HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-28, Page 4nmenteeleeteeseteere'erenleteritereln:rete ..--„, .,,, i
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Pr oviemial Convention ef Ohrietian , in your 000ket. I atn gled to say that ilet the !opal committee how. They
Endeavor. l it is a growing Canadian tostom. expeeted to provide phial foe all.
jNWe give the fallowing "spore of awl 01:40—ii-Slionia a_Rev A Murray weloomed them onsseciate members lead (Applituse).
op. Brunswick . House, ,
ingb.am, Out
12e 4tilinglipm (Tim eg
ir,r4, convicted of poisoning young
omen itt London, England, has been
ntencecl to be hanged.
Tile formal dedication of the
eiVorld'e Columbian Exposition at
)1licago, teak plum on Saturday last,
the presence of 100,000 people.
ME Heetalsoet, wife of the Presi-
ent of the United States, after an
Itnt' of severam
l onths drixation.
1passed over to the majority, on Tees-
iday morning.
• Ma W T R PitEsToN has been ap
pointed Provincial Librarian, in
:suceession to Prof Houston, who has
been appointed Inspector of Teacher's
Tne Blair Gove.rnment was sustaiu-
ed he general election held in New
• Brunswielc onSaturday last, The
/veldt is 27 government and 14 op
position. Premier Blair was defeated,
but 14te been affered several seats.
Tne Afteenth annual convention of
ti Ontario Woman's Christian Temper -
mice Union was held in Belleville this
week. There was a large atteudeuee.
• We will endeavor to give a synopsis in
next week's issae,
THE twenty-seventh annual eonven-
tion of the Sabbath School Association
•of Ontario, was held in Guelph this
. week, There were a very large num-
ber of delegate in attendance, and the
sessions were both pleasant and profit-
A LoNooN, Elignind, despatch of the
24th instant says General Booth's
Sale ation Army funds are to be looked
into by a competent cointeittee,headed
by the Earl of Onslow, and everybody
will know very soon what is done witb
the vett amount conected.
Hon. J. A. Onereeete's remark. the
ether day, that the people,of Quebec'
soop look to FLin. Ouireet as
leader freer that province, has revived
the rumor of Mr. Ohableait's eery
withdrawal 'from the Cabinet to be Wingbain ; Rev Mr Oanningliam,
appointed Lieutenant -Governor
a Guelph : Rev W J Clarke, London.;
Rev S Cartotliers, Petrolea ; Rev 24 r
Quebec, Sheerer, Hamilton, and others.
Vtcroure. College, Toronto, was for- The president then opened the tines-
mally dedicated to the cause of educe-, 6" dilv•v" anti tepd to tt large
tt.cuilier egiliries. Among the per -
'm Tuesday lase The proceediegs
tment aims were : a liberal response tt was.
were of e vary interesting end Q --Shenk/ the 0, E. Society take Rev Mr Tailing, olutirman of the
iatiooheracter, Addresses were up wok he lungitig to the W 0 T UlecaL„reception committee, extended
•deliyored by the Lieutenant.Governori
Hon R Harcourt, ,President ,Loodon,
Viee-Chatieellor Mulock, Mr Goldwin
Smith and other distitiguished gentle-
men. The incident of the day was the
ennouneement by Dr Potts that he
had received a06<qt for '610,000 from
11 A Massey to be need hi the
endowtriertt of a chair of theologyin
the now College,
An action bag been corm -4w
against the J G Holmes estate by Eigiu
Off on behalf of Thomas 3 Moore,
toward street, Toronto. It is
teceirir $1,000, the value of prop,.
Conveyed to the late Mr flolotes by
ploiettitZ and to set aside a convey
' 'of a house in Little York and
Proviucial Oonveutioti of Chrietiatt, gs"'
EndeavoheId at Lotedon last week, q, --flow ean we get our pestor behalf of the Christian organizations
r, I
will be a Fewest to a large! more interested in car Endeavor of Londoe, He welcomed thein to
societies t A --By taking more inter- the hearts. and Ohriattla atrections,
number of our readers :
I est in him, (Laughter,) A good The Christian Endeavor movement be
wuraispAy Avtrualloor.
