HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-02, Page 3^ „ n • • - • -
NTABIO A,G1110171,171,111,- [ the dairy breeds and a number of
'grades. A record of the pounds of
milk and percent of fat is kept of eaeli
MILLEN= EfpIPPM) INSTITUTION With this equipment our regular
-7sorkk OF win moreaTts student might to get a fair knowledge
atvon, tax STUDENTS, •of the mannfacture of milk into both
!butter and elteese. For the benefit of
In times past there has been vine [
ose w o cannot spare t time to
Notont, Not %local. Nut Coottlonol,
1)r Pio. Lewis. the eminent Boston phy.
1 stolen. in a magazine article says ;
; radical error underlies nearly all medies4
treatment of orttarth. It is not a disease
1 of the man's nose ; tt is a disease of the
Man, showing itself in the riose-0. Local
exhibition of a Oonstituttonal trouble."
ITherefore he argues, the use of snuff and
while they seem to give temporary reliefs
they really do more harm than good,
e. ee with Dr Iratbaway, Whitmore, Zenon', rrench Dressing,
complaint that too much tloory was
take the f ull course it is our intention Lcwik!,. IIimee, the, only proper method of ,E0,11,paeLlibirby tilieya'sillo'evirfeocrt il4eTtc, in
cure inr catarrh Is by taking a cOnsti-
taught and not enough practice given
to start 0 Vona] remedy like Rood's l'iarsaparille., 41- -4"" eill"\ tez.P1Q°4
c1(0111, eV's arren2C5he
Atil,t110 Farmers' College Through the
smeovef, SHOUT COURSE., which, reaching every parb of tits body
instrumentality of our progressive
Minister of Acetioniture the fiber
' - • sa
ality of the Ontario (4overnment this
other Iowa applications m wrong. and
Other leadinganthoriti s tusr
Trains Arrive curd depart as follows i
ID:35 A. m ...... ....For Toronto _ .........0:35 A. ni.
.ir i 2:00 p. in 1,2:0 p.m
2:00 p. in Vor Teeswater 2WO
To General Merchants and Boot and Hhoo Stores., 10:50 0 ill ii 10:55 '
In connection with ray Leather Business 1 koop
full stock of
1 GiM.464. tsr :D TleiTT.,LVIC ,..E4grr
A. C. sTRATIIDER, Mawr, la mows.
. , Through tickets to WI points in America,--„Nartis,
' I West, Paellic Lioast, cte., via the shortest and a 1
; popular routes. Baggage enceted through t ,
1 destination, Lowest freight rates to all points
0:35 a.m.TorontO,Onelph,Fahnerston,.40.2:37 p.m
' 11:20 ' .4 ,I. $4 1002 "
0:50 p;10. " " Clinton
7:15 ...... Pannerston, Mixt:a 10:40 a.m.
0:45 a.m..... . ..... London, 4.m., 11:00 4.'
700 p.m.
Kincardine, dm .... 0:35 a.m.
1.1:30 "
7:15 p.n
through the blood, does eliminate all itift•
e0111thelleillg FetrIlttrY 1st, 1893, and purities told makes the whole man health.
continuing two months. This is de. itteurh rie!1,0'ermeir teriethcoi neeaulll oji 117 btlo°
signed for the benefit Cif factorymen
and others who are malting a specialty
of dairying. The course will be thrOW11
open to ladies also %vho may desire to
take such a course of instruction,
Competent instructors will ho employ-
ed in each' department while one lec-
ture each day will be given by members
of the College etaff. Not only seienti-
fic dairy practice will be taught, but
also other sciences which hear more or
less directly on the subject 'NM be
treated %ery briefly. Experts will
give lessons on the judging of butter
and cheyse by points . There will be
110 tution fee, but the sum of five dol-
lars, will be charged for the use of
chemicals- and tof cover breakages.
The students who pass the practical
writton examination. at.,.the end of the
term and also do satisfactory work, in
the factory. for one year either before
or after attendihg the special CLAIMS
will be granted a diploma from the
giving instruction in the art of butter. college.
