HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-23, Page 2a which, the girl uttered the o;x NNo% glamoitio 110:p you to OWN 4110, TOR, 044 turned Rrouri4 lQo4ed dQWP A the Ike o0,41 otrollor could not fail that .table the lieutenant look quickiy. take all the credit. But you are to allist valley And at Jolla, and then site The Occ I a bound$ far, to n all owar4s ber, t.Aia was bhwhing,attd marry me,. on Tout word of IJ,)UO otiose the agitation of the lank m 1! YO4 made, Hires or tours sudden tile crisir loolied coilfusrod, are to marry me, I have a righ k of a rigq with thin holit, who, Paced tits beach t. to ward. Orstik heard FRIDAY. SEPTEXIIER K 1,801, Look Here, Dottie, you know where the loan I love so well so ally, one, And And -tlloss jog, long -drawl, 9 nervously, 1114, anxious OZA bent u Pon that titan :ie hidin". I'm going to bavot Ition. . Is , it agreedl .or, of A litil ?% I lett, lie saw .Iter throw list handsuP in the Joist bath liouse bitt, one, At th Do 11, she said evaFively. aslant, rind, found of .a w-olknolu's voice issuing froti DOME'$ VEN 0EANCE, I No, Dottie, "okia th. lieut I the air and then fall to. the gro *e feeding, I i it any He jumped oil. the loorike and. dashed the. diminutive structure tile lauk, ma A thatoo4asid to one, yo I I mildly, wondering as lip (lid so, 11 man Tiley w%t oh the edge of a white Joint, By George.! 1 rem.ekOer now-, other nitto in all the world tied ever up the hill. I o trenible ledg,, tif wretched He's tjjo�vrry nitskin that took you to I beer; put in. quite such a. . positioni be. t was but a moment be, 031101it hov`0 Welk observed t round At and break into a profuse perspiration jock, Delow theta fore he was on the att,04Y 0 tho Un4y Gibi, valb-y. Bfthil,4 them the last New UW4 ball At thfillg011Oyl "fUre fvlk It was a timid, shrinking YoNe. I I I d yet' wouldn't want 1110 to her side, rout, the grayer 6mo, 6sinusno Mtkull- 1.11oLtift, this is dangerous business ') such a reason, I love ;,L Wh� t is it Dottie for, marry you for She musu't do it, muttered tbo lank he cried, rals, . wall 'We himself, Tile end justloga the tains. Ht,, it subaltern at the you-"uheltel-inga deserter, 1 waist you girl who is b,.;ok in, this States, find ing her in his arms. k a -04 cavalry,reciltied leisurely Oil the to tell 1116 where Ile is- J.Zotue day I want. to in rry her. Would Death. she allawer, that's all. rock, smohiii,,, idly a , briar-wuqd pipe,. Indeed I I You want to lie my wife find think that Ho'kilload you, thinking it was I. He looked very desperate, puffitil, the binuke on�. front under the Dottie, it I lose this I an !twill runt I loved another girl, Rik that you Jim, Yes, bile answered smilix2gly. r , , worim of his wide \lex nn hat into the me with the colonel, made me marry you I Besides the cup -He was adept far %% moment. lilt The woman's voice was A -trifle more, i iebtles-r, too Is that any baBiness f ininiii 7 turfing it deserter ii not such a trernen confident, not to say impatient, Ariz6wkstyle. She, unbuttored the blousi sod her waist, strong, physically, 1`41 at Wolliftlol, sat It Ought to, lip. Th ri- has peen doui thing ; stood, after all; I m,!ky be t was tholeed. death— Ye -yes, Hannah. M and saw that I uptight, throm in,, sm 11 fraata�uts of suitiptIling between us You— Able to capture him, without any help. Are there many looking ? 0 omelhing be- But yQi . i have kissed me and made no.thing lees. therock down "lit hip rattlesnake Yes, there has been You did this oil P pose, Dottie I He glanopd at the deserted atrotlid. About 4,000 Ha ugh. u ziL that raised its, It ad and coilea its tweet) us. You. have kis, ed me dozens love to me .and mod a fool of me. lie said. \ green body into J it J graceful spiral of times tend then ialigi d abroti.4 it at' Yes. Dottie, and I light not to haveYes, but I deserve it all. We tied A sound like a gasp came from the tin -t belOW'r all foll,�,ti:rr ledge of the I the officer's mess. An..1, you have done so. fixed it all up for yop. I had meant last bath house but one. You couldn't have oved that girl to Any ships pasbing, )oho ? sandstone. Site was it typhical tuousi-, made a fool of itie, ard, t hat's worse, Join, to kill you in cast.. VL refused I I taiu girl; poorly, liostliatter all, pictur- you've wailtt Joe lute you Aud its all I very much. The - %' � lank men marry iiie. But when you'Aid refuse, - � scanned the horizon. eaqkia y clad, in bri,gdt cation, 'A. it It , it on that account that he serted. He Well, I did, and I do, he'. answered, I didn't want to live any 11) ger, and I Tlipm.'s two excursion boats anchor. -tigrily. 