HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-14, Page 4ES W 1 ULI Mimeo Stewatt. 6 Relsamet Jas ) Adam Scott, Black Oats—Jes $en armee. Atuntas, mute Stewart, meow. t teens— in torlg, 11b. 7' 111. . Wh t 1 W ' Alex Stewatt. 0 tiladolus spikes:, Jas Sandeasou. Timothy seed --John Stewart, 3 Perennial Phlox, 1111unie Ott Edgar,. Relit Harding. Minnie Stewart, 6 Verhenes, Mutate Ridley, Smith Bros. Yellow corn— Stewart, J as Harrison. 8 Double DAM? PEODI.10E, Hollyhooks, Mrs T I3ellantyne, Jas Tub butter—B Edgar, Win Strong. Harrison. 2 Cox. comb% Walter tub butter (epttein1)-11 Edgar. Voll rem Taylor, Minnie Stewart, Collection butter—Wm Strong, Robt Harding, DITUGGIm-.L. ornamental grasses, home grown, Alex Home made breed-- I Repinstall. Stewart, 1) Stewart, ROA Hardine. Oomb honey—Clias -- Mitchell, Set1T Doan, Strained honey The following were the judges : DT 0 H: W TELEGRAPH CO —Mae Niitchell, Seth Doan. Heavy horses, Thus (Olson, Fordwich, John Burns, Wallace. Light horses, op, Brunswick House, John Scott, Listowel, Rich Leech, TAINTS AND VEGETABLV.B. Palnaerston. Cattle, John 13eauty of Hebron potatoes—Wm VI,Orrte. The Council met pursuant to ad. journment in the council roolz.Morrie, on September 26611, 1832. lYlembers tLU present, tile Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by A HOwe, sewn, ded by Geo Kirkby, that Jas Proctor be instructed to have Farrow's bridge repaired pet retiommentled by Engineer —Oarried,--Moved by 0 A Howe, seconded by S Calbick, that John Mooney be reappointed Collector at a salary of $86, on condition that he furnishes satisfactory security to the amount of $14,000 and that bylaw be drafted to that effect—Oat:Tied. On motion of Caldbick, secooded by Kirkby, the following accounts were ordered to be paid, viz: Isaac Currie, repairing Ilogg's bridge, $1; D Getup - bell, repairing Maguire bridge $2; Geo 'Turvey, and culvert on 2nd line, $8.64; Jelin Anbley, inspecting and estimeting cost of bridge, $7; John Holland, ditch on 8th line, $38,80; \Vm Cunningham, repairing Launde's hill, $2; Van Vannorman, repairing scraper, $5; Misses Eeford, charity, $10 for &ravel. C McClelland, $2 45; Elephant pate- Tavish, Ford wich, 3 K MoKerricher, Strong, F Davidson. Wroxeter, John Graham, Atwood. toes—ROA Hrding. Swede turnips Viugham - - Ont Sheep and pigs, John Anderson--Ooesins & Sorts, 1? Davidson, Any ) 'tee am tun C S Stewart, Wingliam, 0 0 Wilson, Sea- Ridley. Potato onions—Wm Strong, grave, Jfibit Ocultus, Belgrave. other kind turnips—F Davidson, Jas Poultry, 0 0 Wilson, Seaforth, F Pat- Sanderson. M.angolds—E Sparling,F forth. Gran and fruit, Joseph Hains, E 12:puling. Seed onions—Cousins & • erson, Wingnarn. Implements, J G Davidson. Carrote—Wm Strong, Jno estre• • 7t. John Graham, Atwood. Vegetables Sons, \Val Strong. Parsnips—Wm and roots, Joseph. Heins, John Gra e Strong, E Sperling Pumpkius--P FRIDAY, OOTOBER 14, 1892, tam,' Atwood. Manufacturers and Hepiustall, R Harding. Citrons—Wm 'dairy Produce, P Deans, Wingharn. Sanderson, J Ridley, Tomatoes—I J BRUSSELS SHOW. 1Ladies' work. Miss Lizzie Graham, 13arnett, 111 Sharpin. Small tomatoes Atwood. —Cousins & Sons NI Sharpin. Ottb dine Wm Strew.. .CORDON WHIT OUR FALL DIS LAY a handsome new fabrics will prove to be very interesting both to ladies and gentle men. en Dress and Mantle goode the kook is large and varied embracing the very latest similes arid designs, and or