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Wingham Times, 1892-11-04, Page 4
GT•G op "txl 4 to iL I A , REMIST — AND — '�'"""°""�'�'�•- R1c11tTrand Hill; report o11 out at the approaclliag cottferellce in Wiley, LUMP 6111. 4N'Z"I�RSf (!, T. Woman's Journal, Miee Seott,Ottawa; : Toronto, �_, 1e P who, e PROVINCIAL Dox- report a ii re otresoniliterratu're, Mite's I actionof Mr d 1tat we 13elfour,3e01 nl P,end ' who, the rz;or,El: zxcs az TIIT; tots P, O i repo#.t the last session of o ial vEi:Tlox AT nEztrvTzr'n' Scott, Ottawa- for + p~ ' e regret • Tlie rest of the day was devoted to which carried; orthe championed admission of bill, to the Ftudy of law. Also that w the recon: action of the law sootety which has made this. law inoperative by their unjust disciimitietion agatnat 'Versify oraduates on account of DRUGGIST. N, W. TELEGRWWH OO. p• Brunswick Rause, gham, - - Ont brats INTERr'ST:NG. arseonTS int OV ICERS AIN aegtion box, I The eveuing session began with de. TIMET{'] SUGOESTIONe BY DELEGATES. singing and the q followed Bi,,ii1 Yuows, Oct, 25..—'Tile'fifteenth! votionel exercises an muslin at use, ori who with 't paper, , annual convention of the Ontario „after wtticl. carne Lt pro' gramme of music and recitations. i sex. Woman's Christian Temperance Upton Letter , was opened here at 9.30 this mornttrg• a TIItJRSDAv. I Resolved, that we tender our hearty There are 150 delegatesin attendance. W Vanes delivered an address thanks to 111r Waters, ill 1' P fur W Le • las RI Mu pato. on,. i IT clarti thief- r'k,. A. %e loth Pram far d t1 xov et. jtOf,. Inti aV r autt et f!,n �)u Po' fC opt nd Ps ro`i et ot1 efl za o; tie het DAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1892, EDITORIAL NOTES T. A. BERNIER, of St. Boniface, be called to the Senate in plt ce of M A. Girard, deceased. The officers are : Pre& resident, liars Were, of Galt ; vice•p' . Al S Fawcett, Torontu ; corresponding secretary, Mrs iVm Wiley, of Rich. mond Hill ; recording secretary, Mrs Itutha'ford, `Toronto ; treasurer, stood ;firs 1 so braze ou Schools of Method, and the , acs" Middlesex, who 1 vantages til be derived therefrom , a tw iglu ``w;.en question" in the Pro- certain old hoop said that "wisdoto is vincial Parliament, often subjecting the principal thing," and somebody himself to abuse and ridicule by its of this defined wisdom to be "the ability to oppntlents. Alec)). that a copy at resolution be seat to him. Resolved, that we protest against the canteen system of the volunteer camps of this Province, believing that when the Government calls out our boys to prepare for their country's defence, they should not tempt them to their own ruin.• will GORDON IiICINTYRE. OUR FALL DISPLAY of handsome new fabrics will prove to be very interesting both to ladies and gentle men, en Dress and Mantle goods the stook is large and varied embracing the very latest shades and designs, and for quality they are unsurpassed, but any pen description of them would fail. to give an accurate disor etwauld ton at theor eir beauty and excellence fore cordially invite all intending porch - awe to call and examine those fashion- able and seasonable goods, get our prices. No matter how nice goods may look, we are anxious to soil them and a small n a s amount over cost will secure them, is not idle talk as anyone can prove by seeing our goods and hoaxing our out prices --just arrived a large purchase of boys' and menfs ready made suits and theyaro bargains, see. overcoats, them --Do not risk your healt,a by wearing bad shoes at this season, when you can get the very best Boots, Shoos and Rub- bers from us for so little money—We ` . 0 Cornwall. I abs thing, in elle light w ay, Mies Jennie McArthur,t ester -Ido the right „ Boonee met, Oct 26'—A• y , the right time, in the right place. C. T. U, I Mrs Rockwell spoke at length on "our franchise work." Slie had the hnnor of being the pioneer. Supt of this saDept in the Dominion. A great useful information was imparted as to bow to prepare petitions properly and sign them correctly, also concerning Believing that the social evil public give big values in pure fresh grooerie voters' lists for ppand spices, prime teas are' a speciality the election laws and and Dominion never be suppressed until p municipal, provincial,opinion demands of the wan what is I with us, try a sample pound of our The aim of this Dept is to i expected of the woman, cele- brated "Ram Lets" and "Pure Russian Blend" blank teas.