Wingham Times, 1892-11-04, Page 1VOL. XXI --NO. 4.4,
If you haven't got to wearing heavy
underwear yet it's time you. had, there's
comfort in it, and safety, you don't want
to begin the winter with a cold, an ounce
of prevention is better than a pound of
cure, Our stock of underwear is com-
plete in every line, We can give you
goods that we will guarantee not to
shrink, there's a gal inothat t isn't
there, You'll appreciate
have worn them.
The past two weeks have witnessed
great selling in Dress Goods. We have
got the Goods that please
every one goes away perfectly
You men are thinking about a new suit
or an overcoat maybe, don't think about
it too long but come along and leave
your measure, this stook is as usual full
o tho best lines.
Our Grocer. awhys ,ilo everything increasing
by ay Reason
and lust as represented. That 35 cent
tea meeting with the sav4 praise as
ever, 31bs for one dollar.
Shop early and secure prompt delivery.
This store closes•at seven.
Cr eve -a
Direct Importers.
The BEAR, Oct. 13th, 189;..
WIN Gr1IAM ONT., FRIDAY, N O -V EMB.ER 4a 189 ?.
—Mr 11 Rogers as had a new stable
erected ou his p port.). on Edward street
—For a good eliable watch at bottom
prices, try. Mu haw.. •
-- Hallewe' passed off very quietly
this place, ex eptiug a few tricks played by
the young b s of the town.
—Comb ble house to it' with ten
rooms, App o Guo causes.
The prin ry competition for th
uteric tank rd in this curling district
will be betty eu Wingiiam, Kincardine,
Brussels, Wr xeter and Luokuow.
—Have you seen the flue stock of Dinner
and Tea Setts at Yates .grocery?
ronioveacl o their
on Thursday, No
—The rain du
Chas made the
for travel,
Day will be observed —M II Moan
10th, this year• vertisetnent in
fug the pest few weeks —Rev H me
roads i,n very bad shape dressed the U
of Brussels, a
Thursday eve
orner . f.
—Next Su'
necticn with
held in th
day,all the services iu con: -
the Methodist church will be
Town Hall, instead of the
Hall, Sunday School at 2.30.
—The TIMES will be sent from now un-
til the first of January 1894 for. $1, Sub-
scribe at nice and secure the balance of
1892 free.
— The young
church will hol
prayer meeting
on Thursday e
are cordially in
—The youug
church will liol
in.couneotiou w
Presbyterian c
full attendance
—Selling off,.
the next 30 clay
discount, co as
Parties requir
eople of the Methodist
their Thursday night
u the Temperance Hall ;
ening of next week. All
'tad to attend.
people of the Methodist
their meeting this week
tie the young people of the
rob, tonight (Friday). A
s requested,
—Wanted, a good general servant. Ap-
ply to MRs 1' FISHER..
Estate Agent, has
lot, No 27, Scott street
Raby,of this place.
i Blyth, Brussels, Tees
1 surrouuding couutry
t on eMonday eveuiug
picas of the Sous of
S Youhill,` Re.
sold his house an'
south, to Mr Geo
—A number froi
water, Luokuow a�
took iu the colicE
last, under the au
--tau account o
liue, uo afternoon
in ou %Vedneadeya
ly w number of
heir Toronto da'
heap. Vanstone Bros, for
are offering ten per cent
reduce their large stock.
ng monuments or head-
stones would do well to examine our stool
be • re buying el •o.where.
—The Bank f Hamilton removed to
their new buil ing on Monday last said
started bnsine. s on Tuesday morning as
usual.. It tool all two teams of horses
could do to clri w their safe from the old
bui ding to the ew one.
Josephine a ti Dia;onai Streets
Teo ,1,1ov,1� w.
some accideut no the
rain from Toronto canis
ou the C P 11, oonsequeut,
ur citizens were without
ies,ou that day,
oo has a change of ad -
his issue,
uarrie, of this place, ad -
per Canada Bible Society,
their,annual meeting on
ling of this week.
WB:OLB NO. 1 p.
