HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-07, Page 4k t
H ploCracken, G bowler. Celery. -G odre of hituself. But be reootered. La -�
` Jas Dow, Corley, Beeves Lnaian Qertain,extent and. tlien had anotl«er OUR F�f,LL �.
oalveg. T srll:osa. Yoke David, W Il MQCrlet,
' ' C Proctor R AY
Sona, 1 "'W J Fenwick. attack whileitiking a row an the lake,
�"� c w LL n S Orn - H `pay or, tea Then tlaa spells came upon 'h,of handsonien shot bripxo t4 be
E. ��I 7 working axon ---J & J Attdarsan, Water ,uP1op-- SV fl MaCraoken:.lasted�,
W greater frequency,and while they very interest g h ts*ladie and gentle
staERP.. Bowler. 'Musk melon -G Bowler, meq. to Arses and 111trmtlo goods the
��rm ,
I HE�M,1 S ,L Le ccsf ers and their Grades,_Aged H McUraoken. Pun►pkin-J Coultea, lie lost all cpn"iousnese, One doctor stoclr; ie large and varied embracing the o .
rt ram --R W Hastinga, 1T' Deacon- jr+ tl David, Squash- G David, W ggve him thirty days believed
live, while
very latest 'shades and designs, and for
Sheorling rata- •N Cummings, •iohti H MoUraolten, Cttrou-C W Law- another t a him he believed he would quality they are unsurpassed, but any
-ANO- gam lamb -1`I Cuutminga, 1st tenoe« J Coultee, sr. Plate tomatoes have size daysin which to settle leis
Barr, ed uwed havaug fence.
Proctor & Sous, G David, Peak earthly aii'a[re. This was Anythinn Pen of deserlption of them would fail to
T� T-� T ,and 2nd, Pair ogled but pleasant news, and yet Sam's give an aocurato disoription of their
I R 4 GIG•=ST' t raised lambs in 1892-,R w Asstitlgs, of heans.-•a Pelton, `C Bridge & Son- cheery smile never forsook him, He
R Coultis & Son. Pair shearling belongs to the brotherhood of Rail- beauty and excellence ; we would there-
ewes --N Cumming') J Cloultis, er. !!ore cordially invite nil intending puron.
- --- Cummings, J Keg dairy butter -1\1 H Harrisau,J way Trainmen, and of course received aserB to call and examine those fashion
Pair ewe. lambs- N g ` , his sick benefit, from the U� T R. At
� their able and seasonable goads, get Our •
John Taylor. Basket butter -A Carr, last four doctors gave sworn certifi- lYo matter bow nice goods inlay look, we
ACT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO CQultie, sr. Do ThoandAndargon,leL Willi T y Crook butter --Tilos or ea i
_.,.Aged ram, home made--- oatea. that he would never'be able to are anxious to eell them and a swan
Hese Tasker. Shear] ram -Geo Stewart. Thos
Anderson, Bread,
Maple Psaume his deities as. a trainman, The money in Ove cost will secure them, this
Opp, Brunswickl Ram lamb--•Thoa Anderson,L Tasked. _ W R McCraaken. ( l'
Grand Trunk railway N.iia hien ofl`,and is not. idle talk as anyone oda prove. by
Pair aged ewes having raaised lambs in Maple syrup -A Carr, W H Meorack- the Insurance- Branch to which he Beefing our goods and hearing our out
W ngham, Ont Y892 -...Geo Stewart, on. Oat cake -A Proctoir, Thos An- belonged Gave him half the amount of
Pair shearl na ewes-Tbos Anderson, his life ineurai,ce on at of total Prices -just arrived a large purchase of
1 , Geo Stewart, Pair ewe lambs ---T# oB Berson. Loma made cheese -J DOW, boya' and men's ready made suits and
Anderson, L Tasl;ec.
Pat sheep,
g Thos Anderson, • disability.
