HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-14, Page 8oI I O. kttr Cloak Department_t ndoubted- leading one outside the city, has built w by untiring energy, .a ca - to grasp opportunities and the Go feel the popular pulse. These *td with our great resources and altag powers, Kaye given us au aestiooed leadership, People 1OW kieuize that for Garments of Superior Iilable and at Lowest Prices it is nee• €try to come to us. (aadquarters fur Dress Goods and he -It does not need a close observer soticathat the line Dress Goods trade ginning our way stronger than ever I. why shouldn't it. Our stock is by the largest and best in the town,. ttaieing more high and exclusive lee and at prices that are just right. PURA--The pubhc is aware we have S largest stock of saleable Fur Mer andise. We guarantee to keep up the. ;h standard of our goods and quote this month the low price. We show 4 handsomest line long capes and ape in the 'town--Sure-Boas, Muffs, pars, 'Alen's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur rats and Fur Lined Circulars. You n not imagine the style, elegance and gh-qualityof these goads without see - thele. Call and try one on et M. . MoINDOO'R. 1k e 01111,02a111 l{'BLDAX. OCT013.ER 14, 18922. Card o be following, is t art irraitlaud, N is Band: the Seo of the cat; 1tr,- A u �s tendered byt Court Maitla id No 25, 0 0 13', to the rnbers of the .itizeu's Baud for their ,&dues. in fund hint; music at the fuuer- tof our late Bro'Jtumes Shaw. Signed on li)a1f of Court , aitland No 25, 0 U.P. J. ilioLaAN, Bac Secy. dole to the order u spectacled iudividu has worked Hallos' now and ether town manner. After the printed a couple of sent a past office amouut of the bill fro requested that a hurt be sent tri the itdt)res furniture luau to h the rr►uaiuder to tie fo Thanks. card of thanks front 25, CUE, to the Citi Viugharo, Oct , 10th. itizen's Baud, auirnous vote of thanks e officers and members real Weekly herald fr end of 1)eeetnber, 189 Weekly Herald is fast best metropolitan wee Its oolumus teeth wi part of the globe, It logical and forcible. esus° of the farme publishes articles wl change in the le;,,isl see hint. Its storie its woruan's depar clatter and its geue superior. Remain way in which yot flue weekly at so to lay iu sending your .er„ aren...lossalsollossereetotermemenlearivellemestentreeseleaeleallemillo.111110essomerollaurelseelleal_ m date till: the i 4VI1vGIUAIII 11lAltlsl4T6, The kloutreal `Corrected Ly P. Deans, Produce, Dealer. D l eC. 55 t�ou+x, October 53,1802 1 fag rack as the Flour per 10014s, • 4 2 o3 to y paper in Canada news from every editorials are clean, t has takeu up the and ween by week oh roust 5000 force tt tau that cow oppres- Fall t5heat per bushel, Spring Oats, Barley Peas, natter, tub do Rolla, 05 to 30 to • 60 to 10 to 16 5e eggs per Ib. 7 to fie to %rood per cord, 1 to flag per tan, 00 to Potatoes,. Short ani3 continued, uent ; its agricultural 1 miscellany are all er there ni no other can get a copy of this a price. Do not de. rders. Cholera Md filet P event itsl'ubltoatioa. The Fall Numb:r of tho Canadian Grocer and Gene al Storekeeper is an admirable issue. 1 s 80 pages, teeming with ntattePof vitt importance to the most numerous clue of merchants in the county, are enclose • in a cover that cap. tivates on sight. ' he harmonizing of the rich colors with ach other, and with the design is a trio nph of good taste, and of the fitness of things, They coin - prize articles writte, expressly for this edition, by speoial writers and expert contributors, upon a wide range ot sub- jects strictly germs • o. to the grocery trace, and treated with rare reports upon everything, c cried in grocery stook ; and a bndg t of faultlessly dis- played advertisemen s, in which all the leading houses euga red in the product- ion or wholesale dist ibution of groderies have a place. The • umber is a credit to a paper which is excepted by Canadian Grocers and Genera Merchants as the leading authority in ,11 that pertains to their trade. The •snadian Grocer is published by the J : bioloan Publish- ing Co., Ltd., 10 Fro t St East, Toronto, The subscription p es is $2 per yetir; which any 'grocer r general merchant can better afford to pay than he can afford