Wingham Times, 1892-11-04, Page 7ne11, of Linden Walley., 2. "Its Methods," Mr E A Thompson.W/inger. g. "its Possibilities," Air Janes Smith, Elizabethville, Mr Donnell held that the county had great need of Endeavor Societies, Zit because the place where young farmers were tempted to spend their tine wile at the neighboring bottle. ' Within A radius of a toile and a half there. were at leant 50 young people could be produced, and that was sufficient to start a'society. AIr E A Thompson's paper on "Its Methods'' was read by Mr McMillan. One advantage of the country was that there were not so ninny temptations to keep the people from service. They found it very effective in country societies to have plenty of singing. Sociability was a strong factor in bringing in ivany who did ' not belong to the church. Strangers should be warmly welcomed with band -shakers The paper on "The Possibilities of a Country Society" was read by Mr Smith'spester. The possibilities were perhaps not as great as in cities'°Jtnd towns, but still it could do a grand work for God. Where two meetings a week were too rnauy the prayer end Endeavor meetings should be united. The temperance committee could have ranch influence for good by moral suasion and along the line of prohibi- tion. Many parts of the country were cursed with cider. Old wormy apples that could not be sold were ground up ,into cider—nice eider, indeed, as the worms and rut acted as a flavor. THE DENOMINATIONAL SALLIES. 4,11 kr. They stood in full hartnon,$ with the 0 E movement, and although only few of their churches had adopted the societies n committee had been formed to encourage the formationof them whenever practicable. Episcopalian. ---Rey Bernard Bryan, of Parkdale, reported that the Ohureh of England members tldd met in the 14 emorial Church school room, They had an interesting, profitable and. blessed meeting The topie was to see how they ci.uld bring into the society a greater number of the laymen and young people of their own church,. They regretted that their representa- tion in the convention was so. small, but the outlook was.brijht. The idea had been approved at the recent Stratford convention, and a committee was appointed to take the neoessary steps towards increasing the number of societies in their church. (Ap- plause.) Mt,thedist -- Rev Mr Dillon. of Toronto, told the convention that the Methodist, had ukt in the Dundee Street Center Methodist Church, and resolution moved Ly Bev J Philp was Passed exp[ sing their desire that their societies should adopt the name of Epworth League of Christian En- deavor, regretting that any local unions should refuse to accept such societies into the union, as they believed such action contrary to the sentiment passed at the last Provincial 0 E convention. THE QUESTION DI A.WER. The question drawer was opened by Mr V S Leslie, of Toronto, who was received with applause. There was quite a batch referring to the amusement questiens. One waived to know if it was right for a Endeavor to dance, play cards, etc. The answer was that the society did not legislate for any person's con- eiiet.ec. It is a matter for each one to pray over. Q—What ways of getting 'money would you suggest 7 We find it hard td get free will offerings. A— Systetnatic giving. 1 do—not, believe in soei els and bazars. Q—lf,'as Dr Ross, said last night, there are enough young men in the society to carry prohibition, should they not give the temperance nlovelnent some official recognition ? A—Yves; we ought to give more prom- inence to the temperance question. Then carne reports by the seveeal chairmen on • the rallies held in the morning in the elrurohes to which the delegates respectively belonged. Rev R .J Beattie, of Guelph, said the Presbyterians had met in St Andrew's and had a fine gathering. 