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Wingham Times, 1892-10-21, Page 5
: file he he or ny to eir re - eh - oo - ;es. we tall this t by cut ie of and see ring can dub- -We cries lahty cele- ssian hinge lw ays NRH. letter. visit er 1Ct. me of even- 'ices of ociety. ry Mr tg the thoclist etc; left !or his eetings t town as: iCt- slist, 0f moving Itlon to old at - They 'd hogs ,lor, for- rolnoted icau Ex- 111, to It street, )bell has musical lies' Col - 1 of this old time t;y were il; of last 1, of .Erin, shyterian his aortic: night of 1 died in rte year:; he was ',bor. Mr Lpfalbtiole was bora, ) Cauadtd purchased He was in 1865,to hip and a daughter • moved to ve resided took place ery on the was largely any friends €towel who u: bereaved, Le. German Liberal in n called to !nus cheese lean ehteeae h Alt utreal a cheese, by eat relate,' sial Bulletin, was found 1 in a cheese ill„land had 'gIte: reosiyer d” the favor It write us .le paid for it epistle ryas the town in ) dealer t l►ttin doubtless ls bad t es alien of the of D1outreal. Dntiadian and export from attention. lytI MissFiaher, of \'Valtotl, la visiting friends in town at present,—Mr Jolm 'Yvon -Ian, of Buffalo, has been in town during the past few tveelrs.—Mrs and. 41iss Draper, of Listowel, wee the guests of Mfrs Tanner, sr, during the wtveelr.—Qn f3aturday morning Mr A. 'Q.oeegeon, better known as Joe the baker, was brought before Magistrates Hamilton, Belly and Oampbt•ll in industry hall to answer to the charge M r ,lebard \V Scott, nephew to Mr Richard Wallace and Mr JWeir, ar, left on 'Thursday last for Scotland. We wish them a safe laid pleasant voyage, ot striking hotel keeper Roily with a club early oft the morning of the fair. The prisoner had been confined in the lockup from the time ha was arrested having been remanded from tittle to time. .Lawyer Dickinson appeared ou his behalf but without affect, the',, magistrates feeling justified in sending hire to Goderich to stand his trial,— On fair day Cowitable Davis arrested a young matt named McDonald from Brussels for being drunk and disorder- ly and allotted him a compartment iu the lockup, for the night He was be- fore the J P's in the tnorning and discharged with a reprimand, which bed very little effect as he wits ,pretty well paralyzed before be left for .iteine, --Ott Sunday last missionary sern)onsEdward Kelly, an aged farmer, lis• were prenched in the iviethodist ing near •Gritiins Corners, New York, church to large cougregatious. Ou to known in the neighborhood where Monday evening tt tnissionary meeting'' he rehictes as somewhat of a miser. Ives herd in the church when the con.. He places uo faith in hanks or secura- gregation was addressed by several ties, except greenbacks. Soule time ministers. _-.1•lr Rubt Milne has moved' alto he sold a tract of laud for a large into his beautiful residence on ldansley• street.—Mr llabt Symonds shipped a car load of lambs from this statins to Buffalo on Saturday last. --The` .Stare ineiit of the. Lard's Supper was admin- istered in St Andrew's church on Salt-. bath morning last.—The funeral of the. 'late Mie Stewart took place on Sunday' - last to the Union cemetery turd was 'largely attended. Brussels. . Salem. . rioR st„At Lot No. 3, and the E.?:, of Lot No. 7 lkth Con. T'urnborry. -13O aoae:l; ;iO.acres olearedt well fenced; flame house and other buildings; good ort)hurd; cheap, on time. Apply to The lues Mr 1r. Gray, occupied the 1. pulpit of the Congregational church, Turnbet'ry, on Sunday IAA, as also on the previous Snnd)ty. Thu Rev gentleman was a flintier pastor about 14 years ago, He remarked of the changed aspect of the congregation and. Missed many leges he was once famil- iar with, it must indeed be confessed that dt;riot, the last few years the church has encountered many vicissi- tudes calculated to retard is largeness