HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-11-25, Page 6be kilinallain IDA.S.. NOVI.a113I1ill, 25,. 1n2 Three Little Children, IlYc AMY RA,:tTDOLFIi It lois one of the sweetest days of ll the sweat summer -tide, and the firer little B rkeic'ys, playing beside he brook, iia l almost forgotten that ere was such a thing as school and ssons, when the kitchen window as flung noisily up, and a shrill voice coke iu upon their dream of bappi. ees. baked beans and blueberries and anile, Oh, grandma is so nice 1 with longing glances at the plum Wife! said old Ebenezer, what is bread -cake, which witsalways out illthis the children are telling Ilse? such economical slices, and of which Mrs 1ittll stuocl stalling in the door - grandma never would allow them way. more than one piece. it's ell true, every word of it Moue - Mother, said the old farmer, when the meal was over, pack up the child rev's bo:tes to -night, 1 shall start ;ger, said she. You'll be calling me en oli foul 1 doubt ; but the fact is that I never knew how much I missed the early in the morning. dear little childen until they were Where are we going, grandma 4 gone. And then I realized that I Johnny ventured to ask. • hadn't been httlf considerate and .land To O,ruelia Orttshaw's, said Mrs Hall Do you suppose she will let ate keep m3' dog? said Jehnay,wistfully, for enough to them. And, I declare, as 1 went about the house, it seemed to the as if there heti been a death here, So the very next day after you went away Tiger came back there afterwards, 1 borrowed neighbor Oxley's carryall Tiger won't stay away from tae. and went after them. Cornelia Ora:- ' Oh, good I good 1 cried Fanny, shaw wasn't sorry, becattae she'd just Children! come out of that grass elapping her small, brown hands. Mrs got a letter from her sister in. Ohio, redder t DJn't you see how you're �Urashaw always lets up play where we who is sick. with the Inalarie'and wants -gulping allthe timothy down t please. And she gave we a handful her to come and nurse her. And you. craauned Mrs Hall, of red lilies the last time we went She was a spare hard -favored there. oaten, who was engaged in picking 1 ata glad, too, said little Joseph, ver a huge pan of white beans at the wvitli tindliug eyes. Mrs Orashaw ble, while her husband sat opposite has all the Rollo and Lucy books in iendiug the dislocated leg of a milk- her cupboard. I saw thein there once. g stcol with a pot of glue and spineMrs Hallsbit her lips. Indiffereut empen twine. as she had professed herself to the Now, mother, said Ebenezer Hall, by can't you let these young 'ens children, there was °a drop of bitter- ' cess in their willingness to leave her. njoy themselves $ Their .little feet Ebenezer was fond of his grand- leon't hurt the timothy grass, I guess, That's ju..t like you, Mr Hall, said is wife, querulously. The children re always in mischief, and you're :A'ltt)ttally uplioldiug 'em. Didn't 1 ',ell. Fanny to mend her gingham apron ate minute school was over ? And here she is, pud.:ling in the brook. ;huffing her dices sleeves. And John's packed that night, 4tog scratched up all my larkspurs and and early in the morning Ebenezer tour o'cio(;!.':i this morning. But I and the children drove away. 4ettled the question,she added, setting Good bye, children, she said, stead- iet thin lips together like a steel teen• i leo un the door step, and shading her gave the varmint to Folke, the tin eyes with one hand from the level edler.: He'll never bother me any , eastern sunslliues And they answer.. Snore,1' Pel in shrill, sweet voices : You oughtn't to have 'done teat, Good-bye, l;raudma 1 nottier, said Ebenezer, Johnnie was 1 But there were no tears, no loving fond Jf the critter, words of farewell, no last clinging John must matte up his mind to ao caresses. Mrs Hall had net supposed ;%.nithout him, said Mrs Hall. I won't that she cared for such-things=but it torm'nted by anybody's misehiev_ chagrined her a little, now ! !it us dog. And f found a Robinson Oughtn't We to have kissed