Wingham Times, 1892-09-30, Page 7t �« • 1 The Young Man Who Knew gow. to Oliatt Without Teaching. " Alto- iglit at a tittle mountaitltown in Kentucky, says a writer in tfae De. troit Free Press, I was seated on the front porch of the tavern waiting for bedtime to come along when a tall, strapping fellow lounged through the office.and dropped into it chair beside Me. Stranger in these parts ? he said, in ciuiringly. A. little somewhat so, I replied, glad of a chance to tack to somebody,; though I've been over a section of it in the last month.. What de you think of it ? Well, it !night be worse. Yes, I s'pose so, but I've studied up some and don't see exactly how. Oh, it isn't all bad, he replied, in a half hearted way ; I never heard any- body s>.y anything against the moral character of our mountains; our trees would stand well in any community; the Cumberland River is clean,and our cows are, as a rule, peaceable and well disposed. , The man's answer surprised me not a little. I had not hear(' any native talk quite as he did and I was inter eiyted. , Do you belong herr ? I inquired. Yes; never lived anywhere else. What business are you in i I'm a school teacher. 011 1 you teach the young idea how to shoot do you ? .Not much, he replied, with emphasis, it's born right in '.em, and that's what ails the whole country. Probably he knew what he was talking about. Preferential Trade. pRLFEP•LN TAL trade properly' con- i— sista in giving the preference to Bur, dock Blood B'tters when seeking for a cure for constij tion, dyspepsia, headache, biliousness, jaundice, scrofula, poisonous humors. bad blood, rheumatism or kid- ney complaints. It is the true cure, and has cured oases which "had resisted all other treatmeet. Discriminating • Pdis Goldust—You are. a friend of Mr Upson Downes, 1 believe'* Kirby Stone—No. Miss Goldus.t—Why, he told me he was a friend of yours ! Kirby Stolle - Oh, lie is 1 but I make it a rule never to borrow, my• self. Truth will Prevail. DEAR SIRS, -I have been afflicted with Chronic Rheumatism for several years, and have used numerous patent medicines without success. But by using six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters 1 was entirely cured, SARA) llLutsnaat, King St.. Kingston, Out. NOTE.—I am acquaiuted with the above named lady and can certify to the correct- ness of this 'statement. HENRY WADE, Druggist, Kingston, Out. A Terrible Disappointment., Mrs Grey neck --Why, Johnny, what makes you feel so sad 1 Johnny—Booboo ! Grandpa just fell down on the we—.wet walk and got his clothes all mud. Mrs Greyneck—I am so glad, my child, to find you so kind-hearted and sympathetic. Johnny—Ye•ye-yes; and sister saw hila and 1—I didn't. Up To Date. Facts, statistics, information, things use• ful to know, the druggist and best budget of knowledge, reliable and up to date will be found in a new publication, "Facts and Figures," just issued by Messrs T Milburn & Co, of Toronto, Ont. Our readers can obtain it by addressing the aboye firm and enclosing a three cent stamp. Aphorisms. The man who to hard up can't very well come down. The board of health may be various. 1y composed, but the,board of dyspep• sia clings feverishly to oatmeal. It's seldom the same divinity that shapes both our ends; for 1) D who christened us is very likely to die be. fore be has a`chance to preach our fun, eral sermons, Worowaraod is Perea:rned. Many of the worst attacks of eholera inorbus, crams, dysentery, colic. etc., *toe suddenly iin the night and speedy and cult must be used agwfnst t!;tem. /MA ^t t►WIAy Bis QYd Laoket• Wouldn't Work. Papa Bendigo keeps a pretty sharp eye on hie daughter Mary and many a would be lover h'as taken a walk for a few minute's conversation with the hard-hearted "parent. You seem like a nice young man, and perhaps you are in lova with Mary ? Yrs, I ata, was the hot.est reply. Haven't said anything to her yet, have you ? Well, no; but I think she recipro- catea my affection. Dues eh? Well., lk.t me tell you something. Her mother died a lun. title and there is no doubt that Bary has inherited het intlanity. I'm