Wingham Times, 1892-10-07, Page 8K 1 a l Fr 111, if C a ty vainnd from the hi is t1ltgw»< 4111 _lrlr + ft " "# tl S lSSRRIRR'RS;NESS , j(( t11N fftasaktrf~ for, a let 1ltxeii ut *ar1, [ - . The London people .til be' blo to give.1 8 p Having bou •.- ^..„,. rkil artiea wile have not. aid: l nd dieNlay of all ti7e naveltle0. accotutnoclat iou t , fill who come, 1z _ f;llt At1t 1114 d mbier harness Business and "fluted in bla st .d, tixlk w111 #cl:pQa yes, t vst-iotsl Rall' to thesl)lr ►tion pt'fl2 for `"I tiS" for flag yeses at:repared'to. turrairsit the gu6lfisrttlt axerytliind uQually 1sQtaq in R'h@iJtuaas ho sr previous records, The shut } such as ver sales have taken since last. '^.^-•--^- 1691, sod IM are requested to ra• Y littany$Youtt 1l ara. ' and TAA tIAICl1EbS, ' e walrrant us. in doub- l ]nit the amount at once. a llevd `Y our atook.: IJverythins; and any. il'heti froth over-uvorlc, possibii7ty aRsist- 11•L+'i`l'+S, DUSTERS, money ttnd hoprj thiti notice will 1aA V LI FT 1V)if l ar CrtTR ' QONiSS first R ileal]', 'n6w and stylish is ed by itu i.nberitesl WeakttesrA , bo health ' F at B U E to ltnhe l6 sssortp7ant« at all faits, and rector med,cal treatlnelitmast l be auf&ctont, and that a esters; N, SIl S, 'MAT OQLLIe' RS, sties -at the kiWest prices that has be rog4xted to, thea na rliedielgo can 'be response will be.tke result, TRU,NI S, VALISES and +^` a ns, than is the keynote to our auo• + ,+ that makes: us grout greater each employed with the saute bene$10s) result;l It, ELLIOTT. TRA.V "'LLIN 0r BA,gS, #ant dto., we do not start the season. by see- , as $oott's Raluleisu, t., .-,,.- _ •-.».--., ; i ti )low much w6 pan get for our goods, -----•- '- + • - * p I make 411 my own. Collars and guarantee satisfaction. t titot'tbey are nesv, but start 4s we Nest Ys anoslx. ADMINISTRATORS I vllNOTICE. d. as w0 a.11, times do by asking leas olve we. a trial and f will use: you right, r The West Wpuvi lonit Council wet at, and'givlrlg 1176 Very beat vallis your Pnreuant. to tho ]f"et"ed statutes of Outarlo,r387; x ne Oen rocure, Why tat save art Satordo , Sept ber 24th. 11lrtn. ch 71,. ►,., E T , y p Y it atter lie section iia the oroditore of Sarah Jane Ile apenaInl?i 2 lie'rfl.449t•rlt, tlepnty Rolero Bol.ora tied Bray, late of the Town not Wingham, in the County "1 of soften and tirav;nee of Ontario, w dow, who ....... , ]arid and Black Dress Hoods, R'6 Coulleitibr ]held. The minutes of dtedon, or shout the 0th day of March, A. D, 1$02, 11th tine most elegant production of fortneir n1petilig Are rend and x rov. are required to "onli to the undersigned admtnietra• pP for of the eaid decessod Wir,lxham, P.O., Ontario. e 8sasozi in both forelqu and domestic s•tl The treaattrern rp O on or before th 19th day of October A, 1), 1892, E 0,,"Em' KI'NG ' refs (Qgods Navalties. our stock dobb. p rt fcr August thou nannoa ud rester and descriptions; the tall W Pronounced aecoiad to none In the tfhowed baJt►nOa sin reoeipta $45? l4 particulars of their claims; a atatomant of their wo, while the prioes will be found and expFliditure 248.8$, louring Ac"Aunte and nature of the seeurilios (it ley) held ch lower, $lE9,r5 _ls> S'r}It" fnh r acconlit, by them and notice to hereby Riven that the said 1Vrl• Administrator will halnediarely alter the lastmen Cloaks