HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-28, Page 2e cii) iitim es
linin► . OO.lOI3ER 28, 1892,
-I't o . ROBERTSON \VitVTee,
market in Ontario, with 'nearly ,30,OOQ causes te s f 1e te Itgose°Un ItitNati pahaf
he tehle
boxes boarded, worth over 6300,00. and
commanding the highest price of any bowel.
place 1n
1 America He made action of a
She Contested, .All.
Prof Robertson in commotion with the ,Cie looked troehled cls he took, Ills ae
circular issued as to cheese made in the
ni- `cnatcaned slat in file parlar,aud finally
eastern township of Quebec. and co
fled by him and otherjudges as being blurted out I
superior to the cheese exhibits at the ,
Toronto Fair., He olatmed t1}at 'those li Maude, have you deceived me 1
cheeses were not made under the same , I1 she exclaimed. II ii,egiunld,
oonditions, Were selected by exports, and ! how on you even think
' of such a
it was not fair to have it reported that' thing 1
aheess from that district was superior.'" No, no, he said, it cannot he true.
He urged the faotorymen to continuo im-!And }et —and y,•t--illitudr', do yea re-
ug their James Gray, maker at Dlma, gave i member thet niton who rant just ahead
the practical results of a season's work: t of us at the t nHittre Iset night 1
paying far milk at their faotory neord• i She gave ;: barely perceptible•
ng to milk value, as shown by the Bab ! as she atsked: Diet clapper little fellow
cook test. It wok less milk to make a I with a Ivazed utustache 1
paund of cheese, the produot was bet- Yee,he replied, i;ravely, I heard
ter quality, and the patrons were paid p ou betwaed
justly. The system hilts practical work- , hint talkie:gfetuili'tr of y
ing was a distinct success. He gave a the sets.
test case, showing that in two lots of OE ine1 Site was nervous ; even he
200 lbs. of milk, each tasting 3.80 and I could not help noticing that.
3.5,5 lbs. of butter -fat respeotively, the Of you, he reiterated. He said you
former made 236lbs. of cheese' and the I had one of the smallest waists. in the
latter 2001-2 lbs. the first one not only ,
being 151-2 lbs. more in quantity, but of : city.
superior quality. 1 -le riared. r
o alar remedy* lmo .i•
Prof H H Della of Ontario Agricultur- I He 1 , yrup of rigs 1u - G
1 '�s�' •tS
iistcwel, Out. 20 --The animal
,gtlet of the Listowel Dairymen's
tral of Trade was held at the close
;ho cheese fair to -day in the Arliug-
Hotel. About 100 guests sat down
an e,eeeileut reoaa't, and afterwards
ouerecl to the hoard room, where
sy were called to order by President
sun of the Fordwieh factory. A
ter of regret was read from Hon.
lin Dryden, Minister of Agriculture,
lo. was attending 'the opening cere-
suies of the World's ]?sir in Chicago,
d n similar missive from Prof, J. W.
abertson, Ottawa. In the course of
letter Prof. :Robertson said he
could have" liked, to have had an op -
nit y of again galling the ftttentiou
tth dairymen of the Listowel
•et. to accrue fr in the adoption of
l:ntures at Mount
k list winter lead
successful. The
()roughly pleased
d they haul uu-
that the fav:.
'rater dairying.
lgi.0 and Woodsto
en eminently
Irons h•td been t
ith the returns
iauou•ly requests
ries be rub during the coming fall
id winter. ;Baby other cheese fav -
ries were about to be altered into
inter butter -making factories in
ntario. "The llominiou Govern-
,ent," wrote 1f r. Rolm rtson, "will
outrol at least frutr•i,f these in Ontario
nd some in the other Provinces.
here is another matter of interest
-Well 1. would have been glad to have
ad an opportunity of presenting to
lie leading business men who aro sures
o he ;present with you. \Ve are mak-
ng: provision for a collection of a
eprr'sentative and creditab'ey let of
eptember ehesse for displey in Chi-
t,go next year. Juding from the
nformation which • is available at
resent, we will '°ceche nut less than
,000 boxes of September cheese from
he leading factories of Canada. I
esire to express ,o the dairymen niy
rateful apprPei: tion of the hearty
response whaoh they have made to our
arc iinrtsAt
--A'r elflO -•
Subacripttoaprlce, p 'year,lnactvaatne
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and
i quo
�spacu i yr. 1 0 mo. 1 8 mo. I
One Coluuni - $t10 00 586 00 1 $20 00 $0 00
Dalt " 35 00 20 00 1 12 00 5 00
quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 09
One inch I 6 00 3 00 2 00 1 00
Let nl and other casual advertisements, $i . per Una
for first insert on, and 8c, per line for each subsequent
Local notices 10e. pet ..no for first irsertio0, and
5o. per line for each subsequent Mortice, No local
notice will be charged less than 25c.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations,
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding S lines
ently yet promptly on the iClneyS, nonpareil, $1 per month
g p y I Douses and Farms for Sale, not exepeding $ lines,
Liver and Botivels, cleanses the syn- $1 f Hast month60e.
