HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-11-25, Page 5an Woes. Sufficient of "tile beautiful" to make goad sleighing; --Messrs Wrn Caslickand Thos Ross are home main from' the wilds of Western M iehigan, where they were on n prospecting tour, They were not favorable impressed with the appearance of the eountry.— Mr and Mrs Root 141owbray,, of (\liehi- gan, were visititie friends and relations in Culross last week.—Mr A. (xobel is giving his house a coat of brink, which adds greatly to its appearance —Mrs Tees, relict of the lase Jas Tees, hav- ing resited her farm, sold her stock end farming implements on the 21st inst.—Miss Kate Clark is re•.engaged to teach in S S No 2 next year and Mr Win Hayes has agreed to "put" 1u a.uother year in No 3.—Tae Alps Patrons have given up the chase afr;er salt for the present and helm turned their efforts in the purfuit of coal oil, which they have struck in paying quan- tities.—Mr P Crowe has erected a new stable thie fall rind has it nearly coal- pleted.—Mr Arthur Sirnpson harvested this season 52 loads of Sweede turnips •orf 1 acre of ground and Mr Joe Wel- wood 32 loeds off :l acre. Cant some body else beat the above ? Mr Geo Crowe failed to do it.—There has been quite a number of sheep worried by dogs running°at large, supposed to be owned in the village, which have to hunt their own living. Blyth. Ata meeting of the Executive of Huron County Sabbath School As- sbciation, held in Clinton on Tuesday of last week, the time of the annual convention was fixed f u' Tuesday and Wednesday, January. 24th and 25th, 1893, in the village of Blyth. The prograanine was outlined and the names of spealteta associated therewith. It is the iuteetion of the Executive to procure as complot ': statistical returns as possible from all theSabbath schools in the County for presentation at the convention, and persons interested in Sunday School work will confer a great favor by giving ail the assistance'. they can in attaining the eud desired. —filar N Sut herland, of Seaford], spent Sunday in town.—Mr Tatnin was. visiting friends in Gorrie, this week —•A fall of "the beautiful" has inade very good sleighing.—Mr ilanlilton, of Ripley, wee visiting in town this week. —!Messrs Jaruof+ eEtnigli and Alex Syuaouds i,atend leaving for North Shore this week.—The ripple packers in this vicinity expect to finish their work this week.—Miss Curtis has re- turned to the Ladies College in Whitby, after spendiog a week or so in'town.—The public school 'of this place. intends giving a grind concert shortly.—On Tuesday evening next the rn.erubers of the •C 0 F, of this place, intend having a public instal- lation of their ofliuers for the ensuing term, after which their friends will be provided with refreshments and an entertainment —On Friday evening of last week a meeting of the ratepayers was held in Industry hall for the pur- pose of discuseiue the adtisability of lighting up our streets with electricity, Several of our citizens spoke for e length of time both for rued against it, after which a vote was taken,resulting in a majority of the ratepayers present being in favor of our council taking action to have our town lighted by electricity as sous as possible. Lo1'ldesboro. Rev W 1V Leech and Rev J A Hamilton, otlieiateri in the Methodist and Presbyterian churches respective- ly on Sabbath last.—The Foresters of this place intend having an c yster sup• per to -night (Friday) after their regular meeting.—Apple packing is about finished in this neighborhood. Or- chards Must have yaid pretty well this season.—Last Friday evenin.. two new members were admitted ii:,to the Sons of England anb it is expected that five more will join the next night of meet- ing,—Ther' were five uew members admitted into the temperance lodge at La gs .due, Laugside, November lDtb, 1892,' To the kind, and charitable friend's! and neighbors, 1 laeregy tender nay most sincere and thankful gratitude for their very hind end liberal assist- ance with both sympathy and mom.), and other ne'.essaries to nit self and *family after our affliction by firs-, PwrEB, IJZEL . Mr Duncan McKenzie, who 'Pie taught in the Laugside school for the last few months, will be its tracker for the coming year. Bluevale A Christa'as tree is to be held in connection with the Sunday School of the Bluevale Methodist church, A prograinine is to be given by the Suiiduy School scholars, who are practicing diligently for the oceasiioe .. The date laaad not yet been fixed. Purchases :-1Vir John Diment has purchased the ra-sidenoe of Mr J 0 Johneton for the sum of $375.