�pt x�ne L Tasker, Best pen of ehet�p LADIES' DEPARTMENT. The Grand Trunk doctors made men's °oVonot i they are bby wear Bee
'� �J•� lr` Deacon, Tutting lkiisa Nott, T Forbes• several examinztions and the company them. --ID
risk your lite by wearing
=? -R W Hastings.ave him several Pelton. g
T-_ Plas
Crochet work-Miss
a t+ J Hooked consult with specialists t At last lie geto t thevery best Boote,s at this �Shoes and Rub
1 �J2. Lame bread -Aged boar.. H Deacon. Bead work -C McC1
: E'IiIDAY. UCTOt3ER t. J shirt woolen --T Bridge &Son. Fancy received a certificate stating that his bare from us for so little money -We
Boar littered in 1892-H Edwards, knitting Miss Nott, Geo Moffat. I blood was ,liseasea and that he eould give big values in pure fresh groceries
Armour. Sow littr-red in 1892-H tl "
Gent's linen shirt -0 McClelland, Goo never attempt to do any work. Like and spices, prime teas, are a speciality
EDITORIAL NOTES. Edwards, J Armour• Small breed- Moffat, Gent's fancy flannel shirt'-- Joh, he w%B covered with boils. with us, try a sample pound of our cele,
s `Tilt. Toronto Trust Company reports Aged boar -J Armour, H Deacon. Braiding a,ui►'s position is a peculiar one. In brated "Ram Lals" and "Pure Russian
G Moffoj T Bribge & Sun.
r that the fa hands of Ontario have Brood sow havin oalittered r littereduin89$92 --1' livid a &Son, Sl Moffat. Feather the first place, the doctors who ought amid or�dblack
edlseiiseana outer Ate, always
ass Anderaou. Y y command our very bosh attention.
John Taylor. to know ea that he is unable to work
nffrrod an apparent depreciation •of -J Armour. Sow littered in 1892- Woolen at olengNOThos Forbes, �V H and never will 6e. Their certificates4 CORDON & MCINTYRfi,
23j per cent., which however, the R McGowan, H Edwards. Special by Socks= --T Forbes, Nl iso to that. effect are now being considered The Big Brown Anchor
i' Company thinks should be red need to H Edwards for peat saw petard do McCracken, d , Wincltam. October 7th, 1892.
G Moffat. Woolen mite- Brotherhood, and unless Barn .,.o, ^"4
20 per Dent owing. to original overvalu• 1$92 by his Berkshire boar --H Ed• Nott.. Woolen gloves -W H' NIc• by tete supreme authorities of tine
P H Edwards for tJracken.
ations and some present undervalue- wards. Special by of b bis,Chae-
W H °MoOrackon, G Molifat. Log to accept his insnraue-i they will have Leaa•-
sow litiered in 1892, g y $3,95, Wm WatsQn,
tions. The. Toronto Trust Co. is mat a ter White Boar -E Edwards. j;�q�tedtuluiltG Ir[isa lNot , Gtsmoffst, Reis looping ot:.workthand lsays he is and 4tt,6con $� wire fence, sideline 39
political hody and its evidence as to POULTRY. patched quilt, T Bridge & Son, miss as well as ever he was. His explana- reprltrt i, bridge cone 8 Wniewartr
the condition of farmers cannot be pair geese -Jae Aarrison. Pair Nott. lag mat• -miss Nott, R Corley. tion of big sudden r8covery is the taut Bo' f:��ve, 8wices as;Pngineer to date,
waved aside as unpatriotic pessimism, turkeys -Thos Wilkinson, J Pelton. Berlin wool work-C,McOlellanrl, �V J of the town as well a6 of las comrades per M Smeltzer, con 4, and II Lem-
q'xE eagerness with which many Fair ducks -Jas klarrision, Thos .V'V'tl•, Fenwick. Berlin wool wort•, Hat- of the road. For months he could nut
^ Liusou, Plymouth 'rucks -Jas Her. T Forbes, Miss Nott. Sofa Pillow -0 sleep on back or sides and• had to take n,ax, con 12, X28 05. Council then
uranufucturers seize on any possible zigon. Lf -Jae Ilarrison let mcUlelland, W J Fenwic[c. ArrasenP what little teat he got by lying on his melt reed ttUP POR ERFSYLD, Clark. ,
method for raising the price of their and 2nd. Spanish -Jas Harrison. work, miss McFarlane, miss Nott. stomach. $el rave•
Cotta[ stockings -miss Nutt. Card One da some one threw a" little
products was well illustrated last week Haiiburga, speckled -Jas Harrison y lir G W Wilkinson intends going