Every cheese :Ind butter maker in
the pr oviuce should he a centre of fight
and konw !edge in 1118 own neighbor.
hood, and be aide to give patrons use-
ful advice as to breeding cattle, char-
acteristics of the different breeds, best
rations for feeding t.) produce
milk, bow to care. fur r4iilt, the irupor .
tante of caring for good milk, and a
proper etindition, nett this is the practi-
cal result is proves by thounancis of poo'.
ple who have been cured o on,tarrli by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.
hi Leather, Horsehide, B_nglish Kips BorPoieei
Cotton and Rifle. in all lengths.
Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, Atc.
3:50 41
11:20 5.01
3:37 p.m
Mont is now able to give practical as10.02 "
well as theoretical institution in this
now most importitut branoh of agrioul-
is being remedied, The dairy depart -
What was formerly the creamery
and residence of the butter -maker has
been remodelled, Kate improvements
made and additions added until it
answers fairly the purpose intended.
The, cheese department c011tains
lecture room, provided. with chairs
having' sqitable arms for taking notes,
nett ovi;•rlooks the working room which
has six vats, curd mills, presses, hoops
and complete outfits for the manufac-
. ture of cheddar oheese. The curing -
room is conveniently located. The
butter department bas also a laetrile
room.• . Three cream separators, one
buttermakers, one butter extractor,
three oburns, workers, vats, etc., make
this department fully equipped for
• malting by the latest improved machinery and in the best methods. A
hasetnebt under the lecture room serve
for creamers, refrigerators, skim and
'buttermilk tanks anti genereil wash
tert? room. The lee house near the refrig-
erator furnishes material for Cooling
• milk, cream • and batter.
milk testing the latest tests are ia use
. every day, while those more common. great many other matters that con-
' ly known are kept fur illustration. front the dairyman every day. For
• Owing to the difficulty of Senuring his own sake he should know the best
• suitable books the subject, it -is not
an easy matter to -collect a, library op
• dairying, but such as they aro we shall
have, together with the only reliable
source for the latest information on of fat, whether, for butter or cheese,
the dairy, tis, by reports, bulletins, and be reedy to address his patrons an
agricultural and dairy jonrnals. leaaing dairy topics at annual 'meet.
• Acklition8 have also been made to inaa, mai:ate:4 ere. To a.) (1115 most
turd:Pi ti•rt quire mot e confidence, Wbi011
0,:ll3OS from mingling with men wbo
have wade the busine3s a study, and
from thinking for themselves. The
private dairytmn required to know alt
that the maker knows and a good deal
„.., 4.,t
1F. , ' .:.. ii.,CtI6
Best Cough r3yrup. Tastes Good. Cs? i
Iri in time. Hold by druggists.
'•-..",..14.M`01 '1" Alf e 1 r ,(4') • '`\'' 4,,
'''id• ' ..t.a ... „,...
methods of manufacture, be thorough-
lytoquaieted with the 'lust machines
understand how to test and divide
money to patrons according 50 perCent
the dairy barnL.• Stabling for thirty
cows and a nt:Mther of young stook is
now nearly completed. circular
silo, which now containsa gooa sample
of ensilago, as also built adjacent to
thestabling, .
A new piggery provides for the feed.- besides. ,As we can accommodate but
of that lndispensible studnal, the hoe',
in connection with the dairy.
• The stock of cows comp:isles five of
Board way 1,0 Obtai,led near the col -
liege or tit the cit.) (11- 11013 distant) for
For over indulgence in Eat.
ing or Drinking it is a Specific.
• ,
tt limited number during the first year
those who apply- tirst will he allowed
5,0 enter, up to OW inher of fifty.
For Sale by A1.1 Druggists
Anil Wholesale by LONDON
JIMIKTIG- CO., London Ont.
64 • -11.?
$3.00 to $4,00 per week. Tho total
no cost winle at the college would not ex,
""m need $40.00 for the fall course.
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.
ri`. .... .............a.nal
It will save you much trouble
o t will bring you corntett and ease
It will save your clothes and hands
It deco not require washing powers
It will wash in either hard or soft
It cannot injure the triort delleat:
skin or fabric
lit purity and exCCIIMSC9 have given
• it the largest save in the wer1,3.
tiewArte ot
tHEAS IS ^!t.st
Itebecoa Wilkinson, ot Brownsvailey,
Ind., says: had been in a distressed
condition, for three years from Nervous-
ness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia
and Ladigestion until my health was gone,
1 had been doctoring constantly with no
relief. .1 bought one bottle of South Am-
ericau Nervine, which done me more good
then any $50 worth of doctoring ever did
in my life. 1 would advise every weakly
person to USG this valuable and lovely ret-
ecly.)' A trial bottle will convince you.
