HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-02, Page 4O. E. WILLIAM
-AND.,..DUG1 ISS".
opp. Brunswick House
W ingiaam, - - - Ont
N 5, has been called to the Senate, iu
the place of late Senator Grant.
T>sn only Dominion election peti-
tions yet to be tried are those against
Bon J 0 Patterson, of West Huron,
and W B. Bennett, of East Simcoe,
Both are Conservatives.
ACCORDING to the United States
census of 1890, there were 980,941
Canadians in the United States at that
tithe, au increase of 233,784 as coat -
pared with 1880. "
.A DRAFT of Gladsto ie's Home Rule
hill has been submitted to Irish lead-
ers witli a request for suggestions as to
changes. It provides for retention of
the full strength of the Irish party in
the Imperial Parliament and for
strengthening the imperial veto.
A aloNTneAL uewepaper states that
in well-informed circles it is consider-
ed settled that the Canadian Pacific
Railway Company will got the Gov-
ernment contract for the fast Atlantic
mail ser%iee; and that the line will
lJ probably be establisher) next summer.
Tnn Manitoba School 'question is
just now giving Conservative politi-
cians a good deal of concern. A feel-
ing tbat Sir John Thompson will
.strain the constitution to give to the
Cathode minority in Manitoba wlrat
they are not entitled to, seems to be
effecting a large number of the Causer -
waive press and members of parliae
Ix addition to the `62,30S,47 5 ob-
. tained by the Ontario Government
as bonus at the recent sale of 618
miles of timber limits, the Provincial
Treasury will receive C*i3 per square
mile yearly for ground rent and $1.25
ois every thousand feet,be.ard measure,
of pine cut off the land Only the
pine timber shall L,e cut, the terms of
sale so stipulating:.
Tua accession of $Sir John Thomp-
son to tete Premiership is not very
palatable to a large section of the
Conservative party. A man's religion
should not be a bar to his elevation, to
a position of honor and responsibility
in our country. Sir John is an able,
man, and has been the leader of the
Conservative party iu the House of
Commons for the past year, and would
have been Premier at the death of Sir
John Macdonald but for the opposition
of a section of his party.
TIM subcommittee of the Priv
,Cohucil appointed to receive the pati.
tions of the Roman Cntlgclies o
1,1anitoba and hear their counsel's
;e.tatemer.t of the reasons 'for the Pres-
ntatitt of the petitions, tnet on Sat-
rday last. The committee 15 coin-
osed of Sir John Thompson, Steam
°well, Chapleau tend .Dilly, Mr J S ,
wart, couneel for the •petitionerty
:ppeured before the ettint titters and
/teed thotr case, when the committee
pinned to notify the Munitoba
Jack Frost has again dropped his
sparkling n,unrle ori Mettler Earth,
and the merry ohlnie of the s,eigh
bells may be heard as of yore.—The
few inches of snow that has fallen
the past week,mekrs our town cousins
rejoice, but wheu the farmer has piled
a cord of wood up in their yard and
cake at the door for his two dollars
and seventy-five cents, it is amusing
t0 see how carefully he a ants out the
dimes, flit woe-begottou face appeat•itg
as if it would never smile ugain.--The
marry Mende of Mrs Wm Bray, 8rd
liar, will be pleased to bear that bhp.
is once more able to leave the house,
after being confined to the house for
Matta the months, ---Mr's Wen Ander-
on, mother of Quiutin Ani]erson, who
i Tux llitcliell Adrtreate says that not
a single account in cotiafietilan with
Mr. Sorimgeour's election contest in
North Perth hae as yet been pail, and
several claims will cone befte:a His
Honor Judge Weeds, at the next sit-
ting of the Division Court iii M itehell
Proceedings ttre also to be taken
against his agent to recover the penal.
ties for neglecting; to enalce his returns
to the returning officer, with vouchers
that all accounts were paid, within the
time required by law. Frotu the above
it would appear that our Tory frionds
in North Perth have trot themselves
into trouble over their last election
Allow 8,000 people were gathered
together in Montreal,ou Monday even
ing, to hear a discussion on the future
of Canada, The speakers and subjects
were as follows :-colonial system, Mr
J T Cardinal, advooataa president of
the Club Coneervateur; (2) Imperial
federation, Mr Archibald McGoun, ad-
vocate, professor of law in McGill
university, and secretary of the Im-
perial Federation league; (3) Iudepen-
dence.Mr Rodolphe Lemieux,advooate;
(4) American Union,Mr Elgin Meyers,
Q 0, Toronto. A vote Was taken as
follows: Independence, 1,614; Ameri-
can union, 992; colonial system, 364;
Imperial federation, 29.