b . per
sec11tea mouth
of d
ter, \
Special rates for lo advertisements, or tot
longer periods.
Advertisements and local notices without speeitio
directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged
aocordh,gty. Transitory advertisements must be
paid in advance
Changes for contract advertisements must be in
the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appeal
that woof
PuornUSTOn AND P01L1511ER
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs .is the
only. remedy of its Mind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities ecramend it
to all and have mads i� the most
did, 11P said It had changed an p { �, is 'ltic
al College, Guelph, gave. an instructiveeighteenth of an arch In ll3 mouths. bottles by all, lead! t, its
address t the "Future Cheese and \V hen fits hint put his at 131 seabed it Any rcliabledrugg st svho l:iny not
Butter Makers," showing Q that ohe 'must'
b familiar with not only the inechaniu- was the sante perfect— havepromptly forte any one rly Flo wisneprocure f
e ami tar w
al work of his art, but able to instruct Did—did you stein's. lino, Reginald?
• t0 try it. Manufactured only by the
its patrons as to the future a proper she askedY d`d�� 4�B�a �Y��� qQ
,ro er ° auxiuual . �t94����97
handling of milk and the breeding and To, he replied. Why should 1 make
94 'a
feeding of dairy cattle economically. Mr l a scene, and drag your Hunte into i3dN T+R«.R;C CO1C1S7 + e��
F W N'earman of Hamilton gave an in -i Thank heitVt u for that, she exclaim- IIs' a's' - ' i r
Mr H I - ,
si:ructive and amusing address.
W Wheaton secretary of the Western • ed, gratefully,
Dairyman's Association, urged the ne- 1 Maude=1 Mende 1 tie cried wildly, 1,
cessity of instructing the tied
as well be is.eotnethiug to you ?
as makers, and said that h was employ- Nothing ; 1 swear it ! repl'rd the
ed for that purpose, and -wished to be beautiful girl.
present at as many annual] meeting of But his wordsl his words! Are they
the faotorymen during the winter as he
could reach. 1 I t.l u, 1
A resolution was then jLopted by the 1 Alas, Reginald, they are.
meeting endorsing the action of the dir-His aril Inas bean around that ,
ectors of the,Western Dairymen's Asso- i waist ?
ciation in sending out a man for this; Within the week, she admitted ro-
purpose, and urging all factorymen to luctitutly. Hut- hear me, Reginald.—{
make the best use of the opportunity. Unhappy woman l he cried, as he
Mr Geary, president of the Western 1to
Dairymen's Association, gave an address rose to leave. Thus du I —
further explaining the actions of the , Har nlr, l hear nue 1 she pleaded, I
board and highly instructive. A. pleas-' swear—
ant evening was conoltided by a stirring : He stopped in the door way.
and graceful speech from Mr Andrew ,1 •ill Bear yon, lie..said with deter.
Pattulo of the Woodstock Sentinel-Rtie-' mil,nt.orl. 1 will hear his nines, Give
view on "Good Roads in Connection with it Ip linin that I_ may ask him out. Whothe Dairy." '
LI het
The Bashful'112an's Mistake. i \1y _habil. winter, remarked the
A bashful young guar. had a Louder beautiful 'pia, t,ttt,hiug, He is making
regard for the daughter of e curtain' i a ara,tithe; -dreaS for 'our wedding tour
fanner living .not a ;.rent many miles now: Di'ltt,it Broil Prean
!TOM chi•+ city. Tho -gang main in r
circulars in this matter. Nothing question tied ocgttirl•d- the ltubit �f A serious blow --A cyclone.
that eau bo done `will be spared to en- I visiting the young lady, who was the Sanpe�rrac,•°--A ln'ln latesttrliutler.
