HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-02, Page 6v.
ktrittmemumeetweeweiine‘sers.430teregnoirsetorx,e!Pwor.?",5.. ...... - e
tinder fout on the instant. No man in l thing like boner setzed ;Mon ine at the did net have one hour's solid comfort On tot the CotidlintOr.
a trusted position. turns thief in a dye I idea. of 'my own baseness. Right there out of his stolen, funds, lie will go to 1 venture6ail,to remark that the 'li
It is. only atter he has fought with i within reach of hi i hand the'ntoney 1 prison for W er 1E1 years,and he Wight Was going illhei slowly (said a wefl.
temptation and has been overeeinp— i intended to ily with, awl yet lie was. at well die then,. Say isn't a cririeua known wag the other day), whereupon
allowed hiinse f te be overcome. 1 llavisit in hie praises of my hitegrity. thing that men will so destroy them- the conductor, to the great delight of
made an effort to rid myself of the I Ile remained only a brief time, and selves 1 the others, beganchaffing me.
thought, and it would have vanished li soon after his departure I went out., • Take your own ease, added tbi I wonder such gents as yer would,
TZo; o-,i.i.vm %Imre hut tor a silly action on my part. I ride to Welk about awl plan a little. 1 other as he placed a hand on. my i sit in a 'bus t Will I call you a cobl
Ralt in prayer upon his ksee, & week later, as I smiled ia contempt hadn't gave up the idea of robbery and shoulders. You are young but respect- Perhepe you Would prefer a carriage
aid aa ancient hermit, bending
Cill I need tor midnight watching, at the idea, of my turning robber, 1 flight, hut a salt, ,swall voice was ed, trneteu he I hovered, eto 00 the apci pair T .0b. lay rya, what toffsvwe.
1 desire an olive tree."
aline edluyself to speculate on what whispering'. to me. On the first street sura road to wealth, You might crib d'o see about!etc,
'hen he took: a tender sapling,
lanted. it before his cave.
would happen in case 1 did, That is, a .ruor 1 6,neontitered ft tramp, f was $100,000 rum the hank and et away, 1 stood it.all quietly and waited for
,9eact the -trembling hantleabove it, 1 wondered bow much I :mild get hold very inueli perterbedstill I shall , but but would that compensate yon for the the day of vengeance, which was not
As his bension be gave. of, what country 1 shori'd go to,aud so always le-mm.11'4r what he Bald. When sacrifice 7 No ! Even a million long' in coming. One 5ne evening 1
That the root may drink and swell: forth and so on. When I suddenly lie Asked for aline I suppose I started wouldn't. I tell you, the ma,rt . who saw my conductur and his 'hus at
Int he thought therein it needeth,
Clod, 1 pray thee, send thy showers!" found myself greatly interested 1 at him, or he added ; has got to outlaw himself to enjoy his Oxford Circus, There vasjest one
So a gentle shower fell. jumped up in slump end confasion, Yes, I'm ashamed of myself. It's plunder must see days when he would seat vacant,
Lord, I aek. for beams of summer,
but lialf an hour later was deep in ruy own fault that leih IA o w n here. I almost give his life to be set back in Here you .are, sir ; jump inside ;
lieu the drippeig clande (beide , in -a Anation again. let omptation gro the hotter Of i-nt. the position he mute held. . •
ast one seavac
ll, ant, he cried to tine.
Cherishing this little childt", .
And the Ben looked down and smiled. That was anothee prick of con- 1 passed into the bank and carefully No, I auswered, load enough to be
I seemed as it the evil , one did
Send it frost to hrace its tissues science, but he actuals liurt me whin looked the door behind me. illy kneee heard by all inside and outtside the
0 my God," the hermit cried; everything in his t over to oil inc -,..,
.:‘ben the plant as bright and hoary, atter I bad finally dotTniiiied on inv lis said : . r weie so weak that 1 had to rest for a 'bus. I'm iii,a, litntyp.ob I'll walk !
