HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-21, Page 3;ge; Placing the Blame. He was a boy ab'mt twelve years of age an he !tad in his hand a railroad torpedo which he had picked up off the tracks, As he came aloug by Mrs McO uthy's cabin he looped in and shouted Mrs McCarthy, your Billy goat is follow hag we about for an apple. Then give hina owe she bluntly re- plied, withoutlooking up from ber wash•tub, ' But 1 ain't got none. Thep give hint something, else, Would you Mind his ohewin' up a small tin box full of oit.truent, Mrs McCarthy? Indade, I wouldn't. I'ni a thinlcin' he'd be all the healthier tor having his insides greased s bit. Don't keep him on the ragged aige, as they call it, but hund it over. It may not be ointment. Mrs 'Mc- Carthy, said the 'boy, as a doubt arose in has mind. Then it's glue, and glue wont hurt a goat if it don't do him any good. Is he looking at ye? He is.. Is he•stnelling av ,the box ? He is. Is he wagging av his tail? The same, Mrs McCarthy, Wearing on the Men. Then give it to him. His since of The man of the house took to the shmelt teaches him there's somthin re- eafo in ,the sitting room directly after arranged to pay taint alittle something every day, What for? The patient seeined loath to believe his ears. Tootingthat horn. By comparison I it dwarfs the pain that I give—makes 1 one forget that there is such a thing as physical suffering, Tttfluence of mind over platter you know. When 1 have an extremely bad case I tell hits that he'll have to wait a day or two for his pay. It makes bim blue, you know. What of that ? Oh, when he's blue he makes noises that would Snake one resigned if he were to be burned ate the state. It's cheaper and more effective than anaes thetics. I bats which are left outside by tite gueets is very striking, Smiled them perform realty wonderful feats of mem- ory in the wily of ideutifging tllt• hat of each person, although they often do not zee the guest more than ouee and than for only the instant when he pauses to leave his hat behind him as enters. At a betel on the Maine coast is a darlrey who is fatuous among the g nest for never making a mititake, although some of the guests !Save tried to puz- zle him by going in troops and by wearing hats which he has never seen. One day one of the boarders talked with hint al•iout his power incl the waiter said the he had, acquired it by long practice. And do 'you never snake any takes? the the gentleman inquired. No, sale ; I.don't cal'late to make 110 mistakes, was the answer. And do you give every pian Ilia hat ? Oh, ly. What's wrong, Shenk ? asked' the judge, Dist yer blame rheurnatiz, boss, groaned Sheck, I thought it bad left you. 'Deed bit hitiu't,' boss, veliined. Sheck. I.Vhat's the cause of it? 'Deed I dnuuo1 boss, ceP ' tin' 'tis dat dar ponshan onghter be twicest ez big ez bit am, and Sheol; got au in, crease —Detroit Free Press. ABless T .g to Every l' :ouseb,o:, . HOLLOWAY'S PUS AND WYNN These remedies have steed the fast of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Alcdichies All He Guarantees. The cleverness of the waiters who stand at the doors of the dining rooms of the Targe hotels. in charge of the The Commercial Man's Grip, I have long looked for a preparao]ou that would keep my head clerr of Dandruff but always failed to receive auy material beuefit until a friend 'recommended Auti• Dandruff, which I used with perfect sue- (seess. It not only removed the Dandruff with throe applications, but stopped the aunoyiug itching of the scalp and rendered the hair soft and pliable without leaving au appearence of a dressing being used. It now occupies a permanent position in my grip. It is pleasant to use, and with pleasure I recommend it, D. O. ROBLIN, Representing H. Corby,wholesale liquors, • Belleville, Ont. freshiri' in the box. The boy hesitated. no longer, lout dropped the box and crossed the street. l'he goat seized the box in his mouth, bieakf'ast avhile his wife wntis on with the House cleaning. She was dismantling the front roust and while he pursued the sporting col - turned round three or four times, and num .she carried past him, in turn, then stood still and worked his jaws' "seven chairs, three tables, a desk, four He couldn't remember of ever having 'footstools, all of the pictures, a pian!) tasted of snail fruit before, and he was I etool, a bookcase, and the rest of the hurrying to get down to the core, = furniture. when there was a Clash and an expios- Then she lugged in a pair ton and he tur,led a back handspring and lay quiet. Ah, now., what's the racket ? de- manded 11rs McOarty, as she appear- ed at the door. Is he deed I called the troy Healy mither of Moses 1 He's no longer a head on him 1, • Yl,u told ine to give him the box. and a big pail of water and clean. Maria, do you want my assistance? said the man just then, rising and folding his paper. Not just yet, deter,,slLld Maria. Well then, I think I'll leave you, and be started uut for the office. On the way duwu he told three wren family 1118,. 