HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-30, Page 2man 0 lie is dtiving this way , all i wah oil 004 and. tile Cheer$ on the and it, tile busy' ball�rclom no. 'One speaker ppoi(e of in ad sterling integrity gild bone4i pulses, ember that 11g need 7IN, Alan, 0 -on to rock, little steamer were -colmed by tile oeetwiea to remo Yes? the id indeed, I fear alto will be qvils,.d, There one. He kept Ilia Past against . dollar 'ooiheorii of D110 Oro P, He gai �c,�f lafore to night, I vi Be lot a itiomellt to be lost ; alto. was consartatory door for oQuip tim d be lied always P4 even fax A A r a. millute, and It toolc but a few PreRpntly he saw Sq%xiro i3rgddon with for dollar, and owed no -man i Jones stood still to t I a atz fast as tile lireaking up fast, 80. �.$92. q..,, fajlo�%ea the crew Co 'lie tile lac 6y all, llig prin approaching Vot". ,MAW^ o, 0 IMP", 0 wouldlpt III")- I'Vilen 11"joillod 1 plitiotes to gra a. swong wit I squire re. W611 I that George storm small rope and draw it. oil board, find him, As they passed, the squ 0 area, on tit" Built- Bell to dinner, Then he went oil to ally -9 ONLY JONES. them, they, were Rath apom. theta a seQon# cable, and. the comtourii-, tit a tibered lito bola not 11 . 0 t of a high Cliff, watching the it was odrapinte� end stopped to ally a few courtevus W00hingtO-i wasn't In it with him in Tho officers of Her hisiesty's. ml W within bight,' vatiQ Rallion. upright 119410eris RIPthOds, that he cf"f She wls now -allielt Ther -re, sire said the words, and iotoauc(34 Ili$ COR ,wenty_fourth allj E4 Ighty-flitirtli in- ed ti 0 is a'ladq Ill wfla tile North Star Ill t114 fir"Isilleut and it was, evident. the -t tier 84 chair for Miss Conyers. of all honorable lit1sineaw world ; that tutry were sitting round their niesi; ost all coptrol over her, I CaPtilill- WO $`Ust r'9 "P a RAlles in castletowli, the capital of I had lost altn fluag by the I her. Bile, call never walk that den;- Lirutenant JOLIP& 'the, iinfortunate-�—a. Slift nillsf, ore, long be a Conyers lie was a friend of But Do sooner Ot is advantage of h,el),legf evening moCR, ghtfUl Prous road. never tool{ waves upon the Jagged gild fri, a, voice than she mail Who 0go—thar. is all of But we have act a 11301110lit to wa8to he4r Lie tenaut Jolle c lean forty years clapping her ano.thpr in his, life, ana who had not a rocks, towards he or we 11141111 lie lost, Is very gave wilt fine, but. then the one site a jof fill cry, and hQ111 except I In the lulls Of file lot only tit, penny of ill-gotten Wealth - 10, wi hands together said I Nobody minded also heavy, I What of that ? gaa. Only Jones gull, Pa Ili,, of the mintite,. but A ttle thint, half a child, I have found him I Papa I pa I [one%; vvvil his poculiariteR has be- 11100111i imperiled grow could A. slight What at tbatl exclaimed the mAnat, th , shouts of the i chafflug e have found hivil I to tune to be all 0111 subject for Sir, * P. or scornfully. When It's necessary too heard. all 11 little Brrl.ng her ern, Never 4 'there such an interru Laa inext-ea, he )ad iiaid such I What Can be done ? 810i'l Jones to 8 a I Tile Company, gathered dilate on a man's 1101,Psty in a political Mel;tioitl to their ellatfull'a hat they so Be,., 11 trayed tile Thera Wilis 0 tittle for ceremony. Zion to a 11411 speech there's Something wr0Ug with �Vit -Ve % r u an old nian, Who f excited p * ps, and papa know the lad Conte to find it iitflu pleasure; Bud [to a rd save B'few senten� in 1� . miality stroagrest ernotio, I. ion and tile eal)taill his record or t6jjtrels going to be tiol lid encouragement, he lieutenant's Vuiee, kitorioine weeke of discomfort, Nothing, Sir, I ani aft it Silo tea, of airee