and efficiency, iu common with other churches it would seem to require a constant and uninterrupted attention of ntenhr:re filled with loyalty to their church and oevotlon to the ;sense of Oht'tst in order to reader it a centre of spiritual activity and enterprize and a source of blesising to the surr,iundwg neighborhood.. k,c POP, om' " " 7CT, 3 ' Q' 1R40014O 1>z C CAMERON r tloderloh, Before the arrival of tar XMASGtautla, T will sell all odd liut•«I •,f' g3ass- WM. E's171 11:1"°x, i ware, China.war'e, ate., at ;re tly reduced priotar3. iii;=tlul'Jl '1-1, f,;lt•nfatt(,i4' 1r. p, PRINTED) T(JHLE'P F).H'.'l'z FROM $2.51) UP. MONEY *1, 8T. ILTET PATTERNS IN DINNER SETTS Lost between 44'inghaln and Toxo or, on 11 on. day, September 12th, two notes, ono valued ,:t $120 ' See them 17@f=t1'a yonbli V any other.and the other at $dot also $d5 in bills Thu finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it with 1,)H; 11 Wroxeter P.O, ' My •c"itttclE; -of (icnt'i:Fait , Fauns and (,2N11) (3tn);):3 iy FurAt . Mr Ward Farrow, spent Suaa•d,ayt with friends to Bluevale.---Miss Etta \Vard,who has heel. ill of consumption for the past year died at her house on eTriday morning of last week in her • weity•secoud year. skit was hurled on Saturday —Mr 1) Horn, wbn h' i worked for Mr E 0 Danford, ta,lor,for the past year, left on Wednesday of last week for Deloreine, Mau, where 1 he has secured a situatiuu at his trade.—Postmaster Farrow is moving into his new house this week, he in- tends ltuilding a new post office in the spring and is having .the foundation laid this •fall.---\'isi Annie Rivers, of this fiilace, i3 visiting friends in Cliuten this w•eelc.--•Ices R. Paul, of this place, will preach in Bluevale next Sabbath, ,—.11r Titles l%utlerle', who has kegs running a crest avant. 11nsiness .11 town fur the past year and a half, has surf- dauly and naset,eriotevy dissappeared,ns) direct cause Call he assigued for the faction which he has taken. Mr Geo Stautrnagle has purchased his stock of fruits, confectionery, etc, and has opened business i0 the old . staud — Rev \V E Kerr and wife, of 'rime -psi ville, were visiting friends iii town lest week. snit) of tuoncy, which he adder. to his accumulated hoard, making in all near- 'lodes and Clubs. ly 410,000. He had occasion to ex- I - amine1 lisp treasure, which rdI and ZLELIAOL1, • New Raisins ---New Ourrants---New Salmon. oal • i •Alien's Patent Mincee 15 . eat TRS" IT - !English malt Vinegar for Pickling. The great 5 lb. 1'ar Soep for 2`c". ' 6 T T3S. to -OC:? 1 A). :PAN '7"../AA F'taR $1.- PURE COFFEE, PURE SPICES AND GOOD THE PEOPLE'S COA CO'Y (OF 11E WA. 6SINE OWNERB.) A call Solicited. CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, OST: THE CHINA SOUSE, Coal In Car lots sold direct to consumers. . No intermediate profits, Write for Prices. Special Attention ilivoa to ee11 h ch he kept J ` secreted In an old hoot b',x, concealed I 1831 THE CULTIVATORbJ+•_ )C r 1 amongst a quantity of newspapers. Fie i Atm was surprised to find tit it sotne mice hal entirely destril ed his fortune in' 'CU4TLEMN 4N preparini. for thmelves winter puny- feet+. Not a piece of the enemy was 1 left Targe , enough for identifieatton. I The b -.-est of the Tile old than raved • like a Maniac when ; he ,,l ..nve,•ed his loss. ACHIIIULTU apAL WEEI(i' . EL. This item is going the round,: of the i puns; Genrge'beller and Ann Be13her, 1 DEV0T':1) '1.O of West Zorra, game to Woodstock the 1 Farm Hors suite a fir omit chroming, atdaer day and were harried. This is' Live Stock and Dairying. th•e •prospective young couple, erred TEA,' W. T. YATES. T. A. J ghee it also iac•htde,l all minor alepheme'ds of 1 fifty, whole the , 1 interest, 1 the Poultry Yard Moulin. Ania•.