Wingham Times, 1892-11-04, Page 3They Were 1,Jucle john's.
Ile was a hardworking and zealous
13oerd school teacher, and had just
Old the cla..s.•thet wool conies off the
sheep and is made into blankets, clotlr-
ing,etc, to keep us warm in °old
weather, and he proceeded to question
little. Wille, wile had been rather
inattentive during the lesson,
Now, Willie, said the teacller,where
does wool conte from ?.
te.achor, re -
Oa' the sheep's back,
plied Willie.
And what then ?. ingiiitecl the
teaC lier.
Willie could not answer..
What are these made from ? asked
the teacher, touchit'tg Willie's trousers
with the cane.
Uncle John's old 'ung ; and Willie I I may be weak and effeminate, but
and the teacher and the cane adjourn when it comes to drawing a feeble -
ed to the library. minded poodle along the sidewalk by a
MMkiug Tele. Iuoh.
Dearest, dearest A.n;;eline, am 1
I don't lcnosv, Mr de Mouse; can you
keep me in suspenders; and she, looked
sternly at him,
Yes, my own,
Hut there are other things, I be-
long to ten societies for the improve -
went of the feminine ,rind. Can, you
keep house, Mr de Mouse ?
1 will try, wine own,.
And cook as your, mother used to
do ?
I -I will learn.
And take Fido out every
No, said Mr de Mouse in a jinn,
manly voice, 1 draw the line at Fido.
Keep the cellar well aired in IRWIN
Mer and well filled in winter,
Doublf,• Uoinmonded.
Stas, ---I had a very bad cold and was
cured by two bottles of Hagyard's Pectoral
Doleful), I cannot do without it.
Mss W C >.I Pesti t, Sea Gull, Ont.
Dootor-•-Your is in a very
critical state, and 1 should reeornwend
Iyou to call insotue specialist to consult
on the ease..
day for a
no Quit 7.'he I700ter. I string, I'm riot in it, Farewell, cruel,
_ �n-r_r.l, you have made a mail of me,
Gittins esi,—Iiwas troubled with dye i+
' for about our years and tried sever- . and Mr tie Mouse
.Blessing to Every Household.
These remedies have stood the test oI fifty years a perlie1ece, and aro prcnouured the 1.,.t
Undertaker and Erebalmer.has opened out
a first class nndertakiug parlor, opposite
Chisholm's Drug Store, Wingbatn, and is
prepared to take charge of anything in that
line that may be entrusted to him, having
put in a stock equal to anything outside of
the city, both in taste and quality. Prices
verymoderate, First eiam hearse to at
.tandance. E. H. Dime.
walked out and A n"
Pant), the blood,1 correct all diserders of the LIVI#A, STOD1ACli, i;IDNyYai .•l1' rtil' l:l, 1
Invaluable In all complaints Incidental to females ef, all ages.
1111. I O.,E -T1 -. 1r '
Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sorra, ulcers, and old wounds I OIt f1I tf �C'l1171�. S+ i;
and sold by all HAS NO Inn VnEQUAL.s throughout red only
74, New Oxford, l,at,, (,:n. ri\ietd Sus i t, l•cit,h•,•
r1i Purhasers t Mould look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If tlin tuldretfi
not 533 Oxford Street, Loudon, they ate spurious,
Flusbond--'!herr, you see, Do,•tor,1
was right again. I gild my wife long
ago she nut to got j roper medical
advice; but she thought you would be
pep9la Clubbing gates,
1 remedies but found them of little use, ! Hina saW him no more. weeklyEmpire au l premium the
I noticed an advertisement euG oY Ur
Blood Bitters, so I quit the doctor and I Conservative members of .the House of
t d to B B, and soon found that' Monthy Prizoa for Boys and Girls. I Commons, and the Thine froin uow till the
Aar Burdock
a l The p
star e
there was nothing to equal it. It took just j The"Snnti,ht" Soip Co., Toronto, otter the tel.
three bottles to,effect a perfect cure is my ' lowing prizes every month till further notice, to, and I can highly recouemelict this ex- boys and "girds under 1e, residing in the Province of
reliant ro.
• Ontario, a•ho send the greatest nttlnbor of "Sun-
-st, 514; 2nd, co. 3rd, ; 4th,
meds to all. q
Bnir J Bolo, wingti,ikii, Out' • S1 • eel to 14th, n Handsome Boole ; and a pretty
There is nothing gained or retained Sendavrapparato'•Suhuug..t Snap Olfi,e, 40 Scott
e gained St., Toronto, not later than 20th of each month, and
marked "Competition" ; also give full naive, ad-
10the world without care. dress, age, and number of wrappers, winners'
names mill be publlshed'In the Toronto fall nn first
Ripens 'Tabules cure biliousness. Saturday in each month.