oor Jones, unwilling soon. beell allowed to ;onailt Jones bad la to Voice, site took tier under I 'a arm and steadying knew it ; 41ld P I bad managed to roll, V I acknowledge the deed I Itebeeca Wilkinson, of Brownlivalley, 3hoose 1AB ow u pleasures without Much to Sand, ilintself by thea P M, Ind., seys: .I had been in a distressed would hl,vn grille to I)ipees on per cable, walked at, enoticri, had to riterference. IS tile lower with 11146 burden safety to I find lie made,a here of condition, for three, yeahrR (roto Nervousm a fay. end there are 11-114 of mail who w1lu the shore The Clew raoidly followed, i it was wonderful, after that night, neag, Weaknesno( the Stomach, Dyspepsia, These were not extravagaill,jy health was gone, tnomel6 0 -sell dootoritig tics with no ;11 all kinds of Ilkya TiskFt life to solve life But how pi'lee land' relief,)rlI otLI t f extremityhwaar0.ok hab Istantly t I at- it low, Walk hei-litl for. in suet andluout bougl1tol.9 4Qttla of South Am� ou -8 t ways. W4 books �her,. B'nd EL sail when soul masters the b iy, and all thin U114 st tlie:,r charm, and ericau Nervine, which (lone me more Ko id Bather, the w6ather are we to reach them frolin this drink— lie%,., tar are We above %vat�rl enied to have"10 than any 600 worth of doctiodug I eybr did �1vas faverible. Rs, 'Would 110t �S Iffe, I w0p)d advise every weekly This rock goes dawn a Wait' 1'ecoml`e P�54ible- Biting a for his wa,lbs they Were all ' in one in illy I it hurl his feeliligs Iv3 would . I I There was plenty of help forty fatiltims. Sir. 'e you lady, direction, and ended sit Braddon Ellaill. perFiou to, uie tivis vOuable and lovely rein andolobe ��dy-ll Atrial) bottle will cocivbw e said his con- gamb arable—lie said it but half-dead spallic What depth f f water at the foot I been In about it n, W o ted at Chi,41101itn's drug 40re. D �� I Ontil lyliss Conyers weat warrented ciente ; and he did not Cate to flirt W her fAther and the in had 1. Thirty feet or more. el' Draddon' n3mes began to haullt th'e f hO "ire i away -and tile 0 r visit the belles Of the caphal --he he baryipge 0 ;p V, lettera Of Course He Is. let, cap- Gaud. Have YOU Plenty of light' put ill 11 1 V -apidly to his- postmen, end got pretty little aid it hurt his affe-,tions. 01 of-Draddon, artdoriyen �i illabel—lio is such a delinglitfal fel-. ia'tlle, con- which always see -wed to take a gretuli ain De Reusy wondpred whether it strong rope but let me hespitable hall. Jones an, 'low, but the troublp fit We don't know honor, and Uneh as y1lu want, sir fusion, disappoared. He had picked deal of answering. Its possible to hurt 1 cant live three hadi whether be is. married or Single. it was not tell you, air, vo� skin coat land cap, and when Beforp tile elle.of tile *inter lie ones camly said trait" ito$ (town there ; to first wave will lip an Oil-Blurred il- urned to thank their de- an invitation to Obonyers to spend fv Her Cousin Tbui-15 he very at- ossible for Captain pe Reuzy to do mlou you every one 3ractivol—%4villing tocante or go—an. throw you Oil to rocks and dasb e, No one know month and a. furlough being granted,. f us Would put, you liverer, he was gon Kent :mous to ol.ey yony, ligli-tetit wishes I pieces. Plentyo believed lie started uff in great glet, for 1 11 . Indeed Jones constantly violated all to pie on him. The sailors said they 1 Mal-el—yes, he. 19. ideas of proper lit, dowH, air, but you can't swim if Y b" gents,. by Jones never returned to the R"Y"Ity- I R -r Cintisin TN ni—Conrageens in ese gentlemen's i him to a one of the military I I get down. t tile individuality of fourth. The moT.itilds furlough was nvely you are, and' -ea�on or other, 4 1 Q - - ;tAling yo,] ilow aviour, lint, for some I bo you know, 0 nan, what- surf his. rigging, 11 .. 