HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-28, Page 51sees elle :second ill Hamilton with 0; the ultra in Teterboro in 1891 fth 407, and the fourth --the present -eix}� it Andrew's, London, which Fonds.., to be the greatest gathering of young, C1iriatians ever known in Canada, (Applause.) The seeret.ary Tee urged the appointment of a paid as- sistallt secretary, as the work was too heavy for one. Ho alluded to the petit• tans circulated by the society for the closing of the Canadian deport - '3' ti :fee Wine:1244e Mr Will Carr, after spending sone sixteen months in the Praire Province 1 is again home,—Un Thursday evening last, quite a number of tete relatives of Mr r Netterfielcl, sr, gathered at Ins i home, the occasion being the 6211(1 1 anniversary of this wedding. The old couple were the ree)ipients of numerous. motel presents The company broke up in the "We Urns" hours, much. pleased with the evenings m.joyments. merit of the World's Fair on Bumble. old temple look as though,they Olde point to bo considered was wb,ith will live to celebrates the occasion a et delegates .at, future conventions good few thugs yet.—Mr Sten Locket - were to be billeted or not. Meer, i'Ige has pui'cimetel the cottage former- hear,) There were in Ontario. 851 ly occupied by Mr Montgomerly here societies with 23,•870 active members, seed will move front Upper Town into 23,897 associate members. Of theseit.—On Tuesday last, Mr 'Campbell. of 22,386 were • church members and `this plane, disposed of 'some' of his 1,446 lied joined the church. The 1supurfleous stock by public anetion. corresponding figures for the leading I Mr Peter Deans was the auctioneer, denominations were: and the. prices realised were good.— Methodist -316 societies, 9,658 a•e- Mr Geo -Green is having his lot here tive members,5,567 associate members,,encased in a picket fence.—Mr A G. 7,977 church members, and 418 who IMacdonalci is still distributing that bad joined. indes.pensrble article, the sewing Presbyterian -286 societies, 8,306 l machine.—On 'Tuesday last, Mr Reid active members, 5,;316 associato mem-' had men engaged in removing the bers, 7,977 church members, and 7.58 , ashes and charred remains of Iii$ daLost s betwoe1 i? joined the church. ' house, and spreading thein over the anti tha other at stn Baptists -68 societies, 1;099 active 'fteid:'te be aute•rred by the plow. wilt be suitably members, 783 aesociate'membere,7.;616 Gdenari.>tiZan. church members, and 56 . joined the The entertainment given Ittjy the church.r. Congregationaii:tts :53 sae etilis, ee,lenannan lodge at 0 eCn `1' was a grand 't+ 1,356 active tnenlbers, 654 associateeeteuess. Tee hell was crowded to the t.i members, 1,177 elearch members, 172 doors, The prugranime ,consisted of I f joined the aimed'. 'headings, recitations, duetslquartettes, Disciples -11 •aecietiess, 2133; •aetivc • songs., .etc, which were well received i members, 168.assook to 'members, '232 4y the •audience. The ‘quartette club church members, 'and '22 joined the tte'e>xn.lVineham ewere.prr'sent and took I church. their part to the eatisfautinn of all ITSE PEOPLE'S Church of iFrdiglanJ-11 •aoe�tbile,i, i+presetit. This entertainment tuna trot) Scott's Emul SjOx1 poites s both laer t f000 l and a rand emedpy. It is useful as a fat producer .and, at the same time gives vital force to the body. It is beneficial in CONSUMPTION because itrotatal fat and gives strength. ISICKLY CHILDREN becausethey can assimilate it when they cannot ordinary food. Itis beneficial for COUGHS AND COLDS because it heals the irritation of the throat and builds up the body and overcomes the difficulty. fiCA.VTION."