England employs 5,600 women and
picture ta'those who send not lees than 12 wrappers.
girls in and i a►ro ut its coal ,nines. a A. Rainy Day Marriage.
end of 1803.-$1.75.
The weekly Globe and Tntrs from .tow
till the end of 1808-$1.75.
The London Advertiser, weekly and
Tulsa from now till the end of 1803-$175
The London Free Press, weekly and
TunsTIs from now till end of 1803-$1,75.
The Montreal Weekly Herald and the
Trans from now till end of 1803-$1,50.
The Montreal Witnens, weekly and Truss from now till the end 1803-$1:75.
Reduced rates with all other metro !•
petition weeklies. This is a grand oppor-
•'tunity. Subscribe at once and renews the
D. D. Cavell, Toronto, Travelling Puss- It was pouring hard and a certain !balance of the year free.
r linty a
anger Agent, 0 P R. says; AUtl•Dau- Minister not lone, since fit
mot ons perfect remover
in f1lyDowdrnff seta iston pulpit settled himself for an°after- ._Comfortable house to rent with ten
a ication I thoroughly re, on .of sermonizing.. ,Suddeuty there
rooms. Apply to GEo TH0A1PSON.
maned excessive dandruff accumulation , carnes a shnr ring at the ►iell. On A meeting n^_P but stopped falling of the hair, as visible
p --"'''''—"'r-'•-----'-"-------
soft and pliable and promoted a visible opening the door a gentleman and Association was held in Clinton on ; � � ..t,
P d-', a r , yl .&
few app ca
s uat only t o noon
f the Huron Medical
Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation,
Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad.
Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all
disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Ripans Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu-
tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief, 'Sold by
druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of xs cents. Address
Io Spruce Street, - - New York City.
TEN growth- lady, both in ordinary apparel and 1 Tuesday last. Although the attend- - , `
In Saxony about seventy per aeiat,of
mach the worse for the .storm, stepped I ante was not large, the meeting was
the workiun[ntu .earn lotus than $150 into the hall. .. • I
u enthusiastic. Some questions discuss -
per year. ' Say, parson, we want to be spliced, ; eel were "Recent doings of'the Ontario ii
'We are glad to learn that t1n do 't we -cry ? ; Medical Council," "Pauper practice, .
s`P.A.IN KI•LI R" is Mani-- so large a
Mary nodded cooly, as if the split- "Society practice." A resolution was',
sale in our town. We have 'wary . rocess w ere a matter of supreme pnssed, disapproving of the treating
reason to believe it to be"an almost °poa p ib3 contract the members of fraternal
never -failing cure
or pain, and is a iudiflerence to her,
i•id l You see parson, continued the pro, :societies. A. committee was appointed
medionse that no family s to
without. Only 25e. for a big bottle.
rhe naris
spective bridegroom' we didn't have - to find out the feeling of all the !nem-'
unions of Cleveland, O., work in the mill to day and w
h'.proposed to nominate a candidate
for mayor.
Bebecea Wilkinson, of Browusvalley,
l:nd., says; billed been iu a distressed
condition, for three years from Nervous-
ness;. Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia
and Indigestion until my health was gone.
I had been doctorilol coatlstautly with no
relief. I bought one bottle of South Ain.
erieau Nervine, which done me more good
than any $50 worth of doctoring 1 ever dud
in 'my life. ,I world -advise every weakly
person to use this valuable and lovely rem-
gdy," A. trial 'bottle will couviuce you.
Warrrnted at Chisholtri's drug store.
An adult labnrinr ccran wastes five
ounces of muscle in the course of his
ADVICE TO AleiaheaS.- Are you ni8tnreen at nteht Hob 1 IeP.rt{d Willie to hitt sister
6 of your rest by a etch child suffering and
e w.inted ; bers of the Assoctation, and to confer
with the societies. Some interesting
cases were reported and presented.
to get in the time, and so I tnl,l Mary
we might as well be spliced to -day as
at any tilxle. Mary said her clothes
wastet fit, but I told her they'd do for
a rainy day,.