•rs Fireside lief i) , Domentie L•'c,,,.ouq•, vnn a sun.. ' 'nary•al the News of th„ wet•k. 1,_s 5fAssri• ltw• . POI} Ta Er'e,111I1Nnalty r,lmpietu unit mere at,rntiou - r, e•pactl+Hly sixty and , , iteral ear , tie Rev Mr Silcox, of Ent1+Vt'o, failed to • molm•v eee•lceeph+t, (.reenhenae and .,Napery, Veterinary Replies, gem) questions tie .up ill the spring, becau-e the charming bride asserted that the IL Will oar for the next 8 0 -77. Startling inducements in Many lines at 5Qc. on the dollar. would-be groom lied another wife i is paid to,thug'rospeut•flsthiluonus, esf1:- e' iI , Q 't© `l9 living in the States. I ti,ats—+t'hun to lily ::„rt, ui 1'ha,: tat :1.11 ger -l(:. R S liberally Lila•<riwd, Wait by ItP.,'N 1!) "lo\1105' He e dtd14't read the papers for they i.1 DENT, erhl NIIIIxP+hn'flt'IpPI['e Lid<2;)0 per veer • ilakin't ata' news- At least t'1Py di ,' t i but a•e offer a.PIsCI.t Int t' ` i., ,u, i I coincide with his episcopal views, And T ower "gingham. The dam l.as been fixed up se ,ls to prevent the water' from spreading through the place in tunes of a flood. —An insut'nuoe agent was here the other day taking _down items about, the late fire at Mr Iteid's.—Mr Reid will not build thio fall but will stay with 1 1r S D Wellwood over winter, u' new briefs and build next year.—'r house of Mr Wel Netterfield's is now almost finishedl'aud is'a fine one.—Mr' handsome fixture of Se3'Ja 1[r PRlla Jno Ansley is having a grand dwelling 1 raises a lot of prime steel., house built.—While Fannie Green was ,11 at pufline' grapes she fell from l et Sevin CLUB Rls.TF.l3 1. OR 1803. when he baffle to tit We one *day WW1 I criduis,ns ripe he climbed to itn electric 1 TWO S1IhS$fip'iio5$, 1u 1) 'rcmiit it .... S4 1 t light his old clay pipe El e i Siv Si'hscripti t^ 1e do. 10I lamp o ,n ,, . •,. yy Itadat't read file papers --hut he knew + TaraiYa J113Se1'1'i311i d,, do 18 i 11 east be cleaned. what hest. He simply tench- t 41r1'LLY • MANTLE M1..JL E CLO .L S and SEAL isL . . ES, To a 1 \v,• Vnb+cr'ht is tor 189:, 1't I' . . I .o it ed the wire and Dee fluid ,did the . .lett ndrance now, ws wILI. wo THE Pae141 .. ' j from our astunrr ei the rcunte.uty, to .10. 1.y 1st, The Forest Free Pre's mays: Three Quebec women gave birth to triplet s last week, and the Ontario health ofii• cors are taking every precaution to keep the disease Out of this province. Two desecraters named. .Burke and Wilson said to have cone from 'fiver- I ton, and Blyth, where they 3omnlit.tec, sante robberies, were in •Ln0don on Thursday and whit,., detective Pilnir l attempted to arrest one of them • the 1 other shot the officer who no A' ilea l betweeni life and death with slim chances of his snrvi4'in ++. Since the One Hundred an libow' was in type the wonmin9 Detect- ; Iandsome Photo iv'e has died. i In One Grand 18111, waiter una„un. SPF.CIMdN COPT EI4 1+'RNIi. ..i d. cos LUTI-Ii i TUQ.ti,u.`rl 2r. ; ,.d t't hl+thersi Albany, N. Y. 1 Wm Pollard, of b1'nitoti, disposed of his splendid heavy dralight team, 1st prize winners at Fast heron U'air, to Mr McMillin, of Seaforth, for the :thank Samuel Howard, Olniesen)altet' ala the top of a ,shank factory, has taken $79 step ladder and lit on her head on a in prizes at. varlets fall shame in the plank. She asItttve been.in tapabaotg shaken up.—Mett the apples of Messrs Wellwond,Netter- (( field and Morrison this week.—Mrs Murdoch, we are pleased to say, is slowly recovering tr:.m her severe ill- ness,-- Mr Reid will picking apples had the misfortune to fall frons the tree and hurt his ehottlder Beverly, At first it was fiert•d diet 011e of his ribs Was broken. Province this ssason, for Cheese. "Sart" in n skilled svorlernntl. Belgrawe. 'i'he Tyner family have removed frntu this place to \V iarton.--Mr R Russell, who has boon visiting in the village returned to Detroit on Tuesday last —A lumber of lelgrti4e people attend. ti the Blyth Show on \\'tttlnee- day of last week.