HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-14, Page 2taut Mr Devon. was an old acegaint- ( had its correspending to uenee over
I even.
went on until the day of %. 411 CS unci, of yours, and 1 thnught yore I Stanley .la
!d b 1 Pd to Wive
FRIDAY, , OOTOBBR 14. 169%
Once it was the bleseiug,
Now it is the Lord.
Once it was the feeling,
Now it is His word.
Once BilegiftsI wanted.
Now Himself alone.
Once I sought for healing,
Now the Healer own,
Once'twas p�i,.nful trying,
Now 'tie pettfeot trust.
Now the uttermost.
Once 'twee ceaseless holding,
Now He holds one fast.
Once'twae constant drtieing,
Now my an4hor's cast.
Otioe'twas busy planning,
Now 'tis trusttul prayer.
Once 'twas anxious oaring,
Now He has the care.
what WJesus says. •
Once 'twas constant asking,
Now 'tis ceaseless praise.
Once it was my working,
His it hen a shall be.
y Once I tried o use Him,
Now He u s me.
Once the poif Rr wantete,
Now the Mighty
Once I worked for glory,.
Now His v 11 alone.
Once 1 hope in Jesus,
Now 1 knot* He's mine.
Once my lambs were dying,in
Now they b rghtly
Once for death I waited,
Now His coming bail.
And my hope§ are anchored
biro come ( So thing we
won e. 1, ens
too, 1 told him 1 would ask you, and tie fete forswhich they
had been
write, and let bun know. pining
As ;r;and spoke, she was surprised ; nook and corner of the previous than.
to see a brilliant tush suffuse her siert rippled out girlish laughter' Ming•
friend's fence, lot hi, an instentRieite' lest, filledd hdeepeir'tones s ,N for the house
ho had readily
had controlled herself, and replied ; was
certainly, 1 remember Mr assembled at Rienti s invitation, well
1)evott well, and 1 should be pleased knowing her powers of entertaining.
to have him come with Mr Greshatu Among lady the
heined toes wast her young
The more the merrier, its the old rid particularly towards Otn'l Gresham's
lige i a She htuulsncne friend.
l But Maud was not deceived,
sae with ber quick women's wit that She was lively, and a belle, and
there had been more than a mere deo. Stanley nothing loth, suffered himself
gneh+t�tnoe between Riene and Stanley to be monopolized..
(De.cut. But she wisely kept her sur- declared fete was a n00.de -sonoa everyone
ririaes to herself,
So the letter was written, inviting ily the day's pleasure to sleep, sought
\lr Devon to Har'ringtnu, and the Riene in her room, she'found the mis•
ifollowing week brought the two gentle-
As Stanley De�nu. entered the draw.
ing-room with hisfrtend.tobepretended
'to the lady at Ilarrinetou, he was not
prepa.t•ed for the surprise which owait,
ed him. . '
There stood Riene, her sweeping
silken robe giving an "tie of new dig -
to her petite ti,aure ; but with the
same beautiful fach as of old, with its
; delicate, foreign feietures, and laugh-
ing Irish -blue eyes',
Graciously ho•ding tout a small hand
Safe withinpthe veil. il
she came forward, rind greeted
---- ' d t Staple
L IjaIClili'PT. lory in Mies Harrll {gton, 1 see she
Up they li the great oak- said
en •door wine t
rolled the Harrington carriage. In a lurked around the c
moment its occupant had alighted, and mouth, as sh
in another she was clasped in the arms and added
of a young and bertuttful girl• !you were ftd'►
• So you have conte at last Maud ? So yoti'never h
Tam so glad 1 1 have euduced this' ringtou, after rnakit g
solttaey grandeur long el,ougl', and ' of her poor'cotnpantoli fat um , long
feel as If I needed eaome ore to enliven years, suddenlydied, hat site took the in her il
1 on the condition'
me up.Be, I Harrington, left all her worldly
G veshatt+, shun riled
You do not reeogtize Riene Ma
ro: d road, to ;e ltd a tinysmile
1 stoeirl hospitably open, ( Stanley Hushe(1, alrner, of Rie'�e's
his confession,
is no wonder, its
It was plainly evident to Maud, as
the .days went ley, that if Riene still
Tinted her revenge she hod to take
it,; R4 it was easy seen that Stanley
Devon was desperately in love with
his tieautifal hostess. Inoue herself
could not help but read the deep ad-
utiratiou with which his eyes followed
her every motion; but she had been
deceived once, and she did not now be-
lieve in the sincerity of the man she had
once deemed everytbin noble, '
At length, the da;, _ evious to the
one in which Mr Gres tarn and his
friend were to take their departure
What shall we do tit a last morning
gayly inquired Riene,
Stanley Devon looked, tp quickly.