graud- :rusoe hidden under Joe's pillow this Ina ? said L auuy, in a whisper as the nevniug, wheels rattled ou. That's 'lateral enough, mother, said' Oh, pshaw 1 said Joe, I don't be- neuez'r, apologetically. All boys lieve grandma knows how to kiss, lite Uforv-honks, , The house seemed strangely lone - children, and tt seemed hard to separ- ate them.. Had they expressed a single objection to guing away her heart might have melted. But as it was, she only compressed her lips, and frowned the gloomy frown which John ' and Fanny and little Joseph knew so well. ' The boxes were can't think how nice we've all got along together, I kiss grandma Fanny. And I've learned her to say, Sing a song of sixpence, said little Joe, most as nice as 1 can gay it myself. And she lets me look at the'pietures in the big Bible, said Johnny, joy- fully. Old Mr Hall took both his wife's bands in his and•kissed her, as he had. not kissed her for years. God bless you, Mary 1 said he. For Love and Childhood had thawed the frozen crust around Mrs Hall's heart. And in the old farrn-house new reigtr of happiness had begun. every night, said a) Catarrh, Not Local, But Coastlona'. Dr Dio Lewis, the enliven Boston phy- sician. in a magazine article says : "A radical error. underlies nearly all medical. treatment of catarrh. It is not a disease of the maw's nose; it is a disease of the man, showing itself in the nose,—a Local exhibition of a fJoustitutioeal trouble." Therefore he argues, the use of.suuff and other local applications is wrouNv and while they seem to give temporary relief, they really do more harm thou good. Other leading authorities agree with Dr .Lewis.. Hence, the only proper method of cure for catarrh is by taking a constitu- tional remedy like Hood's sarsaparilla, which, reaching every part of the body through the blood, does eliminate all im- purities and makes the whole isan health- ier. It removes the cause of the trouble and restores the diseased membrane to proper condition. That this is tlie practi- cal result is proved by thousand§ of peo- ple who have bean cured of catarrh by taking mood's Sarsaparilla. A Piece of .Advice. In Our sleeper ti as an old man semi, when Mrs Llan turned 1,acl. into 'going to Buff to. He looked feeble and Now I know the rerisou he neverill, and he had a bad cough. About could say his cateohiznt of a Sabbath the deserted kitchen.• t t f declare said • the o'd woman I Bull; we were ;, ttiiu ready to oto xlornint',. sharply added airs Hall. , ' s..e ep his cough brew worse, and after he tremble those children -make cls didn't know how I should miss them, a lilt cue man in � particular began tart never be told. And I'te made 1 In almost sorry that— kick. He galled to 111e conductor and p illy mind to bind 'em to trades ase And without completing the sen- slit' porter, and made more fuss than on as ever I can. ; tense, she went to the sink, and began to w sh the dslles. the man with the cough. He got up ei They're toy der ter s uhldreu,muther 1 i and went to lied again, and got up a nd I Can't bear the idea of partin' i From Cornelia Orashaw's house, Mr second w time, .a dnd it was Iwo o'clock in ill 'stag saidpoor Clieuezer, i Hall was going to •Montreal to see ' about none lumber which he.needed the morning before any of us dot to Then why doo't yeti bring 'em up to sleep. When we turned out in the 'ern their own living, like ,other' for an addition to Its house He was, morning the tricker was still tricking. armors 2 said Mrs Ilan, who had been to be gone a week—and during that jIw farmer's second wife, and whose tine his heart ached whenever be jrahbed nature had never been thawed I thought of the empty little beds, and �« ut in the light of a baby's smiles, e 'hat's what' I want to knew. This came eine wing to be an orphan :'sylum. Not if I know it. If you feel so about it, mother, 1'11 ake. 'ern over to Oor helix. Orashaw's, id Mr Hall, whose face had grown ery grave. Oornelia's husband owes Isle money, and she's fond of children. calculate she'll be good to them, if y own wife won't. Giood riddance: -to bad rubbish, was r ITall'a.