—Mr J C Johnston has purchased the store which he occupies from Mr R Mc- Pherson for the suer of $300. ' Mr • Thomas Ooultcs has ,purchased rht>.tia, More farm of Mr Hugh Ross for the sum of $2,500 and house valued at $500,--141r. William Whaley, of At- wood, is visiting at Mr ,John Burguess at present.—Mr RObt Yeo has re- turned from Muskoka, where lie has been on a shooting expedition. He was very successful having shot two deer. Continental Union. Listowel,.Nov:21.—A Well attended meeting was held in the town hall this;evelling to hear the •q,lestion of continental union discussed by !1.11 Elgin Meyers. of Wornuto, and 1) Mc- Gillieudy, of Go 1erich. There was a fair representation of ladies in the audience The chair was occupied guy Mr W (x Hay and the beat of urclw• obtained throughout the meeting. The presentation of the case by the speakers of the evening was favorably received by the audience, and at the. close Rev Jaules Livingstone, although not approv.in<g of the policy advocated, paid a tribute to tine manner in which the snbiect liad bleu placed by the speakers, A vote of thanks was moved sly Mr Thos hale, seconded lay Mr•1radla'y, end both gentlemen, in speaking to the motion,. stated that they had received ne-w light on the subject and had reoeiv, (l a number of new ideas' which made them more feeorabl,y disposed tower ds continental union than they had hitherto bean. The motion was carried. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOB SALE The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4. Turnberry, four thoroughbred Holstein hulls, tants. ing from 0 to 1s anonths old. The e above mentioned animals aro all well marked and registered in the Canadian Herd Bonk. They will be sold oheap and on easy terms to suit purchas-ars, JAS ELLIOT, Breeder of Ilolstein Cattle, ehaevale, Ont. 'll M. PATTERSON', THE JEWELLER has removed one door south of his old stand, in the store lately occupied by HALSTED & SCOTT, bankers, where he has more• room and is better prepared than ever to servo the wants of the public. Watch this space next week for the bargains he will offer.* M. PATTERSON. Weekly free Press their meeting last week, after .the.,. • --slam - business of the lodge was finished, A. FA11,14 AND 110ME thefoliowingprogranime was presented: Song, Bro C .D Doig ; rending, Bro I Bell, duet,Sisters Brogden and Adams; instrumental selection, Fanny '4'au 13ridger ; recitation, sister Surat. Wallace ; address, 11re W stcL Doig ; duet, sisters 4Voodmatt and Adams ; reading, l3ro J H Lowery ; rending, Sister Jennie Woo.iman. An itrvita- tion was read and acet+ptt:d from Sowuuarvi.ile noddle to visit them on the evening of December 6th, when the two lodges will engage in a friend. ly debate on "Woman's Rights," John MeSerely, of Philadelphia, a street oar (Iolanda, is awaiting trial On the charge ofhavingbeen marriedf l'evan times. Haight of his wives ate �.its the lather of nineteen .•,•, FOR 1893 e`b' .00 Both Papers For $1.00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED A HIGH CLASS FAMILY PAPER. 4 Each Sumter Wiu Contain : 11sv, Iia, TJWIAoit'S Samos delivered rho Sunday previously. W 1hrlr.lR A WANnaalxos. AoateCLTaa1r ,lA'l'roa 111ustratod. 1,Aouss' I'eot» Illnatrated, SsatAi.TOM, and otherintoacstingrending matter. SITh3SCl IRE ' NOW Prise, Ona Dollar s yaar In &Irene° for the wl'.CKLY PREP,' PItESS and FAItJt AND 1i014if --In all 1e wee. 1laleneeof leol.free to new ilatbseribers. Ascots wanted io aV n'y ltnrepwneentod distrlot *oliott robsrrilptllons. FOES Pit iG LvPt ; " 00., Diseases are often, difficult to remedy. OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA, will restore a lost appetite. lost flesh, and check wasting diseases, especial- ly in children, with wonderful rapidity. Coughs and colds are easily killed by a few doses of this remarkable remedy. PALATABLE AS MILK. Be were to get the