HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-21, Page 1VOL, XXI --NO.1 WINGI . R ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 189 2.
If you Haven't got to wearing; heavy —There were three Ithaus in town this I W t 1
s with music).
tee from Auc1ior
}, atteuded the 1)i
u on Friday last.
—Get a liar of 1Sepalio at Yat
cer to do your kitchen cleaning
IIrs Hogg has
vI ich was recently
pai;ed and is nowate i
-;lir Wm Gannet
hilt to his stable at
toria street.
ARrnE;iTia>; WANT' e.—An apprentice to
learn the dressma ng apply to Miss
D iyidsou, Francis s reef.
-Mr T L Jobb i aviug the old Royal
otel stables turne into a carriage shop
and we underatau he intends moving into
it shortly,
—The road fr inthe chair factory to
Hutton & Carr's dila having a new coat
of gravel placed o it. A. thing long need-
—We want to s
and shoes in theI
away down at ou
underwear yet it'e time you had, there's
comfort in it, and safety, you don't want
to begin the winter with a cold, an ounce
of prevention is better than •a pound of
cure Our stook of underwear is com-
plete in every line, We can give you
goods that we will guarantee not to
shrink, there's a great deal in that isn't
there. You'll appreciate it too afteryou
have worn them,.
The past two weeks have witnessed
great selling in Dress Goods. We have
got the Gty ds that please every time-iand
every one es away perfectly satisfied.
You men aresthinking about a new sui
or an overcoat maybe, don't think about
it too long but come along and leave
your =insure, this stook is es usual full
of the bust lines.
Our Grocery sales are increasing day
by day, Reason why, everything fresh
and just as represented. That 35 ecu
tea meeting with the same praise as
ever, 3 lbs for one dollar.
Shop early and secure prompt delivery.
This atore closes et seven.
week treating our citize
--A number of dele
of Hope logde, I 0 G
triot meeting in Glinti
act r d dress goodswin-
dow, this w ek,
The p
this week.
—Moser Chas Henderson & S'on, of the
iuevale oad, made 11,5 entries at the
Brussels fall fair this year.
-Save fro 10 to 25 per ut of you
boot and sho money by b i lug at our big
clearing sal It is mon we are after
for the nm,t 1 days, not profit,
—W 1 Y tea has something to say
to our rea 'rs this week. Look at his
ad in another . •oluinu.
ad her residence
imaged by fire, re -
ice as ever,
shaving an addition
is residence on Via-
-The house er
Shuter street`' u
about completed
ORR HISCOCI£S,,..., —We clip the
ton News Recori
recently of Hou
Direct Lupo -dere.
The BEAR, Oct. 13th, 1892.
,Though the price eve low consider,
ablewain raain is coming t i the town. '
•f ssl , for good bath
i'i.^ a Market gr
fr aetl'eggs
[ate nun) @ (AP town ok iu the
neetkoitsiso w Rids. est, stud re-
t lattv]ng hag a go rl tirtie.
—Tb4?;glorious Indian Summer is an u
resistebletemptati n to the Huntsmen,
though the pesky birds are scarce.
—The Treasurer, ,John Dickson, is now
receiving taxes, et one. per cant discount
during the mouth of Obtober.
—Rev Messrs Crosley and Hunter, the
evangelists, fere laboring in , Lindsay at
Mr A Roe of this • place took second
money in the trotting race` on Friday last
is piCeer, Miss Gar-
<at Dungannon, with:.
field, e''.
-Thee TIMEs.will he sent from area's un-
til tbe,{irat of J v 1894 for $1.. ,Sub-
scribe at ou5o' ay secure the eIttlanc of
1892 free.
—Mr J A. King, wh has KKpettt- the um -
mer iu Manitoba,•retu add home on Sat
day last and luta take •. ;charge of his bak-
ery business.
— Big clearing sal
boot and shoe store
and will continue fc
at the cheap
began fast Satu d' y
• 80 dart.
