HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-23, Page 14' V"OL, XXI --Nn,. 33, WILT G RA-1vi, ONT. , FRIDAY, SEPT EMBER 213, l8Q ?, WHOLE NO ;078 We have been so Uusy with new Fal -Thursday, ovember 10th has been -.xtev W ? rownlee, of Gorrie, will -The Isom Knowledge Association of I � A Rioh 7' eat t'ox Wie>tam. C}eods earning in everyday that we have taxed as. Thank lying L1ay, reach both m ruing and evening at flys Tcrouta, bion tt suit a $rust se„vexal irisin• ne looted this store talk with you, but 8 Mrs tiara Lor. Bailey, of Boston, one now that they era nearly all here wo _.Big drive$ in, Violins,, Violin atruaps Harvest Than agtviug services in tit Pauls Sera of the aaoctat ou in this county to of the ablest el autiotsist's ora the con - that to tell you all about them; In m tli organ, aneordoon at Kuneliaw s, church on Su ay next, recover on not a given for me. mbership in tinent will • , f,'1V an entertainment in Drees Goods the stook is complete in all - Mr Thoa G egory left on Wednesday --b'or frst•olasa tailoring and cheap the Asaucatio ,and those Elite$have been Win' gham on Th rsday evening, October the new colors and fabrics (froth $erose. st fory Mani , with a carload of bacon• gents furntshtuge, try Webster & Cc, deviled ru fav of the laintiffs. the sea). They area pretty .lot, Cheviots, etc. Remember the place, only two floors north p the 13th. The P llowing is a couple o Amazons and Crocodile Clothe, Twee . of the old stand and between Ross' book. --A partial eolipso of the sun will take press notices: effects. A tine range 'of cheaper goods: Tho Rev E Hughes, of this place, store and I7'alsted ,& Scott's batik= place Oa the 3 h of October. This plion- Mrs Sara Lor Bailey, is a #iniahed.. . Fancy a double width cloth yard and an coupied the pu i1rof the Luglish church Prize lists an entry slips of the Wing-omen°n will b visible tiiroushout Canada- elooutionist, &n her rendering of "Life eighth wide, all the leading shades, at. - in Kincardine Sunda 1 ham Fall Fair toy be obtained at Mr P n will begin few tninutee. before noon, for a Life;” pe hope has never been •' conte a yard, Areas Trimmings in .+to Y'st' and code a fe minutes before 8 o'clock equalled y p -- Wanted . girl to do general house Deans flour and sed store. The secretary p 4 lied in. Taro to. This lady posse$- varietY. Staple Dr Goads. as oils$ as work, ` A 1 o Miss lz l~iArtaTT. m. It should e. observed generally if the see a voice of wo derful flexibility, and, anybody, pp Y will be at Mt F rman s hotel on Monday,, The hoot and .Shoe stook is correct• f3huter street, September 26th, 'o take entries. sky be clear, has become a vorite with. Toronto reliable makes, goods meets to wear; and , autliencos.-Taro to World. -A meeti g of the Executive of filo X -In additio t to his local newspaper, a. you know it, � -Fac bati:,- A second* ltarid .lioyal, The grocery stock is always fully fresh P S C E. for the county, will be held iu fire coal stove -large size, fu :perfect order -a bu$iuess tnui to keep up with, the times} Mrs Sara Lord Bailey's elocutionary and seasonable. Ontario St hurch, Clinton, on the after. bargain. Also second 1=6 sewing mach- ould regular read some reliable busi. efforts were a rev ation and Bile proved Shop early and secure prompt delivery. noon Of Fri ay, Sept 23rd. ice cheap. Appiv at this office. nese paper, a that is devoted to trade be file ablest elocutionist who has