HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-23, Page 7A Wanted to be Quiet, Coil lilac Down the Chime � �Vllat is that d(ean1+(1 0 Y An Iowa publisher acknowleAges TRAME! p r Panting SnAnd Some time ago a certain vicar wag the, receipt of an a "`T ri�tCi ME! s,�,,,�� G. Y, it. TIMI; TAB that Colne& teem the rooul next to called upon to read a letter for an old � on our. table try ttln � will )It 51r waiSs'm aid � TratnttArrive and depart •lr tallawe, mine? asked the boarder, who had ad. woman whose son was in Brasil. Mr Smith seenlfl to he a 1B rtlan a LKAFiNa y s —~ "5 a -p. In .. For Toronto .... vertisea for a griiot room. Part of the letter ran as follows: -I well as a minister To General Meralwllteaud Boot and Shoe'StoreS, 00 P", in ........Ivor ,lhooswater .,..,. Oh, that's. Mr. Slim taking his oaiinot tell you dear irlotifer how th In i y r Business I -keop a P breathing lessons answered rile land, + e English Spavin Linlnlent removes all hard, soft or v 6 r nllsklttios (meaning it.,osquitoes tor- oallonsed Lul,hps nna IIIDulishea trots horsca, Blood In connection N'lth ty ,Lcathc . ., C3 -M.& bT:D Wj;,,U N•= SPavin, Snllnts,Ri)g Bone, Sweeney, Stiflcs,S rains ``Y��77 (('��'�,1 7� '[]�'��f �y A. ti, STUATHI AOUNT,, Wraat allay' meat ale, They Bayer leave file alone Sora and Bivouac Throat, Coughs, oto, Savo yGQ by ► 71J V l^I L111i L\ 1J11�! 11rTltrongli tickets .to all pointe in At Uri 1 13Ut the thUm 8 and uelgeg over. hilt pursue ItlP everywhere. use of one battle, Warranted Chir most wanderlyl i est, Paoifio Coast, oto., via the Pilortect' p p a y e. Blemish Cure ever know[.. sold At Chlshohn's dens popular routes. Bnl Ral;o chockyrs;<. arra ahead, store. Ilathaway; whitiuorow. Lauf A Trench •Dressing, � dutitiatien. Lotvesttroii ht rtttcs to'tyll ltrf It') thinit of that, interrupted the Eellpse, Hixby'st Perfect Kid, etc; 111100 15•and 25c Mr Brigl;s-,t always lieve a morn, slzee, by the l;rpse or dozen, JaNuot's. Vzolich - -"TIME TABLE.— have of my Y. N. 0. A. hoarders old woman ; my John must be a hand, Blocking and Gra)'s cliulax waterproof, 1 rnAvls w1No1rAI1. Anatylt AT w' have that room, and they practice seine lac! ; but there, I'm interrupting ;n wolf[. Iyer out of I.ed every inoln• J1�4a,n1TOronto,ctiali;p,�on,rcc.iaes gymnastics. I n + at five you know 1 ' b'y y0U ; 90 Oil parson. 7 e5 p Pahneraton, Clinton,ntonOf 101E And the man who runs up and down Indeed, mother, continued the rotfast -klow lr+no IsnvP yntt been 649 .........London, arc 1 the hall ? doing that 2 A C S - 1145 1 vicar, reading I close my door and. 1120a.in........ li;incardine,ato .. .... B: Mr. DoGarry, the s rioter practic- `Kr Brigas -^ Oh - eh Uin—ever in Leather, IIorschido, Hit fall Kip, Porpoise, Lo, 1p pyp.m " 11: t p , window Of an evPnill- to keep them Cotton and little, inall I Kths. 7: place th6 halty came, Button fasteners and se a, cork soles, Bre. ing ills gait, oat of my room, Well, well, ,I, eau get along with Dear ntP, exclauued the cid wgman; � �`"��` � '"- Splentltfe Amerl SHOE L ATHE� them. But there's a ball ells some- Apenpy for y y whatever is th+� Wol•Id carving to. ( =WHERE?A =- 'Where for hours at to #role and it's CUSimon Alma bal And III an 5rezzoola Ki aud.CAit+ And yet, WPllt qtr 111P YIOaI', thPd0 BesC Calso natio kip and upper Spanish anQ s)nughtorElm 1 maildHnin insoly. P y t;• not leave me alone,; I believe they There isn't a baby in the hoose, sir, cotne down the eliinitiPv to get at me I — _ HARNESS LEATHER, Not in the room across file hall 2 Well, well, parson, continued Life x-�swMr „� �,�. R« ,r cAVEATs : T T Yillv1 a� r TRADE MAR 0h, tlltat'S little Miss LPO JJOe, t11H Old woman, 1JOldi1J;; up her llt►nds, t0+ � �w 4i 4iV � }� i Best brands on hand leo k and hemlock• S ecia DEBIGN PATEN actress. That's only the stage baby, thinit of that, ho\v forward of them. + ,�~' llit,s:: stock for p COPYRrCNTBe + t`v + IFS 'S For information and free Handbook write to i i t.., ;.t , _ Patronage solicited. P cesg;uaranteed. A octal MUNN A CO. 25x $ROADtVAY. Naw Pole 'oSbP, has t0. S8H that it's perfect in rl.l Of WhoCYI i i[iglill'e(1 Mlle vlcAr.Irr't�.. �,' ,;• card will securequotation�oracall troll, mytinvel- Oldest. atenttakon Ouib7ual bsrougiixb0fi its parts, and wind it up for rehearsal. ki the