quality they are unsurpaseed, but any pen description of them 'would fail to give an accurate discription of thoir beauty and excellence ; we would there- fore cordially invite all intending push - asers to call and examine those fashion- able and seasonable goods, get our prices. No matter bow nice goods may look, we are anxious to sell thetn and a small Amount over cost will secure them, this is sot idle talk as anyone can prove by seeing our goode and bearing our cut prices—just arrived a large purchase Of boys' and men's ready made suits and overcoats, they aro bargains, see thetn—Do not risk your healtee by wearing bad shoos at this season, when yuu can get the very best Boots, Shoes andtRub- leers from us for so little money—We give big velum in pure fresh, groceries and spices, prime teas are a speciality batie—Robt Hu to ' 1John Scrunlrett, $1.40; Wrn Hopper, I with us, try a sample pound of our c ee • Re% pepper—M Sherpin. -Cauliflower $3.90; E Bosnian $3 70; T Strachan, orated "Ram Lals" and "Pure Russian L Alex Stewart, con 10. Enibroi- . The weather for the Howick fall melons — Jno Ridley, E Sperling. $2.15, Jas alcArter, $6 05. Thos Blend" black teas.—Gents Furnishings ery, eotton or muslin, Mrs C Stew -1 _Wei Strong, E Sperling. Water- $1.35; D Herrington, $1; Jas Gibson, ery on worsted, Nellie Ross, Wits T ', show on Saturday, Oetober 1st. was • (CONCLUDED FROM THIRD PAWL) HOWICK FALL SHOW. 8 Robt a , and ordered sults and overcoats, always allantyne. Embroidery on silk, Mrs ' all that would lie desired, and Yorci- '44 09. Tilos Henderson' command our very beet attention. Ballatityne, Nellie Ross. Fine shirt, ' wich was a lively place, Laity 1,500 eo Moffat, 0 McClelland. Fancy persune having gathered to attend the -"tatting in cotton, Geo Moffat, Mrs E fall show. The show was .a grand ritewart. Fancy knitting in wool, success n..1. through. The following is ' Ode Ross, Mrs E Stewart, Fancy the prize list : anted shirt, Geo 'Moffat. Feather ; atoning, Jas Ireland, Nellie Ross. nonsas. FHair flowers, a R Smith,0 al cOlellancl I Agricultural—Span —.• Sean John - Point lace, G A Deadman. Lace ' ston, James Bell. Two year old geld- • honiton. G A Deadman. Lambrequin, ing—\Vin Sandersbn, Jas Bear. Two 'Berlin wool and bead, Nellie Ross, etre year old lilly—Jas Bell, Jas Hunter. A Strachan. Lamp mat, Nellie Ross, . Yearling gelding—Jno Cooper. Year i•Mrs E Stewart. 'Leather work, \V a ling tilly—Jas Bell, Brood mare, •11cOracken, Fred elcOriteken. Pair Edwin Sperling, Jas Hunter. Foal— woolen mita, \V H. McOrtteken, Fred 'Jas Hunter, Smith Bros. General , • McCracken. . Pair woolou gloves, Fred Purpose—SpanWin • Murray. Two t.,McCracken, Geo elotfat. Netting, Mrs ' year gelding—Andrew Fortney, Jas T 13ellentyne, ilirs A. Strachan. Tuft- Senderson. Two year old killy—Olnis . E Stew- Miteliell. -Frank Devithem. Brood Cucumbers—Goosing : . • 3 Harding. $3.37; J Smith, $2 50, Gen Jackson, FEUIT. 185.90, Geo Skelton,$6.30; Geo Pierce, Winter apples—R Peel, Cousins & ;$2.75. Moved by S Oalhick, seconded Sons. 'Fall apples—R. 'Peel, -Alex I by Goo Kirkby, that by-laws Nos 17 Littlejohn. Crab apples—it Peel, 5 0 and 18 as now read be passed—Ouried. Edmunds. Peere -- A Littlejohn, On motion of Proctor, seconded by Cousins &Sons. Grapes—rt Peel, Al Home -the Council adjourned to meet Sharpin, • again on the 7th Novemher next, MANUFACTURES. Collection of bouts (recommended) A . Teeswater. - Pair mans, 1,0.)03—A \-v Hailaday. W Orneek, W lialladay . Mr Alex McLeod spent Sunday in . Wiegintio.