SIR JOHN ABBOTT, on account of con-
tinued ill -health, bas tendered 'his
resignation to "Lord Stanley, who has
called upon Sir John Thompsten to
form a cabinet. Sir Jelin Thompson
has accepted the responsibility and it
is expeotei that he will furnish the
Governor with the narues of his minis-
ters to -day, when they will be made
pub1ie. Until then nothiur; definite
can be said as t., the personnel of the
Thompson :Ministry, but it is rumored
that there will not be a great deal of
c1n nge from the Abbott Ministry. Hon
Mr Chaplean's name`has been mention.
ed in connection with the Lient-Gover-
uorship of Quebec.
TIIx Stratford Liberal Club, after a
protracted debate ou the trade ques-
tion, adopted the following declaration
of principles :—"Freedom to trade
with foreigners as well as with fellow -
citizens is the birthright of every
citizen of a free state, and the existing
infringements upon such rights should
cease ; therefore, this association, to
attain such an end, wi l hail with de-
light all meaeures (1) for the reduction
of tlae present extravagant national
expenditure, (2) for the increase of
taxation upon intoxicating liquors and
other luxuries, (3) for the immediate
reduction and ultimate extinction of
toxin' dues upon goods of British pro-
duction, (4) for the like reduction and
extinction of tariff dues iu favor of any
country extending to us like privilege,
and (5) for so amending our fiscal
system as to render thio trade pro-
gramme practicable, not shrinking
from the sal stitution of so mach
direct or indirect taxation as may be
found needful to accomplish it safely."
as been lying at death's door for the
past seven: or eight months, is stiff no
beteer, lira Atidereou is now ill her
•ighty-sixth year and calmly awake
the end, without a murmur of cern• a
plaint. --'lila new brick residence of A, t
K McAllister on the 2nd line is coin- I
!detect, and "141' McA.ilister and faintly
Inrve moved in it and are tt},le to tell o
you the many advantages the modern 1
brick bootie eras over the "Old tri I+
cabin of iour days." The toasty:.
tors were Home Pugh, Haney and J
vernment, So that they may' Cntt'e
nsel id look after their intereetd
a Witimi .'g Tribune, the organ of
la'e Manitoba Government, says they
¢ill. tot appear► before the committee;
till English Ia'fivy Counsel luta
*aided the matter and they will stand
ttlaat tlevisiotr.
Roddick and: -they have to show for Soheltield, of the Standard Bank here,
their work something of which they left on Monday of this week to tette
may be pread.—Death laas once more charge of the Chatham agency winch
been in our midst tiled the Giver of all is the best position outside of head.
Good has called to ti Ritnself the tin- oflleo. Mr Schollie•id is a good agent
mortal spirit of Jessie, eldest daughter and is deserving of the high position
of Alex rtud. Maty Forsyth aged 9 to which he has been appointed, W
years and 11 mouths, Setae 3 years D Hart, of Toronto, who will be 11r
ago this patina little sufferer contract- Sebelfield's successor, arrived herr on
ediniamination on the lungefrotn which Wednesday of last week. --Last week,
she never entirely recovered. .About lair 11 J Streng,photo;rapher, received
two mouths age she was again pros-
trated with scarlet fever and contract-
ed a cold'at the sante time, 11 soon
became evident that qutcic 'consump-
tion was doing its deadly work, and so
an order from the Cosgrove Company
for 400 cabinet photos, as well as a
lsrge number of larger ones, This
speakswell for Mr Strong's worn -•-•
On Thursday, December lst, the
proved, for on 1Vednesdny evening second dividend of the McIntosh &
of last week the spirit of the patient MoTaggert firm was paid' to the oredi-
little sufferer took its flight to the tars, at Gillies at Smith's private bank,
realms of the blest. Mr and Mrs of this place.—Rev John Mulholland,
Forsyth are to be deeply sympathised of one of the American Conferences,
with.—Ort Wednesday evening of last and a former resident of this locality,
week the spacious and comfortable made a short visit to his parents Inst
residence of Mr R Armstrong was week.—Air A. R Smith spent part of
the scene of a most pleasing event, last week in 'Toronto on a, purchasing
being the marriage of his•2nd daughter trip.—lfi J MParsons, .repruaentative
Miss Annie, to Joel. H Sellars, of the of the Ronald Piro Engine Works, has
the sante line. The matrimonial knot gone to .British Columbia on a business.
