HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-14, Page 3a Ilendereon & Econ, John. Stafford, Four li; winter cabbage, Walter Taylor, Jumb Stallord. Four heads curled savey, W 11 McCracken, Four heads red picketing cabbage, Walter Taylor, Mrs T Ballantyne, 1'wo beads cauliflower, Walter Taylor, John Slut( - ' ford,. Pumpkin, Walter Taylor, Geo Kelly. Squash, W 1i, McCracken, Jas Speir, Collection of garden produce, W I -I McCracken. 12 tomatoes, large, 'Willie Stewart, Walter Stewart. 12 plum or sherry tomatoes, Waiter Taylor, 0 I .enderson 5c Son. Quart butter beans, Jas McCallum, Saw Snell, Qnnrt white beans, W kI Mc- Cracken, A Stewart, Brussels. Quart any ,other variety of beans, W H Mc- Cracken, 1?red McCracken. Two citrons, round striped, Jas Mowbray, 0 Henderson ,L son. Two citrons, long catifornian, Jas. Ev'tns, W H Mc- Cracken,. Watermelons, W H Mc- Cracken, John Hewitt; Musi:mcllons, D 'Stewart,IC•Henderson & Son. Cue cumbers, fit for table use, 0 Bender - son .4 Son, Antos Smith. Celery, white, Waiter Taylor, C Henderson J 3Soai. Celery, pink, W 11 •Mceraol.en, C Henderson & Son. DAntY PltoDliCE. ' Twenty -live pouuds tub butter,hou1A .mnade-11 tdannilton, Wm Potter, Mpry' Mitchell, .Mrs >i Forbes, 11 Edwards. j Five .pounds table clutter—H Raoul - ,son, T Willkinaon, Mrs T Forbes.. Jap Ireland, Geo A Deadtnan. 50 Ihs factory cheese—\V A Edgar. 110 Ilse! Mrs'i Stewart, JasSimpson. 4 ,,fit The Carlessest Dreatures, He came home 'last night a bit tired from a busy clays work and bis wife waited until he got off his overcoat and eat down. Did you get that piece of silk 1 ask- ed you to bring up to night ? she 91i quired,sauing he had not laid it before her, Yes, dear, I left it out there in the hall, Did you get the pins' Yes, dear. And the ribbon ? Yes, deaf, And Babble's shoes ? Yea. And a wish broom I Yes. And a wick for, he kitchen lamp l Yes, And some matches? Yes. They are with the o;laer bundles. And did you see the ntau about the coral Yes, it will be up Monday. And the ratan to fix the grate in the ,daning•room f Yes, he's cooling as s'ton as he can.. Did you see Mrs, Smith about the sewing society Meeting? She said she'd come. And—and—oh, yes, did you get a new shovel for the kitchen stove 4 N'—no, he hesitated, I forgot it. What ,wig you do that foil You know we needed that shovel andi told you, about it the very first thing when you went down town this morning. I •do think you wen are the most forget- ful and careleaeest creatures that ever lived. And she clopped out to sea. &.out su:pper. Dollmsne MANuFai rune s. Pair ,blankets Geo Johnston, Gorge Moffat. Bounterasne—Nelson %it^;•rk- j s ,er, Mrs E .stttwar t. • Skein ytu•37,1)orn•P� Span—W I M:Cracllon, Geo Moffat.. Gentleman's suit, Canadian tweed—' 1) 0 Ross, Ten Ills maple syrup—W' .11 McOrackeu, Jas' MoOatlivan. Quart; maple molasses— W If McOracken,Jas McCallum. Borley, comb — G A Deada)Iau, Wal Armstrong. Honey, strained orext.tracted—Wal Armstrong, +G A Deadn an. One bottle grape wine—Davin Moore, G A Deadman. Rhuburb wine—\+V U McCracicen;Mrs T Ballantyne, 5.trawOerry wine, Mrs T Ballantyne, W H McCracken. Elderberry wane, Mrs T Ballantyne. Tomato ketchup, Daniel Moore, Mrs T Ballantyne. One quart apple jelly, Jas Evans, C McClelland. One quart rhuburb jelly. Mrs T Ballantyne. One quart raspberry jelly, 0 Henderson & Son, Itirs T Ballantyne. One quart jelly, from any other fruit, nanied,Jns Evans, W 11 McCracken. Loaf home made bread, wlaite, Mrs T 13allantyee, Jas Hannon. Leaf home made .bread. brown, Mrs 1' Ballantyne. Jary Mitchell. Fruit cake, Jas McCallum, The Terrible of Game. Hub ---I gambled at the race: yester• dap. Wife ---How frighttul 1 You always promised me you'd never— Hub—But 1 won the hundred Wife ---How lovely ! Now I can have that beautiful' bon— Hub—But I lost the money ou test -- Wife—Hateful thing ! a terrible passion, Trio l3, NA Act. T$1. great British North America act nowadays hl to buy a bottle of 13 B 13 and cure yourself of dyspepsia, couetip- ation, headache liver complaint or bad blood, audit its an act that always attains the desired result. A Family Friend. Silts,—I have used Dr Fowler's Extract ,of Wild Strawberry in my family for, years and can highly recommend it for summer complaint, diarrhoea, cramps, eto, Mra..GEO, WEST, Huntsville, Ont. It Was Business. About 10 O'clock in the morning two colored women rode into the town on a turtle to do Some trading at a :stmt,, and it wasn't over half an hour later that 1 ran across oho younger one nn the plantation of a critton warehouse, walking itand.iat hand with a colored roan. He let „o of her and followed me down the pt'atform to sly Seed yu' griltnin',boss,aud I thought I'd 'splain dat it was a case of luv at fust sight. I war jist took wid dat gal clo fust iniuit 1 sot ryes en her, an' I reckon she'll dun promise to marry