HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-30, Page 1VOL, XXI ,,.NO. ' 3O.
We have been so busy with new Fall -The regular monthly etiug of the The Rev Mr Stevenson, of Molesworth
Goods coming' in every day that we have town. Council will be held on tonday even. gill occupy fisc pulpit of t1 Vtlayterlan
S neglected this store talk with you, but ng nest. church on Sunday evens t nest, in the
now that they are nearly all here we
Want to tell you all about them, In -.-.Sig drives in, Violins, Violin strings •ab»ene° of Rev 1-I McQua is who is at,
Dress Goods the stook is complete in all mouth organs, accordegns at 112uushaw's. tending a meeting of the an Pres terian
the new colors and fabrics (from across _The Ronald Fire Ilugi Works, of Council in Toronto at pr east,
the sea), They, are a pretty lot, Cheviots,
Amazons and Crocodile Cloths; Tweed Brussels, were awarded the old•Medal for --The best one dollar ewriu he ch for
effects, A fine range of oheapor goods. fire applian3es tat the Wee ru fair, Lou. Caen and women are to e b d the cheap
1<s ancy a double width .cloth yard and an dpn, cash, boot and shoe sto .
eighth wide, all the leading shades, at 20 H• WILxth•'�
• Dents a yard, Dress Trimmings in great --Good idervaut Girl we, ted. Seven dol -tVa shall have fro by weather within a
variety, Staple Dry Goods as cheap as lars per month, Apply to week or two, and the will put an end to
anybody. DT s. J. HoLEAv,
The Boot and Shoe stock is correct, - epodemics of any kin . Very few liacter;,
reliable, snakes, goods Made to wear, and -=-It is understood that he next issue of is can stand ten de Des of frost. Don't
you know it, the Canadian 1 cen8 post= and will be lar. worry yourself All t cholera; it's all
The (;r000ly stock is always full, fresh ger in Rize than the tfi a now in use, ap•• right- just see the your subscription is
and seo>Gable, prosimating more to th in circulation i paid up, .anti leave t a rest to ari all wise
Shop wear)y and secure prompt delivery, the United States, Providence.
ThAs-,store closes at seven. v-
-A few good boarders can find ace To Dts el Colds,
y modation at the brick residence next to a Headaches and evens to cleans e
' Rectory oil. Centre street, '
<s rr 112na. Covsx t 1, system octually ye ge fly, wh os�
-Section seventy-/rn
o License Act tive or bili o wl th bl a i pure,
says; -"If any persoi sed under this or eluggisb, t er is en 1! abituai
c constipation, o a the k' treys and
act permits any druner»on to con-' liver to a h ithy • ' itv, without irritat-
�y, surae any intoxicatinor in his prem-'
u ing or weakening- them, use Syrup of Figs.
saes lie shell be liablemalty not ex- _.�
,� -�•� ' '�
coed ine ON' which ienerally known, FXRST ColiGREGATIONAL UHIIltou.
OItIt 8L FMISCOCKS, -illy' R M, Charltoeo9ry publisher Wrxasnal. -W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser -
Direct Importers. has been in town sinnday-quite re- vices each Sunday at 1.1 a. ru. and 7 p. m,
The B>Aifi Sept. 22nd, 1892. covered from his lonss, He is here Sabbath School and Bible class at 12,80.
to complete the Wingdirectory which ;ch Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
would have now beedy far delivery, at 8 p.. m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
LUCAL NEWS lied he not been takeUr O'barlton is come. Oct 2nd. Horning Jubject, "Old
at Swarts'. hotel. and .New Colleges." Eve ing : "Chris=
--A num t'frnrr+ town are ta.ltin iu-the.
g r Iain Evolution," Lord's (upper at close
f tall fairs at�oderieh ane WalkerLOn, this —SATIIRDAY NIGBT Bdit(iA),y` (iOIINTGn.-
Those who came to see us last Saturday of morning service..
