HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-28, Page 8, ;: ' and that the ooaceeft 'ivas a stolid
y OO :. n ,, ,.r Cur trackers ltlr G A
..YC.1„` ail .a as $rr111ller, of our lautgll , Mr J S HAIL
, of Carrick ; Mr 1V H Hartley, of
Otxr (oak Department—Undoubted.. Lowes' iitingham; Mr BI Haziewoed,.
ly the leadixlg'one outside the city, has of k „ aviO4 liaise nil been re•engagedi
iu t'li sv r+ sp[>otive stthools ata hand-
been built up by uatiriug energy, a oa-
paoity to grasp opportunities and the ' 1 J rtlev
Ability to feel the popular pulse, These
united with our great resources and
purchasing powers, have given us an
ulacluestioaed leadership. People now
recognize that tor Garments of Superior
Reliable and at Lowest Prices it is nee-
essary to come to us.
Headquarters for Dress Goods and
Silks -•-It does not need a close observer
to notice that the fines
tD p er `ohan ever
ods trade
is coining our way
and why shouldn't it, Our stock is by
far the largest and bolt in the town,
containing more high and exclusive
styles and at prices that are just right.
Funs—The public is aware we have
the largest stock of salealsle Fur Mere
ohandise. We guarantee to keep up
high standard of our goods and quote
for this month the low price, We show
the 'handsomest line long napes and
wraps in the town—Sure—Boas, Muffs,
Collars, Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur
Coats and Fur Lined Circulars. You
can not imagine the style, eleganoe and
high quality of these goods without see-
ing thein. Call and try one on et
SOW increase of salary, 1< t a r
of Howiek and Miss 0 Fortune, of
Turnberry are gotul to attend
attend the high school next year to
study for Second Class Certificates,
Mr,,A. Keine, of (utrie, takes Mr J
Harilay'ssehool' and Mr R Dunlop,
who is now attending the Olinton
i lQdet school takes Miss 0 Fortune's.
—Our buildings : Mr'House is putting
up a new frame residence on his farm.
—111r Frank kieif er is erecting a new
kitchen in connection with his house
which will add greatly to the appear
atm of it, 1.3r G 13 trtoll's.new iartck
dwelling is almost cotnp'eted. The
building 'Nan exet+llent one and ri11eots.
great credit on the cott"cractors \iessrs
Ratnshaw [G Fryfuglee.
b 9ftl tt . , i1h cS
1t 'DAT . O0TOBER 28, 189x2,
"aatiefactory Results."
So says Dr Curlett, an old and houoreCt
practiouer. in Belleville, Ontario, who
writes : 'Tor Washing Diseases and
$orofulit I bavo used ac o16't414muiSion with
...the most ,satisfactory results."
Music and Drama.
Among the many notable features o
Trost and Fansbawe's performances and
one given special attentiortyto by other
companies, is the musical entertainment
interrperoiu„ the drama at various periods
WINGt1A,11 Aid liltll'CM.
11 isonio, October 27,102.
Corrected Ly V, Deans, Medlin Peeler,
Flour to 2 00
Flour per lee lbs, 0 00
Fall Wheat per tiusho1, 03 G
Mutter, tub
do imus,
Eggs per ib, d
1' a. ,
OS to 05
20 to 28
ss to 34
65 to 6
1a to 17
stood per Dor , 1 00 too 1 75
(lay sr ton, 0 00 to to 6 60
Qt tOQe
All parties nho have not paid
for the '+Ti.SIES" for the years
1891 and 1892 are requested to re-
mit the amount at once. We used
money and Hope .this notice will
be sufficient, and that 0 general
response will -be the result.
The undersiehed will keep for service onln tee
premises Park Lot 46, it inrham Town Pio
lB, lyt12, for White Bear. Terms -76 cents et time of service
with privilege of returning or AM ofso CaId.
011 4Vednesdray of lust wa[ if a lail;' Propriotar.
congregation wal present i i Trinity —__op._—,
ehuich to uricases the wnrriagi e. re- -----''
crony between Miss Amus Shunt, of
this placee, and 4Ir It S Bays, lawyer, .