— el itse Farquharson paid a LADIES' DEI3AZTMENT. visit to the parental roof on Saturday Houle -made blankets — W Stroll:.• 1 ' - .,. I:tst s--, ..anir Charles Hooey is clerking \V . tor air %darter in the place of Mr Chas Idoineenede yern—J H. Johnston. tx,.. a ua.me.de ilipti,8 souks_ jS„turte,swilho left ..for . Manitoha ,—Miss Hand -made ladiese stockings Strom!,Sharpe utteneete the induction ed quilt, ,Jas eleGalluete i r, a Johnston, it Harding Hund made "a Y . • ceremony of her uncle, Rev Robert Ref,. Crechet quilt, Mrs E §tewart, : mare—Graham Bros, hnnt . Bros. tnitts—Robt Harding, Frank David- H.enderson. et elenchester, on Thurs- i Jas Ireland. Petehwork quilt, Mrs Foal—Noah Hallmen, John 5 Wilson. !mi. LI i d Tiede gionb H 'tee day last.— \ve understand that the •I Blanshall, Mrs E Stewart. Lng cabin ,Roldeter—Two year old gekting--J no mr. FiLeit.!litirt—R 1st liardine, \Vm Minister of Education has requested nilt, 0 McClellend, Mrs John Mc- Lambkin. Two year o d filly—John Strong. ancyL s iir b. 1°' t —E Sea i line aillitl—V that the 12th oeOctoher (Wednesday enzie. Fancy ouilt, Mrs T Ballan I McDermott. 'Yearling,gelding —John Geo Greg.' , otle °R In q f,,it; E last) the anniversary of the discovery etyne:,' Jas Simpson. Knibted quilt,ILambkin, I J Barnett. Yearling filly Shartiin. nauroutery • of America by Columbus, he celebrated M's E Stewart, Jas Mowbra.y. Rag 1— Juo McDermott, Robt Edgar. Sperling.. Patchectquitt—aliTSItarpiu, by the schools ia a suitable manner. GORDON & MCINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor. Wingliatu. October 7th, 1892. ININV.I.VINNIMMEIMIMNIMIWNI.VMWIPPIOMIAIMOOMM.1100. taking his work here. -11r J 0 Adams has returned home from Goderich, where he lies been °mnacing a doctor for a sore ankle, which we 811.40 to say is iinprovine.--elr A Taylor, just north of the village, has rented bus farm to Mr Kircottnell. from near Bruesels. Mr Teyler wili take a trip to Manitoba mid if he likes the coun- try he will settle there. I Wm Strong. Kuit onilt—G Gregg, G; What has the pedagogue in our aca- scene, Nellie Ross, Mrs A Strachan. ,eole. Foal—John Lambkin, Charles E Sparan;,_17. Home-made, coverlid dewy dupe in the matter 7—Rev Robt e mat. R Corley; Chas Davis. Ribbo- i,Brood mare- R Edgar, Geo Wiiiiain. : Rope silk, Nellie Ross Roman Carriage team—John Clegg, Gregg, aliss S J • Hub.bard. Crochet Henderson, of leayfield, w is in town teooidery, 0 E 'Berry, Nellie Ross.111elviti Johnston. .Buggy horse—Dr In wool, Rob Hrding, G Urea. eni last week calling on his sietor, Mrs 1 Shell work, Mrs E Stewart.. Mulct Joe Oree,g. Shexpe.,Reat Me Henderson is lee,v- , Ceochet in cotton—Cousins & Sons, M ' Berlin -woe]. work flat, Mrs T Bile , IMPLEMENTS. Shemin. Euabroidery in cotton—MIss tuft Bayfieta Rild goingbto Manchester. 'tintype, Mrs T Ferbes. Berlin 1 Irou beam plow --Gillies & MartiO. muslin—G Gregg. ,Embroidery Hubitard, lat and 2nd. Embroidery Bajnield correepondent to the Clinton wool work raised:Geo 1V10fiat V/ Gang plow—Gillies & Martin. •New Era has the followine "Ott McCracken. Sofa pillow, braided, Jas CATTLE. 