HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-23, Page 4E. WILLIAM$ •-AN4 AGT. G, N W. TELEGRAPH CO, app, gronswick- Nouse, W n,gnam, - - - CD C (Jiffingl lit tPl,xl tf FRIDAY, SEPTE\1BER 23, 189',0,, EDITORIAL NOTES - Di DW.UID OTES,Evw.+ltn BI.Aicr, will be given �i ,a banquet by the Toronto Young Mons i Libeeal Olub, on the eve of his de• i parture for Cngleaud to take Ilia seat in the Lnglish House of Comitions, AN Ottawa dispatch says the Gov- ernineut has renewed tL•e contract. with the .Allan line for carrying ,the Canadian mails to. Great .Britain. foa twelvemonths from Dec % nsxt on the same terms as this year. Tia Toronto LVews: The Central i Farmers' Institute in February dell+r• k' ad for Free trade by on overwhe;l"is,g majority. The Dominion Trades and Labor Congress latelv,wbilti not. adopt. in-\ a formal resolution, :practically r; i its approval of t)ze same exlprEssed p.,tiov. Smce the farmers and artisaus '4 have both pronounced in favor of ter. ohang;e the practical polixicitzn will not be tong, it, getting there too. The Nrtri'"til Policy, as understood by the. present Government, is at dead duck. AT .is recent cuoferHnce between the Praviucial Board of Health and the Eloiseµ Govurutn"ut it was decided to fi;•t,t chulera in Ontairo by inspVction, disitifect,jon and isolation, and not I,y asteniptad quarantine. Inspectoro will Ila appointed at' Tort Erie, King - stun, Suslpeusion Bridle and Niagara, and at the latter station a disinfecting apparcatua .will bo erected similar to that it, use at Grosse isle. In this Kay the Government hope to Ices il cholera out without injury to business. Forestry. To the 4 liter of the Twits. o SIR, -Ther" is one. toint in counec a tion Willi our agrionitural success tea is rapidly torciug itself on the attentiot of the country, ottmely, that thruuoh out our cleared and settled portions o Ontario most of the reserves of tirnbe are bring; year . by year intrenche upon either by the axe, decay or tit general wealteuit g end drying lip b tike forest soil, vallbing,r the trees t blow down in numbers. This last, b i the way, is often the result of cat.L Lein; allowed entrance, for the ,'esu l " of their tramplin; down the e,.rtli ills eating off every young tare . not ul destroys what should perpetuate ti i trees already. -,-.there. However it 'i there is every; 'chance that Much Ontario will be destitute lire Imig' ,forest protection so far as the origin woods are concerned, Whether for the sake of full at timber it would not Iva worth while commence large plantations of it now `I do not wish to discuss Ilea. People are doing; it largely in tit.- Butt But what would suggest is that ! the meantime the only way to prove the great evils which would result an unsheltered farming; cotantry sit sated like. Ontario (a country oriz insil i hovered with heavy forests and who neither vegetation succepd so w nor comfort be at all so attainable .many ways when dphudeil of tre would be to plant .alori the expo. sides of As many farms tis possi rows of evergrpeu Crops. There many of thebo�--tbp spruces, b Xorway and nttilive, the' pities, t ttedars. all of which I h%Vo in, self s Y viinted i„ rows, and iit it few ye make excellent and itapervioua lyi bre,tlts Thty fire isltsily obtilitted. the States tiiey )tet' sold in ►anti+ tit] hers when from Tint ft'ur to six inial hiollti, at 3 is $0 it tit lisnnd Ass(( u elixtalwisig, their small bulk on ". ioyt t,ns tinpilp in fr+�lrrhT. (' enptaiy tlr�+ dtrirtvilml wavy $yin( th"y corild 0, toduood as cheaply here Large trees course Cost more, Then thitro are L more. 