R J 'Eller' . _ ton, There were also
number of d +legates who never regia:
Yoram oaa3s.
ilf icEd Ou range, of Chicago, is vis
town at present.,Bruss
Johns,, of Winghain,
Lily Vanstone..Mr
atharines, formerly of t
pent a few days in to
this weok sh king hands with old frie
.. Miss x_ratti Ireland, of this place,
visiting frien • s Listowel and vicini
last week.. i~' ss Millie Russell, of Te
water, was v siting friends in town 1
week.. Mr A H Cochrane, of Morris, f
merly of the 1 liens staff, gave us a frier
ly call on-aturday last ..Mr D A M
Laren, of St atford, was in town on M0.
day last, an gave the TIMES a friend
call., Miss A Idle Rus sell, who has be
residing in t wn•for sotxie time, returne
to her home n Teeswater this week.
Mr and Mr= Murdoch, of West Waw
noab, were v iting friends and relativ
in town this week.. Miss Jessie MuAl1i
ter, of lli o. ris township, is visiting t
Misses Mullet 1 , Shutor street, this wee
..Mr H Day of Gorrie, w as in town o
Wednesday . ast.. Mr Geo Powell,
Blyth, was i town on Friday last.».Mr
5 McKinnon of Blyth, was in town o
Wednesday 1 et, attending the Christie
Endeavor c nvention and gave the Ed:
tor of the Tx 1E3 a friendly cell—11r Wil
Taman, of B tie, was in town on Moeda
last.. Mr Jo n Walter, formerly of Li
towel, spent + day or two in town thi
•week.. May Olegg, who leas been ailin
for some ti e, left on Wednesday to
Toronto, to onsult With specialists.. al'
R Holmes,:., the Clinton New Era, wa
in attendee ' at the Christian P,ndeavo
Conveutior • u Wednesday evening.
ing friends i
—Bee:uved oto My new premises on post • Mis
Diagonal street, near the new Bank of y. ,,,. Miss
Hamilton, where I am better prepared g
thou ever to serve my customers in all Squire, of St
lines of blecksmithing, carriage and ,wagoii� mfrs stale,
work and repairs for all abide of tnaohin
ery; also driving shed for use of ouetome
'rens L Joan..
-Mr W Lith
cbauics' Inetit+
books were son
that the librar
and books ilia
ple wlio are n
and intend jo
receive the f
—,For first -clues tailoring and cheap commeuced
gents' furuishiugs, try Webster & Co, —New b
Remember the plane, ouly two doors north Thus E W
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
store rend lialeted & Swats bank. occupiady
Ij of the !!Daae
andtwenty-five have I meat sasua
always on ha
—Oue hundred
foisted the Wiartou
fug the past three s
special meetings 1 eld there by ;,•losers
Crossley and Hunt: r.
—Several of oucitizens contemplate
taking in the box e cial at Belgrave ou 5th,
inse., uuder the au picas of L 0 L and
Lady True Blue. • iu honor of the Gun-
powder Plot.
.A. Roe is 1 aviug a new floor placed
in the butcher s op occupied by Mr T
Druuunond Drummond has moved
his shop •he street to shop lately
W Inglis, while the re -
--11Ir A Gelb with, grocer, has disposed
of his stock of . oceries, etc., to Mr D A.
McClure,.. of Wel and, who- has already
taken possession., His family has arrived
in town and h as commenced bouse-
keeping, 'We welo•me Mr McClure to our
Thoso who carne to see us last Saturday
night understand what our idea of sell-
ing cheap means. Don't miss Saturday
night at &1. Ii. MoIernoo's.
en by Frost & Fan -
auspices of the Citi -
attended, but, we un -
play, "The Two Or-
in an appearanoe,coase-
aber of the people iu et -
y disappointed.
ethodist church dur-
eeks, the result of the
shawe (Jo, under t
zens' baud was wel
quently a large nu
—The Guelph
27th had the foll
citizens: —Mr D
and Mr John Ne
1?,2 tat= th
tion, repreeenti
Metbodist 8,
for the trans etion of usiness.