to be- witho t this paper. Look out for Him. The following ap earedin the Strat- ford herald, of las week, which will explain itself About the lust w •ek in 7 une last The frIerald's .,nub epartinent printed 800 large pcnstr-rs i ith .closely -printed natter, bt•wli a tnhr •autile directory of the town of Libtow 1. Thu wor., was lti .1.1 Charlton, a who, U we hetieve Brussels, Luck - 9 tip in a 1,irltiltr. oste s had Iteeli weeks, tin arl ten rder for half the 1r Vvinghaill and: ted of the sheets of a Listowel uraunied, and siard:ed to him- . D. This Wan r hecto informed itis snll,acti•rns chants, with the 1.00 directories he re .oivt'd. The re- maining 700 are stil in the express office es List'twel. 0 mrltou wrote us from Lucknow on A g. 24 •: "f arra tatrlly intend to tak r up the (3 0. D. and complete my ontract with the advertisers. 4":' ' and that will bo in 10 or 12' , ttys," This last promise has not bee fuifilleti,and'l'he Herald has been so badgered by the express company ab ut that C 0. D. parcel that it ha decided to, place Oharlton's actions n a true light be- fore the public, it1 rder that printers and merchants thro shout the prov- ince stray. be on thei . guard and secure something more t &Able 'than mere promises before the, deal with' hirci. Dr. Jo y the death ittr, of John N ft one of its of 1i.eas. `.13yth since the e e.and by bisnciul circles wn citizens s"tie'was 4 u nel.tt:nd wa rniau. of th k a deep iuter utters, but, nes inthe tow , be wee always forward dvaucing the own's financial interests. was a large sh'reholder in and director vice:presiden' of the Morris, Field )gers' Piano (:o. pany "of that town, and fesidest of the II irk and Park association s ; was chairman f the Building Clotnmit- ' is of Knox ()hut 1, took of deep'mud per - is. el interest in o erection, a short time ° cet 13 of the a le ' id edifice which refieets g d 'ou an onthe eon re air g -• credit uo iiia Lh ,e toteu. He wa a :promipent figure in reisonic circles, b ing initiated iu Bernard ledge No. 225, in 1810, and was W SI of saucelodge for fifteen couseentive re. He was a ain elected W Isi, and at Ito time of bis d=nth held that honorable r C1oe and was 2 e S B of the Grand Lodge 'Canada. The uueral, which took place r Sunday aftern.on, 0th inst., was con- was assisting Mr be inox, of Wiarton, i;tei1 by Berns, a Lodge L2 and A. M. to thrash the other t ay, when some of e is survived by three sons and three lits clothes caught he shaft and he ughters. The 'Idest living son, Mr Jno was whirled around the roto several icltel, is teller i the Bank of Hamilton tintPS l,efore the ina litre was stopped.. tbie town. Alert is a graduate in arta He was at once ex ricatt'd from his. Toronto rind h-: about cempleted his position more dead thati, alive and •• edictal course. .the youngest son, Roy, medical aid gamin tied. Dr Qimby d a broken arm anundergradua,= of Torontoll'niversity. rfensily ere Ief' well provided for, as Nichol wasone of the wealthiest eitt s of Listowel. utilthe last year he as a man of good health and active habits 5 a severe. cold left an affliction of th teat, which g actually reduced his nath, He was a native of Glasgow' timed. n N cho1 Dead. u Friday last, in his 70111 cllol 141 D, Listoe,e1 has est and most prorlminent practice of his proles- rliest settlement of that rotnineties iu social and he was one of'the best- iu Listowel. For several 200 05 28 88 50 16147 1 76 90 25 tt TIMES" SUBSCRIBERS. All parties elm have not paid for the 'kTI1T1 $" for the years 1801 and 1802 are requested to re- mit the amount at once. We ueed money and hope 'this notice will be sufficient, and that a general response will be the revolt. R, ELLIOTT. TEACHER WANTED. EC. Teacher wanted for Union Oc•hool Section No, 7, %atland school, handing a second or third oless tor. t,fieate. Duties to commence 1st January, 1893. caved. by the undersigned nptto Monday, Novns re. ember 7th, 1802, THOMAS DAVIDSON, Wiwrham P, 0., 8ecreter3 eful member iu the Tows self at Listowel 0, at the titne of hie death done fluid we have sin High School board. He that Oliarltote trade st not only iu education, from the Listowel me ei.ng a. large property ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of ontarlo,1837, chapter 