W. R Wm
—Dr Sinclair, sp exahst, of Toronto, will
be at the Queou's 1 tel, on; Friciay, October
28th, for the pure • e of attendins to any
patients that may wish to'see .hirn See
advertisement in. other "column.
—Ni'w That th fall shows are lever we
give a regime of W 1-1 McCracken's prize
winnings for d.8 as follows : Winghtim
19 Seaforth, 5; ) eigrave, 80; Brussels
45 and Illytl 25, a total of•183 in all.
—Fon UKr:. w A. complete outfit for
moving ,buil' itigs. ootsisting of jack
eerews, toilers aur, new wire ropes, This
a bargain. Apply at this. clots.
—On ace nt of the new furnaces net
being rerdy or use there will be no ser-
vices in th OongregatiouaT. church on
Sabbath, la lit.. There will;' Suiadiiy:
r weekly
school' at 11.30 and the re
services n xt week.
.-- A'reanA'r NIGHT ,I3A:Mali romrritii,• ••
Those wlao Milne to see us' last Saturday
night a ; . erstand what our idea. 'of 'se11-
ing 4 Illeans., Don't truss Saturday
night ." MM,11. Afciix»oo's..
._) essrs It Dickson and Geo Rogers
WWaliied-to Win ham las Hueday and spent
the day with .ine of their 'fair friends of
that pined. "bey returned on the thorn'
ani; train, 11 'Witt. The above appeared
in., tke 13r , esele norreepnndenee of the
G;lilton Ne s•iieoord' this week.
—This eek the Provincial Convention
the Orr !titin Enatavor Societies is be.'
frig held i, Landon, Iii B L Lloyd, k1;rs
L `Riots I ldr D "amoeiaal Mr :el
rt _ t 1 ' • Mir ,til
al $1000 worth of
next 21 days.
big clearing sale.
W. H. WIraas. .
°ted by Mr L McLean on
a;r the woollen mill, is
ud sets off that corner to
ollowing from the Cliu-
Mr and Mrs 1$ude
esville and Clinton, haw
gone to Wingha to reside.
— I am selling dinner and tea setts ' y
cheap, must have rcom to open u my
Xmas goods next week. W T YAras.
Messrs Beattie ros of this place won
rat mouey in the mining race . et Dun-
gannon, on Friday last, with their runner,
T.psy B.
—While working intha.Uniou Furniture
Factory ou Tuesda last, Mr L Fearou had
the misfortune t have four fingers ou
his hand taken of he was working with
buzz planer.
—G T R trains for Toronto stud east
leave Wingliam at 6.35 a m and 11.20 a m..
via W G& B Division, and at 6.45 a m
and 3.50 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Go. d connections by all.traius.
— Mr H Harris 1 e had his residence on
Francis street rale ri a story higher and is
making other imp vemente on his place,
which adds_ re t1 lay tTli "':"
.,`n' Cl'p'pe':trtatz Wet
area Iessrs Hale este & Scott, bankers,
ti ave leased the ildiug now occupied by
the Bank of Ha iltou and will take pos-
session. as soon a the'Bank of Hamiltou
take up their qu
which is about c
=TdreerreXale !l
" I, will be held
31atai,i Phi
Sellerywill deli
particulars as t
given next weel
—For first -o aes tailoring and cheap
goats' -furnishings, try 'Webster & Co,
Remember the pleat, only two doors uorth
of the old stand and between Ross'. book -
Store and Halsted & Scott's bank,
—Mrs Owen Rio cos, of Paris, will
commence a series o lecturers in town bn
Suuday afternoon, / October 13th, under
the auspices of the 0 T U and Anchor
of Hope lodge, I xO G T. Tlie meetings
will be held in $fie Temperance hall, of
which furthet'pa Oculars will be given
later ou. •
The eutei fu cut in the Totem Rata
on Thursda3 Af las ;week, by Sara Lord,
Baileq, was verty w: 1 attended and it Iva
a grand sucoess'tbr gliouti. Miss I3itil
is a fine elocutionist lid will ever be,•;'w4
Come to Winghatn. The music by ti
Brussels Sabbath So ool Orchestra wa
highly appreciated by 11 preeeht,
—The regular, me ting of Anchor.,gg
tee n
h oro
; dial
111 Hun:
heti, Set.
