HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-11-25, Page 1VOL. XXI --NO. 47, If you haven't got to wearing heavy underwear yet it's time you had, there's ooinfort in it, and safety, you dont want to begin the winter with a cold, an ounce prevention is better than a pound of cure'Our stock of underwear is cone- . plete in every line. We can give you goods that we will guarantee not to shrink, there's a great deal in that isn't there. You'll appreciate it too afteryou have worn them. The past two weeks have witnessed great selling in Drees Goods. We have got the (mods that please every time and every one goes away perfectly satisfie 'You men are thinking about a now su' or an overcoat maybe, den't think ab t it too long but come along and leave your measure, this stook is as usual full ci: the bust lines. Our Grocery sales are increasing day by day. Reason why, everything fresh and just as represented. That 85 cent tea meeting with the same praise as ever, 3 lbs for one dollar. Shop early and secure prompt delivery, Tine store closes at seven. 4 h• Stay,. vMt,pq,. Ga;l.•rf ORIi, & RISCCCKS, Direct Importers. . The BEAR, Oct, 13th, 1892. .;1 [r WIN GI-IAi1I, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1892, —Patterson, the jeweller,'. an advtise. —•The. iYiltohell i1e alar was issued last +' _ . • ': nxeoNxrrn ,te, Goir' —Apple packing and Wzieene t, --W,.11. Watson, Pastor. Ser- wound up in theaouutt� WHOLE NO, 60 meat Pis issue. Be sure you read it. week in a handsome. ow dress of clear cut j iiasT �oiarxrrEG --Celery at Youhill's, Leave your orders type. The Recorde is a good paper. at iMctllure's grocery store. --If yon are wanting any fanny cups —The municipal election of is begin. and saucers by the dozen or siugally W T mug to boil in several tow tltipe, of the Yates has a large stock to choose from. gouuty, --Rev J P Rice, of tiVaikorvt]le, has en, —Cash for good butter and eggs at R A Crossley, and Hunter Gr ham's Market Grocery. in tete . e church —The first sleighs of the aeon, from pn• he country, appeared on o streets of Wingham on Mondayaast. • —Why suffer witha col when you an be cured by using Bamilto 's Expeo •ant Cough Mixture, at 25 cents a bottle —M H Moludoo has sorb thing to say in his advertisement. It wil ' profit you to read it. —Try the Eclipse for c eap confectiou• cry. Beat royal mix andy for 10 cents per pound, T C Sr/IM/a& 4 gaged the Lvangellet for the special servie soon after its cleciica --Mr 'J E Dow ey gas severed heli con- nection with the Mt. Forest Gorfecierate, selliug his iuter et to his partner, Mr Riekaby. • —A statieticit u says that four out of every six men use tobacco and ono out of every four buy t. How . does that strike you? —I am prepared tin pay the !Aghast cash price for all kinda of fowl, delivered to me at my butcher shop. Fowl must be drawn and well dressed. t Tema E WAIA ER. —The Termite, Mmes is the latest weekly publication fro Toronto, conducted by W G Ougoodby It is comprised of 10 pages, of illust ated matter devoted to the home iu genes 1. --The sorvi cs iu e'aneectiou with the Methodist cls til] will be held iu the towu hall on Sunda next, as usual. The Sun- H),LSTEri �1p.�day following •u the chureb, which will e SCO T9 ready for oc patiou, by that tiute. ! —Misses Birk and Williarnso dress rind mantle makers• Found at a resi- deuce of ,L+1• hemmer., Weenie st,. Cutting anfitting a specs Ilya' —We understa til that ,the Rev W H atson has leen ved and accepted a call to the Wooclstoc Congregational chum It is expected t t bo will remove Woodstock abo t the first of January next. —•SATui z%Y NIGHT BARGAIN COUNTER.