Let UR have a lunoheo ` party in the
h park beneath the gr t elm,
The Directors of the pines M
Fire Insurance Company met in the
town hall, Teeswater, on Sept '44th.
Members all present, president in the
chttir. The•tuinutesof previous Meet- A,
ing hamlet; been read and adopted,
Messrs MoKague an 1 Reid moved that
all applications+ for insurance be now
laid on the table fur exeminatioa—
Carried. McKague_Reid--That hav-
ing carefully examined 16 applications
and found them satisfactory the pretli-
dent and Secretory are hereby instruc*
ted to prepare and issue policies for
same—Carried. Claims having been
brought iu by Messrs James Reid and.
R McDonald for damage done by
lightning. the Directors made inquiry
and the parties having made affidavit
as to the .correctness of their claims,
Messrs Reid and Little • mo.ved that
the eine Janes Reid be paid $76 as uomponsae
tress of the house in tears. said, o tion for one horse killed by lightning
Menet e bat is the matter 4 Oen I 1f he expected to Fee Riene change
do' anything fur you 9 ; color or look ernbarras d, she was as c mid that ]aa tilcDfor onalde be, haled by
Rene still sobbed ou, appointed for, with a merry, That; s com iio-••tarnied. Ie cal killed by
Then, as
will be just the thing 1 the seized upon
Maud drew her into ht4: arena.--,Tl►ut policy �Io 7.80J he info can -
me what erl:Ad end that the Secretory notify
My darling friend, !ellthe 4,11.3, at untie.
troul,les.you 2 Oan yeti out trust me? Whett their rustic repast was ended, olio hullers to that effect—Carried.
1 bus appealed to, Retie, with her Carl Gresham sauntered over the great policy
face hidden from herjiends, ansioua 'eltn tree," beneath whose spreading Little—Kirkland—hat the teasner
P ed her hearbreaches their improvised table • had withdraw from the funds ofheCom-
:,yes up rI patty hi the Hama nBattle
I have trie ' to be gay, and to been Lid, with this inquiry
• isn't this treehol• haat, the sum of eighty dollars—
Wing -
°Oh, Maud 1 she s id, I am so un
? I think T re ember Si.,, story
g who once ods a
when Aiken
oncealed himself . here
After -
wordsthe pursuit•
words he succeeded ii4
escape frc,ny the country-\ But what le
Carried. Armstrong — Alcliaguee -
hide ray feelings ; btt.1 cannot do it low soused of Tltttt` this board do now adjourn to
any looser. E of a knight were sent meet again on the last Saturday of
Riene, softly interrupted Maud, is t1enaun, and
it anything about Mr Devon' to arrest him, c October in Teeswater town hall, at
Then, at last, as Riene spoke, Maud was over. Aft 2 o'clock p in—Curried.
has Ansae. Ax*1 so.I, Secretary.
understood all amp seemed mysterious
to her.
It all happened five yenrs ago, sai�
Riene, when I wi's .here as Lady Har-
e liottce rine;ton'e comp Ir,+inti, just after your you think theydo ?• Cuuut th,o• num-
—Well, i father had tel;:enlyou abroad, and we.ops which he had drawn faith from' t of i,ottlesthat've. ren returned
when it f t e first time. You ,the hollow he the roe
this? -
As lie spoke, he held u.p to their
view a yellow weather stained envel-
True people at the World's Dispen-
sary of L,rti�'nlo,l`l Y, have a stocky
taking, time once a year au,l what do
happened. were parted for n and wnruen• who saythat.
1 verily believe Sir 'Knight must. Dr; Pierce"s Favorite • reseri,ption
Lady Iia,, kno,, 1 was a pie "r child—Duly six_ have bis las letter from his d'icFa%do what they said it would• da.
y martyr teen --and after y su had, gone, and 1 ', ; And bony rn.+r:v d . o u thiols the
was l. -ft with no ne to turn for corn- lady love in his hast . It's• a lady have to count. ( int t A'otharta.'
Wrrtirrg. Hallo !' it'�beloay;s to you jiitrl3 yntndir¢r.L !:
tort when Lady 1 arr,n�ton's iniitat�il-your hatters .7772' ity became too in bearable, it seemed Devon, How did one, of Fliers are, ttvo• i+emedte --Due Ghe
sl'tnu!du't keep youger waited to live get here.? ; "Golden . Dr�ouve* 1 „" fur regulatixt
tows if i Iii 1ii,.