for I+adies, ea and Children 11`aln tS1RAllistarr a led to have q tioned day proceed to 9istribute the vegeta of the ast,4oth exposition and sale -double E'P said deceased among the nettle" entitled "tirotkty ARRIVALS, space--double 1n stock --three titnea str¢clt o$ file rg11-- n ar.tiga taken, havius rel and only to the•cltainre at /thrall he situ 1 e.b1RlI mess of any other season. High TtIs cltli:ll „f Bantus! > err for tante es then hate uottce. do garments from best tailors• ladies g BS1v,T, W111"ON, • • EVERYTHING NEW. " for sheep killed by et ga was laid over . A. MORTgx, e surprised at the styles, Zit enc finish .till next filee'titr r ' Solleltorot Modalatrator the jackets and wraps we otter at such 6 T P stun of $1,50 Wingham. October 1st, 1802 Warr reEutrclesl to L tlleryc church, ( DRESS GOODS -44, Navy's We have Ser e rveiloualy iotix prices -Wily Pay more.-_-. ._.,.,...,..,,......, ,_.. v • ' will pay you to investigate before J Manchester, for state .e labor itgprop- Nsta 11111es, Boucle Twills, Bedford's &c, y;nfi, t eriv coilr046ti, llov GY i41r Gihsofi,' FARM FOR SALE, _ In Tweed Suitings, Plain and Fancy Cheviots, Who wil make your sultY Do you treeonded by lir 1rle i , that the reeve ow the sort of tailoring we are doing? and e'1„rk tie' a mpowe ed to aeeP t lite The undersigned offers for sale or cont, that Diagonals, Repps, &(sin oft linow how captive ting otlr goodh, P The larm, 126 gores (90 acres clef red) 30 Acreq y catle0`n>r'x bq„d Wltr elierlitrd if but» ryudow, uud 3 acro" ire sail wheat, also nOod , w Spilled 011e Tt7eghanlcil. bO1Y ]air Ont i orchard and water with first-class rkumo buiidm6re, s a ices are. We invite your order and as- rsfrlctary Vltrried. Th" following; "'tilted in l later p of Culrees, Iot32, Concese[an3. 40 indlv dual r5U1t1ngS to Selsey fa 0 * xrrei re entire S4ti9ISOt1On, ReGOnnt9 testi paid ; + T Grier&tip, Apply to 1vrltreu Dawson, I} mhos from farm or peCtive of double width webs, 'alts. -We have now on display the 2 days w=art; ahoy ]Jing gravel, $2; tYhtgharu P. o. rggat stock of fine .F'nrs suer shown in Andrew Kil k, cl i' for wuri , 3 ' ^---`- -` -- ' - --- Our High Class $lack Foods. have alreaey eS x iugbam. Prices are as low as reliable , urs can be sold, mile do not handle in- 6xilenses. $2,52, $5 8 ; Thos., uclfefl- n tablished a reputation. To those who have not xior Grades of furs, they are dear at zie, repairing .eulver 50 cents; Win FARM FOR SALE. Seen them sell and we will shoal you through, y price. Our :stools comprises every- Fluker,: fencing 2 rods, S B, $2,56; "" ' y g 1 iiig' durable in fashianabip Furs, rin i Qaillun The undersigned offer" the farm being North Piping across road, Special value in Flannels and. Cotton: Staples, obles, Seal, Millin, Persian Lamb, Otter, g haft o$ the North halt ni Lot acres, s, will Concession sold savor o.Rd. Astrachan Capes, Mantles, ]; E Jarvis, culvert Elgh4 11 And 13, cheap. . Apply a containing dining (0 tore", will be sold '. uffe and Collars and 'Twenty Fur ` $2; 'Phos Lott, grave allp' site lot eheAp' 'apply on the prea,is Aat S,toPURVIS Large stock of new Tweeds and Overcoatings• its, at, 2«, can 10, $10, rf ilipg on Imiapt"'0011 eeigtave, P. 0, Full stock of Boots and Shoes, we have a mit. . H, MCINDCD'S, 9. $2, rrp,ctring bridgg