9 -ts, X did want you to live, for . sit, Hannah. hat quite .,,, broad ;rimmed tow the loved lose , and Iii, love honestly,., a love you I e4'xi, lit in fro '01, lieutenant's and of lie sante desurip- But just beukokilst- you, wi 11 your good Site had at crying. She looked ay, t 1 00, clothos and good looks, cohie slongy, I at hitt it . n coidly and mid Oh, I love you so , in uch I She we For a time the last hath house but �1'1 - breathing with difficulty, 11 she coll-' tion. She was pre4 in her vi kin with Iler fin,e neck, 11suprie her -wyeiatind fell ill love Wi I]/yOU, like it Then yonshail i at capture him. tinued: Don't lel; them Paid 11 Iiiin fQr out emitted nut�ilkg. tanned ckeeks tin her wavy brown fool, and broke loss heart AM that'[, You don't know , rise, Dottie, I am tills, like you in Q blouse. John', e* his. I looked vs that had why lie deserted. It was all In going to have that before uoQil The anxiety of the, lank man had hair. A pair of 61 .'k eyes y . I and hat,and he'll be punished enough made malty a rouAl fellow thougliottal fault, unaided. He isti, far away, kiviien lie tinda out it was I. been, gradually, deepening. Kiss, me give up most Site was crying. Or k put hio arm I'll not tell you -here lie is. Yea, Hannah, for days, and willing to oncemore before I die. and, tell dad it of his bad habits if he could say that around her and her lie dropped on He's not far a w , and, my little Is the water 6 -c -cold, John. they I - bi�lbi)ged to hie wife, looked his brea,t. dear, you will not able to w . arts him !as all nity fault—all my fault. He -sized at the rays of the heat The mean, never paler,, rillever elear. laughingly out from under the hat.8he - And it is because yo love me that in time, radiating train the oceitn'a placid stir>. It or than it is when it cree over the face. M had been courted, poor as she was, you are going to tell a where lie is, He jumped. on horse. She caught San Samoine INJountains, lo ed down 'r It 0 -1 "u, go 'Id b in .a" way had experienced. many of the Dottie,, he sahl. hold of the bridle. that night oil a man who led a horses A man had just been taken out with sensoktio'" of a. belle, but none of her Oraik knew it go deal about Stop, site said. If you get near down the inountain side,and It one of the cram s. lovers had been suepessful, Mid site women. He was not actly unsceu- Ition he'll nurderyou. the horses was the limp, dea body of Oil, dear. I ok still remained wkth hrr old fath?w in pulous, but. he found I altogether too That is, if lie 4,ets the first shot, a girl, Tile lank man -liar y breathed'. John. chargeof the wateringstati-in of Al- easy, with his dashin t ways, and Ilis Dottie' kiiii Wells: l good looks, to will t1i heart of any He will. Let's reason together. Hannah. know f pre A me of soldiers, womun h4 pleased. ot knew' that How cati'lle 2 if� hts does not firm, on 01 the largest the "cou try It will tale so long to get my hair Rattlesnakes reminii . . 1 1, 1 av-r, tilp world over ; it it grown dry, She said, spiteffilly, a , she tossed un Dottie was in love-witl' Ilia), although, that I am coming I I % I Ity stop, through the ars of His betokened a viving cour - age, It d never passed 'Yes, he does, and will be ready. he words I tness�a.d. it sells paten ineai- -quistionably, thunah. zpasisually lar -W.- elluill. of satidstotie at before this to fire (To lie stirke, beinz.- careful all the tinie her lips or his. And I knew his vie- for you. I don't believe I'll go in. John. this. You have warned "Thst's extough I"— Why, Hannah C h Wait a little 'Ja'Ot to hit him. the lieutenant, Will �oa c;nue with file alone 2 she Yea—last night, He simulated the accents of regret, Indeed I rppjied This firm pays the newspap 8 good but his face glowad with satisfaction. lazily and piktronizincallY. Why I Jasked, almost in a wl Craik tried to more 'forward on his d money wore this d vertis- N ISTO, John, I shanl�)kgo In, Because they make 'too rilueb fuss Yes, lie answered, gerly but why horse, but she clung desperately to the ing 1) to tQlJ the people that ti -.4ey have Thank heaven, he whispered, de - mu h faith over what they do,sliepoiswered. They alone I