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The Huron Expositor, 1972-12-07, Page 8
Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Friday, Dec- CABARET DANCE Sponsored by 100F Seaforth Legion Hall SAT., DEC. 9th 9:30 - 1 Adm. $3.00 per couple Refreshments Available Everyone Welcome Advance tickets available A m froirf,,LockieJ•isetnbers,. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The hospital auxilliary mem- tiers will have a pot luck sup- per at their Xmas meeting .on Tuesday, Dec. 12th, at 6:30 p.ea. at St. James Separate School.. Please bring a contribution ,of food - plate knife, fork fed ',esaioan4 for'lybers4f..A1 )ilso same far iny guest you bring. Pineridge Chalet (1 1/2 MILES WEST OF HENSALL) Friday & Saturday, Dec. 8 & 9 music by JOE' OVERHOla Dancing 9 - 1 Special Octoberfest Food RCA ST' SPARERIBS, PIGTAILS, BRAT WORST SAUSAGE AND STEAKBURGERS, SERVED WITH SAUERKRAUT, COLESLAW OR FRENCH FRIES GEORGE BEER 262-2673 To reserve your table, phone:. CHALET DON MOUSSEAU 236-4213 286-4610 , 111111MI The QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH This Week: DAVE TODD Next Week: r DOUG NEARY Highway 8, Seaforth 527.0820 41111111111111111111111•1111•11.111111111=111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111=11111& Today's Answer ©ORE MER OMCM MEM. Emma Tun coo EU EMMWMO H v OMMM MM Iii MED 0W MED MMONMER DOT MOO Uwe WOMEN EMWm OMO] MOB©PR EEO 30. John Wayne movie 31. Grecian theater 36. Vietnamese holiday 37. Metric land measure 2 12 Is IA 21 zb 52 First woman councillor heads polls in Grey taoaaN. ExPOSITOR. SEAFORTN, ONT.. DEC.?. 1972 RESTAURANT and TAVERN Bayfield Road in Goderich - Phone 524-7711 New Year's Eve Dance SUNDAY, December 31st, 1972' Dance to the TWILIGHTS DINNER SERVED 8-9 Twelve mid-night bottle of wine to say hello to 1973, followed by a snack, then on with the dance. -- Please get tickets now -- CANDLELIGHT VARNA /62-5809 Buffet Lunch - Refreshments Available DANCE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th Annual Meeting and Bdnquet of Tuckersmith Federation of Agriculture Friday and Saturday !Nights The Fra'meword THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14th 7 p.m. EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH TICKETS $2.50 - Available from Directors To the Musitof "THE COUNTRY BOYS" - from 9 p.ma . to 1 a.m. HULLY tGULLY ember 1. They were guests of their family, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Wolfe and Warrant Officer and Mrs. Dick Watson for a din- ner at the Safari Dining Lounge in St. Thomas. They received corsages and family ringS from their family. Returning to the home of W. Officer and Mrs. Watson an enjoyable evening was BRODHAGEN `5f spent with friends and relatives playieg cards and singing Carols. Lunch was served with an an- niversary cake, baked and de- corated by Mrs. Watson. The couple received Best Wishes and flowers from/ friends and relatives. Their son Lorne of Abbotsford, H. C. phoned them for the special occassion. Celebration was also held for their granson who recently grad- uated from Grade 13 at St. Tho- mas Collegiate. Flowers were place in St. Peter's Lutheran Church onSun- day in memory of the late Henry Rose who passed away nine years ago, from his wife and family. Mr. Irvin Leonhardt return- ed home from the Seaforth Com- munity Hospital on Thursday. Congratulations go to, Carl Vock, of cur area, who was elected on the Logan Township Council on Monday. Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon • 2 p.m an 5 p.m . to 8 p.m. in the evening. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AT THE ROYAL HOTEL r ELM HAVEN MITCHELL In the Crown Room KIPPEN EAST W.I. The Christmas meeting of Kippen East W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Vern Al- derdice on Wednesday evening. The Roll Call will be my Fav- ourite Christmas recipe wall samples .of same and Mrs. Alex McGregor will give a demon- stration. Mrs. David Triebner will have charge of lunch and Mrs. Al Hoggarth, ice cream. Mr. Ross Chapman, R.R.3, Kippen Is a patient in South Hur- on Hospital, Exeter. Mr. Elgar Mousseau who has been a patient inSeaforth Hospital for the, past five weeks has re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor -and- Ivir. and, Mrs.. -Elmer Hu- gill, Clinton spent the weplcepdi Alsr,o,n,, Coming Next Week: King's Row MOTOR HOTEL This week MILESTONE JJa ',,n,tolle five.I2 A newcOMeXt to Grey