week, , night understand what our idea of sell- -Now for Fall Business, -For Parlor
-For weddiur rings and presents go to ing obeap means.. Don't miss Saturday Suites, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards,
haws, night at M. i3. MUINDOo's. Lounges, Chairs, Spring Beds, Mattresses
recepti n service will be held next(,,.,a
fts Hog , who bay her"house burned anti n'tee pictures to decorate your home+
nday morn g iu the Wingham Metho- g before you purchase anything in the fund
k ago, hag recei ed through M, S ture line, be sure and call at S Gracey's
ustchurch, uhill, agent of the anetwhire Fire In. Aud reme mber if bought in quantities, no
eggs -at 11, surmnoe Co, X695. beta the' full amonitt of only can you get low prices, but have 'thi
-Cash for good butter and e� goods delivered RZE, and set up it
GS ham's Market grocery, her olaim,.whioh we onsider a very quick your homes anywhere within 12 mile;
Mr Wm Cleg •s having hie"storehouse settlement. of Wingham. This you'll find is gusto mi
the Grand Penh liMINVAy 1 ni d ' x0- ;-iWIr F :S.S once Grand, Chief Templet advantage, as you have no trouble nor rill
p p of getting them damaged in taking then
I O G T, is expect to be present at the home. Remember the place -•first doo
be Times will be sent to any addross,13istrictLoageto a held in Clfuton,on South of the Brunswick Hotel,
from now Until the end of the year for Friday, October 4tb. It is expected a /Ilson,
S•GRACEY, furniture Dealer.
cents. large number o .Good Tempters from town0n Monday aftornp n last, as Croivel
-A number from to?vutook in the trill attend thio meotin�, l;agg atnd lfr m Afitchell wen
• tiVesteru Lxc rsions to Detroit Grand� driving to the cemetery, the horse shies
Rapids, aiud o Per western cities on'l'ues_ -For firht•class tailoring. And oboe
tenth' furnishings, .try Webster di Cc, when crossing the bri lge At Messrs Hut
.day and Wad iesdav of th1h week. Remember the place, only two doors north ton d Carr's ° mill, pito ing them both on
-Fon SAr e:- A hecoud hand 11of the old stand and between Ross' book-
of the buggy. In fnllie f, Mrltiftchell.�vu
etal tstove"grge size, in xstore and Halsted & Scott's bank:
perfect order—a , thrown upon Mr SVi sou, injuring hin
bArgaip. A� so so(, haus sewing mach= _.luny farmers n 1Zotlt County are severely, lir Mitchel escaped unhurt:
ine Cheap. Applv at thin office. alarmed at the app araace of large num-
-We olil the following fror•.n the Iain- hers of the Texas ft , or Texas Horn fly. Euil B7p,
,cardiae ne orter of this week Witigham which trade such , r vagus acme time ago b When s the s tem i run d n a peso
Becomes an gas re to C r p
twill try onelllsious in fontball with the a ougst the cattle f Texas. The insects Scrofula. Many v ble If sav
High scho club iii lakeside�arit on Sat- ave appeared in large numbers in some by using Scott's D is a soon 'as
'tirday nes . ections and 'are doing great damage, decl'ue in health is bserve
' :_ !t Ktook.'ef r'nieus' long be s Milch cows dry u rapidly udder the tor.
-rhe gge t, ,.. b
in Wi , 11 is et t�6`rlli, .:~p cash boot a tare of these nes ,which light in droves On Thursday of lost week, a youu
840e store, ' '>; WV. H. Wirmis. on the Borns au' top of the head of bit on of liMrs 'Finley of Lower Wfu.ha
-A spa ial, meetrnt , of tho Anchor of animals. aged about eight ye s, was driving so
opt Lodg ,.1 `0 G T'will' be ligld to -night _.We are offering Tam Timm to the 318t horses on the contra n, wheu one of the
(Friday) A. od ottendmi ee of members is of December, 1892, for 25 cents task, kicked, striking th boy fa the fore
requested, a busineha of importance will Surely there is no person that will have the fr�eturiug the skul Medical aid was
be Brough"t faeQ to borrow theft ueighbor'apaper when ones secured, and a operation prefortne
they can become a subscriber for 11 cents And the youu g had likely to recover.
