HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-30, Page 6• y , viatuigqo two Al. SEPTE11 all 00, 1892,. tiR PLAY IN DARYING. interesting. account of the. 8 $- tent of paying for milk in a cheese factory accord- ing to result. a. DEAN, OF TUE ONTARIO A `PLURAL COLLEGE. DEAR: Sut.-.-Having recently paid a sit to the factory of the Lusa Cheese Butter Manufacturing Oo, where cord for mill: ac rev have been paying iQ t h its butter fat contents as deter - tined by the Babcock tester, 1. fought it might not be unilhteresting your readers to give them an out - I'm of the method and seine of is results up to date. This faetory is owned and managed y t RICUL- the net prig obtained, would entitle this patron to $1.32 more than the 8,55 per cent palrou. There is .en, other interesting point in connection with this. experiment that is worth noting. In the 21001b8 of 4.80 per cent, milk there would be 511bs more fat than in the 2100 lbs of 3.50 per pent milli NOW, ordinary Cheddar cheese consists of (roughly speaking) one third fat, ane third casein or curd, and one third water and three times 51 is nearly 15j`• So without chemi- cal analysis this is about the extra quanity of cheese that we might ex - pea from the extra 51 lbs. of fat. METHOD OF+TESTING. As each patron's milk is poured, into t is anti the weigh -can a measured quantity taken out each morning of the Week and put in a gem jar labelled with the patron's name. A.t the end of the week a sample is taken from this com- posite salnple .whish represents the average quantity of milk sent in dur- the week. The average per sent. of Lawyers and mafiistratall are nolo, mal1nt.,, much out of the company or patrons this year. Yours, IT. id. DEAN, 0. A. College. Guelph, Sept. 1992.. the farmers in the vicluIay of . - fat multiplied by the total pounds o vo4d..a brisk little town on the Grandfat delivered glass the total pounds V1311114 between Listowel and Win; ham ''hey also own and operate a flax mill of fat sent to the factory for the week Nhich is a success. This shows what and on this basis the proceeds aro dhs-- fartners may do if they wilt but co- tributed at the end of each month. A P a estate. But to carry on such work 24 bottle Babcock tester is used for successlRlly requires the testing, and. Mr Gray informs me igen • of enter- prise and executive ability, sued as are that it takes him nearly all day' to found. in the township of Elfna. test the 97 patrons. With the follow - Arriving in the afternoon, I ' first ing conveniences, however, the time visited Mr Lochhead, the secretary of might he 'touch lessened.. the company, a mau who has done in. The following are the ,results of the valnalhte work iu connection with the few tests made tehile at the factory fanners' enterprises. in the township. Dripeings frontcurd sink 6.20 per c fat A brick walk of i• of a mile brought nm to the factory, which consists ..of frame make ani press rooms, with a brick curing house near by, Mr Gray, the cheesemaker, and Ws assistants (two men and one girl) were busy with ' the curds, most of which were , in the sinks. A visit to the cording room showed aOne even lot of cheese that would delight the eye and taste of any buyer. They were neatly all whites except a few made for the exhibitions which were colored. Mr Gray inform- ed me that he had not been troubled i with sassy curds this season, as he -Now for fall '13usiuess.-For or Parlor Suites. lied -room Suites, iiidebeards, Lounges, OIlaira, tipriug Beds, Mattresses and nice before youpurchaseanythito ng. e in the funr mes tore lune, be sure and call. at S Gracey's. pod remember if bought, iu quantities, not ouly can you get low price$, but have the goods delivered FREE, and set up in. your homes anywhere within i2 miles of Wingbarn , This you'll find is quite an advantage, as you Have no trouble nor risk of gettiu.: them damaged in taking theta home. Remember the plane -first door South of the GUACEreFuulr•niture Dealer. Vat No. 1 t1 2 11 3.60 3.90 11 ...3.S0 '11. 