HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-14, Page 5W. • Prise Mont will give our Custom fbre Taking St ek. s and the public generally the best bargin BO TS d. SHO OOT an SHOE Call and examine ou3. Bargain make roo Ever offered in Wingham. ntor and be convinced that ther for large fall purchases. must, be .sold at any cost is no sham as the goo CQ 14' aj GET IPIaST 0:EIOTCHJ We e still leading the trade in NOBBY SiITS AND GENTS'F NISHINGS B far the largest assortment of rir°52100,fLJII I- _LAME41100 4C, to select from that we ever had. Particular attentio • given to Custom Work and Repair; Culross. Apple packing is the order ,of the itloyatpresent, and there. .appears to be a lot of grtunblin.: atinaig ,thel farmers about tho way their fall tfruit was culled. ]3y the way the. ;qualification required to became an, ,expert in the apple business aTe not: Ivillat•some folks try to make .out.— ' Theis sotne harvesting to bet chine tht; yet.—Tlia potaio ,c,rop ••is,aboutt harvested and in most ;places' Appleby, jr. The company seperated ,s, at a la.te hour having enjoyed a very ;are .badly rotted.—The tinstees n18 ;agreeable evening. Nio..2.,.have erected a substantial board :fence dividing the school. yard "a want lone appears that the trosieee to ;are a little behind iu having, Listowei• a right conception of what their clutit,ss 'Thee Rpv D Maedietaie, of Tara, are as 'trustees, when the ratepayers occupied the pulpit it the Preshyter- have topetition then' to tgg4 fl51ian,churen ou Sunday last, morning And evening --Miss 01Conner, tunsic 1,o/teller, has left town for Loudon, w,bere she will praettime her profession. —The union meetings th,3t. are in progros at present in the Nlethodist elionch,cooducted by the Bev G of Cleveland. Ohio, are progressing very :favorably. Already nearly 100 have .expressed a de.tormneetion to lead new lives and quite a number have been con' erted:---Mr Frank R Blewctt, learikter, of Toronto, has entered into partnership with Nlr J L Darhog, if this place. The new firm will lea known as Darling Blewett.—Mrs ratification he felt in finding 'himself surrounded by so many friends ,and heartily thanked the donors for their kind and considerate gift, he said he had felt it a pleasure to, work in any way with the Ootigregational body iu the Master's service and waswillingl to go where ever 1 -le would lead him. During the eyening refreslituents were served and a selection of music was given by the choir and Mr Thos partiicidar teacher —Our cutenctl in their ;wisdom saw fit to expend a win- sidettable-sente of to •uey utt Pie11et aind ten the 25th sideline but they were els t a/Pry lavish in their expondi- tom— Mrs R Marshall, on Friday last presented Rohett with a boy, young of ;course, but having every chance of growing older. ---Mr jets MeKap, of tOlinton, was visiting itt Culross .aool Teeswater last week.— ' Miss Nate .11,1cKinnion, of NVingliam, is spending a do or so under the parental voof.—Some of our young men are talking of going to the States 104 JER.40C)1121,_graritfar- done inNfirst-class style. 3, 3. HOMTJTH & SON. T. A. MIL Will offer for the next ACUTE or CHRONIC, Can be cured by the use of SCOTT'S pure Cod Liver Oil, with o. pt the 11-lypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its continued use adds flesh, and makes one feel strong and well. rrio AVITION."—Beware of substitutes. Genuin o prepared by Scott /6 Bonne. Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 60e. and $1.00. 3 0 ID Startling inducements in Many lines at 50c. on the dollar. ' fil in a few days on a prospecting tour. Richardson and Miss Rioliardson,were ; THE PEOPLE'S (OF PEP= NONE OWNERS.) urmeroommokm 0 --Mr Geo Oaslick is aWay this week to the austs of Mrs Ceeo Zilltax, of the, • QUOP1).8.4., ISSf weelt.—Mr Mat Wright,: Salem. 1 Alf, in Moosjaw, N has returned CANADIAN OFFICE, who has spent, a year with his nrother,. The residence of Mr Tiles A.ppleby, home for the wietter.—Nunierous Walkerton as a C -rand Juryman. 