HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-14, Page 1tfr ' VOL.X.X.T NO 41, WING -RAIL ONT„ FRIDAY 00TO.BBR, 14, 1892, 40. If you haven't got, to Wearing heavy underwear yet it's time you had, there's comfort in it,,and safety, you don't want to 'begin the winter with a cold, An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of oure, Our stock of underwear is com- plete in every line. We can give you goods that WO will guarantee not to shrink, there's a great deal in that isn't • there, You'll appreciate it too afteryou have worn them. The past two weeks have witnes great selling hi Dress Goods. We 1 ave got the (Mods that please every time ad every ono goes away perfectly satisfied. You Men are thinking about a new suit or au overcoat maybe, don't think about it too long but come along and leave your inoasure, this stock is -as usual full of the best lines. •Our Grocery stiles aro hicreasing day by day. Reason why, everything fresh and just as represented. That 4,5 cont tea meeting with the same »praise as ever, 2 /bs for one dollar.. Shop early and secure prompt delivery. This otore closes at oven. P" OI -LR & HISCOCKS; Direct Importers. The Beau, Oct. lath, 1892. LOCAL NEWS -Why is ti Trams like o, good wife? Answer -Ey -y man should have one. -Cash fot good butter and egg -i at R. Graham's Market grocery. . -The Edor a the TDXI1B retur tliiinks to Mr'ho s Lind, for a bag of .fine •0:04g app s. P erbeFo Daily Exaniner appear - 'ed in A. no :dress on Friday last and ,'....':10elte.:noo in it, 1' "e -For wedapiet rings and presents go to al - Mrs-111e0atic is i InproVi no, the appear euro of„her prop rty cu Josephine street by a fresh coat o paint. -The llev W W Leech, of Londesborci, occupied the trlpit ill the Methodist Orwell on Sun ay last, morning and. even- 'ing -The Tmx1J will be sent to any address from now til the end of the year for 2 cents. -Mr R Hodgson,1,13 moved his residence - josephine stredt„to r Son's store. undertakerlitts, re- tire nort1(nd of stns owir j,)'Homuth '!• . • -A new time tab] cairfe' into effect on • the G1 It. the lsk o ie month, Notice the changes 'ih - the t .e • table in another ' column. \ . -The 'Treasurer; lohribickson,' is now receiving,taxes, at one per cant discount during the mouth of Oltober. - • 11 W 0 Me er, of this place, re- ttirned home last week front his trip to japate Manitoba, etc. He looks pretty wel after his Serio s illness.• •-The brick w k of the new English hnroh is !mating. orepletion. The car- penters are 'buy- getting ready to put on the roof, vvileii -113 building will be dosed / tl in nd eainterior work, eommenced. -The fti e80 h beep removed from / rout tbe Coma: etticsual.church a new Walk erected and t e trees ttimrned, which adds, smarty to t e appearance, of the thumb, Picture fames f 21'ict8 and up, it speci- al in framing oil iiIntina,crs and wreathe. of mouldings o choose from. Our wtjii line is to ....4.ake frames quick, cheap. 13 ing in your pictures eu come to t wn nd you eau get ',Auk home wi h you. , S, Gnat e's Furniture Store, Vo clip the fol wing from the Brus. .aels3l?osbr Dr Obis o1ni, D /I C 11 of Wingliam, acc mpanied by Messrs. Yates, Wilson and • there, paid an official vi te the Court of be Independent rot- , Biatetiels, las Friday evening, A. ft evening we, enjoyekl. --.A number of far et's, says the Guelph Mercury, throught t 0 • copty are, earn. plitinIng of the rave. s of .tait 4i4L1' rf rabbi), width death) tiVeryehing edible Sea To totinelf this, the fa okapi! Sill clessa , ing Oler 1fE lea t her 1 r cits , PS': 0 gs ei --1n anoth r column the arize list of the Brussel all fur will be fowl& -Big drives in, Violins, Violin Win mouth organs, accordeons at M'unshaWa. -A..eumber rom town took in the Blyth f I ow on ednesday of this week. Moser Cr Stewart, Peter Deans and Paterson f this place, were judges at the Brussel show ou Friday last. -A few aood boarders can find accom- modation t the brick residence next to the Rectory o Centre street. Mits. Covertear. dS__The Rev ellery, of this place, con- ducted the 11 vest home services iu the Methodist eh' ch at Kiutiburn ou Sun. .v last, -The Thune will be sent from now ma' til We first of January 1894 for V.. Sub- scribe at once and secure the balance of 1802 free, -]'on SALE.