This store closes at seven. -A lar, , attegaance'of members is re' -For the Fall Show at Wiugbam, on fu general rnu we think, prove the most visited Canada sin a the Clays of Mrs z;.. quested. at he next rneetiuF of Anchor of September 27tk and tb, the .0 P R and, valuable to the merchturt or manufacturer Scott us. a variety of he'r. Hope Lod 10 G T, on Tuosds,y evening GT V, will give th following' reddoed who aims to, well-informed. Such a. readings, with• the udden changes from next as tb delegates to the District Ledge farce : Fare and cue third on September journrtl if the ciente Monetary Times, gray© to gay,•with aches of pathos and are to be ppointed. All, and 28th good t return on 6pt 09tb ti?e handsome Special Fall Edition of 'passion between, mind -.one of Mrs --Good Servant Girl w4ntdd Seven dol' single Faro on y8tb go to return same day. which is iust to and. •Between its artis- Scott-Siddons at er best. - Toronto Lars er month• Apply to . Theterritory covered.' by those rates will tically ,designed covets fn brown and gold News, AIRS, J. lulcLsAx. be far the O P 1Z, Tee water and Harristoq the relader will ud a fair sample Of the —•--- � y 4IN The Sal ation Army band of this place and intermediate st tions; for G T •R, ground that is ovored in each weekly is-' Wanted. ;� ,.+p • "� a ere at elf on on Thursday of last week,, Klucardiue, Harriet , Clinton, and inter- 'sue. 'From the contents it is not difficult tin and tier Of men t and takejob of out looms 4+'y' `""4''�'► where a e e ial. meeting was held' in con- mediate stations. to see how the 'ourual, for the past 20 g p g and clearing land. to OhI. cb HISCOCKSy' nectiop wit the army,of that place. Itis -We are offering Tate Truna to the 31st years, has been niversally accorded the GEo Txousot,, l�i�rp�,t Impor S. said that t y hod a good tithe. of December, 1892, for 25 cents cash, leading place. 'Aingliam. the Ii>rAR, Sept. 3 3n ,&IB -Instep of the roglilar review service. Surely there is no person, that will have the -The quarter meeting of the District face to borrow their ueighbur s paper when Prof. Soot 'ss Concert, ..•�_ • ,� -- in the P eabyterian Sabbath School, on the eau become a subscriber for 1 cents Lodge of Good remplars will be bold y The following is a programme of Pro#' S Sunda la t, Dr Macdonald' delivered an a weeit. The white paper itself is worth. at Clintou on Fr day, October 14th. In LOCAL NE Viii, Y Scan's concert, to a held in the Town — address r Temperance. There was n, that money. Send in your names aceom- addition to rice other business to be P lar a and once and the Dr did the subject anted with a quarter. transacted, the ilowiug subjects will be Hall, on Weduesd evening next: Part Mr Wm ]cradle is Navin his she on p q -]� l ' l -A Harvest �'laan sgivin Service ivill I -Instrumental s lo, Miss N Atc1I xdv; ietoxfa $trent, resi�►ugled, full justie b g be introduced fo discussion;- t solo, "Old Madrid, Miss M Stevenson;' t g-GIeNTI iiz tz-On raatnrda -next, Se t, be held in Glenauna church, on " Mopday The su ort gi n the District L• ndge b For weddin; ruigs >Lud presents o to y p Pp y solo coini°, select utilishaws, 26th. I 11 cleitr out a line of gaiters- evening next. Addy sass will delivered the Grand Lodge eiug withdrawn, and its ' ,Jas Fast reading, s e $lief, of Toronto will whole fox d -sewed and pegged, (regular, I#evs W F a3row fee of GOrrie,'I' E maintenance £ail.' g directly on file Sub- "Wild Zingarella,' Miss Lily Evans; solo, _Dr Sinclair, p price $3.2 ) for $1.50. This tie less tlia ;cloy, of Blyth at a E W Hughes, of ordinate Lodges, i it advisable to cautious "Flower Girl," Mi s M Stevenson; solo, be at the (queen's ha jel, on Monday, Sept., actual ca -come before they ore all gen , , comic selected 1 Fax W. H. Wxttrs. 