HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-11-25, Page 7What Tie ; roansed to Will moi, lard office': hurried upi. situationhe �.
tail(„., --.You will love me always`' j w(ta explained, and the policeman told
lie.—Piuisionat(+ly my darling, !the Intsb9.nil. to take the glass if he
She.---A.nd you will never cease to. i was certain of the property, When
lova tole Z
he locked around however, it had di
l�� datlin;r , , liar lei•
y g, appeared. The pair lead been outwit-
She.—.A.ud• you will flava your tsd.
honey ? Thf+
r nth(' „stay decided .to hick her
]Io.—Every cent. time.
She. —And von will never spank it carne. ']'gree morning's A,
harshly to me 2 glazit:r's boy rang 'tris bell.
Ire.- Never. Did 'Ile glazier leave a It r mttler stem
She. --And you will give up ars your the other day ? he asked,
bad habits'1 Oh, yes, replied' the matron stout -
lie.— Every one of diem,
She.—And you will get along with Tell Win it's the rule of the house
SIIe.-Auai! papa.?
- She,—And you till! always do just
what mamma wants yon to dot
kIe, —es.
' She.— Aud just what papa wants
youto do ?
e. -Yes.
She.—And just what I want yon to
do 2
xle.--0f C• ur'se.
' She,--WtI, 1 will be yours; but I
fear I am making an awful mistake.
L'o Prevent the Grip •
•'^'C0 1e, .1111 a sigh:.
that w keep nil the tools left her. If
he wants his hammer he must return'
me my glass.
Ten minute's later the goy was at
the door with the class. The lady
took it.
Tell yotir roaster I was mistaken;
He didn't leave his hammer here
And the .door was closed with a
Mrs. Million's Ride.
When Mrs. Million goes to ride she .trav-
els forth in state,
Her horses, full of fire and pride, go
prancing from the gate;
But all the beauties of the day she views
with languid eye,
Her flesh in weakness wastes away, beer
Or any other simliu,ri epidemic, the blood
aizd the while Fystcln ' aboul.l be kept in For Airs Million is in un advanced
healthy condition, ;<f you feel worn out stage of catarrh and ail the luxuries
or have "that tired feeling' in the morning that wealth can buy fail to give her
do not be guilty of neglect. Give fanned.
iato attention to yourself. Take Flood's comfort. eche envies her rosy waiting
Sasapar'tile to sive strength, puiify tiro maid, and would give all ' her riches
blood and prevent disease. for Cilia young wuainu's puie breath
— and blooming health. Now, if seine
hones E'ms cure liver ails, jaundice
billrousuess. sick headache, constipation.
Now that ;prize-tightil,g has eon e t
be a giove affair swell society. Is taking
it up.
• A•Ohing et *zovea.
for it has revived ole cannot
woibdert fully. se I l 13
completely run down, ball aching painsmy shoulders, a iat
low spirits, in fdotrred 1 was ng
miser y i Bee -
lug recommended to try 13 }3 131 dirt so,
and with the use of only one bottles I am
to -day strong and healthy. l prize it
bids 13 Ttloi{Ln, Taranto, Out,
An advertisement should he all in-
tense expression t f t:(lndensed-idea--
one,nithy line snore pregnant than a
widy columtu. — From nil English
Plea's Remedy :Ibr Catarrh is the (T
Lest, Easiest to llsa loft Cheapest,
Sold by druggists er tent by Mall.
50c. E. T. Hazelth;a.'Warren, Pa.
is without doubt the very best et the
Many remedies for Piles,. now an .the
market. Read endorsements:
Losenv, ONT. Lal +Silt, 1809.
I have examined the drop).'tion of btro.l's Pile.
hone and used It for external and internal piles
with the best results. 1, D. WiLsox, 5I, D.
I have Dru:h plea urgee in tntiri,nalit Jafter sing
Strong's Pliekoue enc week, I (experienced what I
believe to be permanent relief, after being troubled
lc;tlr bleeding piles for about three years.
E. N. 11vxr.
PRICE $1 -.Por sale by Druggists, or by mail on
sculpt of price.
T. STAONti, Maniltictuiing Gil3illist,
151 Dr\DAA S'eesT,LONDON, ONT.
true and disinterested Wend would
advise Mts. Million of the wonderful Josephine Street • - tiillnci
merits, of r ., .'. *Catarrh ,, p . )Ili, t�l)i.
