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Wingham Times, 1892-10-21, Page 4
E. WI aanr>>X,a°�,"�' "t1" sacs • a ..T \l f,'Ixjith� IZoae-,F ar P , aea, a�+a„c *.._ . Two I rvraoke]l. Corn--Jiatiolltuolld, Intl 1 R Pollard. l two year P \\ ttl Coulter. Flatnpltitt--A Patterson, A• -•-d \'Yilliarris, Y Taylor B+usStafford, Ctt1•uue.--R Sellars, F 1;Iartley. old geld'P nkfilly-fry, \V H AMGrac-' Dunkin, Squash- Two near olu filly --Taylor " .S p r r ,lows. Watermelons -NV Bros, A. I vZaa�TAI1Lz;a. -T I lien. Drumhead ea '1'ayla , � Peppers --•-L Robertson. `1'urt�i cabbage Parsons. One year old gel. lug Ross, J blcCa►1tlw, One year old Lilly • J Williams, Jno Barr. Pond or S tosdt�t L carriage -44u '. AND - Leathe rdale, ,1 B Kennedy Brood Tom . mare having raised foal in 189x- s'Ciu ..9 ) ucPO labdt1 J 1% Pollard. Marce foal- j ! Juo Sibbon, W Levy. Two year old 'gelding -alto Sibbon \V Lsvv, Two i'. N. VI. TELEGRAPH CO l ye,r old filly -t1 taylnr, W Lary. '� 1892 W Levy. One yrtar old filly --E Mo amarr,. 4 � Best 4 teaks foaled in - W J px l Brunswick Hous;, !Best siut;le driver iu bttg,y- t' I Dickson, W Pinkney. Saddle horse H E Jamieson, Sweep- : - - Ont I -Dr Carder, - 1ior'i1`�rHl; Istakes, best mare or gelding -J li -.-__,-_-- _- --- . ----' i Dar,, Lady driver -Miss Fisher,Miss m t . J -D Stafford, Bed picklingt' e I regi t Patterson, W Higgins. Long anyyV Taylor, Jus n1SCMcGGee, W !Tay" •bet W Haney. parrots.--Sburt reel other 1{incl--Jas W 2ta lots John l ldartle}, A Patterson, Mute. -3 tor. lwauhtlotvera' } 11 ,ugh, A Ptttersen, Long red -H Stafford, !Patterson. patbaoe--Mrs W Stew. nem:. Tub factory butter -Geo Watt. ; art, NV Main./ Red -W Huggan,Mrs Tub of butter --3 Willis, T 'Hamilton I W Stewart, „ Cauliflower-Mrsflo tatoe-�W 54 lb tub of butter --T Taiuilton• StewaLt,Vi' Hub., Crock butter -H Edwards, T Hamill Dtment, r Niultolsent, lluru-�I Mo. prints -Jas DIo0allunl, Ewen, German rape -A MoEwen. ton, Batter p Mrs 3 ari.;;llatn. Factory Sym- I Y0ilowP 1-I?atton..lg Sweet xArtley, dc - P pton. u, DairyJames 1 Ewen. ington, Extracted honey - James PLAN'T'S AND PLOwERS Richmond, Geo Jackson. Honey comb -1-1 Hammond. Horne utadel Collection house flowers-Mi:s liI. bread: --T Currie.. Plain tea biscuits, Robertson. Hanging plant -Miss M. -T Currie, Jas Harrison, Maple Diment. syrup --T Currie, W 11 AicCrackeiH Lanus' tivoitzi. Maple syrup --Jas Mc0altutu, 'lits- Mrs ]!linin. 7;'a ley chair- Maple F Timmins. Paintin -A Rather- McCracken. Canned fruit -1' it• McCrauken, Mrs 1I Walker, Grape 1 r 13eDo old Lt�ecHt Roller -It wine house made -D Moore, George Jackson, Tomato catsup. -W Taylor, 1) Marsh Pickles mixed --T Hamil- ton, \V Taylor, Pickles any other !trod -W H McCracken, Geo Jackson. earner". lbt CATTLE, Durham 1\4 dere cote, raised calf in • r� omen- N - 1892 or with calf-Jno Armour, ; �. �.�-..._,-.._.._. __..--- Two Na 'RIDA3. OCTO13ER 21, 1892. ▪ _- EDITORIAL NOTES y1R. ISUEL `1'.amTs has been ten - "tat the Liberal nomination for r old Heifer -,1 Cumin;;.y , Webster, R Corley. Heifer calf-Jtto `Armour. Bull calf -N Oamrning, D Cook. !'Inch cow or heiony other registered breed-JMcGregor, 1. and 2. Bull calf --J McGregor. Grade cattle. - Milch cow, having r raises o, Jud Twith year{ -R jtane. Corley, 1st and ear old City total number of deaths from McGowan, d Armour Unr, d calf to 1802 or atera in France since April last to