HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-21, Page 8�..asanasnoreat makes w strong/A° JbM y.s.�►1 tel hike more Inters ..,T tent George Slew old; ntlf/ettitl4 Our Cloak Department ---Undoubted- Sough on's•" Un ly the leading ane outside the city., has i. trNttta of "Ar ltm11 been built up by untiring energy, a ea- he ulcus" earl do. pacity to gr$) opportunities and the Koshy iliustrttte,d ability t•) feel the poputar pulse. These , Nature's T- bntltnten united with our great resources and S 13'aokstoak 1 •'A ! Ilurohasivg powers, have given us an George i3 lroolts, a unquestioned. leadership. People. now sketch, s,while Rev recognize that for Garments of Superior gives i n'entertaieh Reliable and at Lowest Prices it is nee- f e o.George E84,B111 It fissary to carne to us. interest to musiei Headquarters for Dress Goods and Experience," by F Silts—It clues not need a close observer Unfinished Talese to notice that the fine Dress Goods trade is oomiug our way stronger than ever and,why shouldn't it. Our stock is by far the largest and best in the town, containing more high and exclusive styles and at prices that aro just right, FURS --The public is award we have the largest stock of saleable Fur Mera chandfse. We guarantee to keep up the high standard of our goods and quote for this month tile low price. We show the handsomest line long capes and wraps in the town—Sure—Boas, Muffs, Collars, Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Coats and Fur Lived Circulars. You eau not imagine the style, elegance and high quality of those goods without see- ing them. Call and try one on :it M. H. MONO'S. be MIA tib to the young lien' t tn political'at gives gives a charm Breakfast at Lord id Boyle, DSe, ay to Ontario," as The artrcir is pro. "Scenes from g oris " by Rev W orrible Nigb.t,." by e• two well written V S i11Tavish,BD,. paper on "Sala,. ins.; About Scalee," will be of great ns, "A Strange eane, era "An by MaeU Lawson, are t.to short st hies of real merit. The poetic is well r preeeuted "Crow,. by a D Jleyers, describes the last t.nutu,"ats cls the rage but veutreful o IQf of the filackfc t, while "Beth," by A,dt.lina Westue,•; "A Dirge,„ by A L McNitb; ".sat Canard,” by Prof Maud; "Service," I y WT Tassle, and "Dearer Days,' b James A Tucker, are all creditelih contributions to Can ,diau poetry, toot's Deetit Soni:, strongly, awl wierdl Clubbing states, The weekly I)mpire ail premium the Conservative members of the House, of Comtnons. and the Titles from now till the end of 1893--81.75. The weekly Glebe end Tiers from now. till the eud of 1893-$1.75. The Loudon Advertiser, weekly and Times from now till the end of 1893-51.75 The London Free gores', weekly and TINI:s trorn now till end of 1893-$1.75. The Moutroal Weekly Herald and the TIMES from now till end of 1893-$1,50. The Montreal Witness, weekly and Times from now till the end 1893-$L75. Reduced rates with all other metro petition weeklies. This is a grand oppor- tunity. Subscribe at once and receive the FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, :892 balance of the year free, .— — -�.�v- •--- -• II on Items. "'Saturday Night's" C The cover, which cont photo -lithograph in a many 'half-toues, is '• Danes of Olden Tim supplement, which is last year, is a repro owned by the proprie entitled "Ser firing Still." It is e,eeedi gly lovely and no oue can pass it without urniug to look again at the beautiful fac and the look of fare- well, The t-tories t is year are as follows `•Tom's Little Sig er," by John !dabber: ton, author of Helei 's Babies.. "The nephew of : is Uuele," by Octave Thauet, author of . piation. (The most popular magazine iter iu America). "'The Rich Bela ion," by• George Par- sons Lathrop. (Tl ere is uo more attrac- tive name iu Ame can magazines.) "Kate Gordon's ,hristmas Miracles," 1ny nlian Hawthorne. "Little Lady," h Ida Burwash, prbably prettiest story u the book. "Senor the 1,ngi eer," by Edmund K 13hdpp•rd. All these htories copiously illustrate New York' and L idol. Mr Sheppard's story is being spec lly illustrated by Mr P A Peraud of Ne York, from photo- graphs and studie .made by the author while in Mexico, least, this will bo on illustrated tale that America. It can be the well itnown . na toot a great deal of m Chr'isttnaa magazine, Toronto