— Those who Came to see us last Saturday night understand what our idea of sell- ing "cheap owns. Don't miss Saturday night at • M. H. MoINnoo's. --• Arrange the ni figures -1 to 9 —in three rows like this 'BANK OF IIAMILTON . o. .i0, 0 BAN KERS, Halsted & Scott erlit-'exe 'To building, lately occupied by the • 0 And will be found in readiness So that when adds tal, perpendicular for business on and after up to 15• —The annivors 9 NOV ith the Method' InE.ii � Sunday, Decorob' 1 v ]lib a T.: 1VI P! of P , 9 8 and evening. Aa EEn MTN, Agent. LOCAL NT IiTS' —Only a month till ( inett-nate e—Have you seen the fine stock of Dinner and Tea Setts at Tato grocery? -'-Advices are to the Will be an advance iu Lb au early date. :—Pillow sham holders at Emig, niture store, for 50 cents. —Pure baking pow pound. Call and get ton's drug store. —Mr Wm Lithgowj fn out next issue' alk of a mile, froth` hill to Wilsontown feet that those price of sugar at 'a fur- -Mr W Bradley li had the side of is bakery bricked up, hieb adds greatly to the appearance of th same. er at 25 c ite7 per 'sato le amil- p ht wiil Bees a talk on a ' the foot a Leaven s Chapei, Wan ted, ole firs maker; also one coat' Wet Gee Mere l�. will t. •class pent and vest raker. ant Tailor, i3luevale — It is repotted t bazar and con ort be;gtvei] in Win • tam on lir" about December 16th, by tli metrtbersof the Young People's Guild talc t Paul's churchh They will be many pi es of work on e biblt'ion. especially a•,•pted for holiday Praitetnts, following,a tertainmeut w will be given ter. 0 0 0 up, each line horizou- nd diagonal shall total y services iu connection t churph will be held ou r 11th, when' the Rev Al nto, will preach morning u the Moudity eveuiug musical and literary 80- 1 be held. Full particulars —Messrs JtA Clive ee Co or a open ing up a bans .ups stook of hard re,whioh they bought t Toronto at a v low fig- ure. M,r Cl ne assures us thea number of lines in w ioh they aro overstocked will be run off at ess than half of the usual price. —,Boys who «a in the habit of tearing down bills will d well to remember that they are liable to heavy fiuo. Bills posted belong to the per on or society by whore Meted and until hey aro outdated should not be disturbed you might as well tetrial the amount ita t them for printing and posting. —The residence of the late John Steell, on the ooruerr of John and Shutes streets, is offered for sale. The ho set old furui:- tore will also be sold by pr" t sale at the residence. Terms cash, or furniture, Part of the purchase money of de reni- deuee, may remain on mortgage as agreed. upon. Apply to, Mas Ione SN]:Lr;, at the residence, or Mn Joins N1IRL&Nos. , . -. 1ti veu new mem ors were initiated at "the meeting of Atieh el Hope lodge, I '0 GT. on Tuesday eve 'ng last, and a nuns- a beauty, and is well ber of prnpositione re seed, .After thebusf. frame. The reading to nese had been eonolu ed,the following pro• just the thing for the ho. grafutne was render : Song, Miss ]ui ` toresting and • bettutif Flunter; reading, i< les .i L Lloyd ; song, new departure is in re kir 1 Ireland ; reads g Mrs tteCance; ad• page the portraits of dross, llev L W 1i; ghee; recitation, Mr + wkoii number forms a 1 W Henderson ; tab au, entitled "l+ Mtlit treat and must be seen t, cHere and Charity," y members of lodge' Prom the high merit of The lodge has noiv membership ' of Over not doubt but that the w 240, with bright p Ppeots 7ef increasing be tjiepeeed of es 500e during the coming inter, ! et. --Cleauiug and p is ' ipouw1 for pianos, 'looking it s:n furniture, at Hodgen 's furuita store. 