HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-12-07, Page 3Hews of • .96seP9s^antsetantiri H uronview The Clinton Christian Reform song service led by Adrie Van Der Ende was held in the auditorium on Sunday evening. Rev. Buekema was in charge of devotions with vocal solos by Coby Amsing and musical numbers by the choir. Two new volunteers, Mrs. Van Der Endre and Mrs. Hoogendoorn, along with one of the regulars, Mrs. Dale, helped with the old tyme music and sing "Song on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Marie Flynn, Mary Taylor, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins provided the music for the activities with a good attendance of residents and guests. Residents voted Family Night this week as one of the best. The Heywood Brothers of Exeter were responsible for the program. Bob and Don.sang several favourites providing their own actempaniment with accordian and electric guitar. Max Ducharme joined the brothers with his violin for some old tyme hums. Mrs. Ryckman, a former resident of Exeter' thanked the entertainers. ....••••••••••••••• Gordon Hill speaks to 1 Federation of Agriculture All us girls joined the"book Find phone numbers faster Look in the book 69` KERNEL CORN 1201,14 oz. tin Size 48's large •29 Re lb/ PLAIN OR RIPPLED • HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS 10 oz. pkg. AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP t 5 Oz. bti. BONUS DISCOUNTS McCAIN'S FROZEN • JULIENNE FRENCH FRIES or DOLLAR CHIPS b 2 lb. ag Agr —O. DOWNEY FLAKE FROZEN WAFFLES OR GAINSBOROUGH ENGLISH MUFFINS ,110°,7p2.4. 37c. BLUE WATER FROZEN COD KRISPS BADEN COLBY OR BRICK CHEESE FRICO OVERWHEEL BABY EDAM CHEESE gu'r% 1.89 BILLY BEE LIQUID OR CREAM HONEY girtg 1.1 BILLIONAIRE SARDINES 3 89` 8 oz. A el C pkg. irJr 14 oz, 09C pkg. 10 LIMIT 2 TINS PER FAMILY WITH $5.00 PURCHASE COUPON EFFECTIVE Wed Dec. 6 to Toes. Dec. IT. 1972 VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON DAVERN SLICED SIDE BACON 1 lb. vac pac 4 99 Q 9 UNIT 2 LBS. PER FAMILY WITH $5.00 PURCHASE COUPON EFFECTIVE Wed. DK 610 71M Dec. 12, 1972 VALUABLE COUPON 9 \ 6C VALUABLE COUPON 11 The finest Thre.A0W. quality! treat:* *ma in„ Obi.:. QUARTER LOIN (9.11 Chops) Loin Pork CHOPS I QUALITY PRODUCE WE SPECIALIZE IN WEEKLY SPECIALS POST ALPHA BITS, is oz. pkg. CHIQUITA Golden Yellow BANANAS LB. (BUY 3 SAVE 2$c) WESTON'S SLICED RAISIN BREAD ,16oz. Soave Assorted Colours - 2 Ply WHITE SWAN pkgs. 0100 FACIAL 81. TISSUE faa BURNSVACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON g4: 89c BURNS LINK OR FARM STYLE Pkbg: 1.1.5 SAUSAGE Beef Rib ROAST For Casseroles or Turkey Burgers FRESHLY I 5 5 r' 59c I II lb 63c BURNS VACUUM PACKED HOT DOG WIENERS lb. pkg. REGULAR CUT PRIME RIB 1st 4 RIBS ONLY BEEF RIB STEAKS OLMSTEAD FROZEN LAKE SMELT AUSTRALIAN FROZEN SHANK HALF LEG OF LAMB TOP VALU ASSORTED COLD CUTS . TOP VALU WIENERS lb.1.19 Ib.49c lb 65c 16 oz. asr pkg. VI ASSORTED FLAVOURS ROYAL in JELLY 111;4: POWDERS S.O.S: SOAP PADS Pkg. 010 f011$100 BONUS DISCOUNTS CRUSHED, SLICED, OR HALF SLICES SWEET TREAT PINEAPPLE 3 191,z088c KY 2•FRUIT SALAD. OR FANCY HALVES PEACHES 20 oz. 4 5` tin FICINZ SWEET MIXED. 60E40 N BUTTER OW-KOSHER DILL PICKLES 324 59c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP tie 45c 2 lb SWING ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS5 3;117: '89c HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD 4 `" far 6C YOU CAN WIN 1 OF 9 1972 Mercury Lightning Snowmobiles WOK Wan. WHAM 41,11011.118 MAIMUTSOTUSIMI'S WOO. LIST FMCS OP 'ACM skowmoilut 1.011.00 IGA'S EXCITING "WIN A MEP& CONTEST! nil 9 beautiful 1972 Mercury LightnIng Snnvonoblos wut be WOO by Some lucky 100 shopper • I to be won each Woo for 0 consecutive weeks Winners must answer a esiotestino question. No substitutes, ooze§ must be taken as shown. C4ritest. sods Satueclay. December 16 1972. Enter es often es you wish, Buy one of these bonus brand products • you may win a ' Mercury Lightning Snowmobile! LIBerS Onopmgmnefteens likiltiaggoft Wheat Cak e end Pastry Flour Uso Christmas Seals So others may breathe easier Kota WIDOW.