between 18 atl p _-- 19,aotl 10,$10, $20: Lgtberan churel redly tate bong Boot of the trade. -refundestatute ]trod ax, it and Th- Full stock of 1Y 9rns, Sheetings,-Bianiets, 1g a. ` Ande'rsen, 12 rads ravel and fpl7ce J Q R 11 Vii, ilii f R Gan , $19.70, T. risen, egrlxliz Boys and Youths Suits and Overcoats. ` ins s0ltao! sections . od arbitration «5. (7ouncil then s}journe8 to fuse T1 0T.H Y S1. A. U. FIRIDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1.692, 0n Saturday, Noveta Or 1«Ile. _ . -IRK rngn, client. Yours truly, b Gttaatt aIm anse. E S. DEVFRU, G` . It.i_ -E -3: 'There is a wonilerf 1 t0mautra coming Undertaker and ttabsthner,bas opened,i?u t ill, Canadit nearl for hundred Rea a first class updertblrin% parlor, opposit ith colored mapy. 'to be known [,agtile Ohisholtn's Drug Store; Xivgham, and ¢ FURNITURE DELIVERED FIREE. prepared to take obarge of aoy ing in till sr #. t Imansu, and t $e published by the line that tri&Y`,be'edhtrusted to bl . , havfn Not'oi6 can you buy Parioi, and Bodroom sultes, Sideboards, toua} ea,lilattra"se klli',glta, Tables, ko.r,, , Ni hers . of the ontreal Daily and put in a stcck equal to anything oil aide o hes ,but whorl bought in quantities the -y will be delivered and set up in your > ea ? ee, anywhere the city, both in ]taste and quality. 1u ice 3tih i,10 miles of 'Wingham; t.. eell'ly Sian. It is be ready very short• m y very moderate. F'itut Class hearse xliv) P6, R'TAAIT k LARG'EMENT1 . So touch bas it, sen admired that the teudance, T E. H. ITsv>:a. PROF .SCOT A: t "t bl skiers have rete ved security for the ; have made a0d6ements v th mie•ot the beat artiste in the Dominion for doing Portzait ThlatRe ublicaticnli of fifty th us&ud copies. . t , 7Jtth$st ' 022, i l1S1CAt t ACEfl ARESBYTERfAiV CfiUACH menta (an n size) in Air•Brush, iudia Ink and Watexcolora i;efore glAng youi.order to, anyone for such call at my etre, see -,b pies and get prices for the very host. + 111a'Irlrg, p pa'stisra J; the re.tt frlil gives Private Lessons in yaoalTrahninR, both in Staff ' '1'I7ie-,o23don `l oncention. short at liina;;anticiil n the i$tll itnd and Tonle•Sal•Fa Notation. open forouttagounentts for Concerts or. Church meetings. Terms moderate. PICTURE FRAMING. OIi WAdtleed4,Y, ]lura dny, and Fri I4cL of ()i tnl7er' lieu .been: it sued earl: npplyat, r,l s o the list of attrttcti.ana to t,e res hied MRS. 11• bfoupow'S, All styles and atzagat PfoLnrre tnd Yreath Frames made to order. 'Lots ai Sfqutdinga to chooBoftronj,; aY, Oct 19th. -20t 7 ant] .,1st, there p 24Shuterst, 1Yingharnl lnty hrici 111 Lo( elan tilt. fort!! iia. ss the best p,Pt 1p(jr'rt by the society, , f UNDERTAKING. t ata] .eclnsetrtinYi ref •tip Young 1?eop;e'li and if cite wentlrer rilvea favorable . r` ERTAKING. ocieties <+f Christ an Endeavrnr of t le " largw crow will lne ;in attendance. W r trt ( " Not iithstandinr fill the opposition In this line, I rtes still hole In'winghttin pre red to do ag' ve l 11inghom tlaiafl lanlllgMIIIS, beendoinyforthepasttonyears. rnvillee'rn,f 0"ar o. Thi• urgal,izlt_ Nx1' fernier can' tlord o ruins his local ___ # sf ow, atld wt+ ll'n 7e tor' se a i>tg• Llirr70Ut The Undersig»ed have,now on hnnil a, large stock `' + ion, A hrRllCll of t to L`reat Fill spa vqr of J may 33 ]A9Zo lT t la,r, - t i .r` t u s n i