110 section 39 the creditors et Sarah Jane Bray, late of the Town of Wingharn, in the County of blurou and KA•orince of Out•,rio, widow, who died on or about the 0th day of March, A. D,1892, aro required to send to the undersigned administra- tor of the said deeeased W{ngham, P. 0., Ontario on or before the loth day of October A, n.1802, their names, addresses- and descriptions; the fail Particulars of their claims; a statement of their accounts and nature of the saouriiles (if aey) held by them end notice Is hereby given tinct the said administrator will irumediarely alter the last ,nen- tioned day proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties untitled thereto having regard only to the cla ins of which he shall then have notice. BINJ, WILLSON, J. A. StIOIRTON, Solicitor of Administrator' Wingham, October 1st, 1202. A boy by the n`, me of Wilkinson, FARM FOR SALE. HARNESS LL Haying bought out the Ambler Harness. Business and started in"fi s cT .-rand,1 am prepared to furnish the public with everything- easily Itept in n Larne sa shop, such as • HEAVY, LIGHT' •and TRACE. HARNESS NETS, DUSTERS; . W I31PS, GURU COMBS;. BRUSO.ES, SW'E'AT COLLARS, TIi1N if; 14L-nIS7E,�TSryand �••,�•t� TAM; 4Waal 'a3A0S,r ., tSPu 1 make all my awn Collars ands parents satisfaction. Give tae atrial and I will use you right. • 1111 44•11 The undersigned offers for sale or to rent, that valuable farm, 120 acres (90 acres cleared)30 acres m"adow, and 8 acres in full wheat, also n good orchard and wetter with ttrst-class frame buildings, situated in Township of Culross, lot 32, emu:cs6{on 1. Apply to W,r.rrnu Daweor, 1} miles ;coir farm or N Ingham P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers the farm being North half o1F the North half of Lot 39. Concess/otr 10, Bast Wawanosh, containing 50 acres, will he sold', cheap Apply on the premises or to JAS. PURVIS' Behoove, ;P: 0 • • PROF. SCOTT, 4USICIL LEADER 'PRE.SRYTERIAEL CRIIRCR gives Private Lessons in VoealTraining, both in Staff and ements fr or Concerts or Oha. Notation. tt rchmeetings Terforms moderate, Apply at MRS. II, 'MORROW'S, 24 Shutes St, whrghant i3Aferie Ili o>t<'it 1211.. found that the hay It and was otherwise it 'tired. B' ]ti . Mori &'i -In Tu nberry,on Oct 5t1,the feat Mr Geo M, at; a. soft. SPARLING.-In ingham, 7n 'the 3rd nst, the wife of •1 : C Sperling, deputy- rpeve, of a dough Pox -In Turnb- ry, on Oct 10th, the wife of !Mir las Vox f a daughter. Wingliam Saw and PIanii8,ill:is.. The undersigned have now ori haute a large stook TORY PINE., HEM,LOOIK, T .MA31 AC3! and HA]WDW OOD' LU2IIBER, Dressed, or nndressed.axx. cud• xx.. NORTH SHORE. SHINGLES, N0 13OEDAR SHINGLES,. STAVES, E1!ADINGS, - BARBELS, WOAIID;,, dyer:„ titin 11AINES---GTL7,E dist Parsonage, Bi tTftS7f-d7itf19 ;t1ExRtl etYmAN VVELttUit NZ/5th, by Rev W 1•;lF pgti AT tura, t9te etrtieottlrtION mace. 1 daughter of Mr •'-- I J lnes; : • TIafEln has perfected arraugeinents Mr : of WWingbTaainr. *Aga we offer our readers rt subserip- i3AVTorr -• :tlA o the lttontrealWeekly Herald from i churleh, T trco t trill the east of b898 at halt' the subs MoltlOV of /4 d1 ptitre of that fine weekly paper. A Dayton, of pis et aur readire paying $1.50 tar a ihaoduifew tti Off Twee a ' DAVI»smft-••••Itt theta payibif 111.80. izniie, ' David nowt Y y�. Wrote r enact ►'tee, * 1 1 tai 3B ,fi'• n t rices defy competition. P0.Yt3C1t intending Fir '.Dn s . Another lot ot those. Navy Blurs Bouc13 Twills -they're ready.' sellers. • The price moves them. They ave worth, ealling to see. Our Tweed Suitings have b -en, re+•a5sot't,etlt and is SLOW A.S` CDlYllal(i�te as ever. Our high class BLACI 00005. are, gairving reputaticn,every Some special values in eheap.Suitings• anal Mantle Goods. DoY ou want a Suit, an Overcoat. (to, order of ready tuacle),,? It,; . will pay you to see oars b ore youlbuy'., We, count, cofnparison,oLoan- goods. Special values in Sh Full stook of Yarns, FM's, Robes, Fur C� Four cases of tllosE 'full stock of G Tea in the trade. We have yet t value. A call solici to niltlflndIttotheir interest tog•yge.usneall before placa,,Y their orders, as Ire are •deter,tn3n ed MED 2E -At the Metlto- tb, on W ednesday;Oct anlpbel),15I A.Martha, s (iiltespio, Blytb, to n of Mr W It Haines, NTbstl At Trinity n the 18th tilt, by Leaoy, Addie.Heleu. rfa•B (�, to Mr Java tnd,'Ore, cr fd. titrff, Alia,bel nett 4th, , 1 oio Davidson and 5 Won not to• be; undersold- custom o k attou day. .els, Drawers'and. k'lathnels, 3heetingsi, 13•lankets;, afire.. ats and: YJ10kets,,111m;f ,s,,, Caps, &e. long boots• to. hand., •oceries. We believe. the fa nest blend oft Mack meet the•pedillars tea:. ell., You/rss truly,. C.rT' '.SCJ• t l _ o , . L3..