- A. complete outfit for moving buildings. consisting of jack - We give the pri list in another col. umn of the Howie fall show, held in Peter DAsiut7st,ite7olt:er, has receir • Fordwich, en Octo er lst, ed instructions from WinSanson,to soll dollar "shinplast vs" are in eiraulation. -About 77,000 medipaper quarter ae Tbyarnuberize7A. outeltiolui,i.uartsdloaty,1,0ecownboaels,ei201,;tho: More could be n ed with advantage. 1892, a quautity of farm stook, impleinsnts -Messre M uoturloo, Orr 43: aiscock, etc. i'mle to commence at 2 o'clook eharp- T A Mills, and eo E. King have ohauged Mr Peter Deaue, A uotioueer, lets re. ia: adev'ertisem its in other coltunie: of this ceiveal instructions froin t1r Wm Campbell su to sell by public auetion, at part let 46, -At the 1 regular meeting of Camp Wiwghatn Ton Plot, on Tuesday Ontober, Caledonia, 8 el, two new members were 25th, a quan tity of farm stook, irn plem eu admitted and y the' present appearance etc. Sale to commence at 1.80 o'clock. th will be rand Camp in this towu. -The wave•f cold weather duriug the shit week, h called for an inspection of underelothiu wood -piles and other ad- juncts of the • 11 and winter season. fI; -Now that he fairs are over, we want to hear regular from all our correspond- ents, There ar always items of interert that can be s nt from e,cch place. If pendent iu your locality recommend one t us or aot yourself, -Lost on the oacl between Wingham and Blytb, oii W nesday evening last, a brown satchel, th an umbrella stuck ie the straps. Th finder will be suitab- ly rewarded by lea ing the same at the Br swick House, Vingham. An open mee 'n,g of the Mission nd of the Baptist church will be held in th9 church on riday evening the 21st. /Oomanonojoga t 7.80 p in. A good. pro almme will be provided. All aro con ially olleetion on behalf of Missions. The cholera scar of a few Weeks ago has been airiest esti ely forgotten by the people in the • seas of seiurity -which conies with frost au mu weather. The wink Of "'leaning up lotricl not be neglect- ed, however, for a vis • from the scourge in the pring may unfort ately occur. Great preparations re being made for he grand liallow'en Co cert, to be held in the Town IaI1, on the 1st of October, nu - der the auspices of Ca . Caledonia, S 0 S We understand they a e securing the se vice of some of the best dancers and pipets and other talent that o 1 be had and no doubt the concert will •e a grand success. -The total couviotio s iu the country for the last quarter, numbered only 40. Of the offences 4 wore violations of the License Act, and nea y all the rest wore assault cases or somet ing akin thereto. The total fines imposed including two of $20 each, only anio ted to 698. The morals of the country a e evidently improv ing, as there is nothi g like the magis- trate's cases there use to be in previous ydars. screws, toilers, and uew wire ropes. This there is no oorre is a bargain.. Apply at this office. - A couple of f maces are being placed in the Methodiet church, for heatiug pur- poses, which wit , be far ahead of the stove, which hsjia been used in former yesrs. L The potat rot in this tow u and vioin- ty has play great havoc. According ing to report scarcely half a drop will be realized, Oa low, wet laud the