-,beware of substitutes. Beileville rBold bail drugg sts IIs' 60o. and WA MONEY LE38 nghatn n • 1 Fog '" i w,.A..ITT l3efere the arrival of my Xmas Goods, I will Sell all oriel line% of glass- ware, Cbinewai•e, Etc„ at greatly reduced.trek. BEAtlrllw, PRINTED TOILET' l".1+�`l`ti Z'iu»r $2.5() ut . LATEST roxeter, on Mon - es, one valued at $130 $43 in bills. The finder wded t, it with JOHN 111c Vro. titer P. 0. 0+4 ATTERNS BE ER SETTS, See them befbre yon buy a nv other. My Stock of CillOOERIES, FRUIT•t�$ anti UANIIEI) 000i)$ FEEelli• and RELIABLIE, New Raisins -'--New Currants ---New Salmon,, Alien's Patent Mince Heat • TR -Y. T, al! MASA 266 active members. X43 ,associate ,,tip tte'pay tforiau organ elle lodge has 1 (0! PE'l1N'A. MINE OWNERS.) members, 288 church men, era, 10 purchased end it well give theta a good t C � 1�1aNQin IC IIA IIi'FO1� OST: joined the churche lift as the •proceeds amounted to overt Iia eflaistiau-7 societies, 1170 ,active e',*';1i9. lees to bothered bhatlthe lodge lnetnbers, 93 asi'ooiate 'tnea.bers, 11116 will get up another one of these enter-!Coafl In Clots mild direct t0 church members. taimluents as they will be sure of a eoansu>sners. Ontario bad 6511 societies, iteeseeec good attendance,—.At the last meeting 10, t3ritish of the'Glenallnauilodge +1e©e T, thea :Noiintermediateprofite. s.7, A.berta 3, Assimiihtaia ' � ' Columbia '30, Cape iBra'Tieti 11, )Lane- ldllnw•ing dd tiers were elected for the I Write for )'rices. toba 42, New Bronswiek 57. Nova ensuing quarter:: 1C T, Geo,Fortune ; Ittention�liYen to Scotia 68, Saskatchewan 1, P ,E d . t — 17'0 T, .:1 ohn 'Hastings ; iv T, Bella' die t3Special eciSpecial Aand Q;ttent Sils total, 1,396. lite edit' Oaiiediaii Anderson.; (FS, Jas.Gilmour ; 'rreas, • :•membership was .55,000. There had M -J :Scott; .11 S, eler,i Fortune ; A Bi — ' Cha Vere Hast-' ,�beeu a great addition to the r,mlcai by t5• ,David Hutton,; p, ,,the entrance of over .100 Epworth ings; M, Agnes Aiticens; ,D '141, John 1 1 D O Leagues of Christian Endeavor. eAtp leortu:ne•;'G., Wm Gray. plause) Tn Oeteber, 3:891, there! SEN )L were 24 local mines and :3 cousety • .The `Tw.o •:Orphans. ' r. ',unions, Now they had 29, tinea ;East night the Frost & Faushawe t:nnic'ns, 13 county nnione, 8 township ,Comedy .Company played to a large unities sue 3 distrtet .thetins. Thebe. :and IfgdhionabiP audience in Tarr Hull, 1 TORONTO, ,,,,pre now 53 m a,tu•t in (Ontario 11;t and presented D'Enery's ;popular 1 was pleasant• to revert tInttthere were ,clra.tna `Tho Two .Orpnanse' Thi, i E0 AGENTS' OUTFIT FOR 1893. i,llow 41 senior boasietios, 1.4 Proshv'er- .acting ,7f the .whole, personal. of the ; din, 16 llathoelist:, :2 Baptist, 7 Cu)n ,c' mpauv was by far the best •we,have I. SNCLUDING VALUABLE�y� �� ���• Sat ) ,,greoatiaualist, 1' Bo:formed iT1',Wisenpaal., 'witnessed in falnebPe for !natty years ! ._., �•,•' v •^ ''*"'''"• illJJniou. Nix R J Uolv'ili,;, Toronto, Mr A L Faitshawe in the char•�a ,terof; t .bad been appointed superintendent of ''unit.rse Fr.oehterd" •tihe cripple,.itnper- Jj.unior work. ' The ;sum of ;t 8,544 6.'i smutted that mile with ability met ; .P n b O , bad been ew tributi'd to imtesiim3 in !e'9eet. Tim scee ' w her' hee,:battles ttles' 1` 1 Ilee01 `2, which mi'ela•t be Featly in- with his outlaw b p ,creased if every aosiet3 would do its . lion. •o:f '' Lenise .and Henrietta' was ; 1 Ca _� ,duty. There were may 29 tee}nperance very realistic. and•drewforth thunder -'1 le Haines, but if rl+YreD of whialday did suis applause Brom the audience, ;T . S anottliow down ;tile tii'roats of ,pereints Belittle as ,'Louise" and ielabel clay as.'y •these figures could •otasiiy be, ertplained. lenrietitre" the two orphans' eoatain-; *Tee report of 'tile treasurer was eel tee c hle•r,teters with splendid atiillty • (.