1 of the 1.0th con Turnberry, was the cendiary fires occurred within the past! Coal in Car lots sold direct tO ;cam of a pleasant and interesting year itt this town. ; Susp.ciote rested consumers. event on Friday evening last, the ell one A. MoKenz•e, and ou he ad.'t gentleman in question, who is re vice of slit era]. willies Constable WoodsNo intermediate profits, Methodist local preacher, has, diirinte Placed biro uuder urruste nut. eltuillY ; , Write for Prices. the last few years consented occasion- after wtyl .2i e)-1) his liberty, itaving: Special Attention Given to SOFA ally to conduct the services at the presented satisfactory to itletece as to ; Ins whereabouls at the tinie of tne tire. duties and Clubs. the request of the congrotation and lin the ----------------- d and supd Woods Congregational church, Turnherry, at; etzialted him on the above mentioned The 011So WAS !Wat at the assize court • • ZETLAND PUMP "iii0;KS. several of its members and friend,: for 81,000 damages for false. arrest evening and presented him with AI) sitting, in Stratfor I hist week, wberel aeciae address and offered for a verdict of $2 damages with costs I wish 0) nti Imate ta the ae•spieat zetare ant pprti, i FURS, 00 the comity court scale, was reader- 1 snivalievacrantirott have con mehted the We neeeptonee two entry chairs. The l'addrest. veil as followo : ed. This is rather bard on the coil- I Octobet 7th 1802, stable, and will have the effect of 1 WOODEN PUMPS, To MA. THOMAS APPLEBY : deterr!ng others from making arrest, ; Dian Ifnuexn,--"We the members 1"IhInas when in possession of theist and can supply them on the shortest notict. and friends of the Congregational evidence of guilt. wiu also be In a position tow) is iron and POrre Blinrob, Tnritherry, would take tAiii Tho Standard says : — NI r John j Pumps to oulot• opportunity of expressing our thmiks Livingston, sr,bad a sluirt visit on I ;iaturdely last from Rev De Laws and I l'1'""4"""""' l"I' ""`""'' 'to yon for consenting to conduct the Services at the above named chneen nn,1 wife, whose home and fi,id of 1 &Aland, ti•ty 51;1), 1,01. 10IIIS PIM,TriNt. on tt'rat accessions during the last missionary labor is at Livingstonia, ou few years and beg your intceptande of the shores of Lake Nyasa, in South MANTLE. CLOTHS and SEALETTES All must be cleaned out if prices will do it. FLANNELS Best makes in the market. Prices be, low tb.e lowest., these (01rairs" tis a stall acknowledge "Jenti.al Africa, Dr Laws WBS SPA MONEY LOST. luso of our appreciation, We trust tuft to Africa front 1It parent church tied berwron wn.,Ont 'at .1 "• • ‘er ) that, your labors in Lite cense of Christ isi Scotland about 17 yeats ago, in Idr,„4,Yd.,leladilltilor14.-twoonntie-e.^etT*'•eant'siAttlt:Sill..n; rahv be used awl 1,10sget1 hy the great compliance with the suggestion of Dr -1;r:A,',),•tt,.;.7.g.,!,ii.rht4.11,,,',1,1),,Iwirit' JOU N McLEVN. i Ht ad of the Church and the yott may Livingston on his last visit home pre- Wretetar P. 0. long be spared to miniati r to the vials to his death. Dr Laws was in -------------- ---........_ . spiritual welfallt of Ow around you . attouiuee itt the Pan Presbyterian COUNInt PtilliDS TO LOAN. . with every good Wish for your wife anti Council at Toronto, arid availed him . family we are your greatful and t,111.4.r, self of the opportnnity while in Clairatia ed friends the 'undersigned." Thenof callon the brother' of his 'dirt . followed the 1111111PS of 17 frequenters of the oharok. $.1 Appleby in reply axpTessed the Ii Stock complete. I tite Prices right. We have the Long Boot at a shori price. If you see them you'll bti. them. Os the sacorlty of Cultivated PAM, flatreet six 1W Net. payable annually. any portion of the prtnrI )al nrty be repaid st rmy tune the borrower trItthei All oxpencee pital by the t,onnty. tingnielled predecessor in t_he mission- . pots oxcept the Cotinty Auditors allowed to eel -0,1 13 11 T1 meeting was very ikaarrertitts at to knot' to tit.)ont money is tamed, WM. Homilies nowilft 14c4ebian 0041., 41.1.10T, Call and see us. T. A. MILLS. HOLSTEIN BOLLS FOR SALE I The. under:14mo has for gale on Lot 10, Con. 4. ), Turnberry, four thoroughbred Holstein bulls. rang, Nil Mtn tole menthe old. Tho abort) mentioned animals aro all well marked and registered in ihe ' Canadian Herd Itook. They will be sold cheap and 0n WI term to snit latrehassrs, 08 cordial 0119g dorgki, Aum, tith I a02. Co. Irak FOR SALES Lot No. 8, -and the n. of Lot No.: lith Con. In cleared; well fenced; frame hour% al other bnildings; good orchard; cheap, time, Apply to M. C. CAMERON, Or Ooderit McPSEMC 1 atterater. 1 ftlit 'w