But at even soon it died. Thanky, old man , e May you never good 2'0; minutes. Even Inv hair was •
coarse. I had the lurk to meet an • ...limes cheap, but when it's bricked
rn I,
Vent the hermit to a btother
Sitting ihis rocky cell; American v, lin had just returned from know whaeit is tQ lose the respect of sopping wet with perspiration. When up by a pildge of Uro harii earth oi a
Thou an olivo tree possessest; South America. Ho mentioned sever the world, • II telt strong enough I carried the financially responsible time or coin.
al sure thingn thway of spectilatin
How is this my brother, tell? Within 12 hours it .‘vvouldl be known' stitcher tto the vault, opened the doors patsy, of wor:&wiele reputation for fair
s ie o
have planted one and prayed, d it was atad honorable deating,temeeesemeieegl
' Now for sunshine, now for rain, anti painted Reel% a ttiowing pietrtrie of that I was an embezzler and an abs,. aud replaced ti.e money', an
Now, there are seorete of sareapar-e
od has granted each petition, the country thht [ was excited and condor I Not °lily that but I was not until the nem doors were locked
illus and other blood pnrifiere, all
Yet my osteo tree bath Blains impatient. The batik had large robbing widows end orphans and ugain that Ii felt sure 1 bad won. I '3111,11a Up lo 1,e the limit), por084oloa
aid the other. "1 intrusted
To, its God my little tree; delimits that fall, and on thlath
helpless nil nien 1 It seemed to me planned it sot A took of my coat, peonliar and woncleaul, but hear in
i dee
e who made knew what it needed ilia of September we had nearly oe70 ... that 1 could already hear thenewsboys kicked off mv shoes and meth inyself mind Oar yeur own sekelethere's only
etter than a man liko me," 000 of what was called outside mouey. cryingtout the headlines, of the article comfortaiee iiian armchair. I did not (1).pnueleicry'af'o'arntteoloti )hi''vot:ItlitPnuci7,1i!iiiec'iisel,tasneds
aid I on him no condition, This was cash temporarily deposited telling, of -my shame and dishonor, I feel sleepy,. but when the day porter that comp front bad 1404.
ender not My olive thriveth, by the Country Treasurer and hy the stood looking after the tram? as be came et 7 o'Clock in. the morning, 1
.Pixed not ways and means; so 1 That nne---standing soltary and.
Whilst tby olive tree did die." cashiers of three or four inanufacture walked away, when a hand was laid on was sound asieeP.It got to tire ears alone—s„td ee pied, is
ing establishments. 1 had been wait- N
—Sabine Baring Gould.'
my. arm and I turned to confront the i of the ofacers‘that I had sacrificed tey Dr, Pk.ree's Golden ledicel MO..
covery. .
in' for such un opportuuity. I could leading merchant of the town.. I knew 'night becauswofthe death, of the watch-
If it Joesn't do good in sto, scalp,
have taken from $20,000 to $35.000 him well and favorably, although he dan's wife, reeitthe president feelingly and scroftdous diseases—andtpulieene
ur bank was the FirRt National almost any day, but 1 had planned to had never beep a patron of ourinstitu- said : ary consumption is only lungscrofirla.
k of Scottsville, a town having a practictilly ulean out the institution.tion. Bless the dear boy. 1: s at man out —yojuurstmloert,,eiytebilitatlk.ers know 'and get'.
