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Wingham Times, 1892-09-23, Page 3
d -. ,rn bop,-- BXYs,7 n ,J Every aou,se�pld" -- _- et Ageln,•�•Pulutnle- Now,. . •e•+••�•a+t., _, ,A� )3ad Barpiu.: �lalntirig xraQe �n lC,awrae. what. it the metuling of site word obi, If one man were able to COusv all A lawn in front of tt #ern► Louap, uitous? (Fart six top 011x9,11 l.in+ ' • tickets wliioh aro issued in >a+ level and iieatiy out oacosionally is in q could. slat fall lottery t , of .esus Bou when a fully silent ) Atrminie--Dear will HOLLOWAT S PILLS D 0INTM NTe ' the lank man « year by the One great lottery of tile, itself a thing beauty o be bran ht U in iiia fete,* sew trees} adorn it the beauty is much what 9gpOrap3e 1 llb And u aom p�►n t esu emedlee have stood the test 4t slily years °l per are, matt, pre }rronvtlnrmd' Ike hest Mrdirinre to 4 the Leach country t 8 P t in order thtit tit+ might be pertrct• giihanced. The great mistake with existing everywhere.� +. r I entity 0119. azN hent upon �s ; o give me stn instanoe of something l sure to get all site prices, ha would most persons when p1gritiux trees iii y u g v ane, At tb y . . t million expended, `'his lawns is to put i►1.toa many, and of that is ubiquitous ? arms nof !ta G I'urtfl+ the htoea,i oorInv all d Ill Fill 11 p1 R11t InctHe tat to tea ales of'all scesAx4 Bast l l,s 4 ,, e issuing fro Sae►ve thirty rn Invaluable in n sal, ti the lank. tray ie td sap, he would have gone Into the those put. in to plant too many tit tongues whsle 46 rm a franc a ti►s dwelling, It is better eouslylifted•--Yea,sir; Ta T�� Q.ZWrX�-�Wr i red to tremble qpf#His of the lotwery company, sometimes thIlt dwellings should be de-ay, sir. • based on elle safe Is tlio only r911ab1e r9n,edr for bad leas, 11or,re, ulcor11, and gid a'CImc1H, 1r01t 1tI1CI+CT217 is. SGx> perspiration. 'This ntatemout i'{ a nd trees, but not eperally, if Irore.warned is rorearned• TH110AT8, CUUGiis, not DS, GOUT, BlIEUktAtISM, IOLAIIUT.AIt Hit ELLiI� xf • AI`t ALL noon in voice. estimate that the annual rPaeipts of hid 4eb1 g t lawn in tViauy 'of the wast attacks oR cholera slid sold by oil blesloulu Vondurs througho xtil world 7$' Vow Orlord• l asp bas, oxford street, Lttltdon. �+ there are t0 be a nice pets . a dysentery. , colic• etc„ tered the lank lottery company arti forty millions of morbus, cramp , Y • Y d rite front. Tile number of the trees to lie come suddenly its the utgllt and speedy anti.'�urhnsers H}tuuld look to Lha label ou tits foxes and Pots, if the adores» d ,justifies the dollars, and Its payments ► t p twenty millipna, It Illustrates, as planted should depend Upon the side lle 1powlemeans Ereactbeoused g �Str a Lber y nnL 533 Oxford street. X�°ttdou, xbayq— +�te spurious. ate, '( ell as anything could, the folly Of to which they will grow ttltiwittely, is the remedy. Deep it at Maud forreliemer- ve. Y 'dere trees are of the ,large kind, but gencies• It never fails to Dura or relieve. t buying lottery tickets, 3 a•trifle more 'rile people: of the country as re. few are wanted, Tltore 9s a beauty In A Forced Suspension,- No paper iatieat. specie such ` an enterprise, may be re- individuality in trees as ill individuals, will bo issued during the next two`Q,A� presented