Woman vs. Man.D . Sa.,e s Po m, dy,
she would learn that her care is hot J. A. HALsrne, '
.A. Indy sent her' (fomes is to her
glazier for sprue ':lass he had taken
away with him after repairing her_
window, but the glazier Mused to give
it up.
It viols der rules of der trade, lie
explained blendlh.
Then the Iady went l,erielf saying, I
paid you what you •asked for putting
in thet.e penes, tlu(1'you've carded off
my own glass. I want it,
Veil, you pats von shilling, Der
rules of here trade say so.
I don't etre anything, aaliom the
rules of the trade. You've taken my
Veil, you .ged oudt, he returned and
the lady retreated.
Later in the evening she went back
aceompaeied by her husband; the bus-
band'vithout any pretense walked up
to the counter and took the glass and
started out vvitll it.
Police, p lice 1 'gloated the excited.
workman, Tingling nUt.
The husband laid the glass down as
a9i .0171:S3t:.i•'�AT 4 44
04' 51„71gGlI1cizz,
L :.
Itis on a par with buying lots of rubbishy
soap for little money. .
Poor soaps aro the "bunghole " through
which time and labor are wasted, and by
which the clothes and hands are ruined.
Closes the Avenues
of Waste and avian,
and by its lasting pro-
parties, its wonderful
cleansing powers and
perfect purity, it Lnlaven'3'ime ds La bore*.
and brings Comfort lis Srztiafizetfor1 to
all who use it,
0 0 0 't ♦ 0 It b
'r i st 1 H V fanlight I 1 '2"Yr y
, 0 0 0 0 i r
past help. 500 reward is offered. by
the nannfact,ire rs fore case of catarrh
in the head which they cannot cur(;.
Let your goods be known among all
llrieusrArrs1r CURED 11 A DAY.—South
American Rheurnahc Cure of Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically aures in 1 to 8
clays, Its actiou upon the system IS re•
markable and mysterious, It removes at
once the cause of the disease numediately
disappears. The first close greatly bene-
fits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholrn's
drug store..
Measure y our spade before you write
your adOrtisenawnt.
Aovac>; ro Alornints —Are you drsturoe5 at night
and broken of .your rest by it sink child shA•ering' and
crying. with pain of Cutting 'r ,.tit? If so se,; t at
once and get .t bottle of " Airs. WV inslow's Soothing
Svrup" for Children Toothin r. Its value's ideal lel-
x110. It will relieve the poor little suffer,*
Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no
mistake about it. It cures Dysentery anis Diarrhma,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, mires Wind Collie,
softens the Guars, reduces Inflammation and gives
tone and enerl;;y to the whole system. ' Mrs. Win•
slow's Soothing byrup " for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best ema10 physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a
bottle. Bo sure and ask for "Jlas, WI:(SLOW'S
8OoTlid6e $SP.r'h ..nd tater, no othc, Lind
She Took Ther .sill Back.
They had quarreled, and the high
spirited girl said; as she handed slim a
package ; There, Mr Ferguson:, are
presents you have given ore. Now
that all is over with ns there should
be no reminders of the foolish past.
You are right, Miss Iteezer, he said
humbly, and 1 suppose I 'most „''trap I
the gifts you have presented to me.
I. never gave you anything, sir,
that I remember,
Indeed yon did
Sir, 1 --
Miss Kerner—•Katie 2 he exclaimed,
with something that sounded like .a
sob ; T value them beyond everything
else in the world. It would break lily
heart to return .thein, but there is
nothing else fur the to do.
Will yea kindly yell are, sir, what
you are speaking of 7
I am speaking, t etie, or the kisses
yott have given me 1 They are not
mine, now. - It's Ivy duty to restore
dress„. Forgive me, Aar)iuti. bat I .
cannot go away without--
vithout _.Oh, George 1
When theclock struck 11, about
three hours 'later, George was. still re
turning them.
E. 1x. DEVER,
tlndertal{or*ad 13rabalmor,has opened out:
a first class undertaking parlor, opposite
Chhisholm's Drug Store, W ngham, and is
prepared to take charge of anything in that
line that may be entrusted to him, having
put in a stock equal to anything outside of
the city, both in taste and quality. Prices
veryrnoderate. Prat class hearse 11i at
titsdatine. r , lI. IhiVitll.
ount Forest. 3. W. Scow,
1 Listowel.
Deposits Received and Intere,t
• allowed.