able Canadian'. is wit all possible snhject of his afJ' etifou, on Sunday
pr'stige from tlai branch of the alis- afteruoor,'tl. As time wore 011 he At what dine wxs Adam married 1
play, which, after all, represents the young man began to ifeel more at home. neon his wedding Be -.v° ,
ig.rotte•1 of i;la}, idiatii irtdtt atriraa en his visits to the ttadrtu-house, and 1 Has good st'tying ! qualities—The
beenl is still a t n 1i matter. 1 have ! tram an ouciiiii00 a" stepping for Supp r girl with :he sat 01 Iwai-i�•.
successful iii irvisir,g d new O()ICi-I it epees tit bo a te;� ,ar thin:; wall - .e min coining rent- Cue that sue-
binal:inll of forage ffpIo for euoiirge, 1111(0 to eat supper with his prospective cee(ls three other,. 1
viibicli 1 believe uiitprove of very'(rest 1 l,haittY-lin-Ialty, 'l'ht, was very Hgrre 1
service to the riniry ren of the Dolnul , eine to the''tutu wart but quire the 1 'Pili lazy lsuullress, las well as the
ion. I have no dontit but that it will : : flannel shirt, shrinks from washing.
i Ctilltrury 11) Illi• piareUtgi-t11-law, I
'•snails the Iaaci(rnenlr>E Canada ie xavb 1 lie way treated cooly IIy, the old : it's mighty hard work for a polttisli-
utlaIons Of dollars a ear in the ai,- folks, hat lbs+ warmth e,f°its awn feel- tib to ::cep in the :middle of the road.
utaal cost of fen dull; their wattle p
ill" fur 1ho \cuing lady stud the r�ci-i flighty few }lattote set up nights
If to of Ontario
in flip 13orthweatrru 1 pr, �ity by the young
lady was souls , wurrviti' 'inau' holing , to set an oflis
parts Gvtllric, lviil wive th, Roliert� nut slight that don't pay. . .
that slight au0lt,• sw WW"felt. ' .
Seal conilantatitin a trial next summer 1
. Uputl nue of Mite „ucnatnns wh,•u ,tins,
tato cure they will be rle�inht, i ai,,ii Se.. intent is all very w,pil in its way, o
uhf° young uta,' v.ta� falcine S"u'1iy Wit saaudn'1ed are Inure effective in
its capability' , f service tiixrcen Slipper with file flintily the .'ot+d
pounds of Indican carni land sixteen subtniuiug life.
�ilrlunds of Enulish horse beanv,plauted btllsewt6- hail prepared 0 boslntifnl
t„pl the -r, per sere; when inixesi with supply of biscuits.'When they hurl It is the read who thinks wrong and
he heads from Itaif an ure of ow sea ell th' ut,ely„s at the tattle thedoes right, rather thant l,, man who ,.t
llrospectite f•atltea-i..-law passed the 'thinks t•.ight and does wr no, who is
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
—Coroner for County of Hpron—
OtRco ilp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing.
ham, Ont.
OFFICE Roans. -.0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 0 p. m., or at
Residence, Diagonal Street.
Dit. J. A. MELDRUIif,
U honor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick
streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune,
Wtionspt . OST
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate
at do commission er )h�ou Lt a �a Mortgages town
OFFICE—Boavor Block WINGRA11i, ONT
winghana - Ontario
H. W. C. MEYER. Q. C. 1 E. L DICKnism E. A
I Iteitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners fee
1 taking atiidavits for Mtatitobu. Farm, Town and
Village property 'bought and sold. Money (private
funds) loaned on ntottgage security at 50 per cent.
Money invested for•priyate persons, upon the beat
Landslfor sale X11) Manitot ba and the Nexpense orth.
Office—bent's Bleck, n Ingham.
UO V'ideITJII�.I iI�Narai ul �1 hiJll4l.'L
LIC;II'IiII�N�r�INIA��r1��tlIININP�NGIn��a�u� ...
