HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-16, Page 81 A, RInAv tuft' Xotltlpg- 1
M ,N ! C ; T,,e Wt.o4otook S R .calls at* 11
M ' ' 'Elle now mail iemeut of The Canadian to, the fttat that. � chiles, work' is
Queen choke the followiap liberal offers t0 tl►p iaellt villa " Illtelligenceralllce,
1 ildvortite their lugll•c1aFsLadies Jouruitl,
barge artd handsome collection of l which will be made more attraetive than graduated in the, art (if printing ill
mdy wane N11tatles.'The new things are i ever. 1110 cite person sealing the largest 18114, and tusks. ' 0au tee lw&t this
tall here, '�Ve have attelaptetlto describeI list of words coustt'ucted franc rile letters iu Western Ontario?" 1V(• can furl,
some of theta from. time to time but were I coutained in "l,acelHior," will be t;f.yen ab, ish it go"d seuatld bi Huron county,
nosqual to the task, A. half hour Spent I Solutely free of expense, "lie llia•Sall it :
t. w this department will tell you a pleas- I Aisch title torsed high grttdeUpright 1?isuo. , air Gana. (lex, of the (.Todor•ici) Signnl,
sater tale than we Could it we wrote a I To the two next largest lists alio Lady H liss workt-d awitivaou' 1F' illi a printer
whale day and bought it newspaper to i Cold Wo tali each. To each of the next for 55 or 00 yearn and brill sticlts tta
,r• 1 "�, �' ti, il the case.
Iaukiiislt it in, .event thoughwe did all this hve largest liatH one aewtu J'achiue seine
you Couldn't get any idea of either the 340,00, 10 each of the next lar eat lists
ttndsoiate goods or prices, cue beantifnl 1 Iva O clock pert tett, sari ^—
1 to each of the next tell largest sista ane EoitN.
The only way to get somal in i to imported Opera Glass. In additian to ; Powrli+L.- In Detroit, on 2nd test. the
us a visit. Every Roman in Winga this offer, we will give a special prize to site of John H Powell, llarrister, of a son.
Ilam and many out of it, who, wants a the first liar received each dw , k3eud
handsome rnautle should See the new y V-ol-an, uu0e leu c/;uta. fora sample cOpY of Tlgoods. The present offers the best op- Queen containing rules, The Queen Lauportunity in the whole year, tomo row lishing Co,, Lt'd. Toronto, 04ada, Tuesday, Sept 6th, by the Rev R S ex' derson, Donald Rutherford, of
.your next door neighbor may possess b
I your favorite., Than `you'llt regret you TMPORTdNTI' TO TEACAFR I W Att•anosh, to 1lliss aloud Salkoid, llf St
did not take our advice. The largest 1 Helens.
assortment, the choicest designs and
' colorings outside the city, over fifty dif- HIGH; SCUOOL ENTRANCI: EXAMINATION, 09DDFH—CA:MFRON-cat the residence
i'oreat Styles in stock, — ( of the bride's parents, Luoknow, on the
1�zx,,ss, Gawps, <bTaw re.s Goods ar• SLLKTIoxs run LiTEnATURU+ 1893. 7th inst., by the .Pev'Mr 114:ay, Hr D
Geddes, V S., to Miss Nordeno Camer-
rivalsare daily occurrences now, you'll Lesson V. Pictures of Memory, on, yaiangest daughter of. Ur D, Lamer•
have to keep' a •pretty sharp loot: out for ,
them it you want for keep up. with the X, Pit(: Barefoot Boy. 10 .
tithes and the fashions7- The novelties 11 XIX. The Death of the Fiot.e•t•s. F1TzP.iTRR1cx—WA•1—,,O ,•-.At the resi-
and bightonedmaterialswe'lTsaynothing t1 XXiV; The Face Againtst the dance $f the bride's fatber on the 14th
Shout them to -day. They're the owes ! Pan,, inst., by the Rev 11 McQuarrie, assisted
we want to show you when you come to „ XX[17. Froin the DtiFerted Vll- by the Rev W H Watson, the Rev James
t. see. us, 'Those we are going to mention Pitzpatoriolroi Watson,
Hiss Edna
now are medium priced, but extraordin- lai;ey F Watson of NVingham, ,
14 ' ary good value; see if 'they're not. Navy /' XXXV,. Resignation. DIED.