damage is more seriou -G T R trains for Toronto and east leave Wingbam at 6.35 a m and 11.20 a n3. via W G .1: B Division, and at 6.45 a m and 8.50 p m, via: Clinton and Guelph. Go,.d connections by all trains. -On accOunt o the Rev W PI •Watson I eing absent fro town and by tile placing of a new furnacein the church, no services will e held in the Congre- gational church next Sabbath. -Look out for the Y P conven- • Yention to be hel Wingham 'on Wed- nesday Nov and or the County of Huron Endeavors of ran make ready end 1 this be a big d y. Send your names iu early to john itchie Beg, 'Wingitm, Out. -For first:class tailoring and ()heap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remeniber the place, only two doors north of the old mend and between Ross' book- store and Efalst d & Scott's bank. ' -Rev W fl Wjatsori and Andrew Currie, Esq, of .East W wanosh, have gone to at- tend au associa ion in Paris on llth to131h . • inst. Mr Wat on is to preach in Wood - stook ou the 1 th, and will take in the London conve teen of Christian Endeavour on his way boa e. -Hunters '11 have to be careful how they dispose 1 their surplus game. The uew law mak it an offence for anyone to sell or barter quail, snipe, wild turkey, woodcock or artrage for a period of two years. Stor keepers are also prohibited from sellin these birds. • -SATURDAY NIGHT BARGAIN COUNTER. - Those who came to see us last Saturday night understand what our idea of sell- ing cheap means. Don't miss Saturday night at M. H. IVfoInnoo's. -At the regular Ia eating of the W 0 T U, held on Monday fternoou last, the fol. lowing ()faders were lected for the ensuing terra President, t's Helm; Vice Presie dents, Mrs Dr Mucci Mr e W j Chap: man, 'Mrs W Wet n, Mrs S &Miry, Mrs E McQuarrie, M s E W Hughes; Cor- responding Secretary Mrs John Foster ; Recording Secretary, Mrs T H Manuel; Tteasurer, Mrs 11 El 'ott. 4-4/XDDILTARING -To of business I have fo given tny personal at to make any boast or any parties acting as but would just stet whomever called oti. n his particular brealch the" past 17 years ntion. Ido not care display, nor have / gents on my behalf, that I arn prepared t only to furnish all necessaries, but will deliver the, same, (bight or day) atid wil attend personally and promptly to all • tters irreconnection therewith. and at pric feasonable as et any other place i Wingham or else- where, S. Ge OBV4 P etical Undertaker. • -A great bulk of tar era 15 this sectiou ate Mitt° to the feet ib early marketing of grain if) the most )3 &able. tat still there are n few who. pa Mat year after year in holding it ove. On farmer in Wawa• nosh has still on ban several hundred builiel of heat. tas year he was olIer. ed °pirits per bushe , but refused. All ti6 thst laar can teetliZe • 'day on the dame wi teheat IM frOm 00 to 06 eub, When thie 10 fartretke taketighto const oration the shrink. kat ag, interest on money and. iiiffetenee in 14 MIt'kst b4twirtfu figura htva hat IN ars Ar • , t ' Wanted. A number of men to take jobs of nut Out; and drawing wood, and sawing, logs -and clearing land.pply to GRO THOAISON, • Winghatn. Card oq Thank. The following is aoard of thanks from Court Maitland, N0125 00 to the Rev W11 Watsou Bev Mr Watson, • Dean Sin, -The oflicers and members of Court Maitland N 25 0 0 F, desire to ex- press a hearty yo e of thanks for the ma- ner in which you delivered your able ser- mon on Forestry nd also to your Clongre gation for vacitti g their pews iu the ceutre of the church an giving place to the For.. estezs. Signed x behalf of court Wait. lancl No 2:5, 0 0 . T J ilIcLEAN Roc Seoy. WI-10LE NO. 10 visiting friends 1 ton New-Recor and Miss Macao in cl town on 'We Goderich to atte iggle Ross and town this week..01 Mrs (Dr) Maeda aid, of Wingham, we sday