1"4—°"618 S d niornine last the' trreshyter- , McCallum .Sofa pillow, patchwoek,1 Darham—Aged bull—Sam Joint. Pint Nellie Ross, Mrs T Ballantyne. Pair I stop. Bull under 3 years years— stockings, woolen, W H McOracken, • Smith Bros. Bull under .2 years-- sile—le .e,,...,. & Sons Berlin wool, r Pi -"Id., i .,J"11 ion chureli was trowded 'el its utmost: , Kajee. Berlin wool, flat • -•—•G Gregg, ' it being known that its esteemed pastor on Sande), morning next nue o a John Keine. Beelin wool, flowers 7•M Mr elaiiiderson, would then preach his series of sermons ou The Apostle's Sharpiu. Moss work, Robt Haiding. farewell sermon. He took for his Oreed.—Sara Lord Bei ey,eloantionist, I ,3 elm tileine. Sofa pillow, text the adrairablo words of Peal te, cf 13oston, has been secured by the Town Band to give a grand concert in • Tudustry Hall, on the everiing of the 21st inst.—The to wn band will supply music at the Dusigisunon allow on Friday of this week. —Miss Evatis. of London, is the guest of Mite; Susie Brownlee this weeke—Mr A W' Belfry and family retureed to twit on Fri- day lest after a year's anseuce in. Wiettipete, alaii.--Mr and 11rs Dodds, of \Vet -ford, were visiting their deugh- ter, Mrs T W 'Canner, this week.—Oct 1 10 Blytte: The meeting of the Guelph Confer- ref- ened Ntiasionttry Opeintittee will be held iu the eletlitelist church on Tues- day, October 18th, commencing at 9 a m. Sermons on 'Missions will be preached ou.Sunday, Oetober 16th, by Rev John Scott, M A, President of the Conference ; the evening by Rey Andrew Cunningham, Secretary of the 0ouferencieund also. at Jackson's at 2.30 p m, by Rev A Cunningham. The anniversary meeting will be held on alondae evenieg, eommeucing at 7.40 o'clock. Addretotes will he de- livered by Revs \V S D D, \V Holmes, and W J3 Towter, Esq, 1). Collection in aid of iniesions will be taken at all the services.—Rev T E Higley. of Trittit•y church. will preach M. Pair socks, woolen, \V lacomacen, I cow, las Hunter, Jae le seileot;. Cow crazy work--Itobt Harding, under 4 years—Jno Wallace, Smith I in.. alosiau patchwork--Robt Hard- Eltarp- the Corinthiaus, "Finally ten:been, Fred McCracken. Pair stoe an,a I Grab* m Bros, James u titer. at t. 011 • cotton, Nellie Ross, Mrs E Stewart'. 0 Me(lielland. Tatting,Mrs T Forbes, farewell, be perfect, his of good coat - Nellie Ross. 'rinse' work, Nellie Ross, lir°8* Two year uld heifer—Stuith Macrame bracket work, E Sparl- His remarks were practical, earnest, --------------------------------------------------------- Trawl., paper now. Bros. Yearling heifer—Jo° L Wilson, ing. •Pitney knitting in cotton7J as , ; tmoughtful and affectiouate, and this ere, Nellie Reiss, .1-rs Bull ca—J L Wil Rueter; G Gregg. nientaeconclusion of every istener I.! flowers, alre Ballentyne Miss A.12°'' I" anHeifer calf -5 inlia Strong; eart3I'"-- Gregg. I was that niis t•emovel Bay field will r Stritchse, DraWil Work, 0 k Bryn?. hams—BMW! Bros. Durham grades it good aud lnyal eitizen and t'ae baske. , Mary M thell. e.eatin Tiesine worlt — John Keine., Oil Johnston, Smith 13rHerd of Dur- Shell work --Ce Grege, ist and 2nd. terian. eliureli tme of the most —teeed cow—.1 L Wilson 1st mid end. paintin.g, Jahn Keine. \Veter color Pre" 1 f'lfl • pelmet., R Corley. Berlin work chtur, e • zea otts, sit u peetor 8 It 188 ever s$ DAVIS 00W awler 4 years—S .Johnston. painting 301151 Kane, G Gregg. had the good. fortune to recei%te—'rlie I Two rear old heifer— S Johnston, J Painting on silk or velvet — John house and lioutiehele eff, uta of Mr Win FINE ACTS. Wtison. Yearling beifer—J le Keine, Miss Julie Strong. Penman - Collection 'of photographs, .0. i Johnston. Heifer ealt—s ship—John Keine. Painting on pod- . • Robt Edgar 1st and 2nd. 13.erd of 4 nervy, Miss J Strong. dlection.of I Johnston, Smith tiros. Fat animal— • Pi y —0 Gregg. Painting on wood— • en:at:tea photo-, 0 Derry. 