He sed his license, and so zhoking
back her indignant query if he didn't
know it was the enstoW for the lady
to set alae wedding day, the parson's
wife acted He witness, and the two
• were spliced.- Lewiston Journal.
• Dialing : Vhy did you leave the
lecture piatform, Larkin 'I—Larkin—
Well, 1 was egged on to take that step.
and broken
once with rain of Catrin; Teeth 4 If so send at
� t battle of "AIrp,lyinslotv's soothing I'M a i•oy and .can c'limlr trans. Pooh!
once midge
'rho Bead Surgeon.
Of the Lubon'Medtcal Cern pan v is now at
Toronto, Canada, and may bo consulted
either ill person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to may, Men, youug,old,
or middleeagecl, who dud themselve uerv-
•ous, weak and exhausted. who are broken ;
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
scary of the following symptoms : Yleutal ;
deprossiou, premature old age,loss of vital.
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness saions l J.
CLINE 1+:a ,
lof uck
of ui rgy, pain
in theof the ir kidneys,eart, head.: LW E
itrek euori.y, I
ache,' pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation atinut the scrotum,
I wasting of the organs, di ziness, specks be, -
fore the eyes, twitching of the museles,eye •
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits!
of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness 1
of the seall> and spine, weitk and flabby
muscles, desire to sleep;failure to be rested'
by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, I
loss of voice, deal re for soli tude.excitability
of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with
LEADEN IumLII, icily loakill"U skin, etc, are
all sytnptoins of nervous debility that lead
to insanity and death Thiess cured, The
spring or vital force having lost its tension
every foliation wanes iu consequence.
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance may be permanently cured.
peculiar your
tot ean.ssfor Books t,leetiall freerlseale 1
Heart disease, the symptoms of which are
faint spells, purple lips, numbness,palptta•.
tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood
to the bean, dull pain in the heart with
beats strong. rapid and irregular, the
secnnd beast beat quioker than the first ,pain
about the breastbone, etc, eau positively
he cured. No cure, no pay. Send for
book. Address M' . V LUBON, 24 Macdou• 1
ell Ave. Toronto, Canada.
Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is Sneaked-
nca on
able. It will relieve the poor little sueorar retorted his sidtr•'r, I'ni a girl and can
mistake await it.•Itcures Dysentery andthere is noDiarrhasa, sit still witliout' wanting to cintt
immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ;
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures wind Colic,
softens the Gums, reduces `Moto Inflammation,
asystem.ion and Alns blies trees,
sono and onm'gy to Ill
slow's ttottit Syrup" for childrenteethingnr of Hag arils Petotal Bala:Ian as the best
pleasant to tile taste and is the prescription of one of , ,
the oldest and best- male phyalciens and nurses i1p remedyfor coughs and colds Irhave ever
the United States, and is for pate nt all cent stn
Oakland, throeshout the world. Price twenty-five cents h use Mils F STL�o1ISNsoN, Uak ,
bottle. Ida sure and asic for "Alas. winsLow's' Jullnny Billows—Papa, hits me ft
BemuseBYRT:r earl tnirP no Atha? (rind ' won't you 1 Papa—Perhaps. Do,
•1 doe,A Yankee philosopher says that a
true Innis never frets about his place: please pope. I've got a can end t1
in the world, but just slides into it string.
l y the gravitation of his nature anal I've struck the key note in this con•
swings there as easily assn. star. I troversy about wages, said the walk.
Indigestion Cured. the capitalist ;but 1 the scale.
UsaTrrtlr•.N,-twras thilronghly • eared of Bunte erisir Cva>.n INA DAs. --South
indtgestiou by using only three bottles of American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
B BB and truthfully recommended it to I and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3
and he convinced ilea
ROYAL MAIL `ure,tis111P8.
Steamers sail rev nIarly front
PD 01. via Londonderry.
� � I DLRLSG a'l111 WINTER. MONTllc,
? i 4 ki a. I� 1 i Cl t Cabhr, 540 ar,d tipvv tris, Serond Cut In, 2;
Steerage at low rates. 1'10 Cattle Cris Tied.
LINE. STr•.Aafslllrs.
Is the finest W:t.1 I+iuish known. ALLAN LINE
via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, e40 and
epwaros. Second Cabin, 5`25. Steerage at low rates.
Apply to E. & A. ALL AN, Alontreal, or
is the' bast ill the ws>r19.
ling delegate. Maybe you have, rigid
all suffering from the same malady,
Mus Daviospe, Wiuuipog, 1,fan.