'vVfngLiam. The ch it of St 1 cul a church. the District Lodge -G. F. Cakes, Clnatou, ,Reading, selec- 26th, 1892• Wingham twill. fu ish the music. The. The advisibilit of taking immediate ted, Miss Lily Ev ns. Part II-Instru� -Cash for good butter and eags at R, A, -We lip the following, from the. church will be to efully decorated with mental solo, lilies 1eHarcly; so;o, Fiddle ` Graham's Market grocery �lberdee Daily Free Press : At .Cosie akeps to submit the Local Option laiv iu rain, fruit and fie ors. and O,' Miss M tevensgn; sola, comic, Crossley and lin er, the evangoltsts, g the coruty.-S iVla here, Lucknow. selected Jas h Cults, on he 5th lust, Isabella Deans, re , ax; reading, "The Chariot expect to commentie ervices in Goderich Our example as cert Tempters, and its lictof til late Wm. Falconer, Moss -side -Now for fall Business.' Parlor Race," Miss Lil Evans; duet, edmilc° Suites,, Bed -room Suites, Sideboards, effects on tine co uuity-Rev. E. , W. during the .month of ctober. Trustach,. i3 inchory, aged $4 years. The Lounges, Chairs, Spring Beds, Mattresses Hughes, Wingham. "Master and Pup ," Miss Stevenson anal" above lad was the mother of Mrs. A Daw h. > -The lyases will be Sent to any address and nice pioturee to decorate your hornes A public, eutertaia ant will be bola in Jas Fax; , Table$ a of - Emotions, Mitis from now until the end of the year for . sou, of till. place. ,_ before yai purcbose~anything in the furni - Lily Evans 1 Tri m h h Horror, 3 Lis- i° J,i- ray cents. -OnTu sday morning last, about 2.30 tura lies, be sure and call at S Grace 's. the evening, at w ch a: first-class pro- PAnd remember if bought iu quantities, ant gramme will be prose ted, but the Admis- is to i 4 ant., 7 n e, 5 Threatening, 6 -.Rev S Setlery, o this.place,'was assist- 'clock the re alarm was hounded, when it onfyc,tn,pooget low prices, but have the Bion fee will be place at 10 cents, so that=�stanislimeat, 7 leasing, 8 Anguish, S?was found hat the residence pf Mrs Hogg,. goods, delivered FREE, and set up iu Faith, 10 rejection11' Aiouruing, l2 Ree -g the 1Zev i\1r f; sun. at Auliurn i everybody may erten'ilal meeting$ til week. near Hutt & Carr's flouring initl, was on your home$ anywhere within 12 miles slgnation, 73 Inv teflon, 14 Pain, 15 of Wiugham. This you'll find is quite all l,gg,e rre,s. Challenge, 1pi Uefq ce, 17 Sympathy, l8 --A nnmber fit to vi, intend taking in a fire, the k schen part of the house was advantage, as you have no trouble nor risk .eorloert in L'luevule laic evening under the burned to to grouucl,but Uy, the good work of getting them damaged iu taking them We are prepare to apply any amount Disdain, 19 Admit ;on, 20 Flattery., 21 of apple bare ,i&� attest notice and auia t 1*.cf the I () ' T lodge of that Place- of the fire an the main part of the house home. Relnember the place -First door at the chofaesl rpt i;P We offer the b. st Curiosity, 22 J°slot y, 23 Tetormination� l was saved - We understand there was `South of the Brunswick Hotel, 1\Trs v W Cantlon; dressmaker, 126 S. GziAC> r, Furniture J�ealer, barrel itY'��`tiie hmkrkeG .Shop. at the Solt 21 Entreaty, 25 Su lication, 26 Ramon- Bfiuuie Street. Cutting and fitting a some insur ice on the place. works. Leave your or er at once, strance, 27 Vindi ation, 28 Shame, 2'J Apprentices, wanted, GRAY, ouN<a cCs ISI -Anti -,G. Justice, 30 Mercy, 31 Suspicion, 32 Ap- specialty. Alp SATURDAv NIGHT BAneuN Commit.