as r', a: Bich has,spretkci. Le we>rlel aver, hgs. At Dun,;;aun in+iii -tit ahovo •datds 15:'' p, y w eniNlid to f:he sepr.etar , lir Wei. 11c DRY'Flsu i eel► grott'lnJ,w'ver rn lull' in OutHrto: tlrtllnr and get a ler "list of all the HEiF7LQCIi,' •- _ `` "' w-`-"""' ' , nein; file part'i'e years Last year ( , .. Here Were in the tnrovinr:e at till time attractions. TA12Azi3Gz{,and `1-7 0t %if /'"'1R j •` ly f the Peterinnroli ► ;taltA)tv00U 7.tT#ISDR[ .1 Cgr.verltiolI 546 ., I New Vndertrt iig Ana Furniture Estab- OCi tie$y tilers re note $27. T[IP Uresseat ar undressed xxx and xx. ` blei t of the saci ty Is to foster the : 2ibhmoat. MR RELpn +Honosox ,las opdned his NORTH 5140RE SHIN(3LI;S, y eliglons life a tl .e youllg people in the NO.1 C. WAR SHINGLES, g Furniture hurl Undertaking establish- llurelle3, and let alt gel"i"d by the `.iVEt3, •r - otto, "For C fist and ttripcirul'ch.„ want in the did $tirniture store, nearly HEaTlTN13S, ESSR19. Y AN ' 7PON" 33RO 'otal number of aacioties in flits vorfd opposite,'the Queens Hotel, Winghem, ' BARRELi3, .LL i7 ilow 2,100 til 1,370.200 vie N, and has 'ii full stnek of Furniture, #Via, of iiinCardine havri`hought the Marble,Businesa of Ur T T Watson, formerly carried on by 1V Smyth'. W O Pry Mouldings, , and Undertaking goads on at prices that deft emnnpotttion, Portree ititendln Parties rb4vIrIstg work in their linesill do well fly"tiling on ensue or,seatn she of thele agents before to build will findit,totheir interest togivenaaca ` Urehe"ih .. g R s f o .It is expecte that ups arta of 800 band' {"call and inspect goods and fret p it You will find our prices are okay down, Our w'otkrnanehlp is unsurpassed. We will use none before placingtheir orders, as we are cictonuiaed hilt thq very best stock and by square dealtna hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage. Mr T prices, Picture Framin Basle roto tl not to be undetsoM Custom work attended to P g elegStses will tr present at these fuser. g p p y m Watson, who he's been,runnfng the bnrsfnese for the post year, will represent us en the road, 'l a and •well; S ecial attention ProMpttyandsatisfac"coguaranteed. ix ,:i• n ., at wlltcls a rlrPaarS wl71 tory given, p given to Call ansee out litooknod prices, nd papors rra otr subjects relaing to wok jobbing and repairing, and guarantee all 4ldLEAN SON. he Work slid s read of the .gospel, k done.. Having had long experience i 'V ANSTOXF, BROS. ha olitlnic r ru rnfnnle issued a fete nesse furniture and twiUrtaking bast- int . T am stlre, i can give satisfaction. V;ll\f3litl; ' . 11yt} air(, 2tv e's rnnlise of 7 most in- • A splendid ides# hearse for hire, ocar Dr. SIR, r _ ereatiog aerie of gatherings. On RzLix Honosov STEAM CIDER'MILL. L. , eClpesdity. Is delegates will be (4 ° { Q lr li leti fl card d BUSK jiy B Or Spencer, anti the ssstitN. The undersigned Wish i:0 Itltimato to uiPO . '' APP , i (Al Iolnistera Thursday will heLin 'yon, xu liforris on the 5th lust., the farmers and othom that their steam cider X D. 9, A.;.1... C. P. S, O., 11?, 0. P4 , + Will will be teadv for operation on ,blfm- ith a snnrlsn prayer lneettne. and wife of Nbert Yoe. 2r; s Akughter.. day, September 60. and 'parties wanting br0uglicut the day tLere will be rem Wantedt iillttti2uYs cider ni:vdg can helve it made ou sluort TORONTO, i . . fyrt4. eYl(1 addr saes fi`lveti by 'l3tshop 'VVI11'lt"E.