4... ..3.80 11 Mr 'Gray's cow..... ...4 00 si TEST VARYING. I was informed that a number of potions are.dissatisfled with the tester because it varies from week to week, To such I would say that we, find the milk from our dairy herd 'also varies somewhat but not so much as indivi- vidual cown. The reason for this 1 ani unable to' give. The following will show variation in trials made Struck the Wrong Trail. About the first thing a man with a travelling case and drooping mustache noticed upon entering the train was a pretty young woman 'wiy11 a baby, stt- ting by herself in the forward end of of the car. The man looked exceeding- ly affable as he shd into a seat immed- iately belting the pretty, young woman and eithin the space of a minute and a half he' had made friends with the baby by gleans of a series of wild pan- tomimic demoonstr,ttions. A goo a got. • The man with the drooping muss tach thrust hs`s bead forward ostent- atiously and emitted a sound resemb- ling 1 he gurgle of water running from a jug. The infant was visibly pleased Whose baby ld oo.? The man wgs clearly working the child only as a melees to an end. He glanced t:urtively now and then at the pretty woman. She looked stead- ' ily from the wiudow. D. es oo love u0 dear ma ? The luau thrust hie linger playfully against the baby's ribs, and was re- wardq with a dehghtful screech. Pretty betty, pretty :aau:ma. The man thrust his head forward with still ;treater ostentation and open- er) his eyes very wide. The woman gazed )lbstracterily at the landscape.. Pardon me, ms,dam-er- He leaned over the back of the seat with respeetful mien. I am-t'h -very fund of children- er. The pretty woman at' last. • - indeed,' el:e remarked. Ah, yes.. and l tie 3.ao The in nu with the Tlhese•were made during the months •tache sighed. , of January; February, llarcl and 1 And this cheru -• April when the cows were in the ttat,te ( lie chucked the baby under the and not subjected to so many infin' 1 chin. ences that dtubtieas cause the milk to Of yours is the sweetest -- vary,•viz , flies, heat, cold, pasture, . A look of horifeeri astoniehmeet in - etc. We are. hnakini tests of vatic vested the pretty woman's coutiteil- tions at the present time while at pas -lance. ' tare. • Dear we, she. euddenlyy exclaimed, As to why it took more pounds of you mistake. The baby belot.gs tb the milk for a pound of cheese in July, lady4over there. than it dirt in June although the And width she pointed to a red -hair - average per cent. of fat was higher in July, 1 should say that the fact of the last half of July cheese being kept 1 iinusrache stiddeuly forgot his love for until the `20th of August during children end returned to the smoking the intensely hot weather, would eas- V•;`,„ d1 S poi s;. 1t11c "�.nga u � --28PUIIL1SIIED-- ! BITIIX FItumx It oitigutcar --AT TIM-- • TUNES OFFIGE, JOSEPHINE STIREET iC'INGIlA.A1, ONTARIO. ON n .TQ"1Zi' Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, an ac gently yet promptly on the k`~ldneyf3,. (nonpareil, Sl per month Liver and Dowels, cleanses the a se p0nsee and Farms for Salo, not exaeedtn{t s linea, y 31 for first month, 600, poi' subsequent month dispels colds head These terms will be strictly adhered to I ague of d res ions +rill ho inserted till forbid and car 1y remedy of its kind ever Pre: accordingly, Tranertory educt s ,o id i advance subseript*ortpVtco, $I nor your, in advance ADVERTISING 'RATES: Space 1 yr. 1 O mo 1_ a no 1 mo One Column 800 A0 - 533 00 1 820 00 50 00 Half " 35 00 20 00 12 00 5 00 Quarter " ' 20 00 12 00 7 00 00 Ono Inch 5 00 _9_00 2.00 1, Legal and other camel advertisements, So, per line for first insertion, and 3c, per line Wench subsequent insertion. Local notices 10o. per line for first insertion, and 5o. par line for each subsequent insertier, No local notice will be charged'Iess than 25c. Advertisements °MLost, Found, Strayed, Situations, d Business Chanecs 11 anted, not exceeding 8 lines impressed on the patrons the =pea- 1 mport f,om oug'ht"d once of taking good care of the milk to secure a good test. The better quality of the milk obtained will thus 25 compensate for much of the extra tion with the new trouble in connec .plan. AIN jrN> RESTING AND VALUABLE EXPERI- MENT. To show the enterprise of the maker at this factory 1 will give thii partic= tilers of a'test made recently by hint which is' another testimony in favor of payiut according to the butter fat'fOr, citr,ese snaking : 'DATE Aug 0,'92 , Sept. 1,'92., lbs. ` per ct. lbs green lbs. milk Milk of fat cheese for lb. cheese. 