Counc il And the first woman to be elec- ted in the township headed the Pella on Monday. Barbara Dunbar' polled 33'7 votes to become the township's first woman councillor. Others elected were Clifford Bray 242 and Donald Martin 317. The two other candidates were Wm. Moses 238 and George Wesen- berg 149. RETURNED IN MORRIS In Morris Twp. the present council was returned. They are Tom Miller, 306, Ross Smith 291, Robert GrasbY 262. The fourth candidate was H. J. Skip- jack with 55. • TRUSTEES ELECTED Trustees Don McDonald and Wilfred Shortreed were re-elec- ted as members of the Huron Board of Education representing Morris, Grey and Brussels at the polls on Monday. Mr. McDonald led the polls in Grey and Brussels and Mr. Shertreed in Morris. Total votes were McDonald 1032, Shortreed 841 and the third candidate Ted McLean 450. The individual votes were Brussels: - McDonald, 328, McLean, "225, Shortreed 193. Grey: - McDonald 392, McLean, 127, Shortreed 309. Morris: - McDonald 236, McLean 83, • Shortreed 264. ' Canadian Indians wove rope from bark of may trees such as basswood and cedar. 1.6-48 CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRI., DEC. 8th 8:15 p.m, 15 Regular Games for 810.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES , - $75.00 Jackpo,t to Go - TWO DOOR PRIZES • ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMIT M.)) -Proceeds for Wiliam Work- Auspices Seaforth Branch 15e, Royal Canadian Legion ACROSS .1. "Cactus Flower" Oscar winner Rosen kavalier" 8. Hautboy 9. Picture 12. Apple or pear 13. Loch -- Scottish lake -15. -Gabor 16. Sailor 17. Harem MOM 18. Thickness 20. Snuggery 21. "Last Days of Pompeii" heroine 22. Knightly oath 23. "- Laurie" 25. Linger 26. Whimper, as a baby 27. - avis 28. Legendary Persian fish 29. Huntsman's call 32. Mr. Onassis 33. Hurry 34. Seed vessel 35. Cleared as t. a profit 37. First-rate (hyph. wd.) 38. Songstress, Della -- 39. Make " afresh 40. Thrift (Mum) LOCAL BRIEFS • J. Gordon Wilson of Toronto spent the week end at the home of his mother, Mrs.D.H. Wilson. Harold Connell is a patient!, In University Hospital in London. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jarman, Climax, Bask. are visiting with , Mr. Jarman's sister, Mrs.Sarah Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell, R.R.#1, Bornholm and Mr. aril_ Mrs. John R. Moore, Connie an Mark, R.R.#l, Dublin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer, Sea- forth last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Willis of Kitchener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Willis. Mr. Kyle Chesney and Mrs. Margaret. Cameron of Cart-0 wright, Man. were guests last week of Mrs. Harvey Moore. Mr. and Mrs. PatriekD.Smith and daughter Erin of California visited with the 'afters parents Mr. and' Mrs. John Sinclair. Finds wallet lost a year While he was harrowing and packing recently sown wheat at one of the Whyte farms In Hul- lett Joseph Ryan, McKillop founde a pocketbook belonging to Nick Whyte. The pocketbook which contained a quantity of money and a number of papers had been lost in the fall of 1971. Des- pite the year it 'bad been buried in the ground the purse and con- tents were in good condition Mr. Ryan said. Group guests of Colemans Mr. and Mrs.Harold Coleman John Street, entertained the Fireside Fellowship Group Tues- day evening when 25 members enjoyed a pleasant evening. Christmas 6aroli were sung with Miss Peg Grieve at the piano. Harold Coleman was in the chair and Mrs. Am. Brown read the scripture lesson and Rev.. T. C. Mulholland led in praV r. Miss Belle Campbell cliscu sed the customs and origins of the christian Christmas. Mrs.Frank Kling thanked those who had helped with the Turkey dinner and F.R.Cosford reported on the t$ sale of tickets for the dinner. Mr. John Patterson was elected President, 0. Smith, vice presi- dent, Mrs. Clair Campbell, social convener. with Mrs. F.R.Cosford Hays The regular meeting of Sea- forth W. I. will be held Tues. Dec. 12th at 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Elden Kerr. Rev. Ure Stewart will show slides and there will be an exchange . of Christmas gifts with $1.00 value, with lutch convened by Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Roll call, "a Christmas verse." Members 0 not otherwise contacted, re boxes for senior citizen friends, are asked for a small cash donation. Smiles . . . Then there was this guy who took his wife with