Many young people were ,too nofash," eltaracterized as a groat marvel of the
The convention was formally collet; ' There was not a pastor in the country letter part of the nineteenth °emery,
to order et p m. The president:Rev ,1 but would be delighted to engage heart It had tended to fill that gap that so
A 33 Dickson, B D 1-)11 D, 0E Gult,wnsl and soul in Endeevor. work it eti- long existed between eisi/dbood and
iu the ohair, Assoeiated with iim en compd. manhood and womanhood, There
the platform were alr Tb�sMorrie, jr, 1 Q,—Is there any couilict between were 1,250,000 coneeereted young Mert
of Hamilton, Rev Dr ltIuDoualti. of 1 the 0 E Society and the Epworth and womee bridging over the eletem,
Woedstoek, and R J Colville, of TO- League I A.—Not, distinctly, The Science was applyiugiteelf to praelioal
ronto, The platform 'was sphere of the Epworth League is wider. life and Christianity was not a less
with flowers and foliage. I When they become accommodated active principle than science and eche.
When the delegates bad taken their I they will work together harmoniously. cation. At the great convention of
seate the size of the convention beeateei Q,—Whitt relation does the society Minneapolis it bed been decided to
apparent. The whole auditorium waS 1 bear to the YMOA? A, --A very give a bawler to the State or territory
crowded and there were many ia the ' kindly relation, ae it beam to all as- having the largest number of societies.
galleries, As the chairman remarked sociattieue. Last year the great .itey-stone State of
"Where are they going to seat the The .president regretted that some Pennsylvania cartied off the banner.
people of Loudon l" it s understood o the delegates had not been billeted No doubt they were as proud of it as
that if necessary overflew meetings —something that had never happened of the Stars and Strikes that flaunted
will be bold in the First Congregation- before at the Provincial convention, it in the breeze, and tt had been an
al Churcb. It is the largest getlierieg London's hospitality bad always been
of Bndeavors ever held in Outride,
proverbial, and he hoped that before
There are over 800 outsiders here and night the citizens would throw open
the local committee now realize that their homes to those unprovided for.
it his a big ta'sk ou band to entertain The benedietion by Ito, Mr Coburn,
and accommodate the huge assembly of Paris, brought the session to a
and attend to every detail of manage- close.
went incidental to it. WEDNESDAY EVENING.
A song service marked the opening', The scene at St. Aodrew's ()bl)
after which the delegates were formai- when the evening session was caned
ly introduced. to order was an itispiriting ono. The
A thoughtful and well-written paper edifice was peeked top and bettom,
on the theme, "Hoe to Develop There was so many delegates that
Latent Talent," was read by Miss 3 little room was left tor the • general
Silverman, drOaltwood. She i lustre- public. The service was brimful of
ted the proper line of action by a re, enthusiasm. One of the finest features
laden of the means taken hy tWQ was the singing by a choie a 100
earnest, determined young Olit.istians picked voices. The young people cotn•
who, sustained by God's grace, see- posing it have been in practice for
ceteled clevelotitig out et the latent weeks under the leaderebip of Mr
elements around them a live Ohnstiau Charles B Wheeler, organist of Sc
Endeavor Society by dint of applies Andrew's, and the result is a tribute
tieand efficient inetuod. . The paper both to the skill of the conductor andwa.
WM most instructive and profitable, the aptitude and away of those under
and laid down tines of work. thet may him. •Mr Ellis played the,organ while
protitaby followed hr oilier souk". Mr Wheeler wielded the baton, and
ties• the music brought forth was rich ape
Mr P Wilson, of Peterboro, inspiring.
ou the same theme, with ou the platform were the president,
special reference to junior work. Tile Rev James A R Dickson, of Galt ; Mr
must important work in the society Thos Morris, jun, Rev Dr McMullen,
as the bringing in of boys and Orli Woodstock ; Rev Dr Thompeon,
to the knowledge of Christ. Did they Sarnia ; Rev TA Moore, Niagara ; R
remember the oonnua.nd, 'Suffer little Colville, Toronto; Rev A Murray,
children to couie auto rue and forbid RevM
M P Tailing, London ; Rev r
them net,• for of.such is the kiegdotit elcGregor, of Forest.