25 ce is n per bottle. —Tle sidewalk were in a very slippery state during the st week. Some steps should be taken . stop the future then o1 W'ngltam skati. on the sidewalks- -The follows 'g is taken from the Luck, ,• Ilio Se , Luck - ow Atmel of lost week Con stable 13ullard, ed Alex Orr, of the Park House, Wiogha i, spent Tuesday night in the village. —G T R trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.35 a in and 11.20 a m, via W G& B Divlsioc, and at 6.45 a m and 3,50 p in, via Clinton and Guelph. Good couuectious by all trains, —We notice by despatch that the 0 P Ii Company have auk a salt well at Wind- sor. They have lrilled through 40 feet of solid salt and tli by a competent. best in the cou]il —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand aucl between Ross' book- store and Halsted & Scott's bank. —An America i firm ' is selling "steel ranges" through the country. We warn the farmers nail 'c buying them. We do not know whet] r the ranges are good or bad, but we wo .c! advise all our readers to have as little sidings as possible with travelling strati ers, but to buy whatever you need from le local dealers. —You can save money by buying et 1i Hill's. Oysters, 35 geuts per quart ; d Dandies, 3 lbs for 25 cents ; Lemovs, 25 scents per dozen ; Oranges 25 to 35 cents per dozen. I buy for cash therefore 1 eau sell cheaper than any other dealer in town. R. HILL. -We noclerstand t at the Hon J 0 Pat- terson was recently t 'Montreal consultiug the 0 P 11 officials in regard to the exten- tion of their line fro ] Wingham to Goder- icb, 31 miles in long , and subsidised by the Dominion to th extent of e00,200. It is said that it lik that the CP R will start the work at an rry day. —.Removed to my new premises tan Diagonal street, Sea the new Bank of Hamilton, where I better prepared than ever to serve 0 ' customers in all lines of blacksmithing :carriage and wagon work and repairs for 1 kinds of wttchiu- ery; also driving abed r nee of customers, Toros L Joiin, --Th Grand e G a d Truult: a new holder coutaiuiu; new train arrangement is a neatly printed bu ?some picture of theCou td bridge at Niagara piece. No doubt, this will be much apprcciat public. • The sample copy of ber of the Dominion I hie surprise ; we had t superb work could be t Everything in the nu: plemeuta. reading tui is not only of a liigll treatise and will, w ane --even oditove--to' copies as souveuirs. piemout is excellent, originality and *skill designer ; the edveutu sea and in Parris are ve very good thing is the d the "Legislative Hells o our worthy 111 P'S and t wrangle. As a rule noble and imposing, t friends abroad some ide the Dominion in self: large supplement "Chrt. vices each Sunday at 11 a. te. and 7 p. in, yield this year and the Sabbath School and l3iblo olass at 12.30. ! the means of circuit) Prayer Meeting every Wednesday I amount of rueney. 0* at 8 p, m. Seats free. Strangers wel- stud tit] army of packers; come, Nov 27th, Morning bled :--- deal bktter offthis f "Five Dewdrops from the Pe •tatench." There will altiveya be a Evening :—"A wonderful 050•: Sion and the apples of the right its lessons." duce. krodstcors shoo —It has been arranged to •1d gospel tion to the class of hall, each Sunday evening 46 15, nuder temperance meetings in the t meantime receive returns from, of the year to form the auspices of the ehureb!t a different what elassea pay bet teniperauoe orgauizetiousof tl = town, The "'t any Price' first of these reeetittgs was he + on Sunday That rate Face. evening ]sat, when the hall wpacked is a ed to p For Nervous Prostration and At.ptiii the doors. The Rev E W Hu hes delivered there ie no cnedtcfne that will so promptl an address and a good. preen . me was also provided, t and infallible restore vigor andstreugtlr —The W C T U, of this p Scott's Emulsion. shippiug will this week. demand bus be tug an ham r farmer frien. should be a gre 11 than last ye oct market for uality we 'cap :pr l pay close trete ees they expect ud this is the ti a nouud opinion Poor stock is de opinion of a piece than loafers sitting or loung time hvgoee in. The o may be too polite or fo, ace, will