1.04mea—in fact, he o one bronillf, b1n, tts account for it. through I the hero had roubwd no "one until t be' indefinitely le'r, I would is I .diploid :W.Iat uta intilletlee'slichl a. %V0,111itik . I Io.,l1a-.,e dived 0 and entereoll upon % t,was easier t si Iders swimming danger was Over. In an hour the sold out, sllaive over It lbri'll'R N&T Rikady, in o irug their $hall nd call him quqer,- or say, itis only the surf at , uku.1i ova. ing steamer was drivela, on the tooks audk iatic career under tile. carc of Sir John ;ffiGt, to prostrate himsellf atl yc�ar feet? ones, or even to quietly assert Ili,, While this onversatiou was going went to pieces, and, it being- by this Conyers. Nabol—That just I exppewips it, 011, Jolles Was divesting himself of all wreck, . 0 Fighter -a 1110fiths alter tit,- W Then,, he's ruar- owardlitf-. filile qnite dark, everyone welip,homp. ]Hpr Cotl,io Tonw— superfluous clothing,, and CliEtilig out unnaerwood, read aioua at One evening" Uolonei Unriderwood he next day thf- hunting-parly re- !Colonel , jiunting part for tile slooves of his heavy Peg jacket T .1marriage as 'dia3ussing a Y turned, from Gwynne Hall, tile stgriii Ithe mess a descriPtiOD Of tI e ext day-. Junes w-alked into the with leis pocket-knife. Tilts done lie avirly eoinpolled thkell, tO stop all -L lef Thomas Jones, of Milford Haven,to AwleXTO A10THISM—Are-yell-ilt9blia"Ork at night 1. andibrolcer. at 3,our rust by a,slelvehudisuffering and accosted : Fill' --sed Some light, strong rOP' tbrout"�ll evening the �blary, only chi!d and heiress of Sir yfilg witti pain of OjitdiiF, Tbablit? H sosend at oott, alta was im ineaiatedly a night, ala;d at dinner tiliat I onee and got LL bottle, of ' UTS. lViRRIVX"ll 800thing a, Conyers, of Conyers Castle, symp" for Children Teatiting,. its�voiaefs,fncalml- I find them. ger wreek ata.d the hero of it were tile Thonias Conye , able, It will relloNo,• the 110or little suffetar Something new, lieutellaDt stated that iininediately. -a is no 0 Ile' mpu watched 11103 with eft- gent. And 6 paragraph S t cures i93tsentavy upon,lb, inothous,; there here are plenty of hares on tile. island', T Ive theme o6 every one's eonveradtioll- with "bocake about t. and Diarrhoea, interest, and seeing their inqaisit re�olates the Stownch and 56%raisi, citives Wind Coille, nd we mean tog Pass ft ruq to- sucIl*p4t3O1,v , fe di kiedbions the Quills, reduww- Infiatilulatijs%. and gives a, lie said i said E, usigt, Ithe, Honorable Thomas Jones __ tone al luok lie lie was.. 'Ili% bride. had serine to Vienna on and energy to the whoite- systona - lilt's. Win- orrrw. I have beard you area wonder' w &RAWs soothing Syrup' for chlidowl, teothing is The thick sleeves will prevent the I�Ow011- vice of grPat importance.. pleasant to the t�wtotti and Is4heimasovivoon, of ona of ood rider. Will on join us I Gwynne says lie was a stranger ; per- 11plotiletic sor tilat United states, and W for qalio'by all druggists You must excuse me, colonel, Buell rope cutting lily body, YOU b6e. I I - . the oldest and best o1nale, ph�lslahmls, WA nurses In hops one ofi the iroWd Staying at the Just his luck, -said Fo�oell- inice t% 1. thro=11out, 4he WIRld- �,w V Cents a in, is neitilic•; in my Way of duty, Ay, ay, bit, I see what yon are now s4d Underwood;: sooernlNq . X thing - abbey. Just his pluck. hattle. Be .;tire anti, ask, tot, M W1.48bolv's or my plensurf doing. st Perhaps, said iapt%kin Marks, it taind for, iT)y partt when I cone across, Noir, I aggin that are the No Men, I have. only one reque r fellows imly of these fol 8 You forget tile honor colonel