see reading, ikt'r
utter; nrtreie on
ee and 0 Nen,
it; fame, 1i:esere
his iii the Egret
on foss$. Nati
hs cleetion Of
ng t%'heb Will
titers in the new building;`
Tf'i eii eingofihi*f1T
Mon -e evening,
5perauce hall, the Rev S
er an wicket's, Further
the programme 'will be
Hole lodge, I O G T, a
day evening last, tl
members admitted an
gramme rendered; M
gag, Messrs P ICee and
ager, "Deaf ee hat pas
ter, L Watcher end ill
eotlon on a .• ,-Mr P
:as Doby , Mise z4
month or `, Vetere 1'
nedy; son' ir` f)Jahns
1' Bee, and O enedy, i
k tell
program rad
Tuesday eve
o oere and
hater's brush hiiti improved the
of Mr Geo L King's residence
—There 11
from 'Wingh
any other
—Prof Sc
too winter •
evening Oc
10 tole tog
and her Da
wanted 50o
mance on M
men. Praeti
Oot 24th 8.8
be a few sele
q erter. M
-MrD M
epreseut the
of this place
School Conve
the 25th. 26th
s been more apples shipped
in station this year than in.
ar in the history of the place..
tt open's his singing classes for.
Ritcbies Hall on Monday
'lass for Boys and girls from
t up the Cantata "Britannia
liters," about 50 membere.
r quarter. Practice to com-
uday evening at 7,30 sharp.
aria—For Ladies and Gentle -
c to commence on Monday
Music to be taken up will
t anthems —'Terme 02 per
io Free.
orlon has been appointed to
Presbyterian Sabbath school
t the Provincial Sabbath
on to be held in Guelph'een
nil 27th of this mouth.
calved a copy,of the Com -
ort, of the Ontario Game
miediiou, it contains 483
d with°'valuable informal'
umber of plates of difier-
birds, etc.
, of East Wawanosb, has
ohering business of Mr
the Misses Rash's rea-
made improvements, in,
commenced the butcher-
s same stand.
parties who took the oil
•om the buggy standing at
ble, Blyth,. on Wednesday
leave the same at this
etty well known and will
ordiug to law, if the seine
—We have r
missioners' Re
and Fish Cot
pages and is fill
tion besides a
etit kinds 'of fish
—Mr T Welke
purchased the b
A Dixon, next to
tauraut. He ha
the place and ha
ing business in t
—The party o
cloth and whip!
Kelly's Hotel st
of last week, wig
office, as he is p
be dealt with ac
rs,not returned.
--No services
di t church on
repairing of th
they intend taki
Church and putti
every good idea•
too small for the
tend it.
--Mr Wm Lith
members of the AI
rule No. 19, which
books must be rete
the last days of Ap
year, from which t
.closed for the.thre
the Directors to ma
the books, and any
book in violetiou of tl
fine of twenty cents.
attend to this and
trouble to the Librari
—The Scotch touter
low'eu, October 31st,
under the auspices of ti
i11. be held in the Metho.
nday next, owing to the
church. We understaud
gout the back end of the
g a piece to it. It is a
the church has been far
umber of people who at-
ve, wishes us to call
echanics' Institute, to
Bads. as fellows :—"All
ned to the library by
'1 and October in each
ne the library will be
days, so as to enable
au examination of
nembers returning a
s rule shall pay a
Members should
ve a great deal of
promises to be a gra
have secured the servic
Barr, of Hamilton, the
singers; Miss McLean,
's prize winners of Sao
in soloists Ilighlaud da
. h_land Fling, reels, st
ttt;usl:of every description
neighboring camps. Prof
iiar'Scotch singer will to
tettes, by inernbers of th
promises to be the 'finest
Vier held in • 1/Ingham. T
to be held on Hol.
in the Town hall,
Sons of Scotland
success. They
of Mist Maggie
ueen of Scotch
•Godorich, fang.•
h dahoing ant
oing in oostrtmi
open at 1.80.