—Cash for good butter and e gi at R A
Grantee's Market Grocery:
—The slatere have the oof on the new
nglish church, about ompleted and it
makes a good roof. .,
—The Methodist Ct gregatiou will wor-
ship in the Tempe ce Hall on, Sunday
repaired and warrant
ed ii,tak,Thottwis.
inew sidewalk built
ottli of the new Batik of
not build it to the livery
—,-There has be
aloug the street
—Mr Andrew
'ores injuredwiti
week, bee /too
itt work again.
cheap, must hove room tb tiperi dp qty
as goods pelt week; I.. T take,
000upiedffiy Mr J
pairs are gulag u
—Selling oft, e
the next 30 days,
discount, so as to
eap. Vanstone Bros, for
are offeriug ten per cent
'educe their large stack.
monuments or head
11 to examine our stock
congregation of this
v piece added to their
w be able to give bet -
to the large congregea
t church. It is.expect"
dy in the course of an-
ally Herald of October
wing to say of two of our
I Gordon, High Chaplein,
lands, High Treasurer, of
der of Foresters, are in
g the Peesbyterieti and
—G T R trams for Toronto and east
and a.50 p m, vitt Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
--The following i from the Londo'n
Evolution," being 3r
y a large number of
died Friday last iu subject. Communio
'ar Persou in Mr ;robe at close of morning
tteet. Deceased was —We learn that
he Grand.Trunk mid Dominion Illuetrate
aron and Bruce for tug a. very handsome
ber of EureltaLudne, &wilt the end Of Nov
relit intereet in poli- lavge utak, eomprisin
prated the Reform. prominent Canadian
illustrated,' aud sup
piece au 'Sunday
Vanetone Bros for — hlbe 311." "a
re their large stook. await the. publination o
examine out stock ""-
it will be su
ing of Anchor of —The late Hon Day
Tuesday everting "Bach year every 14041
eadente aud two S500 to $5,000 in free lin
y.cleitrance card; bt the community. No
ernbership 230, or Will ao this, The edi
f ears. The fol- any other ten men, and
ndered : Matra- man with man, he ought
wire recitation, beeanse a local paper is
Spirit of, 1/7V ,nient a community can
et, Misses Walla not be crowded with is more of
both preacher and teen i;r. Vika do trulford,
Vertiser reference
will be reineepered
our reaaere :--Ther
London an old fami
Bantle, of 560 Yol.k
an old conductor on
was on the London,
years. He was a me
OF. He took a
ties. having always s
lag, and was couduet
...Selling off cheap,
the next.80 dim are
diseount, was, to red
Parties reediting in
tow, librarian of the 11e-
te us that about all
in by the proper time and
opened on Tuesday. last
be received as usual.. Peo-
t members of the Institute
ning should join at once and
1 benefit of• the year, which
November lata
Weer shop re -opened by
ker, in the shop formerly
Mr A Dixon,tirat door north
Rush's restaurant. Fresh
es, and poultry of all kinds
Taros E WALIan.
las beau well supplied in
rtaiuments during the past
day evening, the Sons of
t; ou Tuesday evening the
we Co, under the auspices
Baud, on Weduesdav even -
an Endeavor couventiou,
y evening the Guy Bros,
ood list for one week.
—The town
the ,yvay of eut
week. On Mo
Frost te
of the Citizen*
leg the Glirist
and on Thursd
—Be sure you eat
in she Temperaime
in store for tbose w
stand they h(ee an
taken up to defray
smith shop froin
vacated by T L Jo
more roora and
than ever to Meet
tofners. 1:41 make.
shoeing. Give hi
satisfied with the
—The well
have beau secu
one of their con
in the Teeter H
November the 1
enn was highly p
house en Thursday
clown Cosgrove Family
d by Court Maitland, Nei
der of Vorresters, to give
erts under their auspices
'h. This company has
lam befere and the aud
eased with their per.
y should draw a full
vening next.
ad the public meeting
tall. A graud crest is
ver collection will be
as removed his black -
old streud to the shnp
evhere he will have
be better prepared
he wants of his cue -
a specialty of hors
eall and you will
work done hy him.
Undertaker and Ernbalneer,bas opened out
Chisholm's Drug Store, Winghsan, and is
prepared to take charge of anything in that
line that may be entrUSted to him, baying
put in a stock equal to anything outside of
the city, both in taste and quality. Prices
very moderate. First elass hearse m
tandance. E. 11. DEVBS.
Wrrionniu.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. and 7 p.
Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30,
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 8 .p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come. Morning Subj ct ‘,‘The Bene-
diction." Evening bject: "Ohristian
of a series on this
of Lord's Supper
red so ea to be able to be
welts the IL'
toffy creentrle
moved his wordage
ith glop frOm his shot
beige hotel, to.the. shop
by R Drawer and shop
ad fixed for t110
You zia
by estimating the
popular vote, Or
either Harrison
he put:Inshore of The
Monthly intend issu.