,a blue wide wale chevron and cheviot i1 XL. 11ina Ont, Witd Bulls. fIuFLLalY, --In Lower �Vfngham, on
cloth, a big lot. of Scotch mixdd and +. XLII Lady (;lyre.. September Sth, John' Mellon, aged 64
t Herring Bone stripes in gray tones and ;, LII ,lttcques. Gixrti,'r. ,+' j' :rs. o -
fiz blues. They ere well worth a special XCI Rol„•tt Burus. Mri aHERSON.-In Turnberry, on Sep..
trip to the store to loop at. When you �! ten 3rd, Jessie, daughter of Wm ble-
come we will show. other handsome X(;11. E(tlui+ur,h after Fit+adt u• Pherson, aged ¢1 years, 10 months and 0'
things at " XCVlTI. Tat iuilal'149arallty. days,
M. GI�iD �i' '1 0. 61,aicespeare. JoaNSTON.--At Palmerston, on Sept.
a I!� 'r 01 1. Tht• Mprehaut of Venica-- 3rd James Johnston, formerly of Wing -
t --- First Readina. hame aged 56 years.
O 01V. The llerciiaut of Venice'-
WINGHAM MARKIi h,0,d1 otillt till CS Second Reading. wlaellAu Septembei15,1
SL"L1CTI0\SFOR 11IE>VIORI/.ATION—rOURTli Corrected by P. Deana, Produce Dowler.
Flour per 100 ills, $ 2 00 to 2 15
— _- RHADER. Fall Wheat per bushel, as to 70
Spring 68 Oo to 70
' FRIDA-Y.. SEPT1aMBER 10, 1892, 1 1. The Bells of SllanAon, pp 51-52. oats. 27 to . 2$
2. To Mary In fleav"n, pp 97-98. Barley su to so
3. Ring Out, 14 ild Bells, pp 131-132. li(itti,lr, tub 1� to 15
4. Lady- Clare, 128 230. do Mous, 13 to 14
LOCAL NEWS. pp Woodpor11,. 7+:0 7
5. Lead, 1'viudiy Light, p 145. per tell,
i ao to 1 75
flay per ton, G /10 to a 50
6. Before Sedan, p 199• i Potatoes, 35 to 40
.. Tkie Domiliton I1lustratedMonthly 7. The, Three Fishers, p 220.
for Sentem'Sbr.. S. TheForsa6en Mer►uou,pp 278 302. MONEY
OY ®�aT
A %ery bright and iuteresttng number•is 9. To a Skylark, pp 317 820.
r the Se tember issue of theDominion Illus- 10. Elegy written, in a country church Lostbetwocn a•inghnm and hroxeter, on Vein.' p
trttted Mol,thly, yard, Fp 331-8;35. day, 'September 12th. two notes, one valued at $120
j and the other at $40, also, $48 in bills, Tho tinder
It opens with an amusing story by Mrs. Also, -Bee section 22, Clrcultir Nd 7, will be suitably reuardcd by leavtnt it with
Raving bought out the A.tlabler Harness Business and started in iiia Od stand, I
am prepared to furnish the publio with overytbing usually kept iu a barnope shod,.
saris as
1V li 1Ps, C.URRX COm B"ii, �<
. r,TRAVELLING 13 408, d;o., &c.
I malts all my owls Collare and guarantee satisfaction,
Give the a trial and I will use you right,
DRESS GOODS ---In Navy's, we have Serges,
Estamines, Boucle Twills, Bedford's ,&c,
sn Tweed Su�tings, Plain. and Fancy Cheviots,
Diagonals, Reppsr &c.
40 individual Suitings to select from, irres-
pective of double width webs.
Our high Class "Black Goods have alreaey es-
tablished a reputation. To those who have not
Been them, call and we 'will show you through.
Special value in Flannels and • Cotton Staples.
Large stock of new Tweeds and Overeoata.ngs•
Full storm of Bots and Shoes, we have apmit-
redly the .Long Boot of the trade.
'Full stock of Yarns, Sheetings,y Blankets, &c,
Boys and Youths • Suits and Overcoats.