Jiiss Kitties, of Course. `� ; L •- let` ttiepubpltobyanottiicevgiven free 0Yohall Thanes, I guess I'll ixtove to settle «hen I was yonn_ maidens would ® W. J. HAPMAN, O`e' dtati1V�N a'ieAedle- privitte asylum. There are, too Inane have bluslied to do ;;uclI a thing" and I Lar[casteirculatinnofanyectentttlapaperint lunatics in this one for my comfort, con►a down rho chinuly too, Indigestion, Dyspepsia and $our $[smash nKo Tanner an Leather Merchant, weird, 8 lendidlyy Illustrated. No 1nte111¢e caused b fife food feruientin The result of fer. , man obou(d be wrtbout it. WeeklFy�� $.p and he aid his reckoning •end renew + y 1`INGIIAu ;ear; $1.50 six months. AddreasEipl a p After a pause, the mothers pride montatfon o All ergodic matter must be acid. trDLISHERS.861Broadway.Newrortr. This d000mpoees the food (which shonid be dlgest- ed his Seareb for a quiet room, prevatlf1w. she went on, but John, ed)and front that decomposition evolves gasses that produce pressure on the nerves, disorganizing FOR (1<7"�'�;7. �� �7 VALUE CONSIIbIPTIONCIIRLeD. must be rare Isundsonte fur the maid• the aysteni. and producing various symptoms of .L y,[�„�•,/ j, 11 ens t0 h• after h11U to that P.Xt qt and �dhsease Tta1•CuhativeFluid" olltheStomach, An old physician, retired from practtec, liming , prolnotesdigestion and aeshnilation of food, thereby had placed in his hands by an East India missionary I creating A healthy current of blood. lbr sale by all I rP,cl,ou the glias I�ittics is Bali[ the formula oI•.a simple vegetable comedy for the Q : y Druggists, SOC, and yl, -IN Speedy And pernranont Cure of Consumption, Bron- folk. too. I - chitin, (s, also Asthma and all throat and LAffectung Nervous also a positive and radicr' euro for 111e 0!p woman ld tlpaiollaly wAltlno i HALSTED SCOTT ' CL0THI"" • `� Nervous Debility and all Nertous Compinhhts, after having tested •Its wonderful curative powers in for the Next letter. thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to make it S known to itis suffering fellows. Actuated by thisc motive and a desire to relieve human suffertnr, I For the past year I have been troubled I' BANKERS- f will send Ireo of charge, to All who dosirc it, this to a ver, rent extent with Dandruff also , tl 00 TO rooipe in German, French or' English, with full Y g !! dfrectfoi)s for preparing and using. Sentby [nail by D, dullness of color in my hair, and through ; Josephine Street - Wilfham, Ont, V1 .addressing with stamp, naut[ngthis paper. W. A. the advice of a friend (who Spoke from ex- Norxa 8'20Pr•vers Block ttochoster, N, Y. peeiell I tried your Auti-Dandruff, t J. A. HALSTRD, J. 11'. Scorr, WE � "R'S. which, upon the application of less than a i itol Forest. I Listowol. JL uj Thoughtlessness. I bottle of your liquid I find my head not only thoroughly cleauaed but a vast im- I Deposits Received and Interest Farmer Sfmoson was an exceedingly provemeat in the color and growth. w milduaturod utan, and would find ex � have and do recommend it as highly allowed. j beneficial fill to the profession and welcome uo- Money Advanced to Farmers and HATS: CAPS SHIRTS �cuses for the faults of Ills horse and, in erttlly as an Agreeable and welcome luno- i 3311SineSs Men v s fact for Pvery unpleasant thing; Ovit vation in the remedies put forth for public ' favor. Yours, &cc FVIM, P WOLFB, On long or short time, on endorsed notes®a-tTLAiLr�s d RS .same in his way, 1 -le purchased a cow Advertisiug�Alit.,_ Frank Daniels1�It�siels Co. or collateral security. Sale notes bought 4s Season I5i)0 �Jl I at a fair valuation. .lions r and had great diflieulcy in keeping her _ y emitted to all I t parts of Canada nt reasonable char;{es. ' �yF,� ea for KAS Yl# •in the pasture. Pdever Mind, Them. VJLl She'hind of a covin' crittt'►', lint St Peter -Nell, What Can I do for Special Attention Given to Col- ' Elie means well, he said, after a wi+lkyell? - I lecting Accounts and Notes. Are-- of several Iuiles.in pursuit of her. (xl►b Stranger—I dropped in to see 11I — F ,may �y-ZI > One morning he was illilkin y the i Agents in Canada --The Itlerohant's" thank y ��' b if ,you didu c t\�fu)t your IifH insured. cow wit n. ski be"s.n to Itic;l: viol+ntl s oft Canada -- 3 But we cion't die here.