when the paper manufacturers met in I1st and 2nd. Pair any other variety work -'p Forbes, A Proctor. Pencil 110011 called KIDNEY TALK into `his
„ end to a general m riga of fowls not mentioned in any of the drawing -arias BieFt,rlene, G Sowler. door, and his -wife .after reading it x Of to Wiaeona%n'in:r few weeks. -Un the
Montreal and ser g p third inst, a very sad and mournful
above sections -Jas HorriBo , let and Oil pai,ttaings, miss Wellwood, GSow- asnaded her husPi1 es to He a pare d
in elle ,price of piper owing to the, 2nd• y,:• accident happened in waich Mr John
ler. ; °}iair il,wers- atlas mcCh+llund, llodd s';Iloleas a y
acar«rity of rags. 'Tis true that rags) 15[PLEaIExzs. I Eutbroidery oil silk, mis" Nott, a[itia ainiply to please Tier, tint without any Bone lost his life. It appears that he
ac Iait'+uter late, two per teat of the Fatw ateISIP Edwards. Churn- l mel!arlane,. Embro.dery on linen, L 'exp'ect'ation of getting roliet. Strange lead been dawn to'Mr Robert , Arcn-
-lut but that did not t of the H A Scarlett. Buggy -Jas Walker, mcoielland, '1' Forbes, Lace work= to say, the pills did Pelle �e'him and he strong's for, p, joid of apple barrels and
paper I an G atofikr T'Bridge & Son. Twine- took several boies of them, the result 'on cominn otit.'of the gate he'got onto
a Pr n ,
It was Duly an rxcus", not a, reason Brussels, Plaw-J L Geddes. GanRagg the whifiletrees to get on the load
that was wanted'. plow -Murray & Co. Iron harrows lace -C McUlell tj, ATProctor. Beat he rrnah BIT,saysaa'nnotl underr when hi§`foot 'slipped t4rowing him
-V Vannorman, J L Geddes. Land carpet -Mise Nott, backwards unto the Horses causing
roller_Murray & -Co. collection of ladies' work apart'. front 'stand it and don't Harp; Gowexerseeing them to"run away, he fulling beneath
BELGRAVE SHOW. GRAIN. all other entries in ladies' department that he ltnttws tifie pills:hove cured Ilia' the vt%heels wbioh'passed'+over his head. 1
East Wawanoah
Agricultural -C MpClelland. r Forbes. Beat ex= 1 and he ig Able once again to work for
The Two bushels white fall wheat -W itibit in cotton„colotPd with Turkish his little flrmtl�y ., Grctt�eitletts'st Bawtei.. 'He was at nnoe carried to the residence
,Society held their annual fall sho.v ucott. "Two ba red fall wheat-- d e6 Mies Nott. Beat, exhibit 'in 1 a�it. of 'Mr Edward Bryant, } h4io he
onr Tuesda and Wednesday, of this H Edwai ds, T Briage & Son. Two w !1�• cotorpd. with Tr�rkish dyep; `F 4' •,�'$ tr �ijiemmlan• breathed his. last Italf -au hoyr. later. t
9 r
week. The show was good, but Owur� busl,ely bprit.i; wheat -Gro %'loffat, I; Anderson, Dlias Nett. pillow shaiiis, The Cotiticil. Bret in, ,;•the, Council .Mr OhasT0octrlr'wa, t . o un, ilia load :
to the cold state of t:,a weather il,r Curlb 1'wo bushels six -towed bares e J i ursuant to ail-
Col -buy. highly recommended=Win Wel , roont'ofi.$ept;' 4 h, p but escapedw'itl't a few h}�ieea s£ud a
attendance was not as large as it ru=Witt 1,.Y -t,; Mofl'at,G Stewart. `rM'o bush P�ltou. journttiblit " meriYbers all present. out head. -Fainters ,u this' seotiun of
have. been. • Thr. inside, departtuer•t Ply two rowed oarley-C Proctor & The following were, the judges :' Nlinutes tit last meeting read and the country are complaining of potato
*as good, their being the 1•lrgest Px- Sons. Two bushels white oats-tx gorses -Jus Reynol[la, Clinton; •,D signed'. �ecouot, of Messrs
Hare & rot, fully half the crop biAn; ba.l.-
i hibit'we have sero in a long time. -.1nt1'ar, H Edwards. Two bushels i4leGanyblin, Brussels; Jos Johnston, R,iddoll; Tolouto,• for utatibnvey, &c., Mr Robert Armstrong and daughter ,
The ladies' department was ahead of i,lack a„ts-Jas Rarrisun, .R, W Fier• Auburn. Cattle -R Modd. Auburn ; `also Boilers!C gravel°accriuytte rcct,fved faire gone to visit 'friends in Dakota.