elle bete; you must o tired, i name airing a or
Just at that time a young artist came pheit Devon took it 'and: lookaty at i and theigotati; t!]e�Othu liver, the hope£ -
•i7ome this way to your toots ; and goods to that same poor tine superscription.; thea, v
had into the neighbor000d. He was intro- Ing weekly w Mood
; the
they've been sold
winding her arm lovingly around her ; tnswhose kindnesslonelyther,
dosed to Lady Darrington, ani she glance towards Riene, he opened it.' fee years, sold by the million b eu sold,
friends waist, the young ma of to her sold under a pnsitzus•tyiiarantee;:and not
Beene explain drat- allowed him the Iprivilege of sketching Riene well knew olefins hand had ;
the terse led her o to the dainty 1 Thus duly did. penned the lines Ile was reading ; and 10110 in five hundred ua site:. 'xIt was
tete, and tken with e, tact unusual in in •the punt whenever he chose. We nu she stood, Usingng and 'paling by not for tnaciiciue• for !Ile 1" grid- is
chamber allotted to her use. (nged thrilled her not t any medicine.
why \yen should be After she hoof rein:oved her wraps, vile .so young, she were chat iu the anim society, 'lcvh le T moh `ed Maude`rL soon tnut►s, and a great joy the one 7 And -••snppneiiu:t you are,,
1 1 her air, Maud Oros- jest. Soon all g S w to think llirin everything leo heart. Her lover' had been worth,
acid sn o Aired 1P , v' what do you lose•?' .lbsu$,tcteie at/thirty t'
`h -stook into an a sy chair, whicly atedly together, and before long State.
¢�� no4,le. � after all ! $e had never received the >�
stretched on; its gel e.t arms R• i ley her fniieridF currostty Bitter rt whiten Lady eekin
forget- Maud watched e Y fele~, he had only been g d
V, and drew a long tweet:, • 1Y �
left maks her out, She j noticed bis atte:lttc>'ns to fur, an stern
invitin g•' Devon forgot his . i aril Hrnrtington lettoi and while. she hadthought ou; t tj4ald(tng is said to hE, ue oast exere
oboe for brain workers, dui it is worthy
Yes, Maud, isn't, it wonderful ? She couldfulness, of. a that brain workers suis, seldom .
exclaimed Itieue. �iou se( T know frit sure that the ir+ hour? Worn once 1 ly forbade fine tutther intercourse,, ia..ley read through to short nate„' afford to do anythi €t else,
Ir lieu w•
ait ti
ace of
Whitt our thou„his art • ft's just something 'e eatnd r De.Vera; but the r j ling
d, must ee that (cerise think of1 1417 own hint, as s itundsome
Y 1 nd lvlr Dt , g with me,for being h
st t'5ti0 family,. he
ice his people by wed-
1oath him in station.
of kindness. 1 see it
did not then. My
• t,le 7 bloc eves, which grown to,
lie inberrited front tier Irish fattier : others, Riene played her part well ; I lot. a (for that i i' lead be)
'sj when alone in her. room at ttiallt the ' sea hie iefiuence ;against her command
aioty you. return , and find her Mies I it„tl� irguaded i�ra• to write to trim.
Mallory Ilarriugtou, heiress of I mask was dropped: Wend, she I Ol,ve'eisi after Owe weeks had Reseed,
diene . c i Letu►ling her chin on her , y
t fine old place, looked thouglrtfully‘tt the•fwaµ:reflect- I at4 we bad not lit~taceseen each other,
Binge oaughed as She spoke, and
• ,r to Tier friend, she�drew back 1 ed beak sober in the. h�niat�ilured, T bottle
p�oat officet�tf� n Ch we had made
i o_ 1_ •--rind an offer of mar-
her head and pressed�a kiss upon her Riene Harrington.
lips, i t { ish e and telhr� the that be y
But you shall see may darling Maud, w first birthday,
that all this niagicat change has made
no difference in your iene.
I have found that t already, ahs-
oared IvIaud, as she returned the car-
Then Riene seated erself is entitle.
' er easy -chair, ,and thg too friends
chatted over all thatlhad ..lappened
since they lied hist sen each
dated five years back ;
;;lash• light irradiating
face, regardless of the l�
held out his arLns„andicrivd
R,ietie ! I see it all.. We both have
beet) victims of a cruel mi,li�bauce 1
He eagerly advanced as he spoke;,)
and comprehending the situation,.
Maud drew her wondering brother!,
aveny .with her, and the: lovers were•l,
left alone.
All soon was. explaineel ; and the old•
elms which hasoaused sot much rniscliieE
but which had novo made amends,.