on their way d the marriage of M" r Shanno. ▪ Publol °hoot Board. A regular ineetin of the Public. Seim 'Board was held in be Couucil room o Tuesday evening 11 h isut. All the me bers present except Wm Moore, T Bel chairman presiding. The minutes el la meeting read and moptecl. Principal report for the ma/it of Sept was rkeive and ou motion was cloptd. The Inspee tor presented his s mi-ahnual report the standing'of the ohool which road a follows; To Will BOARD Or P GE LW X -I g leave to report the silyinfeAne, ar. I visited your echo 1 ou Sept 6 mid again on.DOecrtie0gainttcly71ast sit, oet 0 and 7. 1 ex..; Whigharri, Oct 10th. amined all the sen or rooms, vie, II, III, IV and V forms in Reading Writieg and Arittunetie, In th se subjects the classifi cation is perfectly atisfaetory, I also saw tnany of the other ubjects taught. Miss Campbell is a very decided acquisi- tion to the staff. iss Inglis is a very good teacher and doing % vy good work. I May add that my exat !nation showed that they are doing good ork. On looking over y ur last annual. report I find that Miss MI Intyre is reneiviug but Many 1. Youn4 to n. 320 per annum. 2 is seems to me to be When from over -w ossibiii ty assist- much to small for ti e qaa Li vity and quality ed by an ii I fails and •r rn foal treatment meet ea school in the coo ty did as wed at the w kness, the health of work that sho is oing. No other grad - be resort.; o, then no mediciue eau be entrance examitiati ll this year as Wing: employed with the same beneficial results ham. The Wingh un pupils pt,a in as Scott's Emuliou, ........._—__ neetest work I ever examined. Zak fact Clubbing :states. was also renev.rked by the -;'.eincipal of The weekly Eltnpire anl premium the the Clinton Ooqcgia 0 Institute, Ur Zeus, Conservativemembers of the House of Re nold's room very full, Com:none, and tbe Tures from tiow till the ti7found Miss ' end of 1898- -$1.75. iu fact, full to o erflowing. She seems The weekly Globe mid TIMES from now _ quite satisfied wit this state of things, the end of 1803 till t $1,75 he end of 189a -81.75. The London Advertiser, weekly and the yard very ueat n. dTtillieerescili8onOl%p'erle7irticsoen.. The out building are quite clean limns from now till .: The London Free Press, a eekly alio Nvve,t)itlielanttilo: ja"Ctoblleell. ate institute look well, TIIIES from uow till end of 1893-61.75. on the rising grouu 1 of this lot? The 11toutreal Weekly Harald and the The rooms were uite comfortable but Truss from now till end of 1898-W..50. pretty drafty, som mes. The Montreal 1Vitness, weekly and Trims The sweeping an dusting. seems to be frorn uow till the end 1893-$1.75. done very caireafnl.ly e ntlernati, Reduced rates with all other metro petition weeklies. This fee, grand o . ppor- tunity. Subecribe et mice and receive the . You obedient servant, D pobb, T. PS. balance of the year free. 0 Clarke, that the be received and 51.. epeour0k,otfhtkrihIsPBeocatrodr Moved by D M. onin, seconded by ,e; express its oast& tion witli ' the ;stung: - Carried. Moved by .13 W 0 "Meyer, seconded by T Ab ham, that the chair- man of the Board and D laf Gordon be empowered to ha a the windows at the school properly fi cl as suggested 13r the Pringipal in bis report -Carried. Au account from Jos 'oad of ep for fixing the steps was ordered •. be paid. Application was received for the pteseht stat:4' teachers for re -en agement for the ''re 1898. Movedh , ti -itt' (.*ertion, secend. by H W 0 14 -.1,114,.W41,411 thc asaistan teachers be:r.446" - the salaries pros vided by a former rs6Tntjou of the Board , -4.1arriecl. Move by Id W Q Meyer, lbraith, that A a Uln- ae Principal at a salary arneedinent by a A • u *a rayolan, MeeGeooby x 4rdele, that the e 1675. Makin carried, McIntyre be paid 44.0 !, rforilitt by bet during' . MoVc4 A'aellraithf rahani; Of* loS 4icawa be ' ter atta7:i:::::10,490. 