'part% of Oiztario plenty of dung evergreens growing in unused aide or on I the border%of woods Whialz transplanted into. rows when young ronld answer well, avid which, Qan he Afton had vrithout charge, dooiduous rtes are generally planted, though hey are not half the 1150, giving is Halter i i winter because they take 'oot easier, but if care be tultan to resp the evergreen roots covarod slid hoist till they are planted, getting; ;ona roots with thAm if possible, they will suoceed as well Its the other. Whoever aivba a few days in so pro- teoting his farm will be able 1 have no doubt in %. few years to sell it if lie choose for a thousand dollars More than if +she work had not been done. 111y object ill writing this letter however was principally to inform your readers that the forestry report for this year is now beingy distributed and will be sent free to all who give me'their addresses.. Yours truly, R. W, Phipps, 2511 Richmond St. Toronto, Ont. rnvtilling ; Messrs Cauiaron, Holt 11011uee, $200, law expanses ; Dukl' tic Stewart,. $6,17, lutnberfor culvert, U; Duff di Stewart, 61.30, wood for indi g;aut It $11rigley, $6, charity ; 1Vzii Duncan, $8, 0bnrity ; J llutharford, $2, fence viewer's feaa. ; Will Stewart, 00, care of indigent; John Burgess, $3, bonds for drain, ata. The Clerk was instructed to .notify James Parish to, ,clean out (lavernmeat drain within 80 dAY4, or failing to do so the Township E,3gineer will be brought ou to have the work done, 5'loved by Air Cruiait- shank, seconded by Mr Harris, that. this tueetinn do noir adjourn, to ,apet. in AUDanald's Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, October 17th, 1892, at 10 o'clock ani. TurnberrY. Minutes of council meeting held in McDonald's Bail, Bluevale, on i1lon day, September 19th, 1892. Members of auuncil all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meet- ing wore road, approved and signed. Communications were read from Township Engineer ra drain on 10th,. lith and 12th, concessions, and from Wnv Sutton re drain on 6th conces- sion,. also from Cameron, Holt & Holmes, re Bryce. law suit. The heave reported that both'tbe east and west approaches to G.mmill's bridoy were somplet�d'according to c',ntract and recurumended payment of contract price. The Deputy -Reeve reported Job. of gravelling; on : south boundary line completed and recotinviended pay- ment. gvlr Dimeut reported he had got coffin for Mr Billingsly at a cost of $7 and recommondod paymntnt; alsn that dom: -ravelling on boundary Opposite lots 15 and 16 is required and recommAnd that 15 rods be gravelled. Mr Mundoll reported. that he had in spected drain on Howick bounditry Opp lots 3 and 4, and found i badly filled up, by cattle getting luti it, also that stone culvert in Belmor has fallen in, and recominatraed that culvert be ropairAd and drain cletunee out, provided .Rowick coul,ail trill.>;Jay half the exper:se of doiu^ toe wont. Moved I,y Air Ditnent, seconded I, Mr Qruieksliai;nk, that a cheek for tit sural of $200 be sent to Mossre Cam Enron, Holt it Holmes on account of law expenses -Carried. Moved b AIr Harris, seconded by I -Ir Ur•uiuk- p sbank, that Mr Dimeut be appollite to ipt the job of g;ravelliug 1.5 rods o soutil,boundary oppooito lots 15 an 16, if found necessary - Carried Moved by Mr Diment, seconded. b Mr Harris, that as Robert B Harri has not accepted the office of Tax Col t 1 lector, that the motion of tine las A meetWQ appointing