HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-23, Page 54 f y I—, Al -1111111 For One,Month_ Before Takiineya S. We willgive our Customers and the public g6nerally tb.e best bargains in BOC)ATS and SHOES 10"00TS and SHOBS 9 Ever offered in Win gham Call and examine our Bargain, Counter and be convinced th,� t there is no sham. as the �'oo must be sold at any cost to make room for lar * e fall .purchases. '_78 FIE _Fu S C_ COME'lT --_ 4 We are still leading the trade in NOBBY SUITS AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS By far the largest assortment of 0 to select from that we ever had. 'articular attention given to Custcm work and Repairing done in first-class style. J, J HOMUTI-I & SON. I Blyth Mrs R Howard .,pent. Sundu�• in wiughani w►tlt friettri�,--1�s`v 1, E $iggley assi+;ted in the Horres;t 'Vii-micL E - giving service in the Euih+,h church nt VordR,ich ou Tuesday I tet,—Ut,r ripple buyers are chipping lurice gnuutitv`s ot� the beautiful fruit front tlik i;trittnr, to trio Ul& Uouutr,• tit, Nr6•setlt.—i4:[t+a1 ENORM4 Clara AJAsou, of thin phiev. is iiaitin„ friends it, ciluton iiia w.elc.—Mr Will Emigil {QNa It' loutrtllo INyI v•a.i; lu It . Consolidate business trip.—'1'In- co,tpere, rtf this place, aro wort--ing idghr anci tily tt, Hippodrome UJI the d-ollnud for oppIc W11*11t;lw,.— Miss Nir mans, of ( irtton,lnta roi nrtlpd to town.—Tire towti was -eel) erre- l seifited at tl1R Toronto N'ttir last ,-k. —Our ban(l ;;ttve a few eelootitmtt +,u the inftri(et t:quNta- to tho ti -light of t It`s citizens, oil Friday "velli,,, l"'.4 _k i is Date Oolnrov, We fire ;glad to Shite, it; fast reco%rritig from her seri •nN nrRs —A large unml)er of our citizen. etre taking in the London ' Foil _ this week. Yes, but feed itwith'Scott'sl mu sion. Peeding the cold kills it, and n one I can afford to have a cough or col ,acuter and leading to consumption, urkiiag around him.. I goo T9 aaN EffiuL U ofpnre Nomegian Cod Liver Ott and Ztilpophospitzites strengthens Weak Lungs, checks all Wasting Diseases and is a remarkable Flesh Producer., Almost as Palatable 'ap WIAS��UR��'S'T. A. M I LLb Roman !O Steam Beautiful NNEW, Fall Stock Arriving Baily NOBBY, . 11AT9 1OVELTIE, S, In Dress Goods, Trin mhigs, etc., Mantle Cloths, Shawls, etc., Tweeds and Cloths, etc., All bought _For .,spot cash and will be sold at lowest. -possible prices. The best value in .a .e 5 Yarlls,' BOOTS AND 8"HOEES, VALUE UNAPP"ROACHAB"LE, GROCERIES .Sugars a� cheap, ' as ever. .. •.. - •. _. ....... LatlR •L7.GiJ.Wi,r,..• valva' Wiest Standard Granulated 22.. labs. t One 25 Cent 'Wicket Admits to all. for Ye11ow sugar in proportionate '. prices. af oaTwo 1i PERE FORMAN°CES DAILY. ....... ..... .... . .. 'tock. Cali. and lnspetlt our THE P� E� bPLE' GO COQ ,ZETLAND PUMP FORKS, MONEY LOST... ) A. 1 L � (OP' PEN�119 OWN91164 Lttat Un"ttteph uu iht hptii and acro\atony on 8fon• i ds,Y, 8rptenthpr 12th, ta•6 note+, htto t'nlunti at 5120 ' _1Vl , f ' c� f1I1 AT i 1�T A to r t�1r mA1� r� ' 't" ! �IAU11U1 V11t � la i t wish to intonate to' t}ln poaple of letlnrd and ehrrotiudhtit coatitry that 1 halo eotnhtent!04 the ntnfliitnettled of nil kinds Of •. and the ather nt t140 nlao $•18 Irl bills, Thp tinder Will be suitably roirnrded ln• IeitaUitt It with 1oN� wci.1SAN, VRl1��IH11 Z/ 1V j1 * ; \Vrexster P.O. HOLSTEIN BOILS W SNLE �' 011 sA�,E�. Coai in car lout d11,id direct t# r WOODEN PUMPS, i 11 Lot X6 H, ind the +' � of of No, i a CO>riflliul sort can ah rt them nn+ the shortest lietlev. C011'NTY FUN= VO WAIV. ' I Th audeiplithed has for sr le on 1,ot 10, Con, d, Turdbnrrv, four tiiarottghhred: Yintateih b�rlla. tanst: lith Con. rl'utraberty--1110 aures; 90 lacros olegrerl; W611 fenced; Mind llouso and NO i t6r)dL!�llf�l>t0 YiPbil a 1 o 11'ttl alati be lrr 4 posltlmt tot liar ly Itoa aro you Cin the seearity tlf itltfiratod: ri'arm Interest six ird fratu'v to 1N utotiths old. The shall tueIt Iled er grit. psyahta ahnunllr. Any potlloo , of ,.rho I rttitnate Arehtll well hiatkuti tihd ralffstered lit rile rothor bnildinga, rod nrchal�i,• clrea)t, on ti b. Apply to iriif tor,ipY`f C!!i Duni rs to order. t w erc+i Ali11t io>�eeyicedalin,+i b�tltthat otrbtiro Nd' ereet�yt+li wbtaY� 1 pirTrhinityiraei ha �tld che,t wwd }i! - . 0. c:9'l�E�t7�Cr �y pCi3% Air ttiort (tve1C1 to 140w � 1;C1`M1lrlt tt attEt.C1Cd tYi� 1�NClSY 1laMOnr.hln, 30FIY 1?NtTON. 1111,011r to Chow to u110111 moneY�it lc+>taed . IaF lb App15 to tVS,11uitilf9 yAN 9„ht� >trped«rhtitotritrl (SMYIIa, Or iiorlafiN iii. CIyI 11i' i0 �. ekt awd Oats. �frlsand, �atY �h. ib11 � (11AI-1 obi Aug.Sib Mt. Co. Ttpaantrot,, yl ilWtMlly �a�ikpivSp► I `.