% mrohlt.Ltas, .0000 Lroachilis, NM elver roplrashry HEINZ COCA ase, KISMET Soti Margarine 1,4 The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is holding dis- cussions with the Assessment Branch of the Government, Gor- don Hill of Varna, President of the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture, told members of the Mc- Killop Federation of Agriculture meeting in Cavan United Church in Winthrop Friday. * Speaking of his concern about property assessment and taxation he said, "We have been promised that we will be able to have a look at the new farm property assessment schedules by Janu- ary. These property schedules will assess farms according to their ability to produce food rather than market value." Mr. Hill said that the school tax on property must be elim- inated. "Income is still our most important problem and the mar- ket place, is the best opportuni- e ty to improve net income," he said. "The national marketing legislation passed last January provides a great deal of help to do a better job of marketing both domestically and for ex- port," he continued. "In the export field we can make the best progress by making a three-pronged" attack by government, the trade and the producers. The producers will have to take the initiative to see that it is done and that our activities should be directed to market exploration and develop- ment," he said. Mr. ,11111 :sneke of the Fed- eratiogs, eRcern about yestric- liens ,en safe of drugs ,fcr treating illness in farm animals. "Current proposals would force farmers to buy drugs from a registered pharmacist or a vet- t* erinarian. This would increase the cost to farmers and not in- crease the safety to the public," he said. He reported that another area that the Federation is concerned about are the regulations gover- ning the disposal of animal • wastes. "The municipality of Niagara - on - the - Lake has approved a by-law what will pro- hibit farmers in the municipality from building new. livestock buildings or enlarging the one that exists. If this by-law is allowed to stand by the Ontario Municipal Board without compen- sating farmers it will amount to confiscation of farmers' rights. The Federation will be working to oppose it," he said: Mr. Hill spoke of the Fed eration administration,. "We now have seven regional offices with' each One having a full-time se- cre tary fieldman. We hope to have 14 by the end of this year, and these will cover. about 75 per cent of southern Ontario. Their responsibility will be to solve members' problems and assist in building the organiza- tion to more strength and effec- tiveness," he concluded. Mason Bailey of Blyth, Pre- sident of Huron County Fed- eration of Agriculture, spoke briefly, "We should organize better than we are and become a more solid unit." He dealt briefly with the new hydro line from Douglas Point to Seaforth, and the committee working for the farmers in Bruce County and McKillop Township involved with the line. The meeting closed with the election of officers as follows: president, Arthur Bolton, R.R. 1, Dublin, who succeeds Laverne Hoegy of R.R.1, Difhlin. Other officers elected are vice-presidents, Mervin Smith R.R.1, Walton, and Gordon Blan- chard, R,R.4, Walton; secretary- treasurer, Alvin Dodds, R.R.2, Seaforth. Directors elected: Murray Dennis, and Lavern Godkiri both of R.R.1, Walto4PGoran Papple, Donald Moylan and Lewis Coyne, all of R.R.5, Seaforth: Francis Hunt and Robert Robinson both of R.R,4, Walton: Andrew Davidson' of Seaforth: James Coleman, R.R. 1 Seaforth: and Leon Maloney, R.R.1, Dublin. Music for the evening was supplied by Donald and Douglas Henderson and Kevin Campbell. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. Bell Canada *H: club Feeder .sale The Central Perth 441 Feeder Club is having their first club sale On , Friday afternoon at the Brussels Sales Barn at Brussels. The sale is made up of 20 choice Hereford heifers that have been fed for the last ten months by twenty 4-H members. This new Beef Club that was formed otle year ago under the leadership of Richard Eick- meyer, R.R.#3, Mitchell and Earl Ahrens and Norman Chaffe of R.R.#5, Mitchell and places em- phasis on feeding a market animal. The calves will be judged the morning of the sale. There is no showmanship involved in the project and emphasis is on the animals, Officers of the Club" are - President - Joe Nicholson, R.R. #2, Monkton; Vice-President - James Harper, R.R,#5, Mitchell; Sec.-Treas. - Lyle Ahrens, R.R. #5, Mitchell; Press Reporter - Nancy Jean Fanson,R.R.#1, Full- arton. USE EXPOSIT WANT - Phone 527-0240 .111,1•••••••••••••••••••• TIME WHEN PI Aci TO ....-____ ...... '''..7) G ..,......s. 0 , '-----'-- o .• „-- —..,...t ,....,,--, _ • --. ''.,?,.....,.\— %';',/ /%1/11 , It doesn't pay to take c antes, but you never know when the unexpected will occur. Be prepared, financially. See us for, a ' low-cost, comprehensive Accident and Health' Insurance Policy this week. 1 440 LANO&MOORE INSURANCE OF ALLISINDSAuk GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS DUBLIN MITCHELL 34 -2512 34 -9067 MILL STREET • DUBLIN,ONT. Starting December dth to December 29th SEAFORTH IGA ' is having a DRAW for TWO HOSTESS HOLIDAY PACKS• per week (Value $8.00 per pack) FREE CHANCE- with every •purchase Just sign your cash register tape and put it in the box' at the front of the More. 414.7 .1-171.1% U.S. NO, 1 'FLORIDA RED or WHITE ROSEDALE CHOICE CREAM STYLE MARSH SEEDLESS OR WHOLE GRAPEFRUIT6 U.S. NO. 1 FLORIDA CRISP CELERY STALKS CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO YELLOW COOKING ONIONS : 45` U.S, NO. 1 FLORIDA VINE RIPE TOMATOES 2 lbs. 69c BONUS DISCOUNTS CLUB HOUSE STUFFED LOOSE PACK MANZANILLA OLIVES 15 za. ! 89 , .1'2 TOP CHOICE Cheeseburger 31,Z 99c LYSOL LIQUID BOWL CLEANER LYSOL LIQUID , DEODORIZING CLEANER FIVE ROSES ALL PURPOSE FLOUR LOOK HAM OR TURKEY - ROASTING P.19469 0 BAGS U.S. NO. 1 ZIPPER SKIN 'FLORIDA TANGERINES 2 Doz. 69c KAM LUNCHEONA 9, meat 12 oz. tin 16 oz eon AOC . .11Isiin 15 OZ. plas112 btl. ri im p 9, 71b. Ci9c bag %JP BONUS DISCOUNTS ASSORTED FLAVOURS • NESTLE'S MINI ASSORTED VARIETIES PILLSBURY COOKIES2 19 X.= 89` I CLARK BRAND CHOICE GREEN PEAS 5 ZIP DOG FOOD 10 TIDE POWDERED DETERGENT YORK, SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY 4,1%1.00 E floy A, Dee w4tr, Neat 79 We Moshr000ttg SPAGHETTI I E DINNERS 2 ".5,=1.00 . FEMININE2100 NAPKINS 1 E I '"E: E I I g PUDDINGS 3 :tz 49` lc- OR PEACH PIE FILLING 19 oz. tins PEANUT BUTTER le oz. jar STAFFORD CHERRY 15 05,4 fins II .00 glin ts t . ga ,a' CpaiC P FASCINATION or BUDGET CAT or DOG FOOD 15 oz. tin LIMIT 6 TINS PER FAMILY WITH $5.00 PURCHASE COUPON EFFECTIVE Wed. Dec. 13 le Toes. Dile 12, 1872 /rm. 'am *Rik *or mow Om 01. 5th Week's snowmobile Wilmot* Mrs. N. Kirkham P.O. Box 30 Tilbury, Ont. REGULAR OR SUPER I KOTEX I BATHROOM TISSUE pkg. of 4 rolls Pkgs. of 12 ASSORTED COLOURS CAPRI PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1972 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb Limited ENTER IGA'S EXCITING "Win a Mere" CONTEST SEAFORTH IGA Open all day Wednesday and Friday night till 9 p.d