11111 PI,C414 ` Purify ' the bleed,7, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS tt invaluable in all cocoplaints Incidental to females of: all ages. T 0S7. 7T T Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds, FOI. 11110 \C11I iIS, Sd 1 THROATS, COUGHS, '`OLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLAI)Ulualt SWELLiNGS AND ALL SE DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Lute f;tl, Orford Street, Loud and sold by ail Mediehw Vendors throughout the world. LPurbasers should loop to the Idabel on the Boxes 0,1d Potn. lt' the nddretY5 not 538 Oxford Street, .Loudon. they are spurious. of steps began to i slid that, and don't you worry 1 that, if there was anything that wore about it. It was elver the.box that got faulty, wid my goat in ,this fashion after his eatin° over a tbouAnd l,f all sorts. him to the skin and hone it was that confounded housecleaning. Stiid he : We are in the midst •of it now, and 1 It's them fellere do' if at S,.ntiy Houk tell you I'm about used np.—St Louis Agin. They've fired .another shot as Post-Dispateb. big as a bar.'!, and another hope of Olen eveiveyeseenete REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER e BOWELS, AND PURIFY 'TI -II BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, 0 Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ripens Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents. Address THE R➢PANS ChEMiCAL CO., so Spruce Street, - - New York City. sail, returned the waiter, taint ITR .id none o' lay business whose the het am. I gibes to every elan the hat lie gibes to me,—Bustin 'Oourier. A happy man is one wile doesn't waist what he can't have. In Texas it is unlucky to find a horse shoe, if a horse happens to he attached to it. Amelia—What prevented your club from giving its projected ateg party? Her brother—Tho rain. dear. Tho Heats surgeon. Of the Luber Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, youug,old, or middle-aged, who tiud theinselve uerv- roken sand has in the wayand defected Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browusvalle ons. weak and exhausted. who are Bing in got I lad. says: "I had been in a distressed I down from excess or overwork, resulting in the ball into the door -yard. Rape condition, for three years from Nervous- ninny of the following symptoms: \leutal shtill on the boy, Den his't and dont nese, Weaknessof the Stomach, Dyspepsia deprossiol, premature old age,loss of vital. and Indigestion until my health was one. of siht, palpitation ati lose of o of there rtdreams,dimness breathe a word fur your life 1 I've s I had bean doctoriug constantly with un pain in the kid on lack of energy,eys, head - get a clear case agin' Sandy Hook, 1 relief.' I bought one bottle of South Am• ache, pimples the face or bdny, itching ericau Nervine, which done me more good and I'll river let up till the govern- than any ea) worth of doctoring 1 over did or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, t 1 wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be, tinen't puts a new roof on my silent, 1 in Irry' life. I would advise every weakly fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles,eye lids, and elsewhere, biashfulness, deposits of the urine, loss of will power, teucleruess of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,failuro to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing;, Sheep was kis name, and he wilts an loss of voice, desire for solitude,excitability old colored Shan iu Kentucky town, of temper, sunken eyes eurrouuclecl with Mouthy Prizes for Boys and Girls. Y LEADEN Ilene:, oily looking, skin, etc, are The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the fol He had seen eoine service as a soldier, a!1 symptoms of nervous debility that lead lowing prizes every month till further notice, to to insanity and death unless cured. The boys and girls under 111, residing. in the Province of and in tris let days he did odd jobs spring or vital force baying; lost its tension Ontario, who Send the greatest number of "Sun- everyfunction wanes iu consequence, light" wrappers: 1st, 510; 2nd, ea; 3rd, 53; 4th, for' a itvelinooa, one 1noC.nib = he was q 51; Athtol4th,a handsome Book ;•and It pretty, who through abuse committed in picture to thoseuhosend not less than l2wrappers. building afire i11 the judge's office and ignorance may be permanently cured. Send wrappers to' Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott Was gi•untiu'= a good deal over it. Seud your address for book on all diseases St., Toronto, not later than 20th of each month, and n marked "Competition"; also give full name, ad- What's the !nutter, Shea'?.0 uired peouliar to eau. Books tient free sealed. dress, age, and number of wrappers. winners' I Heart disease, the symptoms of which are names wilt be published in rhe Toronto Mail on first) the judge. 