previous years : nru side, the. show of tints• Two bushels pend= -(7 �iofl'ut. I ,rhos :Garbutt, (7iinror, Juhn Elston, rind ordered to be. paid. ComOlnuica- .-Sacrament of the Lard's Supper will ��
horses, Cattle, and sliaep wtes filer Li UuOk, Half bu;bel timothy --T i Morris.. ,Sheep and Pies -H W Kelly, tions and abaouufs from Dr Milm, and be dispensed in the Presbyterian
there was some as fine animals as cue Lind, Jud Harrison. Blyth ; Clhiis Henderson, Winghat.^.. Ii J D Cook,' 'barristers, Blyth, re church on Sunday next. -Mrs John L
would wish to see. The following is FRUIT AND FLOwttttS 1,Grain---A '1'aylrir, D McKinlay. Wing- I garding tele makins out of exarniutttiou Geddes (neo Mica Helen Porterfield)
the Apples -Golden russet -J Brattdou, ham ; R � Medd, Auburn. Fruit and papers and cotumittul Of. Gabriel Jet - upon resigning her position as organist
PRIZE LIST. Flowers -J 'A 1Lorton, Win;ltam: dam; a lunatic,' received, when it was in the Presbyterian church was 'pre.
D ("edat etc Son. Balawiu-:I Barr, ailing J; A moved by 1Vlc Anderton, r?econded by sented by the conareoatitaii .with a
Iloascs. , + G Manufactures -R C Sp e S handsome ,and well filled puree. Miss
A Garr. Sauw-r Bridge s & Son,
Heavy draught -Brood mare with Dloftat, it 1 Greening -G Moffat, R Morton, Winghain Roots and Vag - Mr . ahiel't, `'that 1Cir Cook be aid the
foal by her aide -A Carr, John Wil- y ^ sum of.. $5 -•-Carried. Payment of Dr Barbara Tucker is her successor. -Mr. #
Scott. Maidens Muff-- Win Geddes, tables -A 'Taylor, D .V1 . La , Wing.
Hams. Horse foal -John Williams, Jizs Harrison: Northern say -J Darr, ham; R Medd, Auliuru. Ladies De- Nlilue's account deferred +till next dos Cleg,,'baa shipped several eon- t
Geo Olvar. Marr foal -A Curr, Win �g of* Council. igntYnauts of iambi front rills aecciori d
J Sowler. Colverts -M. H Harrison.Harrieou. partment-\ins l)r'Patnlya`Win rhatmit. from1George Taylor. to e4`2,icont 7. io,- this seaeou.-Mr 11 J Russel, of De-
ar- �-
Well wood. Two year old filly -John A Carr.. TolinAil sweets -M H HPoultry - F Paterson, ^
Rall 4 S Pirs. Two year old gelding a G ceived, applying for the office of c01 troit, has been spending a fest/ days at
, . p Y 6 ^ risuu, D Geddes. T',eree v"riet,es lmplements-J W In°lis+ Vinghum, lector of taxes for the currout year,
-Thos Anderson; Gpo O;var. Year winter apples -J Henry & Suit, '1 - tier (Bert residence hf Sungauion,
old filly --Wm Wellwood, H Wight. Bridges & `Son. Fall pears -Jus TSIRTY D:kYS TO LIVE! guaranteeing to find ;;cod and autliQient Mrs Vert 'lay in taleeo, of go with
nran.° GPner:zl purpose -Brood mare' Anderson, Dlis Nott Will Bears security for' the perf�ruianae of the. silent 'Sutlrlay in the villin r� with old
y Harrison. Variety aAat MURRAX'B DEATH se:NZE.1oE tom- same. Resolved, that Dir Taylor be friends.-Mitix V U lti ig{itivan, form.