willing to take the chances, re• pied the low Yes but you Seo Mary has a terrible temper. She has twice drawn a knife on to with intent to commit murder. I'm used to that ; got a Sister just like her, was the answer. And you should know that I've sworn a solemn oath not to give nary a penny of my property, continued the father, • Well., I'd rather start poor and build up. There's more romance `in it, ;',Ir 13end:go, continued the lover. I've heard .all this before, and also that you were on trial, for forgery, had to run away from Loudon for bigamy and served a yen* in prison for cattle stealing. I'ni going to marry into your' family to give your reputation a it good send off.- There—no thanks—.-- good-bye hanks—=good-bye 1 Mr Bendigo looked after the young man with his 'mouth wide open, and when. lie"could speak he said : Some hyena 13 given we away cu my dodge ! HOLLOWAY'S O.INTMENT AND PILLS effect wonderful cures on had legs and wounds. If these medicines be used according to the directions which erg. et rapped around each pot and box, there is no wound, bad leg, or ulcerous sore, however obstinate, but will yield to their curative prtrperties: Numbers of persons•who had been patients in the large hospitalc, and under the care of eminent surgeons, without derivin, the least benefit, have been cured by Holloway's Ointment and Pills, when other remedies had signally failed. For gratiduittr swellings, tumours, scurvy. and disen'es of tl'e skin there is no medicine that can be used wi:h so good an cfft•et,. Though potent for, gond, it is powerless for harm ; and though the cure it effects is rapid, it is also complete and permanent. • You can't tell how much money a Irian. has in hispocketbook by the size of the strap around it, Itoh, Mange and Scratches et eyery kind, on human or animal, .oared hi ;30 rnlnutea by 1Vool' ori's Sanitary lotion. This never fails, Sold at. Ctsholm's drug store, People who want to do good *lever have to stand aroma(' on the corners waiting for Alli opportunity. English Spavin Liniment retnores all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splints, Ring Bono, Sweeney, Stiaes,Spralns, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save e80 by use of one bottle, warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever know(.. Sold at Chisholm s drug store. There are people who ni ice a good deal of noise in slinntiug who keep very still with tt eir money Sorue people never find out that an opportunity is an opportunity until it has turned the next'corner. 1'tISEUMATISM CURED IN A D.n.—South American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is re• markable and mysterious. It removes.at once the cause et the disease itumediately disappears. The first dose greatly bene= fits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholtn's drug store. When Katherine aslce 1 if she might go out of doors, her mother said, not now. `May I go in a few whl es,? said Katherine. Quinine, Nov. Oth, 1891, DR. L. A SMITE. et CO,: GLNTLE:IIL•'N,—*'Our Anti -Dandruff should be used by all who are troubled with Dan- druff and.falling of the heir. I have used it only a few tunes and it has wrought a wonderful change. 1 also ata fullyn con• viuced that Anti -Dandruff promotes growth of the. hair. MMlICAEL HDROLIEY, Heuohey's'Hotel, Quebec. There is a way in which the postage stamp has the advantage of the small boy. It can never been licked but Once. Piso's Rewody for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to i'se, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by until, 60c. 1;. T. Hazeltine. Warren. Pa. THIS PREPARATION Acts directly on the stomach And promotes the healthy action of the liver, WITHOUT PURCIING. For Sale by All Druggists. And Wholesale by London Drug Co., London, Ont. HALSTED & SCOTT ITI EJRS_ Josephine Street - Winaham, Ont, J. A. }IALSTYD, • .1. W. SCOTT, I Mount Forest, Listowel. Deposits Received and' Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and • Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought ',at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Spbcial