2100 2100 330 210 8 55 3001 9,72 10.47 Morning milk, 43 trials. Evening Mixed, morning even ng, 'rO sip.) v what dal'e•renc,c there would be in the tttuutlnts of money t eceived by e ch, snpposin^r the 2100 lbs of milk had been supplied by two differ eta, patrons, let ttss presutue that the that the cheep. had been sold as soon as it gime from the hoops at 10 cents per pound. (We will say nothing about the qsality i.f the cheese pro- duced front each lot as they were too green to determine tsnythis,g definite at tl.e time t £ raav visit.) Say the cost of manufacturing. teas $1.45 per 100. Total amount received for cheese $41.66 Cost r f tnanufacttrtinsf........... • 6 039 Amount to be dtstributed......'35.61.1 ,t received by each patron Highest Lowest 3.93 3 05 4.15 0.40 3.90 _- Av'g. 3.63 3,63 3.00 tem effectually, ispe s co s, - Sposo t rates for longer advertisements, or. tot aches and fevers and cures habitual Ienger periods. constipation.,c'y Figs is tile` 9dvortlsumonts and local notices without h eciefdo 1 t tf cn urs must be aaced, pleasing to the taste an ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ar-d agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy 1 nown. Syrup of Figs LI for sale in 750 `bottles by all lead'.r-zy druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on.hand will procure it promptly for any , one who wishes to -try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIC SYRUP CO., SAH )81Z1x.7'7t.'. ^O, JAL. �0•Qi8V1' .zF..'^..:., ,.. - oiu , N.' i turned her head drooping mus-. JUST OUT! HAVE YOU SEEN iT? THE BIG BOTTLE (old plan) ...... .•..... 17.80 1r JI tit 3.80 per c vow 1p1an) ...... 18,409 n n e 380 per o (new plan) Blare amount received by each patron 3.80 per c.. 1.21 And this for 2100 lbs of milli, whish when we consider the amount of Obsess made is r.ot quite enough, bite tattles showed. a dilierence of 1. i of cheese it1 favor of the g.fi0 per mak whish at n *65/1)0 per IM' milk ilii tuffer'ent ,Tu-ailttetr. ed woman with a mole on the tend of her nose the man with the drooping ily account for the difference as they would dry out very rapidly, while there was ansa, considerable loss of butter tat in the oaring r'oom.° AIi W Dixon senior, his sou who is now salesman having succeeded his father who act• ed hn this'capacity for 13 years and Mr Parker were at the factory during the second day, MI expressed them- selves as sati5iiad with the results and decl)lrtd that they would not go back to the old way for a considerable sum. The higher price which they are now getting for their cheese they consider has anfply paid them. Lt works so well that another factory near has also cowitu!•ticed on this system. But 1 must close with the suggest• ion that if any factorymen near wish to see the manner of conducting a factory on the new and more just plan they will rind tlln directors and maskers of the time Cheese 'Co. moat obliging and hospitable. It is worth going some distanee to see' thin variation in .the testa of the different patrons, and. the difference of the cheese rustle from PAIN -KILLER DOUBT -E • THE QUANTITY car. �) One day a little St Louis boy was takeih out to a park by his aunt. Ili: .thou beu�lut' interested in a pond of water whale a taulnber of pretty ducks were hawitnnfing, and eagerly exultiitn- ed, 0 auntie ! Jhl$t look at the chicken 4 a Stalin' fill the water. OF OLD SIZE. pa n, Changes for contract advertisements must be in °the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear that week 11,ELLIOTT Paornlr.TOR AND PUB1.16118a UR, DIAODONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, WIN011AM, ONTAato WitB. TOWLER, SI,D.C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County. of Hu on- 0111oo i7p•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office; Wing- ham, Ont. Omen Hours. -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 0 p, m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. PR. J. A. MELDRTJM, Hanoi Graduate' of Toronto University, and. 11 ember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence -Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. W,uOnAM - •• .2 OST R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Etc Private and Company funds to loan st lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and Hint property bought and sold. 1 OFFICE -Beaver Bloci , Winona's, 00,r J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &e , Wiughani Ontario IMEYER try DICKINSON, . Ii H. W. C. MEVER. Q. C. I E. L. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Eto., So licitors for Bank of ))alnilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and cold. ;Honey (private funds) )caned on mortgage security at 53 per cent. Money ingested for priyate persons, upon the best lender. r.b Landstits forsale i without any Aiaritobu andnse to the North- west. oth- west. Office -Bunt's Block, %Ingham. , iB 1ritigg' nm02FIY�li.„'I8uni ni Il�tWI0Ie1YAi,. Old Popular 25c. Price: Pietere i'atnes for 211cts and up; it sped. alty in framing oil paintings and wreaths. Lots of mouldings to choose from. Our motto in this litre is to make frames quick, neat and cheap. Bring in your pictures when you come to town and you can get them back home with you. S, GeAcax's Furniture Store. Don't fiirget that gout' children will pay more attention .to your tracks than they will to your precepts. n i Before yott go boasting that you have been bad, be sure that you are entirety over it. Ylipans Tabules relieve onlic. Judge -You are begging on the public streets, and yet you had twenty dollars in your pocket. Prisoner -Yes; judge. I tray tot be se industrious at some, bat I'ni,to speilld-fthri:ft, y'r honor, Yw ....: rte. SAFE THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA CURES ALL Taints of the Blood. DENTISTRY.- S. JERROME, Nrneuan, L Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as the, can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. • Painless. extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAND Norios.-I will extract teeth for 25 dents. each, ' OFFICE: In the Beaver, Block, opposite the Brunswick House. CERTAIN NERVE BEANS' �M�i4ilit Wm. kl. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S IBLOCKI Opposite the Queen's Hotel. Wingham. , Will visit Gerrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. ' CAN RiTCCfl1E, J GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT wrnellan, • OxTAnlo DEANS, JR., W1NdnAx1, LICENSED AUCT1ONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON, Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate, , JOHN CURET i, WreoiaaM, UNr., LicansEIi AUCTION8ER AIM THE COUNTY Or 1 ' 1SU110N. All orders left at the Tutus otlice pro,pptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. 31I3itVI11 BEANS Aro a new die• c0VAt3 that 00(0 1110 ' '02'b Caeca of Nervosa Debility Loia Vigor and Failing blauhooll; restores thryg weal teas, Of belie or mind eattaed n eses of youth r This+Boined11►b• aoluts:y dares bite moat obienate oaAda when alt other TDD T 43utTH have fulled ven tO r2e3110010e. Ati .0141121'uo0-- rpoa°�t1Ja6 of price by ninny 2`IIE tF3 lite 1ta moreJmlo. el** for eh era Ina", wimtrlat by ,Sir tt� to *,l l f.fi t Y ,l�.a,�t..i..:�l�i1tl�Lir.�sk,", a JAMES HENDERSON, • lasagna At,ortosna R BFOtEUcst ,COUNTtES 1103011 Awn All sales attended to promptly and on the Shdrtes Notice. Chargee Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, A11 necessary arrangements can be made at the 11MEB' cfilee 'iylStlnAtt ONT DRS. GODFREY s1 hi:oASII, M. B. Toronto, Members College Physicians and Surgeons. otltatl0, 14suoltAV,t• ` • - • ONTARto. Di PATERSON, BAttrkr or ErG1I311 Dloisioh 00111ht, Isartn' Or MA* sumo, rdeimslta. wMOH /0f,, . ONT TMm 1VII;?S1S WATSON. NST1tsCTt7TItiI1 given on Plaeno,Orgaan aeS Th1is, Also f n nanny. oh Moult 02111 1 lietttottittw Olt 1 Oat in Ii, troit front badti strap office, me. St. (pith• Al of a thou, in th w W. Ye some Oh half 1 body chara woul the 0 news dispo Tb a Litt, tan I: eSted Do Ye :TVI I' Oh to sh it's b ails t Prt talkie pR dock cure f biliou hum ney 0 has c other • 11I i Mr Iii Ali he ws K malt( self. Det Chrol and 1 with, of Bu cured No name 11088 M wha 3'0 fell got 1 M shin sang 30 him Va fu1 tr of kn be fo Pigg &Co obtat etude Tl well TI Iy 0' sig c It chirp ekiri fore era toot edge