1.11ation of about 10,000. There Between the,4.th and llth of Sep- Le.ok here, he r said, as lie walked , of a millionl
e two or three private, banks, but tember I pleneed the details of my along arm in urns. I've always acne Am I 'still cashieet Well, never Talles theebat to hack a poor
1medicine,. s'a common nor, by selling
ther institution having the capital flight I knewe the timtables ,-f the buchiess with G-lbeson because lifound : mind about, thai,.Iamtatilltrogradied aa it on trial, as. ,,ci,04.dor mecii;to Dis,...
deemity we carria The stock different lailroacls I should pa" 'ver, eveTvtliiiig all right, but f aw going tol, an.houest intin,..,and I: doubt iif yonlooyeryn ,,, sold, ,,,,„k/ bankrupt the,
ers,nuntbered lit orly 30 people what day I should take the steamer, hewn with Vi.0 to -morrow. Gleason:could make any. of, my business free -title largest forttene.
1 Talk's cheap:, but onty "Discovery!'
all were resident:a of the city and and every detail had stern carefully is as good as gold himself, bet I don't ;believe that lovas tempte • ot an
is .,
v. Among them were four or worked out. 3 might he pursued, but fancy his Lew cashier. He's a bigguarantemr-h !instant. , .
whlews, mid quitr. a number of I flatter( d myself I had laid my plans ro,:I lar, and "me day he maySur
e to ko Satisfied.
rs 'slid orphans were also repre- tee well to be caught I planned to trite up missing with all the boodlehe I HoLLowees OM
. 1 TraillaTANo,Plures --
the Christruse,gifte my husband: gives.
I'm nearly always dienp ppitetefl nu.
ed.' At that date 1 was a young go to the bank tit nire o'clock in the can catry. No fearful that in your; , ' • ,, wirviraloia. —It is some -
of 23, and acting as cashier and .eveLing and secure admission. The I oe,-,- -
:these chseases: is afflicting the sufferer, me, confesser,kiVArs, Dm:mock to Um..
times difficult to determine which of- ,
eeper for a wartufacturing con- watchman would not hosiiate to let we it Ara T. bad $107,000 packed up and not this ionora,nce Will Dot matter i.Z.' Kirkshaw.
. 1 had $3,000 in cash, aid with in. I would then assault and oVer- ' wee only waiting for. train thee toe Hollowtsy's remedies be used, nail :fs that
1 bought stook in the uew bank. come him. He could' not give the beeome the meanest end most cone. t Ille'v.tale and "Ire
In hereditary rheunia-
all musculand
r' a
les. Tclequenno:w141+,, lent he dos•iir
uer''.°°8 Igiluns. t
oganizetion had been completed I alarm before morning, and I would be tameable robber eviv heard of itt tiro Chime after bathing the affected vafts. ;seem to got the tIvkags I went. 19try
the hp. titntion was ready to open 1 then fn. away, 1 planned to make my *tete 1
w Jot warin salt water,.Florio,* ay's. !tam:117).7: vt.e/let,;/ ,6. riefemei:t,timrsft::r. bi,,,,tarivl
1 the president scut tor ine and coupe Ian the night of the 13th At Everyboity is spealting„ in y on 14, 1 Oin t en e nt should be'well rubbed upoii
"ci, :hint hints berlre vreve,r• t4cepens to: catcht
the close of business on the afternoon praise,. he continued, and,yea deserve) v he spot, that. it may penetrate
ines,,e1 have known yon for the i of that day we hind $107,000 in green- e -te sootleine and regule.tin,,-; pro- l
three Or four years. Everybed) ' hacks in the vaults, ' After a hank has 44 di" i" ''id. Ju"'" beep a level' •et.txreprteileies on the'deeper vessei and 1413;46)0',,,
heed ter,td yreell lind tIm.ittad to bonen- et .'
