HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-10-07, Page 3lltgi:rel ail tools great Wti-rest in the bettfttit other people. AW" �'zutlt Rn4oiniw, ' x�sillilie�x+ a;nei the. ��',o, make unythir];; I wot;ld watt;[$ to. see your lordsliip, ft was sharked whiskey how they did1t. ,:. �l X V� I�r k, D ', oaf WYurtemburt, )!ring • ' �ar.t wupld keep i�iy ltarcas ort one grid Of the Carrell,, and �'ttt;, e,0 �a a Ol . tht int .of tl t♦aryhteHntlt e�itd tater loudly n thu qts+e , X wuutd prayjevery day, and I ttyould �eAntlury, wee raikralR cit++'.rrdrd by hist, ` 4ri aocotiiit of this soverlty't 4a -w. t and my lisird-to brushed t 411014 #te n; heeri #Qld•to, whether it. was wh1,skily of Pat Duffy iii tlhe barrel, heirs I regulates,gildpurifiestileentire system.. first stttclent he inet, in sumo particul, show oe•how to -go tRlleavan,� ;1'etcc�rlr r. "�'''�asttljjeatS �)r ANDOINTMENTS!' Re-Nunded A. univero.4f near Stutt+ ,I would bezespectftll -fro old people. as hili (ln illy oatlr. Mt ^** art, oliiJed tbR I a,ls brine, in whiollI'and behave so that any,'arentii woajti a�J,ii Artful sir i#is i p f4, addressed the Tileucrowedlesharostoodthe toot 91 flitx•roaroexperience, Arad are pronounced xlra beat era;l,lr,er r.+ k'nnptirllse. tell broils hes of sNitilce were taught, l but r tktei stulleuts a,tuidu t alerts AXt not-tbe ashamed of lite. ' �' vtruld+i.,s in earrnlstAbaut every- clerks of the court while the latter leas administeripg tate , r atitmir, fee olid ilnrestricLH?) life, as its tliied " «hen rlhttd t0 wonii I would de calls, said, speak up t 1 Cautlat tleaitr whist. ystttt Bay, StQ l Peirrf)t site bloaa,l cerrect sJ1 alaordere of the LII Ie, STGIIAGII, IitANl:i'S Al•ht xu11r.1 S tt lnraltlabloInallcoatplontsinaldsutuita#onlalesaf,nllipges. otl3Hr,unxversici(ia, lint ixaci to stt'bcult. tR WBtrif t'military disctfAne and often it with ail y �iikght of would study , ?e#ltdo all zrhy . ixrigllt and if would said the�yudge £tato lege bench. Are ; rX1-aZ ' ' :to •secure unisbotellt, FrQderialt I p ptityi,you,deaJ'3 wiih all illy rnig; t', Yost your honor hi one e r Ar. Then you may leave the box, Is sled only rsliable roinoiv far bad le6j, soros, Uicer'ex (tn4t r>lCi H'ollJld6. ) m11110=11 THROATS, 00110118, 11008, GOUT, AVI&WATISAI.. GLAIICLAII Ril.•$L1.1voti ANV DNRASES IT 1148 NO 11%JUAL. Munuhictured lTlrp, #3r lit ' ALii S1i111 •tdeitillaar, calla ctfterw(trda laecatrie tiro I Cwould,readtloodks aria tt era which p p far it t:l net;essary that ju,,3tmeit .should only at 78, Notw Urrard. late 6M:, G\fe,rd strcot, and sold by aU bicdiclnaitondorsthroughout the world, Lmnlon. ". imist 'slofebmted Gtlrmata oept, wile Q would awant to. trialce .isle know sottle� itietir'ty itti both sides. ; M Purhasers should look to the Label on tbq Iloxea arid, Foto. if t1w usldreRs 15: uuL ,,i,t Oxford ;street London, they one of the studoots tit :tae year 1776. (t1►ifrg 4 olid do something w4;Rh would ----- - to apurioue. +*- -r~ _ lltgi:rel ail tools great Wti-rest in the bettfttit other people. AW" �'zutlt Rn4oiniw, ' institution the had foutidod and 06n,' 1 vrQu:ld ,lid v0 pas Utld tit" iitt8 pas l g "culated Ta s dol"Pus cost#dation is Nicely ca; - to produce dyspapsia, heart- eluith his consort Frawt iscit., (Iitttnteas coulddlt this world. but I woualdu't tall burp, biliary troubles and headache. Bur: dock Blood .bitters is equally well calcul. ,nf golenheim, paitl the utt,iviarsity' an lies, •ser -staid, nor 17e 1110811 to anybody. . atoll to oure these troubles aria ihas proved ,utimpectod visit, Oil such oocaeions X wuutd prayjevery day, and I ttyould its power in hundreds of oases. 