'faint spells, purple lips, num tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blond to the beau, dull pain in the hettt•t with beats strong, rapid ,and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the lir st.pain about the breast bone, etc, can positively be cured. No' cure, no pay. Seed for book. Address M. 'V LUBON, 24 Macdoii• ell Ave. Toronto, Canada. and halide me fifty av the long green person to use this valuable and lovely rete- dy. A trial bottle will couviuce you. Warrruted at Chisholm's drug store. • Sheck and his Pension. dollars that buys provisions and rides you down to Coney island av it Sun- day afternoon !—.N Y Herald, v ONCE, and l,e eonvuned'd that ALLAN L I N ROYAL MAIL S•rsaxsturs. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sair rerl1Iar•11 from PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVER- POOL via Londonderry. �k e� 3 I 1 DIO Tins w11InCLLIII+��,,,IIJI f'Cabin, .*40 and upward. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried. Saturday in carat month• The Best Thing Yet. There, said the dentist, with an air of satisfaction, as he laic, aside his instruments, that didn't hurt you much did it? Don't know, replied he tried to get hie jaw again, I ehan't have a Dui. Of course, of course, complacently. It was work. the patient as on its hinges chance to find said the dentist it quick piece of Rheumutiz, I reckon,boss, 11e groan- ed. By the way, weren't you its the array ? asked the judge. Yas sir. Neu don't gena pension, de you? No, sir, boss. Didn't you get that rheumatism in the nriny ? I spec I did, boss, responded Sheelo grasping the new idea with prompti- tude. Then you ought to have a pension. 1.4 the. fittest Wail F ili,il keuwe, RUBBER PAINT' Qnick notltin t, growled the patient,1 Neber thought about hit ht'fo',. 1Vhn's that drivelling essence of boss, idiocy in the next, roots, Well, we'll think about it taow, The than who thiY ors the cornet. Shecll, and the judge went to work 1 The roan who tries to play the and before a great while Sheck was cornet, getting $8 a month from tJncle Sato, Oh, he's a poor unfortunate . and a happier Man didn't live than he. tjufortunate1 1-te ought to be un•,.Jut Sheck was only Militant and that fortunate. I'd like to get at him .0 a month began to l"ssen in impar - once 1 1 tanee Fts he grew familiar with it. Oh, well, he tries to do his best, , Ono day, ser erg moths atter be bad you know, and. ars he was in pretty ,been tt pensioner, he was working 1 bartil wok when bo gook the as 1 ' about the mice and complaining loft;" • a.,...... dek,Li.,.-.i 4.'1IN iM!e• .cerin. ur._.s,._ . i . v _. • . THE KEY ie the beet in the werl •I, J. A. CLINE & 00, ire REALM Unlocks all the clogged avenues of tlio, Bowels, ltif7neys and Liver, berrying tiff gradually Ivithont weakening the sys- tem, all the unpuritide and,foul liumore of the secretions., at the senile time cor- recting Aeldity of the . Stotnaeh, eui°itlt; Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Heady hes, Dizhnes;,, li'leaDtbUt'n, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jattn- dies, Salt Rheum, E>i!?s:')blas, Sere.• i'ula, Muttering of the lIettet, Nor- vousne. s, and General Debility ; alt those and many allot, similar Co,npplemie viola to tho happy in:lueneo of DUJ1IDbCK BLOOD BITTERS, Pao Pate bP an ,amiss". CE'&CO.Itrnpriota s,'po o 'o., STONE BLOCK, \Pied,ham, Sole Agents for aabnve WHAT YOU GAN GET AT A..1. HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE, WINGHAM. GRAM. STATE) LINE. LINE LE E. ) STI:ASISHIP3. SEItVICE OF NSW YORK & GLASGOW TO. hnndondeery, ever,,' t'.n•tttigltt. Cabin, 580 and upwarns. Second Cabin, ,•25. Steerage at low rates. Apply to 11. tic A. Ai.L .N, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, WINGnAAT. Drugs, Medicines • and Chemi cals, f OSE PH COWAN, 1 CLERK 911 DIV. COURT, Co. IIruoa, A UCTION.]aliiR, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Coaianssloses rx II. 0. T., Exo, V711.0xETEE. ONT. BANK (YS WINGFIANI.' Capital, $1,250,000. Rett, $6 50,000.. President —Jou5 STUART. Vico•President—A. G. I!Aatsar, DIRECTORS ions exoo•roa, CUAS. GtnaNity, GM/ ltoacu, A. Weep, A. B. Liana (Toronto). • flashier I. TUIINBULL. Sarings Basile--llouts,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, to 1. Uopositu of,, sl and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on creat Britain and the United States bought and sold 1S. WILLSON, AGENT. 'AMER S DICJflNbON, Solicitors. Fancy and Toilet Articles, I ZETL.AN D SAW MILL Sponges, BrushPerfu cry, &c. es, GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. o 1 Prescriptions carefully com- pounded 'at all hours. Our stock of medicines is com plete, warranted genuine and of the best quality. Money to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Gar Load Orders a Specialty WOOD delivered to any part tit AT .RL' ASONA13LrE 1tATES wingllam, Mousy advanced oh i(orbgnttea at 6 per cunt with. privilege of paying at the end of any yesr. New ;tirOrdessur matt and accounts oelleeted, now. nxterspeo. it• -•darer ilteek,Wirerltriree Ont. raptly atte.rdtd to. oltottvE 1141011110 1‘ 1ss T'.©,