0 teal, Gregg, Jno letune. H.orsps_olles Henderson ansi 300 j son %ill wield the hammer --Ripley has ,sued a challenge to Teeswater I TueedaY end NVeduesdey of thiteweek, • remales--J L Wilson:. einea cow— The judges for the ehow were : t • Feseant will be sold by imbhe aecoon on Saturday. October 15th. We are Sunday evening lest a nasstonary sorry that Mr Fessent intends quit- servize ot swig was,held in the Metho- tine us entl-relv. Mr John Ferqubare dist church. There %vas a large con- . ' eseut --Tier fall :mow on. tiou of stuffed eirds easteR Leat tot- i tilaree was a grand suceess, the %vetttleer Wag in Strong 1st and 2nd, dale. Oulleetion of etutted etiinialS.: \V in Ponee drewine, Willie' Srete. Stewart, ;An Mowbray. Oil painting, I Leicester—A11 the prizes were taken 'elitist:ape, Mary Mitchell, Kate Kor' - by Mr Donald .Fisher. Shropshire— ' 01 urtrait el ury eteCentie11,1Shearliug rain —Juo Cooper. Rain • I Elliott, V 5 Sheep an my football club to p t y sneiu Richard Anarpvis mid Thos Musgiove. eitherhere Or in Ilipley, but the presi- I fine and the show was far ahead o Grain, routs, fruit and dairying -0 dent. is keeping innte ever it as he, I any previeus yeer. The attendance Wilson tied T.3. Moffat. Ledies Depart - together with the otkier kiekpes, have was very large.—Prof Scone's concert ' ; not retie% ei•ed from the \Valeertott att. on Wednesday evenieg of title week, me:It—Mee A Laird, Mt a \Vilson and - \V'll'ttne 1 feat Ate citizens who have liberally %vas a erand suecess itt every particu- lar. 'rlitt attendance was so large that Industi y Hall would not 'leer hold all of theta and the Tetoreranee Hall was also pretty well crowded and the: same programme was given in each place. Every one present seemed very well pleasett with the contiert,itnd should .11,1 e Scott give US another 0011. ' Chas Davis Colored crayon drawing, heinb—W 11. \velmer. Plur vwe,— l', tr . Chs Davis. Spatter worle G AI, Jno Cooper, W 11 Webber Sheeran:, I. . supported the dub finttecially would silk or velvet, 0 E Berry, Mary MI.' l --Aged rtun—J Cousins & Sons,Frank On Seturdae intelA about eleven , caned and a statement given showing. LUalgSide, in justice to all like to see a meeting Boss, Deatimen. Paintine on pottery, Nellie Mary Mheitell. Painting en : shires --W II Weinter Oeford doi.vue chell. Painting ou• Olacerlea: NelliolDavide011. The balance of the prime; o'eltiek, the residence of rater tizell„ I haw the fritids have been dealt with. 0 Ross, G A DetnItelan. Ornamental lin this class were taken by Ooneitot & living in this place, wits tlestroyett 1))'1 ewe8, ewe lambs and pat of Shrop-1 penmanship, W Cemeron, DL' id :sons, Grades—Retn—Jas Bali. Rein fire. Mrs 132ell wee sadly berried Londeslooro. Moors. Easiness penmanship, W J lanea.-0004ns & Sone let and 2tid, ahotit the neck and Mr Uzr41 Isa3 t nth Mrs Sherbitotatti, who has been Chimton, David Moore. Girl's pen- :Pair ewes—Fratik Davidson 1st end1 his feet Intaly burnetl, while their little vielting bet hiater, Airs Wateon, ree 1=118111pr David Moore, 12nd. Ewe Inettlis—Jas Bell. girl, eleven years of age, WES 1. turned haute week.