—The gt'ain• market 1155 been re.opeued in this place, the business being conducted by lilt Thos t 17ean8, of Wi.ngl4itul,'—Mr Van Van •era uda h had a neat barmen 1)r. erected has • dwe11%n v —W t erected to d front of his d e• I Quito a number of Beigrave lodge. b G P attended the District E meeting in Clinton on I+ridey last --Mr ,leis Agnew was severely injured by a kick from a horse ono day last wt•ek I • The Wealth of Health Is in Pure Riclr. Blood; to enrich the blood is like putting money out at interest, SCOTT'S Et 1J+SION .t Of Pare Norwegian CodLiver Oil and Nypophosphifes posseses bio od properties enriching > P rriles hi a ' a remarkable arkable degree. Arcyou all run down P Take Stott% Emultio eksamre Ont as Palatable as milke get the genuine. ' `Proptlred only'hY titptt A $Otvno, 8sltartttel. Forty-one raphs pICURE All the Consery ive Nimbus of __892 par1i Ihcluding extra large si rpngohs of nldJohThmpsoJohn ment1_892 Abbott, reinter, and of the $Dose of Coin nous, surrounded by Cabinet Ministers, and• roupcd on tither side the members of the House 1 om every Province in Dominion, malting a t tal of 141 splendid photo- graphs; every one a pc cot likeness. photo - This great picture i1 reproduction by gravure process on co' •er plate of the picture presented to Sir jean TI • meson by the Conserves. ; tivo Members during the ast session."7. __- --_ _ .-_ -. .... .- THE ORIGIN ' L PICTURE • COSTO Eft S500. out if prices will. FLANNELS Best makes in the market. \low the lowest. Prices be- ' a'•.SSI OIin !j Stock complete. Prices right. We have the Long Boot at a short price. If you see them you'll buy then. Gall and see us. T. N. MILLS. •Win Ingham Saw Arid Planing Mills. ZETLAND POMP I 4vish to intimate to the people of Zetland and surrounding country that I have commented the manufacture of all 'kinds of Tela EMPIRE has seen ed the copyright to repro- 1 WORKS. duce this Grand Pictur<. It is printed on . Q plate paper in photogr phis inks, and is 3 feet 6 1 mches by 2 feet 4 inches In si^e, and mattes a splen- did picture for framing. A key giving the nameof ' The undersigned have now on hand n largo stoc • each ntcmberand consul to Icy' Ic tvorntedisk of a maga { of on'tho margin, vaunt i DRY PINE, NO EXT' A CHARGE }IEMLOOJ Will be made bl f I GIVE 7d Evory 8ubttoribo Weekly Empire Nle Grand Promlune p for fNo I ramps WOODEN PUMPS, and can supply thein on the shortest notice. mil be • t b TAMARACK, and to order, FREE ) IIA'it1)WOOT) LUMBER Witt also be ln.a position 1ositptJy Iron and a nrelsed ot undressed xxx and :ix, FOR 1893. Tan WVrsaxty Eatatnis yith ut doubt the best Weekly for $i.00 public ed in Canada, containing est flows the dar, Special art• tt its on At riculture, Woman's Empire, One 1 on .s• rt tient g t o a e S il,..la. p Curiosity Shop, Old Wo Id Diary. flue per year, yqoy D Ingt10AS etc. Only • di Sent to any Address lit C tads re i United rea Every subscriber wiil,gc Se Premuan Picture as a Present.send ,n your Blaster don at ottce, or order through our local agent. Adatos31 *run lam • as, `Toronto,. -Chit. 1o1iTa SITt xu 'SHINOLI+ S• NO. 1 C;I:DAB SMING•LE1, STAVE'S, READlisiGS, BARRELS. I) Ltd., at tutees t ta tdct n om1 of ,tion • Parties hemline n Y ee bnlld4111 find tito their interest to give use tall hetero pldeia)r their orders, AS WO aro drtcrlulue+i not to bo undersold. Custom work attended to promptly and satlsfaetionguaranteed. MtLEAN & SOX., once Itcpairin)~attcrtlr,i to,. „prices rcaltonable, JOtiN PRVTO1t. •Helfand, May 5th, 144. COlfl, T ' VIJ1VDS TO iC,(i.A.t''. On the sactrity of Cultivated b',vrm, tntefieat six Of the' onion •. Anv nualb r per tops, na. Ohl) Sri 0 1 mer l 'borrower rosy be alit at any limo the wigel m p wishes All expenses 'pa d by the constr. No Berson exeetitthe Canty Auditors allowed to see workouts' or to know to whom wisoSevv Is Untried.Apply ti godertob, Aug. Sth ,,sDt. CO,'Trdtwfurer