13 hp,begann ri id txatninauon of the ask Jesws tll,lie a good gild good loo y regulates,gildpurifiestileentire system.. first stttclent he inet, in sumo particul, show oe•how to -go tRlleavan,� ;1'etcc�rlr Old aild 'i1V'eatilerbesteu. arybra[ich of his studies, 'f'£ he rem Call. The old practise of bodgering wit- oeimed,prompt and correct apswers lie nesees has, almost disappeared from emp>:e'ssod, to the happy sti.#'dent .1tts Mow the 1eart .Boats. may uuurts ; but ill A Western. Kansas sadsfactipn, but, if, on tho ,contrary, Dr. IV. B. Richardson, the noteet AOwn it is still liept up- 6onletimes tlre.altu(lsttit, Taken by surprise, utter- physician, says that lie oyes oncil ens however, to the damage of tale crnss- ed sarliHtui3iaht�liigills or wrou, anew abled to.preach an effectual temphranoe examiner, Lawyer S-•--, is well er, Qr did;not answer at ali, Karl Dolie lecture lay a scientific experiment. An known for his,' nneun]Hly habit, He its he was • ealled in Wurt;Rmburg acquaiutituve was sinking elle ursise cuts his•hair about four titnes a year,{, oocaltid ituni%aronad suddenly and airy of wine, and declared khat •lie could and the rest of the time looks decided-: to his,spousp:; CurnN, Frauzelolet the not get through the Say without it.. 1y ragged about rhe ears, Hqr was blocldisad,alone. Of Oourst-, the u'1- Mill you be stood eliotigh to feel my making a witnoss describe a Litrn, fortataaa,te•stildelit boc4metile lasughing pulse as I stand.. here asked Dr.- which lignred, ilk ihis'lest, case. stoek of his :reorursides find this !habit Richardson. i How long hats this bat+n beeli' lluilt2 of tht-Attke,foridshed ample nsiawrial Tile man did so. Oil, I don't l(nRly. About it year; for conversation. Schiller playfully G'ount it enrefully, What does it mobby. About eine inpntils, pfraps, iulitated ititle'dulce's maullee of eluGecll- say 2 But just how. long 1 'fell. the., jury izing 'tal)e 40idont,s, and this waft r - SNvanty-four. how loin it Lag been bruit. f potted to Korl' One. day he estme The phy-daian then wont and ray WPll, I don't know oxawl.y. .Quite; a ai with 4-Aq,coasorf, aur! met RelriI- down on it sofa and asked the aaenile` 0, while ler irtttlae eurricior., Tirt ett8Iniliati,on man to count his pulse again. Now, M.r. J3--;"ynu pass for tit]--- +begau at Ri,cag::vRE7 t5ehlllN.r's ttnsivars ( Tt has. gonH down, to sixty;fottr, .Le tntOUigrrit fBfntNr, and yrs you can't' THY Ir" ON L L TV u" were satisfactory. , But the rilike stall- said in. astortlsbtuent. 