Yours truly,
C_; -`JB O- ' ML. S_3:14q_ r_
S A Ctiil>matu called 'r1 Visitation at Ver
J.3:A ; " followed by elle co Visitation
bg arts
' 01e.of Lsm(ziue's s0.fea oil 'tour Historic
of new "course of study for }white
schools. for the county of Huron.
wroxetar P. 0,
Not onlr (•np t -oil lruy Parlor and Bedroom Suiten, Sideboards, Loaxnfies,Mattruses, ChaIrs,,T'ables, fic„
1~ Waterwayu," a ''adbject replete with inter-
+"' a EXAMS.
Ou. the socuri'ty of Gulti(ated Farm, Intcrost elx ,
m, Int
cheap, but when bought in quantities they will be delivered and set up in your homes free, anywhere
within 10 miles of winghmu.
tat t0 all. another valuatble contribution
to history is by Ili Doug m: Brym-
Tile' '1'tli
per oculi annually. Any of the
principal ivav be regi+id at any time the borrower '
All expensed pad by the County. No
1i paper
L(+6SO11 III. Scaue in Gha
person except the County AaditOCB allewed to aL•e
;, a
. -
- ner;.the well known DOmllliell Archl.rlat,
... ,. „
Mer -,b ant of V erice,
mortgages or to Know to whole mail( y is loaned.
.y, r
7•have wade a;rmtgeu:euts with one of the beat artists in the Dominion for doing Portrait Enlarge.
entitled' "How France saved the: thirteen
,, V To Daffodils.
Ap,ly to tv,�I. HOLSIF'S
Go eri•+h Aug. 8th1S0'2. Co. 'I roman rcr.
"cuts (any size) in Air -Brush, India-Tnk and water Colors Before givingyour order to 6nyoge for such .
call at uty store, see sn» plea and got prices for the very best.
Colonies ;" tltrowin li ht or, a subject
1 g ]
' ..:XX. `iho Bard.—
> , ,
i LXXX.I. The ' Revotiea.'
„ r
I -UXXXiX. 'The Oltl Cradle.
� which .has hitherto been almost entirely
++ - XXIX, T1le.Land o' the Leal.
unknown, viz: the hidebteduess of the
++ XXXI, To a Ht-hland Girl,
Fi/1S'rINCr4 Y4c ItITC1iIL1,
��1ri�1111111 l7ept 1�1t, 73 12•
Spinellaw, ..
` revolted t3.merfCan'Cotonies to F r4ncd'ciur-
+, V '. �' jjY J he �iwll (, rit ISN ue!.
u X. t y
X111 partips alio have not pard
All styleo and sizes of Picture and wreath Frances made to order. Lots of Wouldings to. choose from.
'• ing the earl tstages of their rebelt'io,t stud
1' (aro ShereGlor'
� ',[',�trs
~for the. "ILUBS" for the ears
ff the shameful treatment experienced by
"ETLAND ��8,� �8e��d
f, their benefactor. - A most interesting arti- `
" '1X'-XXV11.. DN.rr liarp (, y
f i�$
-189.1 and 18(92 are requested to re-*
Totwithetandin(r all tile opposition in this line, I ani still hero in Wingham prepared to iso as I have
:ale is th•ut ou 1, Social Lift in Lrwlifits," by
mit the amrunt at once. We used boon
doing for the past ten years.
' 'Mrs 'm Tretraine of that city, which gives
."' ` XXXVI.I1. (�otue ye Disceu
[Honey and 'luope lists notice tvfll
S_ CXR RC1 -'y
asoma leasaut pictures of the life of so-
p p
be arfficfeut, and that a general
May 1s, 180, U I li+W; it a t l b'r t;5a • t D. t' :r
'ciety people in the . Gttrrfsou city, and is
(, XL., Tho Cloud:
`` XLI.I. On first 'Leukine into
response will be the rosult.
-illustrated with a tiumber o£ -`portraits of
''Phar Aliss
Ohai ntalr's FIourer.
'. R S L E �
r $enders of the 10041 ,liutidre(i."