present time is 3,184. ;run petition against the election of •l James Grieve, M P for North tette, was dismissed at Stratford on ;turdey last. Or es understood that the Dominion rlietnent swill be called fur the dis• - o wo . heifer -G c owan, year old' heifer -Jas Webster. Heifer calf-B. G McGowan; R Corley. Two steer calf -R Ferris, R Corley. year old steer --Thos Ross, 1st and. 2nd. One year old steer -Thos. Ross, 1st and 2nd. Fat ox nr steer -'rhos Ross, 1st and 2nd. Fat ow or heifer, butcher, G McGowan. SLIEEP. Cotswold.- Aged ram --J its Potter, telt t,f business CORDON & c NTYRE. OUR FALL DISPLAY of beedeeree neiv fabrics will prove to bet very interesting both to ladies and gentle oode the men, .i.0 Dress and Muntlo stook is large and varied embracing the very latest shades and designs, bil dt or quality they are unsurpassed,. pen description of them would fail to give an emirate disariptiou of their beauty and excellence ; we would th oh- fore cordially invite all intending purch- asers asers to call and examine those faehiou- able -and seasonable goods, get our prices, 1' o matter how Rico goods may look, we are anxious to sell them and a small amount over cost will secure them, this is not idle talk as anyone can prove by seeing our geode and hearing our cut prices• -just arrived a large purchase of boys' and men's ready made suits and (overcoats, they are bargains, see them --Do not risk your healttn by wearing bad shoos at this season, when yuu•oan Yet the very best Boots, Shoes and Rub - 1. + e , horses, R Rub - ford, quilt £ort , , n.. Log Mr, t c Role -neon, ii bets from us for so little money -We Fancy quilt-Mrsc Hugh Boss, 1\l Di` I give big values in pure fresh groceries meat, Fancy cushion arp -macellie ! and spices, prime teas are a speoiality Collie, Chester Role gngll. Carpet --Orae 1 with us,try a sample pound of our cele- ntesser, J Robertson. btated "Ram Lal (Co!\CLtrn o ON SIXTH PAGE.) BLUEVALE SHQW. The uunual fall show took place on Saturday, October 15th It was a decided success inevery respect. 'rhe efforts of the managers were crowned with success in every sense of the term and everyone went atway feeling f ening satisfied that they had n of their money, h This show is The outcome of enterprise only. Pe Blnevale boys took it in hand 4 years ago and every year It has increased over 50 per cent. ;,3owever'sthis is early it, January, PiloJOwning Shearling raw--Jno b I1 he 12th.Gaining, 1st and 2nd, Rant lamb - o a, y t t A IirwP'rtxtt•Of the West Huron Re IJes Potter, 1st and 2nd. Pair of atrnrY raised I I s to , no Association will be held in God- • to ,, on Friday Out 28tk, to elect a 'rulidece to coutost the riding at the +xt &e..ttan and for other purposes. `TIE fallowing are the Yates set for to hearing of Dominion petitions for e [;trio's mentioned : Welland at aged ewes, u „ • e3 airs 1892 -Jas Potter, l et and "2ur1 Pair ewe Iambs -des !'otter, lst end 2nd.'' Pair ,shearling ewes-Juo (honing, rani-W 11st \V and 2,11d. Leicester.- Ag ed Ctunerott, J Leary. Shearling rant - Jas Snell, Jas Henry. Item lemb- Jas Snell, Jno Barr. Pair shearling ewes -Jas Snell, lst and 2nd. u Pair etland, Gautier 29t1 ; \Muck at of aged ewes Haring raised lam ayuge Nov 12t1t ; West Unroll at 1892-Josof ewe Snell, let ilea 2nd. d.ng. Best est pair hdprjrsll, December 13111, I Henry. Best fat sheep -Jas Snell Hog T Al DALLEx, M P1 of Selkirk, I Southdown -Aged ram -Glen Biros. •�s swarm in as Minister of the Inter- I Shearlinrg rain --Glen Bros. Rum • lamb Bros,. 