1 i ever ireve erey tree Ole -like•
tom 0 seems to speak well of CiOqud 'IN doors to the public at it and wealth, t 4Sausfe Loth tItae pain and,. sWeiting. 1 that wItiOnin Iiiviisialw,,
:nerves which ere unduly eA,oitect.„, and i
Wheat he licAt me El bad to Inam.:Halloway's treatment haelhe merit of ! 10,„! do yoo ,,,,,,,,,,g„,it ,T
o'clock p at, there is work eo fleet), the
force hnsy for an hour or more. Fora.' ageitite ft dead wall for. support. The' removing the dieease without debilitet- : Easily' ei3etegii. 1 bay hiiu for !tie.
year 1 had always hetet tb?lbst one to emend olt, his footsteps wee kin in my .helvitable sultof the bleeding
int, the constitution, w.ltiele was. tile obi.istn;11 pliv....oiettinst ,0„tt,1 want .,
loa.ve,and my hour had bePn a d'eloelt,..
eat's' wigen I 3addP)1131 fat that 1 wtte4.;Mercury, and coluhicum practice for- 'to have' myhelf, slid lie gets for rum
re' ,
saved. There had been a terribbeetnerly adopted _______m these_cotoplatnea. just what lee thine:" he eould like to
:have and then we exchenne the Kra-
struggle of ectoscrence, but, right had):
trizimphed at last. ' 1 -,seas, pulling my : An ariginal AVolicant. cles with eseli otli,-r.
selfl te..4.0ther to rettirt,,, to . the hank. Last .. week. Mr W VE Stanford ae,e
when, a went:1,34 nuensted, me by nameatdvertieed for a dry: goode. clerk.'
aid t‘sed, : . Among the applicatious was the
How lucky. I happened tome ybea following, peetiliur enough to be note
I, was een my way to Black's to see ift
'worthy :—
he atm:Ain't hake charge of this parcels Poui Boniesmee Ott 18e 18,02.
inettil teemoreow. les. money 1 get, Your favor in lash. eveuing'a Nail
may tvie hovs ego—,OO. wanting dry goods, salesmen noted.
• Obvise in hiere and, Ill give younak,'RelElYing would say ;:— ... •
seeei, ,i- Am single.
MILDAN DROIi,31 WA2 je02.
ur einploeure tell the they have
ttenost ceufidettco in your integ..
lid melt nue -1 our Executive
d lots tpoken in your favor. 1 The trusty day potter was nen Telt
porchit.ed fi12,000 worth of stock until 8 o'clock v. lien lie, gave place to
UL name to bring. your holdings the regular nightwatohman. At half
' $5,000, rei.d am now authorized P"1 2 e''leel' that afternoon and j"t
.r you die poeitieit of cashier. as the last clerk had departed the•
ee;ted the [erten kit with A feeling nightwatchitme cause to notifpnae that
iteeole tc.•.-a ct Ltiok-,o who; had his wife lied died sieddenly rend -to ask
red it L'ld 1 mu& up my mind to that a substitute be employed. He
man but V told bine theta'
anyecli vtlnpeieut ond worthy in nanteci a
would make my own' arrangements.
When the watchmen. had departedi
:1 hole with the 1.iank two years
ur ouiod,,t, , hal a siuguier notified the day porter that he might
t liappermr
.. One c ciii„, as I • leave at 7 o'clock, as. I, had' work that
achng in my /VOA.. t I t re '• PresbyteriflO, would tletrOn me till about 8.. Rive' Never mind that. we. all know
to me. like it flash to, rob the minutes afte,r Six 1 was one inethe *, • Aged 29 yealte.
yoa and trust yoe.
and .escitpe to et foreigu country.ank and its funds were ander thy1-ler parting wordsegave me a shiver, ” Temperate habits..
ge you my word 1 Witte frightene.
A thumb. The trainIy which I would' i Now little they knew wet A hundred " cutch Chinedian.
, f m ..
°meta. It was 55 if a voice leave town wa.„ not titre until, 1..i41.50, I rods away was evidence to• make, me tConsidered, a hustler,
ered in my ears, Rob the hank! a:11'4 1 WA'S 68144°1'14. ill no :awry, 1 anobject-ocontept. in the eyes of ", Not afriad' of work.