of heaven ?" Judging fro in the entail Jibe first half-hour was devoted to ,a
number of junior societies he was delightful song service, and following
afraid not fileilior societies slieuld that devotional • exereises. Tint ad -
appoint a superintentleitt of the juvene dresses of the evening were those of
iles—one too has tact and an uecee- welcome, Rev M P Tailing spealther
sary capabilities for juvende wore. for the local committR
ee, ev' J A
After that assietatite should be et) Murray for the Christian organizations
• pointed. It %les well to have pledges, of Landoll, and Mayor Spencer for the
as thou the parents could eign as wt•li city of London in general.
as the children. The paper (tailed Rev Dr Thoiliae, of Stratford, read
attention to the fact that the niajerity the Scriptures, and Rev T A Moore,of
of the associate members were nor. Niagara, led in prayer. `
professed Christiens. Tide was work Mr. Doherty, sec of the cow,
for .the lookout committee. Young wittee of managetueut, read te.egreerts
and old should work together, They as follows:, Front the Oleveland,Ohio,
had national, tprevineial and 'county Union, sending the greeting of 3,200
aouventions, but thie Wotild profit seniors arid 1.000 jtiniors, and hoping
thein nothing if they did not do the to be with the Cauadien brethren itt
work of Christ. The paper contained 1898 ; • front the Buffalo Venni, iu-
tuany excellent suggestions, trodueine es their representative Mise
A short and spirited discussion on Bradley ; froiu 1,800 delegates in
the subject wee taken part in by Mr conventiou at Binghamton, N Y,
Morris,of Elatniltonjtev Dr Thomson, sending Scriptural greetings, and from
Jr Dillion, Colville, of Tot.onto ; glberbreoke,*Que, Quebec's greetings
Mr Beatty, Guelph; Mr Elliott, Wood- to Outario.
stook; Mr Johnston, Port blope; Rev The president. appointed the follow -
W S Vanueuk ; W Watson, ing finance committee : Geo T Fer-
guson, of Toronto (chairman) ; W
1) iherty, cf London ; B Lundy, of
Welland ; Haul:min, of Cardinal;
lied Rev J II Ratcliffe, of St Cathar-
• "We will eow take the collection
as et, starter,' said, the president. And
and her temperance societies?. genii greetings. ANhert they heard
Tie, C B Sooiety Should take up any at.J?aterboro last yea' that the next
work. It should determine its own convention would held in London,
kind of work* find not be a channel for the 'peel Eudeavorers said they were
other organizittione to work throngh. glad They had been working for
Q —What should be done to mem- months in order to make it silocess.
tiers who fiersistently violated the On behalf of the fifteen unions in the
pledge ? A. --The members were 'city he extended to the detentes e
diteorly respotmiltle Ohriet for their hearty wekerne. Among other things
coudnet, • the local committees had secured cheap
Q.—Catt a chetah member be tekett railway rates, thus deawing them, as it
into the somely es an associate mein- were, by golden . Cords. Mr Tullio
ot handsome new Miles will prove to b
very interesting both to ladies and gentle
men. in Dress and Waal° geode the
otook. is large and varied embracing the
very latest entitles and designs, and for
quality they are unsurpassed; but any
pen description of thew woulcl fail to
give an accurate diseription of their
beauty end excellence ; we would there-
fore cordially invite all intending purch-
asers to call and examine those fishion-
able and seasonable goods, got our prices,
No matter how nice goods may look, wem
are anxious to sell there and a sall
amount over cost well secure them, this
is not idle talk as union° can prove by
seeing our geode and bearing. our cut
prices—just arrived a large purchase of
boys' and men's ready made suits andovereoats,
overcoats, they aro bargains, see
tbetn--Do not risk your hoalta by wearing
bad shoes at this season, where you can
honored emblm in many a noble con-
get the very best Boots, Shoes anti Rub-
volition. But this year it had been from is for so little money—We
wend across the imaginary line that
divided our brethren from us, acid it
was elevated me high in the grand
Province of Ontario. (Tbe speaker
pointed to the banner .amidst load ap-
phew.) Last year Ontario gained
872 new.sooieties, }eight stein upon
thee banner. The speaber alluded to
the Christian 'Endeavor Society as
a promoter of Chrietriau nnity—uot
union—and. in conclusion welcomed
them agent to the cite, and hoped they
would harvest up and profit by the
hints thrown out during the conven-
tion, ad
Mayor Spencer sit was the sietb
oonvention held this year at London,
showing that it was the place for it.