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business 'Men,
On long or short time, ou .endorsed notes
or collateral seo.urity. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation, ,'Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special ,A.ttentlon Given to Col-
lecting .Amounts and Notes.
Agents in Canada—Tao fvforghantsrl Bak
of, Canada
Mee Hours—From 9 a. m. to 5 r. ni.
i in' o t ng he:: t .g viri:ncs of the Pine ti
„red with the roothimr and errpeottlrant
c 'bas of other pectoral hack:and harks. (�
tl Hoarseness, Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat,
lj Croup and all f I1ROA.T, BRONCHIAL and
LUNG IMS2ASEs. Obstinate coughs which
resist other remedies yield promptly to this
pleasant piny syrup.
PRICC~ 5OC. 118701 600, PER 53OT18.rc,
.i "waokaolie
:perms the ltid.
yprleys' are in
r" 11,,uble Dodd's
Or Kidney Pills glue
prompt relief„ '
"75 per pent,
to of 11'lsease is
first caused by
t•, d: soldered • Ind -
"Might as
nd-"Mightas well
try to have rt
healthy city,
without sewer -
ago, as good
health ,i hien the
kidneys are
Begged, they are
S. Id by alt dealers o
of price so rents. per
Dr. L. A. Smith St Ct .
Lusk et Ib,dI{idney'Calk,
the scavengers
of fire system,
"Delay is
dangerous, Neg•
looted kidney
troubles result
in Bad blood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Brights Disease,
Diabetes and
"7 he above
diseases cannot
exist lunare
bodd's Kidney
Pills are used,'
sontby mail on reeotpt
box or six for *i5.g0.
Toronto. Write for
r , w
TIAt%1 TAl3LI::.
'1•'rat G arrive and depart AS tOlioivs
Siii a. In..., .. ....roe Toronto
2.W p.m i
To Generali illerchants add Boot and Shoo Storm
� a rn i' or+:oesweter......,:.f
In commotion with m'• „..,,.,herBusiness I keep ^
full steel; of
eirfeti, et,i 1001Di25Blpw,,'Bixby's, PecKid, i ,15and e
sizes, by the gross or dozen. dacquot's French
Slacking and Gray's climax Waterproof,
10 Leather, horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, &c.
C Ilnttnn fnstenera q Idlsatta cork soles, &e.
slamtoiaia1 nd
d sanis; Gait TlCtikipnd Tippet', Spanihadhto
Best brands on hand In oak and hemlock. Specie,
i stock for traces In oak.
Patronage solicited. Price:" guaranteed. A postal
„card will secure quotationf or a call from my travel.
iler. ,
11V.. J. CHAPMAN,.
i�,I'M. . tsJ-Z't. 'ZTc',T.-T. 1- .
Through tickets to all pointe In Adlicrica-.3I
West, Pacific Coast etc., via the shorted an
popular routes. Tin ago ehceked throng!
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points
•—TIME TAi3LE,---
5118v11 WrnOLIAM. Ann"; AT Wide
11 2p aim.Tcronto.Gnalr�h,Palnretston, &c. 8:87
10 50 pan. ..
" Clinton, „ Qd
7:15 " Palmerston,;,lixod.,.. 10:40
9:60 ai.m.........:.London1;e....... .11:00'
., 7:50
11:100,01 ........ lii5wardine, 80 .. .. 5:38
:35i7 pan11:20.
S.cientiflo Amert
Agency for
For information and free Handbook writs to
olid t bureau ff ase0curingpatents in al nevi
Every patent taken out by us is brought bet,
the public by a notice given free of ehergo 10
Tanner and Loather 1VIezchant,
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in
'amiid. Syllendidly Ulustrated. No Ynteilig
man Ab0nld be Without it. Woeklr 13.O
i rtiGilAAt ;par;rtmonths. yeNTListatS.S,Lrra, Address York
�t, i.
00 TO
(r-F.r .izz •
B'-Tt���i lam,
Cheap for K ASH.,
!' i. ti a 1.3br,`yi r , /1, .. t.. "
t.vest�rJ Stq
S}1,�` ? J
, 0
All intending purchasers of stoves for this
winter will save money by buying from.
Having bought a very large variety of
to .choose from
1very stove guaranteed against breakage au>d
to give complete satisfaction.
Wiugbaiu, October '8th 1801.
D. Stir1iE11aA1W