wad tied by Bev J W Pring, of Blue- tt'ip.—Our. be rd 18 hard at work on
,new music. Among other -pieces is
"St Leon" march, a composition of
Harry J Whitley, of :Kincardine.
Bandmaster Jones says the boys are
dning well' anti will give a good account
vale. After the ceremony upwards
of 100 guests sat down to a bonntifulf
spread, to which it is needless to say
ample justice was done by each and
everybody, We can only see? what is
usual to say in such cases, that the
wedding presents to . the bride and
groom were numerous, beautiful, n'Se
fut and costly, showing tete esteem in
which• the happy young couple ere
'held by their friends. Mr and Mrs
Sellars left at as early hour for their
new home close by, amid a shower of
rice and good wishes of all their
friends. We extend to this young
couple our best wishes, and may their
greatest trouble be "little ones ".
We clip the following • from the
Ayton correspondence to the Hanover
Post, with reference to Mr J W Scott,
formerly of this plane ;-"We bad the
pleasure of witnessing; a proof of the
wisdom of tbe Ayton School Board at
their concert, in connection with their
school:which was held in the town
halt on the Ilth of November. About
a year ago the Board employed Mr
Scott, dentist, here, to teach the child-
ren vocal music.' It is difficult to give
special ntentiou to any of the pieces
sung by the • children as all were ren•
dered in an excellent manner. -The
°'Laughing Song' and the "Sun Flow.
er Song" showed clearly that the
efforts df the musical direetor,to culti-
vate the musical talent of the pupils
had met with no mean success, and
the school which is so fortunate as to
have such ate efficient tutor as our Mr
Scott is to be congratulated. The
pleasing manner in which the dramatic
part of the progratume was carried out,
reflects great credit on the principal of
the school, Mr Houghson, and his
assistant, Miss 1lorrice. 11uch taste
was displayed in the selection
in of the pieces, and the way
thick they • ,werre rendered made
them both edifying and amusing. The
singing of the adult choir was good,
and was well received by the audience,
as was also the recitation of Miss
Morriee. The vooiferous applause
which followed the rendition of a vocal
soh by Miss Beatty showed the hearty
wanner in which the audience could
appreciate a sweet, melodious and
cultivated voice. Dr Landerkio 111',
was present and when taking the
platform eves greeted' with an ovation
that made the blood tingle in the veins
of every liberal minded son of Canada
that ever cast a vote, for the barefaced
Landerkin. His speech was short,
interesting and apprt,priate. The
Ayton Brass band' and Mr Rahl's
of handsome new fabrics will prove to'btT
veryinterestiug both to ladies and gentlt�
men. le Dress and 'Bantle goods t1!
stock is large and varied embracing the•
very latest shades and designs, and f
quality they are unsurpassed, but at
pen description ofthem would fail to
give au accurate disoription of their
beauty and excellence ; we would there-
fore cordially invite all intending i3tlrole-
users to call and examine those fashion-
able and seasonable goods, get (=prices,
No matter holy nice goods may look, we
are anxious to sell theta and a small
amount over cost will secure them, this •
is not idle talk as anyone can prove by
seeing our goods and bearing our cut
prices—just arrived a large purchase of
boys' and men's ready, madesuits and
overcoats, they are bargains, see
them --Do not risk your healon by wearin. g
bad shoes at this season, when you oan
get the very best Boots, Shoes and Rub- •
bars from us for so little money-7We
give big values in pure fresh groceries
and spices, prime teas are a spooiality
with us, try a sample pound of our cele-
brated "Ram Lets" and "Pure Russian
Blend" black teas.—Gents Furnishings
of the hard practice they aro now and ordered suits and overcoats, always
putting in, command our very best attention.
