HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-02, Page 5Wlutenirdroll. •:• The annual mwet isre of the White. • church Oreamery OtiTOill be held ; the Forestershall, in t1.114 p111,00, on Saturday, Deeember I7tIbat 1 o'clock, whet) the dividends will be paid, ! directore elected, and other business transacted. Al! patrons, eliareholders I Ad others interested are cordially invited to attend. Relgrave• Au eloquent lecture on "Alanlineesti will be given in the Methodist snatch next Mon•lay night, the lectur•er, Bev 6 Sellery, of Winghain. Fur the lecture 15 cents, for the course only 25 ceuts.—Pine samples of cheese shipped front here last Wednesday for the old coantry.—Rev Mr Watson, of Winghatn, gave a lecture last, Tuesday evening, in the stone schoulhouee, 2nd Morris,—Illiss Lilly McConnell, of this place, spent Sunday with her parents in Blyth,—The anneal Christ- mas tree. entertainment under the auspices of the young people of Trinity church will be lield in the Foresters' hall on Monday evening, December 26th, A good time is expected, —Mr E Livingston ishaving his saw mill push. ed forward to completion.lorge quint titles of grain, wool, eto, 'have been marketed in this place during the past weelc.—Mr J Watson, of Blirth, was visiting friends in this neighborhood (luring the weak.- -1t Geo Walsh has secured a situation in the Wingliani pop shop. Lower Wingham. An entertainment will be held in the school house here, nn Friday even- ing, December 9111. • The teacher, Hartley, has wade arrangements for a -splendid programme. Recitations and dialogues by the pupils and sciige hy Messrs Jou Stephenson and Ogle Johnston, reading:3 by Mr D Pracy., mush, by the harmonica hand and farce by several amateurs sire 0,11011 the rest. Admission 'of 15 w'nts fur adults and 10 cents for school childreu will be charged, which mill he used iti defraying expenses and puichasing prizes for the children of the school. Benehes • will be procured so as to furnish everyone with seats. Enter. tainment to begin at 8 o'cloulc.--Mr Jos Kerr has retnoved to the vicinity of Hutt in & Carr s Win •Austin now occupies the house that Mr Jos Xerr lived in:—On Saturday evening last, a nointler of friends gathered at the residence of Mr Sim Wellwood and preseuted else and Mrs Reid nil h a purse containing about $65. Truly this was a gellerutni act. liastowei. The Methodist °introit annivers•try is find for Sunday and „ Momlay, Deoeaiber 18th and 19th.—The High School "Literary and Athletic As.ocia- tion" purpose giving an entertain. meat in toi,vn hall, Listowel, o the evening of the 20th of December — Look out for the renowned Joe Hess on Sunday afternoon, December lith, when he will commence n serieu o temperaneeinee.tingsti, Continue anti the 17th, inclusive. The meeting will eonintence in the Methodist church, and it is expected they Wil be equall divided between the Metho dist and Presbyterian churches during the wesk.—Dr R Willoughby has decided to re enter the active work, o Weak Children will derive strength and acquire robust health by a persevering use of thegreat Food Medicine SCOTT'S EMULSION "OA.IITION."—Bswarovot substitutes. Genuine prepared by Scott &Downes Belleville. Sold by all draggle's. 50e. and $L00. „ BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service Ox, tho premises, Park Lot. 46, Winch= Town Plot, a Ches. tier White Tar, Terms -71 cents at time of servioe with privilege of returning or 01.25 if not so paid, WL CAMPBELL, Proprietor,. SALESMAN WANTED. To sell our unexoelled Nursery Stock. Steady employment and control of the territory. Have clone business In Canada .55 years. Liberal pay to the right mem. Send far terms. CHASE BROTHCO., Colberaft,On •HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4. Turnberry, four thoroughbred Holstein bulls. tang- les- f row .9 to .18 months old, Tiet above