genuine, put up in salmon -colored wrappers, Prepared only by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. CHEAP PUBLICATIONS. In union there is strength. Union also induces cheapness. As an illustration of this we ere able' to offer the .TIMES one year, and li'enteror Ad- tertiser, London, Ontario. far 1893, balance of 1892 free, for only 81.60.. The Aduerliser for. 1803 will contain eight pages of seven columns each and is pub. lisbed weekly, at ono collar per annum. It is a clean paper for the Home, and con. tains complete literary and news d.part- inents in every number, Subs.ribe at once. kddres Trains office, Winghs.m. rd al! E COLL, POP T11..Lt'-&NT 071 Before tlae arrival of' my Xmas Goods, I will. sell all odd lines f ware, Chinaware, Etc., at greatly reduced pa ices, i-1r;AI;E'il'u . PRINTED. TO.ILET SETS Ftt(iii 82..50 t:I'. LATEST PATTERNS IN D1008.11' sect thein before you boy an. otln'r. My "4toctk of 01t(tCtMI1a$, FRUITS and CANNED t;tut;1r5 l+pian>kl and RELIABLE New Raisins ---New Currants ---New Salon. Alien's Patent Mince Heat T v IT - Try a bar of Sapolio for kitchen cleaning 6 ZTES. GOOD JA FOR $1. PURE COFFEE, PURE SPICES' AND UuOi) TEAS. A call Solicited. THE CHINA HOUSE, W. T. YATES IT WILL PAY, YOU BEST IN THE END. NOTHING LESS SHOULD SATISFY• YOU. Clever, Energetic Young Men and Women, who intend to°gu tlify for positions in Book.keepiug, Shorthand and Typewrittu„ should write fo catalogues of both departments of r°2/ . .1)/'' . 416E PEOPLE'S®� of CHATHAM, ONT„ established 1575, This institution is the pour of atev bttsi ess college or shorthand school in Ame•ica, and tAnti)* superior to any ether school of the lci•,:i In Canada. Theso .,re the advantages we offe•: The two best penmen in Canada., die beat and largest ,•.tail of (OF PENNA. MINE OWNERS.) teachers, the best course in shorthand and typewriting, the hest eou,se,of buskikess training the hest suite •cf rooms, the best equipments In every respect the best sews, • CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT. positions in the business world. our college rooms 00000y over 8000 square feet of space. We pay the railway fare of students coming ' front a dittaneo to the lhnit of I58.00. •:ood board in pleasant homes for ladies at $•?, (:eats ,2 50. Per catalogues of either department, address, D. McLACI•ZLAN, Principal. Ior planing iti students in the best paving Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumes i No intermediate profits, Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to SO. deities and Clubs. JOB PRINThWW, INCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters, Ei11• Heads. Ch shiers, &c., .i e., executed in the hest style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short. r,otie0. Apply ur address R. ELLIOTT, Turas Office, Winghana, LADIES { . SEND Telt Iflustiatel Catalogue of Ladies' Speoalties. ADDRESS' • THE PARIS(A i MEMAL APPi.ICC CO,, 10 QUEEN ST. NAST, TORONTO, ONT. Mention this paper ZETLAND —SUMP WORKS. I wish to intimate to the people of Zetland and surrounding country that 1 have commenced the manufacture of all hinds of WOODEN PUMPS, and can supply them of the shortest notice. Will also be in a:position tosupply Iron and Force Pumps to order. Repairing attended to. Prices rcasonablo, JOAN PELTON. Zetland, May Oth, Wingham Saw and PlaningMills. The undersigned have now on hand a large stook of DRY PINE, I•IE11'1LOOIi, TAM A.RA.CE, and HARDWOOD LUMBER N(513 dressed or undressed Xxx and xx. El MILLS Will . offer for the next 0 ID Startling inducements in Many lines at 50c. on the dollar. FURS, MANTLE CLOTHS and SEALETTES,. All must be cleaned out if prices, will do it. FLANNELS Best makes in the market. Prices be- low the lowest. ea a e 01otilin Stock complete. Prices ri ', . I t.. l' .1 OED R Sli GL We havethe ong oot at a short NU.1 GL1)AIt 81:IINGLLIJ, STAVES, price, 'f you see them you'll buy III�:Anums, a 13I RR1?iLS, then. WOOD, ittc„ at cools that dery e0mpatit100, Parties intA0t11nft before placing their orders, ns wo aro determined not to be undordold. 'Cocteau wont attended to promplty and ratiataetton gttar'atrtoed. & t, 414 SON. to 01111 ri'ill find it to their interest toglvo us a eon Call ad see us. T. '"7L r 1.YM Li..