as one man. As tau, as which is most pobl$ when it steads tyeHks, writes it weekly editor. QUr out out alone, it will not do to say that , f „ilium to a they are annually paying sheet tax was fDl and p Y Cr o fortymillions of dollars to get back mat�rdeQelopael t, mayd those fbe°plantest utd it, we were sentenced to work tile artad strand. twenty. for .road fifteen days, but, as elle county is nine from the 3 This certainly 9a not an act in Lar- and then afterwards removed ; hoard9np us, we expect to Came Oil REGULATE THE • Molly with the supposed sagacity of there are but few persona who care to ahead.-Atlanta Constitution. • • ' r hu indefini- I cut down pretty trees, even for the oil Swim ? asked Miss Munn �+ CH i V R v BOWELS, hu ? the Aindi ican people �0 ^ sake of giving larger once a better Can Y �7TOMA�/1 1> > -+� v P� the horizon. Lely paying out two dollars to got bath I AND - ha is anchor-' one, is not exactly a bright and bust• chance Trees of the large varieties of irltijnclf, who lied been calling twice a FURRY THE BLOOD- and o , develop awazingly, h^pcp we should a week for about six months. ►• neaslike procetlding, ! plant thein thinly. Few •slid far Ile. `Vhy, 110, i eau's. Tboug h An,pricatls were �.otonp the Then I would advise you to iFnrl,• A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR ' tweed lu lawns should be the rule, `Vh ? ith house but #)ret peoplo to despire &lid proh►I1txt I kind no large trees iu front • of our Y ' jj Because I am going to till you ' Indigestion, Biliousness, ic Lver Troubles, Dizzi�nesatBa • hibit lotteries, no people, pr°bablY' to I divell9n�s for it is the most natural Dyspepsia, themselves more heavily to-day t0 buy ' dwellinge, overboard, Complexion, Dysentery,.. Offensive Breath, and all k man lead these unpru6ttlble lottery tickets. thing, i" the world to dextro to look Liver and Bowels. out u all the traveller, and the travels Itipans Tabules cure indigostio», disorders' of the Stomach, Under our laws; it is impossible for p Ir to look iu upon the habitation, Customer-'Cale leather seems very I RipmnsTabules contain nothinginiurious to the most delicate 00"titu- the sont9tnNut of the country at largo — thin ill this purs0. tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Gold by Ohn. Merchant-You'see, miss, it iw Rus- druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents. Address to bring about the entire suppression Up To Data. THE R1pANS CHEMICAL, CO., Of the heat fits lea•her, and you know they hate " lo, Spruce Street, New York City of this gloat evil. The majority of Facta, statiatios, information, stria;s use. , 'a placid our, the people of the Tjnited State»' from fol to kuaw, the druggist and beatas ate will budget r hitherto has n Brat- of knowledge, reliable and up.to Fa to and been having gttah &terrible famine I _,— which the 1p.tte y p be found in a new publication, over ttlere. _ - •---- —^— ��3~ u " 'u t issued by Messrs T Milburn c h � L I J '1 •y__ ,ken out with couid to sup- Fi urea, ] s Ont. Our readers can .