�1L*Teef 1) .brief. " It show :$76.6I Gash on Itfiss Mai)• makes ata, .excellent tiliuct t u9s+ Pe^ple i'o w'or.c hand, with lialnitiee which left a` pre Miss Alice ld.anrison an actress!` We ya;, ;balsauce of $42.65 ?de 1 4.rgusrng,who and possessor of •splendid histttouie ; fo , .. Writ early. It treks Will Pay You. ;�treshlltYil it, said there was no'mrilaiz- 1 abilitiesuadaln)Pd, th,reo ditloreut. les,'1'i-9a.: ¢)trt�ta�:. eL ion,of the extent of the Y I3 1'i'0 E •, in tate drams that of "Li Frocliard," • that Aid with as little +nosey: Volae (mother of Jacques), "Countess .de _ . � l FREE. eery -service was its rule but it neighs , 7.tiulliets,°° and "Sister •Ganeview:" WEEKLY GLOBE, balance, lo• alae atter to spend a little snore in order Her acting in Pooh •cbaraeter w,aa that .the management might be hardly reeogniZsst.le as the same per1saab �Itae Globe �s>lat TINES from ttiboron hly efddieut. e. paid assistant I She made the ,,test of efea Frooharde' 71to�a til➢ ,.osseus `, 1894 for eeretara he considered a necessity, we ever wltilraaxMl in nebee. �I. G1O13eetrlbe 'at once. Niles lEf e M Carson. of London, l lova Yirgiui& made an excellent _� — tend her .reportaseditor of the Chris- \"elarrieune" Mr �Orsoea Dunn, as Tei, C---, VATOR — c -i tiara Iyndeavor. She urged increased. ',Jacques Frot.ba.rtl• the outlaw port- 1831 interest tin this department, and mons rtlyed the charaetee' of the eilli'In, tvitl+ elan eniescriptall;,ls. Careful attendee hams hid r1$tio ie that reality tineas lig od ply a ill^utnl.d be ,paid to the secular p ,. t h the audience In the �U T $r EML N Itshould Ilse supplied with Christian .eera.ed y the , !. p E:ldezavor,n�ews sett was read by the ahird sot Mr Dunn appeared in — tnatssas. • role of "Count de ',haulers,'" where he i The host of the Me Rennie followed up Miss Oar- lost his identity and sustained theW � L. ton's speech with a vigorous address. el,aracter of a statement in .splendid ' A�,a r`„, ,,e -e eAI Then followed a free parliarriellt on foetal. Mr Geo I�°Robinson anodes d junior wont conducted by Mr R 1 Pn- splendid r`Fla velier Mar in Teede Vond- the role of i aryl Crops and prooesss' 1).EVOTED TO delta, of Toronto, Who has suJ-Ie S deltas aver this branch. He laid "Picard,” his valet, kept the audience Ha'x"s � ��©into k and JDsa'liying. down some excellent rules for: the in roars of laughter by hie <windy While It also iivedSoes af mietlMal:ei of aurae interest. sack As the Poultry Ian', Thom govt lent of this part of the service, .autlne; and quaint humor. tl i rest,iecpinAsar, cle Poultry and 3rapore. and told what had been accomplished o� Queb Telegraph, at ,J u ae a favorite. voleev. Quebeo'Iele„!raph, Jun+'' 1892• lemmattte:eburt, Oomest.ictEconomy, andttatsum- The above company will be ill x118 n.ntyofeae y�ues at the tve,k, lis \tcnstcr lix• is gid to the Prospantnnt ti,e canes, es throwing lli0wta Hall, 4Viughtrm, ail Tuesday rnnms art: nnusua►ly enmpietn, mid much attention evening, Uct 11tt. Reserved seats at light upon one of the most important of ail tines• Williams' drug stoat,. • 11i,ns—ly hen to buy seal When to Sell It is .gigue iiitner tied, and by IIEt l NT ENLA1tGC- --.