' the cbtinges tirade besides the fine fur sale Sole Agents or abs ve of fire arms to ruiners and rue sellar WHAT YOU CAN GET Aa �ti HAMILTON'S keeping no record of such, the fee for arrest and serving a warrant of die - tress is reduced from $1.50 to $1.00. Witnesses urs allowed 75c per flay (at the option iIf the magistrate) instead of 50e as before. • • Tho Head Of the Lubon Medica': Toronto, Canada, an either in person or by diseases peculiar to or middte••aged, wil ous, weak and exile down from excess o many of the followi deprossiou, premat ity, less of memory of sight, palpitatiot lack of energy, putt Soho, pimples on t or peculiar sensati wasting of the erg; fore the eyes, twit lids, and elsewhere at the urine, loss o of the scalp and s >'nttscles, desire to by sleep, constipat Ids of voice, dosir of temper, sunken T.L++AWLS IReLE, oily all symptoms of n to insanity and de spring or vital for every •function ''hose wile throeel ignorance may b Send your address Wronger to man, Mart disease, the faint spells, purple tion, skin heats, l't to the heap, dull p beate Annie. ea secon4heist oat q shout the breast b be Shred. No on book. Adams ll urgeon. Company is now at may be consulted letter on all chronic alt. Men, youug,old, liud themselve uerV- eted, who are broken overwork, resulting in g symptoms ; Mental re old age,loss of vital, bad dretuna, dimness of the heart, emissions in the kidneys„ head face or body, itching about the HOrotuln, s, dizsiiu ns, specks be, ing of the musolea,eye bashfuinees. deposits will power, tenderness ue, weak and flabby eep,failure to be rested u, dullnees of hearing, for iolitude,exottability yes surrounded with oohing skin, etc, aro vous debility that lead th unless eared, The having lost its tension arias iu consequence. abuse committed in. permanently cured.. or book on all diseases ooks esut fres sealed. y. inptoms of which are ips, numbuesss.palpita.. DRUG STORE ORE WINGHAM, Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, &c. Prescriptions carefully com- pounded at ail hours, Our stock of medicines is corn- plete, warranted genuine and of the best quality. flashes rush of blood n iu thhe heart wfhh and irregular, the ekerthan the fit it,pttiti' e, ebo, Ban positively , rlc pay. Send for 'O OM, 24 Maadton• FOR SALE, Lot No. S, and the D._4 of Lot No: 1 llth Con. Turnberry-150 acres; 90 cores cleared; well fenced; frnrno hones slid other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on tit". Apply toM. �.f V. iKtCA1IEIZ.+Oht, Or totlerieh 1 JOSEPH COWAN, CI,Fnr. 9t Dxv. Uovnr. CO Htrno,t AUCTIONEE t, ISSUEIb 011? MA1i.It1AG.G LICEN Co2nzISSIU \FkR Is E. (1. J., biro.. WRoxETLR, ONT' BANK t.3.;;' :.1 ANTI (.t' WINGHA.M. Capital, ,$1,:350,000. Rent, $6'50,' President—Joni 2ruAwr. Vice-President—A, G. Ramsay.. 'hist;c solid IQIIY PROCTOR, CnAC. QuRYIw, lIso 1t0A5rr, won, A, 13. L ut (Toronto).. Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank-•-ltoera,10 to 0 • Saturday 1. Deposits of 431 and upwards reached' and 1 allowed. Special Deposits also received at e rates of interest. Drafts 01, Great Britain and rho United bought and sod 13. WILLSON, A 1'CLY'L11 & DICKINSON, Solicitors. ,ZFTLAND SAW AI calla, mamma 0x' 1 al. &arrow P O. GEORGE THI MSON, Proprie Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shin and Cedar P Car toad Orders a Spool WOOD delivered to arty Winghaln, iseowarrebi •mall promptly attended til. �t oxO o'i MeV. Wim3rlm�rt P.tba