�,' ed have done what they & Co, of Toronto, ,) lCA press it.: "lilts ltl the me&astute thetl New Undertaking and Furuituro Estab-TRY obtain it byac the above firm and fishmeal. P ROYAL 1AIL $TRA1la11Ir$• common sense of the people, Of the enclosing a three centmP•, MR RELPH HODGSON 11119 opened his '� REDUCTION IN RATES. reathed, wl]e oanntry, folly realiziu'g the very Couldn't Stomach Salted Grand- Furniture and Undertaking establish- ' mother. and ht• aapvllmaed tilt Steamers$allret'nlarll from bad bargain which the lottery utters, ment in the old furniture store, nearly read dtn►uiish Lhe profits � PORTLAND nr+o HALIFAX To LIVER-. VJingham, get my hair t' should so o y A few .months ago at a ,board mOet- opposite the Queen's Rotel, POpL via Londonderry. of the Scheme as to render it vstatly ing at an Eugiish worlalouae a 1ioY 'mouldings, d has a and . Unae t itina go da on f� O ,.o ' { 11 U li uURl�e Tnti WINTER 3[osTUH. ng couragt ,. less powerful in its own locality.- ,olio had been previously an mmatH of hand. CaII and inspect goods and get I(3� S lVl� caLil,, $bo a�,d up„'="'dg• s000na Cahiu, 52x- tLh. youth's COnlpanlUll.. e�S2� Steer,�saattotvrates• No Cattle 'Carried• the house was brou;Lt before the prices. Picture Framing done promptly a. John. -.--- board all asked to explain why lie and well. SpeOial attention given to I STATES sEELVICE OF Number. jobbing Fiuisli Itnuwn. ALLAN LINE. uts of regret, j The iTnlucky rat, away and left his situation at a nand repairing, and guarantee all L��E,� I cTEASISRIPs• ,. work done. Having had long experience I Is the finest \Va.j satisfaction. The father had forbidden the youai„ neighboring farm. in the furniture and undertaking bust- u, roan the houm., but by .neverthelvse ,pile boy could not be induced to NEW YC)H.g & GLASG'1W nes, I am sure I can give satisfaction. Iispered, de- slipped in ocaaa;c'ually, for the girl was speak until Chu anairn]an tislied : A splendid new hearse for hire. Yia Londonderry, every Mortui•,ht• Cabin, 540 and !S prevented . RET.P73 HODGSON upwards. Secmld Cabin,: • Stcerat a at low rates. ' oil i)lA 514'',1•. jjaat week aIle• lltoht the Did you lilts+ what 'you got toeatl p T Apply to,H. �A.ALL�+N, )ttontrenl,or rrr��� ` r i s 1 1 l3BNR.Y DAVIS, \\'IICf4AAII. ed only for The Bead surgeon• I Q . ; old man was nut of lawn and the ci'ltn boy h4sitated for a Luowent and U U " Dna was an band and the . titer, replied. young 1? Of the Lubou 1Vledtcal Coropa ty i» now nt an is sub- ppy, Iter fathel was not e%- NV011 air, the second weep L was Toronto, Cal+ada, Mid may be couaultacl -- — ---- - waa ha , ` either ill ppraou or by letter oil all cbrouio OSEPH COWAN, un but pain- lliniers mor- ` j \i expvetrd home until hall past 11 and there a calf died. 'Choy salted it and diseases peculiar to mar.. itfeu, youug,erv- try, cud by i the two Ito eful younp l,eltt;s atltici- we had to eat it. Three weeks of er a or middle-aged, who tied thatnselve uerv• 9c,th,� best ill t,lle world. oua, weak and exhausted, who are broken OLFRE �'rR DIS. COIIRT,.CO. Houox, nay Ile made sled a lively evening. i diad, which they also salted and down from exceed or nverwurk, reauI * iu ' , All are P Ati'* O elle yalln.Q elan Legal to s110W pig many of the fo[lowiug symptorils : �leutal A QCT1ONBF>Z, we had t0 eat that• I the best, ity ossiou, premature old age,lotis of vital• �• �• G` INE p cf-st remedy signs a uneasiness. nHsa. Then the old grandm