Old Popular 25c. Price.
mammoth BU$bian sunflower:, wilt
}iters tri b;84”" tet 111” hadlrfur voau'g the favorite in the pools. $ I1 tee,
};tet most d'e:iiral,l • •nntrftiris and
y blast1 Folly--tothinktciety a can' mak e t
economical ration. , . Be gond ,•H
itti%e n hiactilt? he Ra1e1* pork out of pig-froli, or ADA you can i t
enough to say to these who are of the
of le,,o111e a shoe -maker by ji et drinking;
fnodly company that 1 wish them a The hnsi,tttl voting Ingo set Date 1 ,�
pit;asant evening and hope that,.1 may a tesntiit•; i,ise•Iti(s beeile his }•late. sherry cobblers, t< 1
re ebbe. to join theta at tip, annual i.e., Hay,.,tu'..'her, they'ree sm411, 'lien The marl who mitran a; rumor halal
union to 1$00•"
father -in -kw said, bt• u pitted against the 'shill who•livedI
The first speaker was Hon Thomas The b't',ilful cabin; luau'11"34 dowel a blaudc•Y.. • Tri our opinion it will i
• 7sit beaialr the he ht dratw lump, U i
Ballantyne, Speaker of Ontario T,ei;asla» took 'mother end r,lacrt�l
titre, whom the speaker introduced as first. g i \ drIIl] ie the Iou.Xl:st I Ord int fife j
the "Father of dairying." His first data', fla n c nnht1iet`, they're a cry swaall.
he said, was the pleasing one of present- rlZ,*;11 the f)t)l) rein locking the Eugitsla l,riigt1 ig' and wh'y 1 Stntleia, I _ .w . •..._..
lent the president, with a sills hitt. whichbecaause r dere int a toile !between the,
W85 ef,ltttlfly acknowledged. o ells» enutns.4 to declines tint:f:fa biscuit. NERVE
�. %E
it .ed the title given to hini, saying 'file futliar.h).1,tw to -be tlt011 dumped Lira:: acid Bast lottrar. 1
attained y BEANS
bat he looked upon the late Harry Far- tit+, whole ca}l'en's of tl.e■ innate in The judge -•• flow o_ <f are you,
fttrgtun of Norval as: the father of dairy- front of •the youau, man, with the ;in ubu,l 1 \\ ttons`z.--L have no person
'Mg in Canada. After some reminisce±ti- 1em ark, 'Uric', liners' all, yon bog 1 kr utvleaige Of illy age, and heresy
the tee of dairying in the early clays, ho 1'1rµ llnaltfnl young mag eropp+'d his t+,stlntuuy, 1 understand, IAnotastiot>rpf•
,greases 'of the art until to.
el thee is the largest visitii, !'nil biscntt$ for su'p'er always ed it, ilait, court.
.a •
DENTISTR,Y.— J S. JEi10ME; 111Eaunm,
Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,
1--' Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial
as cheap as they Can be got in the
Dominion. All Mork warranted.
Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric.
Hy or Vegetable Vapor.
Telex lo'ici.—i will extract teeth for 25 cents
each, opposite tin
In the Beaver,, Block, 'opp
Brunswick House.
Wm . .b. acdorlald, L. 1 ..,
, Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Winghnm.
Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays
of each month. .
WOtellA i,
IDEANS, tilt., Wixon it,
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges
Moderate. '
LTCLN&213 AnoTrONEsit Poo Tito COUNTY Cit
All orders left at the TIMES ofliee prouptiy attend
ed to. Terms reasonable.
Ltonv5En Angelo:mon Pon 00052ts* Hunoit arru-
Ail sales attended to promptly turd o2 "the Shortest
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All necessary arrangeruonte con be made at the
Times' otlice
IVineusm ONr
NERVE BEANS are d new tens•
eovary that cure the woof Bates of
Nerved% Debility Dost Vigor and
Failing Man hooad; restores the
weeknesa of body or Iolnd caused
by over -Work. or the errors or ex•
wearies rat youth. This Remedy eh -
wlutal7 aures the most obstinate cases 5t/3enl bYrlr all o e
TRIO rasX`rTS ha,efalledevento relieve.
giystts at 01 per peek u!S ar eix'fot tb. er`•i_�sent by mitt' 00
00..pTacna* out. Wrttw io;V1nsp•al.t.i SMiT13i
t wir g + s 1 / 1.. Ill r All ta ON
M. B. Toronto, Ambo Sty tCollegesPhysiolahe Gan
S 6
Dna%AYR Oatmmit
iV.1: Y1ley to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
AT , ASONAttilt 1lA1rES
'lousy advanced on Mortgagee at 6 per mint with
privilege alt paaylag at 'flip end et any year. Nestea
had aocouat• oaUantcd. ROOT. MOIA1306.
O :..)it rear Itlaek, WIr1X+beria, Ont. ,