mentioned animals are all well marked and registered in the Canadian Hurd Bonk. They will be sold cheap and MIS), toms to suit purchasers. JAS BI,LIOT, • Breeder of Holstein Cattle, Birrevale. Ont. CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT: OIMINIMIMMIN•11•1. Coal in ear lots solddireet tO consumers. No intermediate profits, Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to SIP Cones and Clubs. M. D. M. A., 1.. C. P. S. 0., M. C. P. S. M., TORONTO 1 4. the ministry flt fit•XC, eonference, unless some adverse physicalsyinptoms should appenr in the meantime. The Quer. terly Official Board of the Listowel station having heard of the doctor's intention, extended to him an invite. tion to become their pastor for the . next term. He intimated, in reply, that if the stationing committee should appoint him to Listowel it would be very satisfactory to hurt. Several Killed. VIENNA; Nor'29.—A frightful rail- way accident is reported from Ssolne, or Salon!, 85 miles nertheast of Troll- tschiii, on the Wasg. Owing to the mistake of alt engineer, who did not notice the signals, two trains came in collhdon in the suburbs of the town, one of the trains, which was full of possengers, being. 'wrecked. Several persons %Vele instantly killed and • others endured long agony before they Were reSeued. .A women was itnpaled Ou a long splinter ofsthe Carriage in which she was riding and tottered for some time before she died The splinter went through her body and could not be extracted until lier death. Others wore crushed ,beneath the wheels of the carriages,'which fell over on them in the wreck. Many persons Were permanently crippled and the -bomber mjured is very great. Grana Trunk Railway earnings !dr the week ending Nov 26, 1892, $896,. 6881 corresponding week in 1891, f887,"tet ;,ina n,ha 128M8 0 Specialist for the treatment of all Chrome Diseases. Private Diseases, Diseases of the Brain and Nerve, Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, And Diseases of Women positively Treated successfully. Diseases Of private nature lirotight on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE.. DR S I l'ICLAIR, will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, ON • FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9th. 1892 12,000 Bushels Apples! Wanted, • The undersigned will be prepared to purchase any quantity of apples on and after PRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, Apples to be delivered at the wingbain Evaporating Factory, Alfred etreet, near woolen mills. Windfalls and all kinds of apples will do except very small or mel- low ones and may be shaken from the trees. Apples may be delivered in bags, for which a good price will be paid. About 75 cords of hard wood or tame - Tao wanted. NATILER, MOS. L.ADEPS, SEND POE Illustrated CoIologile of Ladies' SpeoialtiOs, 4DDRESS THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO., 19 QI.I.BEWST, BAST, TORONTO, ONT. Mention this paper ^ ^ CHEAP P BLICATIONS. TiNv n there s strength. Unionttto hid cos cheapness. an illtut on of this we arc OM to offer the Tam. ne year, and iVedern A41- vertirier, Loiidon,i tario, for 1893, balance of 1892 free, fon . 1.50, The Advertia pages of seven hailed weekly, It is a oleau pa tains complete wept s in every Subioribe rtto for 1 will coutain eight column itch and is pub. G one dol .per annum. er for the me, and can. literary and depart" .THE CHINA HOUSE • . TIED *NT o,B4O4DIN before the arrival of my Xmas Goods, 1 will sell all o04 line,: ware, Ohinaware, JAc., at greatly reilneed In•iees. PRINTED TOILET SETS Fnom $2.50 UP. LATEST PATTERNS IR DINNER SET ire them bef.,e0 hu' any otheSly r. titoek of Omit:Ram, FRUITS anil 1A.NNED iUt.lM • is F iLI(1 It 1.,LXABLiil New Raisins—New Currants—New Salm( Alien's. Patent Mince Pleat TE. Y 19 Try a bar of Sapolio for ltitmlien clettnini! e &00D PURE COFFlicIlg, PURf SPt(Jl Alp GOOD A rail Ndieiteti. umber. ce. Address Tiat, s office, JOB PRINTING TNCLUDI NO Books, Pamphlets, Posters, BIB Heads, Circulars, ste., 5.m., execute& in the best style of the art, at moderato prices, and,on short PAY YOU BEST notice. Appl r or address It. ELLIOTT, Tiaras Moo, Witigholo• IN THE END, Ti W. T. YATE IT WILL ZETLAtD PUMP WORKS. 