1st and L of the first year that the mai get been able to give suitable prizes. This I Rent a n year the place was found to be far too last meeting were rend, approved and Willis, who has been conducting tl ecotnnd+tto the large crowd I signed. The R+eve. reported that he special meetings in the Methodist small to achureh during the past two weep•; left that thronged the ticket otlice tot had examined the road Ion Wednesday of last week for his .scute ticeets, It was inadequate to I and 6, con 0, put1 home in Cleveland. The meetings supply tee eoein int g,fassarworI ad iir� carry mall ofFsurfaceculverts water, belalsu let job Of. are being continued uy the town di.pl ty of painting, fent y work,pastors, who have secured the aseict- r atltl 12iuti,i,Y out government drain on road Ip elfst of s" and "Pure Russian SPECIALS. 4 Blend" black teas. -Gents Furnishings Collection canned fruit -F Hartley, and ordered suits and overcoats, always H Patterson. Bread-n*rs J eteDon• command our very best attention. • aid, Walter Rutherford. Butter -eters GORDON & McINTYRH. J =Donald, , airs Hartley. Catsup-• The Big Brown Anchor. H Patterson. 1 Winettnau, October 7th, 1892. B,abits-niiuriie ucLweil. a RACES Banning race -H Johnston, Geo J Haivea I Turnnerry I -A. souls! wee Ilelcl.et the • home of + � ' rt' i'ada ' eVPR- Listowel. =Donald. Trotting ryce- ' The traveling dairy p1,1 visit J Pugh. Listowel on Tuesday, November 1�t•. The Gentled stet in McDounld s lktr Andrew °route on Thu y helt,Bluevale,on Mlonday,Oatober 17th,! i,tg of this week, under the auspices of 1892. Members all .present. The ,the Yon g. Ladies Aliesiouttry Society. • . i the chair. The minutes of i It wn4 a grand success. -Rev Mr ,A „• ott Atom -lay last, in the place of ion Edgar Dewniley, who resigned o accept the pu„ition of Lieutenant- ;Fuvernor of B,itislt Columbia. 1 -le is he first Manitoba member to enter he Fedral Cabinet. i\leensTER of Militia Dowell has truck oil the rail of O,utadiau Willi- ary attic rs the name of Lieutenant 2nd. Best air ewe i A. Macdonald, of Toronto. The'l Bre ,s let\and ieil, -Glen Bros. , ct%on is slue to this fact that Mr Mae- I PIGS. Stidblk.-Brood sow having littered in 1892'or with pig -Ed Hagrgit. Sow littered it, 1892 -Ed •ilaagit. Large -Glee ro ,.' nd, air Aged ewes having raised lambs iu 1892 -Glen Bros, 1st and 20d. Yair shearing ewes -Glen Bros, 1st and 2„d• Pair ewe lambs -Glen Bros, lst and 28d. Shrupslltrodown-Aged ram -Glen Bros, W Snell. Shearling rain -Geo Stewart Ram !'swiss -W Stell. Pair of coed ewes having raised iambs in 1E392 -W Snell, Geo Stewart. Pair sheirliu:; ewes -Glen traduce, consisting o cheese, hens. turkeys, geese-, duels, pigeons rabbits, vegetables, ete. The exhibit of horses rind cows was excel- lent, While those of the canine kind was fairly represented, In the baby show the competition was S) keel..