. The train
til after the
turn rf..st and
E. rt. 1311Vra#
*first elass undertaking parlor, opposites
Chishoho's Drug Store, Whigham, wad is
prepsered to take ohm e, anything in that,
line that may be
fit, in a k a. ything outside
TY re-
he November isime The Deliueator
Is the firet of the threeigrett winter num-
bers, aud its contents , aye emarkable for
variety and approprietenes . The winter
styles are finely illustrated and fully de-
aorthed, and the articles on ress Fabrics
tion coetained in the patter pages, There
is a well-written Paper OD Fashionable
Furs, and further coutributi ns v,ppear on
ing, etc. How to Amuse Children is
continued in the Chief -Life series, and
some tnore out cloor games are ivett; while
for the elclare are two excelleu recipes for
fun in a witch party and a Tallowe'en
entertaiument. A. new series of ports and
pastimes is commenced ith D oing, the
Square Dances being taken up first, 'stud
the position of the dancers i iustrated.
Among the other papers ere le secoud
keeping iu the Far West, the fourth on
Forming a Library, some Few auces, Tea,
Table ',Lillis, etc, etc. Ake gather the
number is remarkably interest rig, and the
eubseriatiore posts ,One Dol r. Single
.copies 15 cents, Address o ors to na
Delineator Publiehing Go of °rent°, Ltd,
88 Richtnoud St West, Toren
"satisfactory Rosa s."
So Bays Dr (Judea, 9,u old and honored
praotioner. ' Belleville, Ontario, wen
theemost satisfactory results."
Auction sale.
Mr Peter Deans, Auctionar, has receiv-
ed instructions from Mr 'Win 8 mon,to sell
by Public Auction, at lot 1. ncesaion 0.
Turnberry,'on Thursday, 0 ober 27511,
1892, a peantity of fartn stock, Implements
etc. Sale to commence at 2 o' ()pit Amp.
Mr Peter Deans, Auctione r, haat rer
to sell by public auction, p rk lot 46,
Wisghain Town Plot, on Tues y Ootoberr,
2,,k'ith, a, quantity of farm stock, • plemeuts,
etc. Sale to comtnence at 1.30' 'clock.
Mr John Currie, Auctioneer, bas re•
ceived instructions from Mr Jernes
Henderson, to sell by public auction on the
premises, lot 6, concession 1, Turnberry,
(Bluevale road), on Tuesdayallovember 1st
a quantity of farm stock, implements, and
a• an acre of turnipa, Sale to comtnence
Syrup of Figs.
Produced from the laxative and nutri
tious juice of Celifornian figs, combined
with the medical virttles of plants known
to be most beneficiel the human ssystetn.
acts gently on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, effectually cleaning the eysterta,
dispelling bolds old headaches, and curing
babitual constipation.
Mrs D M Gordon,
ed hotne from last°
spending a couple
mother, who has be
lett,kof the Bank of
ganizer, 0 F, of
days in town this w
John &elands..
Lucknow, spent Su
Mrs S Greatly, of
friends in Essex Co
week..Mr John -
days in Brantford t
"Miss 1VIinnie Ir
this week from a
friends in Ondag
John Nichol, was I
day , .Goderrch :Sign
°rich township this
er, of tretot has iiiXth
home on Friday la
Mende and relative
Wm Palk:let who ha
monthetleft town tor
last, where he has see
of this place, return -
el this week after
of weeks with her
n ill.. Mr john Nib-
ainilton, is in town
antford, spent a few
ek visiting with Mr
✓ Chas Smith, of
day in town.. Mr and
s pine's, are viSiting
tre Mad Detroit this
elands spent a few
is week,on business.
and returned home
extended vigit to
Mr A. Hatike,
n on Wednesday..
visiting friends in
Lucknow on ?Jon-
i: Aft. Porter, of
g relatives in God -
eek lktr Ge:s Bak.
tea a position in
fttotory and has
Burney, returned
after visiting
benn working in
ring the pant few
Myth Wednesday
tu to take lel* out
and lam
comma oatton.