stile, died rind ity, loan of roerY,ory, bad dreams, dit]n10»» CLINE 6X+ CO,V IS�UEB OF nlaHItIAG.G LICENSEE ' ,C.,'t'(..)N]J 13IJCiCI'` Qatt,II99Ia=7Et, IN H. ti. J., 1;Te.. Albert ? asked the young. al litatiou of the heart, emiHHious ' Pill ill the kidney,,. head- I f)`T What is it, ahan I saw them carry some salt nil lack o Lenerky, p Ij ,vvnoxR•r>;R• LE;R, a meds- - in all quart, girl. Stairs I I un away. achb, Pin]Plea o° the face or body, itchiud than a quay- VStliat time did your father expect or peculiar seusatian about the Hcrota0u' \V9n!�ham, I ver failed to • t0 iie }i0,ne g be enquired. Apple Barrels. wasting of the organs, dtzzwea». HpeokH eve —� 'ill reputable fore the eyes, here, ltuo of the 01- de ossa Sole Ageuty for abmre . (�A{ �1y 1;17.1`i Not before 11.80. It is only. 10 p Y lids, and elsewhere, ere il.Ipower, d ositH J ,Na`arH prepared to au piv any amount P nett' Sire �5c nTr of apple barrels ou the shortest notice and of the urine, loss of will power, fed dflabby W I N G H• A ivy • now, talo 9La all ►jobs• lite of the scalp and »pine. at the eboiceat•prick• t-S offer tale best xY A Y 7 V CAN 'Aibert became„snare calm an barrel in ttro market .She,p at ttre salt muacleH, desire to �oil dailnes to be arim-1 A AV but tit 10-.16 by sleep, conytipatiouI dullneHH .,f hearu''� 8650,000. Capital, �,1,�5U,000, Rest, strength of this assurance, works. Leave your orderat duce. � GttAv, Yoyyo cYc SrAYeI.I.to• loss of voice, desire for solitude,eacttttbility AT. { of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with President—Jena SrvAnr• he had life flgets again, _ f LEAI)VN n1CLE, oily lookin skin, etc, are vice-President—A. G. RANBAY. Flow. Sts Little Domestic Plot all symptoms of nervous debility that lead p �. � ®�ILT0�9 s7iRECTORS Don't be &Erato, said tlle;;lrl. rneoiir A i' possibly +t. I►t re bf, orked. •to iusslaity and death unless cured, The . aoiiigly Ile cttu't p Y t Spring or vital force baviug lost its teusiou I qso UOACII, A. owd do, Blinks t P p R� G STORE, RE j Ion Pn00rW Clus. GURNEY, (Toronto). fore 11 O'clock. Jinks- Bu11o, U' Y every function wanes in consequence. 44 moon; A. B. men know all mitt' rliose who throu}ll Whose committed 1u i Cashier—J. Albert was yu9pt shout two Say, old fe1G>w, dome home and take permanently cured. satuciiuss, to ser of w&Sri- iguorttuce may be p • y tea with ate, Seud our address for book oil ell di, .tees Savings $a1 and p ards ecei�'ed and interest Utt]r. Y. Dc osits of 81 and upwards lv it li6hiij What size i iiia saareoly pre• peculiar to man. Books eat free Besou"tact. Y� ZNG$A latlowet . 3dE� Hands, Ethel, lie enquirod then, Blinks-Really, n totna of which are Special Doe°site also recoived at current went'. Heart disease, the hi P alpitit.. Cates of interest. )Ng over a ,.? ', , . boots dues your fathor' sentable, in these-- faint spells, purple lips, hes, ni sn.p r Drug , plied with JJ Drafts on creat iiritain and the United States b; and long ilnlnbe'r thirteens, a►re r'' Jinks—Battler lila slashes 1 c'hat's tion, akin beatH, hot flushes, rase of blood S bou>htandsold to the heat, dull pain iu the heart with Medicines B. WILLSON" Aaax'T. falls to the (In innocent laugh. all right• Gunle alaue. My wife and beats strong. rapid and irregular, the heap, and in- Albert galea great leap into the e/o le at tbe9i• true worth ; Bacoudhetrtbeatquickerthant)Ietir»t,pitiin and (�'$eIYllcals, mB,YE,R & DICKINSON, 1 value p p iiboutthebreastborie,etc, 00,11 �eudivfori Solicitors, ` a'tr.