Saturday Night' in its Christmas num The Newsdealer Pubhshe Ietin, the Canadian cor bas seen advance copie ised by Saturday Night t •"Yt will doubtless be tl publication ever attemp compares more than fa lend the most expen Cbristmats numbers." Canadian(' to boast of, f the vrork requiring the artistic skill bas to be d terprise is purely Cane, bound to the credit bf C stmas for 1882. Mr Willis ins a picture in , liana marlin, 3" colors and as nearly three 1 Gentlemen and I ,. The pictorial titer carrots agger than that of ctiou of a picture ors of Saturday Night, S Barr,of G Smile Haunts Me ed 20 barre trees, and gathered nearl tree. were part of at the Huron Warnock, of Goderich,. th squash which Iaeighs urdred pounds. weighing 40I pounds, Thos Holloway's exhibit Central, at Clinton. John J \Vhi of the Exeter ed freight rater Great Western a salary of $85 derich townsbip,gather of apples from three rs Tewsiey, of Clinton, 10i barrels, fl'oin one • Mr Ilalladay, carrier at Lakelet retired and his pia Hodioil. Itis esti his torm of office travelled over 41,40 of his 'duties. , son of the proprietor Ines,has been appoint. in the office of the ilway at Detroit, at month. ho bas been mail or 28 years, has e is taken by 0 noted that during Mr Halladey has smiles in discharge The failure of Bi et Bros, general s been expected it creditors. At as happened, for, 0 B Armstrong, need.. The firm siness for sever- passed ever- pass d to his r, of Grey. The rly for the past was only con,. merchants, Exeter, are magnificently and for some years by th by the best artists in last the expected their assignment to of London, is anno has been in been in 'b al years. nd, artistically at Last Friday aftern of the most prettily reward Donald McNa as ever appeared in I deceased had been po two or three years tin fined to his house fo The cause of death ell understood that es in the above list uey to procure for a ut 'Christmas is the McNair was born dyertiees itself and Scotland. in the yea er it does it well to Canada with the aad Seatioaer'a But- they located in 'Vee epondent of which to Stanley township of all that is prom In 1854 they eett)ed is year, says that of Grey where the d e most beautiful unmarried, lived up ed in America and death along with hie Drably with Figaro family. James; Al ve Old Country McNair are brothers t is something for and Mrs John MUT r while much of surviving sister^ , greatest possible ue abroad, the en- = and will re. nada. . In The Loire May ^file for October is presented a bill of are containing auch varietyxand gentti e worth that. tt fail to please a d instrtwct its n : • sontirm ti e flattering dy expre_:ed by the in general, and foreign; he highest r; nit as well. artiele B S t ,its, ii1 P, see "The °anal Tolls ii tiession„ art a lucid style and makes It strong ,defence of the Canadian Gov - nnient's Key. "'Che South. Sines t le War," y A, W Wright, is a strong and suck, t* article, aontrastin chattel With sttdnaltrial wl. cry, and tidying pI i''of food fo thought. u�tl*•'rt. of the Oornrri+iter," by J or John ]i'iviftlr, aontain' es of Sir lo'b'e `i~llortrptot3 l' `P'd `roto' er, freak "loos ira i lilts a,►1. •«.1PxY1.4NMMn40.0PAM!NMPtkN .'K WINGHAM AIA1tIi as. W,\0gdn, aetober 20,1622 Correoted 4y S. Means, Produce Realer, Flour irtr ,ta0 its, tf '2 00 to Fall wheat per bushel, 03 to eprinq Oars Barley a, Peas, linter, tub do Molle, eggs per ab, 1'ood per 0 tri, flay per ton, Petatoos, 03 to '20 to 16 t0 55 to IR to 18 to 160 to O.00 to 36 to 2 00 ' 04 28 31, 50 )7 8 1 75 0 60 86 " TIMES" SUBSCRIBERS. All parties who have not paid for the "TI,MJ:,iS" tor the years 1891 and 1800 are requested to re- mit the einem) t at once. IVa ,seed money and hope this notice will be euiyicieut, and that a general response will he the reuult. R, ELLIOTT. FOR SALE. The undersigned otters for Bale a number of Itam Lambs, Shropaltire'Breed, also a few Ewa and liwe Lambs of the above tacntioned breed, Pikes mod. erute, Enquire' on the premises Lot 4, Concession 4', Township of Nerds, Tiros ANDERSON, TEA,OtER WANTED. • Teacher ttant4f r Union Sc•hn01 Seotton No. 7, r. .Zetland rata b LDuties- to icPatar nenee"llst Januard y s 1803. Testimonials leg -direct. Written applications re. ceived by the undersigned up to Monday; November 7th, 1892: TMOI1AS DAVIDSON, Wintham 1', V„ Secretary ANIMISTRA Pursuant to the 'Jells chnitar 110 section 30 t Bray, late of the Tod'n t of heron and 1'Ilotine died on or about the bth are n cgttired to send to t for of the said decease( 011 or before the 19th their ttaulue, addresses particular$ of theft' eh a000t,tits. and nature of by them and notice 10 h administrator will mime( limited clay proceed to d said deceased ancon ti having regard only to'th then have notice. J. A. 5101ITON, Solicitor of Win;;ham, October 1sti RS • NOTICE. 