Last week be had had the pleasure of
welcoming another religious body --
the King's Solis aed Daughters—and
he. was glad to see to night more
young men thnu he saw in the last,
(Laughter ) His Worship told a story
of a young man dealing to go to a
relgious meeting because., 80 per cent
of those present were .woruen. His
lady Meted replied that she had visited
the jail and found that 90 per cent
were men, (Laughter.) He had
great pleasure in offering the delegatee
the.freetiont of the city 'They were
free to visit the civie buildings, parks,
jail--(langhter)—•and other institu-
tions. The mayor said that in looking
over the programme he saw nothing
on the temperance question,' He felt
strongly on this. The city of London
&peat $5,000 or -$7,000 every year in
relief,and as it wee distributed through
him be had an opportunity of knowing
the causes a poverty. He kept a
record of nob eases, and it wee
liquor, liquor, !killer, every nine that
brought about the destitution. (Hear,
,henr.) In only tWo instanoes out id
many had it neer atttibutitlee to othercauses,
causes, The speaker referrrd tO the
Phair tragedy as an evidence of what
liquor weuld lead .6 Man to do. They
heard lots of that side of the story,
but indeed, .of what the drunk-
mei& wives end children. ie. London
suilered. Yet Lendou was one of tee
%lost moral cities in the country.
(Applanse.) ' Two years ago they had
60 drinking plaees. Nineteen wore
cut off; and t1114 year ten more were
closed up, until there were mit forty
licenses in the city. (Applause ) Some
said that the effect would be to make
the remaining one's tick; but, nu the
contrary, one or two had failed since
then._ The responsibility rested with
the church. people. (Hear, heat)
They could stop tto drinking places
when they Reed. (Aped:wee
again bade them All a hearty welt:mite
to London, and be hoped they would
leave it with theirlhearts light, their
ponkete light an their arms,full of
the beautifel goods they conic' pueenitse
to advantage in the city of London.
(Larighter and applauee.)
The duty of replying to the address-
es of welcome ftd1 to the lot of Rev
Mr 'McGregor, of Forest, mid Mr It J
Colville, of Torotto, he the abeenee of
Rev 13. Johnstim, of Lindsay:,
Rev Mr 'McGregor add he had hoped
that some one hotter etile would have
replied to t, warm words of welemne.
He could only speak spontaneously and
brl A.--eDediledly not. (Applause.) referred to the ''other • arrangements not with any studied effort. Whitt it
They wanted to- baeksliders Um made, The choir Lind practiced faith- lacked in, effort would have to be
sodety. Every church. member should , fully f6r t No months, and the greatest atoned fur in sincerity and freeness.
be nothing but an 'active member. praise Was dile to the loader, Mr He thanked thi. Loudon brothel%
"Supposing it nietither in good stand- Wheeler, Thi' speaker toticited upon for inviting themthe hanm
to tdsoe
the society, but the enormous aninunt of work which ohnech or $t Peteiree'e instead of
could not *weed the merting ever,,, fell on 'the shoulders of the billeting an opera house, as it was more
night?" askei a -delegate etenteittee, In the inmelositv of its emigeniel to the genies of the
movement, They tbituked the chiztout
for weleomina them to Went hornet;
for the splendid air they had giveti
them this beautiful city ; nod the
wefts for the notits.“ tnktni of the En.