Attention Given. to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada --Tho Merchants" Bank of Canada Wee Hours -From 0 e. m. to 6 p. ut, A. E. SMITH, A;;ent. Tlmov Wisdom. Groat and timely wisdom is, shown by Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, on hand. it has no equal for cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps and all summer complaints or looseuoss of the bowels. W'on't you let we kiss you just once, Minnie ? Why, Harry 1 That is not a proper thing to ask a young lady I Educational, Works, 'VIII; work of edueating the public to a 1 thorottigh ltuowledge of the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters as a tut() for all diseases of the stomach, livlrr, bowels, and blood, has beau completely su. estiful. The (stare y is MAY knowu`liud used in thous. sd Abs: s whereI!t •ail l ...Veld yj J$R'5 Fx-r or aRa.�, Ctrs .w e v v4aa. r� ism !� ti ARRHOEA YSEoMPLA[> ;T ANDAL� r ani, �il t ' of ULTS CHILDREN .- cT price ®1:WaR$ of IMI TATIONS HAVE YOU , "Backache f49 means the kid= Heys are in • trouble. Dodd's fp Kidney Pills give z prompt relief" "75 •pee gent, of disease is VI ,dist caused by ,: • disordered Na- te, neys. "Might as well etic to have a t healthy pity without sewer- age, as good' ;' health when the kidneys are ',Jowled, they are DODD'S :KIDNEY 'PILLS CURE YOU the scavengers of the system. "Delay . is dangerous, Neg leeted kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy," 'The above disease') cannot exist where, Dodd's Kidney Pill* aro used.' uric' lis all nettle.% too south a R TRADE SALE L. 1.'. it. T1 214 TAB1.4 Trains arrive and depart as follows: • Laavixe 8:86 a, .....,.....For Toronto ....... 2:00 p.in 0o 1n, ..., , lror°1'osuater, 10:5,, p, „ To +lth Merchants and atheroBusinesso1 keep a' full stock of SHOE DRESSING, Ilathatray, whinuore"s, Zanolii, French Dressing, Eclipse, Bixby's,15 Ilpeo lxhy'sPerfect Ilia, Ste,'tn !0, and. 25o, sizes by the gross or dozen, Jacquots French 1 Blacking and Gray's climax waterproof. in Leather, Horsehide, Pnglish Kip, Porpoise, Cotton and little, In all lengths. Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, &o. SHOE LEATHER, a2, In 2:00 10:14 Cl R� A ter) 'Z' C7 I1TK „EV A. C. STRATBDEE, Amen', wisonam. Through tickets to all points in Amer Nv, West, Paeifio Coast, eto., via the shortWtt and popular routes. Baggage chocked through destination. Lowest freight rates to ail points --•--TIME LEAVE W0011Att, Altair$ AT wizen 11:20 a,14ti oronto,Guolph,Palinc rston, ,to. 8:40 p 1:45 ', ,, " 14:(?2 T:26pk „ Clinton, " � Palmerston, Mixed 10:40 A. 0:43 a.m.... ..,,..London, &e 11:00 " 8:45 p.m, ' 7:50 p.1 11:20 a.ns Kincardine, tat „ , 0:48 a.m m-... &c. 1002p" " 17:00p. Simon Alma, bal and 81 and Merzonia Rip and Calf ; also native kip and upper. Spanish and slaughter sole. HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on band in oak and hemlock, Specia stook for traces in oak. Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed. A postal card will secure quotations ora call from my travel- ler. • W. J. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leather Merchant, WINGIIM.I Scientific. American Agency for •; CAVEATS TRADE MARKS. COPYRIGHTS, eta. f, 'or information and free Handbook write to MUNN F. 801 BROADWAY, New YORK. Oldest bureau CO.,for securing patents in America. ';very patent taken out by us is brought before the public bya notice given free of °barge lathe kdeuti£zr Largest circulation of any scientific paper to the world. Splendidly tlludtrated. No intelligent man should be without tt. Weekly, 83.0pp e, year; 81.60 six months. Address MUNN A CO.. VCBLlsnER$. 801 Broadway, Now York. FOR THE BEST VALUE IN ORDERED CLOTHING GO TO WEBSTER'S HATS, OAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, &c. `Cheap for KA -SI, AT-- , IVV4T 193 13 S '1" El 1 t, ' S T--- TF13L'1".:.1t,'S Stoves, Stoves9 Stoves All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK S -T -0-V wit .- —S to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage and to give complete satisfakt.oi. D. SITTIIERLADTD.