bridle. faith it, What they sell, so voutly. Again the. world N prevented g putad their drams R4 bu.lea liefore BReauso its got tj fair between Don't site cried—don't for my that if they citnt benefit or re they from learning that I married only for Ahey attempt to do anything, and in you two. If you ta capture► him sake don't go forward I Its sure dont want your rooney, TiTliir guar- mono Detroit Tri 1,1113e. autet- is not indefinite and relative, but a e—if the edicine rthe meantime the ellill'Y gets away it alone its fait en ug but I u not deatIl, de0iiite and absolut The Stomtch of Man is sub- Jken*lik� it rat in it r" !they want to. going to e'eo him here was no doubting that 811p. wls, doesn't. helpr;your money is sit. call Ject; to a d(,r,(,,, site, tcinmon but pain cyan, uppose every. at d G They'ro- moder4dy , d1alloerous trap, serious, lie got of his Ilbrer! and wulk. 8 sick man a i very fill jjfecti,,ls Is cholera mor- 'tinue X1101, that suits alt right, said feeble wohift'li tried tilt'88 n edicit"Ps bus, diarrhen, and d entry, atid by .though, Dotty, lie co edn,.�rvonslyup and down tIie'trnil. and found thelil worthless* 0 to ��Q I ink justice, had (4 lie, himself, did.not care to be, he the loser, you or they I , wl o would neglect tiny of theT, Roily be made Yes if ycgaokot A on[ for tittuld craik, whol chronic alid daliverous . All are 'But wiobt people loo 11�` 'out for them. front fapL-tt for { uty, Aild -Ntfts A9 and tile chatices The medicines are Dr Pier(fi's Gold- s ithouL a fair uliance, more. or less philiful ; and the best, Par instances— brave a man as evip wore the blue. -Y, for brood dis- hardest, surest itild quitlipst remedy were all against 'him, ridin,, alou& a sit Me-fical Discover n . A eases, and his Favorite Preswiptionj P Yes, for instance, (.11 me the it)- So he luves, You, des lie Dottie ? trail in the mountaills wifero his 11101A is PLRrty DAVIS KILLsR, a meds. Yes ; but it wolt do hill) olll�, gond for woman's, peculiar ills. If they 4111ti which has bee tried it, fill quart, Dotty, while light my pipe, might be hidden anywhere. Vilt it help towards health, they coat $1.00 ers of itit, world fo more than a qu'ar- stance, Dot ' have at all, for— would never do to give tht; thing up a bottle . each I If they d �n'r. they ter of it cetitually Well, fur instance Iliw long W ul ina ce,,,r failed to, 011, yes , becu you love ooat,ncithinq 1 you been here I me' He had been trained. to do his duty give relief. It is 4)ld by all reputable aken'. You're a goodiita.; ire, Dottie, without ch. druggists. Largo Eight days if I w t reaard fol personal danger. Yttles new size 1 0 lot -lilt 15 0 The Bishop's �pee .And you have :lot llim,2yet I Am I? said Dott e. And then lie did Ot want W appear LI r like a cov woman wholil lie Lordb, Aecokli ard to th I. net t6 Ifil6rativillie, MA MIX N n I It was not loug be ore Ptiarls thing to make a sper-ell durinj the - And wily havesi*t, yoq caught hit 1 tial had scorned, TlieroNvas'bubone ie reign of 0on't know, next morning that t to, two took the to do UA that was t @d on, danger the last G(�D. "lid 'ala that he Z; to. trail up the mountai Dottie leading oe He wilked grimly y IT tell you wl. d or no dam, r, welild divide speeo� linto twelve to be ashamed of yourvello y1olinloc it.ghlaItt the way on her cream 010yed' Inuatfkr'g wards big horse?, But, I;f. did not mount, parts. . you with a whole troop` of cavalry, and the lieutenant rid behind on She had thrown lier �rms about him, Most women know all op thoroughbred. They did not , At this juncture tI;9 IMP 61 `'pest- !T RESTS can't catoll ort' Pnor d v*rter, who his hig thoro and was holding him, RbQvtt thqm*r7 Of wasil- day, Yo nswity It ihaAfij hasn't any horse to ride a all,and, for talk initicb. The liente tont was nerv. You don't mean to a forward oil minister legged permission to tell a ,minister that was appropriate only 10t this Tug baektiahe, Sdra Hand,, 9LIt you huew, who hasn't rot -an ything }nom himself for what he !