Robert B Barri Tax Collector," be rescinded and th i JoI1n Black beApp.iuted 'lax Collecto 1• for the current year, provided `` th a sureties in the sum of 812,000, sati e factory to this council, be given of Carried. Moved by 1Ir Dimon o seconded by Mir Harris, that the su 3 of $5 be paid to .W.in Stewart fol ca le of indigent -••Carried. Moved by N It Ditllent, seoondpd by 1Ir Oruiekrhnn ,t tltiiCAusnber and nalls be granted ►% Lawrence Lobell to put drain acro to side road between lots 5 and 6, con s, Carried. Mored by Mr Dinten of seconded by Ilt• Mundell, .tbat t e,t clerk do notify pathinasters, that tile al road lists mast be isiturned to t clerk on or 'Before the 1At day id Octob r, or they w,ll be prosecute to according to law-Ca,Mov ,.„ by air thuickshank, aocanded by e. Harris, that Mvhsl•x McPhersgn a ee Dimeut be a committee to aocept rvi collector's sureties-Oa);rried. Mow lit by Mr Dimeut,secatided i,y 1Ir Harr its that the DeputyRveve be instruct u- to examine crossing at Gilmour's a ly if all parties interested arra sigreeab ore to put ire surface culvert-C,arei ail N"IOved by Mr Mundell, secundeol in lair Harris, that \Ir J011irt.utherfo co) Ibe ptlid.$2, fence viawerts• fees, A ped that the .iniount bo placed oil un1L- Ap or's roll .against Robert Hastings are Carried The following accounts w ho palssipd and Orders issnod :-••=John he \IoT&vislJ, $8,60, gravel ; Willi Be Satrdfbrs�n, $Z 40, ,gravel ; John 7,� ' ars \IeTavisIl, $5 40, gravel ; T nC nd• Andersch, gravel and datuages R In Curtiss, $5,75. i;ravol �3lOX Crain. in- cnflin for indigent ; Elliott Bros, les tilp for drain ;. thio Nialinlson. pat each Approach to C3+sn1tuil's lifts. nt .Tobi Short, $Llto west approita 1 .if .ClE1t> Mil's hridestIs f1e�Org;e rT'lrni°Irps Ift.1$9.73, liana 0t'; F 'pattersorr, V ­ RX Joli.T Bulta>,s5, Clerk, - t i A 1 y e ed all the way down to yQ.ur boota.;well black tea, if you have not received a >Fleilsall. GORQON 84 N�C�NTYRi. hist hear Sim Fax, Tile versality of , sample of their,tea by mall, plOase call brought out in The Concert in Coxworth'A Hall', Iensall, on Friday evening;,, udder the --- We are detor lihied-if out prices will. of his genius was well i Aer , day at the Ulrcus" and ,He Didn't ttanagemant of Pro[ S,cott, of 1Vzna. do it ---to reduce our immense stoop of Dry Croods, Gents Furtllsll� on Win13th. Rev ll Forrest,da ltoderator,bi,l lain,, left nothing to W desired in the rayl of a bright %lid enjoyable evert- seasOnablo zags, Really Mode Clathiug, 130014 and the chair. The alder:!' commissioua and the roll was •node i ng'a entortain►nNut, W hen the hour Shoes, and"pure, Irash Groceries. before were received up for the year. The Rev J L 31ui ray 'or opening arrived the hall was pack• stook taking;. O O F, Macleod," villi the btlier from ;d, many having to go away unable to Sugars by the carload, is the order o! der McKenzie, Sir John A. Macdonald, Sir Richard Cartrig;ht, Sir John Thomp- lndl seats• 'tile proglralntzie was ex• lAllgtlt and was well sustained tbro.p.gh, the day, so we.are in a position to givit'IfI' the. best value that can be offered. In the evening; and fully sustained the enviable reputation she boars as a Alt, There was Clot a wctak part in it. I gams or salt sealers, we have it very large Presbytery commends to all congreea• together with all their organiza- rile fun of t11e entertniuinent 'wt,s stock -bought at jobbers prices-••-•wbioll, _- Tower i'ati'inghana• supplied. by Sim Vi ax, is a master we are selling very cheap. GORDON & McINTYRR.. in .his line, if there were any present The high standard of our Teas will be I •in she controls, with ease and effect, which, together with bar faultless ar- sufferingfrom the blues or indigestion scrupulously maintainod, addition to sanctioned by alio General Assombl.y. we venture to say they were quiet re- ' our celebrated pure Indian Tea or "Ram. .his as L'<(lid not cu :iplairi noattention was lieyed before the second part of the Lal's," We are. the sole agents here, for ' 11'"v Jlr RUSK enters upon itis work programme. If you liave Bever laugh- the justly popular"choice Russian Blend" stistrumelltala mueh appreciated b the audience, Joli.T Bulta>,s5, Clerk, - t i A 1 y e ed all the way down to yQ.ur boota.;well black tea, if you have not received a NIT D Ait Tiurs,--I am in receipt Presbytery of Maitland, hist hear Sim Fax, Tile versality of , sample of their,tea by mall, plOase call brought out in of a newspaper from Breiehvrater, that 'skirts the whalpbaciz emiuencA kno%ii The Presbytety of Raitlaud met at Tuesday, of his genius was well i Aer , day at the Ulrcus" and ,He Didn't on no and get it. Good loo. Straw Hats for 5c.; Prints at membAis of Preshytery, to take part. on Win13th. Rev ll Forrest,da ltoderator,bi,l Split the «'ood."' 4'he musical part ,. , Prof Scott, whose rich ,to, per yard, and Factory Cotton at 40.. The recommendation was adopted, noel the chair. The alder:!' commissioua and the roll was •node was left to per yard. tenor yO1Ca lends a new Chat'm to kite will a To every oustovotogrner, " the Sabbath School committee iustruc were received up for the year. The Rev J L 31ui ray „Auld Scotch Songs," and Misses Kate l• ► Strong and. Emilia Whelp,- ,, of `lb. f owi choice of ihoto raphs.of the following Canadian �tatasmen viz -Hon. Alexan- O O F, Macleod," villi the btlier from was appointed convener of the I'ra.sby• tery's home mission committee, instead ronto. Miss Strong was the star of der McKenzie, Sir John A. Macdonald, Sir Richard Cartrig;ht, Sir John Thomp- A bon of John Brown, of Eviddin;ton, to of Rev John Ross, resigned, The the evening; and fully sustained the enviable reputation she boars as a I son, Sir Oliver Mowat, Hon. J. J. C. Ab - Wilfred Lanrior, and W, R. wits agreed to translate hien to that Presbytery commends to all congreea• together with all their organiza- vocalist. She possesses a voice of p i bott, Hon. Meredith. _- Tower i'ati'inghana• tions for CGristiau work the adoption remarkable compass and volume whicll GORDON & McINTYRR.. t.� born in what is slow •thf Frve Church fifth of the plan of temperance organization, she controls, with ease and effect, which, together with bar faultless ar- The Bis Brown Anchor Dunuld the eougret!ation. 14Ir 5innpson was tippoitited ;Moderator of the Soil- sanctioned by alio General Assombl.y. titeUlatiet! and pleasing manner renders Wingham. July 21th,1$,g2. ..��.. .his as L'<(lid not cu :iplairi noattention was The clerk was instructed to give Rev Duncan Davidson a Fresbyteral (peril- tier art artist of great proulise. The of blies Whelpley µ_aro ' 11'"v Jlr RUSK enters upon itis work was born.. The first three Browns all fioate: Messrs illaeLeunan and Baird stistrumelltala mueh appreciated b the audience, under most favorable tyuspices. The, is large, limited and orgxnizod as n, pastoral oharge, was were appointed to audit the treasurers books and -report at %text Moetibg. whlie her fnglingof0BarbaraFrietchie„ congregatioli t]armonious anti tine call to �1r Rose in,elde, the doctor