ins WO noon. Soon after 12 o'clock I went clown to the depot to bee about a train, and found the ratan sitting on a salt barrel with the other woman, while the first IJrs T Ballantyne. Jelly sake, Mrs T was standing beside the enols under a cards Gambling is Banality tie, Da•id Moore Oatmeal cake., Mrs '1' Ba.l lantyne,Jas 31cOal lu rat, Collection of e,iuned fruit, in envie jars, W I1 McCrackeu' MANUFACTURES, Set double farin harness,' 0 Rickards 1st and, 2nd. Single buggy nearness, 1 0 Richards let and 2nd. Aze handle, Jas 51eOallum, John Wynn, Cdilec- tion tinware, 12 pieces, I3allautvue& Wilton. Picture frames, It Leather - dale. Specimen turner's world, R Leatherdale, MADIES' WOltit. Ariseeue, work, Mrs A Strachan, Nellie Ross. Applique work, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs A Strachan. Braid- ing, Geo Moffat. Berlin wool work, flat, John Mi whray, Mrs T Baden, tvue. Berlin wool work, raised,Nellie Doss, Jiis Ireland, Berlin wool and bead work, C' McClelland, Mrs'1' 13a1- htntyne• 13erliti wool flowers, 0 Mc- Clelland, Bend work, Nellie Rocs, Chas Davie, Bourret, Jas 1lleOallum. Berlin wool and silk,• flat, Mrs E Stewart, Nel1ic 1'to.-tx. Oone work,Mrs E Stowtrt, Lord work, Mrs T Btt1- 1antyuo, 0 ,(Clelland, Crewel work, illi T I;,illlutyrre, Kellie boss. Card l,o>trd motto,' John ..1tobb, jr, M►•a 1' Portes. Crochet 'work, Mrs T 13a1 lantyna, Nt'ITlis ROSS. Bathe I net, Nellie Boss, •0 MoClellaud. Embroi' gat Mos.) e m e l j it'in KID G9 ,ABlessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT These remedies have stood the teat of flay years experisnee, and are tirenounced the hest Medicines, I Family nee.. NO Use Wishing. You see, he explained to the ingenu• nus young thing as be showed her the wishboaae.;you take hold hire and I'll take hold here. Then we meet both make a wish and pull, and when it breaks the one who has the biggest pint of it will Inuve his or her wish seine time. But 1 don't know what to wiiib for, Elie protested. OII, you can think of something, , e aid. No, I can't, she replied, t can't think of anything I want very leech. But we unien'i spoil the fen that way., he exclaimed 1'li wish for you, Will you, really ? she asked., \Vhy, yes, if you can't — Well, them, there's no nye fooling with the old wishbone, she interuptod, with a glad stoile. You can hive in,, tree across the street. The pair on the barrel were billing and cooing, but as I entered the depot the man follow- ed to any: Reckon yo' ant sorter surprised ober de change, ell ? Rattler. You were courting the dau;.,hter'two hours ago. Dat's a fact. And you said it was love at first sight. Exactly. Well, why did you drop her for the other? Day ata mudder and darter, sag. Well? Wall, 1 dun found out da, de mudder owns de mewl, sag. TTS PI L lS' Purees' the h1ood,i, eerrect all disorders of the LINER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS ANU E011';,i;9 d invaluable In ell oo:aplaints incidental to female, Of .011 ages. 1111-1 Is the only reliable remedy for bad loos, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHI, IS St.N TIIItOATS, Cottons, (',OLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLAT)ULAIt SWELLINGS Ni)AAL1'. t3SION DISE'ASE'S IT 'IAS $Q EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 633, Uxfoict Street, Loudon..; and sold by an Medicine Vendors throughout the world. ra Purbasors should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address not 5311 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious. .14Yonthy prizes for Boys and e1r1s. The •'Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, otter the fol lowing prizes every mouth till further notice, to boys and girls under 16, residing it] the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of -Sum light" wrappers ist,810; 2nd, 56; 3rd,$3; 4th,1 51; 6th to 14th, a Handsome Book; and a pretty picture to those who send not less than 1.2 wrappers. i Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Otlice, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later than 20th of each month, and marked "Competition"; also give full uan,e, ad-' dross, age, and number of wrappers. tt inners' • names will be published in rhe Toronto 1N0 noire, Saturday in each month, Love is materia! pantheism. Occasional defeat has a tool,; etre.,:t A man will ret fat quicker on paid - for board. A bath is oftentimes a great moral - 'leer. The Head Surgeon. 