HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-12-07, Page 16HE HURON EXPOSITOR, $gAfORTIrf ONT., DEC, 7, 1972 Nti the process of purchasing the hydro electric distribution sys- tem from 260303110411ms Limit- ed of Kitchener ( the company which owns Vanastra ). Court of Revision was held on the Forrest-Thompson Drain (a Hay Township Draiu) which af- fects only three ratepayers in Tuckersmith. No appeals were heard. The council will apply for the Provincial Winter Works Grant of $2,325, Tuckersmith's share, -ranted to stimulate winter jobs. tte allotment is based on wel- fare case loads In each munici- pality. Council expects to use the money for dead elm removal, cleaning up brush on township roadsides, painting, etc. Council recommended for ap- proval a request from Maynard Corrie of R.R.5, Clinton, for land severence of twelve and one-third acres of his property located on No. 4 Highway south of Clinton. The land severed is along both sides of the Bay- field River and has been sold to the Ausable-Bayfield Conser- vation Authority by Mr. Corrie. The township approved a re- commendation of the Huron County Municipal officers that taxes be paid to theHuronCounty Board of Education twice yearly- June 30 and December 15. A letter from the Ministry of the Environment gives pre- liminary approval to the Bruce- field Water system providing it can deliver seventy ga:lons of water a minute. A request from the Mayor of the City of Windsor for a dona- tion for the Essex County Re- lief fund for people whose pro- perty was destroyed or dam- aged by high waters from re- cent storms, was tabled. Coun- cil members said that many of the properties were summer homes. Passed for payment were ac- counts totalling $254,937.73 and included the following: 1972 tax levy, payments of $231,046.02: general government $7,069.93; election expenses, $427.36; tile drainage, $2,200; dump charges for 1972 $800; fire protection costs, $883; municipal water, $40; street lights . $2,420.90; drains $200; grants and deben- ture costs, $875; and roads, $8.975.5Z._ Record vote in Dublin A record vote- of 98 per cent was polled at Dublin to elect village trustees. Louis Maloney headed the polls with 142 and Matt McCreight and Don Mac- Rae were died with 128. They will serye ltiuring the next two years. Herb Brown polled' 53 and Walter Marriott 24. 25. In Memoriam— In memory of Anne Marie Dev- ereaux who passed away Dec- ember 9th, 1965. Always re- membered - Robert P. Watson. 25-65x1 DEVEREAUX - In loving-memory of a dear daughter and sister, Anne Marie, who passed away December 9, 1965. They say time heals all sorrow, And helps one to forget, But time so far has only proved, How, much we miss you yet. - Lovinglyreniembered and sadly missed by mother, father, sisters and brothers. 25-65x1 27. Births McLACHLAN - To Mr. and Mrs. Glen McLachlan, Vanastra, Ontario at Seaforth Community Hospital on November 30, 1972 a son. 27. Births MURRAY - To Mr. and ivies. Stephen Murray,R.R.#5,Seaforth . Ontario at Sea forth Community Hospital on December 2, 1972, a son Craig Stephen. DICK - To Mr. and Mrs.Reg- inald Dick , Seaforth, Ontario at Seaforth Community Hospital on November 30, 1972 , a son. 11# MATTHEWS - To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Matthews, Seaforth, Ontario at Seaforth Community Hospital on December 2, 1972, adaughter. KIRKHAM - To Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kirkham, Mitchell, Ontario at Seaforth Community Hospital on December 2, 1972, a son. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs . are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. McKillop consider new building, bylaw USE CHRISTMAS SEALS INCENT FARM EQUIPMENTLera Our - 44 AFTER. WE SELL WE SERVICE" AYR GALT-SEAFORTH hom2 527-0120 moto•ski WORLD IS A T VINCENT'S SATURDAY, DEC. 9th from 9am to 5pm 4t See the latest in machine design and ,test drive your your pick. * Have your machine check- ed Free (regardleit of make) parts& service extra. )0" Take advantage of prices on snowmobiles, suits, ac- cessories & used machines. * See the latest. in clothing and accessories on display. • Refresments while you wait. SPECIAL THURSDAY -- 6 to. 9 p.m. 10% off throughout the store FRIDAY — 6 to 9 p.m. Girls' long sleeve nylon knit DRESSES Assorted striped patterns SATURDAY DOLL in a CRADLE or in BATHTUB--Reg. 5.33 .99 TODAY rElag En A MEI Dealer W. WESTER HOF Sizes 4 to 6x 1.,9 Sizes 7-14 2.29 rahorm... I TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN . SHE WANTS TO BELONG Here is a little girl who very much wants a Mummy and Daddy. She asks her Children's Aid Society social worker often and wistfully if adopting parents have been found yet, 'rhe wait is beginning to seem long and anxious. Patsy is a sweet, shy child, eight years old, Indian in descent, Sturdily built, she has brown eyes, black hair and clear olive skin. Her glasses are for astigmatism. She is in opportunity class because her development is below the average for lier''age. But recent psychological tests indicate her ability will improve in a loving, stimulating home with parents to whom she is important. Pleasant, affectionate and outgoing, Patsy is highly ▪ strung in stressful situations but always responsive _to love and encouragement. patsy goes to church regularly with her foster family and looks forward to Sunday School. She likes playing outdoors and thinks camping is great fun. • Patsy needs a mother and father in a home where the atmosphere is warm and secure. To inquirW about adopting Patsy, please write to Today's Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto For general-adoption in- formation, please contact your local Children's Aid Society. N o W IS THE TIME TO BUY (Continued from Page 1) but pointed out that last year's. higher figure was due to the permit for $123,000 for the neW Brucefield United Church. Council accepted- a petition from Ross