Was Joneal . n I Give file plenty of, rope as fast be too af "did Of 1'airaid of litirtilig thery mother's and, Telescope ER,46-r—Steo' right up, Cos yon Joiies, said young Easign -board, Ob Jolles WOU11l. (ill you. �Vh,,Il I got on not ashamed, to ally so, L Iladies und geitt,,4. ami view the planet drtoi Make a ermlio 1. his mother.. sister's and n as heroes just waiting., kuo%,r how to tu&le a little satirical bow.,, shall treat them thank the O�lonel for his courtesy Yon Jones nity. Here is to thm Suppose for their opportu Old LoAHA%­ Dfi, how-, 'llaint ic no good reason for an, said pl-�santl A ' j-oltes and his, lit I can see horse Will y, sy,sir , but"thow are YOU going aqd a lit which, and slitoy V epting it, lam sure my 11 Perhapsit.was W il3cnorable Thomas round to ranch the water d id Not it I ;10,vely bride 1 We avegoing to India,. Tplescnpp F41dr—U'll) the laild- gat approve of it - and I� am sure the rand gAg to VIIIiige down.. I have powelAlki. an xt month, and nm, lite ; and I am not a . g.9,11tiellien, ne at �!ieaklpd gent pl-aso lite -p away from it, are will t-Ot Id not en- dived from the rnain Yard'Of the Ajax 1010w It- ood rider ; therefore I shall week the even ad been pretty sorry tile Eig!lity-fouxth has 10 h-ont, if tile hi.gtruniwir ? before this, it was as Itigh a levLP- ally as there tenant Jones, for I have eo doubt well exhamsted, 091pect coil of 'the rope. OY it. He passed a dolublo hait, Stormed, I You need not be afraid, said the was to be a great dibner and a ball at ivilatever he would, roulloillis waist,exaMined it thorough. t6ei officers' had itivi- 6o, as bravely as heb6arde& a wrokelt. Fagy6d 0% U t T! lolonelo rather sneevitigly; the country to see that thore.was plenty to start Braddon, and F-11 - I - quite open, and those low Manx ly tations. This ball Mot a peculiar in- Alonthy Prizes f" BOYS and Glr-18' ,with and Saying Row, friends, stand lady who lied I offer the 54 ,en The ... at notice, t4 walls'are easily taken. Iear teresti for the young ­Sunliaht" Soap Ora., Toronto, out of the way and'iet ill(., have a month T1111 tug 0 All E his bare head olie been savod . flom the vreck woull1l be lowing prizes everi' roginoo, of 0 l boys and girls under A. r(osidinct in the P the .,,,atcst nuinbor of -sloi- ll�r ri3hes I ard,.$I; Atli, start, he raised . Bud Ontarlo,'Wh() send If I Should be hurt, itwouldcause my Ing a presenti.and rurtnors 6 light,, Zvrappers 2ndIV; ai worrient toward heaven, and, tak yl$oule Book; atid, a pretty �o hiters 'Vv�r'f great alarm beauty lied been rife •Xor several days. $1 - 6th tol4th,lo, ),send not less than 12,wrapPOY5. MoMler and's the spring pia)tura to these Nft� short run, leaped, as from Il ht" 80111) Wlice'. A4 ;scou, am very much afraid it was said that tile little steamer was iou— 1-1—noz imer ih�n 29th at omen illauth, and and anxiety. at Toronto, %,a full nAtue. ad, &'so g! winners' I bo Of her father's private yacht,pnd that lie Inti-tked "Q01PPe"ItiOn" I of %r�pllt.Asail.nfl t xious cr�wd, as dross, age, -0,11CL unanvel! a %�oropers� rs or, not doing this. followecL It to be doile:with it mail so Suet an of rank Etna infineuce. n .1lbilshed In ell S=vvllt bap Mat w Ili spite Of `t's a 'A av in ca�ll 1—til- that leap I Great n,u obtuse rog:,rdintr conventionalities,mid alipoid not go to the, ------ tile dangdrouff wind, lily flat on thoir Jones said, he ShOu . His atedili Wat:3 nuine& who boldly asserted his cowardice I breasts and watched him. Re struck dinner as either lie or Saville must do - Tit gW' lt contem- - and t!4at feeling, of 1: Colonel turned By, I I a Yer of tile collection the water at least. twenty-fivd feet be- raruain for evening