W ngbatn, Oct, 20t
My Dean Boma, — learned a Flea tt
ago through a notice It Your paper. t
we are to be favored nth another nattei
treat. This time ider the auepices
the Sons of Suakin veld seeing the nt
of 5,1aggie Barr of H rnilton, upon the 01
one of the best len evn, best apprecht
voice'', if not the be, in the Int:steal wet
of Canada. I went osvu to purchase ti
eat and was both ust Malted and pleased
the stnallnees of the barge 150 and 240
and wondering how it could be man
to briug her here at uch figures for her e
penses atiendiug he visit must be ye"
heavy, I thought walla give you t
reasons as they e to me, a few ye
class were cotnpari ively rare in Winghe.
not that the peo e couldn't. appreoiat
then:a but there wa no building couvenien
er comreodious ugh, the old echos)
house catz hardly recoguized now in th
beautifully decor ted Temperance at:11
butAt is a little sm 11, now that the tow'
Hall is ooropleted, Lave had and ma
look for many ruor firet-class concerts an
entertainments, th e must have a good
effect upou the co muuity
16 express my gratit de at the kiiad
those who are unde 'taking the ma
ment of the coueert, they evidently show
it is not tumeey the are after, who have
made it possible fop t and ktaey like naa
finding it within my eans, to thorough!
ellTiQhYamukyisneglf.yau tticipation for you
kindness in recegaizin this
New Undertaking. and rurnitur9 natal). •
Furniture and Undertaking establish-
,nient in the old furniture store, nearly
opposite the Queen's Rotel, Wingharn,
and has a full stock of Furniture,
Mouldings, and Undertakieg goods on
hand. Call and inspeat goods arta get
prices. Picture Framing! done promptly
and •well. Special attention given to
jobbing and repairing, and guarantee all
work done. Ilaving had long experience
in the furniture and undertaking busi-
ness, I am sure I can give satisfaetion.
A. splendid new hearse for hire.
District Tee
The regular 1»eetin
Lodge of Good Tempi
lodge room, in Milton
There was a large rept
although several lodges
of the district were tau
reports -of the severe,
heard, the District se
report which ehowed
had Rent in their re
quarter 69 new menabe
several expelled, aad'
drawn by card, leaving
far ao could be made
membership jeiaahe dist
The linanciall*pport
Lodge to the D'Atrict
shall the latter be retain
diticussed, nearly all the
the affirmative ; a stand
Inously declared in favor
aucl capitatiou tax of 3c.
quarter agreed upon 9,s a
the District Lodge. Rev
this place, intreduced the
ample as Good Templets,'
example should be pure in
the greatest influence an
good ; several participar
shut that followed, The
mittee were instructed to
work in what ever way the
*Thirty of the delegates
nile template pledge, in add
they had already taken.
Belgrave were suggested as
neat meeting, which tak
18th of 4aintary, 1893, bat
seleettal. no contention W
beafifill tine,
t of the District
a was held in the
'on Fraley last. .
sebtation 'Present,
retary'elnade his
only 14 lodget
e.trea; during She
aweee initiated,
lunge had With,—
'rebel creaie,
'Os about 1,100,
roar the Grand
ug withdrawn,
. was a subject
speakers taking
ng vote unemi-
per rnettrber per
and to sustain
W Hughes, of
showleg that
trier, to oarry
do Abe most
Iva the ilisons-
xecntive Com..
tisk aggressive •
deemed best.
ok the Jaye..
ion to the one
nolruese oda
laces for the
place on the
dowel was
Woodsd k Times: For the lost tan
daye W ft tilheart hes Wig paying
out daily er average ef 0,00,0 ter
apples, pito re eria barrels, noel *la
eteititute to se to tumbler ki
id *Ikea ilk