0f the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto. (Jumada, and may be cousulted either in person or by letter on all .chronic diseases peculiar to man, D1eu, •youa)'g,old. or middle-aged, who fled themselvo a)erv- ous, weak and exhausted. who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental deprossiou, premature old age,lotai of vital ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, disnnoss of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidney;,. laea:h tuch:c, ,pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks tto, fora the eyes, twitching of the wu.,cJes,eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness. deposits of the urine, loss of will powe-, tenderness of the scalp and spice, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested by sleep,. constipation, dullness of hearing, Moss of voice, desire for solitude,exei titbitsty of temper. sunken oyes surrounded with LEAOSS Iact,E, oily looking skits, etc, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and (loath unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on til diseases peculiar t , Soaks ,eat free 4e-alt . t Heart disease, the symptoms of which e er' faint spells, purple lips, nuinbuess,palltttt.. tion. skits beats, hot flushes, fnslt of blood to the bears, dull pain in the heart with beats strong. rapid and irret?alar, the second heart beat quicker than the find ,p1110 about the breast boue, etc, can positively be cured, No oure, no pay. Send for book, Addrr;ss M. V LUI3ON, lfacrim)- ell Ave. Toronto, Canada. HOLLOWAY"3 OINTMENT AND PILLS. -- For the cure of burns, scalds, wounds and ulcers, thisjustly celebrated 'Oint- ment stands unrivalled. Its balsamic virtues, itnniediately on application, lull the paler and smat'tin;, tiroteet the exposed nerves from the air, wive to the -vessels the vigor necessary to heat the sore, and confer on the blood it purity which perMita it only to lay down healthy in.sk iu plane of diet de- stroyed, HQlloWay's Pills, sin:mitat'. musty taken, roust assist the Ohlt meat's purifying and soothing power. Together these ulediuiuos net like a eliartu ; no invalid, after a fair trial, has found theta fail to relieve his pain, or completely cure his disease. The'; combined action of the Ointment and ?ilea, in all disorders, is too irresistible to be withstood, Regu 'etas the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secretion s,Purifiesthe 'Blood and removes all im- purities from a Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. -`• CURE—S•.:'- DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CON STI1'A`tION, HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOURST*MACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES BITTERS REGULATE THE STOMI.ACI-I, LIVER Pao BOWELS, - AND - PURIE'Y' THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad ' Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ripens Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of xg cents. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., zo Spruce Street, - - New York City. , TRY IT ONCE, and he convinced that AIa ea 14" L1 I.L .ROYAL MAIL STtAytSI111'B. REDUCTION IN RATES.. Steamers sail re marls .frim PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVEl=- A Iota, _ POOL via Londonderry. i fl i DURING TIM WINTER MONTI'S. 2iV i Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 526.. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried. Is the. finest Ws. ! Finish known. sTA.'a'F1 • LI•p�•r•�+ ALLAN 1.INE LINE. STEAMSHIPS. INEW YUl-K Sc: GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 540 and upwards. Second Cabin, 525. Steera;re rat low rates. RU BBER P Appl}' to H. S. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or IHENRY DAVIS. WINGIHAM. SERVICE OF i= tlie'b'st in the work. J• A. CLINE & CO, STONE CLOCK, • Wi li soh a ill, Sole r1gP11ts for ab the Wil,T YOU CAN GET A. AT L. HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE, lnaN WINGHAM. dSEPIl COWAN, CLERK DTXI Div. COURT, Co. HIIItOE, AUCTIONE17R, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES COMMISSIONER IN H. C. J., ETO. Wnoxa ria. ONT. BANK OF HMZLTON WINGHAM. Capital, $,1,250,000. Rest, $650,000. President—JOHN STOAa•r. Vico-President—A. G. Rtaser, Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, &e. Prescriptions carefully com- pounded at all hours. Our stock of medicines is com- plete, warranted genuine and of the best quality. Morey to Loan n ort Notes, Notes Discounted A`? REA;SoI Antit. larittS Motley tadraaeed ori ;Itortgarres�at 13 per runt with privilege of prying at the end of any year. NOW ;Ad a000ultbs C.11eated. ROST* IVtatltllt/0 i, M�•f 1't>rtlt. INflothrign, O1,ta DIRECTORS Paecroa, CIIAs, GnarrtY, 000 ltoActr, A. Wool), A. 13. Lau (Toronto). Cashier—J. TUR. -B LL � U Savings Bank--irouts,1010 3 ; Saturdays, to 1. Deposita of 81 and upwards received and interest . allowed. Special bepoiits also received at Current rates of interest. Drafts on Great lir)tain and the United States bought and sold 13. WILLSON, AOLNT- 1I1:'X'L111 & DICIfINSON, Solicitors. ZETLAND Si;.W MILL GEORGE THO SO , Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty WOOD delivered 'to" may part tit Wtngliamf. sit Ordereb+y'rsailpromptly 'demand a). OtObet TOOMpa )11. •mi_ P.O