I..i'vould chop off a finger soonerand child gc• every man, woman, d ill the "- Never caught napping, •
locked up and went. to, •ruyt. boerdin
embezzle a penny 1 What could" A good sign writer as well.
house to supper. At 'l' ectook I community 1 1 11%(14 One more trial to
given birth to suck a thought '... Experieneed at office work.
returned to the bardt, pulled down the, undergo. Almost at the door of the
T shades, lighted the gas, and in, the bank i met two lateinesP men et high '"" Quick and accurate at figures.
upset and indignant, and yetet
not elialte off the idea. To my course of 20 minutes had* packed avel", standing who wet*. holding an rAnimat„ -risme bad over 10 years' experience in
Of Other Medicines Failed
dollar in the vaults intoeu satchel pro- o. conversation,. ' I dry. gotds.
I found myself beginning to
vided for the purpose. 'nit. satebelil Amara the newel? queriedi One as 1 I " Been with such houses as A Btrti4 Bottles of ItooeVS;Sctrsapartllto
Etba speculate. I Was as If I Owe&
said to plitce.d on a chair,' otItSide the railing, ,espis hp. Murray & Co, Ilamilton. .
uat is with pleasure thatt tell of. the great
dotibie, and the &Mille
and bad sat, down for a smoke when what, is it ,I., " The highest of references. benefit X 'derived from Heed's Sarsaparilla.
. t
there Was a rap et' the dooe. I knew you remember the clerk iti my " Limited experience.at window Ve0 years 1 have been badly afflicted with
' ErySipela9
breaking out with running sores during hot
summer months, t have sometimes hot been
able to use my limbs for two months at a ttnic,
Being induced to try flora's 'earstmarina, x got
eno bottle last spring, estrum:limed 'ming it ; felt
so much better, got two bottles titoret took
them during the summer, was able to do my
housework, and
Walk Two Milos
c. outs truly, ---
Rencedut Mercury. lv,i1r1143:eltiarif IleorWIMati,"atilf iFeecacgitigInt113
. person to tielleted to me
harkwoll's BronchialmS
halsato win
oan), Cough. 6 Hood's arsaparilla.
Cold, 'Bronchitis or Asthma. rour bottles bat done more for me than $200
worth of oilier medic. It'll& it the best
Chinese;laborert are being iMported bloscl roirillat known.'
IL tt, I). liVasio,
arch street, Cornwallis N. s
Hotetra PH...8 cure liver Ma, eotatitor.
illt0 Africa to, tetseti the native* how. ,
to cultivate Wand tattoo, two, 11"4"MIN !mai% skit •lartisentlee N.
a: it one 1, cc.ave. ow ms ip• nal IR
Mrs. XL D. West
of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia.
are working like a slave to
others You are getting a fair I it Was one of nut forte.'hut hardly es.
but it should he double whet it peded to see tile president himself.
hy illave away for years to got I expected it was you, be paid
thousand idiead when you can be entered ; 'always the last to go,
hand on a fortune any dav ? 1 You are 'working too hard. and must
jdte take a rest. At a meeting of the
stn. lug but then we alt
You are young rind full of beard to4a7 it was aeolaAatO give you
na ambition. With $50,000; a tiontiee leave awl a gift el $500 in
efficient, arid we wish you to know
you you can rto to some foreign I
and intitO minions and become llow thoroughly you are WPPreeiMed,
few years. 1 don't remember what 1 said in
d have itamplarlettch thoughts reply, bat 1 do remember that some.
brother's ales, in Philadelphia who
skipped out two years ago with $�-
000? Wsti he's been overhauled, Ile
Went to rev, no doubt expecting to
have grand tines. It atoms everybody
soon knew ho Was a thief, and 110 Wag
an °biros of general contempt. Ile
wandered about,alwais a marked man,
and at last Was to °venoms with
shame and degradation that be asked
to he arrested and, sent backas was
despised, insulted and „plundered. ana
. •
, 4
No bad habits,
" No objections to ten dollars per
week to start upon. Would
be pleased to hear from you.