" XLITI Ott t1 e Glrassho ser and
----- "�
i, '1iladgeItobertson, the well.knoivu irditor pl 11, 1.N "xaAAl
1 ` of the "Ladies Piat0 161 Sly elaly; ';;fives au the C'rie kNt,
rs l "itrVl. The B,idot+ of Sills. -i
atnus%u, sketch of °rCauoetiig fqr; Wolneu, •' ° `(T,AlVi CEl', • Mia.
and Miss Ethel. tongla gives 'au, interest -
0 " XI.Vtl ti Pareuttll Ode to nib
Sots 1 - 1 t t'm to to `be
ing resurne of "A Sojourn: in Stuttgart ;" to
the a .er is rofu>3e1 1lluot#aced. 117r Lin(ln'!
p F p y p
" XLXX Indian 5uninler,
The 111MOtklflu,., aid 1 111 i ( .,
farmers mud others thin 111uir ate(tm eider
for on Alon•
-p��p,1�¢�- h ,v-�oi,•�@.��
JUSSRSe �A � L ®N_°-° X)XIt®tJ.g
say of Toronto Contin res his series of pap
i ars n -"Cricket in Canada," dealing fully
I L. To Helen.
Ll'• IIOSlttiltltiS'
milt will be ready operation
day, Sepiembe.r hilt, a.ud pstrtiee wanting
elder made can httYe it made ot, short
of Kincardine have bought the ylarbloBusU,oss of Mr T watsoh, formerly carried on by W Smyth `
with Ihe, progress of the gains iu our dis-
rr LVIII. Each and All.
{ LX, The Diver.
Our Jelly evaporator is in good runniu
Parties re airing work fh their line tvill.do well by calling oil tilem or seeing one of their agents before
purchasing. You wits find our prices are ahoy doitsa• Our worlonnnship is ausurpassed, tya,rill nso echo
taut piovikites; with it are given portraits
of tho moi�P roluuleut.. pla ers and io-
p Y p
r, °n' n
LXVI7 . The Ilan- Ind of the
ordtr and we are propared.
p p red to make jelly
from any kind of fruit. d Arialorderso-
but the vein best stock anal by square deallmr hope to w liners[ share of the public Patronage, hit T
T Watson, who has been runhitig the bnsitlesefot, the past j ear, will ropi . t us on the road. .
nears of the gr ,iia old game. A dslightful
Cr,tt1P.. '
� ,.i , ,
LXXM The Lprd of Burleigh.
licited and satisfaction guaran teed, •
Call an I soo our steel( and prioee+
stairs entiele i'#. Snmrrier in Canada" by
Miss A X ffeLeod Is as i9- also the
K, ,
LXXX. I3realy break, Break.
Having had the will re -fitted, we will be
better able than ever to do work in first -
lirstpapei: of a uew4ariartmeut entitled
> , ,
i LXXX.I. The ' Revotiea.'
„ r
I -UXXXiX. 'The Oltl Cradle.
class order.,
patrolla a of the ublio is solicited.
The g p
- - -
�-- "�---=V
,,Talks with Girls" in whieh the subject of
4ecnpies special attentlou.
" XC. Rugby Chapel.
EAGLISII IPRO�SE —111 r'nnlioil C0111•
Fi/1S'rINCr4 Y4c ItITC1iIL1,
��1ri�1111111 l7ept 1�1t, 73 12•
Spinellaw, ..
' EST EE R� F,�The'
Supplementthis monthis aportrait. "
• position (lie-iranlitter Will' allow a
--- r-..- --..
ZjS 0
knowlate onlie Silo, Robson, the well, choice' of oubjects, some of which must l
known '" i'remier of British Columbia, I be h following, +,
"ETLAND ��8,� �8e��d
m. 3), M. A,, L. C. P. S. O•, M. C. P.
ed oto the
l �`°'. of with which
villose sudden death recently aroused so the candidate is'ex ectad to tamiliar-
much interest. throughout the Dominion. ize himself by brreful '--•1803,
I%,Uhtoiuthriateto the people of zotland wad
Surrounding Country that I have commanded the
e p 0
SEPT, 15111 TO 246 1992.
j r
mannfscture kinds
1 •
The Publidiera, ''The Sabiston Litho. Thr Talisman.
of all of
atla Publishing Co.;' of Afoutweal and Tor- i._.� _
pato, i
•�-�,•�•,• X PUMPS
VV 1��3dF 1#.rt'p �UtY1�F7
' ..
s eoialist for the treatI11611t of tilt
Canda's favorite, Live Stock Ezhlbitiool°•.
cfeaerves great, credit illi theitu enter+ Ytlstt7wei•
i6r1 'in giving so intereatfu,r, and h4ud- ,
Messrs Geo Towner and Adam
and can supply thein ole the shortest notice.