Of Senfo,'th. Th•• t:,, rlti'actltg parties Application will be made t, theSorrento
tlorr rt
of t o Cceu,ty of
left on the hftern..on train on their twenty days fi•on, the ifref publlcatinn horsof to
honeymoon to- vioit ,Horan of the prin ; ammaitm,ttin Chex n entyT of. Hurnnthe
'Barri serf
019111 Glti-S it1 the, Uui'tal :Stet en. -On CnardianofAdnm Dyson Morton and Icy Fay Q)'or-
'Monday last Division (;trurt wrist held ton, otthe said town, infant children of Robert Ili
Morton, late of tiro City of Flint, in the: State off
in 1 Lid ustry hall, Judge 1)ov le, prosid- j sucw ntrietarble ll orber, Jeeleitrl lin the.. A. ,
ing. Tile regular meeting of Court Applicant.
Star, No 89, 0 0 1+', was held l Dnteti at wht;ham, 14th October, 1502.
u,l 1lleed,ty evening last, a large turn -
cut being present. Mr E Gartung, I
General Organizer, was present and i
interested thele for cottslderable ti1116•1 The undn,sigued offersfm sale a number of Tam
in the working of the Order. -0n i La,, by of the alto•ereed.almentioned breed, we
rl'liP.6Clay hist a large nUnllrer Of Qui' orate, anqutre,ontthepremisesLot4,Concession4,
utt12611t, were it' GodeI'iel, tltteliditig,'townshipof11orrls• THOS ANDERSON,
e 'ul't as wetness in the trial of etre
G0upt•11, who wilt conunitterl t', stand: _.,,.— •_.___--- _ .'-.
his trial a few clays ago fur striking
hotel keeper Kelley with tit elu•b.— TEACHER WANTED.
t ,h, ?sr
Januarw co3
special ld (. lug r•f the town Cannel Teacher wanted for Union School Section N'o. 7,
ivn8 hrhi. (,tl Sl onlay eteniur last 7.land achnot, lt.rt<jtni, a ;tip+rad or third doss con
'laving bought out the Ambler harness l)usluess and started, in 11 stand,1.,
Mu prepared to fureisli the public with everything usually kept its a harness shop,
1 make all m, oxtu. Collars"'aud guarantee. satisfaction.
Give me a trial aud 1 will use you right. TQ
G_ A, N
Another Five Piece lot of those Navy Blue B }t cle Twills Tey!re
ready sellers.—The price moves t.hetn. ,They al'0 all worthcalling .
see. ;,
Our Tweed Suiting have been re -assorted and is now as complete.
as ever. • .
We-bave no old Dress Goods re -dyed to otter you at 50c, on the- '+ .
high lass -BLACK GOODS are gaining reputation, every day.•
Our ht„t c
Sumo special values; in cheap Suiting, and Mantle Goods.
Do you want a Suit, an Overcoat (to order or ready made) ?' It.
will pay you to see ours before you buy. We court comparison abut-
f out.
Special values in Shirts, Drawers and Flannels,
Full stock of Yarns, .Sheetings, [blankets, &e.
Furs—Robes; Fur °oats and Jackets, Mali), Caps, &c have Cheaper.
Four more eases of those Long Boots to hand. We P
ones too -$1.25.. .
Hull stock of -general Groceries. We believe we.'have the finest -Wendt
of Black Tea in the trade.—We. stave yet tel• meet the peddlers tea vet.
can't knock out for value. A call solicited.;
ol a ed.
Rev J F Parke and <tiii=,'-M Iais'`o;t'el, t,0cato, linttcs•tl ei 'i,Vattons applications' re:
we're visit'llg frielifl'A " ill t'r
week —Miss Katie Oolot i[1 9 a;iretms DAVIDSON,
friend will be. pleased to hear .thea 511e :,
is slowly recovering from it1 i' serious "
illness. -The concert nntler'the nus- 1
Testin,m,Ia'n rept ever
1Va1 lttht, of,'e l by the unci sestina tip tQ `u enday, November
il>•ot only ran you iuy Parlor and Bedreom•Snites, Sideboards,. 7.ottuges,Mattrasses, Chairs, Ta lea, ,4c:,,
cheap. but when bought ,n quantities they -tool be delivered anti set up in your homes freer anyp heret
withih 10 milts of aVingham.
nude arrengQmen s with ' e ui ii:8rubh, radia Ink and writer Colors Define giving, your order arty no o eh,
7th, 150'. .
aVi,whatmP, U:', Secretary.