hold 1 teMperauco Hall, on ]kion £uliotvir]„g pro.. ['ening hymn, mfr eripture read- of this week in her 50 L W Hughes• was a native of Ar av J H Dyke ; removed, with her h orris duet, 111 years ago,into this 1 mootidiot,. Silver ship of Brook some, • years ago she moot s of your own, along with her Hush lana of another. She won the respect 's mho a . poorer those with whom n dee half dozenShe was an earn ug arouu>3 every lien cud was a beau Ser or proprietor faith. She leave ebearing to order family to mm family their regular monthly seep' Another F3o leer Gone. meeting in the Temperane= Mrs Archibald. Sten art, who bus bee day evening next : when th iu declluing health folf some rnontlis,• pas gramme will be rendered : t sed peacefully to her est on Wednesday "'I Need Thee Every Hour;" = 3 i year. The decease ing, Mrs Watson; pra.yer,a g3 shire, Scot -laud, wh solo, W H Willis; address, ;sband, alio died sero sulo, Miss McDonald, Strat; 'cality from the -town. and Mrs W 13 Willis ; Ben well bas been prououncod colleetioin at the door. authority to be one of the —If you have no bussu ry. don't loaf around the Nothing: gives a bussu you away, but inwardl he will wish you at the bottom of the hands he expects them hours, and the man w place of business Hour ing after evening titl is never a welcome v tor. In this busy enough for all, and t is content to lie arou go off and die. —The atteutiou o to the great improv Ilortioulturtse. T to hand con.tttiui lent reading matt mation with repa; gat•den and law this number s plum, a (impart introduced fro Nichol, Of ()Oar Brown Thrache dian birds. Ti cal infortnatloe ber," and 11t• J Experimoutal ' tested there. ailway have issued 1 writes in a gen the time table and , Mr J JY'Stew, uow in force. It notes on trees et, with a hand - to R k' Holte tuy'sltlternetion. most improved to this, Maus in abrief wa Grimsby, elm copy. ells as a frgntia reproved time table d by the travelling e Christmas Num- ustrated is a goat - idea that suoli nod out in Canada, ber, coloured sup- er and illustrations rder but most at think, tempt every- indulge veryindulge in ' a few The comic sup - and shows great on the part of the rs of the hero at funny, Another uble page plate of Canada" —.where P P's luxuriate io buildings are td will give our of the progress of overhmeut. The mss Morning" is rtlt a handsome ter ap;'ears to be days, bright, in, ly illustrated ; a Y,, odueing on title 1 ' , e authors, The Undertaker and L rubaln]s> ,luta opened t]ua liatXis s Royal Oros. ,. it first class nudorttakiu„ parlor, oppnsitu preparations, was d erary and artistic, tlbishoitu's Drug Store, 4Vu barn, and is weoi� with the elle sympathy of the e sea.. If he hires funeral takes place to work in business o'clock, too remaf o hangs around a Bluevale Cem eter years ago. Nit] d to Wingham,where tid lived retired lives ud Wheat esteem o ]e. ca'. cbrisi'I iful in contact an womau and eemplitieation o a gt own up family r loss, who have the ire community. The eeday (Friday) at s'being interred in th iter hour and even. Now tJacSerte.itin•' and Furniture 1GetaD+ itig to the workmen lishntcii;t. sitar to the proprie- her RELPII HonasoN nas opened his orld there is work Furniture and Undertaking establish - e • man gr boy, wlio merit in the old furniture store, nearly' d and loaf had better opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham 1 and has a full stock of Furniture,•: our readers is cello l i Mouldings, and Undertaking goods on meat in the Canatlia,,l j hand. Call and inspect goods and get to Novetubet number ias prices. Picture Frratning done. promptly g forty pages c€ e�c.:l- t and well. Special attention given to+ r, giving the latest fufor- I lobbing and repairing, and guarantee all &to fruit, flowers, the,' work done. Having