- FIRST CONCaREGATIONAL CHURCti�� Those who came to see us last Saturday WlNgxAm., W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser. c -Mr Harry. Garb tt returned home night understand what Our idea of sell- Perso s. peal, 3,. T,tiinent tion, S4 Caution, 35 vices. a ch Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.' Mr Win Tennant of Listowel was Ridicule, 36 Boast u 37 Bashfulness 38 from Texas on friday eveuing last The inn cheap means. Don't miss Saturday ' 8' ' London Free Press ase his case was set n "ht at X. H. MOINnoo's. Sabbath. School and Bible class at 12.30$ visiting friends in to 'n this week: =11r Revenge, 39 - Ate , 40 Adoration. The tiea out of court. _-Viugham Fan Fair will be held on Prayer Meeting every Wednesday and Mrs Jos Kincaid of Lucknow, spent following are a G` pie of press notices: at 8 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel- Sunda in town. -Mr eo McClymont, of On Friday nig t last, Miss Lily Evans, O11 n Saturdity last,, football match we, uosday and Wedu sday next. ' meet- Y Park is `bis lace Setae ing of the Dir store was lreld'on. Saturday Co1n0' Sunday, Sept tier 18th. Morn, this place, spent St day in Harrfston the bright youn Ganadinn elocutionist, . ' played on the Pa p ms - 1c, t, when arrang menta were made for ing subject :-"Bhp cess of Vision. with his brother Ro ort.. Mt A P Scott, 1 -not with a very gcouraging reception in the ncaxdine and ngham tea :-"Pa eu Trees." Even- r Young people representing Leon «aahburne s pa- the reading roe here. The seating ca- u>g, tr.`Iavv of •Wi gham by a score of til •$how, The gr >uuds will be fitted up in:. -'*Watchman eded.". Mae. to two• a ev ything early for receipt of es- gvilion shows, was in own this week.. Mr parity of the ha was'overdone;thereflat FAnit> cis=Do you ear long boots --The its early cp til morning of the first .-All are cordially invited to the Gospel John Cornyn, who k tie been visiting in being as much comfortable standing stock in Wing stn is at• the Chea ay. Temperance meetiu , to beheld on Mai• town far some ti e, returned to the room when the, ogramme opened. Miss largest_W. h --the r:ts:•. • MkTuoDrsTGuu n.WiNauArt=-RevS Sel- day evening, the 26 instant, under the Hamilton Collegial Institute on Tues- Evans, the star f the evening, captured Cash Stare.._ --Messrs Gilchri , Green &'"CO, have e lety, B D, Pastor. Servibes every Sabbath auspices of the Win sham W 'C T U. The day last, to resum his studies..l4ir and the attention of he audience imtiiediate- _ ' ' ' their �t 1]""n, na uuc17 p tn. l3a,bbatb School and programme will contributed by the Airs D M pardon ere visttingfrrends in ly on her appeal nee. Her voice YS.we11 ad anew build a ,acted, adloinrDg Bible -Class at 2.80 p m, General Prayer ladies of the Union and will consist of ad- Ripley this week. Mrs, J Terrifi, of this trained, clear a d distinct, her oa�iiago engine bouae;for tile.' iucaudoaeut dynamo meeiing ovary Wednesday evening at 7 dresses by. Mrs W Watson, and A2rs A place, is visttfng riends in Landon this perfect and her eatures very espreeaive, They tested the light on Friday last auii sa ' f iasbiril o'clock: young People's Prayer Meeting Ireland ; readings y Miea L Lloyd and week..The follot mg are a few of those and the .'neons in which she handl rlthe they were found to wo k vety� , s Y g in the Fair at several numbs of the programme show- x:.