$ that tue judges were unto tell which was No 1. baby so theygave.the prize to the Mother. Excellent music was furnished by Miss Annie Stowe, Mr. A Craig and Master W 3:i Stewart. A half dozen disguised boys played it few humpty dunepty and punch and jndy tricks. Mr Craig our genial wagon maker had an excellent exhibit ou the grouuds Mr Robert McPherson of Huron Uouuty'a best harness maker had some harnes$ on exhibition. Mr Geo McDonald, the gentleman who succeeded in tekin<„ 1st prize for cheese at the London exhibition h,td an exhibit ot"his celebrated :heese. After the exhibition a tga:ne of foot hall was indulged in by the lovers of that manly genie. Also: some horse racing by some of B1ue\'ales' fastest horses. As this was not on the bills no prize tt'ill be given. In all about 0$3 will be given in prizes less the expenses. The me:lenieticy of the wether no doubt caused many to stay in doors who otherwise would have attended and with sect one of 13luevale's niest successful fairs. a ante of Miss Hall, lady evmuiD $ Armstrong at 7ti cents. , allowance on:st,i had openly declared fur polite - al union, with the United States and as made public speeches expressiu+j es views on both sides of the lines. I or n,edintn.-Aged boar, Rogerson. efvrtimers of Peel iuet 1t, ,..011- 1Froe, R Nichol. Brood sow having PILE 1( littered it, 1892 or with pig___BOgersou Vefltioir tit Brampton cru Tuesday last I Bros, H Edwards. Sow littered in to nominate a c+andtdate in the inter- 11892 -Rogerson Bros, H Edwards. est of the Mowat Government, to 113erkshire,-S,w littered it, 1892, H contest the county Its the coming 1 Edwards. GRAIN. election, ra,nrll•retl nece,:+ary by the i I ball +wheat,red-Gree 111, Gutvau.(xao resresit/41..11m. of Mr D Chisholm, who , Janssen. Fall wheat, white -Walter resigned to accept the appointment of sScutt, R. 13 Laidlaw. Sprites w!►eut Messrs 3 Snaith and i any kiud-Geo McGowan, W Usun- County Registrar, kind-ld Ed - placed gentlemen i eron. Fall wheat any J 0 Snell were tele only b wants, rowed t„trley-\\% ()aulerotl,. Laced it, nomination, and the choice ; 111 Gen . 6tr 2 armed barley-- rl' J of the coventian fell upon Mr Smith. • e Hays. Large v, hire outs• -\W Cameron. H Edwards. 131,ick oata__slaa Hard- ison, is exlse:ted that the election will . R B Laid ate: Small white oats take 0100 shortly. I \V Urt•:t«rnt,r \V Holmes Small Timothy seed ---R 13 Laidlaw, Jas f e 1lyth fall show• held on Ines- P'.”- , peas 13 e+ Hibbs D Cools. • Large LLVT}i SHOW. 1' 1L 13 Laidlaw, Geo 'Moffat. to Mr Diluent reported that he had got' Guelph. -Messrs Flay Bros are moving road repaired tit Powell's culvert on; their storehouse from the statton to 15th sideroad,' at a cost of $2, and I the seeing beside their office and at- recuunnended payment,•also that Mr i tackling it to, their elevator. They Fife wants a culvert pttt in concession , will use it for storing dressed hogs line opposite his Place for outlet to his :well grain -Mr Chas M Taylor, for- drain and recommend that culvert be mer•ty of this place, has beet, promoted put it,. tJr Mundell reported that i from the nffice of the American Ex- elong with a member of Howlett 0au•n- I !`less Company at Kankakee, Ill, to til had let a job of rebuilding stone • the cashier of the office at 35th street, culvert in Belinore to D Fryfngle at Chicago -Alies Lorne Campbell has $7, Howidk to pay half; also, teat Mr returned to continue • her musical Ballagh has not signedbond for drain. etlutn inn it, the 'Doing Ladies' Col - Mr Harris reported the: Huwiuk lege, liuuttltun.-'thee baud of this Council had let a .job of putting it, mt phrce i m rm usury r,•soieleeits•; ilii ohl time culvert o:, boundary, Turnberry share strength and excellence. They were of cost $1:70, payable t'1 Thos Hemp- on thee`staud ou Finlay evening of last hill. By laws Nos., 18 and 15 were! week. -The Rev Robt Fowlie, of Erin, read three times and passed• Moved occupi,d the pulpit . in 1'r•eshyterian by Mr Harris, seconded by .