had long experience The colored plata in in the furniture and undertaking busk- �v,s the Priem of Wales nese, 1 am sure I can give satisfaction. ively now variety, httely A aplondid new hearse for hire. Rntr'tr near soN Great Britain.. Mr D qui, gives a fine sketch of , Dae of our useful Came- ' Per Mr Thos Holm° edit<+r gives 'scwe practi- t;laco,. spent a few under "Ili..ts for Novelle'week—Mr Dan :kl Donald, of i3russels` !in Craig, of the Central who has been \tt.rking with Mr T.la' aria, wt•ites nole:,ou fruits , Mr L Foote, of Neilsen, Walker, butcher, •.tends leaving town. and going to Lon • on, shortly.. Miss :kt ral Way y 00 fruit gere to„, It.lenuarrie. of this place, returned home t i:i�us Rome iutereaht3g last week from h':tir. visit to friends its, ld shrubs for the lawn, and Toronto.. air R inilai, formerly of thin ay in town, Wo under- nds ;resuming his', for- e chair factory—Miss on and MissRiehardson iaiting at the residence s P Hutton, has re - her visit to friends in Post :—Our former. 'Laughlin, of 'Wingham nday of this week.. and wife, of this days visiting friends ruceli0ld this week:. f •Wingham, was in lid gave the Nowa ow Sentinel: Mr W at, gave us a pleasant Mr Boni Willson, of °know one day last ss, of Detroit has in town during the litchell, of this pi �''.e friends in Seafoii, 1 this place , is visit- ndon..Mi Jas Mo - Was in Toronto a ek.. Mr Robt G'ti;uly Seo of MbT 4N. Mille , has aocopted a • ods house of Plum- inton..lila 'i S H representing W il•. Bitters and other ng the town this wago” oneee. sod wife, of this 'aye in Toronto `last CIlan an article on ":file live for bees". In a,dclitlon her subjects are treated of Send to 1. Woolverton, Nichol, of Harris sing 10 cents for it sample of Bluevale, are place, spout Sun stand tbat,he in neer position in' t The social. 'yen in the Congregational hurcb, on Mon ay evening, by the Y P S 0 L, was a gran sue::esa in every particu- lar. The etten. nee was It rge and. every ono enjoyed t 'mselvos. .lie following was .''eudere Instrumental programme i music, Hattnoni. s 13'tud ; reading, Mr D Tracey ; quarto e, Prof Soott, Mr 12 Wil- son and Misses .;1eIutyre and Sutherland; recitation, Miss L Hodgson ; sols, Prof Scott ; instrume;ltat music, ,Harmonica Baud; iustrutne., til music, Misses '%Vat-, son ; reading, Ret W Et Watson ; gear - tette, Prof Scott, t r It Wileou and Misses McIntyre, and thorland; reading, D Tracey ; instrume'a tal mush), Harmonica Band. The main •.ature of the social was the two minute sp�`•ches.A. name would be called out and if le party celled. could bet speak ou the su,jeat named, they were obliged to pay a flu of ten cents, Nearly every ono called o paid their tine. This should not be the tat entertainment of this kind,as everyo present seemed to be well pleased with it of this place..M turned home fro Toronto.. Brusae townsman, Jas was iu town on 11 Dr Macdonald, NI plane, spont a f in the vicinity of Mr Arthur Knox, Clinton last week Record a call Luni Stewart, of Wingh call on Wednesday this place, was in week..Miss Tilly been visiting Erre past week.. 'Mr Joe is at'presont visitiu Miss Jennie Carter, ing friends in L Alpine, of this plan couple of days this t who was in the etnli for a couple of wee situation in the dr stool & Gibbinge, l3arkwell, of London be appreeiatod. p repttred to :take charge ofanythingin that y lie work wa do line that inay be entrusted to hitn, having 'Cholera el w'T'oils, At sdition will put in a stoop equal to anything outside of Wholesale ---Gurdon tai McIntyre are in a the city, bout in tastee and quality. Prides p.sition to. supply families or societies to ou the Inuit.vervtuoderate. Past elites hearse in at with new teas, at jobbers prices: Now is i tsiidanoe, 3ii1, H. Dievaa. the time to secure your teas.