Hullett. The Big Brown Anchor,
Mrs Wm Gfbbings, near Alma, Winrxbaru, October 7th,1892. ,
Huron Road, committed suicide by ---
hanging herself on Friday morning supper on Friday evening last, after
last. For some time the deceased the regular business had been finished.
lady had been in a melancholy state, _pts Lunn anti Young were called
but no cause eoulcl be assigned for the upon to rcnnnve an eye fromMrs e
sad and terrible act.' She was about Bruce, of the 13th conoession,Hullrtt.
56 years of age, and leaves her bus- —Mr Jos Stephens, of Auburn, was
band, four sons and two daughters. in the village one day last week.—
The deceased was married to Mr Gib- 11•evlval meetings sto'l'id in the
biugs over 80 years ago and the couple Jlethodist church . u Sunday lain. Rev
and family have always lived a Chris- It Paul, of Brussels, preached at, both
tian and happy life. , For years.the services. The meetings w re continu-
deceased was ap active 5 S woker. ed anon, this week —An effort is
Mr Gibbings owns the property in being made to start it lodge of the
Virden, Manitoba, which he was this Canadian Houle Circle, in this place. h,
season assistiug a eon to work. •Mrs —Tire following prograrnnre was pre-
Gibhings thought she would like to , sented et the 1°0 GI T lodge last week:
join her husband, and some time ago Recitation, W ISEoVittie;• duet, Jennie
the lady returned, accompanied by a•: Melinzie and Orphe Whitely,• mouth
neighbor. Last Friday 'morning the ' organ eelection,John Shobhrook; organ
deceased asked her son if he was going iustrunlental•, Mary Scott; song,Sarah
to do some plowing and he replied Hill • address,Thos toleread:n
"yes." In his absence the deceased . Agnes ; ; n,
Scutt; moot!! organ selhetion,
went to the barn. It would appear Frank Longman • recitation Edna
she secured 'a plow line, tied it into „Allen. Four more names were added
a loop and fastened it around a beam.to the lodge roll, Tne lodge e ill visit
'Pile fatal step was taken off a hand Sommervillelodge on Wednesday
roller,. A very short time after, being Pveuing, the 7th }lust,-1!lr Joseph
missed, the corpse wtis found, The Cnleleugh, of this place, is still tluite.
features were calm aud peaceful look. ill.. He first had an attack ' of fiiver,
ing ; the body only ,'bawl three inehes froth
which he had pretty well recov�
from the ground. Just at this time Pri,d,bnt some other ailment bus again
coroner Scott, of S"afcrtlt, was puss• laid tan loSv.
ing. Ne viewed the remains, but did
not consider an inquest necessary, Mr,. Blyth.
Gibbins was telegraphed for and was' Word • was received in town on
expected Tuesday afternoon The Saturday last that the prisoner, A. E
whole, family and relrttivee are x'ell-to-, Gengeon, who was recentey =sentenced
do and held in high esteem .; the to • three months imprisonment for
affliction is sad indeed and the seen- assaulting hotel keeper Kelly, of this
pathy of the entire community go"s- place, escaped from the county jail on
out to the family. Saturday, by opening the wood yard
gate.—Our tax collector has been on
Clinton. the war path during the past week.—
Rev Mr Stafford, of Toronto, oeeu" The town council held a steeial meet-
pied the pulpit of tbe Rattenbury ing i,i Industry ttall, on 4i'ednesdr}y
street Methodist chttrr;h on Sunday ereni,r, of, lust weep, art
wound up
last...-aliss S A Wintertnute, recently the arrangemeits with J 13 Kelly for.
from Japan, delivered an address on png up er•l.rhe
mission wore in Japan, in the Batten- otreeuttits.—RAt'r '1' 1�e,:tiTiieg;leyligists visitioiuonrng
bury street Methodist church, on' friends in London and St Thomas this
Thursday evening, Deceinber lst,—Mr weak --Mr 5 Grncey,of Wingham,was
J H Combe, druggist, has enlarged in towel 011 allouday lust. --The sleigh
and improved the laboratory in con- ing• for the past few days has made
nection with his drug store.—Mr Alex things lively on our,streets.—The.