410 H
avorera, e aid how hot knwhat the
of the would
hat he thought it Wald' be Obristian
la only sbettit f2,0110. Sootah us way to. pat youF hand dowry w»n had nst. alreetly fotrud bamos to Endeavor eintrob. The society repro.
u. "ilieu'inStitiition provides for t ,' heart Loodon bad weloonitel no less
come property in Adjala Township by Said the president. "ft only regitited thati three tonvoritione We "emeriti, the
•elr Starnes ti Frank Hague, The, an native member to etteuil tem latit one having beee held a week No,
latter conveyed it to W Poulton, ! ahlo" eo thee ttie homes of our eitizene had
who sold it to.A.IfreaLong, All theseQ. —Should there he concerts,s elide Deitp:te this there were
(Aplause) 'therm the estate, are defentlents, It is a raisinmoney t k.-1 do not thin
gk it bill, t,,i1 perm *ore a
pecties and lhewns MAMMA, executor and tea Meetings for the pennon. , now, atanit 700' Christian delegates
—tty oomplicated matter, and the is right, (Apelanee ) The good old fe'w ',Meta left and he asked those
•I 4
give big values in pure fresh groceries
and spices, penis teas are speciality
with us,, try a sample pound of our cele-
brated "Ram Lale" and "Pure Russian
Blend" black teas.—Gents Furnishings
and ordered suits arid overcoats, always
command our very best attention.
• The Bie:., Brown Anehoi.
Wing!) two October 7thve1.892.
sented the young Chtisttans, and those
not so young In years were oung in
sympat liy.
Mr Colville seta he told his friends
coming up to.clay that they were coul-
ter, to a right Royal city and woultl be
rie7ht royally welcont ed. Greater
blessitig would come to the honkies of
the citizeus becituee they had opened
then, in Ilia mune, tle had been de-
ii,hted with the spirit. that had per-
•meated the convention so fete This
Leautiful Poreet City wad the dearest
spot on earth to him, as it was the
spot, where Christ had fleet taken pos-
session of hie soul, Referring to the
relations of the society mid the 3
o A lie said the latter's work would
never he done until Christ became
victorious Tho two societies were
closely ; their work was the
same. He saw that twist of the young
mi,n ou the convention committeesiv,
iv, re , members of the 'Y M A. "I
thank God that you have such it Mayer
as Mayor Spentler," beesaid "Would'
to God we hod. them every other
city in the P,ce.ince and the result
would be tiler. he would see the day
dawning that we prey for and
tits day we vote tor—when we shall
hxte prohibition. (Applause.) No
one should be a ;benier of the Y P S
E unless a teetntailer " (Applitose.)
After siegieg mi prayer the vast
audience' dispereed.
The president, Rev Dr Diekaon, of
Galt, delivered his anwtal address,
During the year the tintnlier of sotsiee
'ties hod increased from 546 to 851.
The year would be known as e, yearoef
COU nty union organization, and during
the year lie had attended many of such
among others • the formatiou of the
Mil ilk() it trtliitn. YPSOE was
itt eteseut itt a formafive state end
needeti careful etiper vision and guicl-
auce. Its natural tencleimiee were up-
wards, bet, it should be trained like
Um vino. aetioi, was iovingelevotede'
and consecrated ; its service was
simple, natural end unebtrinive, yet
'winning and •effective. The p edge
• lav 'at the root Of 0 E fidelity anti ,he
soeiety'e strength lay ill keeping dose
to the pledge, (Applitase ) One a the
pnr114 of the ego was the confidence.
placed in committees and conventions
and nue great excellenen Of tlio pledge
Was that it eMpliasized individual
loyalty to (Airier. The speaker re -
Common& tt tile encoin
nrageont of the
publication tine liotreture department
xis a way to strorigthen the 'Work,
Last 3,ear .4040 societies only 100
contributed to the finances. He had
pleasuin to presenting two banners bf
Gatit YPSOB ter the comity
!melee. the largest ineronee in junior
sodetie,.. ( A pple use.)
The annual recent of the Provincial
secretary, Mr b A. fIliedy,.lenelsey,
was full of interestine information.
Penned twelve years ago by, Brother
Clarke, the society now humbered
nearly 1.500,000 young men we -
men. The report teemed the develop'
meet of t .e Oeturia branch Since
• r
it was OgitniZAd hi Toronto in 1884.
1888 there were twit secietiee, in
I 1887 there were 13 in 1888, 55 ; in
1889 it lied grewn te 00 ; to 192 in
1800, te 252 in 1801, trues to 851 in
11892 (tipplense I Further elenoreine
atiOtts Were included the eociety in
Ontario. Tile first -CenventiOn Was
held in 1889, With 403 eataiaa (Wee