—� ; Tilt ft'1, ru'.tnit s more ,'enning ,0Ptter than et'or, but ire oilier a SPECIAL 11Ellt;CT1ON in our •The control for the erPetIOt' of the before rho �Inbarrhitim, prito Is $2 K per ye r, new Coleman foundry ],ttlldint:a, at. ! CLUB RATES a Ott 1898. Seaford), was awarded to JrLJohn ii�0 $': 1lllijltlt) Gt iuonnrendtbutce.... $4 0,. Copp for $8,000. • The wort. is to be J 10 completed by the close of the year,sntl SiX SIl orj t .,,.1S, tto,. t.. 18 a large force of tales are already ar. "'" ' u t.t!!l '''''" 11C11S ala` ilii •wdork, The buildings, 'completed, will sg7"ru a 1 NOW Subscribers rot doi)3. pa in 18 i between ten 'arid twelve Ellaysatld• a,ivauea xriw. wit wttt anxn vie mien January 1 t, do to • tho ' even, of d sift iii' dollars,. They will be of held.{, and 1 3, w'17'1torT onAsox the brick was ptirchosed in Stephen 1 ;;Pttrtur:t Co1+11 s Ci'lat:E. Addross .and 11,ty towvnships, I'ublishexs 1.1 1,.`t 0 `t 1Jt Kis t' SON' Subscribe for the IMiEM,, . , Try a bar of Sapolio for kitchen cleaning' 6 T,T3S. Goo= PAN ' 'F' yet Fag $1.. PURE COFFEE, PURI+: SPICES ANi) GOOD TEA -. A call Solicited,. THE CHINA HOUSE, . W. T. YATES. T. A. lobe MILLS• Will offer for the next 8 0 DID Startling inducements in s 8 .07 Many lines at 50c. on the dollar. FURS, ]... T E CLOTHS and. PALETTES, Ali must he cleaned out if prices `will. do it. FL.;.N ELS Best makes in the market. Prices T�e� low the lowest. in this lilts" told of the�It N .Soli, of Peterboro,; eplendltt work done among the ,juven- filen in 1'eterbaro and recommended the active formation of jutitor societies throughout the Province. A junior society had been formed IN Galt, Siit years ago, and was still flourishing. CONCLtfl D NEXT WEL1{. Redy . I at ba o$l kt Stock complete. Prices r._ 3.t. - We have the Long Boot at a short price. If you see them you'll buy them. Call and see us. Seaford*: The annual ..latches of the Huron aide a,sooiatiiln were held in Clinton un Wednesday, Oct 19 ' v Won tilt 4s 91 1 er b t' � Lieut .Aleft Nilson W Cup presented by the citizens of Clinton three successive years, and is nit* the proud owner of it. Messrs 3 S Itoberts and 1 Dodds also made creditable scureg tit•il won t1 tluntitet of .trees. T. A. MILLS. Wingham Saw and Pining Mills. ZETLANN PUMP WORKS. 'the undersigned hove now on hand a largo stook of DRY .PINE, FIL ULOOK, TAMARACK, and HARDWOOD LUMBER Tressed or undressed xxX and XX. NORTH SHORE et I;V'CLele. NO. 1 CEDAR 8Efl' GLES, STAVES, elleADINGS, BARRELS, WOOD, &a,, nt prices that tit.ty competition. Patttiesinte adinll to built will and it to their interest give baton placing their orders, 8s we aro determined nob to bo undersold, Custoni work tcttended to promptly tlw 8 elsfactT0 riCu la s teed. . Mq* �t•-�-i ,t y,T C1i1i A1\ UG t�li.1V • 1 I wish to intimate to the people of Zetland tend surrounding country that I have commenced the manufacture of all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, and can supply diem on the shortest notice. Will also be in a position tosupply Iron and TOrce Putnpa to order. Ilepatiringt.itendcd to. Prices reasonable, J01TN PELtON. 7.etfand, May Oth, 001.INTY PITNDS TO. 110,6: ila tho se^.ntityef Cultirnted ram, 3ntorsst six per tam, payable annually. Ana portion of the principal may be repaid at atty time the borrower No , bythe 'onntV sea ia.i Wishes, Alltie expellees i person ei,eept the County Auditors allowed to boo mortgages or la know to whom m tlir t t loomed, Apply Co.'reaebarcr Cladenoll,, Ati3'rtith ►.131tl.