HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-12-21, Page 12111 111.111.111 10 P.M. A.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26 IZIA..ZIO AND DEALERS MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR Medium Weight By Famous Maker — First and Subs. DRAWERS - - 2.57 111.111111.11. Reg. 4.00 SHIRTS lig l" M. 2.17 0•111111,1M Reg. 3.50 • 7 One Counter of Selected 0 TOYS While they last. VM4fraleaRMTIMI%-‘ 1. 2 250 Sheets REFILLS 2 3 ring size Reg. 88c .kv Mr. MAW Ladies' Bikini BRIEFS 4 One size 11441VATM.• i• • Thermos LUNCH BOX for winter lunch time .Regular 1.89- ' ea. .i?..mow..*::amanniamtemassonstutamiumsyag 1.17 A.7 70A: a ,4•1% Angilque 2/1.99 BRAS Reg. up to 8.50 q. .27 Reg. 3.77 yard 4' Printyd CRIMPKNIT 60" wide, 100% poly- ester, fine selection of colors. Reg. 6.99. .99 yd. 4 K, yd. Board will train principals Bus transportation will be provided to and from St. Mary's School, Goderich, twice daily, for approxiniately 74 pupils in the town who are one mile or more from the school, the Huron-Perth -ounty Roman Catholic Separate ,• tool Board decided Friday at Etecember meeting held in Stratford. Previously, only children from outside the town have been bused to the school. The service for' the town pupils will commence' January •3, 1973, at an approximate cost to the tax payer of $300 for the full school term, or $180 for the period January to June, 1973. Beginning in January, 1973, the board will introduce a pro- gram for training future principals. The course will not entitle the teacher to any addit- :I' financial remuneration. Teachers will be selected for course which will be for a Li day each month for a two- year period. Each school will be entitled to have one teacher for the course and schools hav- ing eight rooms or more may propose two teachers. The board will apply for the prbvincial winter works grant. The initial allocation for the oard is $3,300 and will be. used for painting in the various schools. Last ,year the board received $8,20(4' in two grants and which • was used in recon- struction at St. Mary's School at }lesson and in painting in some schools. Vic Lindsay and Dan Devlin, both of Stratford, who represent the school board on the Stratford Library Board, were present at the meeti:g 'to report some of the work of the library board and some of its accomplish- ments. Michael Connolly, Kippen, board member who is a repre- sentative to,the Huron-Perth TB and Respiratory Associa- tion, gave a report onthat assoc- iation. The inaugural meeting will 'beheld Monday, January 8. ' Coptic Customs Rule in'Ethiopia Ethiopia-is a land which has been Christian for some 1600 years. The Ethiopian Orthodox Coptic Church, which has much in common with other Eastern Rite churches, such as the Greek and the Russian, is the es- tablished church of the na- tion, In its interesting and unusual customs, which are a blend of Christian, Heb- raic, and pagan traditions, there are many unusual' rites and ceremonies, cen- tering on the important Church festivals of Christ- mas and Epiphany. Today, in Ethiopia, cus- toms of the Western cele- bration of Christmas are beginning to find popular- ity, so that Santa' Claus is becoming a familiar figure, Christmas trees are being set up and decorated, and gifts are being exchanged. All this is done, however, according to the dates of the old Julian calendar, which is the one followed in Ethiopia, so that they ,celebrate Christmas on January 7th, In this connection, it is interesting to know that the year in Ethiopia consists of 13 months, starting on Sep tember•11, when spring be- gins. There are 12 months of 30 days each, plus a short month of 5 days; known as Pagumen. This comes just before the New Year. However westernized the Ethibian Christmas may become:the people are' not likely to change their ob- servance of important reli-- gious festivald. In the month of January, known as Tirr, the Coptic Church observes 4 festivals — the first being Christmas, but even 'more 'important is Epiphany, or Timket. This has, as its main feature, the blessing of water and the sprinkling of it, on the assembled faith- ful — a re-enactment of Christ's baptism by John the Baptist. On the previous day, all is made ready. Bells ring, trumpets blow, and drums roll as the priests carry the sacred "Tabot", out from the church to a special carpeted tent, where it remains overnight until time for the priests to bring it forth for the ceremony. The "Tabot" is the most sacred object in the chur&i. It represents the Ark of the Covenant, which, according to tradition, was brought to Ethiopia from Jerusalem by Menelik, son of King Solo- mon and the Queen of She- ba. The Tabot is really a portable altar holding the sacred vessels fnr celebrat- ing the Eucharist, and is al- ways carried concealed un- der crimson cloths, oil, the hOlids of the priests. Editor's Quote Book One of the reasons mature people stop learning is that they become less and less will- ing to risk failure. --John W. Gardner 12 THE HURON EXpOSITOR, SEAFORTH, PN PM 21p, VP2 I 10% Off All Regular Priced Merchandise Some items will remain on sale as long as quantities last V SNOWMOBILE One rack.pf assorted SWEATERS SUITS 20 %and To P S 2 *99 Broken sizes Boys' and Girls' OFF Values to 7.98 . ea. BOYS' THERMAL UNDERWEAR Medium Weight a By Famous Maker — First and Subs. DRAWERS - - 1.87 SHIRTS - 137 MMUS , ONE RACK of LADIES' ASSORTED FASHIONS PRICE V ii EXQUISITE FORM SALE off e 4S ,. )), JANUARY • FABR4 IC SALE 100% , v c OTTON 36" wide, available in new prints or solid shades. ,•• :0,67 , 4 v. -- Reg, 3.00 Reg. 2.50 '11 4. p ALL LINES • 3 Reg. to 6.99 ty..Tw yd. !:41 .eprx.w „„ .7 • CRIMPKNIT 60" wide, 100% polyester, fully washable, 2-Ply Unwrapped assorted spring shades and Dark colors only designs. Reg. 57c Ball 4 1 .00 s'..*migStivaggentgailmagnamossmor...i,. Denims Stretch Knits Polyester Crepes Prints and plains.' Reg. to 2.79 1 A 7 yd. /PAN 4 LADIES' WINTER DOTS PNENTEX 3 .00 MELTON CLOTH POLYESTER SUITING 100% WOOL SUITING TRIVERIA Plus many others:- • A p 4 4, • REGULAR $10.99 LADIES' SLIPPERS Broken Sizes and Styles WINTER FOOTWEAR a CHILDREN'S — LADIES' — MEN'S .r• 944 20 CHRISTMAS CARDS GIFT WRAP CANDLES TREE ORNAMENTS CHRISTMAS TREES a PRICE Ir• 7 •/. ' .";''.` Ad •