Inglis has been nursing one of his regular monthly meeting of the town
hands for seireral days from the effects council will be held tin Monday even -
of blood poisoning. --Mr E F, Barrow, ing next.—The aauual ►neetiog of the
of the Molso►1's Bank, has heel pro- Blyth Branch of the Bible and Tract
orchestra supplied excellent music and 1 moted to the head offiee " at Mnntrcat. Society is to he held in the Presbyter -
added much to the enjoyment of the Mr A 0 Stnylie,of London, will succeed ian church on Tuesday evening,. '6th
audience The concert was in every him in this ' place, --Anniversary ser• inst., when the secretary of the society,
respect a grand success and the well vices will he held in the Baptist Rev Mr Moffat, of Tomlin, will ad
filled house indicated the interest church, of this place,
on Sunday: Lc,• dress the congrenution. ; 11iea -111c-
taken in the school work by the par=
camber 110.—St Paul's Sunday echocl' Quarrie, of this place, is the guest of
eats, which is always very great en- of this place, will hold e Christmas Mrs T W Watts, Clinton, this week.
cou:agemeut to the children. We tree entet'tuinneenton Tuesday evetling; —Mr 8 Gidley, of this plane, Was in
look forward with anticipation to the December 20th ---Mr W 1.) Fair, of Clinton ou'I'hureday least.
next annual Musical and Literary I Ibis place, 18 away on a week's boli
days to Ayr, Paris, Galt and Toronto, Bluevale
.--Mrs'1'tadall has returned home from At a Meeting which Was held in the
her visit to Toronto, Strathroy and Presbyterian church, on Tuesday even
I;ondori.—Mr Lack Kennedy has add- int' it was detsided to have a tea-. 's
•Brussels. ed to his bar fixtures a handsome now meeting. no Friday, December 28, the •
Mr Jas i4lcAlphitte, wife and family, silver Water heater, made by Booth it proceeds to he:given to the funds of
of Winghatn, have moved to town. Sent Toronto. - Mr W Jae,kson was the Sundaysehuol.---Thearrangements
Me McAlpine intends openinga restaur in Toronto last ween nn a purehaeing are completed for the Foresters' soeiai
alit in town and we wish him every txnr,—Mrs.J A McDonaldin
awl child„ 'on Wednesday, December 6th. Love
auceees —Mr J 1) Ronald has arrived of Toronto, spent a few days n town nor money will not gain you admission
home from Halifax,' N S.... Bliss last week —Mr El Bowers, of Wind- unless yott possess an incitation from
Barris, with' hue teem insrtiug has sor, is visiting friends rt1 town,.—Mtr. G a meinhert—'Joe and Jerry" made a •
inter, Mrs Jas 13ei1, in town, lois re- A Anderson, of Goderich, was vsstting'good list in the Foresters' Hall on
urned to Rothsay.-1'he restaur,trtt in town lac; wrveek:.�-.-Mr •J 11 %carte; 'Friday eveni'rig. They gavu some ver
tare has ()hanged panus again•, Mr E of Mitchell, was renewing acquaint. severe oritieims of some young Blue
11 Kaiser, of Wiutgham, !laving pug- I auoes in town last weep;, veleites,re•.Dr lw,tigl►t succeeded in ors
Inured it from Mr 1i Kelly,—Council- ganiytng a school for the training 4f
"entail, Mich.—The Rev Mr Riley, or (;,rower !las arrived borne from rondesi;t5rli. < - the horse. Although under the ins
Sir. }tarry Rade is workin •, in the thymus as liquor, he was able to :tell
Cheeley, contiurted the servicei tt St woudahop of Mr J Brunsdod'i•=- Pete .thotti something they ,iced not heard
ohn's church on Sunday 1a4— 0 E• U'orerterr, of this plate, had art oyete;f before about the hors%
Entertainment of Ayton and hi the
meantime will +nurse our impatience its
best we can.