Wave:l tt beaignetiE blessing over tlae•'
like a story 1 -A year ago you loft tween teens a
Riene Diatlory i.e poor companion ,1 manner towards each other now puz- 1 he was only fit t
with only two things to meko her of ! zled her. Riene nevd er and lowas oked 1 the
woh it of an
any itnportauce — namely, a good • charming , she
well; while 'Ur Devon looked fretted • ding; with one be
and ill at ease. She did it ou
All day, while in the lt'resence of I now, although
French accent, whichshe came honest-
bythrough her foreign mother, a
a pair of pass,i
Before a =IA- Iva begun ro thiuk a.
okers-on, he ( wv*tnatt hag heguu to talk.
am ashamed of you 1 li tame ht that win assns., c hail 'est boo young heads, bent so lovingly
weakness bad vanisbod, dui yet a a iia tg , a tid leneath its.broad sloe ows.
word, a look, it all retuens. 1 wished passed his toe y-
that the time might, entre when 1 \ therefore was is own master. He ,1
trot a gnsat wh' crafter, there was j
130 ra Devon repent hes Me tied me nota o peep him ittsuspense Iljso. wedding at Har ilrgton HaiU;; aril1
might maketed him to reply Oarl@aticll Maud IPresbatn .hold the Itis, Lspmon buyi>lglotsofrrubbishy
j r �root1ilsriuln 'soap.£ar little money.
fold come for my'dna.- pleasure of otfiicab tLti er b Poor sous are the "bun hole” through
e ber friend Them p g g
R►di�Cjt ATq• AT
s'ONG OZi?j
VT.” Illinkinumik,
allial -ATM 110Pfl
1W f
falseness. It has! eerie; and how'
do 1 hesitate to avt}il myself of it ?0
The girl raised a di paced the fioott' wrr in the neer nig.
restlessly. Oh, Mende„I'was but young, and I
V1thy g Because love him atiJlll, t believed a. tiny so hi the old elm tree,
earnestly that— I
But be must net know it. No't
Satnley shalt leaANl„ if it. be in %Ay and In it 1 answered, Yea. That, wee
er to teach hi that a poor girl's
is not to ne evern, lightly
t broken,
lout if I truly 1
once, and he
and liricbasnlatd, va
more raidient than
satin and pearls,, ave her. heart and
hand into Stanl'iry
which time and labor ate wasted, and by
ever iu her bridal (which the clothes and pian& are ruined,
evon's keeping. I
or dinner, A y l,s Worse a it weaker,
until the first bull r S sit pea tin, h the last 1 fryer 'matelot my false lover
vrtrti,al ..i ffered for three days j
moteflitted dr off her don sone ' ` ' y 1 fitly Jtelin The following;'weeds Y
intents to dress, leaving Maud alone to twashed, and aliyAda h k
,After dinner, as they 'Virild Sti awberrv, ud after T ha rt
ed with their crewels, Maud, leek- Riene'$ eyes did not close tintil late that ie�dvbeen
t-lanrri►�1� wiling his idle tt fi t dose I fou ma eel relief wind it
�� which, she Wall shad.
kind learned
that very severely iron, uinmer complaint and
getting worse
n, without he had gone to Euro}te. He teff no i a wcnir�get
eu>t 1 the leant was tingost un -
the same' I retribution follow. word for me ; end too late I realized `' be and i baceime vary weak. Some
t1 sat busily en•s right, Ile irienels advised yr 1"ovrler's Bxtd token
up from a rose
Ing, With t Riene broke o dun epi ,
Wane, 1 forgone till this morning, passed when iji a bewitching toilet, Wit tent, Wilfred, out.
something 1. vent to atilt yotf,. When she Made her (appearance • next thorn. it is ire years ago, Maud, and I j
s command to frig. During tine week that followed 1 thought drat my lave wale dead, .arid 1 Aii etioneor bail recently devi9 cl art
ve oar iniperrati+rt. Sever to only a desire rat' r0venge left iii+ plugs i
electrical machine by which weeds anti
but I was mistaken, gvery tone of obnoxious grasses may be destroyed,
his rrafue thrifts a just leen of old plttri re ,>t
It ftatio% tg S ! %:S `, r ' ' l; . fry i e1 ri
that night,; biting do one would hive had only gee ►e ra
. Wend
abbe +'did not fag to cure e. Ido uo medicine if T
guessed of the Sleepless flours she had hours with a flirtation, help.
to be without thi valuable Hied
It off with :a
brother Oarl, that he stitiutd spend a lltlene was at inexplicable a fon w
**Watt weeks at Harrington,. he said that] Mena. 1ndV erent at times,
he delighted +be some, but, WW1* she Welt 1a chewing las It was ill
ox . rl
r *alritt Ott
teXriee'breeee Leo oo j%
the AveritsaPdb0
of *ante arid Rubio1.,
by its lasting pros
ties, its wonderful
defaming powers and
perfect purity, It HaveTime a kee,he +.
*nd brings Conitoot SSG 8atiiafaotiori to
*11 who use it.
e r r (1 4 r 5 r
re Is wa"u,itec tw "tv� lJll iii ht' I T
0 6 t .r`lg e r a