1'l1 bet 0.4 young Wibbles boy will
be a menu nitro when be grows up.
Wily 1 Weil, he bad the mumps last
week and lie didn't give them to any
Of the other Rids in the neighborhood,
a s. Its action noon the system iS re'
markable and mysterious. It removes at
oueo the cause of the disease immediately
disappears. The first dose greatly bene-
fits. '75 Bents. . Warranted at Chisholm's
drug store,
Miss Fairweather --Whet is the
matter, papa dear! You rare not angry.
because George --Mr, tlnpkins—askt'd
you for my hand 4 Fairweather—Ole
no 1 thet'e all right,
Say, Jacob, John's dein' well. He's
in the book-lut,din' business. Jacob
Sole Agents for above
A Obninttrclal Man's Grip.
1 have often looked for a preparation
that would keep my head clear of Dandruff
bat always failed to receive any meterirtl
ni a friend
?<7t �iir by Ela 1• ,E LTH
wil?atr t mm.>, sae.Si
Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the
dowels, Kidnoyg and Liver, carrying.
off' gradually 'without 'weakening the sys-
tem, all the impurities and foul humors
of the eeerotions; at the same time Cor
reetillg Acidity of tilt) stomach,
t coria Biliousness, Dysbepsil ,,
beueiit u t•1 a f lel ed with sped Anti. I 4
Datldruff, whielt X used with perfsst'suo• I For the landcalces 1 What do lis say ? { IHeadaches,
t as a itilt,6 Dizziness,
oY r id Sisal
cess Ill not only removed the dandruff" l4land Vhv he says that he's been l Blot �irYinfiss of Vision, JatXri- root i, . 3 and the L. ; of Lot O.
with three applications, but stopped the Y ' ' l3 ` Molt al•l eunnntx• dine, �OIt shorting Ter eiClas SCro 11th Con.1'urnberry 1,10 aeles, 6 a l i
CLERIC OTu DIV. Covr.T, Co. Huron,
WnoxxT>,n. ONT.
BANK OF iik.,yiiiar). iYaV
Capital, $1,2.50,000. Rebt,SG:a'1,000.
PresIdeni-Joint STUART.
Vlee• P eesident--A: 0. EARSAY.
G Su ORE Jun PtearWu,1Len)onCt.
, A.
ou. 13. Liteit(Toronto),
_ f Cashier -J. TURRN13ULL.
�� Tr,7�r 1tJL. I
e/�y ^I•lvt b'° �'�'' Savings r']anlc--lleurs, to to 0 ; Saturdays, to
1. Deposits[ of 51 and upwards received nen interest
and Chemic
Fancy and
so net Articles,
perfumery, &c. GEORGE 1� OMSO', Proprietor
Prescriptions carefully conn- t
pounded at all hours,
Our stock of medicines is com-
plete, warranted genuine and of
the best quality.
aII ofred
Special Deposits else received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United States
bought and sold
13. WILLSC\*, Aer:ril-
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car load Orders a Specialty
annoyibg itching of the scalp l�l,d render- boon-Inaltltl atrl i
ed the hair soft and pliable without leftyvras pa
trig tall appearance of a dreslling being Lissa. x know what 1 would do if 1 m
arataneut ositioll in 'd little Tolls 1 rl takep
.. A!3t11�. 1 `
1®saidligqtlors,- t 'All a}Ct'� T 1tt�
Btrll�loille, +3ut, tld6i lilt���1� ��Q,lp' r 1`a , ' '
all�'el, t3a1 i ,
2us and ily back
rule. F1Utterill " of t 0 ear , Den. e.
l cleared; well `fenced; frame house aria ,
othet buildings; good orchaad; cheep, on I wove) delivorea to aey poet 'Ill
time. Apply to (Willghaln,
PM. C. CAMERON, 1 eorr:etsb' trick promptly attended to.
OP it/C. (;} a t, iO , GEORGEnlr w 1.t). oil.
'vousuess glia en01.41 Debility;
t1 and many Otho
It uow occupies al p p
toy grip It fs tteastlnt tb Use, and with live in Limp l3 t
1 I commend tt
teas s r r similar Comp�lemtsl
ield to the he p uliluenes o! l3WOE2 CI
1 l s.
Par Silts l,y rill Pontes.
11n111n and
gulf old guitars cage, stl rBtlkcl
.'nit i'C7r4>ti a liSiitltea
17 ensure re D C)1t0 Yl0 ii
epreeeutlug Corley, who