` we don't go by their tailor's hills. be cured. No cure, no PaY• j Come on. book. Address iVI. V LUBON, 241iacdau' Fancy and a , That settles it, lie exclaimed hoarse- 't ell Ave• Toronto, Canadlti. ' er ly. Jaw An Ibalf art hour later)—Ali, 'Toilet Articles, ZETLAND SAW MIL ` Thirteen is ail unlucky number end THE ff1�� '� RE `ALTHS . here w© are.- Sty det►r, allow me to ©il x'160 ,�jponges 1 dotl't stay here another minute for. reaRnt toy friend, 'bir Blinks--Mrs , $sg. Good-bye, darling, and lie rue l> Jinks. )3y the way, my dear, those c ed madly away- thin; s sou told me to order i . forgot I tr Brushes, GEORGE TH�MSaN'►proprietor,• yet into the Perfumery, &c. 811 h 141salonAr3r- all about until to .late to jf Prescriptions Ilavv often in church, jeeshou,ecru or shop.. •p — Carefully conn- x, ober of all binds, ' hire Jinks (&g+lhat)--Whntl Forgat4 , theatre one will itotioe the & mpdcrlaoti- ar--it's of inti consequence ,_ ed avenues of the good•lookiugiandwaiT•fittiult p fully beapriukit,d will, Dandruff. Tin & Urn--um-- lNat+t. nloa. fan and UVer, e e bounded at all hours. Dandruff °L'll° my dear' not” ill rile Our stock of medicines is tomi'irSt-Class 5hi�ll+el r, missionary &,,a tell people that Anti-Dan- Off gradually 11'ithoute5 and foul humors Ar ` dtaff` is guari steed to remove Daucl Happy to make YOtir &agaa911tanna, tem, all the imp an with three applications. d Cedar pCs Mr Blinks, �Vht>,t delightful we*their to2tllo soorotiona', atofethe°Stoi ach piste, warranted quality. genuine and of reetjng Acidity Dyspepsia, the bes� q y• w! ° h&r 'oat osllad) we Are having* irxousa Ingo one lhb It- During Billousness, _________� Haeal Rub � . Mother-in-Law Law ( t ] Hetdio'hes. plzzineas, Hethe Skits, t�, return for lit, lorl Dr T168 of the Skl>R� nosy to Loan on Notes. Cat load Wells Ill $nit more ,t T" ..,.-So your `Rife will Viol; a Constipation, ° .. C �in1tr 1911 a whisper, after Dlrr J ► rl� pt' , Dimness Of SiSJ era- i rnilifonsl `hf severtll hours ? Z361", S fart a I if you wli�, dii;4PPeardd) - Vorkod like, d chArlu. ' [i i t, Fluttetinmof WWI Ne r �OtP.� �1�G►Oli'llteil I NV OOD delivered to �►y 1 ' Son 911 Tirw--1!Tel; ,and #*Bairn' Debilii 1'V9n li,►ttt. W ,ltendnir na. bn you know Blinks-iKlii►t rrorl;god 9 Tousn oih t ahniYr>•Jpons� AT it$`t SCS A$YilC .iltwat 0 � �, uAl t liotlier irt•Ltlw -- l dislnKr.+a�••ptiarel< x14189a11i1'd">saiii DOC N ' liJ e# n�Ig1Gi'-+111 ,_ tt s� ttlritrerd bo N7sKeN 1OVt t,er a+rn irk me i `" MlihPre sits ` i16t16 P - Ridld {o slio h+t i111jy'gne]rti'Z BIIA p, vi sa a payioft a • r at i,rty ye.r, om# . *7+`o ' t 1 ]tawtp Y .,i Sox►-iii' %ro►w.• -Via, khtit'e lirtt,r«r•3lrlit *4otlt wy..fotgtttting tll�ta+ tb nYr wirli .. ULOOD BI'lY$ .rel Rae.t►aar.tal..►md. Aosx. xt�t�trioo. , tsa�alri t11CWa 1 roe Sato Ili alt J0104 ►+P 7 irereul, 1,hat,l %hy r wrr.. a • rteJr�r »rd'+Glrrt�iiia� barlfaiu rilithiir ill to• � Momptrn� p or►r+�->I«�.. tel.. w � Jq' "+Eilto lght lot, Ac�bT,� � � r �.�1t� .,,•, , ter. ,.