—am. upset the stool, Sent the itil fl incur Office hours -From 0 am. to ,5 p. in p I? y Of course not'; by our system you A. E. SMITH , and :Ill the milk Was spilled. The sPttie Ill 3000 iinnual payments of r -farmer got np, hurl plating the i Ager t. tJ �® 1d� � � �j 10U ranch. IF lit guy time after two 9 s, 'Tuili, said gravely to a %ituess of the years yon dont like it; the policy has a I . disaster : surrender Value equal to the full ` } Well, now, that's the worst fault amount paid in, with interest added at ' this cow has. I I per cent. rr9LE� Then after a niotnen", s meditation, I Is I� �F t,utwhtlredath«+shsn•rholdersrnAko�, �� - d - ���think that perhaps lits had i;t•en un- monr-y by such it s)steut?n6cessarily severe lie added, that is, if We invest the money l;y yearly in-'�°� � !t ¢�,you can call it -a fault ; waybe its only st,01ments and with the rebits a �9i 7 jlryl thoughtlessness[ the salariesof officers. p P yIf/ CURr- 5 ��a �'�� u ��Jlu ii�111 'r''; But the shareholders ? ��� 0L, 9cill Oh, the; Shareholders 1 They have Ei-:R the privilege of visiting tli(* locality QR�(l.S dirently across the glilf from aMore we Cf' OI jv?A-p now stand, -Truth. DIARRHOEA a Anvtca To :tloruuas.-arc you diaturued at night and broker, of your rest by a slrir child suffering All crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and got 4 bottle of 1 Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalaul- ablo. It will reliavo the poor little suffcrar immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. Itoures Dysentery and Diarrhesa, regulates the Stomach and Botrels, cures wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tire whole sy stem. 11 hlrs. Wfn• slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant.to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest And best eniale physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by alt druggists throttehout the world. Price twenty -live conte a bottio. Ile sure and ask for "Alas. WIIISLOW's SooTHrNa SYPIl .nit make no ot\ar kind v Many fat men are too 13ir011 to Wear ready-made trousers. If you do not want your feelings hurt keep them out of the way. Educational Works. TI3L work of educating the public to A thorough knowle•lge of the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters its a cure far all diseases of the storuttell, liver, bowels, and blood, bas been completely sucoesRful. The remedy is now known and used in thous• suds of hornes where it always gives great catiRfaetion. Jagsoll rayls ,.Von can't judge the Power of an ar;;tlment by Its noise. Rebeeca Wilkinson, of Brownsvaliey, Ind., says: '•I had been in a distressed eouditiou, for. three years front lvervoflel Metas. WeaknessOt tile Stomach, .Dyspepsia, and Indigeatiou until my health wean gone. I had beau doutortugt constantly With> no relief, I bought one battle of South Am. edos,>ix 'Nervine, which done me licca good than guy $60 worth of doelioriul 1 ever did lax' my 1,114. I would ulvise revery weakly; perrrt�rl,'Go jW4,61tti,6 yr hnitbP4 end l0*, 44y.ft-W, �� ANDALL ^ COMPLAINTS 5UNNJ CHILDREN o"ADULTS "Pl'lC f M�ATION5 ,%WART "Backache means the kid neys 'are in trouble'. Dodd's Kidney Pills give Prompt P41ief." 1!75 per cent. of disease; is' est caused b disordered kid. ys. "Might as well tt to haus a na healthy oity without ;,ewer• age; as good health. whon the kill ars dloggtld, tidy art' DY by Arlt (1cill the scavengers of the system. I. "Delay is dangerous, Neg- Iected kidney troubles result In Bad Blood, Dyepe sin, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Drosg,"' 'Pills above dfseasrs cannot exist where Dotld'st Kidney PlAla #A idled.' A11 intending purchasers of stovelt for this . U i winder will save money by buying from P. SUTHERLAND. i Having bought a HEATING T - O very large variety of A I ND COOK �. r� tM to choose from R Every stove guaranteed. against 'ibrdakage and to give complete satisfaction, • _, Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls. The "Sunli_ht" Soap Co., Tot -onto, offer the fol lowing prizes every month till further notice, to boys and girls under 16, residin_ in the Praiuce of ,Ontario, who send the greattst number of ,Suit - light" wrappers : ,1st, w10; 2nd, ?0 ; 3rd, T;4th, .