4, 01,...,_. and repaning, Alla guarantee a11 rices. Pliant Framing dons promptly and wel, B Furniture Alia thutintrioag etablish- ment hi the old furniture store, nearly opposite th.ueen's Hotel, Wingharti, .1 and has a frill nteok of Furniture, 'I hand. Call nd isispect goods nod get Mouldings, and Undertaking mods ron ‹ Ittv Anurn Itoteso iv 11:t.,.-0plit' e'r d his .;, iture e. Ilfavi 7dlongespetisuco attention given ff0 ., undertaking bust- -, ow Undertaking ,antkoggAittire Zetan4 lisiturrent, ' 0. . , , ' t t7f I. T. ti . Ira $ 'tisfaetion. -: -,,,, ,, .._,, 4 a "Ihit , Clinton, Oat 8 1802, um &nom, Taunus -Now for Fall Bus ness. -For Parlor Suites, Bed -room Su tes, Sideboards, Lounges, Chairs, Spring 1 eds, Mattresses and nice pictures to deo rate your homes before you purchase any hiug ie the furni ture line, be sure and ca 1 at 8 Gracey's. And remenaber if bought 1.1 quantities, not oniy can you gat low pri es, but have the goods delivered FREE, and set up in your homes anywhere •within 12 minds of Wingham. This yo 11 find is quite an advantage, as you have n trouble nor 'risk of getting them damage in taking thein home. Remember the lace -first door South of the 13rnswick (gel, S. Gn.ccr, Fu "niture Dealer. -Wiarton Echo : To ides of the ups and demos er's lif, we print the fol • an exact wording of a u our teachets by the pareu had been asked to furnieh absence give you some f &school teach. wing, which is e sent to oue of of A, child who au excuse for "Ms none • our business 11 keep her at horn von timid n ed to know $ wo thiba • your ue • and dund sk rne for a ,ther node 1. know rie Work If you w to kno more come me. Syria) of Figs. Produced from the laxative and nutri. ue j11100 of Californian fi combined Ili the medical virtues o KnOWU ba most benefleial in th Bystem, a gently on the liver end vale, offeateally *leen the sytem, pelflng atlas and IA '10 E. H. DEVER, Undertaker and Erobaltner,titts opened out first class undertakiag parlor, opposite (Thisholna's Drug Store, Wingliam, and is prepared to take charge of anything in that line Una 'may be entrusted to him, having put in a stock equal to anything outside of the city, both in taste aald quality. Prices verymoderate. Firat class hearse in ab tendance. E. H. DEVER. Pero eals. Miss Etta Suther rid, who has been visiting friends an relatives in town for a short time, rotor ed to her home near Lueknow this wee -Mr John Clegg, of Toronto, is spenchn a few clays in town this week..Mrs A Carr, of this place, is visiting her pat nts near LucknoW this week. , Mr Ch Hay, of LuoknoW, eeconcled bit A G iapent Sunday last town..Mrs A. U0-1 grove be re-engag Lean, of this plac •grave this week, .Mi is visiting at Mr Ch piace..Mr Yolitt nei few days in town th' Reid is Visiting h Wi,righam this week z anct anTsFe", af the Se in town a few day Dunn, formerly of th Toronto Juction, sp • t.Sunday in town Mr John Angus, of mcardine, spent Sunday ht town...NI Gifford Elliott, • barrister, formerly o Brussels spent a few days in town t s week.aMrs Davis, of this place, wa visiting friends in Woodstock and Seaf rth last week.. Mr Sohn Farro, son of Postmaster Farrow, Brussels, was wn this week. Brssls Post: W •• Ilia, of Win ham, was in town, last a eh. It was a USA of "Where your trees re is, An" his wife nnd filthy Wag hrd, Missearaohtle and Lee= Bawler. ttf ronbeiltittr• leg Miss *delta • 'AO )ta ..r. as visiting of Bel- a 1700' /1"I'd 1 Reading,Harriston, Morton, seconded :Oefee ratc10.irnmegs:tss,ssiaptettlittitti fie x,.10)tr:i rvneteexoditupt,bathyltsubl); oi py parents in tower . vaCt, btpaIiiposantoliewilebstorttM.yri.a,lorlw%1,rteervlefPLi, • rat eel tteg.rdea rtIrrui u d '1