\1r 11nn church on Sabbath last. -At his home tax' iii Listowel, on Wednesdt'y night of dell, that rho boudstnau t:iveii by collector be accepted as kstr.iafactory-' I last week, Mr George Arnold died in mJarried Moved by Mr Dirneut, i his fifty -sen ,rid year. Of late years seconded by Mr. Crui;ltsh,tuf:, that Mr 11,is hem}Ith Ras been poor and he wits Mundell ctrl! nn Mr lis lash and retuumtble to do any ,tctive labor. Dir if ant slatted drain bonds signed suslatted: Arnold was a native of Apfalbauh, to notify Mr Ballagl► that, the OmittedBaden, Cx+rtuany, where he, was baro: wilt let job of cleaning drain accordingr,*nv 3:i, 1810 He came to Canada . to engineer's profile and a ttlr•ut the l with his parents in 1845 and purchased cost by the'tax cotleet0r, in the usual 1at,rl in ter,wick it, 1867. He was way -Carried \loved by Mr Dirneto,. parried it, �uuth Easthope its 1866,to seconded by Mr Cruicksham,lt, that \ir; Al,na Wolfe, of that to\vuship and a Mundell let a job of small surface utilef,ti,imly of fear sons and *tee daughter vert hetxee.r lots . 5 and 6, eon C-' sneetee him. The family moved to Carried. The following aceon,lte Weir+ Listowel in 1874 and have resided passed and orders on the 1'reasurrr here since. The funeral took piece signed: E Elliott, $2, priutine ; Win on Friday last to the cetnetery on the McPherson, $3, s,elee,tiimg jurors; John 0th line of Wallace and was largely 'Burgess, $8, sell'ctin„ or jos; Jalttm S attended Det eased turd many friends AlcTevisb, $3, selectingjurnrs ; W J it, Howiek, ‘Wallace and Listowel who lierswell, i3, repairs to road ; 'NI"extend theirsytltpsithy 111he bereave -1. l He was a member of the German Evangelical clturclt and a Liberal in politics. 1 I l day and WednesdayTlr last meek was r was tt• grand suet es U eautiftli ,nd it is estimated that fully resent on Wednes- 5,000 people were p -d i aftpYnoari The -depart- Merit The outside department was good, their being a fine show of horses. The following is a list of the prizes air arded r l:Iarrtsun. Barrel of flour --Kelly u Son. Fax seed -B 13 Laidlaw. ROOTS. Bose potatoes ---Jas McGee, T tl,xru- PRIZE LITT. nonsES. Repartee -J 0 Johnston, J Robert-. son, Saddle horse --H JobnstOn,.Geo McDonald. 'Yearling, general purpose --O Alills, W Connell. General pur iaay Weide Yas full\+ up to former Yeats, 1+;Ipphant potatoes -!Varier \iltf•Im. Taylor Potatoes any kind -Walter Taylor, W Holmes. Collection of po tatoes--`Walter Taylor, W I1, Ale0rtte. „• s L B `, rdu last Thomas hence, of Field trots ---las 117 a Gullttrll ar'iel -b hen:din , Un,S hu y I ken, Zca Blttclt sp y - the !e thirties wart as Garden red carrots- J Dull: Black spaniel pups= -Y 1 atter- I Harriston, says •i to tack flax at thieve Bros alums. Heavy draught. -Team mates or gteltlfngtt•--J E' Dale, Jag Reynolds, Brood. mare having raise a foal in 1892-• - J 13 Aitchison, Jas Sell. FMare are feat-�-J Shortreed,,T T Dale. foal --Jas. Snell, J Willims. Two Two year old gelding -3 1i' Dale. year old fitly -J T Dates 3n,o Bell. 0 year old getcliug-�•�•J Dale. One year pose year old --M Smith, culvert on ITowir tt D I t colt -E Nicholson, W Oen- j lietllphill4.7U, r,1 u: 1 } hell. Roadster .trait- W J