drill, The "AW149 office and SAT tired, worn - out pluously, and insign Powell took disappeared ill its Saville loved a good dinner, W1111A he partment jushpol into the which so many, wome)l complain altar 9, , yotia the eliff, and diS4 R I day's *aabing, is do'ne &,wiLy Jones' place, epths cared. very hitle about it. Saville asked ext-itealy t I T With by those who proved to be a very dark, foaming d ' et him ride Have %ye. an accouar, AgOinst Dunterl use that great The -morning' atutill In time to When he rose to the iurfaeo, he saw could V, I ,bad'- a ects of a risilla return to a a head bookkeeper, ones with Pr08P 0 -r ablitk1t, tell 0'010,01, es t116 dant: 'Yob, replied &h just before him it gigaritte, wave, but over ae awes something like Labor �vonaared why looking tip, atorm and eo,�Iie party ff atherea in fore it rath lie lied elme, to breathe, and be Ing. S�toille e g place all the five hundred Sul the barrack-yardJones said earnestly Jones aid not take it a- dollars. Ing to hi&Uoloilel: rrnebea him he vived below its center, felt bat injured at his Give file - the bill, 0x6IAimPd the It broke in passionate ,fury upon the evening, an�du meet it very default. r I it. t Jon a' had a curiosity manager. I am afraid, sir,} 0,u vVill rocks, but Jones rose 4r beyond it. I e atil . 0 1 atter I has he busted .devi-re st6till. about the girl he littAsaved. To tell What's 1:110 In I)on,t stop to ask quos- ghty ebeer from the men oil shore 1, think go 110�tenftftt " but We pro- '?;fiOw ho"'R11 ill tile truth, he Was negAr in love with No, no I wised to dine at GwyDne Halt , and reached him, and 110 11 ga. over abli With any tIongl There's no time to lose. Pacific expert tier thari 11 we shall, got shift ter, at any rate. good earnest to Put hil 011 a wishad, in Calm blood He aeneed nervously about* the ionce into prActiOd. woman lid 11 bill Wes, being made 'Fila was its beoutiful as his 6ffiee while the V111(th Md;k6=_11rt dtop out So they rather gloomily rode away to ter is attended to the I Dra%yinq continually. on the Mon f6t. �ift tile rain. .16 y lied painted tier ',during. thoseout ; then grabbed it Alld vukilled Oct. Without ubbling ifth, th�y paid out with Without 13oll I I'll - wilRafy duties assigned to him, and move topo—wh d Without Wa, Ing obeera— �ffi It aeate he ' et Wave after ,tit f::, awful minutes that lits, had hel When lie returned he, was perApiring then, about noon' walked seaward, hor high allovo tile. waves. ftpelyl but eeenleato feet easier'. I *ad hard work by this titre to keep Wave ill tile "ind liUkfiner, diving She was exilpediuRly lovely, just tile VP given it to 0. lawyer, he said, vo the easy, atean itld odohomle&Uwa _th6 his flioting on the narrow quay, but under them like an otter, and getting had known 661 end IlAoll sua at "66' 11 , Way of W go slid reek with every wavy;, fePtib,'hindoolit girl be skip you vill no be &j. g,wia biin�ing spray rind tnist he saw nearer to the w dauding j)a you think Ito Ill going t*� Who iipipolintiod, qUIL4 41 ' Crowd of men going rapidly really advancing, ho,%evoir, Mdre be- would be H'a watelled her . OURtI611T.06" hwng 116 kd&l 16* with' his hrother-offito.'re, or talkil3g t.1 aik'sa the head bonhkeeppr. an 01�vd It, going dot 4award the great shelving slailot1lowthawaterth man on bar Whirr, at iestaing on Deaddor don't, know What lip,$ 4 ftflty, lot ulty ust iii *Ith 66cifett -ajig town. He Sudd#nly tboi deapforlog -tot r! rem $=Dow, it i roa 010 U06ko, nd tit I repl f -A-1 board ix plant, 11606ful vailie 004 $my t1wo, k&,. I** lilt, 6 fol, ­ ­ ­11-1.�­*'NI�1"IU&MLi#IAWMr sttvp6a mi old sailor and ASKOu Throw 196 6 bo0*Y- ill smythins. wroling I A, HW* 140"Ort Air, 09