—Mre G A ' a"rt in Or, near: foam he will he sure LOWERS %ND PLANT8 PIGS. shout MOO; nO insarauee. eriap. Nose thittiViWn, Loss, Newton, of Wiatelpttn, Was Visiting in of It g°0(1110980 to 'the villave tills weelc.--W Mr John 11....1•••••••••.1....6* ttslO Otnning„jr, wee taking a load of sheep Belictat. BlueVale to the Clinton Vt.& pit Friday last his A barn belongiter to WilliadIrwin,' The Illnevale show cominitte have ; horseii bedew., freentened at ibtsh of of thi4 Plate, 34•• from Luekticrer, completed firrengement fur their nig • lightning end stertee to run. W5,1 destroyed by fire Almelo? after- shuW on Seturday, Oet lfith. Tho ; °Luning got omit stopped 41.1(1 Win n0011 A steam thrasher was working show promises to be moth bottee than efig somethieg about the wagon in at tile limet, but the fire Professional list.—Beat collection I 13erkshir..--A.geel boar—John Rid - flowering ple.nte, J 'R Smith. Atnetettelley. •Botte under one year -3 a list.—Bss c.tyliectiou'llowering bulbs, "Johnston. Spring pigs—Smith Brus. tee -3.") Stewart. 'Chester White -- Aged boar—Thee GENNEAL LIM 1 Manders011, .Rear under ore year— Table boquettWaltei. Taylor, Itlionie I PI" Ni.ander8""" 1./11"1 s"'—'ilmbb Stewart, tuna hotpot, 0 A Dendl Hardie* Spring pigs—Robt Herding, Thos Manderson. Men, Jas Harrison. Button hale or , * * ' G ,i. MAIN.. . dress boquet, Thorne e , teadtuatt. Collection out flowers. JAS Vete winter Whet—juS betiderson, Harrisent Collettiett daliliae, Minniel Aaiun Scott. White winter wheat— attended the slmw in 13ms:seism' In fitewalt, Alex Stewart. 6 rans'es,, 0011811i8 & 801381 J I,' Wilson.. A ny 1 day lot and tepee well pipalta with Nies T TJallaritynet 3. B Smith. 0 , othee ltind *niter Wheat — Frank I the elhow.--0.Nlre Hugh Itueseliad the PaloX DrUtUtiltonat Minnie, Stewart, ;I/evident], B Sorling, Spring wheat]. baby christened tl.0 Tneetlay evening j to Herrieon, 0 Asters,Sas 14orrison. I Adam Scott. spring whostatity nowt.: in 'the Presbyterien ehureli; the tittme : e s' Is!, Mintite Stewart. 6 African ' kind—,las 8 Hatiter, Jna L Wilsan. i W8 Jam' Scott ROBS ,—.Mr Ttoltert itietheodie Jos Harrlion, tYllunie. Barley—Klata Suitt,* Jas. tilmalsegen, 1 Hiewart boi reciavi it pmain," in tho trvart, 6 rrenell neartold, Jes ' Smell uem—Jas Sluelorsen, Smith., tAiltowg Hilo stro.4, They* ios. 4. .., i last year and that is Sey,inu, ttooa hit tecg,,, when the heesee twee fright aim InOppO8ed tO 118Ve originetted from eonie Everyone should behtie and help to , Itheattea him dewn, the wegon pltssittal PPrSoo kOshitaAteittlyg,littis tiltioSttoirlt:wilhioan ttihiee eweel the prize list. Admieeion 10 over hint awl itreekiitg two cif his 1 ntv,i8it° trht. barn -contained all cauts --Severel pereone from rehievele fibs RIP! OtirtqW4I0 injOring him. A I etteine was. vaitahle ewe wits killed --Quite a I of this,""emmvs Crop: e8V,i'icel,1 "es rte''' large number of Good Temenee fried etroVect. bees about here Anemia(' the District Meeting " $1°°' wItiouti ettrad., Dianthas, Stop. ntritm vs„ ---.7"Te number from this place net-neled the wine, wt'ter, •lintott, has tomato Obit tu Pritty fit t.1118 Week MeeV'. fe. fait fatly et Oilattor int Pridev of leer Eat weighs 141114' youal4 ot trawl „ ovalom of t wetitit th,, Week —41he tl.iv NV W tipeal. of tilia Isis ti warti Oloineatliett last Satfirdiq at 1 it0o,oe, presaired in Or inghistit cm. Sun. sund°r:11 bola° 46°1' Ile r"aitea a . • • 1