�f.-. 4; �1:• �v i..,, We can't knock, out, tar TURN :TUE DELIVERED FREE... • . . Not only ran you lety Pallor and Betlroom,Suitos, Sideboards,, Louunge 11lattrosshe8,C Chairs, T n eir &0,to cheap. but when bought in qt entities they' will.bo delivered. and,set up n your • wtthiml6�luifbesof Win ghoul. i PORTRAIT ENLARGEMENTS.. sn•airgeutent r with one of the beet artists in•tho Dominion for doing in Air•Brush, India Ink ancLVlnter Colors• Defeo. giving your order t see samples and$et• pricesfor;thc very best.. Uest.. I have made Portrait. Lplarne• a.. anyorr-:for. such, Monts at• 103' sire) call at coy store, PICTURE, . FRAMING. Alb styles: cad sizesJOf Picture and WreatluVranreamad0:to.ottter. Lots of Afouldings.trr, olieoser-fatcrltin TT i .P: KI N G N•otwithsbanctine all the oppositiomin•tiii 101ei.Ram: sti1L• iters in 11 iugham prepared to stn 5s, yi lore • beerndbing fou•t to past ten yodre: �/ S,_ G- ,.A -C 1-1 1.3; 1302y. title:•,tt, tit, t t ti:t )0:t',' • ,i • MCLEA,N & SOK.11,! W NGHAM. MARBLE WORM iv ti„ wWT ' TIR,M MESSRS. 'JL-QlS. AJ.'� .@. ®lel E • BROS., of Kincardine have bought thirMttairbleBusineserie T T Watson, formerly earriodton.by, W Smyth, Parties requiring work in theih•litne�ralil do welt Nay calling 011 them or seting one oil their agents before tmrohasing. You will find our prises are away down. (tur' workmanship ie unsurpassed. wt. witl use none Itlr T' - lie patronage. of the , i tt• share l secure a 1 n .rent1>m fvery best stock i running g thge:cteiness hope to ea ht Watsonat, who has been running tics; bnnainess fou'tltie past year, Wit represent us ar,tho�r°ail. promptly and satisfaction comm w r guaranteed. WII GHAN1. STEAM CIDER. MILL. The undersigned wish to intimate to the. farmers and others that their steam .eider. will will be remedy for operation on Mon- day, Sepiember 5th, and parties wanting eider made cam have it made ou abort notice.. Our dfelly evaporator is in good running order and we are prepared to tinake jelly from any kind of fruit. A trial order so- licited and satisfaction guaranteed. Having had the mill re -fitted, we will be better able than ever to do 'work in•first. class order. The patraaage of the public is solicited. 13AS•rINNGS dr RITCHIE. Vinghtem Sept 1st, • 3802. i LADIES, .. SEND POR Illustrated Catalogue of ladies" Specialties. k»Iitt tsS .. • 'TRE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE DO 19 Qirtskff 1sT, UST, TORONTO, Call an 1 see our stock and inter. VANSnONE ' BRCS. rm oisirOZi000 Bushels Apple lanted G P.S. 0.,M.0.P P M. D. M..M..1 C TORONTO. Specialist for the treatment atf011 Chronic Diseastees Private Diseases, e Diseases s of the Brain and Nerve Diseases of the Heart and Lunge, And Diseases of Women positively Apples to be delivered at the Winghani Evaporating Factory, Alfred 'street, near woolen mills. Windfalls and all kinds of apples will do except very small or mel- low ones and may be ahakeat from the The undersigned will be prepared tof purchase any quantity of .apples • oand after FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER nth. Treated successfully, Diseases of private nature 'brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair cert/"ilnlyy cures. trees, Apples may be delivered in bags, CONUL TATION FREE, for•which a good price will be paid. About 75 corded bard weed or tams. D13., SIN° AT13. will he at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, 'Wnghatti olv FRIDAY OCTOBER 28th. 1892 loved Chesney Clothes Reel, dui b�e,pd eiralr» rntnut8ie4utr- o Kat 0it 7 rift r 12gh 1t'rt,tiem k sae wanted. 10,IkLEIt PROS. SAL2 .. .MAO WA. D. 041414.4.11 o_r unexcelled Nrfiraert• 'Steck. 8teatly and control of the territory, titre de' a We ,,11,, in tJioeida t5 ycaie. Liberia pay to the right meet gisict t r rnr, ri i1