. in conjunction with the pathetic and hum-' pines of the hand on ll'riday evening i
us passages of the play. The musical last was welt patronized and highly ` 'mound
' oro p g
vahtabla tarn
numbers are selected with care to suit the spoken of h . those. present. The
P Y m.ado„ nn, re
proceeds atxlouillad to over $40. -Thee m•charda' a' vith
„ _ phases of the,",differeut scenes, whish en- re sitnatea , To,vush
i *4ea"the modern production and retieye Ladies' Aid 'of the Methodist church • A,ply o I, mr,a„m Daws
di {{
We lYlotlotory of phraey dialogues. F;ditha f Wn,gha n'
leads the' list of numbers with charming
childish ditty 'in wou't yon come out to
play'' and responds to au encore with a hal'
led 'Dear Old Irish Homme,' and follows do• as It have,
With John Howard 1'a ite'fs:#am0Ut mel- ieaelled the first of a . series of tits- suesPrigmeLessonsatVocal t.tenfo h hin.t
y p and Tante-Snl•Fia Notation. epee for eerrn{xements been doing for the peep ten years,
ody'Houle. t,weut. JIittnor ;'wvhich, while courseson the Apostle's Or ed, which tor,Coocerta or Cltureh lneotim tis, Terms moderate.
I1 AIRS. 1r3. b[ORPOW S, Undertaker and,EurnitureiDealbr•
.sung in every licit• it tiffs: world, she whist • was a very able one. `I.'llel'e tv aR a 0ori 11 ,ply at 23 Sltuter St, lyiu •ha,ri Ility 13„1S02 pleasant manner, like' congrvlfrateon resent ,totwlthstalhdtng 6 '"-" ”" ...--, ... .
les in . oicedrilf ;, p , ti p _
sweeG•voiced ieii,tllrted .son„§tiers of tithe i the he'd state of t he t, weather—The - .-- _---- .-~ - - +-
a'S SALE. .
s for sale or to rent, that
res (00 acres cleared) 30 mores
n fall wheat also a good
•close nano buildings,
Culros , concession
shave `t ithone of the boat artists to the Dominion for doing Portrait Enl
• e ' U ar o idents (any.sr
•3. o ceeainn 7. call at nay store sQQ,salt,ples and get.prices for tli+, very best.
1} miles irons term or v g•r FRAMING.
arP, beiy- arrHtll;t lne:.ts for PICTURE .L" RAMI.i.V G.
y .r All styles and sins of Picture and Wreath, Frames: made to, order. Lots of .1ou1dings•to: olhofggfront .
d d' Thanksgiving! SCOTS'
holding their openin4, anniversary 1,
I,t 1'eici>s all dinner
oil - s
Res T E Higisy, of '''hasty tihurctl i , "° off I dtivithatundine•nlltheoppositicninthtrlline,CatristplPberaiu gil'in hacm--prtep-arod+to
day:—On Sunday morning last: the 1
woods, the accomplishment she•bas.reasou I coopers. in Mr W MoOlory s establish-
to be •proud of, as it is..pi -titer.gd by only t leant struck for higher wages on
three others. Miss MafiY ;' favors the Saturday. They 'commenced work __—
guests of Simon Shade's bostley with a oil Monday with some-trtsrease The undersigned has for sate on Lot I0, Con,,4t,fi
h ins ballad 'Beep a place at the Table Turnberry,four thoroug±hbred'lielstefn bulls. tang- ,,
sue train 0 to IS maths cid. The h !
•c ser above mentioned
:for Jack,' followed by the popular story in 8,]itlir, animals are alt'rvell marked and rogistered in the.;
Canadian Herd Bork. They will be sold cheap•wnd•;
getioforin'iliy Mary Green: Incidental A'itnzrsox—In East Wawanosh, on on easy terms to stilt purchasers, .
the play, little Mabel Kitts, only 8 year!;" October 1st, the wife of Mr Wm it And -
+Old, give the boys some good advice about erson ; a daughter.
{ HOGG—In Turnbei ry, on October 10th,
their money, and afterwards tells them the wife Mx Richard Hogg ; a son.
+ about an old character who still wears the p wife of1Lr In Zetland. on October T v
same old hat, and then 'with a lightning. 18th, the wife of Mr David McDonald; a 'TWO I KINDS
change she sings and dances in a catchy I son.
manna , + e
not least is this varied musical programme" thewifef M A thu Cook ; a son.
Breeder of I4olstein Cattle,.
• slaevalei,bht.
r the prettiest song of all.' Last but -t4 oox—In Wingham on October 21st, OF
r r r
on this versatile compapy, is Mr A G Her- AMxLTax In Turnberry, on October 0 UST 0 --
ringtou, who informs you iti a humorous 23rd, the wife of Mr Hugh Hamilton ;
1 a son, ....... ...
manner and are now gone !ague 1' gone 1 ! Fovxn--ta Whitechurch, on October
and pleasantly concludes the musical mel 2$rd, the wife of ate Thomas Found ; a
tinge, which is such au important feature son.