was consulted who, be Messrs E A Niuc ienzie, l3 1i, and R showeaI that site was possessed of a sweat and well cultivated voice. These is unaninious and cordial. The board reportod the financial• he hunannity as the bti,ved p')iysidian,tg,e .. I ,Yirv,ial essayist and tile Author of lla F Cameron, Students, having polform. the exercises satisfactorily ladies .a oared as strangers before, a of mauagenlent state of the congregation as very satia- utaureb. IG was thoug ht that 1t Lee. ed required were•c�rt►fied to the 5tiliatea of the liensihii�udieuce but "will ye uo con," bank audisu" cess tike sei]tnneut of. factory. prt'sput vvas itivited to sit with tbu of Montreal and Koos respell. ill every heart at the .close of the enter- Morris]• base2;ea Lively. air E A blauKruzie presented taiuwNnt, Mr Cleo Graham, of Scrauton,Penn,, have tf ntio to Lonodou fate.= -C: a written report of his labor's in Lang, ber. Oat motion Of Rev A Stitlipt•la ud who has beeh visidug Ilia cousin, Mr Il. side during, the sai"wer. • Tb,► report Duron Presbytery. D Campbell, of tike 1st line, returned , tint o . we h hear 0. bis e l ut opt) ea t sed rH i 11 p y was received as very satisfactory. Tho The Presbytery of Huron nnet in to his home this week.-1�'e learn the Ilse• Mr i lgcKenzle, to addrvas the, supply of L}tngsiao fur fail acid wintor kinderator L'ruuefiald oil ` afisday, 13th instant, following particular: about 1Ianitoba ' is left in the hands of the elfter,ilpening;services inUnien church, by a letter received from Mr D Ctunp- i Onlic, which lit• accordingly, curl. .phis of the seeaiou, The tw,npt♦rriuce thv lope tin- was cniicinued it the bell, of.Souri*, i2lNnitob t, dao;liter of 1 Victoria Collega.•-The f,nc" around con,ntittee was instructed to uietnori- inspectors with Canada Presbyterisin church, owing; to'f .Ur John A MCE wen, of the 1st line J ' aline the punlic school repairs going -on is Union chu'reh, slim says they (lave all thele' wheat I.oiing ` beautified, i,y it fresh coat of paint. -Ur li 13ettootn, leas sturted a in the bounds to have it tovtlpprance Mr Steuart requested: to be relieved out there was a slight frost on Mora- show whop in the promis'ea foimeily u,tlilual systematically used ill all the of 010 cotivenership of the Temper- day, 5th inst. She also says that No ooeupisa by J J Wallmr, Y S. . schools in their jurisdiction. It 'was soca Committee, and Mr Hamilton, of 1 bard wheat will be eery scarce in agreed that all sessions be enjoined to Londesboro, was appointed in his their vicinity. Potatoes are g')ing to make arrangements for holding mis, plaice be a fine er-)p. Mir slid Mrs. Campbell siouary meetings, and report at the Upon recommendation of the florae intend retiurniug; ' to Ontario this fall. 1 Maeoh 'meeting of Presbytery. A mission Committee, is wits agreed to On S'nturday last Ur Chas Baker,'of communication fro", the home- Mission fur as k the same rants for ai.l-receiving' g legam .tet: mill; received. a CYIE.,,atuz from I committee was presented. It asks coag;regatiuus. within the bounds no Detroit, announcing the sudden doath. $1,100 for home missions and $500 last .year,. The treasurer reported that of ll![rs N A leeuk], i11r auCl iVlrs for augurantation.froiu this Presbytery, a rate of ten cents, a ,nett ber would Levels will be rememb,•red by many oon:regations are commended to ex- meet all tho , Presbytery's "expenses, of, us, and sirs l.)eeuli's sudden death ercise liberality in behalf of 0400 and share of Synodical expanses for will be