'What sit ex• toll holy old they darn is; Jand y,lu! Royer, slew sraraa(sn(rs, de#nly'asaurttied a+Eeroeiousair itud sai<9 ;: trtior.dinary thing r' have lived oil the 'rii x.t farm for tt•n � REDUCTION IN RATES. Look lleret Schaller, ,I am told thi'n's When'you lie down, at night, said yr,ars, . Uan you t+•ll `.dhow `old yo ar attd ie,+ colpvt,,c+cl thsat youcan copy in ve- y well. Is that: the physician, that is the way uxture house is I come, now; telLua lJc w a, � steamorssan rel tltarhl fr{pu ld I PORTLAND AND HALIFAX 7o LIVE" $R ` ,1 1vRtil2l like to Hee you do lt' talie8 t0 t ivCi shoe itea�t , a rNtt,, �OeT }nor own house.. is, i£ sari ti.i,lk yntt ; r, '^� `' l p().pL vin Landunderry, Who urldercalr,+s ate ,coppy the duke! nifty know nothing alpine it, but the know:. � 1� � ! � �� � ��� gq,nial,. fly ligo7tning, thH: olid ttintl'r . � IJ'�„S `� `�., (bi.'1 i f1 uvntxa mllu w•X aur) i,oarert. Organ ifi rP.Stllt� to that extent, aixei if cab! '40 find upwards. Socond Cabin, Seo. 111115t untJrrhyttllad l,i lusllle'sa well, Or, as a replied, Ye -want to ittlow how old ,ny steera;re at low rates, lYo Cattio Carried. thunder aetd iigitt,w,Gtig, shall conte you rPckotl the tall it involves 4 -Rood bouge'ls, do ye.i Well, it's jttst nl,out upon • him G ol, uow with your deal of rest Wes* se, iu"ly+iial; down, as old as you tri.; 'titrd needs shin -di„' � I; tilt finest Wst:l'Filiinh knowis, STATE) snavtou OP copying, the heart is doing alien teit`5,trokos Itss. `ahout n,i bald l a ALLAN LINE: a etrinutes.. 211 tlpe ri9Ar that followed aha w tnaas �+���, � RT> Astsllzrs, Scholl( -r quiekla• res~,poodod, and re- c 1l ultiply that by sixty, and it is six stepped down and lies not toiled gt]estitJg rho dtl.i;r #o aeeunle+ the char_ Lack. i'NEW Yut�X -& GLASGOW ituatdred;` mulaiply by eight. hours, and /ie, Landonaarrti, ever actor (if the 4tud*,Qt', lisp l,ttwl,+(I out. yi'�,tnanitt• (bbin,'$40.and within a fraction, therH is a dtifrrrnc0 Tina Elated Surgeon.RPAN upcvurdR. SeCond Cahio,125 SWol%,,go allow rates. Look herr, SclhiliYi'. X LavN lip within {Appy toR.&A.ALL9Y, nloutreal,nr Yx of idvF thousand strulces; , .and ret the Of the.Lubou Medical Company is now,^ HENRYDAVIS. told that you d$tro to eo.py lips`, t1he Toronto, 04nada, tend run be consulted H U �J � 9 l+'\1- Y DrlVI hetlrt tlirulvs six ounces of blood at either in person orb letter on all chronic .linden, Is that s•>. 1 Y every strol(t', it slakes a difference of diseases peculiar to mats. Nen, young.,old, ' As Xurl did notanswer at onep; or middle-aged, who fiud theinselve very-!- ~'�- -•-- - - thirty thousand ounces of lift during out weak and exhausted, who ars broker) Schiller continued: is sire beat in the wont. os>aPti COWAN, • •thH night. i�lhen.I he dower at light I down from excess oroverwork. reauttiug its. Well, now .go on tie otico with our many of the following symptoms: 1Lental' i ,. y without rtthy alcohol, that is the test ! deprosgiou, premature old age,Ioss of vital. k Crmtr. 9•rn Div, Lornir,Co, Hunoa, tinstvHr or tltundrt and lightning slhall the heart gets-. { its, loss.of memory, bad dreams, dimness q ! of ai01 b, palpitation of tile heart, ernitisiotts' J. l; . CL anmP ihpou you. But when ! t,alto wipe or oro;;; I do i leak of suer! ! A[rCTIU\rErz3, y 'J Lie duke rP lie+ iii nno('1 1ttlallRC .,y, pain in the kidiJeys. Lead ! ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICL46RS ( p d not et al! that rest fnr th�i iuflaol)r0 ache, pimples or) the face or body, itching; ST , 6 lUNlia BI,OGk Your hl,+hn(+ss will pardon --only an of peciriiair:aenaatiou about the scroGutu, Commis4roxim a:t E H. (1. ,7., �;Tc, p of alcohol is to it(ore,aste thH llumbeY of+ wasting. of the organs, dixziuesR, specks bei lneonsitltratE oke g rHpRsr,tllg fore the eyes, Gwftclliva of the >7iuscietl,P.ye + l WiloxHTWA. ll,lm, ,l .afro!{Nil Instr,ad of getting 1Vin:,thtpi]l, lids, and e)sawhere, bashfulness, deposits A joke l cried Schiller, who threw than who uses alcohol putt on some- I of the urine, loss of will power, teuderness r r a „ of the scalp and spins, weak curl #lobby, Sole Ageurs for =above ,an An;,ry inns at tii+t dolt,•, ati i takltln thin, Like fifteen thousand extra strokes t P �.y� 7�, r�yY t r( v r muscles, desire tosieep;failureto be rester! lip(7,�V l� L�k� ,;iciYAAAt.C�yy this it air Cite countess, Said : Cot and h- rises tiito unfit for the next 9 by sleep, ce,dissive for solituess;de, x It minty: WHAT ,goys CAN GET Frenzel; let the hlnrkhend atone. � day'3 work, ut,til he Ihti,s taken a little toes of voice, clt!srt•e for soiitude,ccorttabriity � WHAT YOU .lV GET W f N G R A W. . The duke,tit'st n�nplaTerel by snail of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with . mora of that ruddy bumper, which his LSA1pri4 znc],r, oily looking $•kill, etc, are AT 0a itnl aJ aU R nl tame of nervous debility that lead tl , $1,•.0(},000. Rest, S6tit1i1Q0, nildaeity, soon broke out itpto Ioud culls tho soul of the matt below. -Re- y t? to insanity and death unless cured, The �y l � n Preelduut-3ot(x $'rvh&r, lannhthear and afterwarcla liePtowtd sx formed ,Chur-A Messenger. spring or vital force having lost its tensiotfil A� L. Ilia ��id � ��� � ��3 Vice•Presidont--A, G. ttaats,ty, ,ext deal of . kindness upon Suhiller. -:-- every function washes in consequence. YA ii88.. HAMILTON I7 Ls �O77 (8t 99 p hose who through abuRe committed ill __ r. IREt+'3'®iLS Wit and Humor. ignorauoe may be pertuaneutly cured. DRUG SE tart ( Pnaoeoa, Culls. Ruax»r, (iso leoecu,, A. If I Were You, �r .drop. Stand up, said the teaelior to the Send your address for book or) 9611 dimaases I lvcou, A. 13. t sr) (Toronto). T wouldn't be ashamed to do ri;bt head bo$'S ell adatittano(+,andbives peculiar to rrlan. Books he it free sealed. bnshler-J. TMBULL, 41 Heart disease, the synptoins of which are WI GRAM. Stavinga B.•tatti;-.flours,10 to 3 • Saturda,s•s, to . ltnywllera. I tvRttli not du ltrtyt;hilTf, the definition, faint R alis, purple ti as,numbuess, cal pito Pais went frons the' P P p l P t t. Ila posits of 01 and upwards received and 'internist tion, skin boats, bot 8uslie,i rush of blood - -- I olowe . that, I would not, Ise willing fs,r every- i head to near 'tile foot of tile.; .1,A 8,,4, air to the bean; dull air) in ti;e bears With Drugs; Snecfttl nreposlts also roceivad at current P t�j f rates of intorast. hlJdy to t:uO�V, sp011in1; the word, but unable to tell beats strong. rapid and irrera)ar, the Elraftam,GreatLit9tain and the united States , • x wouldn't canelud(a that I knew the ineaning of it, until it. reaciteid secoodheirtiaeatquicker than the first,pain Medicin s boughtand•sold about the beettatbono. etc, cau positively More thou my foa llor b0fore I had beeti a little, boy near the foot WI•tti bail beets be cured. No care, no pay. Semi for ( � �• WILLSON. AaRsi• J iii) milts front burue tLg Clratt� Liillt osted about the v{1_ boolt. Adarcas ivi,'4i LUi30N, 2:4 Uacrinta, and. Cili.P.YYITC'dpls, i41LYB11, ak DICXIN1 ,;ON"; I p all Ave, Toronto, Caabadaa,,� andbolicitars. w mida't go in coinpmly of buys lage, and who spelled the word Adnlit. ' rvho use !tad laaar~uuge. tat,cE correctly. What does it naastu 7 y,rt sob $ ,' •, , I wouldn't umt in they sulks and pout asked the teuelher. Afinilttanoe, said '� � .