' in the stage, productions of most Bt Fan- • MARRIED
sh[Iwe.—Quob2'ti Chronicle, Aug 3rd. At Hnrs—SnANe—At Trinity Church,
the Toww 'dull, next Tuesday November .Blyth, on. Wednesday, October 19th, by
1st. Iteseryad seats at Willittre drug the Rev J F Parke, Listowel, assisted by
store.. the Rev E Higley, Blyth Robert Stanley
Hays, barrister, Seaforth, to Annie M,
of 1{ineardinehave hottest the Marble Business ofMrTT Watson, formeal7carried om1»rWSmyth.
Parties requiring, work in their ltne•vci1l de pltby calling ti -to 0 sealing
gtoneeof helots agents
nb re
purchasing.. You will find our pricesure away
but the very best stock and by square, dealing pe to trliber tea.ronaio, Sir
T Vatson,,who has been panning, the business hasiobr,raptxin isnthe d
Call eta t see our stock and prices.
73e1riiiore• Esq. youngest daughter of William Shane, I tatY Fruit & Confectionery Store.
Our cheese factory closes this week. romp. Because they can get goods that are
-The farmers are taking tip tholOA Nxonox ns—Itt Wingham, on Oct 271.1a, right and up to the times.
turnips. They are an average crop. William Harvey Nicholls, aged 2 years,1 •
Miss Maggie Barton, who was visit- month and 20 days. ANOTHER KIND ARE
-' 1,12,4111, "tt1- ii1O Te'av6 his father's Teel ANOTHER
friends at Hamilton and rondoll dance. Josephine street, Saturday, 29th 1
returned last week.—Mr 0 Jones, of inst., at 2 o'clock, for the Wingha(n
Toronto, who Bits been'packing apples Cemetery.
for Mr. G Barton was called home last
week as one of his children was dying. —•
Later reports state that the child is
dead.—'Mr Jameis Murray, who for
the past 'five years had his farm rented'
to Mr Jas Faith, and was living at Ilnstrate
Mt Forest, hes returned to his far.
lie Lad a. ploughing bee fast week and I SBeclaltleS
got about 25 acres turned. Mr Fraser ,
who is leaving the place 'has rented 1 41 tonus
Mrs Jeffrey's farrn. –Mr' .Iohfl John. i '
*, Way who canoe home from Manitoba ' TRE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO
dal Seeoutzt of sickness is, we are sorry,
to say, not recovering very quuckIy. -•l 19 tyiirgeN ST.2tAST'y
,'t. number of our young people attended
taofraert held by the I 0 G T at "ToROIt9`2 Os ON',
81111415 VCR
Dr. Sind :it 12, 00( ushels Apples
Yl . D. Ni. A:.,1.. C. 1'. S. 0., M. C. P. Via_titeo.
_ S. M.,
But they ere waking up to the tact that
Catalogue of Eadles we pleat the them Tg+ till linos thatwill
rrei,m.,Y.,w,tr, nri Pridesw Mtanln{t last.
Fruits, Oysters,ConfectionerY,&c.
Specialist for the treatment of all The undersigned will be tlreltared to.
Chronic Diseases
purchase any quantity of apples on find
Private Diseases, • after
Diseases of the Brain and Nerve, FI iDA r SF PTE`iNt$1~1 i h.
Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, s
And Diseases of Women positively
+are successfully
Diseases of private nature` brought
on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly'
DR. SINOLAI1t will be at the
QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingha,t'n,
I 1 a ved Chase o - es
Agent for Parker's 13ye Works.
oatfe r get the plate, oppoette the stew the n •et aewttfl.t
k of Boonton, t[lw reel
' +tWtttTIMM
tit twannfeelur•
]iiltiitr k
Apples to be delivered at the Wingham
Evaporating Factbry, Alfred street, near
woolen mills. Windfalls and all -kinds of
apples will do etcellt very small or mel-
low ones an,d may be shaken from the
trees. Apples may be delivered in bags,
for which a good price will be paid.
About 75 cords of bard wood or tame -
no wanted. -
SA ,I SMA 1'
To sen out ussaoelled Nursery Stork, Steady
elttplOyment and Control of the territory, Ilari
done bneitrea l hi Canada S5 *we. 1,1110E paytd
the right reign Send fir irMASI
WO" rt ."1t. . .,.[... -. ..