him wherever ti) he went But no matter where he took her, or how far, she always managed to find her way back home. OP ' Members of the Seaforth Junior Band held their second annual Christmas party at the Legion Hall MondaYevening when they presented a program for their parents and friends. They were assisted by the Rose sisters and Cheryl Benne- weis. The band organized late last year, includes 25 boys and girls. During the -period they have been active the group has arranged several local events and has played out of town on seven occasions. Young people interested in joining the band are invited to conta't Dr. C.F.Toll. Shown with their leaner, Dr. Toll, band members are (Front) (Left) Sandra Ruston, Lorna Eggert, Janice Rose, Jim Case, Bryan Dale (Pres.) Patti Rose, Rose Marie Kelly, Steven Underwood and Mike Trapnell; (2nd. row) Paul Bode, Brian Lee, David Underwood, Elizabeth Golding, Mary Montgomery (Sec.), Rick Stewart, Rick Roston; (Back row) Mark Goldirg (Treas.), NeE Beuerman, Ted Montgomery (vice pres.), Jim Segeren, Dan Benneweis and Debbie Rose. (Staff Photo) NEWS OF Friday and Saturday The Wildwoods News of Kippen Correspondent Mrs. Rena Caldwell THECAREY TREATMENT ommnium wm. YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A DOCTOR -UKE DR.CAREY PARK GODERICH, ON T. 524-7811 Mon.11 DANCING At FAMILY PARADISE Saturday - Dec. 2nd. Ken Scott's Orchestra FAMILY PARADISE CAMPING mid SNOWMOBILE CLUB Refreshments Available - LUnch Served Brodhagen Community Centre Saturday, Dec. 9th. Music by. -- ‘IBLUEWATER PLAYBOYS' CABARET DANCE pos1=>sixi.=.11.=:=4 wid.6 Thul Fri. 8 Sat 9 Saturday Matinee 9 Wad 3 Sun.1 0 Only moo'!' /NC. Technicolor PAM IEEN ammo.. :.The night Eveigficargeout aisa STUFEN MANNA MaLFATTJ " DL ANC of the grave" ..01EEtpcv,A TE.AGIJAc=49NEF.....s. Fth.EAsE 1-314==i1.4=X1•=X DENS& PIMA Vott„,441,04., At,0 m Vf SMORGASBOR 'NEW YEA VE SUNDAY, DE ► BER 31st/172 From 6-9 p.m.-All ou can eat, $2.75 plus tax Cocktail Loun and Beverage Rooms Will Be ned 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. - COUNTRY and WESTERN MUSIC - in the Ladies & Escorts Beverage Room Cpicken Wings after 10 o'clock, 50c per order CELEBRATE NEW YEARS EVE with US- NO COVER - NO MINIMUM - NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED. - AMPLE FREE PARKING - Country and. Western Entertainment SATURDAY In the Red Knight Room Elgin, Gord and Don Fisher WITH AUDREY KERR AT THE PIANO a IN THE BEVERAGE ROOM FRIDAY and SATURDAY RUSS and DOROTHY YAM CHICKEN WINGS FOR SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL -- Seaforth Northside UCW Mrs. Pete Dunlop presided for the general meeting of North- side U.C.W. She,.,welcomed all present and read a poem "Friendship". A minute's silence was ob- served for those who had passed on during the year. Group 2 had the devotional and -prayer - was given by Miss Glad Thompson. A reading "we are the .Light" followed by prayer. The group was reminded of a pot luck sup- per in the church and that the Valentine dinner is 06 Feb. 14. Band plays for guests The residents of Huronview; Seaforth Manor and Kilbarchan nursing home were entertained Sunday afternoon, Dec. 3, by the Seaforth Girls and Boys Brass Band. Assisting at Huronview were abie,.'Donna 'and barlene 11"I rP4 tr With ,t)115o 'DO 1-1,-, 'An i I,-..f .G. Cor- nish, Guelph, visited with Mr. Hencierson at the p aria. 'i:. . Smith and Get). ' :alt.-Santa THIS WEEK Mt. and Mrs. Robert Cor- Robert Thompson. Bennewies, accordian solo, Jan- Claus in the person of Geo.Hays, ice and Debbie Rose, vocal duet, distributed the exchange gifts with Mrs. Rose at the piano, which pleased all the girls. Fol- Linda and Anne Albert, guitar lowing the lunch, Mrs. F.Kling duet,. Anne Stewart, piano solo,- conducted a sing-song of Christ- Carol singing was led by Doug mas carols and popular songs. Stewart with Mrs. Rose accom- panist. W.I. Notes as her co-worker. Geo. received the collection. I t 'was decided to plan the "efitieetints for the ok-rr 'This tion was moved arronded CROSSWORD PUZZLE 41. English 11. Make boys' - beloved school 14. Nifty DOWN 16. Fork 1. Had expec- prong Cations 19. Earth 2. Overhead 22. Noble- 3. Wilkie Col- man lins' "The 23. Jordan's (3 capital wds.) 24. Less 4. Born ( Fr.) remote , 5. Expand, as 25. False- the lungs hood 6, Georgia 27. Com- university mando, 7 Crash for one against 29. "- 10. Walt Whit- Foblikih man, "The Things -" (3 Remind wds.)