�� rs Jl`� 1� r `t7ClGs, J whenever I cr1n1(ltl't have m own We, r +' '$iA 1:'e, SAW MILL, • y Y .the lyay, means fifty cents, and child. S�rb�i.��'s, about evHrytbinir. ret] `11;11[ price. �t 11� . I wouldtr't Jot tiny other, boy' get mutes >+itst.-A. Spanish Judge who �,�, m � �x� �1C'lliSlt��i, ����� �'��i6i��� J ahead of the in nlstudies, , was visited by Qe Perfumery, &C. � � �� �E+nor` y had it case to decide , � I wouldn't abuse little buys Who had, the plaintiff, .010 prpseuted hien with a no big brother for rnH to be afraid of, # handsome span of mules, Sub8tigttent Prescriptions carefully corm. Unlocks fill rho cicgged avonuex of the L11M 1D of ill � d I would learn try ere. polite to every, ly the de�fetidalit presented the Span, Bowels, X iclneys and Li'vers.carrying the pounded dt all hours. s body', isle jddif p toith a carr"tago, FvidHtitly off gradually Nvitliout wilakeniag rile sys: (jnr st4Gla Of Sncdicifie5 is b171- tom, all the %m utialog alta foul hurrroto rirst•claSsShinglti3s I wolf](110 cry for anytilifi tvhi'" th(t Spatlidh judge descidad in favor of of the sooretions at the sathte time 00-plete, warranted genulne arid•of 3 MUMIAa 01, pap'l told file it was not tate plaintiff. Tiler defendant private- Neting Ar=idity of thtl StOnfadhy ' sad for axe: curing 13ilioustress, Dyspepsla, I ,the best quality. and. Cet�i�1� Pb�fS. detnttirre5at, wktereuputt tltt� judgr ptorb• Heudachees, RDizziness, I•ieartburn, ) - j 3 p� T would try to see if I rooldn't get tl 8nid : Yt lr mtwt'llot Joel olltig.. ConstipUtion, Drynoss of the Slott,, i li![Oms tel LOAD Off Nutters. # Car loath Ord' a Specialty p y iDrupt3�rt Dithfiess trig Vlsit'rtr, AtIit" � li0tiple'tct like,. iiy'aelug Civil' t(1 every i ritiedt!]i• t]ules Always fro [l�£urr the dice, Alt Ilheum,luri3aailteilrts SerO�►.. body, aarriagtt. MAI l+Jy�ttepl>i e�>4 t 9 Iiir3ttr1, Nei,.* or 1 �"Y?l�il;a �l��f�ul>�t�� r �� yousne±s, a''nd ei'la'ral Debility all : ) OD deliveereii .16"a%X lair, I would napt+ryr theirs fun O>` rrtrilcir°sit At It legal , Investigation Of n biltior tXegs and many'athilst similar Corn laIntg Air rmAis N d �I,� ICA'DI�;� ' in h out.. y T o� '.. liet:ausn tide lvertl riot rlresse+I choral .'se zur0 flt4,"utlge ttskecl dtt utxwlilitts Will to thehtl„p infiu 44 of DO it rlanoyadvauord an VortrftuiesAtaperretltWalk! X , y y l '"LOOD 81m 0 privilege Of Ixyhas sit itke wad of any year. Not",' � ' •,, I would .try to learn sorrla'thtlig ug»' Witrissi s `�V`I)at was in the barrel far` 1 star by ati �3aalrr'� i rrlld aoatluuta oatlenied, ( 1ti; (2rderiiy) npr,tipYostpwi attat,l to. fai 0ay.'aircl wlh ei, ryreta 'that sett 7 .lie artily tntts : �Vtlrlt.1t$iiQ.ri�f19Q'i'iltlwo�i.ozfaltrb: tpraltp>rw taa,twr ixi{,ttariraWta,oac itsalf>wI10YiYsSo�l. . �......,�...'. .� . .. r. `.Lar.. ... .... _-1