{new F11 alighl this traill she asilted, f rfally. juncture, I turt,,, A. drunken man was paft�- I -10d flUbbing over a to eat. Prove to be a desperate counter, and Yes, Dotty, he answe ed gravely. ug by St. stdanl1#9 tubi and long P91111% at night, said the BACK I thought you were goin to tell me the girl was pale -faced a d crying. it It's sure death, she con hued. 0"' o' te lot a ok ot, hours.: Tills falls to the ore You told me that be'Ore, Nvivaps '�ecoc slowly duke, And heard. t I strik. lot of those who use p4or, cheap, and in- Why I bayeti't caught him was it good two hours before they L it Ing t Because you send your Pit iiding stopped, and when they id tile lieu it is but I've got my du y to do. twelve. waited patiently, furious soaps, 411 around in plain sight were he can tenant knew that his irkaAL could not counting the stroiikf and When it Was e She looked atbim an I knew that he over lie looked it t e clock and ex. I NT it watch t heill,if be really is in the valley be far awa�, for they wen alreday in meant it. 9% foot hilt and the lititned: Confound youl Why couldn't round in the larger of the foo i WNkk4 are likely he'a loafing A t least, then, he do you'll wait fli 3�otoo give its all that at onop. -Olves. r .66 UP lout li,�re for ten minu .soft Francisco by this time. an for 1110ulltaiiis theme to' It's the last lifen the Duke of Westminster sat■ that reason you can't get no t him as half a mile beyond. They i6m0unted Citing I'll ever ask of u. long its liff Wants to keep ou of your 'and the girl threw hers f on the doft,but the bishop *never finighQd hils Very Well, lie alisvi I dd. twelve-pov spf-eeh. way. ground and buried her e in her Lend' me your blocs and MO. wol, he W0111 want to Tree out of hands. Why, Dottie: 11 IN—Ili the oonlPffillad tar 'Way rouch longer, Dottie. -think 0 , . Well, Dottie, said Crai this thing Never mind—lend heir to me. bre's getting pretty hungry, Y'Ou Is so d'sagrfeablp that for Y Part,l'm 14aribeyed her a mecholuirsAlly peduliar to females theae pills Are tin -i I SO • p I know yourself there is little to eat willingto get through wit I at Thdit use by the fair se's t I it as soon thougf? lie were unde the influence of him become so constant for the removal Is uat5d the Samookne Mauntoing, and p oicius its possible, a SuPesior Will, 1911put them on of tfiqlre ailments that• barely a toilet ItIttletodrink even of water. Ube Pill tiollarle I of myself, Oip dried. 8% ►,are Stay ]tat"s Y OV ha d promised, for is without them. Amongst all classes, "tampts to close the mutifitaill he'll Notiteliset gaiul Oraik, tell minutes, alm war, ed hindiftikol than frow the domotitla'aptvallb to the peer. I Th ine d wtairve, - If he attempts to er 41 the Look here, she asked him, saddebly Aut, does away with mfL she climilled tapio#ly P the slookil hill lesp. universal tdvor," is liccordea to Ibing, 'ri�odi 966111 Not 15tearki, and ,,fora 1,411ftftt 1101 thirst to death, He An't jumping up, from the ground, and tit invigar. gandt. It comfort that rose before ON no stood by those totlovatirig Pill -s ; their 6�t to Millidtill %,f i sonything to eat where. •he is li'll looking at b'm almost fiercely; do you hjA llorile, r , wondorili 114t she wots go• ating. and purifying homes, 'Ad 'wfh'd* 80 110 yours If you wd ch# only raneh within, oinoly miles, think I'm 'doing. this for llothing I iuftto'do, Hi p6perties render' use it, bD*,rAucli like them and invaltiablein all oases , I ftemft6w the' Name .04 Its only a question of time before 1, W63, I doret 1.116w, 11'a sk'notwe'ted ot'boy she looked' in his blouse and the sky bb taken*by kmiles of all, $0 h,xs to surrender, I don't remelts bet oiny PRrtld;0l1fb&y' onp. flefearod kho was g6j isA ;V4 ez bg to Warn Piny disotgAnitAtion Or ltrtgtil-.,k Yett think be's starvibAll atity of Isis d-pilottor but lin h1krAly ond Mr woll, tatras is to ba -one, shts $Aid 0410 6*0110 *114 MtOrl g tkw staltoror W hotllt•be wou'11644 ablo, to told vary b-farly rillitilot healfh,'� Aos f0aill, v&diii ti Jo"fir,fw i; - Virm, WIN amobbg 1& 11 , 114t �14 Wdso 6 k Shl M it ou$ MAU we your by the 040 country to be. bit est; in. order thA ly pure to get a, ,1)ga0,jve. thirty a ill to. say, like'WO 000ors of the 1( T�lijs state Ulf estimate that I lotted! COMPRV dollars, and twenty milli( "N well asanythi: buying lottery "rile people spects such presented 0, they are 10,rty, milliol twenty. This ceras' many with t 1 .1 the ginaieti, tely paying one is not Q: ne.-s like pro Though I first people, hibit lottori themselves tbcse unpri Under a the rientillk to 4ring oil of this gle the people which the ed have d press it.: common, W4 -1f. co bad should, a' at the sc Tess P 0 Youth's r The' mail t slipped On his old young wat, It the 0 At Signs girl, strc he I Agi