Christmas Number
mbar. It will be a
literary articles by
terateurs, all richly
emented by three
of art, one of which
ot a Canadian Pol.,
e a great bit. We
this holiday iseue
feel confident that
Davis wrote:—
paper gives from
s for the benefit
ther agency can
or,in proportion
r his tOWn than
in alI fairness,
o be supported,
e best invest -
alto. MI may
Win $6000
lurality of the total
nearest to it, whicli
Dee eland will receive.
e this week's Fannly
• to -day. All uesvs-
cert wirier the
of the Sons of
iug of the frien
Hall. 'Memory
iucident of the
Old Land, as t
through the to
pipes, 'dauciug
to endear them
gramme was ca
the exception of
which Dr Meldr
the local camp
lowe'en Concert.
meat of a 4Scettieb con
Wand on Monday even
en, brouglit larao *lethal.
s of Scotland, to the Tow
revived meuy a story an:
antlers and cuetom of ti
progre.mmes distribute
foretold music 011 tho
such songs as ILtV0 Mich
every tree Scot. The pro-
ied out as printed, with
ne or two minor chaogee,
an the popular chief Of
nuoUnaed to the audienee
as they were ne rde. The opening piece of
the second pert, eDaween Grey," a (aux,'
tette, was chang d for a song by Prof Scott,,
who gave "Loch omond" in as good. voice
as he ever sang n Wingham, but in the
duet with Magg Barr, wheu they gave
the voices Ulla to blend as they might
base done. It may have been owing to
Maggie Bear au ring so severely ,from
cold, which was iuite noticeable in her
Toun," a song ich she has sung with
great power and xpression,but her master
pieee of the eve Jug was the "Laud the
Leal," which ali "gave with mach sweet-
ness and feeliu She was greeted heartily
by many old fri nds who will be glad to see
The Misses Mc areu fally sustained the
reputation the have made for themeelves
as Highland d oars; the greatest callus -
when they danced. the
1," wes heartily en-
ograneme might Lutlie been
lanced, in our opinion, had
er instrumeutals ou the
were heard oftea enough as
at to the &meats, Andersort,
layed steadily aud well. If
t Stewart's pipes were ow
e is evidently a, good player
nclo• sare of four brick w
uth• ase, compared with ib$
ea played upon the heather;
e mouutain side, the gang
it across loch and glen, nov
witeriet's heat to bound eagt
and again, mitring such love ft
How to Dispel Colds.
Ieadsclios and Fevers, 'Lc cleanse the
ystem effectually, iet gently, when cos-
tive or bilious, orwhen the filoodlis impure
or sluggish, to permanently core habitual
constipation, to eavelten the kidue3s and
liver tea, healthy activity, withoue irritat-
iug or weakeeing them, use Syrup of Figs.
Huron county C ristian Endeavor Con.
The first ann al convention of Huron
Connty Christi a Endeavor was held in
town on Wedn sday of this week. Ow-
ing to a new f r ace being placed in the
Coegregation church, the meetings
(which wore t have taken place there)
were held in the Presbyterian church,
through the kindness and courtesy of
the session. There was suoh a large
ully justifies the belief so aeleet .
at the Endeavor Sooieties note& The p
-en interest and deepen clo-
nal thinks. The following
es of visiting delegates, so
ered, and next week a full
he proceedings will be gnani:
—At the regthir nice
nes% members admitted
Which reakee the total
which • is a very good
lodge in a town the Mee,
lowing programme was r
by members of. lodge ; d
T., Moorel:dialogue, 00ensus Taker," by
treinhareof lodge ; 60144 'Rev E W Hughes;
inetratnental music, MN M Moore ; read.
tom Idiot It ti Lloyd, 0
gathering th
Batton and
sire for spir
aro the na
far as regis
aoceurit of
Wilson, 1V1
Rev John
field: Rev
Miss M 111
Mrs Tityl
Wroxoter ss'A Allen, Win Sanders,' fCir the frit
'; Buolattnetri John 110*- eleati eke
there been f
pipes, which
the accompa
of Lucknow,
Hogg and L Ross. Bruce- within the
It Simpson; Mrs Smith,
ntosh, Lucknow Miss Berry,
r. Mr Taylor,. D Taylor.
there is a ta
to cheer or
weird rove
ur revert without kindly
organist. Mats • Whhibui
tenter way .ot spending Hallo
Wfitglrara'-hii had for sot