-.IiCIE#1k,4--•At the 1'esid9tlde Of notiCO aldwin,of Lo don, Rev Dr Ross,. of be bride's father, 0 Octaber4th, by the Oar deny evaporator as in goad rUnriiird -----• 'ontreal,Rev Clandier,of Br11m tots `Rey S Sellery, $ Mr Geo W White of order and we are, prepared; to maker jelly 8 ecialist fel 'tile reatment of ,1.' The ttsdersigned *111'•:I7e :prongs ed t4 p Eaat,Wswanoah,.tci-MissIsabellaRogers, fram,lny kind of fruit. trial orderso+ ;<'' t'. a 1 .purchase any, quantity of apples ba aAd rid others. I l t1,q' evening .a socia Bolted and satisfarvtlan uaranteed, C'liratdlc Diseases, of W1ng$apa.. 6 after wI'1 lis given f r the v sitars in tits JoIZZ1. g lead the trill re -fitted, *a will be Private Diseases, r _ _ Having , , SIrAw -Tn pV in ham on Septembero ac work iu first- Diseases of the Brats' and Net•ve, PRl1 A t: SSPTI~ $ ` tjtltt 'll be nladvessa koritethoatt tl4 mels torea see order, titan Baer t p Diseases zlf the Heart and Lungs, ; th,J$s Shaw, resod 5Jaears The eitroaatge erf e . And Diseases 0t' Woolen tI rridaA ill rr,nvention Willi* A r DutalAcli-art Wingbam, on October p piilflic is solicited, `Treated on cosec 1 lY AApples to be deliv6ted. at tM Winghd% x reused by ill U iv Frost, of thei 4th, Sarah Fano Dolma iiwife of :4ir >fABp l I7CG"slh,• ly.' Imp0ratingF'actory, Alfred atreeto near via Iulond 4iaaion, Rdv Dt Rttr+ John n ttulnsage, aged 55' ears slid t3 1Pingham: Sept 1st, 18A2, --- -- ' Difieas e elf hitters ]]store l7ronatl7t' *00100 mills, Windfalls sand all kbits 4 . If, CiltanCa for of Victoria Uttiver, ,A0110111, nn fig fatly ir, iilelfii> certtuitll 'apl'I'es tvlli da except'very smo, i or 911 Ite`v Dr ' biekson, of Oalt And, d, John ne, age on bctober y l' loot ones true] mA + be sllaixett frbll l fixe tllcr well»krllwn sp(askrre,rid, abn 8otze, sged G# years.ilua,E , cu}xet3. t1IITOB ICI.,--Tix T;ima, air 6tatatda t NSUL.T"Ai'i$N PRP-2. tre0tl. Apples may 60 deX[v +rd°111 hagf?, sacistir,s. ']lull delegate r ls0uld years s>xrtla ,ro fel` Which It good pries Will lee paid. Sept 4tlia Simon 1V►.itOhall, sifed 88 years tlse' ted1.r A Otark and 11 months,' DeOeased twee lather at r iieird wood or tsma4 131siilcae st da11'# writer will fttc Jltr Sinton Mitchell, oil tills ptirne,. Illustrstsd Catalogue qi`ladle, 1311. 511tl> rR will lea at tile ray >we17t,cardsl nx ` f,li'rrt the visit 'ably Milked to till r,.. .,...,.,,... houst'll of fribti Ver errkri ar Grit l i P.P_N S H0TXtL ' Witlghal i, lVCA'HLF1 BRO'S. w1Nt RAR RAIIXBTS Specialties. ri kt);odag trtade the Comfort Of File 1'w'tttouAm,{iotobet6,189g t'otrcoted by 1!:1YbrnN, >yrddsrce 1> eclat, Atlt)ltlrl3 *1w1 fi- dailegf% tr,i,1r 100111 Rndieavorers, over 1001two . IrIgo to 9 to Kidd Y ftsty s1 riltttrell nears, find i 11 in eAtrw, auatwly sa to ran A 0 61", W1,44 will Hare asttrao tcto. M to " THE PARISIit1l MEDICAL APPLIANCE Ca ' Bsr1 y . fS to `' he Improved'. y clothes , t ruaro et thrsir rlsfl; to, aotltlofi, ' PNd, trs fx1 aa' i r et+ lrtlbult# to Mi!rld ret ltti&r.'tuln • tet 111 f ltii tlxtaillr igen %AST, ar tm. do, Bs 'to I3 T N'urtastry $trick fi d irtxti these wrthln paeib. _ r trY ; ,, TOl1mo ONT, rietnt,er the fere] i ftfw5da Me1l !aN Myst p v t ._fpllf hied 4igq 86 e; t7$t F i