Kerswell, boundary; \Vit! Mitchell, $1,50, re• liuttrlst r yearling -Peter Robertson. pairs to r'tads, Wilson Bros, $7.48, CATTLE. lumber for roads , \Vol Campbell, `,filch cow -R N Duff, J 1luTntost1 $3,75, uedar for culvert ; L Lovell, Calf -John Farrow,. J Pugh. $1.80, lumber and nails for drain ; R Shrim,+lev, $8, charity \VRI Duncan, POULTRY. $3, charity. Moved by Mr Diluent, Leghorns-3 Conites, D 'Patton. chsded 11y Mr Cruickshank, Oil that T�Iy,wottt}t rooks - Geo Henry, \V • this Cuutrcil do now aclju, to meet Littlejohn. Noel( swinish -0 Coultee, I, 11cU l fit l un \V Higgins. Bantams --,P Patterson, 1892 tit l0 A Duncan Geese-•Tont .Dimwit,n0 Scott, 1' Ditnent. ;3c , is F n es, D u cl Cooke's, bOGs, Chows© Fraud,. Attention has again been called to the old trick' of unscrupulous cheese exporters who Neve time:'jean cheese sent to England throt,gli el( areal unit passed off as Oanadian cheese, by ".ntinlo's lath , neva e, ' nvetuner 14th, a willow hat peculiar Incident relater! Monday, N I by time New Vork,Ouwuieroia113ulletin, o'°clock a nl- i Carnet . ,Tomo Rifat nSs, Clerk. A mote reading its fellows was found ,. Cameron. Taylor. S de turinp -It, I3 Laidlaw, I+RUIT, :maiden produce, W H McCracken, W Spies -3 Pugh. Alexanders --W W Taylor. Mangold wartzeis-•-(special) ` cDdnnld. St Lawrence -�-J1 rs Craw - Jas Logan, Jas dlMcGee. Beets ane fl ford. t ld, -J Patterson. Crabs. McCracken, %.d Haggis. Mangold o Micittio. Maiden's blush-�F'red wortzels--•Jae McCallum, R Sellars, MJohnston, Russet -••-\'t Bailey. To'. Pumpkins -NV 11 MOOracken, James Cally. T . MsCatlam. Squashes ._ SV' FI Mc - ,k ',Seel onions-J'no Stafford, W 11 Jno Stalfor ,McMillen, " McCallum, W wo s erred, 0 Hartlwy. T Willis.i' Collection I tV Ba ey. suint, flax mill 011 going to the stuck atm of the melt was to the eat 'of eteppitn off tae laddet When his fork slipoeet from his hand and desend, d to see bottoii: . Mr }truce was struck by time" font one prong going through time rim f his hat, the upper lith, and lodged coati sweets.--.. o \N 13 i y Ifirmly in the, drawirswrr la\vt his' It one ai a ,' One General pur- MOOS O'raL en. utuna-• Swed' anorS hand, tried 1 touit out American eleven stir export from tilt filly--; Scott, McGrt�elte i. Yellow o p wail M ;Maud, hitt it required the full strength Montreal shouter i'eor•ive attention, Y geldings -11 d J .Silver akin '!"ural s-•-•Swede••••�•A ��o �l E �rert of bo'h panda to remove the, Eerie, so ' eneloed„in st bottle pieced it, a eheese wlmielh the purchaser in Etinland had bought for Canadian : "Tile receiver of i him clteeee will please d,' the favor and answer (his curl write us tr.tue anti acltires4, Whitt he paid for it nail 11ow it ts.t' The epistle was signed by a factoryur�ut of the towel its tkuteolle m The Wisconsin dealer whet) he sold the cheese cloubt1ess bad Ito how ledge of the intention of the exporter to ship it lty way of Montreal. 'this matter of tuixirtg 0a.hadian and ttt.•-�'Peam snares o � White 't •.l d b� vv<tiged into t11e rtat, M R b t Lira laeviit Nutty, Jas Ooloton, Bro or ions-- \" H t\icOraehen. stilts o er sor1. alirl3rilae for the Twits. "awe fool i 1892 '� d W t3'JtCi�ira+tlsein 111augolds-•--fi Mille 'L Menzies. Po. 11, �gltet la it .@ taG+ Me__... _ .a oa otiioneW-JnoStsf%r V� H Me. iatatrs--E1aplraat,Vli assay. u bone, Mare, fawl•�-30A 'Fly®,lc� baan�a-�•'J+ce Et1tt't'lulta't►t Et f�,wall e mmHg. .