1 Statutes of O3tario;1837, u cuditora'^or'Sarah Jane ii•i,r11am;'iu the County I of Ontario, Widow, who lay of March, .A. D. 1891, 11 'undersigned i dminlstra- 11' ingham, P; 0,c Ontario ay of October A', 1). 1892, old descriptions ; the full ins; a statement of their 10 securities '([1 aey) held ruby given that the said lardy alter the last men - tribute the assets of the e parties entitled thereto violins of which he shall. BENJ. WILLSON', 1 d ministrator• 1801. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale or to rent, that valuable 'arm, 126 acres (n0 nem cleared) 30 acres to"adow, and .9 acres in fall wheat, • also a good orchard and water with (l,st-class frame,, buildings, situated is Township of Cnh•oss, lot 32, concession 1. Apply to W3nu1A,N Dawson, 11 miles from farm or Wingham P. 0. • The andensigned ars the farm being North half 'off tlt0 North r •f Lot 39. ri,ncession 10, East lyawnn,srt, maim • 50 acres, will be sold cheap Apply 0 the prenist• JAS. llolrat•e, P.0 PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL IIEADER PRESSYTERIM CHURCH gibes Private Lessonsin focal Training,. both in. Staff and Tonic-Sol•L`a Notation. Open for ettcagonlenta for Concerts or Church meetings. Terries moderate. Apply at MRS. IL MORROW'S, 24 Shuter St:, 11 Ingham HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE four ' months. The undersil cad has for sale on Lae 10, Con. 4. TuTrh eery, four thoroughbred Holstein bulls. rnng- ing from 0 to Ts• aouths old. The above meution0d animals are alliw,ill marked and registered in the Canadian Acrd tlonk, They will be sold cheap and on easy terms to•Ottit purchasers. 3tt3&5131.LIOT, • Breeder of Mole teia,Cattle, Blitewrle. Ont. as paresis. Mr in Ai-tyleshire, 188S' enol came, anlil5 in 1852. ban but moved the next year. on the 14th con eased who was the time of his WING AM • STEAM CI ER. MILL rother•John and and, Duncan ' The undleesigbed tub to intimate to the of the 'tleeeased farrners anti others hat their steam cider mill will be ready or operation oe Mou. gart is the oily day,. Septemsber 5th gaud parties wanting cider mitele can it a it made on short • Mouthy Prizes !or Boys asci Girls Our Jell evajnora 'r is. in good running order fttn we are pr pared to make jelly The "Smdi:;ht" Soap Co„ Torontotoiler the tel from any kind tdf';:ir: it. A trial order so - loving prizes every month till furthiber notice, ter Noised amid tlatis)}atti guaranteed. iiavime bad the ens l re -fitted, we will be boys and girls under 18, residin., in,fihe Province Of Ontario, who send the ureattst ntrrtber of "Sun• light" wrappers : 1st, $10; 2nd, $6.3 3rd. 83.; 4th, Sr; 6th tol4th, 4 lilanda0I1Ic Book r. and a pretty e 11 picture to those W send not less tiham 12 Wrappers. send wrappers to "Suniight Soap, Office, 48 Sodtt St„ Toronto, not Teter than 20th (Attach montti,.And Marked "Competition"; also gist (all nanle,;ad. better able Blau ever` claiis order. / The: patronage of th RA8'p1 is • IVi>tgliatn Sept 1e`w l dress, age, and number 0f wrapper, winner,' name's wIll be published in rhe Terento Mail orj-flys . ^ ' Saturday in each month. Bial SMrTli.• rn Tomo wife of Mr Samuel 8 a aughter. REl Totlx.—In Ens 9th Mat, the wife of daughter. Garr In Morris, Ste of dames Grey, do work in first. public is solicited. S al BITOlIE.. 92 1 ,s�•'`� o, on Lith, hist., the With, Central Prison, stt> FOT W a ah on x � Illustrated . Catalogue of Ladles tN. MAllt LOfei�»W3reo.i.-� b_y the Rev Mr Mills(deo H Lord, to Mk► wetly of i ingham. ax In Win tl nw no, filbert Remold,. o.f. on 18th last, tic. - Specialties. t 9U1]. I ms bot s0 tti;n •VIE PARISIAN. MEOICAt APPLIANCE Co. rr tMffnnealiolia,�d' V', '$ 011 Octobers dth, Mr Rate Wilsotl, tor{ Ili 4trtis an. S.As1, HARNESS ,Y!�+.nr G O L L.�. .A '.