'There had been expressed a feeling that the church sh,lul3 take a deeper interest in young people's societies.and should'take a more careful oversight of then. With this end in view a committee had been appointed to re• port on the subject at the next annual Presbyterian gathering. A't the morn ing meeting a resolution was nnani- monsly passed declaring their loyalty to tie church to which they belonged, that they desired to work for the has done upon this occasion. pinnso.) I have heard only words of praise from the lips of every visitor, and .1 em sure I am only expressing the sentiments of nil the delegates when I lay they have never bed better entertainment anywhere than in this. beautiful city of London. They have been well treated and they want to come back again," f Applause.) (AP' 1 TR ADB $A,LB v. Tl:All"; TAB Id. Why need you never starves on hoard a ship ? Becansn you got cold chops from the north, little puffs from the south, chickens from the hnthhes' and, as for eggs, the euptain can lay to any day. uesevelmonts BestCCough SSyruplTastes Good. Use 1n time Sold by druggists. 4 Indigestion, 1481)81;91(1 and Sour Stomach are causo411by the ford fermenting. The result of fer- mentaiillllon on all organic matter must be acid. This decomposes the food (whish should tie digest- ed) and from that decomposition evolves gasses that produce pressure on the nerves, disorganizing the system. and prodush ,'arlous syntptoms 'of• disease. The "Curative Fleid" perincs the stomach, promotes digestion and assimilation of food, thereby creating a healthy current of blood. For sale by all Druggists, 500. and 31. ED & SO TT Josephine Street • - 'Vlnchanl, Ont J. A. IALsveo, I J. V. Score, Mount Forest. Listowel. To General Mordents and Dot and Shoo Stores. In connection with my heather Business I keep tell stock of SHOE DRESSING, hiatbaway Whitmore's, Zanotti, French, Dressing', Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect Kid, etc, in 10, 10 and 20o sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jaequot's French Slacking and Gray's elltnax waterproof. in Leather, Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, &c, Cotton and Rifle, in all lengths. Button fasteners and setts, cork scales, &c. SHOE LEATHER, Shnon Alma, bal and RI and hiezzonia Kip and Calf ; also native kip nd upper. Spanish and slaughter sok,. ' Trains corm and depart as fellows: LUAVINa ABAlifiefit. 0)850.10...... For Toronto Ia, 2:00 ;2:00i,rn ....•.. •••Forrieesw'ater... 959" 10:60 p, in 10:58 ' • R,A LsT 4'RtT.^.TIC ,E "Y" A. C. STRATIIAEI , Acrd`e, WINQUAAt. Through tickets to all points in America—North• West, Pacific Coast, ete., via the shortest and a; i i opular routes. Baggage chtcked through 8 ( destination. Lowest freight rates to an points I - —TIME TABLE,— Leave WISOIAM. AUUIVI1. in WINopAht 5:45 n ii.Toronto,Guelph,Pdltuctston, &c. 3:87 pant 11:2o /002 3:5Q p.m. "" " Clinton, " 7:15 '" Palmerston, Mixed 10:40 A.M. 0:45 a.ln London, &o..... .. 11:00 7:50 m 1120 a m ,..... Kincardine, &e ... .. 6:85 pan HARNESS LEATIER, • Best brands on hand hi oak and hemlock. Speeia stool? for truces in oak. Patronage solicited. Pvices guaranteed. A postal card will secure quotations or a call from my travel- : ler. Deposits Received and Interest allowed. • Money Advanced to Farxners and Business Men, , On long or short time, ori endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money reniittetl to all parts of Cs.nada tet reasonable ebonies. Special. Attention Given to Col- lecting A.cc stunts and Notes. Agents in Canada- The I ferchants' .Sauer y of, Canada Mice Hours -From 9 a. m. to 5 P.. in. A. E. SMIT?I, spiritual welfare of old and young and Q—.noes the formation of a hand of respectfully -asked that the -said coin hope conflict with a junior Endeavor mittee vote Co adopt such a eonetitu- Society, or is the work of the former tion as will enable the Society of caused by the latter ? A—(by Mr 0 J Christian Endeavor to organize under Atkinson, of Toronto)—The junior the chor•clh. The speaker said it was Endeavor society can hauiliti the band also felt by some that there was a of hope work. tendency to spread Christian efforts Q—Clan a member of the Unitarian over too great au area and that chttrclh be a member of the society ? concentration might be more effective. A—We do not wish to be narrow, but This would also be eff etive. we roust draw the line here. The basis is the divinity of Christ. Baptists — Rev 0 0 Mctaurin, Sarnia The speaker said they had a grand meeting it the Talbot Street Baptist [.Burch. In his church was an organization called the Young People's Baptist Society. At