-G T R trains for Toronto and east a week. The white paper itself in worth-UxncaTAittxci-To aeticularbrmnc
leave Wingham at 6.45 a m and 11.20 a m. ,that money- Send in your names accom- p
'via, W G & B Division, sand at 6.48 a in panted with a quarter. of busineas' I have for the past 17 you
And 3.46 p m: Dia. Clinton and Guelph. .gNeu my persoual attention. Ido notem
,Good eonnections by all trains. -,We soppy the f lowing notice of a to make any boast or display, nor have
very pleasant event from the Globe of any parties Acting las agents on my beha
-The Davis gain victorious you will Friday the 22nd inst, The bride whdhas but would just state that I am prepaar
,notice by the pr a list of the North West- been the frequent ueet of the lti:isses whenever called on, not only to furnish
ern fair that th Davis Sewing Machine Gordon is well kno a to mmay of our
necessaries, but will deliver tee seam
(night or flay) anti will attend personal
was atvrlyded fi t prize and diploma over citizens : -on the eve ing of Tuesday, the and promptly to all mntters in eounecti
ail competitors no doubt tine Davis is the 20th "inst., it viLry plea ant and interesting therewith; and at prices as reasonable
Into T: F3 ]toss about it: at any other place in Wingliam'or'els
pest oil earth, . event took place xu th Huron MAbseRipler where. S. GnACFY,
Viddro, &tftes for'26cts and up; A spoof- when Miss Jessie, d tighter of the Rev A Practical Undertake
ally inn frarnitl+ oil paintings and wreaths. F Maequeen; was gra eriecl to Alexander J' _Farmers are compill uing of tl e' of
+ots of oioO.Eifgsµ to choose from. Our Murchison, M D, L, , OP, & S Ed, of Ant which has set in r rine the a t f
�notttiu fists #$ne• is to make frames quick: Prince Edward lel ` d. - The cersmou
r eatand'eheap: "Bring in your pictures �. tweeksr, as a result of be continuation
when you potYte to toast, and you can gat was performed by r,y J 1Mebinncu, D• the rain. ' u law and lacy lmnds pairtfc.
:trb0lil Uaoklionio with you. of Wast'Williams, no stn of, the bride, an, 'A'rly, the);will be a 1 rge percentage sp
14"auucitY'a Furniture Store, aisted by Rev Murd h McXenzie of Inver- ad and unless )in imtFly dug the ent
Mtge Sana rd . iirtiley ono of the nogg, Seotlatrid, Pita av J L 4lurray, �1 Aa loss of Crop in such seetious will follo
alit st elnouti il`tu•the eonti�lont, will of Ilineardine, Tb bride who ryas besauti• The probabilities a that the price
,give un at gamont in Winuham, on fully dressed in tv ine atilt, Trish Imco encs potatoes, 'trill bo+lis her during the coins
.Thursday a sag, October, 13t1i. The orange blossomq. was attended by Mise winter than duriu last winter.
following is a uple of press notices : Etta. Gordtn of iD&ham, appropriaately `
. lal'ow� YJnelertakina and. F'urnitnYe ;Sgt
Alias Sara rd Batley gave an evening's attired in cream ourietttt and Irish lace. llshmeilA.
> ceding uncle the auspices of. the (}ntmrio The groolt were pported by D if ld'to• Mn Iii i nn llobrasoN nae opened
x,adiea" Coils e, and fully tact our higliaet queen. 11i D, tlf ('. pper >• alla, Mich, broth- ftniture unci `UndertAking establi
eiipeotmHons. she is A lady, of proposhr;a- or of the bride Amotis the nut meat in the old furniture store, nea
ears e,• pleasing voice, and except gueata present t to Rev k inley McLennau ,
inld app d ilitsa vur• opposite tho Queens Hotel, `Wingha
i Mortal ability nd gttlture.�•l'rincpal hare, Laeltnoty; Rev 11tir 1Wfurray an and lies a illi steak at T'u#situ
e LXdiea+' t i go, Whitby. ray, Kincetain ; Dr and Mrs Xetiatlltel,
y b2oaldings, and Undertaking goads
Botha etr t d6grogational church was Ripley ;'D K GorAen, Mrs and Diss ine hand, 'Call and. inspect goods and
at-OW&ea t : tlto doom last night to hear Oiardou of W. aghain; SKr A L Hamiiton prices. Picture rmtning done promp
Miss Bars, ora l3niley. the tosbon 01061 1',, 'a iripham ; . Lasa Murray, Luekuow ; Who _snd wel). Special Attention given
? ; ' inl it. M Bailey's elooutic,"Ary efletts Augns of Ch third. The vary large ntttnW lobbing ntld repairing, and gaaratttsan
WWOre encase ingly fd�na. sate hate aelatis'ra, ter her Cf valii w lti pra>~e>yts slaatvod the liriclp firGrk doors. ldaviY►g lxad long 04orle
a 0*0 bee ax»bllerd' in T°rtsntci, �id to be tx irelaw a[ fewresrrta.Tha llwppy tiaulrl« in the turaituro- irnd undrsrtak h
r lar. clot Iitea, amaldeb fa u. dial wboiwetr of doe, lit ntp-
*qtr ate. lwi'.c�sra �,. , �4t�wa tw wtara I crtrn ave iiabl�nti
R rlt iFr iry I"
kis rsonisx vacir, WixanAu, . , rev S i3e1•
B I), I'a or, Services ever Sabbath
it 11 a Pis An t3abbatchaol and
Bible ` s t 2,3.Q eneral Prayer
me ing'ev ry, aduesday evening at 7
Yelook. Y dug People's Prayer Meeting
3vexy TA sday evening at 7 o'clock,
October 2i 1, morning r.ubjeot ',% Paulo
prayer on ehalf of the .01 at
Evening, 'The fourth saying of our Lord
an the or ss," l
Apple 13arrela.