- every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Miss Macdonald ; ipgiuu by members of from town who a taking { -A aortas ndetrC aka how` to keep Sunday September 25tb Morning -Ser the Union= A co lection will be taken up London this w ek: Messrs Geo Rqe+ 0d her a misty as of the eat of elocution,. mine out of . pantries. Try this: found mon a young people, ould parents see Suring the oveuiirg Roland Beattie, Dreaver, R Mitchell, She appeared o best advantage in ro- some glass fine, mix in with thick pastes that the children are p esent. Thiy will _The laws of tario provide that a A Sebastian, as Cummings, Jas i14c- mantic trago and humorous selections. spread it on a cloth a d ,fix over their run occupy the centre 'sen Evening�'aer- person taking up a y $strayed stock shall Kelvie, Goo 1Vi isms, ]3 Hiscock, It Hill, tier eahibiti of Indian club swinging way!r, if they gnaw hrougla other places,. man to young men. ubj'at, �'A, good give notice of such eking up by publishing C' Kneehtel, Lee and wife, Mrs Geo was very p1p, ing.- ledicino Hat Times mend theiniutheas a way= foundation," Newton.. dMrs A.Couseley,ofBrus- MissStev son will remember her visit a notice three tiny in a weekly paper, if -G T Ii, trains for Toronto and east • _1jNDtE%TAxn;a •To this particular branch One is published wi hill the section where sets, spent Su -day in town with Air -Jas to Collingw d= Nothing could be snore leave 4ViugLam at fi.45 a m and 11.20 u• m �yg business I have for the past 17 yoaxa the astray was til n' up, and ff the proper- XleLaughl}n., rs R Howard, of Blyth, cordial and hearty than the reebption via W G & 73 Divisiaq, and at 6.48 a in iven my personal attentio►i, I a not tyre t is not called r $+.'thin three weeks „spent Sunday n town with friends ..Mr she deserve y 'received; her charming . and 3,46. p m, via Ciint.iu and Guelph. to make any boast or diaplay, nair h ve I y A UeQutaig', O Lucknow, was in town personnel d engaging man • •,"a the Good connections by all trains." any parties acting as agents n my ehalf, after the first .'user 'ora of the notice the this week.. r 10 Brown, of Lugknow possession of an aclmitabl ; well le Of TEondons Luglapd, but would just state that I am reX,ared shall go to a just 'e of the peace and --Sir IsenryT'y , whenever called cn, not o y t urtifeh all. tette oath tf the fit ing and advertiging.' was in town n• Tuesday..,MissKStewart trained vo e, gaining at once, tile" faa,pr President of the, and Trunk Rail,vay necessarles, but will del the sums If t e property is p' claimed within one who has be residing' in town for the of the au, etre. Her sol4s�11"' difficult 6ru au L J Sear aut,Gleueral Manager, (night or day.)' eud will attend personally P p past couple of ears, left for her home pieces of oaalization and the tone and C p Y, assist at manager, J Hobson, and proir=ptly to all .'hotter$ in connection y rand should not xcey 1160 in the same in Winn`p6g, atuitolia, on Wednesday treatmeh admirable. She was warmly . J Stevenson, therewith, and at prices as reasonable as on belongs to the arty taking chief ettgfpeer, vizi 