—Gents Furnishings and ordered suits and 'overcoats, always command our very best attention. GOON & McINTYRE.. The Biu Brown Anchor. Winebasi.October 7th, 1891 es said that Attorney.General n will.oppose Ilon. Mr. Daly,the iixinister of the Interior, in Sel' Man. !a largely attended convention Of Reformers of West Huron, held in cerebri on Friday last, 1'1r M ,0 exon was nominated as candidate fbe douse of Commons. Sis Ottawa Journal says it learns ;nod authority that the Dominion eruurent intends to submit a pros itiou at the next session of Parliae ,t offering a subsidy of $750 000 a. fast mail service between Canada Great Britain. IO,N EDWARD BLARE • has left for ,1, utt to assume itis duties as a it ether of the Imperial Partittntent. the eve of his departure he was .sented with a cheque for 11000 for • Heine Rule fund, by Hon Frank titlt, treasurer of the Home Rule ssoeiation of Canada. day's convention of the 4V read Mr lig 5 Fawcett, of Toronto, the report of the prisoners' aid com- mittee. Through the efforts of the society they had been instrumental in having the prisoners properly classified in several jails in (Atari°. Boys ander 14 years are not now associated with older erttuivals. Several corpor- ations r had been induced to p by- laws prohibiting children from runn- ing on the streets after a certain hour at ni ;ht. A strong effort had ' been put forth by the union to have temale prisoners attended at their trial by a woman instead of a constable, and also to have them conveyed from the police court to the jail under the pro• tection of a matron. aril in liters• The ecimtlittee on purity tura reported that the association had been instrumental in prohibiting; the ntis tiesof entrance obsceneatada oi literature large Tutt the United States. A1rs LeRoy: Hooker, of Leamington, read e carefully prepared report on Sabbath ohservttuce, and Mrs .A. Ga. cling, of Toronto Junction, read an knowledge be to those trocars who able report 00 unfermented wine. Te of what ts,rrumd une.iuto The financial standing of the union, is a mistake to put g, toxicants. t,td by Miss McArthur, trees- • uffiue to keep thein quiet. The r'e grape acts of „n teas spent Resolved, that we loop with. alarm upon the increasiugiy •aa reported by Sabbath desecration, 1 the press of our country. That we, ca11 the attention of the public to the recent arrangement 'made by our Dominion Government, through which the vessels carrying continental, mail will Leave Kimouski each Lord's Day, thereby keeping a large force of clerks at work far into Sabbath hours, and setting at defiance the loudly expressed wish of the God-fearing citizens of this country. for a stricter observance of•che day Resolved, that this convention con- tiliue the hitherto expressed protest against the immoral traffic in Chinese girls in 13rtr.ish Columbia. The Finance committee reported, showing -that the society was prosper- ing in all of its depertnients. The • next convention will be herd at Chatham. elections, secure the trauchise for women on the same condition as it is given to men• Mrs Thornley next defined and ex. plained the qualifications and duties of officers of local W. 0. T. Unions. The geneval qualifications essential for every presiding officer were—Perfect consecration to the.service of God nod be able to take a snob 'sweet) to cultivate a cordial manner for Christ's sake. The union Pres who forgets her work after a he a dieti nit us pronounced, and only again when she announces the hymn for the next_ meeting, is not true to her work ; she must understand and oversee her work continually, should always have a prepared programme, Mould expedite badness by an exalt Resolved, that we protest against tile Solomon practice of publishing the names of women inmates found in disreputable places, while the names of their stale' perttlere in guilt are either suppressed or changed ; lett thein stand side by