the morning meeting the relation of these to the 0 E Society wits discussed and the opinion expressed that while engaging in that great inter -denominational work of the 0 E Society, they could preserve their iitentity with their own denomination. Some Baptist Young People's Societies in the Province had raised funds for Sunday school mirs� siouary work, Congregational—Rev R Aylward said the delegates bad, niet in the basement of the First Congregational Church. They had eleven addresses' $,ve hymns, a prayer and a great many greetings within an hour, They found that nearly every. Ceagrogational church in the country had a 0 Ii Society and 'the outlook was most hopeful. Disciples—Mr A McMillan, Alvin - don, said the dr•lagates et hie denote. ination had met in the ilieiples' Hall, Conner Dundas and Elisabeth atrtletlt. The gathering assumed the form of a prat' t' meeting. An stddreas was mode by a returned miry sitniar3' feral Int i:w su* b ti titttlardilt11" The session adjourned at 5.15 p. m. PAYDAY EVENING—THE LAST. "I feel that this eonventiou cannot come to a close without sotne expres- sion of our gratitude to the people of. London." said President Dickson, as he faced the immense audience in St Andrew's after the opening song ser- vice and devotional exercises. "It is the largest t0hristian Endeavor con- vention I have attended in the Prov- ince, It is the most representative gathering, and it has had the largest attendance, not only of delegates, but in the public tneetingsheld throughout the day as well as in the evening. (Applause, i 1t is only right that I should say that the preparatiou8 for these meetings have been perfect. They have not only done the work thoroughly, but they have met every delegate at the station with a carriage or its equivalent in ilio shape of a street oar' ticket.. (Laughter.) As to the hospitality of the .people of Lon- don it has turned out as :I atpectsd..... it has beim right Royal hospitality. (Applause.) Not one of the 800 delegates has been Taft to it hotel or out in the cold, and that, titter des sonytnitidfls, is a marvel. (Applause.) 1. dsn't Imo/1610 city in this fair boy * ea*ld have dose se London; W. J. CHAPMAN, Tanner mei Leather Merchant, BVI; GBAaf 3:87 p.m 10-02 7;15 ;Nal Selentifo. Amorlo f, Agency for, CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. rot. information and free Handbook write to ytUNN o CO. 851 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every putout taken out by us is brought before. the public by a notice given free of charge in the 'zievitif xc animist Largest circulation, of any scientific paper !lithe world. Splendidly, .,illustrated. intelligentNoy�, '- year; 31.50 cis hs without AddrWeekly, seMUzaisUUar VionaSIIERS. 361 Broadway. New York. orw y Syr 0 Rich in the lung -healing virtues oftho Pine combined with the soothing and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. q PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughswhich resist other remedies yield promptly to pleasant piny syrup. PRICE 250, AND fSOC. PAR BOTTLE. SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. FOR 91711 EST VALUE -- -IN 0-g'.Rn11 3 . x-11 HATS, ---GO TO S CAIS, COLLARS, Cheap for AT -- t SHIRTS, CUFF, KASH.,. tov, 3toves3 ves All intendiig purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from; D. SUTHERLAND. i "Bac k a e h.e the scauengers means the kid- of the system. o,, nays are in "Delay is da trouble. Dodd's dangerous, Neg- 0, Kidney Pills giue !acted kidney prompt relief." troubles result '"75 per cent. In Bad Blood, of disease is Dyspepsia, Liver G 'K1 first caused by Complaint, and (Iirordered kid- the most dan- pegs, gcrous of all, "Might as well Bright& Disease, try to have .a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." without sewer- 'The above age, as good diseases cannot health when the' exist Where i kidneys are Dodd'* Kidney t: egged, tinware MIS are used,' -:.rd bryxglt d.alers or /may melee oil rot* •el .1 Smith fo CoT+r«tw� Wrltts>f i 16'7. A,wk.taa.lKtl++rr Having bofaght a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK ... "— "NT ;i S to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. D. SVTE EB: i•n tea, Oo s ilii[, 'te9L •