1 wish to intimate to the people of Zetland and surrounding -country that 1 have cotnmenced the manufacture of all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, and can supply them on the sholtest notice. Will also bo itt a position tosupply Iron and Fcrce Pumps to order, ' Repairing attendcd to. Prices iirsontible, of CHATHAM, ONT., established 1876. This Institution Is the peer 01 any Mignon college or shoi -.school In Ainoriaa, and vastly suuerior to any other school of the kind in Canada. , !, • JOHN DEMON. These ...re the Advantages wo offer; The two best penmen in Canada, the best and largest Zetlandday 6thle9g. , teachers, the best course 41 shorthand and typewriting, the inisteourse,of biiiiiiess straining, the Ingt of rooms, the best equipments in every respect the bust record ler placing its students in the host .010•1•11,11.1•••••••••••01••••••••••••••• NOTHING TX SHOULD SATI YOU. Clever, Energetic Young Men and Wonlen, who intend to qualify for positions in Book•keeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, should wt catalogues of both departments of — - • — positrons in the business wirrld. Wingham Saw and PlanirMiiis, from a tH3tancE! to the limit of $3.00. -40.,1 board in pleasant hoonT for I elks at 02, gents 6'2 Zi() Our college rooms occupy over 8000 square feet of space. We Iry the railway fare of students c a catalogues of either department, address, D. TVIel,A.041.,/a1C, Principal The undersigned have now on hand la largo stock DRY PINE, HEMLOCK, TAMARACK. sod HARDWOOD LU1113.811 • Dressed or undressed xxx and xx. NORTH SHORE SHINGLES, NO. 1 CEDAR SHINGLEB, STAVES, HEADINGS, BARRELS, WOOD, ec 0., at prices that defy competition. Patties intending to build will find 15 10 their interest to ,IVC D. Call before placing. their orders, as we are determined not to be undersold. Custom work attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. • MCLEAN & SON. "--. c .0. • M .if . SON FURS, ..,- • -:. ni r. '.Ta 3;itR i '''•,'. _ has ivathoVeffiiiiiil!idthL ufh 04 his '. Old stand, fki t114.0pt00.101. ocOui4ed by;i,. HALS#V1$44SOOTIT2 '4.' t,,,"- fi, ,:,,'',, • ,o, bankbr'SA Wiiercletainiore rooniancl , , ., , , . . is betteNPrepared ,thiratever to serve the Waits ettheAblie. ..rtoacr*.r•N..o'ueae.rsmmncupnm...man....awgnr....*P•niaiart*go•aa...ernawmoiszsumaaaswusprr•ws.nnxvr•nanaacauws.,a..•ctrr•so2ws•••• Will offer for the next JD Startling inducements in Many lines at 50c. on the dollar. tie shies you reiidis, ,gupple- mmit tbisiveek. M. PATTERSON. MANTLE CLOTHS and SEALETTE All must be cleaned do it. out if prices wi FLANNELS weekly Free Press Best makes in the market. Prices b low the lowest. FARM AND HOIVIF. ... ' FOR 1893 .... i $1.00 $1.00' R n fir y I _a_ ,,,sc...4%_ , • ._, e 01 )11 BOth.Papers for ('. i ENLARGED AND IMPROVER : Stock complete. Prices ri.--ht. A HIGH CUSS FAMILY PAPER. 1!) 11.,h leitish Number Will Contain Bar. Da. TAINAGH'Es SMO106 delivered the Sunday pri41We p.vion.,,..h.. e WAXRAIAN'ti WAVbith1:405. AeltIC9LTIMAt. Marten—Illustrated. Iin ,AEA' PA011—Illulittatda. c A Sinuat, Tst,t, hinl other intotteitingyeadingmatt.er, -- SUBSCRIBE Vow a i therek. 'Prim One Dollar a year in savancet for the WitERIN PRED PRESS and FAUN AND 110111i —In all Idvsges. DsIsncs ef 1f92 free to flew subterie6rs, Agents Wanted in eNcrY 0:m1)1N:wonted district 66 solicit subscriptions. vast rItE88 PRI4TiN0 00,, London °mimic havetha Long Boot at a sho If you see them you'll bu Call sad see us. T. A. MILLS.