side in their in- wrzerserunssaranennsano,s, ��.n,_____ s. in- iquity. we endorse the and from all loss costs and charges con- Resalved, that action of the Pan Presbrrtntioutco diffi- And fleeted '►itlre•.as there debentures been coupons. loss of et urging that all International CLtltlt'a BJP. settled by arbitration in8tead interest f thetti'm e L the through de t ©sautes ertainty lm Carne of resort to arms. Whereas, the patronage of liquor payable, the treasurer is hereby in - groceries by W. 0, T. U. womenvery corporation' o nitttkt' tv: to and onoc the contrary to our pledge and the any kind and if necessary Make use of spirit of our oraanizlttton. Resolvqd, that we pledg,e ourselves, to e�townshipthe pmontytttu his possession sensor s as far as possible, to give on giving leeswater • • -t sell in- � when presented, c, credit for any interest received for Looney deposited in pack, received from Teeswat.er—tarried. The Fi- nance Committee recommend payment of the following accunnts : . Thomas Ross, for gravelling on concession 4, between lots 25 and 80, $40 ; J R McLean, admiuistering oath t to selec- tors of jurors, $1 ; J or gravelling opposite tot 0, concession 7, $17,45;.Fraueis Crowe, repairing hill opposite lots 25 and 26, conietes1on 3, $1; Francis Crowe, repairing hill, 2 men and team, repairing road be- tween lots 25 and 26, eon 2, $3; Jos (Kramer, brushing;, graveling and fencit gl sink hole, lot 27, eons 12 and 13, oleo repairiug feuce on Becking's Bill, $36.75; Patrick 'Manly, fixing siulr hole, i$16.50; Jelin Armstrong, fur gravelling the gravel road, $05,10; Philip Schumacher, for gravel and • damage to crop, $8.56; Krotch and Brattier, for cedar, .$8.20; N Baker, ;.'ravelling 105. vile, con 12, lot 6, $19 98; Andrew Oaskt'uett, balanee of contract, $2 50; G Miller, fixing road, lot 28, eon 13, $4; L McKay, build - III ing outs ert oil 30th sideline, con S, t $8; N McKinnon, as part payment of work un hill, 25th sideline, con 3, also Pickle's hill, $35. .telovt.d by .3 Moir, seconded by J Welwoorl, that the fin- arse° report as just read b•• Adopted— Oerried. Moved by J Moir, seconded motions *Nes 10 and 11 for passuu„ i,y,Peter Inutz, that this hoard do by-laws No 8 and 9 and that the new adjourn to meet—, again on the minutes as amended ire adopted—Oar 18th day of December at the hour of Tees - vied. Moved by P Clark, seconded by 40 o'clock a in, in the to.wn hall, Tees - 1' Kuntz, that in the mutter of the water, as regni1011 by st:Ltute—Carried. petition of Joseph hunter end twenty- Cats 13r1i'rort, (:leek, five others, the deputyereeveis hereby' appointed to attend to that part of the! Paling Binks Another Bank. road complained of and have the same' AN F.SCApED STRA'rFottD PRISONER TORNS repaired—Curried. Moved by P Ulere, • UP AT SALT T•Axr. CITY. •econdeli by H McKay, that as Jame Government Tunnh bas been laid before the Do - inion Government et Ottawa, the .aims of Nova Scotia for the refunding ant the Dominion of upwards of 2,000,000, which the i'rovince has xpended in subsidy money forrailways .ow ,verged into the Dominion Gov- riotielit railway system. 'Due Nest Heron Farmers' Institute t*. eting will lilt herd in Industry hall, Myth, on Tuesday, November 8111, tvhen the following subjects will be discussed : Silo or en -Mage feeding, ;,'uefite of under droiuiug, stetute la- bel., taxing male animals, whiter tie het creatueliee, best mode of fat- tening cattle and other inter•estiug gsuhi ts. as rept'+ urer, of Cornwall, was highly satis- tts- «i the year factory. During At1d $2,100 had been received, theree was still in the treasury, rdster paying till indebtedness, uP was50, tnong otherwhich bad been raised expenditure for $208 • the royal commissirin fund. At the evening session v1rs Dunnett, of Belleville, welcome?, the delegates. Mrs Thornley,of Lrnthebifl a lever address, acknowledged s of welcome which bad been spoken, and thanked Mrs Dunnett and the generous pe.ople of Belleville for the many acts of kindness which had already been bestowed upon them. At. one certain city where the delegates had convened they lied been oalit'dt t set of well meaning enthusiasts; another a company of fanatics, and