i . with foal by her side -Geo OI ar, It1 --R Scutt, M . y
r l D Harrison, Jas Aude;rson, idorse Y erly of the, place, but lately of Muth-
,,rapes -N Wightman. Plate Of MUTED -WHAT EVERYONE IN (#RAVEN• appointed collector at a s,ilar of CGU
crabs -J liPury & Son, R Sjott. Two BURST I3 TALKING OF.' by+law No• 8. 1892, ratifying his ven, has e,eeu visitau, friends ill the
foal - Jas Anderson, 'Chea Fortes. °
h Mare foal -Thos Todd, Geo Olvar. I variety plums, W H McCracken, "itppointment•read and passed., Jabez viliaae and vicinity. -The, Presbyter -
Two year old filly -John Taylor, Tbos I pe Scott, J Henry & 8uu. GRAVENHURST, Sept. 21, -The many, Jermyn, I1$ lot 37, eon ll, was prey ion manse has received a new set of
Ross. Two year old gelding -John Collection fruit -H Wightraan, J friends ut Sara Murray will be delight- ent complaining- about a ditch which shingles, and from the way the men
Taylor, J •E Fells. Year old filly= F,,IIs. Boeequet flowers, Thea Ander-, ed to • learn that ha is ltfn,setf again, Thos Lind, W j lot 381 c n 11, and worked we think they enjoyed it.-
' John Williams, John Barr. Year old eon, J Harrison• Flowers is pot -D and that after undergoing intense suf- allowed to fill up, therAby atoppiuo the Preparatory serviced on Saturday
oultes Thos Forbes. afterr,nun 8th insc, sermon by RPv J
golding- Joltn C , I Marsh, Oreo David. Best collection of fering, such as ,few: have. experienced. natural run of water through said
Best foal got by Ayrshire Stamp -Geo I house plant, -G David, D Marsh. Sam, as everyone knows, is a rail-- dealt from his property, slid askiuQ ii
reader, or rather was tip to the time, the Uouncll to take steps at once and
Olvar. Spat, of agricultural horses- I MANUFACTURES. j
Finlay Andereron, R Scott. Carriage) , n Aliso two years ago, when lie met with an have thu same cleaned out, as It++ wile Tower Wng to .
barges-'Broodnixie with foal by Let Ten yards flannel, T Anderso , , decedent whsle pnnaged in, coupling tenable under prvaent circumstances do The Clouse helo;,a ng to Mr Adam
side -Win Wellwood. Spring foal-, Nutt. Ten yards union flannsl, Miss cars. One hand will; crushed and hs« to got an outlet for water from some Bald was huru+iil ro the Thoretl on .
t Thos Wilkinson, M H Harrison. Two Nott, J Owe, Pair blankets -rhos lost several fingers. This waB an undi-r drains lie wanted to make on MttndAy murniug 1>+=t 'Chore was
year old filly -l) Stewart, J Coulees, Anderson, alias Nott, Pair coarse Srpteu,bt,r 17th, 1890• Icor five months his ia�rm�-•Laid over Debentures for hardly a«ivthing rr+,+Pd ; the antis- of
8r; Two year Oldgeldino-John Tien -!boots -[i Madden. F H ROderus, and a half the pOOr fellow was laid off puymeut Of • ti,e following accounts .the. fire is not known, We un ler
nett. Year old filly -V 'Vannorman, i Pair line boots (meu s) -F H Roderue. work, bitt Ilia old friends Aid not de were ordered to be signed. viz: MP88ra strand A1rReid hnBaOmeinr;urancP Dort.
VJ ; cOtt. Year old gelding --W J Three Ilottles I, me ' made wits -J cert him` au.1 many were the kinA en- Hart & Riddell Toronto, stattctuery, Tile follOatina is tic, rnunrt of thA
y Lower Wingham public school for the
Currie. Buggy hotsP--Wm Geddea, l Uwens, A Pioetor. uirius sent form.all along the true as pasta+, &c, $1.54, H ll Cook, Blyth,
Thos McDonald, Hack horse -•Levi' ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. � how Ire was ;