reonotted by all .tier numerous funds. The Presbytety renewed its former application tit behalf of aid ra+ the year, jgll, Sabbath School cotumittee. ie friends in this country, • Mr Leech was connected wit;, the llacloud mill ceiviug congregations. commended that at the January oseet- as its local manager, from the bine it v )OIIN 1VIAl7 'ADD, Clerk. d n Harris at at s' ell Ce lr to air leo f«r.of the Presbytery a conference o1L colnureuc,ad running unti'1 about a , NIT D Ait Tiurs,--I am in receipt Sabbath. School work hi, hold; rind that invitatiouv be extended to Sab' year ago, when lie was offered and accepted a more lucrative position in of a newspaper from Breiehvrater, that 'skirts the whalpbaciz emiuencA kno%ii bath School Workers. who are not i Detroit Two beautiful floral wreaths d as file Laugr gra, gi.ing; taaMie to you- membAis of Preshytery, to take part. were forwarded front this dist ' •1, one der villa,% atop the hill, but Angicized The recommendation was adopted, noel from the Oddfallows' Lodge, rtwhich y into Longridge. John Brown, of the the Sabbath School committee iustruc Mr Leach is a ►naamber, iuscrit,ed, ieI " Langrig g, is stili a houhehold word ted to make all accessary arrange• O O F, Macleod," villi the btlier from - for Miles around as a lovilIg t pastor and a pious, humble, uhri,.tiati. tneutN. Nir Robt Henderson, of Bayfield, friends at the mill inscribed, "Nlauleod 112i1L" Tile above pa.rn;raph is cliped A bon of John Brown, of Eviddin;ton, to accepted the fall to flap congregations of Manchester and Sraitll u Hill, it from the INtaclecd Gavz tte, IN W T., the subject of whicll µus a daughter be ,oust have been sailed r minister in tea Lan;;rig;g at the e::,al wits agreed to translate hien to that ok Mr A Jackso", of this t')wtiehip. of the last or early ill till- first decade oliarge, find that his induction tape place on. Tuosday„Oct,uller 13th; MV _- Tower i'ati'inghana• of the current c"utury. This I infer _ from ter Fant that his sou .lohll was Hamilton to pr-seh, AIr Stewart to Nirs Murdoch is ver low at resent �' p t.� born in what is slow •thf Frve Church address the naillister, and Nlr J A Mv. ,till'Arin'r front )tu•ail sts,--Master Goo � ! y inause, of Longridge, avid r„t a call to Dunuld the eougret!ation. 14Ir 5innpson was tippoitited ;Moderator of the Soil- Johnston, while pluvin� a.t school rte - ,;idently bfid shoulder. located, and - t►lA l7'Urg;ller Chllt'elr, Biggar, 111 lila, the before I was horn. In Biggar sloes or Bayfield slid Bethany. .his as L'<(lid not cu :iplairi noattention was year k+ manio'Juhn, the fourth of that mule, rhe application oLLreburu and Un- paid for solve time, ati. it was thought Y was born.. The first three Browns all ion.ehuroh, Goderich township, to be only n touch of rheumatism but after bs tna„e their mark in the clerical line, orgxnizod as n, pastoral oharge, was five days etlapsed,. and no change was . 3 but the fourt)i soems to deserve unci I not gravnted, bac a colnmi'tee was a'p- inquire inti, thea in,elde, the doctor was consulted who, be t, hold the innioat, place :in the heart of pointed tai possibility of hie) arr,ui; tu;• the field as to senate I•t."Oular pronounced Che sbou)dvir. to out. Goss ),ad to undergo the ptatuful op - he hunannity as the bti,ved p')iysidian,tg,e .. I ,Yirv,ial essayist and tile Author of lla i suppiy for Leeburu, aural Union "ration of hnvflig; it pulled in and it il 1' friends a Mare booklOt it utaureb. IG was thoug ht that 1t Lee. ,r being out so long, tuade it