We are prepared to supply anVwnt
of apple barrels ou the shortest at the choicest price. We offerbarrel iu the market .Slinp a
works. Leave your order,at enc
GnAY, Youro- & SvAnwiio.
}Tile Toronto We ly Empire has pro-
ldaced a premium fo its. new subscribers
this autumn which r • lly calls for special
compliment. The pr prietors of that pap.
er has prepared a ha dsorne picture -of the
Conservative membe a of Parliament, well
arranged, executed i the finest type photo-
gravure, and printed on excellent paper for
framing. No premi m_ given away with
pgpers this year a uAle it. The whole
picture is large and t ion set off with a
tasteful oak frame, w tell is, so fashionable
nowadays, will make 'Very handsome ad-
orumeni to the home. in the ceutra are
the members of the C biueb, while group-
ed around them are th 'r, supporters in the
House. The pictures .o 0abioetMinisters
are large in size, and he photo of the
Premier is by far tile be t Sir John Abbotb
has ever lied, while that of Sir John
Thompson, the famous ader of the House
of Commons, who is re resented standing
with his hand upon th table; .an attitude
he often assumes. whi a addressing the
$Mise, is litterally a ° peaking likeness,,
The photos bf indivi ml members are
capital ; they are not tall and unrecog-
nizable, requiring a gni rgsoope for identi-.
fication, but' the Cons rvatives of every
county returning A C servative will, in
this group, possess an eelleut likeness of
their member. As a work of art this
group picture tapes big rank; as an me•
ceptable addition to the Conservative
houses of the land .it wi l be pretty sure to
circulate from Vancouv r to Halifax. The
picture to give an exact idea of its import-
anoe, measures 3 feet inches by 2 feet 4
inches. - On the .margf is a convenient
key,. giviug the names of every member
i nuariberc corresp udiug to the tium-
s e photograp .
WROL +' NO. .
last week.,D�irJyill I''oster, or Cl "
spent Sunday town. with his par
. , Miss Jennie Stewart of Listowel,
visiting friend in town, this Week.
B Barber, of • istowei, spent. a tow •d
in town this eek, with friends.,D2ra1
Patterson of th s;place was visitingtri
and•relatives i. Listowel this week..
Mary 11IoLean, f this place fe visits
friends. in God ioh this N%eek.,Mt
Ding, who has been with John Wills
V S, for the pas few months, lett t'
week for Toren t , where he. intends t
ing a course in "he t;,rollege •. air Jc
Neelands, of tb place is in Brantfo.
this week, on bu iness.. Miss M MCQu
rie, of this place s visiting frienes
Toronto at prose t . , Mrs Cooper, of Bri
sels, is visiting a the residence of Mr
W Webster. 'Ur obt A.rbuokle, who h
boon in A Ross's book store for so
left this week for hicago, Ill, where
has scoured a go situation.. A Ro
Cassels, who bas eon with 112r .,jos Go
ley V S, for sons 'me, left this week f
Toronto, where he intends taking
course in the Col ege..Mr and Mrs G ,.
Leeson and two ildren, who have be
visiting friends i town and vicinity, le
for their home i Calgary, N W T M
Geo. McClymont,. s ' o has been homefo
the past two moat s, left on Tuosd'a
last for Grand. Rap a., Miss F Hogg, .
Brussels, is visiting Clouds in town, thi
week..Dr and Mrs : nedonald, spent
few days in Toronto, apt week, and at
tend several sessions the PanPresby
terian Council..Mr Elliott;, of th
Trm.Es, is visiting frim s ill Atwood thl
week..Mrs John Hen arson, ,of Cleve.
lana,Ohio; who has eon visiting rel,
atives in town and vici sty for some tim
returned to her borne e latter part o`
last week . Mr Geo Big r, of Exetor; we,
visiting friends in tow, this week....M
Jos Mason, .�i6a -has 'been away on a
several weeks' tour, ret rned home thi
week.. Mrs Jas Finley, of Peele Island;
was visiting friends in own this week..,
..Kincardine Roviow s J R Mun=,
shaw, of Wingham, open' .Sunday in town
with bar sister; Mrs E acDonald:., firs
J Hampton, of Listow 1, was visiting
friends in town this eek..ltlr A G
Stewart, of the Teesw ter l%`ews, was in
town on Wednesday, au gave the Tia+ri;s
a friendly call.