-tart retort, as she tiling the it handful -of hears into the pan. ut if you really mean it— do, Most assuredly, said Ebenezer' 11, sternly. Nelly's children shall eat 1,e subjected to unjust rebukes or rannicalill-temper while t can help I've done the nest I could, said Mrs all, with 1t togs of her head. Bat 1 n'L tike* children, and I never did. The three little ilerkeleys did not w wheat was the causo of the un - gloom on ,grandpa's face at , They teat quite still, Grand. iway�l tried to Impress it Ft ahiidrwti mut of the disolete;hearthstone at hone. It was a sultry August afternoon when ht drove tip once more to the -old farm house. TO his amazement Gunny, Johnny gaud little Joe, with the faithful dog, Tiger, at their heels, all rusued, shouting and laughing, out to meat hint. And there was not a single uprising Hush-sh-sh 1 from Mrs Hall whose face was visible iu the hall behind t!iern, Hallo 1 said Mr gall.. Eli 1 What? row's this 1 1 thought 1 left you all at Airs Oheahaw's house '1 So you did, chirped Fanny, But we've come back, said Johnny, We liked 10111e heat 1 exclaimed Joe, Grandma tame after us, said Palmy. Site said she loved us,' and wanted us back again 1 She really did, And we lova her ! piped up little Joe. And site has bought Ise afairy hook, and she flays I needn't bother about the catechism until I ata a little older, And she lets us make refits in the hay, and play in the grass meadow as' much, as ever we please, said Johnny. And """"'� tit ' t B$nWet ,,(njl,,rd' ter Look here, porter, he said to that otlicial, has that old chap. with the cough got up yet ? No, sail, Where is be?. Ober dar, sail. He hadn't dun got up yit. Well, when lie does I want to give hint a piece of advice. Yes, salt. - Tfifteen minutes later, as the kicker was on his way to the dining car, be stopped at the old man's berth, and said Come, old man, it's time to get up and cough'' u Receiving no answer, he parted the curtains and looked- in, and the (next instant fell into a seat across the aisle. We went to see what was the matter and tound the old than dead and gold, with his hands }oohed ani•oss his breast. Ile had been dead for two or three. hours. Have you any advice to offer him 1 one of the men queried of the kicker, who sat pals and 'trembling. At that moment the train calma'to a halt at a station, and the kicker grab. bed for his grip and disappeared f the trstiu withoflt a w: rel' 1 OWE) 5Z/Vjeare loth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the IKidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys• •ism effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its bind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac eepta,ble to the stomach, prompt iii its a.1ion and truly beneficial in its 'Weds, prepared only from the arfost healthy and agreeable substances, its znan excellent qualitiescommendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of' Figs is fc.,2 rz-- in 750 bottles by all leading ggists, .Any reliable druggist Who may not have it on handl will procure it promptly for any ,one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORN9R FIG SYRUP CO4§ All Bia0t.?ICT300, CAL. :r i: ,xi, id. `�u• JUST OUT HAVE YOU SEEN IT? THE BIG BOTTLE PAIN -KI DOLTS!-€ THE QUI 1ITITY OF OLD SIZE. � mIn!a ns1; u,I�Jlu�tll Ili v ilL VII n 6 i, ;1rr qr'^r nv^,IIR�'1� � r tl�;tu'p m ^S7^ 1FIE 1 ` I IIItl�itll'dr,li� I 'N'r.l=i. nags :1 - xr..- e Old Popular 25c. -41 ibb,cntingarn tits 8 •- IS PUIlLIsiIIn'D-- EZ"ItrlV FIVIDAY 11,1O1tN1NA — Ar TIMES OFFICE, n (,. J0[�NEPH%NE STREET WIN$IXAlrl, TMtIO, • PuaE WEFT TING LA rE b.. a1„1 3, H I .LOS TNS It151` PLA FAVOR BEWARE IMi.1* I 14S. Krtateb'utltge.U. ti C••••� *+i "R.� t�vAN 1 `t'.