+r having bought out the Ambler Shoeless Business and started. iu his eld stand,1 ant preptl,red to furnish the public with cverythiug .usually kept In a harness shop, such as HEAVY, LIGHT HT and 'TRACE', HARNESS, NETS,. DUS 1 EItS, �Y ll IPS, CURRY COM.es, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING ]3AG5, d e., d;o, 1 make all my owe Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial and 1 will use you .right. G-_ A N'M ri"0N"- Ifs � � �•�. E. KIN o B DRESS GOODS. Another Five Piece lot of those Navy Blue Boucle Twills—They're ready sellers,—The price moves' them—They are all worth calling to see. TORONTO, O N T. Our Tweed Suitings have been. re -assorted and is.now as complete as ever. • We have no old Dress Goods re -dyed to offer you at 50c. on the S. Our high class BLACK. GOODS are gaining reputation every day. Some special values in cheap Suitings and Mantle Goods,, Do you want a Suit, an Overcoat (to order or ready- made) ? It will pay you to see ours before you buy. We court comparison of our moods. Special values in Shirts, Drawers and Flannels. Full stock of Yarns, Sheetings, Blankets, Se. Furs—Robes, Fur Coats and Jackets, Muffs, Caps, &c. Four more eases of those Long Boots to hand. We have cheapen'. . ones- too—$1.25. • Full stock of general Groceries. We believe we have the finestlaleud of Black Tea in the trade.—We have yet to meet the peddlars•tea we-,,. can't knock out fur value. A call solicited. Yours, truly, r',il•M' -u------o-- FURNITURE ,. DELIVERED FREE. .S Not only can you buy Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Lounges,3lnttrasses, Chaira,Tablo'f� ai cheap: but when bought in quantities they will be delivered and set up in your homes free, an) giver Gr within 10 miles of Wingham. PORTRAIT ENLARGEME •TS.. I hareMalie arrangements with one o the best artists intim Dominion for doing Portrait Enlarge netts (any size) in. Air -Brush, India ink' d Water Colors Before giving your order to anyone for sueh call at my store, see samples and get Prices for the very best. PICTURE, FRAMING. Ail aty1Ues and sizes of Picture and Wreath Frames made to order. Lots. of Mouldings to choose from, UNDERTAKING. Notwitristandinr all the opposition an this line, I nm still here in Winghant prepared to do as I hotq' been doing terthe,paet ten years. • s_ G 2,_4 O ; , U119:'•ttc1• tit 1.1.11'1 )sr'er llfay 13, 1892:• WINGHAM M'ARBLE WORKS: MESSRS. VANSTONE C7S of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of 311 T T Watson, formally emrrfed on by W Sn teir. p, Parties i artles n uirto' work in their linemenlinemendo well 113' lling Ont them or seeing one of their agents. before ,. purchasing:. You well and our prices are away down, stir workmanship is rananrpasaed. we win use. note but the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure allberal share of the public patronage. Mr T T Watson, who has been running the basilicas for the past yeas;will represent els on the road. Call ati I,see our stock and prices. - • VA.NSTONt EROS. tn�1ir,pp Bushels des D. M. A., L. �C. �P,, ,,, S. O.,• m. C P.P.4. .,5'. 1�1 . rnPP TORONTO; Specialist for the treatment of all Chvonio Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases, of the grain and Nerve, Diseattes of the ,Heart and Lungs, Artd'ptlseaseaof Women positively Treated suoeesatuliy. Diseases of private nature, on t, by /oily pr. Sinclair oe s CO�NtiL 4 A i`YO PI kis. • DI.i,. SI NCLAIR will bo at the. QUEEN'S ldTEL, Wingha.tn,ort. FRIDAY OCTOBER 28th, !892 The Improved Chesley Clothes Reek the mebt ***plats,durabie and chaste ea0tu ed. T1, wrest cert re et only istressamormao to mefuttoretw. The undersigned will be' prepared to purchase tiny quantity of apples 011 and after - PR'IDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th,< - Apples to be delivered itt thea; ,ingham Evaporating FactoryAlfred.sot, near "itrotilen.ihllis. inl1tt> f lair and ail kinds of ppiee;w'ili do exoept'very preen or mei- pis and may be she tern from the Altos may be delivered in bags, r which a good price will be paid.'-. ; About 75 cordo hard wood or tat5ft rao wanted. MAILER DIES. .SALESMAN IV AV. TED w ' To sail colt, tutexcelled Nursery Steck, atpedy empiflstnent}u,,d aelnkol of the tdrritoq. mew done witness tit Meads ss erste Libt llpay bo 1311 riid* main Itrnt A 't,