at still another a political clul, ; but she assured the citizens of Belleville before her that they had come there simply to mind their own busiuese, and if any person should ask what their business was, she would say it was adding assistance to the working out of God's business. They'Were notp u Parliamentary rules of procedure, but they were getting there, and when they got a vote in the near future they id cast it in the best interests of mainder of the sessi given h in a "Parliamentary drill," y the Miss Phelps, and in jepiyt.sg, to�liss questions in the question box, by Scott, of Ottawa. THURSDAY. Rev W Patterson gave an able and earnest address upon the temperance question, which was listened to with much interest. Mrs 1i1cOnteheon, of Forest, Middlesex County, was then called to the platform and was present- edsee sty the president prize banner. This banner is given yearly by the Association to the county which has the iargest membership according to population. For the second time in succesbion Middlesex has captured the bother. FRIDAY. The solution committee presented a large utnber of resolutions, as folio Resolved, that we ' stand nto, the s always, unalterably opposed manufacture, impartation, exportation, and sale of intoxicating liquors. Whereas, our '.Union at last conven- tion called the attention of the Edu- Icational Department to the • uns:ttis- factory condition of. the statute enforc, u ing temperance teaching in the soiree's souls of their fellow beings 1iy and asked that this study become a • tnh the liquor truffle roust bel rerynlar branch with compulsory •ex- am•inations, and that a graded series of temperance physiologies be author- ized ; Resolved, that we feel ourselves deeply grieved hr the action of the pYo Educational Dept in promulgating reguletious that mean a backward instead of a forward step. e1d. Whereas, we believe that our • Pro- . world's lr mvincial Government has the rig it to s al t treasurer, Al 7s 00 14,11el'8 , tins provurc"; as the Manitoba Govern- said that nd 00,l 0th lnetont irl tlutent has to that provin e ti otprit• Canada trod 200,000 througbotlt ub- lege of a popular p e world, They had just received a sub- 1estion "Shall the tzl,tu„fncture setlptiou " from Norway iu aid of the acid sale of }"Shall tth liquors torr, world's cot,'^ress• During the evening lino+' 2 anthems were sung; by the ,;hair,. and ti p,esolved; that. zve do our utmost tc polo try ;e cl e of th l aid iti the obtaining of a plebiscite. AC rite close „f the utett,ut� Alayor I iVtleretts, as wti .told rho opit,ion li li~,.prt was presetlred with a bandsotn<' that tt Governmint should be of tilt' lieuquet sty the visiting cleleg;rttes people. by the people, and for the s a large proportion of , and a g e ryas e osl , ' l;n D > C ..o p !' an- wr.DYt:sDaY s ri le. cf tills country are disft Betweest a.z. Out 2G.�-• rho attends I the peep cit at the \V. C. '1. 13. c,ntventiun chised for the�linsuf pie to tensors that nn is Iar„e mid ilio prnceedinga are of , thi.' aotved nthatt we will never cease '1 lie Canitdian cattle trade wit h ;�,uglited has suffered a serious blow his week. A. d sease;wnicb is thought ` ,a be pleuro-puenmouia, has• broken out auiuug cattle shipi,ed srotu 1 tis 'scountry, and tipwttrd r „f twelve huu itdted head of Canitdian cattle have •ibeeu deetroled. There is every prob- • sabitt.y chat Canada will be sctrwduted, • 1 �'utilees it cart lie shown that the disease !itis .lot pleuro-p:ne1tnonia. wo the say abolished. fn concluding a happy speech Mrs '1'horuley again thanked the ladies who had so cordially ro- cei�'ed the delegates.. Addresses were also trade by Mayor Bo;art and Rev 41r George, followed by a few eloquent words from Miss Phelps, of St Catharines, and laird Archib • The Dominion president ane - re� profit for V'armers in Creameries. •lin: tit a meeting held in Oxfera eouclty Ig incounecti',rt with the travelling' 11,try, ll a reveren'I gentletman said he had beetnad't twenty-one (loiters in four wit,- ter ninths by deliverime the mita of „done cow to a butter eatery. T11is 11u,peritntntal dairy which the a1Irisrer of Airicelture for Otl.t„rie is sending all over the Prnein%o will