A number of men to takejobs of rut
ting and drawing, wood anti sawing logs
g and clearing land.alpply to
Gro Taouso�,
Undertaker and Tribalrnet%bas opened out
a, first clKas uudertakiilg parlor, opposite
Chisholm's' Drug Store, Witigharu, and is
prepared to��.j oharge of aarxytbiliq in that .
line that m4y'etitrtisted to him, having
put in a strglt equal to• tanything outside of
the city, both ill talto and duality. Prices
vervmoderat`e.; First ,Z;laia•i ']naa,rse to at
tendance. E l • D> M.
Prof. Scott' Concert.
prof Scott's concer , given in the town
yrs-rtt" .�.
a hall on Wednesday eniug last, with a.
grand success, Thar was a large audi'
> `• O66-4
ends, mud those-. to n g part • acquitted
1x�t.3iLsi,v.•aa .. p:
themselves f,u a inti nen very satisfactory
ins►s-lin L
to the audience, 1W1 ss ,Lily, Evans, sus-
tained her reputati a as all eloeutioui t.
She has a very plei ing appearanas an
K ox -In Ho ick, on September 25,
has a good voice. er "Tableaux of Em-.
he ilife of L k son; a son,
otiona" was a mas at piece and wall rt
ceived, as in fact are all her numbers.
TxA w qG.-SNFLT, -At the reeiden•ce of
the' bride's fathe Turnberry, on the
Miss ll 'Stdveuseu of . London, fully sus
21st, %nst, by the ev �V F Brownlee,
tained her reputat on, mud in her Flower
Gerrie, Mr Tbos CG ipling, of Clinton,
Girl" she gave in cod style, and sb was
to miss B Snell, d hter of Mr d'obn ;
every one of her eves ou the pro ramme•
S ell.
® beim enCtred Beyeral tlmea, he fun
she �
LOOAV--OLVi1iL—On .opt eiltl7, at t118
' esidence of the bride's parents, by Rev
of the evening Baa supposed by JA James
J W Pring, Mr William Wallace Logav,
Pas, of Toronto, he kept the audience in
merchant of "Su.ppervill Out; .to Miss
laughter, The. d t, "Master And Pupil'
Ella Maria, third 'daugh r Mr Emman�-
given by Miss Ste euson and ltr Fax, was
uel Olvar, 4ti? ion, 1Wlord
rof'Scot deserves thanks for pre
.. DIED. n
coati and litterary treat to
WHYTOCK.-In Wai• 11W ew York, C11
29th 1892Walter L rie oun est
, , y gof
the people or histwn and it is to be hop,
son of 1 Whytock, Voter i ry Surgeon.
ed he will have an that of the same kind,
�,OUTOx..In Brussels, a "Wednesday,
as lie will be sure o m good house.
Sept 2U t, Thomas Wo on, egod 85
Auotl n Sale,.
An auctnou anile o household furniture,
731xrneci to D t11.
carpeta, Curtains, ad, piano, will take
place At the residen of the late Mrs WV T
out, Sn 26 -A Are
H>xsAlr,, p .
Brmy,of Wingham, u :Braturday Oct lab
broke outlast flight ill the t�aylnsall
1892. Tarms t ..AI • of 010 and Un-
house, occupied anti wued by R A
det cash, over the mount 12 mouths
oil apptoOed joint
i golutyro, All of the cupanta wean-
credit will•be ,given .,
tittle, VnTEU EANa, etuctioneer.
cad witll tlii3 i'Xtleptinll i' 1J \Ir Ytltyre,
lahtt'ewt who frits buta d to tleatil, 'Ihe
icer near,
r fire slarend to the dtv«il( llg 11Ou8e owrned
Mrs 1I•I Holtlat and son CharloS,.of,
and eb. upied by It welsh. All the
roollwater, were vl sting friends in'town
, Atijaitllug buildings an staWA-3 of both.
last* woek. uto ii% l Law, of Satilia, was
dvuplllugs ware tiestrn'y d.
visiting lter ptiren Mr stud lfre i,;itl-s-
h A ascllityre'g loan re, ';�o110n', ing
In town 'tihis eek. Nr aohta Irick-'
allred ill the 11 oy al Cor gOtsi welgtl'`tr
i lut with, ;, rrtwtClin is w�.'tl't 1. loan $1000, busurod ill tih�a wellihAto'n
� moo, a• '� ` � = -r,,, �tlmu-#A ho real for *Vas