more difii.. Ot d 111r Mow ed. ] ap ,ls , 11,r1,y ae, but It viiia Oeeasi0ned n]„re W GOi,+ C t et.t AEI lib a Id 1A Ci)!i + n i tiit'il 4O trpttatioti 1]1 • Mait'l nd Presbytery, never 'lied 'a But hen r cult and -pill painful. B s ' v' a tear, aad stood the ordeal better than ed tiu]iles'and drawn more toars from its lender% than it a,r a trashy i]uvel Bayfield, Bethany tend Union church , many men would have done, We axe "" larger in bulk and 6f greater lit-ritry (sight bt+ ur anlzi d into one charge, bled to state that he is getting along t g nd ut pretenalin.h, I . lignin invite volt I.C. ---"-"' Induction Service. nicely now. -A11 Ibis Gypsies have left f heir tuvorfte t;g,r)t her", for ports talo, your seat aloud with elle )icaxt wpelt on the Ilial ov. rlooking Langri,_,Z. The Prosbytory of MaWand induct- trilkip,W11. ia, . e i lvhel]ce john Brown the second mnde 'Itis Dt hit+ ptl the llev John Rose, gun the 20M of Septetsiber, into the pastoral onargo Lonaesborongh. lid w:i)y to oibtane to wee wife, Nannie` 'Fletcher, as lie os; the po,ioreg atipo of Asiflield. The :1'Ie}srs Join] 'lironsdnn, Geo Snell 1u, Second fondly called her, and whose dAuith. ltev 1) FurreA, Moderatorrf Prosily- -ev and loin Ridden. took iii the Indus- ter married D ivid Smith, tivbo sit(..- tory, presided 10, J L Murray, trial Fair at Toronto last week.-- Gell Ban by ceetled John T ►own, tea 'third, in thi~ coiiductod, public worship and preached Sermon ; Rev 1) Millar, N Nadrs'116in and Nastin, formerly of tufa place 11avo taken :'d, .. uEl ' •e of Bi+.!ar SAcessioll Church. i,astolat 3„ W. LI'L`IICtctw. rill 6,xeellpht addteased the newly induE:t„d ,nit,is`er. Osset:sioll of thA .Commercial Rotel p ' ot- - ._.---- y 'flip Rov'1blr Vi vtcl';.enxie, of the Free Clinton, and will spare no pains to -- Solgratie. hen,g church Itiverness, Sentlitud, c nlalte It as first nlalst, bons+•.-•�iV9r GAO era' ,Mrs L�tiu 1�rctp is home as tin fit>m prt'sput vvas itivited to sit with tbu lvillialiia, Of Wilighsttn, wits in bile S' Trenton.-•-On9. or tvpo of our friends PrOxbvtpry es a corresl)onihug n,eni. I t►glagp �r,A day last wenit.•--tIr Win Ain have tf ntio to Lonodou fate.= -C: B ber. Oat motion Of Rev A Stitlipt•la ud I3runsdon. sr, is indisposed at -present)* Il. , `'bray, of Afnln, was visiting lig „Bel+, cordially ask d tl)e a,r C I kite Presbyt V y " , tint o . we h hear 0. bis e l ut opt) ea t sed rH i 11 p y R glrave• and" lltiAvalO:�--Rev J H: Dyke I Ilse• Mr i lgcKenzle, to addrvas the, covory.-III.-Ile J ld iilcliAin" WIIO figs obo reaciled it► eCuburn last,'T 1nr4dny • - nssen►bled wingregatiou in Xuglish and boob releivi,t,, the Rev 1tlr Leecb,. left $1, `bar, nti ht havat been a. serious Aeoi� i Onlic, which lit• accordingly, curl. .phis last wee)t tw iwsunie Ilio 'studies at 21, dent occurred on the 14tH Inst, ended i Ifircvly inducted .pmtor CVOs intr dlluvd 1 Victoria Collega.•-The f,nc" around 42 with a 'Madly w�ron6lidd toot for Mrs U to the co.logirejtatiou by the R,ev %Ir 1 the 1letlindist. ehurclt pi,tsotlge is :e :. to Irwin, whit% vier sister oscaped any 'he , l 5tltlterlar)d, zntorims Moder-0:5r of thea ooslsioll aril received front this, people I.oiing ` beautified, i,y it fresh coat of paint. -Ur li 13ettootn, leas sturted a ;iii, injury. �valnet< wAte CriClhri►St VC►irigham wiiofi etre l:olrse larucrl' Klid `tit" 1)at]dalaaike cif welconlp, as they show whop in the promis'ea foimeily s$9, gplot, dre'ba, were retirigg frotil drill obarilll. rills ooeupisa by J J Wallmr, Y S. .