Cllronia Diseases,
52;000 added to the Prize List,
e a.publication for the very loan price i Hess, have, purchased the machinery
Will also, be in a pdsittoir tosapply Iron and For(c
rumps to nracr,
Private Diseases,
h(l, 61.50 per annum, If over a Can. ; of the Hess i 8fate,llave been removing
' tid3ztu magiizine should have sudcess car- it. `Tliey, will use some if it in a mill
liepairing atteitileii tc, i'ricrs reasonable,
Diseases of } Heart and Lung's,
tlndDiseases of Wattien positively
I .
Ove". $1,500 going to the horses,
tainly this ore should, as being far and "they are ereetlnr, oil their timber limit
210 N p t;�ON,
xotland, May alb, .144
111reated successfully.
CaShOOP1 figs and Poultry
away ahead of anything yet published in in Algotlla, -•-The Piano Company are
the Pornlnion.
i eXllibitillr+ $olr.e of their msnufactureA
DeSsdSA ' 4f' rlv%te nature brotight
Visitors and I,xhtLttor8 aro ;promised nioro for
ti'eir io soar the before,
aftTOrolt� r ar, wider the supervision
Air a s $lessle 11 ay Bios
Y�,�;p,e�.aJI1G:,1 9 .
on by 4611y Dr, Sinclair eortailily
ltrrgaudspaconllot over
tea on receipt of entries,
Sp"a", attractions will be Wall attractive and
I a ttpt,Giilg their operations as i
Tito %either has bean vpry wet of Fralrt dealers. '1'II(il1 have recently
sF'tD T'ort'
i0 FEtE
lritr. --A t1q(titler of Oui 1)t('lpri tin:; p,ure"'sed tllw elevator at A'ttv00d titld i
.. . ,
1, ll�1'tt�i Catalogue, f ���� +
t -
R ,�INCC,E� til tvlil lti(z at elle
1 i140dial VxCursions oil All Ru,'ll'tiP&y`0
i^nr i'ri7.c
Alters are 11rep tridg to pxlizbtt at w111 liuy tlt`aiu tl1iS $easOtt it1 L1St0inel,
fall fairs.•'•-�•A very 8woll aereltgtl of j Atwood and illooreiield,-Sandersou I
C UILFN' 130TEL, Vilxil t121ii,
List and all fnformaticn apply to
Cart, A. W; parte, Thos. A. Browne,
`W}Y•Oat is i1rillg sown. -•--.Messrs A A, & Pl`flutei' ara llavitt,l+, their shop oli
.Sp �fl,y
president, secretary.
stiSwl , A Crawstou were 311 Hnrl'Yiltotl ; Wallace strept raised tip mild a 6ul tldlt•
"trr0litb 1Vm
I iliie go e'k,-'-••Mrs tion title tinder it They are alsra:9�uitt
".' n is vial lug 1` iIs r0itnd :aslant ittg late
- _.~ _.,-� �~~-
``;jj"'"`_��� ,.
a glaasa i"rollt ., in.-�'hp
I1a�'�iller � ,
pr�sch44d .
p ltittaabers of L O L, 0 3111, ;presib�Ilrsli
�• �t
The Improved 11���'�8 ��Ot��S
� �
"1if'iANT. IgD.
b ith"s Metlh'odibt Oltittvilb 6n ud Me Win Speat`g, a va�.tlm bruiiller, CVItil �
tai lollt-•�-kr 19�`P6ira *1 std' 64's find arriblematla 'crld
1fl: fyr;1CSN St.
Tai sal} xur aurxeollod Nut'wy BU.t
,! pier ii . p
f t
(she pa, Ttlia1 g2+t1 1n11t1i ainde,,. ra rooe •rt fP tl'ORCia'C3 tJ e o at cite, dune 1 nd el
ti. "Fe"U6`4 i''mI jig X1612 t : .. M" .... , v6 -.,w , l : t its kig. , a . licy i'1i B fit6tttr.
` � m An k
mnptnymiant and (mn6trol Of ttw
s r brnwirlre9b 1m Ghim 11 •9t y*oMt+1t • G
right teacart ti-...:.�.. �
. a