'd Wingham iu •their at any Other, pitted in CNiuuham Or'Re u , If over X50 Wits sl all tin advertised by ani aced it1 pleasantly responded with. tt official cats on MO day last. They were Where. S. GnAcar, p New i Ade,rta, g and 'Fttlrattit Eetab• favorite 1lad. Her solos wore "Should Practical Undertaker, the justice and sold, ad the exceeds of all Itehtnent, on a tour of lAypeotl n, expenses shall be pal over to the county ` iViat Rtf pH Hontasog leas opened hie Ila Upbr id"'cad "Rodes Celebrated tlir" and 0nco a "Would 'Yo'q ' hiss St6van= -The, roll.' ' ? ve lasso elected tni,n*- ' -At tbs nnxttal co entiou of the 9%, treasurer. 'Any per a taking: up any Furniture and Vildettaking establish= train a high ositioli in her �. ors ofvlte 1is34d• °f ruanagement fE rile tiaual AesoafatiOn pR , Irtait Shoe Dealers, astray and neglecting o cause the same t° went irx the old furniture store, nearly sort will g p r b a sed cleat ofh'ostfo crier cycle Missionary Society ,Held in Boston tly'6t t"Yl�ty, g" be adrertfsed ithd a' p used sha11 be liable , profesr�io , And. bar gontributiatis add in. �} it o, osite the Queens Hotel, Wingham, . I p tereat to Ely programme Ott wlriah ails of the %l pisco 1,011a h for the Diocese of of titno ryas devoted tliu didaussien Of to a fine at 420. Tho straps$ splii%ea to o laced,--CollingWnaclDulletin. atld has a full atat:lt of l,urniture, r Duron Very Rev eau Innes, Rev W airs subject of adver ,oipg, b'ar . a gond any other personal pr city which m>iy tis Mouldings, and T ndortaking goods bri may,ti A Young$ "V' Cotuyu I'd ;tdsttttew Wilson, hour the thambera tax ttsaed their view's• found in like manner. hand, Fall Anel inspect goods and got The election took plate .at the Trienalal Circulars, posters, put tog your name ort prices. i'ioture Framing done btomptly � E, ������• Syned, country ,fences and ba no, decorating sa• Attatifri kti. sod' Well, Special attbUtiba given, to ! Lindertaker and Etiabalnier,haa upeiaetl out ` dmll'ed advettteiug. Gard in, hotel lisr-rooms ALU suet,en sale of l,eusehOlti 3ur►siture, ebb anti repairing, anal guaraniteo all ; Yt first class undertakisig parlor, opposite Picture frames for 2bcts atia op; a speoi Ur n4hio -all lithe metk6afa, and oar atia� curtains, &ud, Ilixub, will. take g ... � Ctiisholtii's beau Store, 4Vfnttltaiu, itud is alt in frn:ming Oil paintings and wreathe: °e'' h Yo preparod to take ahavgb of anything in thrat S ldin it to alroeme frowi. Our ny more, were dins sea, 166th tlta Ed- �sUrns at the reeideneo Of 'the late ai W In work done Having had long a rp g bu 1',ote of traou g r,s that U3rr , e£ Winghriia, +urn S>sturdtr�' Of at ' it, the fur,titure Asti "utrtX+irtakiisg'b>xsi•l hoe. that tray be entrusted to hiui, hitvitatt imotte in this, litm is to tatkta frames quick, mate taoboluelott< of th g6theri,rg,w yy 1 tit in is stook ut<t to an eking r,utw,de v�£ rislat tsirgAis, Oft id yrtrnrc pitspt,re 18.'11. Totrms:- Ail sumo ff' ill un• neos, x lam sure I can alvm satTstactlotn. p � Y -t'sp. tri tft arrd yep fan ti good Uegitimma, inewspa r laavtatitirrina vrrNl aer inch, Ower drat an,faat tmatithe .. dndld W htar* licit hir4. the city, both iii taste $ilei r;uality. lyrio4et Cha nta�Y ts>lfrrlxlta roar$ . a£ li lt+rw tsiretlfti will be ' .'Sets, ox epYtr�wed Giro . ' very ,Ns,7+ltiriate, P`irtrt YrtrNws Uaa,�e ini rw1G r ct6r :N ta+:;Sis -• ,ysy, rft+>Glii,'?tt4 auce�Udurrt"., vl� �e'n a4rar.• lg.