Forrest, Bert Thorp; pson and James McGregor, all, of R.11,2, Kippen; Ken McLean, Hensall; and Lambert Brander- horst and Glenn Bell both of R.R.1, Hensall, for repair work on the Buchanan Drain. The petition Will be forwarded to the 'Ausable-Bayfield Conser- vation Authority for approval and then the engineer will be asked to stibinit a report on the work necessary to repair it. Mel Graham of Brucefield, secretary-treasurer of the Tuck- ersmith Municipal Telephone System, attended the meeting asking that council appoint Reeve Elmer Hayter of Stanley Town- ship and Reeve Elgin Thompson as commissioners of the Tele- phone System to fill the posi- tions temporarily during the ill- ness of elected commissioners Arthur Nicholson of R.R.2,Sea- forth, and Harvey Coleman of R. R. 1, Zurich, who are both in hospital. This will enable the telephone company to carry on its regular business. Another commissioner, A. W. Shirray of R,R.2, Hensall, died recently. Walter Palmer of Clinton, manager of the dntario Hydro plant for the area, attended the requesting council to pass a resolution accepting the present location of the Hydro Plant, located at Vanastra, and that 'any future extensions or minor locations will be referred to the township council for ap- proval. Ontario Hydro is in IVICAVVVVVVVVAZ Say 'Merry Christmas' 'k with FLOWERS from MacLEAN'S FLOWERS Potted 'Poinsettias, Cyclamen, Mums, Christmas Pans Azaleas, Green Plants, Terreriams, Home Arrangements, Corsages, Real miniature Christmas Trees. ORDER YOUR ' NEW YEAR'S EVE CORSAGES EARLY Orchids, Gardinlas, Roses, Carnations in assorted colors.,% k For your Shopping Convert-. i Nance we are remaining,Oppro SATURDAY, DEC, 23 'til 9 11 p.m. SUNDAY, ogc.24, from , l to 5 p.m. , i IraratilaabsViitailikaa FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS, Every week more and more _ CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, people discover what mighty jobs ASTHMA AND EMPHYSEMA are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. FUNK'S SEED CORN How susceptible are your present Hybrids to Leaf Blight? G4082 — 80 — 82 Days G5150 — 85 — Dais GOOD YIELD and STANDABILITY These Hybrids are from Detasseled Parents (1007, Normal Tagged) and have shown a high degree of resistance to leaf blight.. FREE Spring Delivery on Early Orders. SPECIAL VOLUME DISCOUNTS MILTON J. DIETZ LIMITED Purina Chows — Sanitation Products. Seed Corn Layer Cages — Ventilation (Wholesale and Retail). OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED 4 N n 0 „4 $77.00 $83.50 $77.00 . 6-24-24 8-32-16 16-16-16 BAGGED Must be ordered and delivered by DECEMBER 15. — TERMS CASH — Vanasitio.:dois are 4 MIN Thinking about your Xmas cake? Since Christmas is but a few . weeks away, select your favourite fruit cake recipe , and plan on baking your Christmas cake now or early in November to havp it rich and flavorful for Christ- mas time. Keep these pointers in mind, suggest food special- ists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. You'll be delighted with the re- sults. Whatever type of cake you plan to make, study the recipe carefully. It is generally not advisable to double the recipe, as this may prevent proper blending. • You may substitute fruit ingredients,' but always be sure that the total weight of fruit is the same as called for in the recipe. Small dried and glace fruits are usually left whole. Larger fruit and nuts such as candied cherries, pineapple and walnuts should be chopped to allow for even distribution of fruit and to ease the cutting of the finished cake. Candied and dried fruits are easily cut with sicissors dipped in hot water or flour. Use corrugated cardboard, cut to fit the bottom and sides of pans. Cover with two layers of" ungreased aluminum foil, or one layer of greased brown paper. Fill cake pans no more than two-thirds full, press batter well into corners. Baked cakes, once removed from the oven, should be allow- ad to stand in pans to cool and “set". When cool, peel off the paper linings, rewrap carefully , and store in a metal container with a tight-fitting lid. Cakes are best when matured Generally, a cake i s at its best served the day it's made - -fruitcakes are the exception, say food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Ag- riculture and Food. Fruitcakes are at their best if allowed to mature for 4 to 6 weeks. This improves both the flavor and texture of the cake. After removing baked fruit- cakes from the oven, let them cool thoroughly in their baking pans.' Glazing and decorating with fruit and nuts should be done while the cake is still hot, in the baking tin. This allows the glaze to set while the cake cools. If. using almond paste, it may be topped with an orn- amental frosting, and should be added about one week before the cake is to be cut. To keep fruitcake fresh and moist, wrap in cheesecloth that has 'been soaked in 1/3 cup- of brandy or fruit juice. Oyer- wrap securely in foil, place in air-tight, metal container, and store in a cool, dry place. If you like, sprinkle cake very lightly with brandy or fruit juice once a week. After a mellow- ing period of 4 to 6 weeks, fruitcake stores well in refrig- erator or freezer. When freez- ing your fruitcake, use freezer tape to seal the edges of the foil wrapping. McKillop Township in the new year will consider passing a building by-law for the township. Clerk-treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth McClure, is to get more in- formation concerning require- ments and prepare a report for the next meeting of council. Passed for payment were gen- eral accounts totalling $56,686.93 Included in this amount is the balance of the 1972 levy to the Huron County Board of Educa- tion of $40,117 and to the Huron- Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board of $.10,710. Also passed for payment were road accounts of $2,570.38. Phone 527-1910 Seaforth a •