�I NERVE 'BEANS 11ISRVE BEANS ares HOW dila. oorery treat erre the worst eS5e5 of Rewires Debility Lost Vidor ad'd Falling Mrwohooe!; restores the weakness of body or mind 08514 by soar -work or the e'role pr6�w W666 of weal, Thte regneay Pal 17Zriltaate s)Lon o" Subscription price, $1, per year, in tidy -moo ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yt 1 6 me, 10 020, 1 1 gra Ono Colman ?U0 00 es5 co 1 420 00 .. y0 00 Ilalf " 35 00 20 00 12 00 I 5 00 Quarter' " 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 One Inch 5 00 8 00 2 00 1 00 Legal. and other casual etivcrtinelucnts :;e, per line for first Insertion, and :ie. per lino for each subsequent insertion. Local notices 10o. pc...no for first insertion, and 5o. per line for each subsequent inscrtitr, No Iocai notteo will be obar'ged less than 25e. Advertisements of Lost, Found, StrayedSituations, and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8lines nonpareil, til per month Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines, 11 for filet month, 50u, per subsequent month These terms will bo strictly adhered to Special rates for lo advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions will he Inserted tin forbid and charged accordingly. Traueitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in. the olklce by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PROMIETCR AND PUMISIIF.a DIt. MACDONALD, a, JOSEPHINE STREET, WINDHAM, ONTABI viT r r . I3. TOWLES., 34,13.0.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. . Coroner for County of.Ituron— unreo 1p stairs, next to Mr iMorton's office, ham, Ont.liar' OFFICE 110URS.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6l, p.#,m., or At Residence, Diagonal Street, DIt. J. A. IdELDRu514 !LJ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians,and Surgeons of Ontario. Wee and .Residence—Cornerof Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. "Winne. WINDHAM • • • ON'r 11,, VANSTONE. 5 j,�, BARRISTER, bOLICITGii, Etc., . Eto Private snit Company funds to loan at lowest rate Interest. No donunissioi, elmrged. Mortgages, town and !atm propert., bouCbt and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block 1VINouati, ON'r .5. A. MORTON BARRISTER &e , Wing ham - Ontario jy. EYER & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEVER. Q. C. I l ..t...DICKINSCN, B.A BARRISTERS .AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Rte., So licitols for Bank of 1lamilto,, Commissioners for taking atlidavits for ,Manitoba. Farm, Town And Village propertybought and sold. ,honey (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 per cent. Money invested for private masons, upon the best mortgage securities without nay expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. . - OfHce—Ik.ent's Bleck, 11lni;hurn. Dl:NTISTRY.—'J S.JEROME,11ixeliss, manufacturing .Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite 'x•'•°r as cheapas01111�bebgoti inethe Dominion. AB work warranted. ityPain orVfcssegetabextralectionVaporof. teeth by' the use of Electric- Tase Nunlcx._1 will extract ,teeth for 25 cents each. • Brunswick OF5'ICIt:1lLousI o. the Beaver, Block, opposite the Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S,,. DENTIST. OI:FiCE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hot,:l, Winglram. Will visit Gorrio 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, CHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT t,INe11AN, ONTAtnn 2. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 3011THE COUNTY OF HURON, - Sales attended in any part of the Co, Charges Moderate. DEANS, JR., Wuoronaii, JOHN CURI(IE, WINanAat, ONT., LIOCINSED A•UC1'IoNLEtt ran tiro couNTY Of -- iBuloN. All orders left at the Turns alike promptly attend' ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, transom Anoriecom I S'on COVNr1Ls iiineN ase, Banos. A11 sales attended: to promptly and on the,Shortees ,notice. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangement, eon be made at the Tulsa' eatce WINDHAM 'OST DBS. GOD1+1tTY Sc 11icASIt, Ai, B. Toronto, Members College Physicians qn Surgeons. Ontario. BNtOaAVIt ONTARIO „Motley to .Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted R,r`Al(NABLIg Zl'1'l varroret OA 01 •. ., i,� It fiver off'' aa. of agar .,, 1