do a great !8 indittdu,tl cal ,,af good in showing stoners how to improve the quality of heir' home acrd dairy produce. Blit. t after all, the true solution of ON bill ter an interesting character. as he 1or( er ourr' efltlrts until wutnan shallstiltt �I e paCiori will be ((loud in the more of exercise tesd,ty was1 ler brother, roan, s al The Council met 1n town hall, Tees. water, Sept 22nd. Members all p,es- eat. Reeve in the chair. The iniuutes of last meeting were then read, when it was moved by J V elwoori, seconded by P Kuntz, that the minutes as jest tc1 be amended by 'Chieft Detective Murray* has been notified that Paling, alias Cole, alias linle, who recently escaped from Stratford jail while waiting trial for obtaining $1,000 from J W Scott, a Listowel benicer, by thetins of a bouW'lraft, 'turned cep in Salt Lake City, Utah, a few days, aim, and suc- ceederl in coefidr'noir,g another bank out of $2,500. i+rikit, it will he remembered, es - Lowry has failed to commence or to finish the contract of gravelling he contracted for on the 25th sideline and on the 12th concession, James Thompson, pathntaster, is hereby authorized to employ . men and teams to do said work at once as it is getting late in the season, The amount to be d.#p Moved by J Wt lwood ,, secondedended not to exceed $40—Car- '• by P Kuntz, that Joseph Bremer beI allowed $1.25 for repairing the tailing. caped front Winninitons e',1f Sill while iWa t- iu trial I y Report on Sunday sehnol and Juvenile' hr+air ► the laws at work kitchen garden,. DHmorest medal power to assist 1st framing n contests, Mgrs Pratt, Uiatnilton ; report 1 which both areae governed. we, as an org;anivtian, on ,risoll, police and Woldiee,Mrs .login Eesoheartily etil commend the work n, E llttrwaslr, Cobnnrx ; report' ill leof g;i11 a tilesPrison Aid°1'#esociatiun, especially kir better 'ff rte .tis Wacure u flu . newel establishment of creameries. hose ensitre utliforntity ILI gt10 its d -� ilio ex,peeience of the Oxford Man r,hows that them' is profit tY the; ia•:Ltrar in tnaltln€; liter' of the pn facilities they Efford. If ereetnert't tine fraricliise an Pett ►nth• , t 1 Were as numerous in Outar.o n§ c toms are now, there can t" little to'uht that our e:tporte of butter, t d tlf being valued at a paltry 'l Ill their c o OC , els Sticlaesifioatron of prisoners, and the i the aidthdern hips fain the llityn►errtithe key behind. (arintrierttary usaze, ;drays Iiie Phelps, duction of eufureed labor into n ori hy}tieurt argil ,intro of certain debentures and shall also pied `ti Murray tttt'nteall todoes s , loot t ars:tiru,c s, report d- d `fy and save harm heredity, \Ira T,'ltorllely, London ; re•' eaunt� t�rytl���t jails women t � worst hiss An •<'u all tli on on the hill known as bel.l.t 1; , the 10111 coneess1on-�(arried. Moved by P Clark, seconded by k' E•untz.t at Mr McKay and the township clerk are hereby appointed to see that the eels that thatStratford atffoi duty litho it.es one of ire bond is properly executed andcons lector's of p p Confidence ut.'n oil the co the collector'+1 roll handed ever to the ulevt'ress c b collector as required sty-statute—Oar.t titieut mid. to*1 cion id jail-breaker, ail-brl t the}he .Melia , seconded I was tallow• 1 tied. Moved by H Y by J Welwoud, according 'to the r secured, so the jailsr said, by thetins Agreement entered into re railway be .I r,f a key tirade out of the handle of a tween Celrnss pried Teeswa.ter', Tees.. tin purl, and by iue.itis of which it was water Agrees slid promises that, they i stated and returned tol�hised three cell andleft font title wive lnilnilessi alleged was supplied him bpa turnkey. Detective Murray extradited him from St Paul, Minn, but despite the fact well tingbetotl; 1•et,"tt cin. o {five ' provide and to atitni in go ttttble less the said towiraliip from the pay- b"dlbg t rat. after fact, , he wouldn't !,s,�,/y,tate or er W,•,V'.,,7r would equal the v,tlae of ; port la gaunt thavitl a report on careful consideration to the ra r trepans of ohppee-` orae and a hsl►f: conference a hini4uin ti ; p ttorttalas, r with iu4lannFinl bodies, $tr careful con that are time to be thrown tueilt of all interest coupons thereon,