%; 5th to 14th, a Handsome Book ; and a pretty picture to those who send not less than 12 wrappers, Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later than 20th of each month, and marked "Competition" ; also give full name, ad- dress, Age, And number of wrappers, winners' names will be published in,rho.Toronto A{ail on first Saturdav in each month. The pneumatic sulky has 'gone to stay on the race trach. It hert Bon- ner says so, and he is pr ;slimed to l pileak ailtllorlt°tively on ti a subject.• #IA is also of the opinion th t it is Re inb to revolutionize trotting regoi'ds, as it Enables A horse t0 ;IVol from iWo to three seconds fia.a r n, mile. The striking thing; aboufiifth tlew sultry is the lowwheels" n th old-style vehicle the drive✓Bila betty ati them. ' The wheels a (Ira a thir inches ill r : � igbt, abou 9" he same as safety bi• fryele se oil the toad ars truck. A -laulky •t'itb the Itneumiltic tire attacll. xtiont gets down in weigh • to about iprty pounds, white the decrease in 4rang'llt is at least fifty P •cent, It. io Mr Bonner's idea that record of 2.05 is entirely possibl'ia th this new racing wit6hine. Profo rontial 'trade. Pit 1X,8PH'NTAL trade properly con. slats in giving the preference to Bur. goof. Blood Bitters whex eeekh►u for it cure iorooulsttpaticu, dyapepaia, headtabhe, . hIII ripaslless_, tauudioe4 alarofulS. ylot coca in motet bud ksloo., riaeamat6it+rel ter kid. it i1' ae oar � t, r But the shareholders ? ��� 0L, 9cill Oh, the; Shareholders 1 They have Ei-:R the privilege of visiting tli(* locality QR�(l.S dirently across the glilf from aMore we Cf' OI jv?A-p now stand, -Truth. DIARRHOEA a Anvtca To :tloruuas.-arc you diaturued at night and broker, of your rest by a slrir child suffering All crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and got 4 bottle of 1 Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalaul- ablo. It will reliavo the poor little suffcrar immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. Itoures Dysentery and Diarrhesa, regulates the Stomach and Botrels, cures wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tire whole sy stem. 11 hlrs. Wfn• slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant.to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest And best eniale physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by alt druggists throttehout the world. Price twenty -live conte a bottio. Ile sure and ask for "Alas. WIIISLOW's SooTHrNa SYPIl .nit make no ot\ar kind v Many fat men are too 13ir011 to Wear ready-made trousers. If you do not want your feelings hurt keep them out of the way. Educational Works. TI3L work of educating the public to A thorough knowle•lge of the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters its a cure far all diseases of the storuttell, liver, bowels, and blood, bas been completely sucoesRful. The remedy is now known and used in thous• suds of hornes where it always gives great catiRfaetion. Jagsoll rayls ,.Von can't judge the Power of an ar;;tlment by Its noise. Rebeeca Wilkinson, of Brownsvaliey, Ind., says: '•I had been in a distressed eouditiou, for. three years front lvervoflel Metas. WeaknessOt tile Stomach, .Dyspepsia, and Indigeatiou until my health wean gone. I had beau doutortugt constantly With> no relief, I bought one battle of South Am. edos,>ix 'Nervine, which done me licca good than guy $60 worth of doelioriul 1 ever did lax' my 1,114. I would ulvise revery weakly; perrrt�rl,'Go jW4,61tti,6 yr hnitbP4 end l0*, 44y.ft-W, �� ANDALL ^ COMPLAINTS 5UNNJ CHILDREN o"ADULTS "Pl'lC f M�ATION5 ,%WART "Backache means the kid neys 'are in trouble'. Dodd's Kidney Pills give Prompt P41ief." 1!75 per cent. of disease; is' est caused b disordered kid. ys. "Might as well tt to haus a na healthy oity without ;,ewer• age; as good health. whon the kill ars dloggtld, tidy art' DY by Arlt (1cill the scavengers of the system. I. "Delay is dangerous, Neg- Iected kidney troubles result In Bad Blood, Dyepe sin, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Drosg,"' 'Pills above dfseasrs cannot exist where Dotld'st Kidney PlAla #A idled.' A11 intending purchasers of stovelt for this . U i winder will save money by buying from P. SUTHERLAND. i Having bought a HEATING T - O very large variety of A I ND COOK �. r� tM to choose from R Every stove guaranteed. against 'ibrdakage and to give complete satisfaction, • _,