Warranted at Chisholm's drug store.
Wisdoin.—Men can acquire know.
ledge, but not wisdom. Some of the
,r.atest fools the world' bol known
have been learned men.
She (kissing him) --You h•Lve been
drinking, ean smell it. fie—And
yon'vEi been powilering. 1 elm taste
t,—Ohiearzo Record.
Stomach Ache.— We sil.know
what it is ; we required a perfeet
knowledge of the "Pet" in our youth,
after a on things W0 were express..
le forbidden to Onr mother
A ,8173 O - TT
if -Z8-_ •
Josephine Street • Wiriffham, Ont,
J. A, nOsuint J. W. SeciTT,
Mount Forest,. I Listowel.
Simon Alma, hal and fil and Mezzonia gip And Calf ;
also native kip nd upper. Spanish and slaughter
Deposits Received and, Interest
- allowed. •
Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock. Specia
stock for traces in oalc.
Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed. A postal
card will Senn:quotations or a call from my travel.
Money'Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. F.ialo notes bought
at tl. fair valuation. Mousy remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given. to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
tigouta in toartada....7%.0 acircliante Bank
*II Canada,
Office liours—Front 6 a. in. to 5 5). 01.
A. B. F,3411/1191,
Azilr'.."..11 A
Suo.A••••••,•'. y
4-..h., N? 21 it...14. o
. f.,
• '.! '.:11%,i lug-ticiei.:5 virtns of tlio Pine
..,..• -: N dill '477.....1 Stia:j.710.e, mid c.itpactorant
vi;:aer pectoral kerbri and barks,
.f:4:5 AND oo.t.oe,
"....„ .,,.r.,..x.i,sArehrtin, Bronchitis, Sore Throat,
• -.n c. -el nil THROAT, DRONCHIAL arta
....3„. -....fa T'il.S'Elci.t3)?..B. Obstinate coughs which
retist othsr .retnedias yield promptly to this •1
•: pleasant play ayrup.
iaeload'ilfal CDC. PEW cormit,
CCU" 13,.. ALL GlICSOCitti:G.
Tanner and Leather ii.letehant,
Scientific American
Agency for.
Por information and free Handbook write - to
MUNN ,00 00, 801 BIKIADAVAY, New
Oldest bureau ror securing patents in America -
15,017 patent taken out by as is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge intim
;4/fientifiC -1xerttan
Largest Circulation Of Any scientific paper -intim
worio. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
tram should be without it. Weekly. S3.0ka
vear; 01.50 six moths. Address MUNN & C00
Virameinius. Broadway, Now York.
---- IN
k.))'' RD 71 Faii D
r 71'
12 "Backache
means. the kid-
, hcgs are in
k:zidey Pills give
prompt relief."
,"75 pet cent.
of disease le
•fi,qt caused by
0 -"Might at tush
gave us Perry D %%is' PAIN-ICILtAlt 8 try to have
healthy oft*
without sewer-
ays, ate good
health When,,the
kidneys etre
•then, and, strange to say, no other
• remedy has been arscovered tO this
day to equsl it, Old popular price,
26e, for Big New 1!.001n.
e'cgged, they are
.A. sloggera is a fallow Who takes
Irmo:0141,1., irtxr,tonT tuvracratea.v TAMX1111) h t h ao $3. time;Smith St Co. Torent04 Writer;
the scavengers
of the system,
"Delay is
dangerous. Aleg-
looted kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous Of all;
Brightt Dieease,
Diabetes and
Dropsy." •
'0Th ubove
diseases cannot
exitt where
Dodd's Kidney
Pills are used.'
the esportilprsttitactIA146, r;:rgit3yeTtxilztrept
•' • AIWA Mistmitteriedri /00100 Itt 4t$ sy o ttv me. hook tomoa gidno
frNT (Th,
7.1 IAL'
(7) TO—
•Oheap for KAbi.
j: IB rr 1474 ?,
ves,o oyes, 0
All intending purchasers of stoves for this,
winter will save money by buying from
Having bought a very large variety of
to ohoose from
Every stove guaranteed against breakage an
to give oomplete satisfaction.
widow, October tatik 1801:,